m tri-city daily gazette LEAKSVILLE, N. C. Successors to Th« Leaksville Gaaette Established in 1880. THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO.. Incorporated, Publishers • MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Postoffice. Leaksville, N. C. PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier one year $6.09; months, $2.60; 3 month $1.35: 1 month 45c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas F. Clark Co., 141-146 West 36th St., New York City ADVERT5SING RATES — 30c per inch, including composition on dis play advertising, 25 cents per inch on type-high plates. Classified, per line, single insertion, 10c; three inser- | tions, 8c per line; six insertions, 7c j per line each insertion; obituary no ■ ' tices, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s im- j mediate territory includes Leaks- j ville. Spray, Draper and all Leaks- j ville township, equal to a city popu- j lation of 17,000. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924 «d^jrTTniiii' BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY J Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a m priceless heritage in after years. WHAT IS PURE RELIGION?:— Pure religion ami undefiled before God and Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their i affliction, and to keep himself un spotted from the world. PRAYER:—Father, show us the j spiritual grandeur of true Christiani ty. Cause us to realize that “Faith without works js dead.’ WALKING IS THE BEST SPRING TONIC Walking some every day has bee: prescribed as a preventive of “spring fever.” But this does not mean walk, ing ;n or about the house, or standing j on the feet while at work. It mean- j sunshine, relaxing mind and body., leaving cares behind, and enjoying walking for the good it does. Most peop'e are suffering, as spring comes cn, from the bad effects of tor high temperatures and too much in door living during thc ’winter. Bu “ drugs, pil's and purgatives are no. needed. They do more harm than good. Spring tonics that are worth while are exercises in the open air ante sunshine, sufficient and regular res of mind and. body, and a diet selected with some degree of, intelligence. T55E MAY HEALTH BULLETIN I The Arjronne forest at t’n'o. heigh of the drive against the HiniJenbun line was a safe place for the Araer:. can soldier as compared with »h: safety of the average North Carotin: home for the baby that comes to it b a dec'aration in the May issue •>' the Health Bulletin of the Sta; Board of Health. Of each otic hundrv babies born in the State, eight di bf fore reaching the first birthday. O ai! the dtaths occurring in the State nearly a fourth are of babies les; than two years old. The month of May generally re c-rds the highest mortality anion-: •infant:'u r.c'cr two years of age of an; month in the year, with the possible exception of September. The greater number of these deaths occur on ac count of mistakes through ignoranc rcsu'tinrr from incorrect feeding an improper care, though quite a num bch arP caused by polluted water o' infectetl milk. The latter two sourc of infant mortality during the sum mer could be entirely removed thri the simple expedient cf boiling fo three minutes all water an! ab mill which is given to babies. The mistake ■ in feeding and care resulting. from ignorance present a more difficult problem. s In the effort to afford accurate ana | ft”*hojritative information of practical helpfulness . to mothers, the curren.. • of the Health Bulletin is 'argelv i,, d""oted to the feeding and care ol infants, the articles nresented having U- : been prepared by some of the most H .competent baby specialists id* the State. These include Dr. B. U. f|; : B-vsks of Durham on “Mal-Nutrition | . o* the Child of Pre_School Age;” Dr. ’ . Albert Smodes Roof of Raleigh on "^en*h Prevention Hrom , Summer | Diarrhea;” Dr. James J. Philips of Raleigh on “The Babe’s First Three Months)” Dr. H. H. Harrison on ‘Feeding the baby in the Second year.” The Hea'th Bulletin is published monthly and may be obtained without charge by requesting it from the State Board of Health, Raleigh. CONVENT ION OPENS WITH LARGE ATTENDANCE (By Associated Press) Atlanta, Ga„ May 14.—The. 69th annual session of the Southern Bap tist convention opened with upwards of 6,000 dlegates in attendance. Fra ternal organizations and delegations from Northern-Baptist convention was also here. The chief business on the nrogram is election of officers which will follow annual report and address of President Mu’lins. GOERGE REMUS, BOOTLEGGER TO BE BEFORE COMMITTEE (By Associated Press) Washington, May 14.—The Senate Daughrty committee has oredred the wardn of the Atlanta penitentiary by wire to produce George Remus, Ohio bootleggr now a convict there to tes, tify before it. Several witnesses have told that the committe that Remus had immense whiskey operations in progress in Ohio f0r sometim involv ing a number of prominent people. It is also has been testified he has been given specia' comforts at the pen itentiary. THIEVES BREAK INTO . TRAIN OF GREAT WESTERN (By Associated Press) Freeport, 111., May 14.