gpMHMfj % Murray, editor aa Second Class M^il Matter iff ice. Leaksville, N. a PRICE—Dally delivered by carrier see year $5.00; 6 months, $2.60; 3 month $1.36; 1 month 46c. 10 eents per *eA. Foreign Representative—Thomas F. Clark Co., 141.146 West 36th St, Kew York City. ADVERTISING RATES — 30c per| Inch, including composition on dis play advertising, 26 cents per inch on typo-high plates. Classified, per Hne, single insertion, 10c; three inser tions, Sc per line; six insertions, 7c por Hne each insertion; obituary no tices, Be per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s im mediate territory includes Leaks ville, Spray, Draper and all Leaks ▼ille township, equal to a city popu lation of 17,000. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1924. TWO \ BLUNDERS Because Leaks viile made a most serious mistake in influencing the highway commission to locate the State bridge too far up the river, and thereby threw the bars down for a bridge lower down the river, there is no use or reason to complain of invent mu iu locating a county bridge at Fishing Creek calculated to serve another seeton of the township, when favoritism was played to a fare-you well in the first instance. It is a case of the kettle calling the pot black. Leaksville lost her case when the highway was removed from Bridge Street where it had been nigh 100 years. Having thus lost, it would be more becoming to her citizenship to become reconciled to the inevitable result of her own grave blunder. ’ Another mistake was made last summer when a mass meeting was being held upstairs in the court house, the county commissioners ii. session down stairs were served with a restraining order tieing the hand. of the commissioners before the mas /meeting had pid its (frptest before the board, so that they were com polled to make but one answer: "Wi will abide the result of the courts our hands are tied.” S'lRAWN AND GREGORY SELECTED AS COUNSEL FOR OIL PROSECUTION (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 30.—Steps to ward the prosecution of oil cases were begun by Silas Strawn. of Chicago, one of the special counsel selected by Coolidge. Strawn conferred with the President and announced he would proceed immediately with his work. Organization matters will await the arrival, Friday r Thomas Gregory atorney general in the Wilson cabinet, who will conduct the prosecution jointly with Strawn. The only in structions received from the Presi dent, Strawn said, were to proceed in accordance with the executive’s state ment of last Saturday night. Physicians attending Fall told the Senate oil committee that the former interior secretary is in no condition to appear before it and testify. N L. PHILLIPS 1ST STAND TRIAL IN TRICT OF COLUMBI/ (By Associated Press) lington, Jan. SO. — John I i, Republican State chairman rjria, and nine others, indicted lection with the sale of surplus from army cantonments, muse (ite m the Supreme Court of trict of Columbia, it was hel1 ruling demurrers to' their in The hearing was behind closed doors and details- were not divulged. Rear Admiral Latimer Judge, ad vocate general of the Navy, told the house naval committee that in De cember, 1921, he informed Secretary Denby it would be legal to enter into • contract with the Doneny intersts for construeton of tankage at Pear! Harbor, Hawaii, as a part of theii lease of the California oil reserves The admiral said he based his opinion en the authority granted the naval department by Congress in June 11*20, to exchange oil and provide storage facilities. Republicans and Democratic lenders in the Senate wev, pressed for a vote on the Walsh oi annulment resolution. Debate was resumed immediately after the Senate convened. countries” i8 advocated in the current i is ue of the Swiss Hotel Revue. 1 "It la not fair or just,” writes the ( contributor, “to impose upon guests i the Soft-overs of a dish that hat paste ' around several tines Cron 1 table to table .especially mutilated Rah.” *5 be writer also declares guests do not want to be ordered to the table for a r eal “at a certain hour by \ the •clock.” i DESTROY INSANITARY MEAT (By Assoc, ited Fress) Washington, jBn 30.