4iS mem mat gabbttb LRAMTILLR. N. C. --_* Sucewaon to Tka Laakavflle Gaaotte * Eatahliahad ill ISM. TUB GAZTTTX PUNTING CO MURDOCH K. MURBAT, EDITOR RMWM ASSOCIATED PRESS Entorod u Second Clow Mail Matter at Poatoffice, Laakarflla, N. C. PRICE—Daily delivered by carriei one year |6.00; 6 months, 62.60; » month |LS6; 1 month 46c. 10 cent.' per week. ' Foreign Representative—Thomas F dark Co., 141-146 West 36th St. Kew York City. ADVERTISING RATES—30c. pe> Inch, intMat composition on dis play advertising, 26 cents per inch on type high plates. Classified. per Ran single insertion 10e; three ineer tieas Is p«r Hne; six insertions 7c per line each insertion; obituary no tices, I a par Dm. The Tri-City Daily Gesetta’e Im mediate Territory inehades Leaks villa. Spray, Draper and all Leaks villa Township, aqnal to a city pop nation of 17,000. MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1923. CHRISTMAS 1923 It is not so long ago, in thi? lan<: of the free and the home of the brave that Christmas was looked upon t< some extent as a sort of sacriligiou; festival, and the children of our Purtain forefathers never knew that the birthday of the Savior was a day of joy and praise and glory to God. The years drop off, one by one; na tions and rulers come and go much a the seasons do. Revolutions with their wholesale blood-letting, waste ful and gory, come and go. Thr world may stand on its head for an hour or two, but it soon resumes it' feet and its balance and its business of being born, growing up, marrying, having children, dying, as has beer its custom from the beginning. The wild young radical of today will br the midle-aged moderates of the next decade and the pompous conserva tives of the next generation who wil' look back upon history much as we look back upon the bigoted rule of Cotton Mather who burned women fo witchcraft end ordered that William Penn and his crew of heritics be inter eepted before lauding on our shores and “sold into liavery in the Garha dote’fn eft&angf fur^gobd rum. that mueh #>od-*cdme to ye cause of ye Lord.” The war is over. Of the world set free and the New Day, alas there i but little trace. After all the tempests, earthquakes, tidal waves and wars—the world rolls on about it' busines, just as it did in the days of Abraham and Moses. ♦he Planet earth is but a micros copal spec of dirt, seveal thousand times smaller than the point of a cambric needle, when measured by the yardstick of our sun’s firmament —and we, the people, are inflntismal atoms on the floor, of that earth. But the Great Invisible Intelligence that created all things on a marvel ously perfect system, and gives to man some small degree of that in telligence called thought or soul, still lives, and rules—the Master and King of more than man can even imagine. There is nothing old—there is, nothing new. Peace on earth has yet to become more than a sign and a symbol of the future—a star in the heavens, distant no man knows how many aeons. Everything falls but everything rises again. One thing survives ana neither falls or fails—the eternal spirit in the heart of man that, despite wars and dissentions, draws him to his fellow mortal for cheer and comfort in a darkly mysterious uni So, in the midst of all, here is Christmas—the eternal surprise the old world offers to each oncoming host of the children of ipen. It brings ns hack to a clean perspective—to the truth that we are all children of ope family, hailing from the 6ame gfcurce, going to the same end. In t^e midst of falling things it is a good day to take serious thought of that brotherhood of man counseled by Kim whose birthday we celebrate. Love, no law; right, not might; faith and reverence, not fear, will re sult in the “Peace on earth, good will toward men” -sang by the angels at Bathlkham 2,000 years ago—and by by countless millions of church choirs throughout Christendom ever since— tyl yet, so-called intelligent business men a» welt as statesmen contend it Is but a Utopian dream. Bo, today, amidst the tumbling things, one wonders if money can bny a ticket to heaven t If the law of the jungle, the survival of1 the Attest, is a tourt is a part of the Divine ! on to man in His own ! GERMANS SHOW INTEREST IN PO88IBLE DICTATORS Berlin, Dee. 22.—The question oi dictatorship, and the possibility oi some dark horse burs tin* upon the horixon and leading the country out of its sore troubles, seem uppermost today in the mind of the average Ger man. Affairs have gone so badly since the Ruhr occupation that Germans are universally seeking some unseen force which can make the life of the tverage man more endurable. Thera "s a yearning fora Julius Caesar or i Cromwell, or even a Mussolini. And there is a general distrust of politics, tor are present-day German politi •ians in much favor. It is not un lsual to hear Germans express the wish that they had an iron-ftted man tfter the style of Poincare. Much as he is hated for his unswering course against Germany, there is great ad miration among Germans for his firmness. He typifies the old Iron Chancellor. Letter writers and essayists are hard at work, but they do not seem to develop a leader whom they can sell to the German public, anxious as it is to find a superman to cure all of Germany’s ills. A writer in the Berlin “Illustriertc Zeitung” show sa decided preference fora man of the Cromwell type, as he really marks “the beginning of Bri tish world-power and is the type of protector and founder any nation -ould be proud of.” The writer sug gests that Cromwell had the sunken templesof a great fanatic ,and the powerful chin which goes with a naster of men, but that unlike Lenin 'ie was an idealist and had no desire to satisfy personal lust for power. FAMOUS PARADE GROUND NOW COVERED WITH HANGARS Berlin, Dec. 22.