„,,te>ed as Second ClaaaMaR Mag ter at Prstofflce, LesfarBl, W. C PRICE—Daily delivered '‘T**"1** one vear *5.00; 6 month., $t.M; S months *125; 1 month 4*c. 1® cats per week. __ Foreign Representative—ThOBMaF. ptavk Co.. 141-146 Wert »®th 8k, New York City. ADVERTISING RATES—SOe. per •ncii, includes composition ®n dia ?,„y advertising, 26e per ineh en Lyi,e high plates. Classified, par line single insertion 10c; three in ertions 8c per line; six inaartioni per line earn insertion; obituary notices, 6c per line. Xhe Tri City Daily Gasette*. tm. mediate Territory includes villa. 8PW. Draper and M Lertu ■ ae Township, equal to a eit> pupuluiioi. of 17.000. EATLRDAY, NOVEMBER 10, »«»■ ' A' popular belief that what is com monly designated as “Indian Summer » a definite period, recurring reg ularly every autumn, received a rude jar the other day when officials o. the Weather Bureau in Washington declared that it is not a «*ad sea son of the calendar at aUl. As i Lict, it is simply a tern ; cU of inild fall wea ther following several unseasonably cold days—the later constituting what is known in the United State as “Squaw Winter”—and it varies in date and duration. In other word, the phra e just applies to a typo o warm, calm, hazy weather, likely t prevail at any time in the Mtuffl; or early winter. Strange and surprising f*0t» ar brought out in a sdentifi# IhVWtiga tioti into the causes of iron »nd rtrt corrosion, extending 0v« Wraiv years. The annual WAsUg# from » 1 corrosion is estimated at OVgy thrr billion dollars. The' conclusions ?i embodied in a reprt made to the £■ gincering Foundation by J. Vip:n Davies, of ew York, President of th United Engineering Society. For something like two years th Democrat, have chuckled over th trouble j of the Republicans caus.d by laFollette’s refusal to folow th ptrty eadership. Now the Republics ore doing some, for all signs indicat that the Democrats are bound to hav their troubles as the result of th election of a young man name Wheeler who declares he will o bound by no Caucuses or follow n party -:eldership. In the Senate h will be second in command of th radical progressive group. Senato Wheeler serves warning o nthe Dem ocro.ts that they will pass out o existence in the West unless the nominate a progressive for the Pres idency. ¥ By; The sever millions of Germans it the United States will be pleased with the announcement that the Am eriean Society of Friends has per fected plans to feed at least 2,000. 000 childre nin Germany this win ter. One meal a day for each ch;l' will be provided. The cost will b close to six million dollars and par of it will be borne by the Germs' government. General Henry T. Alien who commanded the American force on the Rhine for four yean, hu ac eci.'t-d ti e chairmanship of the com minion which is composed of manj nationally known individuals, The latest ultimatum from Franc is to the effect that if certain ether ■nations want th« securly eke Bov holds fcr the German debt, theft those certain other nations most »«k good whatever France M«y release Its a simple buslnes# * far as France t* ooncwttefli Oefflttmy Is faced with VheMl* cstartrophy. Thf w* gob r MM (Hue has b**n lasted M |»»su #f«H jyaehin* fh# MM & dea. ffce new B«rtlfleti«* #m fX *««*■» in iw ftp ikMt |C forth of mark* fee a £s!|ey o now Macfadder publleaviftn Lovers Mugaxin* mph** It" ;: ! bow to th« public UvU month m nowtatandi, It iiptfimlf U ted with photograph* end !* btosk with interesting artic iMdsJ which may be mentioned .fig A* a Developer of Body ilind” by Barnarr Mecfadden. Romantic Adventure* of a Dan Ve«us’\ Gilda Gray 8tartl«3 ?T.r.y with Voluptuous Voodoo Married Life Is A Dance," Mrs. .Rudolph Valentino, Pit For Lore, Life and “My Dancing Children Them* 1 The latest fox in foil so 01 Training WANT ADS Wasted—Salesmen or individuals to solicit purchasers fo.