| LOCALS C. C. Rowe was in Raleigh yeste day on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Flanagan moto ed to Martinsville, Va., yesterday. Miss Laura Scott has returned fro a ten days visit at Wrightsvil Beach. Mrs. C. C. Moore and children a; spendng several days wth Mrs. Moor mother at Wialnut Cove. Mrs. E. D. Pitcher entertained t) Border Book club this afternoon ( her home on Boone Road. •••***«e Mrs. W. T. Psyne and daughte Nancy, are spending-two weeks wi friends at Danville, Va. Mrs. Thornton of Charlotteville, V; is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Al!< Cox, who is sick. ******** Mrs. C. P. Wilson of Roanoke, Vi is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Na ne Quid. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Wilso, daughte Adelne and Carolne, and Mrs. B. K Dyer motored to Danville, Va., today ******** Mrs. E. D. Pitcher and Mrs. Re. bin Reid motored to Winston-Sale.i Monday. Mrs. Stockton of the Colonnatl Hotel has returned after a visit wi'. her parents, at Pleasant Garden. Mrs. Charles Taylor and daughte Elizabeth Ann, are visiting Mrs. Tay lor’* mother, Mrs. Yarborough, at Lexington. ******** Mrs. L. A. Martin and daughter have returned to their home in Lex ington, after spending several day with her mother, Mrs. D. F. King. ******** Mesdames R. P. Ray, Nannie Oul 1 Reubin Reid, E. E. Richardson, Mi' Henriete Reid and William Ray las night attended the district meeting o' the Woman’s Missionary Conference, which is being held in Reidsvillc. ******** Mrs. C. J. Darlington and daughte1? Misses Evelyn and Laura, and Lillie Eanes, C. C. Rowe and daughter, Carline were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Darlington’s grand mother, Mrs. George W. Gravely, an t also her uncle, W. B. Eanes, near Axton, Va. TENNESSEE WILL ELECT NEW GOVERNOR IN AUGUS1 (By A*so?ir.:cd TVe-s) Nashville, Tenn., July 20.—Qnal fieii voters of Tennessee will on August 7 cast their ballots for the can didates of their choice in two state primaries, a judicial election and local primaries in the various counties. DICKENS BRINGS GOOD PRICK London, July 29.—The record price of $7,000 was paid at an auction recently for the first issue of the first edition of “Pickwick,” in the original numbers and wrappers, brought out in 1836-7. There was keen compe tition from American collectors, but the copy was secured by a Londoner. In spite of the eloquent claims < f militarists, people Beem to feel that the gose-step is a quack cure for wa u—LtJi.-ii-Muuu'u— -jjiunmmmmmm 1RECTIN FARTHEST WIRELESS STATION (By Associated Press) Ottawa, July 29.—Erection of the arthest north wireless station in the vorld, to be on Herschel Island, has >een got under way this summer by the Canadian Government. Dublin, July 24.—A Berlin firm ha ubniited to ttie Free State govern - rent detailed plans for-.thc develop ment of electrical power from the ?.iver Shannon. The plans provide or the annual production of four imes as much electricity as the Free Hate now uses for all purposes. SUMMER HINTS ^ FOR YOUNG MOTHRS THE MODERN PRACTICE IN "SUMMER COMPLAINT" “Looseness” is frequent in sum ner because children will eat unripe r overripe fruit, raw vegethble anc ther indigestible food. Fermentation follows quickly. Some 'mes, there is fever, pain or vomit tig, ^and nearly always a diarrhoea vhich simply means tha nature it rying to clear out the poison and The old idea—a serious mistake was to check it with blackberry o some other astringent. What is need d is a cathartic. Hurry up with the ieaning-out process. Then give a :jrhter diet for a while. Castor oil is good, but better still s Li^-o-lax which does the wort horoughly, and the chldren like tt ake it. Yotr can get a good-sized bottle at the drug store for 30c. CRIMINAL COURT CALENDAR FOR THE AUGUST TERM The following Calendar of Criminal "ourt for August Term, 1924, be ginning August 4th, is arranged in ac cordance with the provisions of Chap er 60, Public-Local Laws, 1916. Defendants and witnesses are re uired to attend at 9 o’clock a. m., in he day the cases from thetown from which their case is sent will be called mless otherwise notified by the Sheriff. | Cases will be called under date of ownship from which the case was tried or sent tip, and are not governed hy the township where the offense oc curred. Cases originaating before the Grand Jury be called on day set for Wentworth Township. MONDAY, AUGUST 4 Cases will be called from Williamsburg Township. Mayo Township. Price Township. Ruffin Township. '•'’’FFDAY. AUGUST 5 Cases will be called from Reidsville Township. WFQNYHDAY AUGUST 6 Cases .vill be called from Simp . nviile Township New Beth -1 Town hip. Wentworth Township. Huntsville Township. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 Cases will be called from Leaksville Township. Madison Township. Capital felonies are not controlled by this Calendar. A Sci Fa : to be called >n Wednes day, August 6ih. This 11th day of July. If HUNTER K. PL Clerk Superior Court. 