g TM-CITY DAILY GAXETTE ^ I.EAKSMLLE. N- C. Successors to The Leaksville Gaaatte Established in 1880. the gazette printing CO.. Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Postoffice. Leaksville, N. C. . PRICK—Daily delivered by carrier one ycn’r $500; 6 months, $2.60; 3 month $1.36: 1 month 46c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas F Clark Co., 141-146 West 86th St New York City. ADVERTISING RATES — 30c per inch, including composition on dis play advertising, 26 cents per inch on type-high plates. Classified, pel line, single insertion, 10c; three inser tions. 8c per line; si* insertions, 7> per line each insertion; obituary no tires, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gasette’s iw mediate territory includes Leaks ville, Spray, Draper and all Leaks ville township, equal to • city popu lotion of 17,000. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1924 HOUSEKEEPING IN WORDS “IIow do you keep your wordhous. in order?" we asked Dr. Frank H. Vizetelly, Managing Editor of the New Standard Dictionary, which p<. sition he has occupied with distinction for thirty-five yean. “Well.” he answered, “you know the housekeeper’s job never ends. It goes on incessantly twice around the c*!ock for twenty-four hours, and then it begins again. The modern dictionary | maker's job ig just the same. “Prom morning sunrise to the daw of the next day words pour in upon him and have to be identified, sorted, dusted and classified, just exactly the same as plates on a shelf or other knickknacks in a home. “you see, people make the language and somewhere in the English-speak ing world at some time or another, a3 the clock ticks off the minutes, som. one is coining a new word or giving a new meaning to an old one. “There is a wizardry of words as well as of magic. As Houdini hat pointed out, some of our miracle, mongers have introduced new words into the puzzledom of life, “The marvel worker is creating new words and new terms every day. The politician coins fresh political phrases for every new campaign. Al ready ‘mire’ and ‘slime’ have takei. the place of ‘muck’ and ‘muck-rak er.’ ‘Oil’ has been given a new sense, and the lid is off the Dome of the Teapot, yet we are scarcely on our way. “Maybe you doubt all this. Wei', it Mgfigaaeg' ii i ■ 11 does one good to know that there’s still a Thomas around. Read the front page of your morning paper, and af ter you have scanned the horrtfu scareheads, you will appreciate the fact that ‘the war Is on.’ "But, the word.wisard is a creature full of cunning. Some of them dig out the dry bones of dead words and try to impart life to them. Gaynor loved ‘spissitude’ that had been obsolete ftw years; ‘desuetude’ slept soundly unti Cleveland dug it out; ‘covinous’ which was recently used for ‘collusive,’ is from ‘covin’ a term in law designat ing a secret agreement to defraud or injure another. Where the public knows the words ‘fraudulent’ and ‘col lusive’ not one man >n ten is famil ar with the term ‘covinous.’ “As every new word pops into us> it must be analysed, pasteurised, cer tified and if proved sound, given p ace in the dictionary. The duty of the modern lexicographer is to help the English-speaking world to use ‘he right word in the right place with ‘he right meaning, and to see that 'ti 's correctly spelled and pronounced. Yet, withal, Dr. Visetelly insists hrt the dictionary editor is not in_ fallible and that his work is a mere reflex of that supreme counr of lan ruaKe, Vox Populi—the Voice of the People. “It is said,” Dr. Visetelly c-n 1 ted, “that Noah Webster was given o going about the printing offices md schoolrooms urging every one to pell as he spelled and pronounce as He pronounced. This was an act of mere egotism equalled by John Wes 'ey who unblushingly assured his pub ic that his dictionary was the best published. “A dictionary is not only a book of rfeord of the words as used in our iwn times, and in the literature and speech that has gone before us; it is a mirror of the best usage of its time organized and standardized and so efficiently -engineered that it reflects as smoothly as a polished glass. “In the making of the tSandard Dictionary which contains nearly dOO.OOO words, an army of o.UUU per. sons shared the task. It took four years f°r our editors to collect the material. "After this colossal original task, a corps of readers scour the printed pages of th» press—newspapers, mag azines, books, every medium where original' thought is expressed in type —on a continuous search for nek words, Idioms, and figurative phrases. “The days of a one man book have long since passed. The range of hu man knowledge is too vast to b% .