mbs-— THE TRI-CITY DAILY GAZETTE LEAKSVILLE, N. C. Successors to The Leaksville Gazette Established in 1880. THE GAZETTE PRINTING CO Incorporated, Publishers MURDOCH E. MURRAY, EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Postoffice. Leaksville, N. C. _ _ PRICE—Daily delivered by carrier •ne year $6.00: 6 months, $2.60; 3 month $1.35: 1 month 45c. 10 cents per week. Foreign Representative—Thomas F. Clark Co.. 141-145 West 36th St.. New York City ADVERTISING RATES — 30c per Inch, including composition an dis play advertising, 25 cents per inch •n type-high plates. Classified, per line, single insertion, 10c; three inser tions, 8c per line; six insertions, 7c per line each insertion; obituary no tices, 5c per line. The Tri-City Daily Gazette’s im mediate territory includes Leaks ville, Spray. Draper and all Leaks ville township, equal to a city popu lation of 17,000. BIBLE THOUGHT -"FOR TODAY — ;, 1 Bible Thoufrhta memorized, will prove a| priceless heritage in after years. jl --—— .... -gas xiTrmrr, mgrTtP * ■ i "Tin:ir" " "■ • ■ - ■ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1924 HOW TO GET ON:—Ask and i. shall be given you; seek ,and y shall find. Hat‘.hew 7: 7. > PRAYER: —Tea.h us, O Lord, a ask great thing- from thtc, and be diligent and definite seek.rs Then thou wilt make our way p~o perious. “BLACK : POTS ON TUT. NAP'’ Interesting Study or f f ;1 vg Pub'i shed by Interracial Cciurrsirsirn “Black a;/ < n i v T-’’ i.- ‘h title fan 1 ;*i t.:dy ot ly . ching j.1 - ! Car free fi tributior t • Commission on In terracir.l CY.oy - Lion, with head quarters in Ai'anta. The bookie' gives ir. r'.-f compass the more im portant facts about lynehings in the United . ..‘"’s during the last forty years, rhcwla.y the i.'nr.ber of victim* by race nd sen, the offenses for which they were lynched, mans which have pr .d effective in curbing lyn cing, and hopeful indications that point to the ultimate eradication of the habi'r i'erha ” tfie most interesting tea ture of the booklet, and the one from which tst! ,•>• its name, is a series of fourt "■■> mans, slate and national showing h" hi'nibor nf mo* \ \k;m in -aeh n -d the seed / o - when' 'vn.:hi'"7s h,i..;c been most, con mon Ths exh V -eveiss the fart that of ten a re'ativelv small area is respond ble for ■ -f ib ■ hue ,in;*s charge'' t0 the w’.ole stiVe, a condition which is rspre: \d r- “a challenge to th law-abiding majority.” Special le -is!: tion .hMp to curl lynching, h L»oAUt states, but th. (in i’ r.’-n :- y rests n pubic Iwtdmer.- '.he preachers, teachers gnd goth tl-lm-'m • to condone the habit, cither actively e by that VICTIM or HAMMER ATTACK fONTP-EES B ATTLE FOR LIFE New Brunswick, N. J., June 23.— Seventeen y.:ar old Veronica Schultz Yictim of a hammer attack said by rps polk ■ tj have been committee Friday night by George Mier, 18, while the pair wcre riding in his a a temobi e, tonight contnued her bat tle agair.i death. Her condition was very serious, physicians said. Jfeir, who was arrested late Satur day nigh: after Miss Schultz during r moment rf consciousness named him ■at her assailant, today, according to stateliest the police, issued wheh. he -xplnmed he struck the girl after she became violently ill from drinking whiskey which hp s~id wa just a few minutes before. yfcd; it T ILL NOT FORCLOSE ON C. A V. BONDHOLDERS (By Associated Press) New York, June 24.—The finan c.'.l understanding that the committe- I fc.' the first mortgage bondholders of tl > Virginla-Carolina Chemical Com jerryy which has been given rght to f- reclose on bonds, will not exercif. tl >3 right. Action was taken, it ‘ wa st -d, to protect bondho’ders rathe: tl .'.n to liquidate their holdings. UTAH SCHOOL CHILDREN FED A -TI-GOITRE TABLETS WEEKLY (By Associated Press) * Sal Lake City, June 24.