—Thieves broke into six ears of the west bound merchandise train on the Chicago and Great Western railroad supposedly in search of valuable silk cargo. Bur glary gave risc ‘o a report that the Chicago and Northwestern passenger train had been held up. There was no indication thatt .hieves obtained loot at the train bore no si’k. For infante. Invalids & Children rm QlisckLunch atHome,Office ^Fountains, RichMiik, Mai ted Grain Ex-tract in Pow der&Tabietfcrms. Nourishing-No cooking. fST Avoid imit&UoBs and Substitute* SUBSCRIBE TO THE GAZETTE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Superior Court Before The ROCKINGHAM COI'NTY Order of Publication ! EFFIE STI ART FARMER VS W. T. FARMER In this c .use u appearing to tne •satisfaction of the court by the affi. davit of Leffie Stuart Farmer that the defendant, W. T. Farmer, is not a resident of the State of North Cat ol in a, and cannot, after due diligence, be found therein, and in like manner appearing to the court that a cause of lotion exists against defendant in fa vor of the plaintiff and ihe said W. T. Farmer' is a necessary and proper party to this suit, which is to obtain a divorce by the plaintiff from the defendant, the grounds of which are set out in the complaint of the pain liff filed in this cause. It is therefore, ordered, adjudgea ana decreed that service of the sum mons in this suit upon the said W. T. Farmer, be made by publication, by publishing a notice in the Tri-City Daily Gazette, a newspaper published in the town of Feaksville, N. C., once a week for four consecutive weeks, giving the title of the action, the purpose of the same, and requir. Lnjg the defendant to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of th£ Superior Court of the County of Rockingham, Wentworth, N. C., the 3rd day of June, 1924; and answer or demur •m 'he complaint filed in this eause. And let, the defendant take notice that if he fai's to answer said complaint during the term, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded. And, it is further or^red that when said publication is /made and completed the summons shall be deemed and held as served, and in all things equivalent to persona! service, and the defendant shall then be in court. * This the 5th day of May, 1924. HUNTER K. PENN, Clerk of Superioi*|^oart. P. T. HAfZLIP, Attorney. 8-15-22.28 ii NORTH CAROUNA ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Notice of Truitee’s Sale of Land .. I Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Ophelia Eggles. tdn and wife N*ll Eggleston on the 18 day of November 1922, and recorded ih the office of the Register of Deeds of Rockingham county, N. C. in Book 219, page 119, the provisions of which having not been complied with, and demand having been made on the un dersigned, Trustee, by the beneficiar ies therein named, the undersigned , trustees, will sell on Saturday, June 14, 1924 at three oclock P. M. on the premises at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described lot of land on Byrd Avenue, Leakvville-Spray on which there is a dwelling house: Beginning 85 feet from the inter section of Byrd Avenue and Bridge Street and running thence with Byro Avenue eighty (80) feet to a stake; thence paral’el with Bridge Street 100 feet to a stake eighty .five (85) feet from Bridge Street; thence one hun dred feet to the beginning, containing 8,000 square feet, more or less. This the 12th day of May, 1924. P. T. HAIZLIP, Trustee. 5-12-19-26-6.2-9 APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF WILLIE YOUNG Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Willie Young convicted at the January term of Superior Court of Rockingham County for th» crime of house breaking and larcenry ant/ sentenced to the road for a term of two years. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests to the Governor without delay. This the 9th day of May, 1924. WILLIE YOUNG 13-20 <VWWWWUWWVWU^MWV> . MOOSE LODGE NO. 864 meets Friday Night, Junior Building. J. E. McAllister, Leaksville, Secretary DUES NOW PAYABLE rfWWWWUWVWWWVWWW. NORTH CAROLINA ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power *f the sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by C. S. Har ris and wife, M. E. Harris, on the 24 day of August, 1918, and recorded in the ' office of thc Register of Deeds of Rockingham county in book 206, page 238, the provision^ of which not having been complied with, and demand having been made on the ur. dersigned by the beneficiaries therein named, the undersigned, on the 26th day of May, 1924, at 2 oclock, P. M. at the Courthouse door in Wentworth, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, tlie following described tract of land. Lying and being in the aforesaid state and county, and adjoining the lands of Jonathan Robinson, J. G. Wheeler and others, and beginning at a stone on the Reidsville road, Green Wheeler's corner, and running N. 28 W. 16 poles t0 a stone, Jonathan Robinson's corner; thence with said Robinson’s line S 35 1.2 W 222 poles to a stone on the East bank of a branch; thence down said branch S 13 E 11 poles; thence S 37 E 8 poles to Little Troublesome Creek; thence down said creek as it meanders S 