—Federal in spection laws have been it: operation 1 for seventeen years. During this 1 time more than 3,500,000 whole 1 carcasses and more than 12,000,000 parts of carcasses have been con demned and made unfit for food pur poses through the vigilance of federal meat inspectors. CLAIMS ORIGINATION OP IMPROVED TYPE OP FILM (By Associated Press.) London, Jan. 30.—Hundreds of thousands of feet of cinema films and countless phonograph records, are being carefully preserved by museum authorities in London so that future generations may see how things were done in this age, and hear what primi nent British statesmen had to say of present day problems. On difficulty in the way of this un dertaking of interpreting today to to morrow has been found in the fact that cinema films contract and de teriorate with age, but a British firm claims to have invented a film that will not shrink and that is not in flammable. AMERICAN HELD BY GERMANS RELEASED (By Associated Press) Washingotn, Jan. 30. — Corliss the American who attempted to kid Rich Milk, Malted Grain ext. in powder form, makes The Food-Drinkfor All Age*. Digestible—No Cooking. A light Lunch always at hand. *- Also in Tablet form Ask for “Hottick's,” at all Fountain*, fey Avoid Imitation* — Subetatnte* loifol Western THROUGH SLEEPING CAR ( TtO CINClNtNATfi OHIO ! Leave Stoneville.1:1GP.M. Leave Bide way....1:35 P.M. Leave Martinsville .1:54 P.M. Leave Koehler .2:04 P.M. Arrive at Cincinnati..7:20A.M. No change of trains between the above points and Cincinnati and Chi cago, III. Pullman reservations and all in formation cheerfully furnished upon application to our agents of write C. B. PERKINS, Traveling Passenger Agent, 1-1 West 3rd St., Winston-Salem, N. C. WMWAWWWWWWVW J. 8. TROGDON CIVIL ENGINEER LEAKSVILLE, N. C. VAVWWUWWMWWUVVWA BUICK COACH LINE REIDSVILLE, LEAKSVILLE, SPRAY, GREENSBORO TRANSFER Leaving Leaksville-Spray A. M. | for Greensboro ...,. 7:30. Arriving at Reidsville. 8:00 Arriving at Greensboro.... 9:00 Leaving Leaksville-Spray for Greensboro .10:30 Arriving at Reidsville.11:00| Arriving at Greensboro 12:00 M. Leaving Leaksville-Spray for Reidsville .12:00 M. Meeting Train No. 45. Leaving Reidsville P. M.! for Greenboro.... 1:45 Leaving Leaksville-Spray for Greensboro . 3:30 Arriving at Reidsville ...;. 4:00 Arriving at Greensboro ... 5:00 Leaving Leaksville-Spray for Reidsville...5:00 Meeting Train No. 35. Leaving Reidsville A. M. for Leaksville-Spray ........ 8:40 After arrival Train No. 136. Leaving Greensboro for Leaksville-Spray . 9:20 Arriving at Reidsville.'... .10:20 Arriving at Leaksvi!le-Sprayll:00 Leaving Greensboro P. M. for Leaksville-Spray....12:15 Arriving at Reidsville.1:15 Leaving Greensboro for Leaksville-Spray ........ 1:55 Leaving Greensboro for Leaksviile-Spray. 3:45 Leaving Greensboro for Leaksville-Spray ........ 5:30 Arriving at Reidsville ..... 6:30 Arriving at Leaksville-Spray 7:00 WE STOP AT ALL HOTELS NORMAN A HUNDLEY Best Cars and Careful, Courteous Drivers fa Spray Phone 207 Phone H. IftJNDLW «p Grover Bergdoll In Germany, *3 keen rrinmi from prison by •ermany, the State Department was id vised. UK. AND MR& J, P. TURNER ENTERTAIN TEACHERS Mr. and Mrs. J. Platt Tamer *n ertained several of the teachers and i few friends Tuesday evening. Th< fuests found their places at small abfes by means of dainty Valentine dace cards. The hostess, ass i ted by her da ugh evs and Miss Mabel Beeker, served luaM on toast, olives, sandwiches and :offec, pineapple syllabub and cake. BEAD What Mr. Charley Davis, a promi nent traveling salesman of Char lotte, N. C., has to say about: Blanton's Great Indian Herb Tonic “I was down with my kidneys and lumbage unable to wnlk. Had decided to give up my work, was despondent, could hardlv walk from one room to the other. The doctors said I had an over ac cumulation of uric acid. Tried everything, yet seemed to get weaker, no energy. My frienth advised me to try Blanton’s Great Indian Herb Tonic. Finally} de cided I would try one bottle. The results were marvelous. After finishing my fourth bottle I was a well man, gained 17 pounds, feel fine, sleep well and my blood pres sure is normal. I cheerfully rec ommend it to all suffering with Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble." Fo- pains In the back and shoulders, sleeplessness, restless nights, high blood pressure, get ting up at night—go today and get a bottle of Blanton’s Great Indian Herb Tonic. At Drug Stores Everywhere ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE WVWWWWWIWWWSWVVWi Phone 58 LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE ^GROCERS LeeksvfBe N. C ALL STAPLE LINES NOTIONS 1. O. flagtdaia, hdMnt, Miftw P M. Fliaa. See. -Treat. Leaks*!!