THB TRI-CITT DAILY GASETTB LEAKSVILLR, H. C. Successors to The Leaksvllle Gesette Established lb USA THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO-. Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class V|ll Matter at Postoffice, Leakssflle, N. C. PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier one year $5.00; • months, $2.60; 8 month $1.35: 1 month 45c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas P. Clark Co., 141-145 'Whet 86th St., New York City. ADVERTISING RATES — 80c per inch, including composition on dis play advertising, 26 cents per inch on type-high plates. Classified, per iine, single insertion, 10c; three inser tions, Sc per line; si* insertions, 7c per linp each insertion; obituary no tices, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gaxette’s im mediate territory includes Leaks ville. Spray, Draper and all Leaks wille township, equal to a city popu lation of 17,000. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 GREAT THINGS:—Fear the Lord, and serve him in truth: for consider how great things he hath done for you. 1 Samuel 12: 24. PRAYER:—O, Lord, Thou are good, and we are grateful. We had fainted unless we had believed to sea Thy goodness in the land of the liv ing. UNITED STATES DEVELOPS DISTINCTIVE HOADS If proof were necessary dutt th* United State*, which thank* to tht •’-"olonmsnt of th* motor vehicle, if row passing through the moat inten sive rsried of highway development in the history of the world, is building roads that surpass in quality anything of the kind constructed since the days of the Roman Empire, that proof it to bs found jn abundance. It exists net only in the qhality and quantitj of American highways but in the de velopment of road-building method* and materials. The road builders o' this country have not only outstrip ped their ancient predecessors in the use of the most ancient materials bu are getting better results with great er speed, less labor and power cost. Motorists may be interested in knowing that in the United States are now to be found some of the most o' -tinetive as well as the mot* I’mrre and interesting highways in existence. The United States possess e:5 the longest paved motor road in the world, the Pacific Highway, run ring from Vancouver, B. C., along •he Pacific coast to the Mexican bor der, a distance of 1,476 miles. In thit country also is to be found the high est motor road in the world—that on Pike’s Peak in Colorado, 14,109 feel above th» level of the sea. Nevada Avenue-, Colorado Springs, Colorado, -0 3-49 feet above sea level is the high • pm-ed street in the world and Street, Philadelphia, i» the The shortest and narrowest ■ tor road-in existence is like •v-‘-e American. It traverses Smith’s Tslnr.d one of the little islands in the lower Chesapeake Bay, near Chris *Vd Kd. This road is less than a "" vie and is just wide enough mjt the passage of one motor * a time. At interval* there are "r • or “pasting tracks," where • i,.. , i-. pa#* each other, tv his country Is to be found not n!y the 'most unique paved itreet in ‘he world, but three of the world's m-v-t beautiful and famous asphalt vaved mountain roads—the Columbia Ri«*r Highway in Oregon, the ftterm King Highway which overlooks the Hudson River and “America's Val ley of the Shine” from the Peefafcffl Mountains in New York, and the T.aokf.wana Trail which runs from PMrware Water Gap ' through the Poceno Mountains is f’liinejlissla The unique street referred to hi Lom bard Street, San Prancfseo, a twist ing thoroughfare which climb* a steep hillisde at 30 percent grade in much the game manner as a grape vine cKmbs a pole. * Various sneinet paving materials have entered into the construction of these thoroughfares, chief of which is asphalt, the oldest waterproof ad eurrtng u UmMtont and sandstone impregnated wit asphalt and later mixed with vegetable and mineral matter in poola and lake*, notably those in Trinidad and Venemela. Within the last ten years it has been found in apparently inexhaustible quantities embodied in the heavy pe troleums of Mexico and California. These petroleums are now subjected to * refining process by American as phalt producers by which the lighter oils are removed. The asphalt thus made available constitutes the finest of all asphalts and is 99.5 percent pure bitumen. Sixty-eight per cent of all the asphalt used in the United States at the present time is obtained from Mexican asphaltic petroleum. It i* in this respect that American in genuity and skill have greatly im proved for highway work the mo.t indent of all paving materials and have placed at the service of the Am rican motorist the finest paved roads ever constructed. While the United States is rapidly :oming to the front in the matter of .distinctive highways this country still has far to go before it can take from European nations other records for unique thoroughfares that feature their highway systems. The sortest