30 E 8 po'es. S 41 E 14 poles, S 4 E 4 poles, IS 68 1-2 E 41 poles, S 18 E 2 poles. S 81 E 20, po'es, to the road, thencp with the meanderlngs of the road X 3^ E 8 poles; thence N 77 E 20 poles, S 65 E 26 poles, N 77 E 42 poles to a dogwood, R. P. Richard son’s corner; thence with said Rich ardson’s line N 3 E 112 poles to a stone, another of Richardson’s cor ners; thence N 11 W 26 poles to a stone; thence N 1 1-2 E 93 poles to acres more or less. This the 28rd day of April, 1924. The Alemance Insurance & Real Es. tate Company, Trustee. D. F. Mayberry, Attorney. the first station, and containing 106 Read Your County’s Daily Paper Firat. iiitiimMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMi J. 8. TBOGDON „ CIVIL ENGINEER LEAK8VILLE, N. C. ‘ lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltIHIIIIIIIIIIIlin I t/ .' ' ' TO THE VOTERS OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY I hereby announce myself a can_ didate for the office of Register o* Deeds, subject to the Democrat pri mary to be he’d June 7th. I am at present Deputy Register of Deeds and have worked1 in this office, since December 1920 ant^am thorough ly'familiar with the work: Evelyn Gentry Fleming. GOOD MOVIES? YES, AT THE “Y" TO THE VOTERS OF ROCKINGHAM COJJNTY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, to be held on the 7th' day of June. If elected to this important office I pledge a full-time and honest service. Walter S. Chambers. Madisoi* N. C. GOOD MOVIES? YES, AT THE “Y” IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Notice of Summons by Publication NORROW McCOLLUM vs SAM McCOLLUM * The defendant, Sam McCollum, will take notice than an action entitled ?s above has been commenced in .the Su perior court of Rockingham county North Carolina, by the plaintiff, Nor. row McCoI’iim, for the purpose of having set apart to her a reasonable subsistence for herself and children, and to have the same paid or se cured to her from the estate or earn ings of defendant, as provided by section 1667 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina; and fur ther to have said allotment of subsis tence declared to be a lien upon the rea! property of the defendant situa ted in Rockingham county, and upon any sum of money the defendant has in the hands of anyone, due the de. fendant, and the defendant 'will fur ther take notice that complaint in said action has been filed, and that said defendant is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior fcourt of gajd Rockingham county at Wentworth, North Carolina, on the 19 day of May, 1924, and answer or da . ' A ,»•' If . ■ ■■ " '—l-1.1.1.. T-1 ". ■ -V-« mur to Mid complaint M the plaintiff x will apply to the Court for the relief 5< demanded in the complaint. This 18th day of April, 1984. . HUNTER K. PENH ' Clerk ef Superior Court 25-9-9-19 THROUGH SLEEPING CAR ' TO CINCINNATI. OHIO Norfolk&Westem Leave Stoneyille.1:16 P.M. Leave Rideway ......1:36 P. M. Leave Martinsville .1:54 P. M. Leave Koehler . .2:04 P. M. Arrive at Cincinnati.7:20 A.M. No change of trains between the above points and Cincinnati and Chi cago, 111. Pullman reservations and all in formation cheerfully furnished upon application to our agents or -"write C. B. PERKINS Traveling Passenger Agent, 14 West 3rd St., Winston-Salem, N. C. PHONE 58 LEAKSV1LLE-SPRAY GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Leaksville N. C. ALL STAPLE LINES . NOTIONS J. O. Ragsdale, President, Madison F. M. Flinn, Sec. Treas, Leaksville THE TRADE FURNISHED DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON REQUEST READ GAZETTE WANT TADS UllllllllinUIIIIIIHIIIlMlUillHXUUitiUlll'' T.C. Martin Plumbing Co. PLUMBING, HOT WATER and STEAM FITTINGS 28 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Best Work and Lowest Prices All Work end Materiel GUARANTEED S hop on Boulevard Phone 3246 Getting your money’s worth when buying oranges or grape ' fruit depends upon the eating qualities of the fruit. Fancy appearance outside is not an infallible indication of the juice, flavor and sweetness which make citrus fruits good to eat. Florex is a new trade-name adopted by the more than six thou sand Florida growers who form the cooperative, non-profit Florida Citrus Exchange. Whenever you see the Florex trade-mark on oranges and grape fruit it means they are rich in the inside contents that make citrus . fruits healthful and palatable. that you obtain from your retail dealer, under the Florex trade mark, will give you satisfaction, because they are good to eat. The large production of Florida oranges and* grapefruit this season assures ample supply at reasonable prices. Florex will guide you in getting full value for your money. •' , ■ ' * Florex oranges and grapefruit are graded and -packed especially to suit southern trade and to conform with the habit of the peqple ' - of the South to buy for excellence rather than appearance. . Tell your store-keeper you want Florex oranges and grapefruit and intend to have them. You can easily identify Florex fruits by this trade-mark printed on boxes and wrappers— ,-r ? N' • • c ~ ;&&.*■■■■■ ■ j

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