•-rasped accurately and completely by one mind. Experts are necessary to secure correct definitions of almost every new word, for the dictionary is the court of last resort on the mean ings of words and can be supreme au thority only when it contains a com. plete and authentic record of the language. “As for our speech, it ;s like the earth; it never stands still. Every <"ay in every way it is getting greater and greater.” Read Your County's Daily Paper First. REPORT OF CONDITION OF Imperial Trust and Savins Co. at Spray, N. C., in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, on March 31st, 1924. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . $131,297.13 Demand Loans . 1,900.00 Overdrafts unsecured, $405.20 . 405.20 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds .. 14,230.22 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages ... 1,930.00 Banking House; Furniture and Fixtures $5,239.16 . 5,239.16 All other real estate owned . 100.00 Cash in vault and net amount due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies . 46,818.55 Checks for clearing .... ... 2,364.36 Revenue Stamps . 10.00 Total ...‘ I804J06.12 LIABILITIES Cspltal St««k paid In ......j tBiWMt Snrpta# fund ..... VndMded Profit*. I*i* current ixpmei end taw* *#Id .......... 1,778. Id nviM vnfffM .... I4J0 Bill* fiftlli 11>n11411 Deftodt* IbVJ#s4 to diccS^ DkffvMtiil .,.»/»#< o.v*».,♦,» Cislrfkr'e Cheek* trtifitfcfidiili nunimtu.nn **.**•.•■**.* *•■•••"* 1,180.87 Certified Cheeks j<.< unit.:t..u. frith* Certifieitot of Deposit, £>ut> ofi of aftef 86 Dajfs < 2,d08.2lJ 6ivin|* Deposit* ..... j; i u j , 6£,9d4.66 . .. a -■ .... total I,,..... ... m.. i t. . ....,;. State of North Carolina—County of Rockingham. t I, Ja*. T. Smith, Treasurer of the above named Batik, do solemnly sweat that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JASl T. SMITH, Treasurer CORRECT— ATTEST A. W. TUTTLE _ E. E. EMERSON . . ” . R. E. WALL,Director* CRACK IN SPHINX* NECK Alexandria, Egypt., April 19.-—A deep crack has appeared in the heck of the Sphinx according, to the Egypt, ian Antiquities Service. Steps are be ing taken to repair the Assure before irreparable damage ia done to this most price es» of Egyptian relics. ' Castor Oilt _ .Never'Again! That’* what number* of mother* are saying since they have tried Liv-o-lax for the bilious attacks, indigestion and aimilar disorders of their children. Mother dreads jiving castor oil just aa much as the baby fears taking it, unit the ■*"“> applies to mIwmIi It was because the common family laxative fails to act on the liver that W. L. Hand began experimenting to devise a remedy mat would act on both liver and bowel*, and take die place of calomel and castor oil, and the Liv-o lax formula, as has been proven in thousands of households, meets this need. »• » Liv-o-lax is purely vegetable and is a liquid remedy, so pleasant to taste that the children love to take it a It is just as good for bilious condi tions and disorders of digestion in adults. You can get Liv-o-lax now at THE GAZETTE IN EVERY HOME 4 Aak About Our Easy Payment Plan IV Toaring Model - *850 PretfAt mud Tom Em. All closed car selling records in this pnce field ere broken by the Coach sales. Twenty-five . hundred new Essex owners each week through out the country tell the success ot value. Thousands daily are learning cf qualities and advantages never expected in a car at such low cost. Priced *170 lower, the New Essex Coach provides a larger, handsomer body with even greater passenger comfort than the former Coach. And its 6-cylinder motor, built by Hudson, gives the smoothness of performance for which the Super-Six is famous. Take a 30 minute ride to learn the facts. You too willagree the New Essex is “the car for everyone.” UNION MOTOR COMPANY Leaksville, N. C. 757 * —A * itcfiingRadio’9 VI- *[vV >,»>.*

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