vats wtcnr daily oaotti LEaMYHX* M. c. Successors to Tha LsaksviU* GuttU Established to 1800. TBB GAZETTE PMIKTING CO. Incorpoikted, Publisher* jlUBDOCH B. MUEBAY, EDITOR MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Entered as Second Chun Mall Matter to Poatoffte*. Leaksyilie, N. C. PBICEr-BailP «»<«-**» Uddgn to the brnah nbmit IB ^lea fro- Cheraw, 8. C. The jny^v* for the IplUng, «mm« Inf be W confeertib. •* ~b Aftar the major hod iota* ■d Me ntHMpdWl into Us ear •ad offered to five then a lift up the road, they compelled him to stop, at the point of • pistol,' forced him to yet out of the car, shot him to death and carried hia body Into the brush at the roadside. Stripping the body of valuables, they returned to th« car and drove it to Asheville, thence towards Can ton, where King lives, according to the confession. After an unsuccess ful attempt to cross Crabtree moun tain, near Canton, they returned to the Thickety section and ditched the car unintentionally. Then, unable to extricate it, they hid Me Leary’a be longings, stripped off the license tags from the car, and fled, King going to his home near Canton. This confession was obtained only after King had been once arrested and questioned, and then released. He was again taken into custody and a search was made of his house. At this time a shirt was found resemb lirg those found in the belongings of Major McLeary, and checking up showed that the maker’s label and laundry marks coincided. Confronted with this evidence, King broke down and said, ‘‘Well, men, I’ll tell the truth. That’s his shirt. We did it.” The confession was made in the presence of four men—Charles H. Powers of the department of justice; chief ham County. Book No. 219, Page 434, for the purpose of securing certain bonds therein mentioned, and the provisions and stipulations of the ' said Deed of Trust not havng been complied with, and being requested to do so, I wi'l on Tuesday the 29th j day of July, 1924, *t 2:00 o’clock P. M., in front of theBoulevard Bank & Trust Co.opany, on the .Boulevard, Ltaksville, N. C., o^eT for sale at pub'ic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land in Leaksville Township, Rock ingham County, North Carolina, and described as follows; Beginning at a stake on the South side of Ewe.l Street., said stake be i ing South 76 deg. 30’ East 76 feet from the South corner of the inter section of Lloyd Street by Ewell Street; thence running South 13 deg. 30’ West 160 feet to a stake; thence running South 76 deg. 30’ East 150 feet to a stake; thence running North 13 deg. 30’ East 160 feet to a stake >n the South edge of West Ewell street; thence running wth the South Edge of West Ewell Street North 76 deg. 30’ West 160 feet to the beginning. Same being Lots Nos. 11 and 13 in Section No. 3 on PRIMITIVE HEIGHTS survey and map made by W. B. Trogdon, Greensboro, N. C., for Spray Water Power and Land Company in the year 1917, same to be placed on record in the Register of Deeds’ Office at Wentworth, Rock ingham County, North Caro'na and to which map reference is hereby matte. This the 27th day of June, 1924. P. T. HAIZLlP 3-10-17.24 Trustee. uuuiMJUVAWAWAWWMrVAt Seashore Excursion Norfolk. Va. ami Virginia Bead), Va. --VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Saturday, July 19, 1924 Norfolk. $5.00 Round Trip; Virginia Beach, $5.50 Schedule —Round Trip Fares— Norfolk Va. Beach $5.00 $6.60 Special Train Leave: Winston-Salem .V • 8:00 a.m. Greensboro .9:10 *•m Brown Summit . 9:28 a.m. lUldivUl* .9:60 a. m. Bufla .10:02 a.m. Pelham ..... 10:19 *.m. Danville, Va.10:46 a.m. ^Norfolk ..-6:80 p. m., July 19th, 1924 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 &00 6.00 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 TRAIN WRX STOP AT LAWRENCEVUJLE 20 MINUTES FOR LUNCH __ Pay Light Trip with Pullman Cere and High Clast Day Coaches. Tickets good for two dayaond two nights in Norfolk ” Tickets will be aotd for Special Train only going trip July 19th, to return on all regular trains up to and including train No. 8 leaving Norfolk 6:10 p. m.t July 21st. Grand opportunity tospend the week end at Ocean JView, Virginia Beach, Cape Henry, Willoughby Beach, etc. Fine Surf Bathing, Boat Excursions early For further information call on ticket agent* 0r address: C. A. Paaoplin, T. A. R. H. Graham, D. P. A. Reidsville, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. HOW PRINTERS INK WELDED MARKETS OF THE UNITED STATES E. T. Meredith Lays Value Of Advertising Before World Ad Clubs ■ • (By Associated Press) London, July 17.