TWO TIIE KINSTON FREE PRESS SATURDAY. JANUARY U, lsi j ' AS NOT AS ILL SAYS Officially Staled In Berlin That He Is Conferring Vith Staff AID FOR MONTENEGRINS Italian Expedition to Rein force Them Quarter Million Troops of Allies In Greece Athens Ex pects Teuton Invasion VIRGINIANS III EJECT APPOINTM'NT KELLY TO SUPREME COURT UeHin, Jan. 13. The United Prei has been officially authorized to de ny rumors that the Kaicr is aerious ly ill. His condition Improved to such extent that he ia holding eon ercncea with members of the gen eral staff. Italy May Aid Montenegro. Rnme, Jan. 13. Italian troops may U? ordered to proceed to the relief of thr hard -pressed Montenegrins with in 48 hours. King Victor Emanuel huH summoned a conference of mili tary chief over the Montenegrin sit uation. Clash In Greece Soon. London, Jan. 13. Anglo-French troops from GallLpoli have landed at Ealonikl. Th Bulgarians report 250,000 allied troops now In Greece. Athens reports that attacks on Sal onika are about to begin. President Approves Sen ator Tillman's Armor Plant Bill Harrison De fends Right of Nation to Sell War Munitions (By the United Press) Washington, Jan. 13. Headed by Senator Martin and Repreentatives Flood, Suunder and Watsr.n, 60 Vir ginians today asked the oppolnt ment of Joseph L. Kelly to the Su preme Court in Lomars place. Wilson Approved Tillman's Bill. The President today approved Sen ator Tillman's bill for government armor plant ownership. Harrison Condemns Inflammatory Speeches. Defending the country's right to sell munitions to belligerents, Repre sentative Harrison of Mississippi to day criticized- congressmen who by inflammatory speeches embarrass the government's diplomatic negotiations. WATCHFUL WAITING MAY GIVE PLACE TO Resolution In Senate Call ing for Invasion Mexico By United States QUESTION TO PRESIDENT Dyer Asks If the Adminis tration Policy Should Not Be Ended State De partment Declares Amer icans Were Warned POTASH SITUATION INVESTIGATION ASKED "WifiRS OF SIN nFATH" ON DEAD GIRL'S DRESS Joilct. I1U Jan. 10, Mrs tHMan IfcifTer, a waitress who said her lather is William OgJen, of Rich mond, Va., today shot Robert Rob ert, head of the Robert Welding Works, while he wss in his office here, and then shot herself through the head, dying soon afterward. .Pinned to - the- young woman's clothing was a note with the quota tion, The wages of sin Is death." Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S -5 A T O ? 1 A Washington, Jan. 11, Scarcity of potash for fertilizer now seriously threatens the cotton crop, Senator Smith of South Carolina, told the Senate today in submitting a resol ution calling upon the Secretary of Agriculture for a report on the amount of potash available In this country. Senator Smith said that unless some action was taken to replenish the potash supply the production of cotton may be reduced 60 per cent The resolution, which was adopted, also calls for a report on the price of potash now a compared with 1913. HUERTA CANNOT UYE MANY DAYS LONGER (By tha United Press) f El Paso, Jan. 13. General Huer ta, grimly fighting death, rallied a little today, physicians . say. His death is a matter of a few days. (By the United Press) Washington, Jan. 12. Representa tive Dyer of Missouri today intro duced a resolution asking the Presi dent to advise Congress if the policy of watchful waiting should not lie ended. The State Department is sued a statement declaring that the strongest instructions were issued in October calling upon the consul in Chihuahua and Sonora to use every means to persuade Americans to leave the unsettled territory. Every step will be taken to see that the perpetrators are apprehended and punished. Senator Sherman introduced a res olution demanding armed interven tion and the establishment of repre sentative government with jmmedi ate evacuation after this has been accomplished. HALTER ACCUSED BV BUTLER VIOLATING FED. ELECTION LAWS Former Fusion Senator Called at White House Today With Charges ARMED WITH AFFIDAVITS Tells President's Secretary District Attorney Remov ed Ballot Boxes in Ran dolph County In the Last Congressional Election hopes to Have 'big fort erected for protection of bay Garrison to Ask for Mon ster Fortification at Cape Henry 'ENORMOUSLY POWERFUL' (By the United Press) Washington, Jan. 12. Chargjs of iolatinn of th(! Federal election laws iy District Attorney Hammer of North Carolina were laid before Sec retary Tumulty today by former Sen istcr Marion Butler. Butler said he had affidavits of prominent Democrats and Republi cans of Randolph county to the effect that Hammer ordered the removal of ballot boxes in the last congression nl election. Would Have $20,000,000 Expended Each Year for Four Years to Strength en Entire System Coast Defenses, Tells Senators FOR CHILDREN'S COUGH You cannot use anything better for your child's cough and cold than Dr. King's New Discovery. It is prepar ed from Pine Tar mixed with heuling and soothing balsams. It does not eontain anything harmful and is slightly la)Cobive, just enough to ex pel the poisons from the system. Dr. King's New Discovery is antiseptic kills the' cold germs raises tho phlegm looeens the cough and soothes the irritation. Don't put off treatment. Cooghs and Colds often lead to serious lung troubles. It is also good for adults and the aged. Get a bottle today. All druggists. adv