NO. MS LKAKamtA. moan CAROLINA Monday, june 23 rs24 Try To Make By Dark Tonight (By Associated Press) , Mitchell Field, N. Y, June 28. Idcutsnant Bussell Maughan began a * race with the sdn in the, hope >1 spanning a tenth at the ahrths cir cumference before his path is darken ed T## unsuccessful attempt in. tlye - past year had not dampened Wa ardor fallowing a light breakfast, the mil blaser took the air at ha'f a minute before three o'clock eastern Standard time. Crossey field at San Franeisco, Manghans destination, lies S(<70 miles west, as the crow flies. A8HBY1LLB MAN TAKE8 LIFE WITH 88 PI3T< L bf the of Lyman (By Associated Press) Asheville, June 20.—After "writting a lengthy note giving instructions as to the disposition of his body and the- settling of his personal affairs, Charles Nichols, president and man Nich .Is Manufacturing avenue, sent * bullet from ’ a .38 calber revolve] , washing through hLj brain. Mr. Nich •’« mat in his office when the sho‘ / was toed, Thursday morning at 11:4' o’clock. Death was almost instan taneous, Mr Nicholg surviving only ; few momenta after William Hurt, r Pwuftg nephew of his wife, reached Bfo side shortly after die shot was It aoenss that Mr. Nichols ad a ipiit to young Hurt, whon he tod aaked to call at the plan! about It s’cloek. The boy got ther>. * dmt time sooner and appeared Jus< #r *e fWtal shot had bps* toed HUrt ediately notified rd -tm mid JoCephine Nichols, a daughter jyas one of Che first of his immediat. finally to reach the i’de of her fathei KAN8A8 WITHOUT A FLAG I COMPLETE FEDERAL GROUi (By Associated Press) Washing ton, June 23.—With 4 st«tea standards • in its possession presented by organisations and indt viduais, and propects of receiving socn those of the remaining states the Post Office department boasc the most complete collection of offi dal state flags in the country. Th flags of OMo, Utah, Montana an .Kentucky recently were presente and acceptd crmonioualy by | Pos* master General Mew. The on y states not now' r^pre-, seated in the collection are Arison. Kansas, Mississippi, Nevada, M«*< Mexico, Washington and Wyoming Inquiries concerning presentation • a flag h. ve been received from al out XHevaoa wia and Porto Rico flag* are inc'.u4ed..i». t&e 40 now preserved by the Distric of Columbia, which ha, n0 offlcia flog; Alaska, Guam, ..Samoa or th Virgin Islands. Presentation of the f ag of Nebra sks recently by th* Railway MM Servlet association of Lincoln and Omaha was accomplished only after thc dtfflcuty of ascertaining the de sign. Appeals to ■ the secretary ot s' state and ahjutant general of th state brought response* that the sttt. ted no fls» and senators and con greasmen from the state knew of none h whs finally determined the stateV teen recognised se the Nebraska Hate flag- It is understood Kansis ha, n« law prescribing a tut* flay. |g at «*on as one is adopted-a flag (he Poet Office department's eol h*HeH la promised* ' *»' official tea' on g field, of gold ted , of Eastman Col pme last night for draft program FOR CONVENTION Program Goes Only To Tin* For Balloting; / Events Thereafter Uncertain New York, June 23.—Rcteognizinf die probability .of prolonged sessionk; the Democratic National Convention managers have arranged only a ten tative program for the first three lays. These arrangements will carry the machinery of the conven tion past the. adoption of the-plat form and to the beginning of the nominations for President After that the program will be dictated ay events. . % In order to give the platform com mittee plenty of time for its work, the plan is to hear the nominating ipeeches for President while the committee is working; then proceed to the balloting for nominations. This same plan was followed n San Francisco four years ago. Tentative