—An address by E. T. Meredith, of Des Moines, Iowa, on “How Advertising: has Welded the United States Market," was this af-1 ■ernoon read before the convention of ihe Associated Advertising Clubs ol the World, now in session in London. Mr. Meredith, in the beginning, re viewed the barriers that exist in America to uniform buying1 cus'onm throughout the 48 states. He re ferred to the geographical barriers fodfid in mountainchains; the different climatic conditions in winter, for in stance, between Florida on the south and the Canadian border on the north; ihegreat distances north, east, south and west; the distribution of popula tion, 82,000,000 people on farms, 15,000,000 in cities and 29,000,000 in towns, and the question of sectional, industrial and agricultural production. “Nevertheless,” Mr. Meredith de clared. “the use of locally manufac tured prodocts made from locally pro duced raw materials is nation-vride, end th:s has been accomplished by ad vertising. Nationally-known and na tionally-used products have been ad vertised throughout the nation, and the heads of these concerns will tell you that universal sales would not have been possible without tills publicity.” io explain what national advertis fng meant in dollars and cents the speaker related the sums of money spent yearly by well-known firms deal ing in automobiles, foodstuffs, cloth ing, etcetera. In conslusion he said: “I hope I have made clear to y°u that in the first place nearly all of the natural conditions in the United States work against national distribution of products and that tbe line of least re sistance, the easy way out as it were, would have developed in the United States not a single buying unit as wt find it today. We would have had a number of local or sectional com munities to a large extent sufficient unto themselves each going its own way with its own customs, living con ditions, and the use of commodities nectssary for its well-being. But far seeing men saw what might have been considered as definite trade barriers only a3 trade problems to be solved in some way. To solve the problem, they, with almost no exception, turned to national advertising to establish na tional consumption of their product in a vast country. The. wise and in telligent use <>f advertising in alt its forms has succeeded in its purpose of welding the United States market.” SEARCH FOR BABY’S BODY CONTINUED WHILE BODY OF MOTHER LAID TO~REST' Richmond, July 17.—W‘hile the funeral services were being held for Mrs. John Christian, who was found drowned in the Old Canal here Tues day, authorities continued search of waterway for the body oi her eight months old infant who she took with her when she left home Monday. The canal has been drained and officers centered their search on many holts on the bottom in which they said the baby’s body could be con cealed. RAISE TARIFF ON ARTICLES CLASSED AS ' L UXURIES Tokio, July 17.—Both hous s Of the iMperial Diet have passed » govern ment bill raising the tariff on about 250 articles, classed as luxuries, to an ad valorem duty of 100 per cent. P1GCLY WIGGLY INJUNCTION IS MODIFIED BY COURT Columbus, Ohio, July 17 —The United States Circuit Court of Ap peals modified the injunction against Clarence Saunders, founded of the Piggly Wiggly chain stores corpora tion, and held Saunders may make use 0w any improvements of patents or systems not included in the organiza tion of the corporation. No Car Like It! 42 horsepower t SO miles and more an hour—hour alter hour —without over-heating—with out loss of power—without carbon cleaning! And at the end of a long sustained high speed, your motor will be cooler, will need less water than any similar sized poppet-valve engine. This engine's power curve keeps climbing up while the power of a poppet-valve car is drop ping off. Furthermore, the Willys- Knight is entirely free from those engine repairs which make up 50% of the upkeep cost of practic ally all poppet-valve cars. It has no cams—no springs—to get out of order. A car you can keep season alter season. Take a ride today. WILLYS UNION MOTOR COMPANY Leaksville, N. C. i Gazette Circulation Is Home Read It’s a recognized fact that newspaper circulation, to bring results for the ADVERTISER, must be HOME DELIVERED and HOME READ. Street Sales cannot be regarded as much of an aid to the woman who is advertising for a new cook or the man who wishes to sell real property. It’s the paper that goes into the home AND STAYS THERE THAT COUNTS. Gazette Ads. Brings Results