SHIP KSCAPKI) FROM SCBMAKINK. Barcelona, Jan. 12. The Brit ish steamer Tafna eluded a tier man submarine which pursued her for several miles in the Med iterranean, and arrived here today. (By the United Press) Washington, Jan. 12. -Secretary f f War (lan is.iii today presented Con gress with the Administration Plan for strengthening t)i I'liiu-d Suites Coast defenses. lie proposes to spend twenty mil lion dollars annually for four ysars. be told the Senate Military Affairs Committee, and also proposes the hililding of a new "enormously pow erful" fort at Cape Henry, to guard the entrance to Chesapeake Bay, Strengthening of the defenses of San Francisco, Los Angeles and other harbors to be asked for r?im! life HII AVdPf allft IWrr-rff An tm I c similaiirrteRjoiantlRetfuia I ing Hie SiQjnacIis andBowb I jaSiuBII Promotes DiesltnnfWrfU ness and KesLContalns nrJiter Ophim.Marphiue norNacraL Not arc otic jUxSeooa ftptnmnt- , (Mr SOpr fkmr. Wprrasfoiwulsionsacrcra lacS'imfe Signature of TiIe Centaur Compah; -m-nrr For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of M It J IF Use For Over Thirty Years ITALIA KINO BACK IN ROME. Rome, Jan 12. After eight months at the front. King Victor Emanuel returned to Rome today unexpectedly. HPnW'PA'CtnPlil i-Tr1 i9 u uy) 1 ; U It lira Exiu-i Copy of Wrapper. ymi enwn omt, ntw o en-. PIMM nm ) I u fiJUl FIGHT AGAINST , SAYS Washington, Jan. 13. Represen ative Claude Kitchin, Majority Lead er of the House believes the fight against the Administration Prepared ness program has won, he today de clared. Mr. Kitchin said sentiment has greatly changed and that normal de velopment is now wanted. He is for PREPAREDNESS ALREADY SENTIMENT IS FOR DECLARES TAR-HEEL government manufacture of munitions. REPORTED CROWN PRINCE MAY ACT FOR KAISER. Rome, Jan. 12. Unconfirmed Swiss reports say the German Crown Prince has been recalled to assume the regency during the Kaiser's illness. FIRS I NATIONAL OF SON Capital and Surplus 160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Patronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROl'SE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Prest 1). F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Cashier ' T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. II. Canady J. F. Taylor II. II. McCoy DIRECTORS S. II. Isler N. J. Rouse C. Felix Harvey David Oettinger II. E. Moseley $8.00 SET OF GRANITE AND COPPER WARE FREE With Every Majestic Range Sold Special Demonstration and $8.00 SET OF GRANITE AND COPPER WARE FREE With Every Majestic Range Sold in EAT fiVSAJE One Week Only AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT during our demonstration week only, with every MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same) we will give free, one handsome set of ware as illustrated here. Each piece of this ware is the best of its kind. Not a piece that is not needed in every kitchen. It cannot possibly be bought for less than $8.00. This ware is on exhibition at our store. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. SPECIAL All during this week a special demonstrator direct from the Majestic factory will be glad to show you "All About Ranges'show you why the Majestic is the best range on earth at any price. COME, IF YOU INTEND to BUY or NOT EDUCATION consists in KNOWING THINGS know why the oven of a range is heated; know how the water is heated how the top is heated; why the Majestic uses so little fuel; know how a ranee made inside and outside. This education may serve you in the future. DON'T over- i look a chance to KNOW things shown by one who knows. COME. Monday, January 17 to Monday, January 22 One Week Only MAJESTIC-RAMGESvV ...,wviN-ALLO. ArovT Ml. sflisliji JRJ8SS3&1 Hp! v.. i i ON LEGS IF DESIRED i-i- r.n-' ii t. Cy v ;, ' " umw EnmetiA.LCNDEn-ffN:s-Dsr ' I-v i :..-.:xc-nevi:-:-,:w;n-tt;iBfa-hcnvY-yrnroPca-Krori-m.i33LCCf.Cf itKi'svl pl'l.l'i '-, " r. : i.tvi-fiir!; ?-ra?u.i-MEvt- ktTTLC : oz-nLL-c.3P?u-TCfl-K..nic- sMu, ijiSzl i.Ml .. zi vj.:vzibv M?m-pm9- MOz-nu-ccrptR- ,: ' vK i-' l wm ctftp-iwj- cofFEt-PVT- r.Ss Y 1 II X i) rto-ac- WHICH SHALL IT BE? DO YOU INTEND to continue laboring, 1 burning valuable fuel and destroying high priced food with that old worn-out cook stove ? You know that old stove eats up a lot of fuel each year. You know you have trouble in getting it to bake just right; in fact, spoil a batch of bread every once in a while you know it costs considerable for yearly repairs. Stop and think -nd figure. Wouldn't it pay you to buy a GOOD RANGE a range with a reputation ; The Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range? You make no mistake in buying the GREAT MAJESTIC it's the range with THE REPUTATION ask your : neigh bors. Then, too, it is made just right and of the right kind of material Malleable and Charcoal Iron, riveted together practi- t- cally air-tight, lined with pure asbestos, parts being malleable can't break, has 2. movable reservoir and an oven that doesn't warp that's why the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel, bakes just right every day 0 the year (browns bread just right all over without turning), heats 15 gallons of water while breakfast is cooking properly han dled, lasts a lifetime, arid costs practically. x nothing for repairs. KINSTON, N. C. U'J' Jl Z3 tZ

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