Successors to The t»»ltsviBe Gasette Established in 1880. . THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY. EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Postoffice, Leaksville, N. C. PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier one year $6.00; 6 months, 82.60; 3 month $1.35: 1 month 46c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas F. Clark Co., 141-146 West 36th St New York City. ADVERTISING RATES — 30c per Inch, including composition on dis play advertising, 25 cents, per inch on type-high plates. Classified, per line, single insertion, 10c; three inser tioim, 8c per line; six insertions, 7r per line each insertion; obituary no tices, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s' im mediate territory includes Leaks ville. Spray, Draper and all Leaks ville township, epual to a city popu lation of 17,000. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1924 BIBLE THOUGHT! —FOR TODAY—! Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a '{■ Bi priceless lieri^atje in after years. S%efeiZ£nuiggiiiir • SAFEGUARDED:—He shall givt his ange’s charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways- Psalm 91: 11. PRAYER:—'We trust :he torch with all, for Thou art our Shepherd, and \ve shall not want. THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF During the heat of political agita tions with which this country is beinr dis;itrbsd as a pre iminary in the presidential campaign year, we should not lose sight of th. recent report o\ the Dawes committee which is the first real business like plan offered for settlement of war reparations problems. A new start towards per. nianc : .'Wopid peace and industria1 prop" periiy will be the result of in'iana' politics can be kep: from wrbeking the committee’s proposals HAPHAZARD FARMING IS OFT OF DATE An Iowa County Agent described o ' : ‘ o - e Qf jjioot of die agrlcul t;o ■ e- a§ follows: M< A i us have been so bu-.j watching the up grade movement 'f high prices of land, that we have for got; ,>n almost all the fundaments1 prirvhmls that underlie farm va u3.. Wiv e We want and hope that on lam! will be high priced, we do no want it to be so high priced that i wiii not bring fair returns. The val ue of produce from our land is the thing of supreme importance to every farmer and every land owner. A vary considerable bit of serious though: must he given to" carrying on of pn _ duetto:: in the business of farming. Haphocard methods of farming, wast land, p-mr seed, inferior stock, and a ! go V. the board if we are going to succeed in •this new and large venture of high priced land. The methods of o:;r fathers and grandfathers can not nr.svibly be used for successful re suits. We must use ojp most modern methods and must discover and plan new things if our success is to be maintained. The scrub must be reg elated to scrap head the same as the old horsepower threshing machine and the old reaper. This is no idea that hag been hatched in a pipe dream or in idealism but in cold facts that Stare us in the face. It is for us to go to work and plan out for ourse’ves the things that are going to put thr be't stock and best equipment on our farms and to make them produce in terest on their ' valuation. ' WILL BE GLAD THAT SHE HELPED THE COLLEGF Wilmington, N. C., April 30.—Per Naps the youngest ardent campaignei in behalf of the student-alumna' buiiding for North Carolina College for Women is little Mias Wilhltbina Gade Dock, of .Wilmington. Although ’ess than ten years ole litas Wilhelmina is saving for her W the f ’Tf» 'tr *? rf; school and U do ing f i c tii,' ‘ v'ii! it hem* in ofd« thst rh ■ may enter the »ixth, grade next iail and tncreby gradual* from' high school in time to enter the Horth Carolina Col>ge for Women when she; is sixteen. All the money that »h* has earnso heretofore for good school reports has Seen placed in e bank to pay her expenses tp North Carilina College for Women. This--fund j3 always r*_ ferred to by her as “ my eolleges money.’' Over hearing conversation about the student-alumnae bui'ding campaign she said: ‘•Mother, I shall be glad when I go to college to be able to say I helped fo build this.” ft INDIANA WILL HONOR HERO l|jHO DIED IN CIVIL WAR Bloomington, Ind., April 28.