* fruit farms in the Send Hill section of the Carolines. Experience not ;neces sary. Good pay for service. Caro lina Peach Farms end Develop ment Co., 229 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. FOB S^ALE—One Acme dress form in perfect condition. Instruc ions for adjusting. Price $10. Phone 132 ,OST—Grip centa'ning seveial Ra xor straps beaitng name of Con nard and Walters Co., Char'otte, N. C. o nroad between North Spray and Draper. Return to Wingfiell and Meyers Barber Shop and re ceive reward. WANTED—Man with car to sell complete line hig! quality tires and tubes. A money making proposi tion for either full or part lime. Exclusive Territory. Sterlingworth Tire and Rubber Co., East Liver pool, Ohio. OSl—Certificate ot deposit. Mo. 3744 for $220.00 issued Novembei 10th, 1922 by the First National Bank of Leaksville, N. C. the pub lic is hereby warned not to trade for same as a duplicate has been applied for. rMs. Thos. G. Jones. DR. J. G. UICKERSON DENTIST •ffice over Spray Mer entile Illdii SPRAY. N. C. ’■SJDSVILLE-LEAKSVILLE-SPKA* , ’’’RANSFER We Stop at the Piedmont and Bol der* Hotels on all Schedule trips. PARE $1.00 EACH WAY LEAVING LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY j W* maw* connection with Gieen*-! re Transfer each trip i0 A. M. Meeting No. 41 for Dan- i viUe...6:40 A. M. :30 A. M. Meeting train No. 40 for Greensboro . 12:60 P. M . 10 P. M. Meeting train No. 186 for, Greensboro ... 6:13 P. M. | )0 P. M. meeting train No. 85 for J ireensboro . 6:52 P. M. LEAVING REIDSVILLE FOR LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY 10 A. M. meeting train No. 14 for] !>anvill« ...... .... .. 8:40 A. M. 2 P. M. meeting train No. 30 for lanville. 1:52 I’. M. 0 P. M. meeting train No. 46 for Danville . 7:00 P. M. eat Cars end careful, courteous Drivers TELEPHONE 297 SPRAY . ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA iCKINGHAM COUNTY SUPER t COURT ARY RAY vs m ray . NOTICE OF ACTION _ I The defendant above named will | :e notice .that the above entitled t ion is a suit brought by the plain f against the defendant in the perior court of Rockingham county ,rth Carolina for the purpose of uring an absolute divorce from > defendant, and is returnable to e office of. the Clerk of the Su-1 rior Court of Rockingham county jrth Carolina oir the 8th day of ovember, 1923 and the said Jim y defendant is hereby required to pear before the Clerk of the Super court of Rockingham County, at intworth, N. C. on the 8th day of vember 1923 and answer or demur the complaint filed in the office the Clerk of the Superior Court ' said County. And let the said de ndant, Jim Ray take notice that if 4 fails to answer said complaint on v tt day the plaintiff will aeply to fhe eetttt fot telle! demanded thete tUfttfi tail not at your peril. WHIM My hand and »e*l 'Hi* <ih i*y *1 dtiaer, iSM. IhMM If. (tan. Clerk Superior VVM l!y)l vlllbU VI PIMPLES UNO RASH W Sulphur is Quickest to Ct««s Vp An Ugly Skin Any breaking .out of the skin on ce, neck, arms or body is overcome uickest by applying Mentho-Sul ’uir. The pimples seem to dry jht up and go away, declares a 'ted skin specialist. ■* Nothing has ever been found to ,ke the place of sulphur as a pimple anover. It is harmless and inex ensive. fust ask any druggist for a mall jar of Meutho-Sulphur and use lice cold cream. • ■iSt ner uwn Business; Dy ttegina Can non, “Want to Be a Movie Star?” “How’s Your Aura,?" by Grace King sley, “Girlal Meet The Arrow Coital Concrete Around the Back Doori Make your place more modern and more livable, and add to the of your property, by using Concrete around > r house. For a tew dollars you can have a new walk or driveway, bmid a new cellar en trance or replace the rotted back porth steps. \^her. • ‘^ Concrete, they will never need replacing egain. Clothesline post:; <m! dower bed* are useful conveniences every housewife appreciates. Your local con tractor can make them all for you, and you might ev i help him and thus further reduce the cost. There are many such improvements you can make without reat expense. Any Security Cement dealer will give you Free vBlue Prints and full information on how you can make need