—Choco | it: o tablets contaning ten mil )grain- ‘ of iodine each are to be given Utah j stsol childrn every week as a means i of cinnteracting goitre, according t j a rof icement by state health offi ci is. A recent survey showed •yprox 1 m . tely 41 per cent of the school boy - ! a: 1 r ’hnol girls t.0 be aff’icted. ■- efficiency of iodine in the drink it; ■ water consumed by the children | is- :hp reason for the great numbr rf '■ gi tre cases, according- t0 Dr. J. Wal r *, state epidemiologist. Th Ifijewi d club will hold it3 re- j g or metting Friday Junr. 27th. | V. h Mrs Louis Raine.*, a* th ? Betty • :ionth to consider means of pu • J it D :\ves reparations pian into .-fFcc'. | C: A TAUQUA SIGNED UP " “ >OR“ONE MORE YE Ah! lit- com mitt e wnc have been | wo k' «c for the past f\v days to g n -ary 100 dgn«r* fur the n°>t. v»t’’b::utai..;ua lacked but *■:: n- . e r.: raes early this morning an i i! v.t. .r.iJ liras these wan'd ’ i. <.m:s : ’ L; iso:: today. This then means t ‘1 ' Ciiaut&uqu*. wall be here ’•bin ••••? y*ar. It : fieely stated that the program '.i ar hu“ been natch beier than •at • .*f. arc! :t was beca.JSe of thu.»,' bat r anther contract mi signed a? te -.an Depressed himself. Pen signalling an e'ectric ban 1 "rntvn has been invented that Ivds '.'rhr" white or red lights as th . pro per button is touched. GAS METER COURSE • FOR STATE COLLEGE Raleigh, N. C., June 24.—Gas ma termcn from a majority of the south east!., n states wll gather at the North Carol.ut State Co lege here Monday, July TMi lor a week of intensive study. North and South Carolina will be argeiy represented and a number will be registered from Florida, Ten nessee, A abama, Virginia, Maryland and Louissana also. The course will be under the direction of Dr. L. L. Vaughan, Professor of Mechanical 'Engineering at State College. Coop cratni with the college authorities t.te oJ ia s of the Southern Gas As iciat .11 acid the Southern Motor Men’,. Acroeiation, of which E. *. Cotld.ia, of the Carolina Power “t Light Cmr. puny, Wilmington, Vice President; and B. J. Brown, South rn Power Company, Charlotte, Se cretary and Treasurer. For die benefit of the metermen .ho attend the aotirse, experts from t ’’’e B-uMT. m. have been eng crs. T* has be g:.-. n.cter is a pud the nub T* aclurm;; industry -o assist as Iectur acognized that the tricate instmiU > it yarding its u .ncd at in th> pro t.sed course is more intellignf ser vice and greater benefit to the ■ i blic. it:.,?. The . '.11 The metermen who wi 1 ta’ie thi coi rs,? are expected to regster a, lie 1 bitty Hal'. State College, on Mon da J;:y 7th. Tin first ses ' ' e rt 7:30 oV’oek Monday i_!»j_ -j. _jjBggi evening and will be followed by a smoker. According t© Professor Vau ghan the schedu'e of lectures has been so arranged as to take advan tage of every hour of the day and e.ening. It has been decided t0 issue certi orates of proficiency in gas meter handjing. And to determine the qua'i fications of those taking the cour3t, questions, will be distributed which 0 ust be answered and returned to the eol ege to determine whether or 'not the student is entitled to a coj lcge certificate. It is estimated that the expenses of the course will be not more thrl 520.00 for each student. MEN ALLEGED TO H WE 1 BEEN DRUNK WHEN HORSE WAS KILLED SUNDAi NIGHT The brutal ki ling of a saJ'Aj hor.e laie Sunday night on the Sp.-.iy-Dra :'.t road when three drunken men in a car ran into the horse biaakng both front egs. The rder j.epetd wth slight injuries. The horse was the property of John Westley Haiz'ip, student at a military sc tool. The j voting man was returning to Spray tin ut ten o’clock Sunday night near .Mrs Cox place, when the car stru !, 'he horse. Chief Vernon is determined to find 1 • parties and see that they are . tably punishtd. He is asking peo • to be on the lookout for a ear •••at might show signs of blood stains a the horse was b'eedng badly. “1 Never Give My Children Calomel** — « J I I used to feel it necessary to give the children calomel or castor oH* add one mother to W. L. Hand “but it was such a distressing procedure da* often I lost the courage to give the ttose. “And the children vouldjjust fight «e»tn.