* .HE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST vuvvvuviMiuuiMvvmwyvw Vtfwwwwwwuvywvwwvww ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Theresa Hopper, de ceased, late of Rockingham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit ■IWWVWAWWVWWWWWW them to tU undersigned at Leaks ville, N. C., o nor Ulan 1st day of January, 18SS, or this notice will be pleaded in Ur of tUir recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will P This 1st day of January, 1924. A. T. HOPPttt, Admr. of lUcasa l-fi,124M*»MJ , dee’d. (Cowtinned Proas Page One) NEW LAMP BURNS 94 Per Cent Air BEATS ELECTRIC OR GAS A new ofl lamp that fives an am exinfly brilliant, soft. White light, even Utter than than fas «r elec tricity, and has beta tasted by the U. S. Outer went and «6 lending nniversitiea and found to U superior I to 10 ordinary ofl lamps- It barn* | without odor, emote ef noise—no pumping «p*b simple, than, safe. Burns 94 percent air and « percent common kerosene (aaal oil). The inventor, 6. -Q. Johnson, 042 N. Broad St, Philadelphia Is offering to send stamp on 10 day's . FREE trial or even to gira one PREE to the ftrst user ta each locality who ! will help him introduce it Write him today for full particulars. Also ask , him to explain how yen cm? «•* the , agency, and without experience or ' money make >280 to >800 par month. jvwwwwvwUwiwiwwwwv Tri-City Daily Gazette Leaksvide, N. C. Do you approve the winning plan in substance? YesD No □ Name Address City_ State Are you a Voter?. Mail promptly to THE AMERICAN PEACE AWARD 342 Madison Avenue, New York City It you wish to expreea * toller opinion al»o, pleaae write to American Peace Award MWVWVWM Our Readers Repre sent the Best Peo - ple in the Entire County VMWWWWWUWWWA'.V. ■ ?. . Auto Repair Company ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY Located on upper end of Church Street, near Boulevard JESSE FLINCHUM, Prop. Phone SOS VUWUVUWVVVUWVWVVVVWVVIi Road Your County’* Daily Paper Fiqt I -_.. vyAv.wwwwwwjvvwwwwwi Dr. H. F. Fitchett Chiropractor Of He* Hears, t to It I to S icon. Wed and M. Niftote •at u sat JUNIOR BUILDING On th; Boulevard IWWWWVVUVVUVUWWWVWIM TODAY ALICE CALHOUN IN The Midnight Alarm The most heart-tugging lov e romance ever screened I The most gripping suspense ever created in picture drama I A story of life as it is lived in boulevards and In alleys in a great city. A mother’s love strangled by a hard-hearted father; a young Crook’s love and his rennnciation; the fine, wholesome love of a fire hero fo ra waif girl in the slums. The biggest smash picture of the year. It's a Vitagraph niwjinir TOMORROW Dowlas Fairbanks, Jr. IN “Stephen Steps Out" Here he is, Folks—Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.—the new star star in his first picture. He’s a “Reg’lar Feller” with a win ning smile, lots o’ pep and a per sonality you’ll love. And he is a born actor. See him step out to the tune of gay youth. He’s the 100 per cent American boy an dhe’ll step right into your heart! A clip off the old block—that’s “Young Dough.” Can he act? Like a veteran! Pep? Tons of it! Smile? Just like his dad's! Beter be on hand when “Stephen steps ou.” Better be on hand when “Stephen steps out.” It's a Paramount and don t fail to give "Doug, Jr.” a . hearty welcome. STEAM HEAT, TOO, AT THE BOULEVARD THEATRE |MimnnnniiiinnnnnnniinmmmnimmiMiiwmiwimminimwM The home of real entertainment. The best pictures in the best surroundings nuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM The Boulevard Theatre Leaksvilie, Spray, Draper Bus line v.i™. connection with Beidsvflle, Stonesville, Martinsville, BnsMe, 7:00; 10:06; 11:25 A. M., 2:h5; 4:30 P. M. MORNING FleUale Lv. Leaksvilie 7:00 0:00 0:25 Jones Motor 7:05 : 8:06 9:80 Spray Motor 7:10 8:15 9:40 Draper. 7:80 8:46 10:00 Emerson & Gammon V- 'y'' ' ' ' 'z' Phone 55 “YouKriowOur Business”