street in the world, for instance, is to be found not in the United Sates but in Prance. It'is the Rue Ble of Paris. The narrowest street in the world is the Via Sol in Havana, Cuba, a thoroughfare only 47 inches in width. The most unique paved motor road in the world is that of the Via Nizza, an asphalt roadway construct ed upon the roof of the Fiat Motor Works, at Lingotto, Italy. To Nankin, China, goes the rather doubtful credit of having the dirtiest street in the worldythe Tchansti. The Via Castile in Seville, Spain, has long had the distinction of being the clean qst street in the world, Fifth Avenue New York City, harbors more wealth than any other thoroughfare although Grosvenor Place, London, is the most aristocratic. Both of these famous thoroughfares are superbly paved with asphalt. To Pearl 8treet, New York City, la granted the palm as the noisiest street in existence, while it is a matter of dispute as to whethtr Michigan Ave., Chicago; Columbua Circle, New York City, or New York Avenue at Four teenth Street in Washington, D. C. is the most dangerous street to cross. The most angerous road In existence is the Cornlche Road which winds its way above the Mediterranean from Laturbia to Nice in France along one edge of which for many miles there is a sheer drop of 1,000 feet. Broad Street, Philadelphia, fourteen miles long, is the longest straight street in the world and Broadway, New York, fifteen and qne-half miles long in length, is the longest. The most beautiful thoroughfare in the world is the wonderful Champs Ely sees in Paris. Wall Street, New York, occupies the pinnacle of fame. To the Appian Way of Rome, built by Julius Caesar at the height of Ro man ascendancy and still in good re pair, goes the distinction of being the oldest highway still in service. Thus it is to American highway engineers goes the credit of construct ing the longest paved motor road, the highest motor road in point 0f alti tude, the shortest and narrowest paved motor road, three of the worlds ‘Inest scenic roads, the highest street the widest street, the richest street, -he longst street, the longest straight treet and the most famous street in til the world. To American engineers must go also the credit of developing ‘.he oldest road material known tt man to a point wher in its applica tion to our modem motor roads it af fords luxurious riding and service that is nearly one hundred per cent perfect. (By AuoeiiM Brass) Washington, March It.—A* a ro •uh of an Investigation of tka admin, stration of tho veteran's bureau sub* district office at Charlotte, K. 0., a director baa recommended shake-upa there involving 3. P, Waiters, sab* district manager and V. O. Crawley, NOTICE OF SALE Persuant to by virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust executed by Walter Brown Meeks to the undersigned trustee on the 31st day of July, 1920, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rockingham County, Book 219, page 185, for the purpose of securing certain bonds therein mentioned, and the provisions and stipulations of the said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and being requested to do so, I will, on Saturday, the 19th day of April, 1924, at two oclock p. m. on the premises near the W. D. Martin place North Spray, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land in Leaksville Township, Rockinghom county, N. C., described as follows, viz, Beginning at a stake on the Martin wood road where it joins the western boundary of Mrs. W. D. Martin’s property and running thence with line of Lot No. 2, as conveyed by Spray Water Power and Land Co., to party of the first part (Walter Brown Meeks) to a point where a line drawn from a point 191.5 (on the road) from the beginning cutg lor No. 2 in half; thence 191.5 feet along the road to the beginning and containing two acres more or less. This 17th day of March, 1924. P. T. Haizlip, Trustee. March 19-lw'-4 NOTIQE OF LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale coa taind ia a Deed of Trust executed the 27th day tj/l February, 1923, by J. B. Redman and wife, Laura: Redman, to the undersigned trustee and regis tered in Deed Book 219 at page 221 of Rockingham Registry, to secure the payment of a certain bond therein described, and the terms of said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and being requested so to do by the holder of the aforesaid bond, 1 will, on Saturday, April 9, 1924, at I o'clock, P. If,, sell at pnbtie auction for cash, on the premises hereinafter Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust executed by Flournoy Meeks to the undersigned trustee on the 81st day of July, 1920, and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deed* of Rockingham eounty, Book 219, page lie for the purpose of se miring certain bonds therein men tioned, end the provisions end stipu lations of the said Deed of Trust not hsvlng been complied with, and being requested to do so, I will