Pogram The tentative program for the first day is as follows Convention cared to order by Chairman Hull. Invocation by Cardinal Haynes. Official potograph. ilrief address by Chairman Hull. Heading of the official call foi he convention. itecommendgtion for temporary •Jficers and their election. A. committee wil escort Senator At this point Chairman Hnll ex pects to ask the convention whether it desiries‘Senator Harrison to de ivet his address or take' a recess until night. ' • • ' Should the address be postponed Chairman H* 1 expects the conven ton to proceed with organization by the adoption of ru’ea and the -reer ence of resolutions to th« committee >n platform and resolutions. Should the convention insist upon the speech being delivered immdiate'y, the or ganization will follow the speech. Adoption of a resolution pjrovid ng for the organizatiQn of commit tees on resolutions, credentials, r per manent organization, rules and or der of business to notifby nominee for President, to noify nominee for •Vice President, and statement if time and place of meetings. Transaction of sundry miscellan >eous business. Adjournment. McDonald and bouche HEAD NEW PARTY TICKE1 St. Paul, Minn., June.20.—The new farmer-labor party reached the nomi nation (tape late today. Alexander Howat placed the name of Duncan McDonald of the United Mine Work ers, of Illinois, before the convention Two-thirds of the delegates cam* cheering to theix feet and for flee minutes yield approval of Howat’a nominee. iThe farmers general'y kept-their seats. (Atiee Lorrain Daily, of South Dekota, seconded the nomi nation. William Bouche, of Sedro Woolley, Wash., a fruit Kroner, was noasinat ■ed for vice, prejident by aeclasoation, 'the "Minnesota farmers joining in tin demonstration. : ,• . -r-- . , '•* . Jfr John W. Haslip while riding horseback today on the Draper road, net far from Spray waa run Mi by three men n an autoUsM’e. t%# cal truck the horse breaking its two frod isjrs nad injuring Mr. Haslip. Thg men disappeared tjd its is not know* who ti»«y wsra. PLAYGROUNDS OPEN EVRYTHING READY FOR CAMPERS Swimming Pool Has Been Freak Water Thinars are being, shaped up for the opening of the county Play crounda. The swimming po 1 has been ■eraped and cleans^ ow and freah wat« ia being let inf Water was , tamed pn Friday. A > number of h*®* Were engaged in chasing up the gnunda and setting evfy thing neat l for summer visitors and campers. | The “Y” Hut is now 4t the disposi al of any who desirous use Miss Simpson the county Welfare officer ie wcuping the Red Crtas Hut. Mrs Numa B. Reid is occupyiig the other j will spend the entire sum. »wr on the grounds, for she has been ashed to sc* as official head, i Mr Ha! Goodwyn a Columbia Uni , Y*r*ity (S. C.) student l^as charge of , tte ground* for the sesfon. He is.a fine swimmer, and as W will have I charge ■*# the pool, he c^a be of much ( to those who are not expert in case help i, needed. Mr Alfred Goodwyn a brother who is emp'oyed in the county auditors office, will spend the nights nn the grounds with his brother. The Good wyn brothers are nephews of Mrs Reid. Sevarpi camping parties on the grounds and more are planning on* coming. Ifn Reid says it is de'ight ful there even these hot nights and that because t is cool eveiybody can retire early and get much refresh ing sleep and rest Mrs Reid hopes that hundreds of people will take advantage of the grounds who have not herefore come, and that all the old friends will come again this year. i JWWB I (By Associated Press) Capetown Union South Africa, June ( 23.—Jan Christian Smuts whose 1 South African party was defeated in * the) recent ejection* resignd the 1 Premiership. e ' _ ' ATLANTA BUSINESS MEN WOUNDED ON HIGHWAY (By Associated Press) Greenville S. C., June 23.