ed improvements quickly and for the least money. I srcwTTY a»*i«T a t»* security security W^CEMENT 1 CEMENT Makes Good Concrete You Can Secure Security Ce meni at The Leaksville Lumber Company INCORPORATED LEAKSVI) LE, N. C. EMERSON ai d GAMMON INSURANCE i REAL ESTATE PHONE 55 ON THE BOULEVARD “A Good i Place To Trade” Leaksville, N. C. PHONE, 338 From now on Royal Cords —that’s settled^ Royal cords have . settled things thi; year with their three new aided edvemages—-the three U.S, discoveries—Sprayed Hub* be* -’VrV? Cord atul the UaP-'i Method of coed A - oiv-’Uv*^3 tiro always w'Iu*yal3 ha.i Ziiore U; give ar»4 gr~ve it. MadoJ-i ell dsesfrom 30x3Vfe kuhup. Untied States TUas 3r3 Good Tfr«L Where to buy (JS.Tfrt; t Best tirades Who gets the beet price* for hie tobacco? Why, the farmer who brings in the beet grades, of course. If you use high grade fertilizer intel ligently, you will'not Only make a bigger crop, but your tobacco will be of a better grade than usual, and will mature earlier. - There are just two thing* to re member in using fertilizer for making better grades; first, put your trust in a reliable, dependable old brand like Royster's; second, use enough to get the best return*. Of course, no brand is a substitute for good culti vation and care, and unless you are the kind cf former who gives his to bacco good farming brains, we'd just as soon you did not use Royster , fertilizer. Royster's tobacco fertilizer is a scientifically balanced food, made from the beet materials obtainable in the whole world, and skillfully com pounded in just the right proportions to fill the requirements of the plant. It is not the cheapest fertilizer, but Norfolk Richmond Lynchburg Charlotte Washington Tarboro it is as doeely priced aa the quality of its contents allow. Nearly 40 years experience in the fertilisation of to bacco guarantees the rare merit of Royster's mixtures. Read this experience at a good tobacco farmer: "Twocroppere hod five I & the same field with nothing be tween but truck row. One of them used Royster's and the other used fertilizer of another manufacturer; the land was prepared at the time and in the same way; the i quantity of fertilizer per acre used and put out the same day; plants were drawn from the same pits on the same day; set out by the same planter and the hands; cuK tivated alike; cured in the same bam by the aun* man; graded and sold by same parties. The tobacco grown with'Royster’a fertiliser sold for $623.5} more than that frown with other fertiliser.” W. L. Matthews, Fermrille, N. C See that the famoae old FSR t ie on every baa. It ia like starting on diver. F. S. Royster Ouano Company. Colombia Atlanta Birmingham Montgomery uM'otMlliMMMUtlUMUMiMIIHMriHfMUCUUt 'TIUlHHIHttlllllUHillinMlimilimilllHlmi fUlltinittlllllfllll HERE’S 400 EXTRA STYLE . j Fall Suits and j Overcoats ■ ■ i STYLE at its best—style the j way you like It—and style j that combines good fabrics : ■with good workmanship. The result is good clothes—nothing mors,—nothing leas. You will wonder h*w we sell at such moderate prices. $14 95 up PANT* •*.*#, •*.*#. H**< ItM BOV*' *0ft* *J»> Liberty Tailors 4 N. MARKET STREET RE1D8VILLE, N. C. lUMtttlllllllillH'NHnimiiiiniimiiMiim transfer schIdUlS" «:4C *. m. Meeting Train for Roeo t jko, Vo.. ,4P a. m. Meeting Train for Win •ton Salem 9:63 12:20 p. m. Meeting Train for Bom oka, Vlu, i:00 p. m. Mooting Train for Win •ton Salem, N. C. \ l 6:00 p. m. Meeting Train for Mow* TODAY Alice Calhoun “THE MAN NEXT DOOR" ‘ * * ..A human heart *tory of a (irl'i eeareh for lore! MilHoaa to help her! She tarn* to a mode«t cottage for happineaa A girl gvlea up riche* to marry for loro and find* that ah* ha* won the total of all human happineaa. She ia a ranch tomboy, ahoot* and laeaoea. ■ It’* a love «tory with supreme -heart interest. ,JJ Buddy Mestinger “All Over TwUt” If you want real entertainment and pleaaaro—Don't aUaa thi* program. It’* a treat yon cannot afford to adaa. Woman

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