—Templehofei Field, the parade ground where form er Kaiser William reviewed the Ber lin Guards on his birthday, and where troops used to march in honor of visiting monarchs, has been converted into a flying field. At the formal dedication of the field to its new use Major von Tschudi, the senior Ger man flying officer, welcomed the municipal and Prussian officials and two passenger airplanes started on Wishing You and Yours a Mernr Christmas . ., . and a Prosperous New Year C. E. Pyron Washington Street Leaksville, N. C. f . Phone 2149 f *C*€*«*fl?C*C*S*C*€*«*€«C*r Phone 58 LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Leaksville N. C ALL STAPLE LINES NOTIONS i. O. Ragsdale, President, Hadiaoi P M. Film, Sec.-Trees. Leaks rill, THE TRADE FURNISHED DAILi MARKET QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST | their regular trips, one carrying ns* sengers to Munich '.ni tho ot;>tr to Moscow by way of Koenig*berg. Berlin is the center for ell German flying service. Three German routes are now operating regularly an inter national service from this city. One leads to MMunich and Geneva; a sec ond goesto Budapest and Constanti no pie,and a third to M wesv. Scandi navian airplanes on their wnyto tlaly and France also makn stops at Ber linand there is a reguluc i:.ie between Berlin and London. RUMANIA AND RUSSIA BEGIN TRADE TREATY NEGOTIATIONS Bucharest, Dec. 22.—Much interest is being manifested here in the nego tiations at Tiraspol between Ru manian and Russian commissions, which are endeavoring to reach an agreement on a commercial treaty be tweenthe two countries. It is semi officially declared here that the nego tiations Will b confind strictly to trad matters and will not ertend to : CHRISTMAS ' GREETINGS ! and New Year Prosperity To Everyone Mrs. Cora Martins Millinery Store Near the Boulevard Auto Repair Company ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY Located on upper end of Church Street, near Boulevard JESSE FLINCHUM, Prop. Phone SOS ' any political arrangements which the Russian negotiators may propose. The work of the1 commissions is somewhat simplified because of the recent minimisation of the Red Rus sian campaign for the maintenance of the Beaaarabian issue as an open question. From the highest quarters it is intimated that Rumania regards the province ceded to it under t#s j terms of the armistice with Soviet j I Russia as definitely Rumanian, never j i to be ceded hack to Soviet Russia. I A CARD After ntm, «wte* m (I* condition of mj health 1 will cmIm myself strictly to Oflleo Practice and ConsaltaUen. Offico on tho second floor of the Carolina Drajt Co, Balidiaf.'Office hoar* • to UdO A. M.; t to * P. M. *Bd b7 *8. L. Martin, M. D. Five hundred and flfty-one thon Grogan’s Confectionary We wish to thank our many patrons for their patronage in the past. We wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year fcrogan's Confectionary On the Boulevard We Wish to Each and Eevryone a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year SERVICE AS USUAL CHANDLER BROS. Washington Street—“Heart of Shopping Center” Daily Market Basket “The Best Grocery in Rockingham” December 24. 1923 * Weather—Fair Open Christmas Day 1 hour in the morning; 1 hour in the evening for your convenience 9 A. M. to 10 A. M.—5 P. M. to 6P.M. , Our Boat Withes for a joyful Christmas and a Brighter New Year. C. P. SMITH "A Good Place to Trade” Washington Street Phone 338 TODAY SPECIAL CAST IN “Famous Mrs. Fair” This is a love story you cannot afford to miss. It will keep you guessing from beginning to end. It’s a real treat. Ruth Roland “The Haunted Valley” “Ruth is here—enough said.’’ iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir TOMORROW DOUGLAS McLEAN IN “Going Up” He was an acc at making love but a deuce when it came to flying. McClean at his best in skylarking joy ride of laughs and thrills! I A whizzing whopper of a screen comedy sky rocking roars of run. I He was in love. The birds w ere singing. She asked him to fly and away went love on wings. He did wonders with his machine until he picked out a tree to land on. The birds stopped singing, and you will stop singing if you do not see “Going Up.” • { You “Christmas Day” will not be complete until you have seenthis picture. Don’t miss it—it is more than good. mimiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The home of real entertainment. The best pictures in the best surroundings miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii The Boulevard Theatre nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniTnnnnnnnnniMiiifinft EMERSON and GAMMON - I INSURANCE | REAL ESTATE PHONE 55 ON THE BOULEVARD Lincoln Ibrdson. Christmas Greetings and New Year Prosperity TO EVERYONE IS THE SINCERE WISH OF * JONES M< Illllilll.lllljlll Every sermon delivered by the world*. greatest evsngslist dfaring the six week's revival campaign he will open in Ghariotte, December #0 will be printed in full in the issue following its ddiyery. - . . BOW Sunday's thrilling phraseology, his striking gestures and plat form antics, and the manner in which his sermons are received *7 who will Jam the specially constructed tabernacle, will be duly recorded by an Observer staff reporter. ■ . The fact that the Observer to a morning paper wfll enable to to give a mom complete report of the services than any other Charlotte new*. In addition to the complete Billy 8undsyraports, JT!” TtJ carry every piece of news developing to North and South Carolina, ths local news handlsd by a large cospa of reporters, and the wortda nswa from a complete Associated Pram service. Features, eomtee, special ar ticles of general intercut and nn editorial page second to none to. the South, mako ep a paper that to mere than dealrnble. W*".1 "T w

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