* it “1 bless the day that I teamed of your Liv-o-lax. 1 same work in bilious conditions as calo mel and castor oil, and the children love to take it.” Liv-o-lax, a vegetable liquid prepa ration, may be had at any drug store and may be relied upon for adults as well as children in cases of indigestion, bilious ness, constipation and similar disorderr One of the Things Mr. Royster Discovered About the Feeding of Crops Cured Fertilizer Has Increased Farmers* Earnings Haven’t you heard about the more thorough and scientific feeding for plants—hastening maturity and helping to grow crops that bring higher prices? Everywhere you find farmers talking about the remarkable results through the use of Royster’s Cured Fertilizer. | Why Cured Fertiliser Grows Better Crops Mr. Royster discovered that by aging or curing fertilizer for four to six months he could increase its value as a plant-food. He found that this curing brought about a certain chemical action which prepared the fertilizer for the use of crops and made food elements available at the very time they are needed. Why Mr. Royster can Cure his Fertilizer Naturally it requires vast quantities of material in order to < anticipate a season’s supply, half a year before it is needed, i (This half year representing the aging period). ! t also requires V Strong financial resources, Thus; — only a company like % Hoyster's can offer this-improved type of fertiliser. Look for the Name on the Bag. Don’t guess about fertilizer. Look for the name “Royster’s’* t..id knou) that your crops will be well fed—for the sake of greater earning*. . • - ' ■ v" . > ' !: “/ have used cither guano, but Royster's is the best for me." *7 have used no other brand of fertilizer for three years." Royster's Fertilisers distribute better and retain their fertilising power longer." ***— ■ used your ferti liser for the past two years and hate had the best traps I've had far many a year." **»— ■ ■ / shall sontinue <0 use Royster’s as long as l farm.” **-better results than I have ever gotten before from use of ferti liser.” li.. i-w SUMS yP K&Al* ISSUES Mr. McAdoosummed up the real .issues cf the 1924 .-Ampaifen, as fol ows: “To repai the obnoxious features of special privilege, corruption and graft, and to prosecute - al' persons, whether civilians or official.;, gui'ty or conspiracy to defraud or cheat the government “To remove the influence of in visib'e government fro a th treas ury and the federal reseve system. ‘■To aid' the farmers by establish ber tariff bil', which taxes com mon people for the benefit of spe cial interests and to substi ute f tariff bill which wil help reduce the cost of living and do justice to all interests. ‘‘To repeal the abnoxious features of Each-Cummins rai’road act and to set up in its stead a measure for railroad reforme which will elimi nate wate, reduce transportation costs, cut freight rate^ and insur * he operation of the Jjrailrodas for the benefit of the country. “To ad the farmers by establish ing lower freight rates and by de veloping foreign ma-ketg which car absorb the surplus agricultural crop'1. io ena tne era oi isolation and begin the era of co-operation in fore ign affairs, to promote peace and further reduce tKe burden of both land and sea armaments t0 the low est point compatible with national safety. “To protect the natural resources the nation, particularly water power, wVh must be developed In the interest of th pop'e and not ex ploited for private advantage. “To practice genuine