SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 19l . . . -,' '.'. . . ' iii, n 1111 xkmj lj x . . . . . , u PAGE TWO ENTIf USIASRI AT04E GREAT HEETLVG OF Dr, IJHy Presidinjr. Ad dresses by Prominent Speakers Today IS THE BEST CONVENTION Far More Interest Than at Previous Gathering En rollment Expected to. Go to 2,000-7-Delegates from All Over the State By D. T. EDWARDS, ' Free Press Staff Correspondent. Greensboro, Tcb .10. Dr. D. Clay ' Lilly of Nashville, Tenn, presided at the bit Laymen's meeting in West ' Market Street church today. He made an address in which he showed the trowing impetus the movement has gathered In nil the cities he has visited. . . " ' , . There la much-more interest In thin meeting than In the preceding convention six yesrs ago. : ; " ' .'. Dr. Lilly this morning called for Scrlptnre texts showing biblical foun dation for the movement This was followed by number of prayers. , , Dr, Lilly " referred to prominent laymen of the old testament and de clared that the modern laymen have allowed this prominence to slip away from them, lit said that reforms tlbn Is at hand In : which lays the prominence that Is to be restored through the enlarged service of lay men. . .. '-;i;'''-f' M;:-?'" Dr. Lilly Introduced Rev. George Green,' At. !., medical missionary of the Southern Baptist Convention, lo cated In West Africa. Dr. Green gave an Interesting account of hi work In equatorial Africa, telling of : the wonderful effectiveness of physi cians in preparing the way for the . nHAgKliiir t ClnA'm wflnl with run. vincing power. .'His experiences brought sadness In that he found dif ficulty In convincing those people of his limitations. The work is calling .for co-operation between Christian men, he said. - f , - ' The great audience sang "Rescue the Perishing," and Dr. Sylvester Newlln. pastor of the Friends church of High Point, spoke on the pastor's missionary opportunity. He was lis tened to with much interest and ap- plause. Dr. Lilly suggested that the pastor, himself the leader, must be kd, Ihe audience, sang,' "I Need Ihre Every Hour." after which was introduced Dr. C J. Thompson of Ra leigh, who In a strong address, spoke of the present world crisis and its meaning to as in America. He de clared some' present day facts In the mitwion world to be a transition w hit h the non-Chriallan world is un- iiergoing nna new aiuiuae lowsra Christianity as a turning away from prejudice to confidence. A great apt ritual awakening Is very marked, he declared, and the present trial is ore evidence. ' He showed wherein the Christian world is weak, and ' closed by showing our nerds to be a f .! '1.1 I ijirittuan-iiKv Tision ana cvmpiMiou foe the lost world and a self-giving. K ...... . :. iH'nominauonai conterences are to be held this afternoon and the regu lar program tonight. The enrollment wilt firlittaMv ak 9'nflA Min i here from all parts of the State. : Scales Presides Over . 4 Opening Session. jiveniiboro. Jreu, lttTweive nun dred delegates were present last " night at the opening session of the convention of the Laymen's Mission ary Mwement In North Carolina in Went Market . Street Methodist church. " It is expected that the num ber will go to 1,500 by tonight. Hon . A. M. Scales, chairman of the exe cutive committee of the convention, ' presided over the first 'session in the absence of Dr. D. Clay Lilly of Ten nriee, who. had not arrived. . Dr, Jutin N. Mill of Washington. K C a nUcd lecturer, addressed the convention Wednesday , night on A . Tour'ut's View of Missions. Rev. 1, a. u. fcaipiey or cam spoke on W'inninjr China for Christ'' Rev, J. F. Love of Richmond, another of speaker, had fur his subject 'Tut Message and Mission of Christ.' AV'ei meetings far women, non-r-yif'vml men and colored people were i I ':( in other place at . the 1 i- ' i i for iilar are Rev. Cm"! mm LAYMEN ' frka; Kev. J. G. I)a!a U O.iL'na; Dr. UUy, !: will NAVY AND MERCHANT MARINE CHIEF NEEDS Nation Needs Them Worse Than Anything. Daniels Telia United 8tata Chamber of Commerce Constructive Program of Admin istration Will Result In Complete Navy shortly Washington, Feb. 10. A merch ant marine and adequate navy are the Nation's chief needs. Secretary Daniels today told the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. The Administration program la a con structive one, he said, ami by 1921 the United State! will have a com plete navy. A. C L CONDUCTORS ARE HOLDING OUT Won't Stand for Auditing of Their Affairs by -Crooks,- Declare Railroads Discharging Men All the Time, Why Shouldn't They Do Something for Their Own Interest, They Ask (Free Press 9th) The Atlantic Coast Lino Railroad need not rest too assured that the conductors on the system will be con tent to stand for tho auditing of their affairs by