—E. M. 1 Ivey and Herndon Thomas, Atlanta., business men are in a local hospita: suffering from bullet wounds said to have been inflicetd ear'.y today in an exchange of shots between federal prohibition egents and a party of tourists from Atlanta. The shooting occurred on the high-way between i this city and Hendersonville. SMITH AFTER SOUTHERN DELEGATE REPORT SAYS CBy Associated Press) | New York, June 23.—Drive to swing de'egates from the Southern states into the camp of Governor. Smith, wag instituted unaer direction I of Norman Mack, Former chairman of the Democratic party. ' Mrs Bennett Nooe of 'Clayton is visiting with her husband at the Caro ' line Home. HOMER CUMMINGS WHJL ADJUST ALL PARTY DIFFERENCE Chairman of Revolution Com mittee Thinks Plank Will, , Blend (By Associated Press) New York, June 23.—Homers Cum mings of Connecticut who is slated to be chairman ^f the resolutions com mittee, predicted a'l troubles and differences over various planks that are to be written into the Democr i tic platform would be adjusted in' committee, so that a fight bn the convention floor may be avoided. LO C A LS Mr George H. Clark spent Sunday in Reidsville, with friends. One evening 'ast week a jolly crowd of girls and boys motored to Photpho Lithia Springs and enjoyed a picnic supper fol’owed by dancing. Mr and Mrs James Darhr.gton c,f WinstonSalem weie the week enl guests of* Mr and Mrs M. G. Wils'-a >n Bridge St. ********* Mr and Mrs J. S. Wi Hams of Dan rille, Va. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A. T. Hopper, on Bridge S'. Mr and Mrs Shutu^te tr- vi lg * ;o their new home on Oakland heights, and Mr and Mrs H. P. Man!, ' ’ield are moving into the house just 1 racated by Mr and Mrs Shumate on 1 Bridge Street. ‘ Mrs A. P. Tuttle is spending the 1 reek with relatives at Ridgeway, Va 1 his week. / _ ******** < Messrs S. H. Marsha l, M. M. Scales ' ad Dr A F. TuttJe spent Sunday *t ******** Mr and Mrs W. A. Watson and 1 laughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jen* * :ins and son, Mrs Sarah North and laughter of Greensboro nephew and * iieces of Mrs M. P. Stone were visi- 0 ors in the home of Dr A. H. Stom ^ m last Sunday. ******** t Mr and Mrs M. S. Powler and I mall daughter, Elizabeth Ann spent t Sunday with Mr and Mrs Litt'e at 1 Jreensboro. 1 ******** y Mrs. J. F. Fagge of. Stone- ] rille >s here visiting her son, < Postmaster J. B. Fagge Monroe Street Mrs Fagge will be 89 years >ld in August and is able to discuss jo'itics or public questions in a most nteresting manner. i Mr and Mrs C. P. Smith attended ! services at Bassett, Va. yesterday. ******** f Mrs N. B. Austin, Mr and Mrs R ’ E. Foster ar.d son R. E. Jr. and Miss I Ruth Viverette motored to Danville, 1 Va Sunday afternoon to »ee Mr Aus tin at the hospital. Mr Austin is im proving and is expected home in a lew days. Mr and Mrs J. M. Cummins and small daughter, J Kerneravil'e were the week end guest* of E. B. Martin and family on Boon Road. Convention Forces i ' - I Passing Through Fevered Stage New York, June 23.—Th* great quadrennial jubilee of the Democratic ( »er*y is paesiog through the f|aai levered statge of preeonventkm riva ty and eothuahuun. Fifth avenue and the hotel district ed Manhattan re aounded to the tramp of cheering de legations and the blare of marching bands, while the outrunner* from forces of the . principal candidates scurried eveywhere to bring new nr* riva's into camp and consolidate the legoa already assembled behind their ftkWsriUa. j i Worst Storm In Years In Several Western States W. J. BRYAN ARRIVES WITH ‘PEACE’ PLANK Will Endeavor To Commit Demcncy To U*c Energies For “Outlawing War. * New York, June 23.