economy m ’ish eauality of rights, civil, econom ic and social, for women. “To prattle genuine economy in jvei nm’ni aid progressively reduc taxes to the h.West basis consistent • ith efficient government and justice t0 deserving employes in the pub i? sei-vice. ^ “To vigorously enforce all 'aws. To •ay that they cannot be enforced is not only to confess governmental impotence but failure of democra tic institutions.” Of German inventon is a projector that is claimed to show objects wi.h 'depth or perspective without the us? of a screen. GOOD MOVIES? YES, AT THE “Y” STONEVILLE . TRANSFER SCHEDULE 6:30 A. M., meeting train for Roanoke. Va., 7:22. , 7:46'A. M., meeting train for Winston-Salem. 9:68. 12:20 P. (M., meeting train for Roanoke, Va. ® 3:00 P. M., meeting train for Winston-Salem, N. C. 6:00 P. M„ meeting train for Roanoke, V. 7:00 P. M., meeting train for Winston-Salem, N. C. This transfer will stop for pas sengers at any timer at the following places: Jopes Motor Co., Spny i Motor Co. iiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiniiiiiA Blue Triangle Tea Room ELKS BUILDING Floyd Street Entrance DANVILLE, VA. Open to ltfen and Women Blue Plate Special 76o Blue Plate Luncheon ,60c Business Girl’s Luncheon 35c A la Carte Service lillllilMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili ilHMIlimHIHIItilllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI'' PLUMBING, HOT WAT and STEAM FITTING 28 YEARS’ EXPERIEN4 Beat Work and Lowe«t Pri All Work and Material GUARANTEED THROUGH SLIPPING CAB TO CINCINNATI, OHIO i£Mf Norfolk 4 Western i Leave Stoneville.1:16 P. 11. Leave Rideway ..1:35P.M. Leave Martinsville .......1:64P.M. Leave Koehler ..,2:04P.M. i Arrive at Cincinnati. .**. .7:20 A. M. No change of trains between the above points and Cincinnati and Chi cago, 111. 1 Pullman reservations and all in formation cheerfully furnished upon application to our agents or write , C. B. PERKINS Traveling Passenger Agent, 14 West 3rd St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Read Your County's Daily Paper First, SUBSCRIBE TO THE GAZETTE wvwwvvvwvwvwvvwvwvw MOOSE LODGE NO. 864 meets- Friday Night, Junior Building. J. E. McAllister, Leaksville, Secretary DUES NOW PAYABLE am/vwwvwmwvvvvum iimiVMiil SEE A. L. MANLEY FOR Sign Painting Phone 3277 'Ht.iiiiiiutMiHiiitiimiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiii WWLWrt/WWWi^VVWW Dr. H. F. Fiichett f hiroor actor OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12. 2 to 5 MON. WED. and FBI. *N 1CHTS 6:30 to 8:30 SMITH BULIDING On the Boulevard V/.WA'AWANVWHWUVMA BUICK COACH LINE KEIDSVILLE. LEAKSVILLE. SPRAY TRANSFER Leaving Leaksville-Spray A. M. for Rcidsville. 7:80 Leaving Leaksville-Spiay for Reidsville ...10:80 Leaving Leaksville-Spray for Reidsville.12:00 M. Meeting Train No. 46. Leaving Leaksville-Spray P. M. for Reidsville .. 8:80 Leaving Leaksvilte-Spray for Reidsville. 6:00 Meeting Train No. 86. Leaving Reidsville A. M. for Leaksville-Spray ........ 8:40 After arrival Train No. 186. Leaving Reidsville 'P. M. for Leaksville-Spray . 1:66 Leaving. Reidsville for Leaksville-Spray ..7:00 These ears make connections with Greensboro ears each trip. It takes thirty minutes to make the trip. WE STOP AT ALL HOTELS NWWF Courteous Drivers la Spray , Reidsville Phone 807 - Phone 870-W or L. H. HUNDLEY Turner Motor LYNN NORMAN Co., No. 844 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jerry M- Banghn, de ceased Jate of Rockingham County, ’ North Carolina this ia to notify all persons having claims against die es tate'of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at L^akaville, N. C., on or before the let day of Jane, 1926 or this notice win be pleaded :'n bar of thoir recovery: A11,persons in debted to said estate will please make

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