ADVERTISING Inch, ladwton* adywUsirv n« T*»-CH» Ball* ta». mdiitt Wnrrtwjr hwhia* tarta ▼ilia, Spray, Drop*? Mi alt Into villa tovmaktp, oqual to a eity popu lation of 17,000. THURSDAY, JANUARY *4, 1**4. CO-OPERATION VS. SOCIALISM Co-operation has existed in some form ever since men banded together to hunt more efficiently or to drive off an enemy with greater certainty, but the present age is the one in which the principle of co-operation has been best understood and most effectively applied. This is the age of co-operation in industrial life. Business saw the advantages of co operation first. Agreements replaced the old busines rivalrie. Trade union im is another form of co-operation, a grouping together of small weafc units in order to bargain on an equal footing with large and powerful ones. The co-operative associations of the farmers, some for production, some for marketing, some for purchasing. • are the most important co-operative manifestation now on foot. There is little doubt that the final solution of the nrricnltural problem in this coun try. a problem concerning which a good deal is heard lately, will come through co-operation. TELEPHONING EUROPE Using Uje telephone to call up a friend in Europe is one of the promis ed developments of a combination of fadio and telephone. It was as re cently as July, 1914, that the first transcontinental telephone conver sation took place between officials of two telephone companies speaking respectively from New York and San Francisco. To engineers interested in tele phone and radio development and me chanical problem is merely one of working out details. They say that practical intercontinental use of the the chief obstacle in the way of Anytelephone In business is the five hour difference In time. But that, from the standpoint of the business men or other persons to be accommo dated, is just another matter of ad justed details. Any message import ant enough to be telephoned across the Atlantic will probably be im portant enough to lose a little sleep over ungrudging.—Hudson (Mass.) Sun. HOW TO BUILD A CITY Resources alone will not build a city. Capital alone can not build a city. Labor alone can not build a city. Resources and capital and labor can riot build a city unless they are properly related. Capital and labor can accomplish anything within the power of man, if they occupy the right attitude toward each other. They can be aided in this work if the third party, the public itself, is friend ly and sympathetic with their efforts. —Gadsden (Ala.) Journal. PORCUPINE OWL MAKES NOISE LIKE STEAMBOA1 (By Auociated Pim) Seattle, Wash., Jan. S3.—Lore con cerning the porcupine owi, which, as the tale runs, finds its way in for by sound and, as R travels the frozen water courses of the Par North, makes unseasonable noise like thine of a steamboat has been brought to the States by J. P. ChrMiolm, a trap per from the upper Keyukuk Valley, Alaska, who is winteringhere. “Unffke the owls of temperate. dime*said Jfr- ChyisWm, por cupine owl can see only in daylight He would be juat'.as had off if hr could see only in the dark, because -*&»** he lives the day and the nirht Wentworth, Jan.' 23.—Ed Pugh, a may negro, who was taken in custody by the officers in Reidsville Sunday night, and who was removed to the county jail for safe keep, hung him self in a cell at the jail yesterday. He was placed in a padded cell, and later was found hanging from a sup port, having used his skirt; that he had torn and twisted, to take the place of ■ rope. [UNION CARBIDE COMPANY 1 wAnt Muscle Shoals Washington, Jan. 23.—An offer by Vfttea OaifbWe Company* of Hew : Yflfc to «MMfeetw% tMtttott fit Mom* Sheets, wo* ttoosafetoA to (Hutu, bp Weet* Clears the Head New Way toTraat Catarrh Head adds are checked or 'warded off if treated prompt ly with Vicke VapoRub. Nasal catarrh often becomes leas distressing. Melt Vicks and inhale the vapors. Then apply in nostrils. Repeat use at bedtime. Antiseptic vapors, inhaled all night make sleep easier. Omr irMBon Jan CM Pearfe 1 VWWW'.WWWWWWWWI DR. R. J. PEARCE OPTOMETRIST «^ee Examined GtaeMS Pitted PHONE MS HOURS 8 to IS; 1:38 to 8; 7 te BOULEVARD BANK BUILDING VVWVWVVVVWWWWUVVWA SURE IT DOES 6000 dcferf* Uack-Dmgte Urn Mafema (VegetaUa) Praised by tbe Head «| • Looisku Family. Lika Charles, La.—"I don’t know what we would have dona had we not tad Black-Draught. It sure Is one ol he best medicines made, and am sure the test liver medicine,” said Mr. Henry Jarrett,.of this city. "My whole family uses ft,” continued At . (Jarrett. “My wife says she believes ■he kept off the 'flu’ by fckfig doses ol Hack-Draught regularly. #e rive it to our daughter lev headache AM iQipN nver. "I am glad to recommend anything hat has been the help to my family thin 9UICK - uraugnt itai. “My r .nt health is gnod. Have wo bo- Biack-Oraughf in the house tow. H your liver gets out of fix, take Hack-Draught. ffw« help to drive the die poisons and other uahcaMhful mat ers out of yam system.. Safi everywhere. NC-I4I ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ' Having qualified as administrator if the estate of Theresa Hopper,