7-23,30. i vvwwwwwwwvwwvraftraTJWWWVWWWVWtfWWWWWV I FINE. PLANTS For Late Planting Are Now Ready At Cut Price# : SHIPPED ANYWHERE BY EXPRESS COLLECT OR ADD IOC ON THE DOLLAR FOR PREPAID PARCEL POST 1. SPLENDID L. I. VEGETABLE PLANTS—Celery, White Plutte, Golden Self Blenching, Giant Pascal and Celeriac, SI per 100, SO per 1,000. Late Cabbage, Flat Dntch, Sue ceeaion, Early Snowball Cauliflower, "Late Stone Tomato, Egg-Plant. Large Sweet Pepper Plants, fl per 100 SO per & RED GERANIUMS AND LARGE CANNA PLANTS— Including King Humbert, ivlrae. Crozy and yellow Austria, S1.1S per dozen, regularly 02.00 per dozen, $0 per 100. S STRONG 3 YEAR OLD ROSE BUSHES—Regularly $6 per dozen, special $5 per dozer.; including Columbia, Radiaqcs Ophelia Butterfly, Ward, Russell, etc. . ♦. BEDDING AND VERANDA BOX PLANTS—Regularly, any 12 for $1.00. SPECIAL NOW, ANY 18 for $1. Petunias Verbenas, I-obelias, Ageratum, Asters, Double Stocks, Zin nias, Calendulas, Marigold i Salvia, Aiyssum, Kenilworth Ivy, Giant Chrysanthemums, Begonias, Coleus, Gorman Ivy, Dusty Millers, Early Cc'mos, double white Feverfew, Novelty Snapdragons, Phlox, Larkspurs, Pansies, Caotbr Plants, double Blue Cornflowers, Sweet Sultans, Coreopsis, ,.fe Sweet Williams, Giant Hardy Scobiosas, Mignonette, Achilleas, Rudbeckias, Delphiniums and all Bedding and Hardy Perennial Plants. ' ■ ' i. . i.: ORDER TODAY AND GET THB-HTRST SELECTIONS Greenport, N. Y. Extra 10 per cent discount 0n all orders totalling $20 from Hal wax—July xat, Leatmriij road near brick yard, tortoise die] I spectacle* hi soft black leather caw. Finder please return receive r H. A. BOYD MAN TAKB ROAD SEbifintn Wilmington, July 28.—After ap pealing from • sentence of from two to four years for manslaughter, H. A. Boyd, white, convicted in superior court here of killing Adrian Matthews, white, by running over Matthews with an automobile, decided to serve hie sentence; and voluntarily withdrew his appeal yesterday. .Boyd will be carried to Raleigh to commence serving his sentence as soon as commitment papers [_ oared. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator >f the estate of Elisabeth Joyce, de ceased late of Rockiugham county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es _ate 0f said deceased to exhibit them o the undersigned at Leaksville,.. N. C., on or before the 24th day of July, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al! persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Tis 24th day of July, 1924. Harvey Joyce, admit istra^or f'>t the estate of Elizabeth Joyce, de ceased. (6w) Mutt and Jeff visit the-Tri Cities on this Friday night. The show will be under a big tent on the Boulevard. Prices: Children, 25c; Adult, 50c.— Adv. NOTICE Merchants and others are forbdde* to charge merchandise or anything ■lse to my account without my per sonal order for I shall not pay for the same. W. A. TURNER July 14th, 1924. - THROUGH SLEEPING CAR TO CINCINNATI. OHIO NftW RtufoM Western Leave Stoneville.1:16 P. 1L Leave Rideway .1:35 P.M. Leave Martinsville .154 P.M. Leave Koehler .2:04 P. M. Arrive at Cincinnati.7:20 A.M. No change of trains between the above points and Cincinnati and Chi cago, 111. Pullman reservations and all in formation cheerfully furnished upon application to our agents or write | C. B. PERKINS Traveling Passenger Agent, i 14 West 3rd St., Winston-SaIctn, N. C. j vwwwwwwwvwwuvwvv Dr. H. F. Fitchett Chiropractor OFFICE HOURS 9 u W, 2 to ft MON. WED. and FRI. NIGHTS 6:30 to 8:36 SMITH BULIDENG On the Boulevard Mutt and Jeff, under a big tent, on the Boulevard, Friday night, August 1st.—-Adv. BUCK COACH LINE REIOSV1LLB, LKAK8VILLB, SPRAT TRANSFER Leaving Leaksville-Bprajr AM for ReUUvUlo.7:8* Loaving Leakaville-Spiay for Reidsville ...10 :M Loaving Leaksville-Spray for RcidaviUa........11:00 M Meeting Train No. 48. Leaving Lea kaville-S pray P. M. for Reidavilla.. 8:80 Leaving Leakaville-Spray for Reidsville. 8:00 Moating Train No. K. Leaving RaMrvUle AM. for Leaks ville-8pray . 8:40 After arrival Train No. ’M. Leaving RakisviUe P.M. for LeaksviHe-Spray . 1:88 Leaving Reidsville for Leaksville-Spray ..7:00 These ears »,>lt* eonaectioaa with Greensboro ears each trip. It takas One of the Things Mr. Royster Discovered About the Feeding of Crops Cured Fertilizer Hoe Increased Farmers* Earning* Haven't you heard about the feeding for plant*—hastening maturity and helping to crop* that bring higher prices? Everywhere you find fanners ♦■Tiring about the rein* rka bio results through the use of Royster's Cured Fertiliser. 1 Why Cured Fertilizer Grows Better Crops Mr. Royster discovered that by aging or curing fertiliser for four to six months he could increase its value as a plant-food. He found that this curing brought about a certain chemical action which prepared the fertiliser for the use of crops and made food elements available at the very time they an needed. Why Mr. Royster can Cure his Fertilizer Naturally it requires vast quantities of material in order to anticipate a season’s supply, half a year 'before it is needed. (Due half year representing the aging period). It also requires strong financial resources. Thus;—only a company like Royster's can offer this improved type of fertilizer. Look for the Name on the Bag. Don’t guess about fertilizer. Look for the name "Royster's" and know that your crops will be well fed—for the sake of greater earnings. ROYSTER TkU lasted TZrtifaers i F. S. Royster Guano Company Norfolk. Columbia; Atlanta. Montgomery IT IS YOUR DUTY

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