—A 3hrine to the memory of General Lu cien Greathouse, proclaimed by Gen eral William Tecumseh Sheridan as the outstanding hero of the Civil War, is to be placed in the $1,000,000 war memorial Men’s Union building at Indiana Univergtiy. General Sherman dec'a^ed the Tfaosier soldier to be “the bravest of the brave,” in an official report, which said: “Where all have been so brave, it seems invidious to mention one name, but we must speak of Col onel Lucien Greathouse. He is the bravest of the brave.” General Greathouse lost his life storming a southern stronghold neat Atlanta July 22, 1864 in one of the closing campaigns of the war. He is r-o'd never to have given his men a "c.-nmand to “charge” but ordered 'f-> low me.” When the Civil War broke out, the Tfieral gave up the study of law and “tiered the Union army as a priva'*, V the time he was killed he had been promoted to the rank of Briga ■!iy General, the youngest to hold l at commission in the history of the United States armies. General Greathouse was born at C: rlinville, 111., in 1842. PRESIDENTS ACCEPTS INVITATION OF VETERANS (By Associated Press) Washington, May 3--President Ccolidge accepted the invitation ex tended by the United Veterans to at tend the confederate memorial day ceremonies May 25th at Arlington. METHODIST STAND PAT Springfield, Mass, May 8.—Peti tion to congress to permit no modifi si.tion of the prohibition amendment was aporoved unanimou’y by the j neral confrence of the Methodist Episcopal church at a meeting here vesterday. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT RTH CAROLINA ' rv 1NOIIAM COUNTY ' ntire of Summons by Publication j ORROW McCOLLUM v» '' M McCOLLUM The defendant, Sam McCollum, will j he notice than an action entitled as j ! ove has been commenced in the Su- ■ .-rior court of RockinKham county. vorth Carolina, by the plaintiff, ltor_ - w McCol um, for the purpose1 of laving set apart to her a reasonable ubsistence for herself and children, t nd to have the same paid or se-j ured to her from the estate or earri ngs of defendant, as provided by] ection 1667 of the Consolidated! 'latutes of North Carolina; and fur her to have said allotment of subsis ence declared to be a li$n upon the ea! property of the defendant sltua ed in Rockingham county, and upon; my sun of money the defendant hat ?n the hands of anyone, dus the do. ! fendant, and the defendant will fur ther take notice that complaint in said action has been filed, and that 3aid defendant ia required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior; Court of said Rockingham county atj Wentworth,. North Carolina, on the 19 j lay of May, 1924, and answer or da mur to said complaint or the plaintiff] will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 18th day of April, 1924. HUNTER K. PENN Clerk of Superior Court. 26-2-9-11 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having; qualified as administratrix >f the estate of J. F. DeSbazo, dece* 3d, late of RoeMngham County, North Carolina, this is to notify aS persona laving claims against the estate of taid deceased to exhibit thorn to the undersigned at Loafcsvfile, N. C. on ,r before the 4th, day of April, IMS. sr thip notice will b, plead* of heir recovery* All peHotlS indebted Leave Stoaeville. 1:18 P. M. Leurve Rideway.t:35 K M Leave Martinsville .1:54 fc*. M. Leave Koehler ....2:04 P. M. Arrive at Cincinnati.7:20 A.M. „ No change of trains between the above points and Cincinnati and Chi cago, IIL Pullman reservations and all in formation cheerfully furnished upon application to our agents or write C. B. PERKINS Traveling Passenger Agent, 14 West 3rd St., Win8ton-Salem, N. C. --*-; TO THE VOTERS OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candi-1 date for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, to be held oi\| the 7th day of June. If elected to this .important office I' pledge a full-time and honest service. Walter S. Chambers. - Madiron. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrate of the estate of Malissie Ellington, deceased, late of Rockingham County North Carolina, • this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersignet^ at Leaksville, N. C. on or before the ilth day of April 1926 or-this notice will be pleaded In jar of their recovery. All persons in lebted to said estate will please make mmediate payment. This the 4th day of April, 1924. Z. A. Price, Administrator. S *O N E V thL* TRANSFER SCHEDULE 6:30 A. M., meeting train for. Roanoke. V*.. 7:22. 7:45 A. M., meeting train tor Winston-Salem. 9:53. /t 12:20 P. M., meeting train for Roanoke, Va. 3:00 P. M., meeting *%rain for Winston-Salem, N. C. 5:00 P. M.,'meeting train for Roanoke, V. • 7:00 P. M., meeting train for Winston-Salem, N. C. This transfer will stop for pae srngers at any time at the following places: Jones Motor Co., Spray Motor Co. PHONE 58 LE A KSV ILL E-SPRAY GROCERY CO. WHOLES * I F. GROCERS i.irakav j?e N. C. ALL STAPLE LINES NOTIONS demand having 1 dersigned fcy the. _ named. th« undersigned, on the" 28th day of May, . 1924, at 2 oelock. P. M at tho Courthouse door in Wentworth, K. C„ soil at public auction to tht highest bidder for cash, the'following described tract of land. Lying and being in the aforesaid state and. county, and adjoining the landsjof Jonathan Robinson, J. G. Wheeler and others, and beginning at a stone on tho Reidsville -road, Green Wheeler’s corner, and running hi. 23 W. 16 poles''to a stone, Jonathan Robinson's corner; thence with said Robinson’s line S 35 1_2 W 222 pole* to a stone on the 1 East bank of a branch; 'thence down said ^aonch S 13 E 11 poles; thence S 37 E 8 poles to I.ittle Troublesome Cfeok; thence down said creek ds it meanders S 3t! E 3 po es, S 41 E 14 poles, S 4 E 4 poles, S (58 1-2 E 11 poles, S 18 E 2 poles, S 81 E 20 po’es, to the road, thence with the meandetings of the road N 38 E 8 poles; thence N 77 Si 20 poles, S 65 E 26 poles, N 77 E 42 poles to a dogwood, R. P. Richard son’s corner; thence with said Rich ardson’s line N 3 E 112 poles to'a i stone, another of Richardson’s cor liters: thence N 11 W 26 poles to « ittone; thence Ni l 1-2 E 93 poles tc j the first station, and containing lOf ’LUMBING, STEAM WATER 28 YEARS’ Jest Work «nd Lowest Prices AH W«rk and Materiel GUARANTEED S hop on Boulevard Phone 3246 ■ v, ' ■ tj u«iuniHmiuiiii»iinitM»H»miniitii*;iiii READ GAZETTE WANT TADS ' imoiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiriiiiintmiiii t ' I ' ; > • • J. a TROGDON CIVIL ENGINEER ,' LEAK8VTLLB. A. C. '-niiiiuiiiimiiiiiiHHiiiiiinmiiMiiiiiiiin * AVUVWVUWtfVVWWWVWVWWW MOOSE LODGE NO. 864 ’ cets Friday Night, Junior Building. J • E. McAllister, Leaksville, Secretary DUES NOW PAYABLE :• ■Jki3F*r~ J. O. Ragsdale, President, IVIadison F. M. Flinn, Sec. Treas, Leaksville the trade furnished daily MARKET QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST NORTH CARO! IN A ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Under and by virtue of the powc* of the sale contained in a eertai deed of trust executed by C.«S. Har ris and wife, M.'E, Harris, on /he 24 day of August, 1918, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rockingham county in book 20G page 238, the provisions of which — j c'.cres more or less. This the 23rd day of April, 1924. The Akhianee Insurance & K.-a' Es. tate Company, Trustee. / D.,F. Mayberry, Attorney. : A i 3 -air ompanv I ■ • •.!. .KINDS OF REPAIRING. DONF. PROMPTLY I.- :atv>l on u.ppdr encl of Churn! ’ Street, near Boulevard IESSK FLINCH UNI. Phone 505 ..WWVAMAWWU . :-ij-' , 0 TrK y( rrpjts -OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY I hereby amiricc myself a can_ i ida*e f> r the office of Register ’ eedJ, subject to the Dtjrr.oci-at Pri ■ ary to" be he'd June 7th. • I am at present Deputy Register i.t Deed, a •’ hevr worked in this office since December 1920 and am thorough ly familiar with the work. Ev-lyn Gentry Fleming. Hick: vvv; ■;;\ .

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