on Saturday April 19, 1924, at THREE oelock, p. m., on the premises near the W. D. Martin place North Spray, N. C., of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land in Leaksville Township, Rockingham County, N. C., described as follows: Beginning 191.6 feet from the stake marking the corner of Tract No. 1 of Martinwood Road and marking the point half way of said lot No. 2 of Martinwood made by W. B. Trog don for Spray Water Power and Land Company and running thence to the opposite side of tract No. 2 so as to divide same in half; thence with the metes and bounds of said tract No. 2 with line adjoining Hughes Meeks to Martinwood Road; thence with Mar tinwood Road to the beginning, and containing about TWO ACRES, more or less. This 17th day of March, 1924. P. T. Haizlip, Trustee. (March 19-lw-4) NOTICE OF LAND SALE North Carolina, Rockingham County, Leaksville Township. -u--'-‘ vMvvvvvswvvwywwwM^ Dr. H. F. Fitchett Chiropractor Offlc* Bonn, t to 12. 2 to i V.KL Wed end Frl Nifhto 6:30 to 8:10 JUNIOR BUILDING On the Boulevard wwvwvvvuwvvvvwMvvvv^ NOTICE of land sale Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust executed by John Price to the undersigned trustee on the 14th day of January, 1920, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of DeedB for Rockingham County, Book No. 186, Page 139, for the purpose of se curing certain bonds therein men tioned, and the provisions and stipu lations of the said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and being requested to do so, I will on Friday, the 4th day of April, 1924, at 2 o’clock P. M., in front of the office-- of the Leaksville-Spray Insurance & Realty Company, Leaksville, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land in Leaksville Township, Rock ingham County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Center Meeting House rosd in Lilly Robert’s line and running thence south with Bal Jeffries’ line to a stake, corner in Bal Jeffries’ line; thence east with Bal Jeffries’ line ano Peter Hamlin’s line to a sourwood, corner in Peter Hamlin’s line; thence with C. E. Hopper’s line north to a white stump, corner in Lilly Robert’s line; thence west with her line to the beginning and containing twelve (12) acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land purchased by J. S. Watkins from J. F. Deshaso, which Deed is recorded in the offioe of Register of Deeds of Rockingham County in Book No. —, Page—, to which reference is hereby made. This the 4th day of March, 1924. A. W. DUNN, 8-12,19,26 ;4-2 Trustee. mm m BUICK COACH LINE REIDSVILLE, LEAK8VILLE, SPRAY TRANSFER Leaving Leaksville-Spray A. M. for Reidsville ............... 7:30 Leaving Leaksville-Spiay for Reidsville . 10:30 Leaving Leaksville-Spray . for Reidsville ..12:00 M. Meeting Train No. 45. Leaving Leaksville-Spray P. M. for Reidsville. 3:30 Leaving Leaksville-Spray for Reidsville.5:00 Meeting Train No. 35. Leaving Reidsville A. M. for Leaksville-Spray .8:40 After arrival Train No. 186. Leaving Reidsville P. M. for Leaksville-Spray 1.1:55 Leaving Reidsville for Leaksville-Spray.7:00 > These ears make connections with Greensboro cars each trip. It takes thirty minutes to make the trip. WE STOP AT-ALL HOTELS NORMAN A HUNDLEY Best Cars and Careful, Courteous Drivers In Spray ReMsvflle Phone 297 Phone 276-W or L, H. HUNDLEY Turner Motor LYNN NORMAN Co, No. 244 I jWVIItlMUIlllllVflllvIflllllllfllltlllHVIIIlVVIt IN SHOE REPAIRING —— PLUMBING, HOT WATER and STEAM FITTINGS 28 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Beet Work and Lowest Prices All Work and Material GUARANTEED S hop on Boulevard Phone 3246 npuflumiMfuiMMUMMimumimuiiiinim nnwwwwvwwvwwwww ML R. 1. PEARCE OPTOMETRIST E;es Examined QImmi Pitted PHONE MS HOURS I to lSi ld» to S| f to BOULEVARD RANH BUILDING VVWWWWWWWVWWWWWWI mi MM Western THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO CINCINNATI, OHIO Leave Stoneville.1:16 P. M. Leave Rideway.,1:85 P.M. Leave Martinsville . 1:54 P.M. Leave Koehler .2:04 P.M. Arrive at Cincinnati.7:20 A. M. No change of trains between the above points and Cincinnati and Chi cago, 111. Pullman reservations, and all in formation cheerfully furnished upon, application to oui> agents o' write C. B. PERKINS, Traveling Passenger Agent, THE GAZETTE IN EVERY HOME 14 West 3rd St., Winston-Salem, «. U. TODAY Franklyn Farnum IN The LARIAT THROWER “Franklyn” has arrived and you know he throw* fun, excite ment, thrills, love, romance an d real entertainment to you. * Don’t fail to be on time tonight to get your share. Abe RUTH ROLAND in “Ruth efthe Raaga* TOMORROW W1LMAM DESMOND -The Breathless M oment . Dashing and handsome nev» r starred in a more fascinating . nr adventurous story of love, life and time-locks! This story nts story will leave on breathless! He sm ashes his way tofortune, a good ' '1 name and a pretty girl’s love. See tfcis thrilling, breathli exciting love story. It’s a Universal. AtSO jack c oorak .?