—Wil iaiu Jen ningt Bryan, on his arrival here to day, announced he would attempt t have a “peace” plank, as well as on; relating to campaign contibutions written in the Demorratir platform He is undecided, he said, whether t> make a fight for a clearcut declara tion for prohibition enforcement, sue! as he waged four years ago at tin San Francisco convention. Attending the convention here a a delegate-at-large from Florida pledged to McAdoo, Mr. Bryan occu pies a suite at the-Wa dorf Astori with his brother, Governor Charle W. Bryan, of Nebraska, himself t presidential candidate in the eyes the Nebraska delegation which is ex pected to vote for him at the outsj of bal'oting. The “peace” plank drafted by Mi Bryan wonld pledge the Demoerati' party to utilize “a’l its energies t* the outlawing of war.” It declares or particpation by the United State "in a court of international justice’ »ut makes no direct reference to the league of nations. GARRETT’8 MUST SERVE PRISON SENTENC1 .—-.-_L *_ WjRBeviUe, June’ 23.—The Virgihit Supreme court of appea s refused i plea of attorneys for Robert anci Lar kin Garrett that they be permitted t argue orally their petition for writ, of error and announced it would ad here to ita ruling when it refuse* writs on written p ea. The courts at tion is regarded as last legal ste], possible and brothers are schedule* to begin five and four years respec tive'y in the state penitentiary, fo their part in the slaying of Rev. Ed ward Sylvester Pierce in front of th Baptist parsonage at Cumberlan court house on June 5th 1923. MAUGHAN AT ST. JOE (By Associated Press) Saint Joseph, Missouri, June 23.— Maughan hopped off at 11:37 centra standard time after spending nearl; forty minutes here. He was in fin spirit and his plane in good conditio: when he landed at Rosecrans field a ten fifty tw0 after flying 1,140 miles He is buring the wind. FIREMAN KILLED ON CENTRAL VERMONT RY (By Associated Press) Saint A bans Vermont, June 20.— Fireman William Forbet was killed and two trainmen injured when t freight train cooHded headon with the Washington Montreal Express ot the Central Vermont railway ir. Sharon. No passengers were injured. FRANKS HOME RECEIVED . ONE MORE LETEfi (By Associated Press) Chicago, June 20.—Another kidnap ping etter thig time threatening Jose phine Franks,sister of ■ kidnaped and ■slain Robert Franks to which Nath e Rev. C. B. Austin of the Baptist ■hurch performed the ceremony. ' The bride had as attendants her mother and brother Marcus Thrash er of Stoneville, N. C. After a delicious iced course was served, Mr. Robertson and his bride left for two weeks wedding trip. They will spend their honeymoon at Niagara Fa'.Is, Toronto, Canada, and in the New England states. Misses E!na and Joy PatUrson left Fri.lay f 1 a tw • w;»ks visit with friends aid relative, in Chath am, Va. On last Thursday evening a num ber of the younger set enjoyed danc at the Colonnade Hote'. The in vited guests were Misses Bessie Clark, Florence Hobbs, Edna and Elizabeth Gunn, Elizabeth Patter son, Mary Marshal!, Messr-. William Abernethy, Fred McKenzie Joe Scales, Ohel Clark, Tony English, Dick Wilson, B. Veasey and Otis Nadden. *****•*«■ Miss Katherine Warren from N. C. C. W. Greensboro has spent the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Ed Warren n Oakland •Heights Bom to Ur and Mrs Ln .nie Neal, June 20th, a son. fbank McDowell given life (By Associated Pre.-sl Clear Water, Flo., June 23.—Frnak McDowell, confessed slayer of other (members of his fami'y was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder fof his mother. A motion for a new •trial was overruled by the judge. RALSTON'S NAME WILL > GO BEFORE THE CONVENTION (By Associated Pre-«> • New York, June 23.—Samuel Bal aton'will be placed in no®iration at the Democratic convention under an 'agreement reached At • cau'its of «he Indiana delegation today. i '