men-of the White agency, said to be a CJhkairo concern whose service is now had by ihe railroad in other line, according to local rail roaders. The conductors, a hundred strong, contend that the auditors; would be permitted to spy tfpon them and at any little mistake "hold them up and demand to go through their business right, on the spot.'V ' declared by some of the men that the "auditors" are In some cases "crooks" and that being decent men they will not stand for their "meddling." . A vote is being taken, It is under stood. The danger of a strike, it Is known, is not past by any means, : A for the eight-hous "working day which they are said to demand of ficially, the conductors point out that the number of employes of railroads are balng cwatanilyreduoed. ("They are putting on bigger engines all the Urns and getting rid of men. Why shouldn't we do something for our selves " they ask. GERMAN SEAPLANES ATTACK KENT COAST London, Feb. 9. Two women and one child were Injured this after noon when two German sea planes raidnd tho Kentish coast, dropping bombs. Three mksiles fell on the outskirts of Ramsgate and four near a school at Broadstalrs, The mate rial damajre is said by the war office to have been confined to the shatter ing of glass. A number of naval and military aeroplanes and : aoaplanes ascended to attack the Germans, but they im mediately retreated.' LUKEWARMNESS THIS CITY NO RFASON FOR NOT HAYING LEAGUE A Goldaboro report state that the laclt of interest in ba.ebull here is no reason why there may not be an East Carolina ba.Wl league this season. "Ktnston 'is not the only town." It is intimated that others, especially Goldsboro, areimore intor esud than evur in t,he idea of reviv ing the old six-town association. "Junston came noar, with the aid of a nearby sister town, In breaking up the East Carolina League upon one occani.n," it is declared, although no local fan can be discovered who knows anything ithout that A. L, MAY TAKE OVER ROAD, TO SOUTHPORT. SAID Wilmington, Feb. 8, It is report ed hers today that negotiations are in progress for the sale of the Wil mingUnr Brunswick and Southern Railroad from Kavassa to Southport, a distance of about thirty miles, ta the Seaboard Ak Line Railroad, af fording the latter road ,deep" water terminal at Southport, YHIBL4N FOR GOVERNOR INSTEAD OF PRESIDENT Albany, . Feb. Governor Whit man is out for re-election for Gover nor. This drives a spike in his pres idential boom. - preside; Kev. C. J. Thompson of Ra- teiiA: Rev. E C. Prank nfraimi,;. S. C: Dr. W.s W. PJnW nf NT..V- viHe.Te.nn, and Rev. B. W. rattoa! of AllunU. ' " I I ' I,, .....nrnr rariTriTTrn ' - I 1 t lirnT 11 til t PIT I ITT I'f in , UNITED STATES MAY REMAIN IN CHARGE HAITI DECADE YET Treaty Establishing 'Ten Year Protectorate Fa orably Reported ARMOR PLATE MAY GO UP Manufacturers y ill Run the Price Up to $200 Ton If Government Insists on Manufacturing It, Said Tillman's Reply Later Washington, Feb. 9. The Senate foreign relations committee by a unanimous vote today favorably re ported a treaty for establishing a len-ycari' protectorate in Haiti. v Armor Plate Men Make Threat. Plans for early passage of the gov ernment armor plate bill were an swered today by threats from the ar mor plate men to boost the price to the government two hundred dollars a ton. Senator Tillman will take up the reply Monday. Sav Oil Lands for Navy, Daniels Urges. Secretary Daniels today protested to the land committee the giving up of grants of oil lands in California. He said the oil is needed by the na vy. ' TESTIMONY OF IOWA MAN HAD NO EFFECT ON BRANDEIS' CASE Say Friends of President's Nominee for the Supreme Court Bench DIFFERENCE- OF . IDEAS Between Himself and Bos tonianAll That Clifford Thome Proved, Declared Supporters of Lawyer Are Confident, Say (By the United Press) Washington, Feb. 10. Brandeis' friends are confident of the outcome of the hearing on his fitness for the Supreme Court, as the result of the apparent failure of Clifford Thome, Iowa Railroad Commissioner, to im press the Senate judiciary sub-committee with hi3 charges. " ' The majority thought Thome sim ply proved that he and Brandeis were of different ideas about how to condwt the rate case, it is indicated. Statement by Thome Denied. 3. W. Carman, Interstate Com merce Commission examiner, flatly contradicted a statement by Thorns yesterday that he (Carmalt) was surprised nt an alleged statement by Branili-ia that the railroads should have more money, Carmalt said he told this to Thome himself. Brand era, aaid Carmalt, was employed to develop all sides of the case. New Ynu-k, Feb. JO. Belvedere Brooks, vice-president and general manager of the Western Union Tele graph Company died today. FOR RHEUMATISM. As soon as an attack of Rheuma tism begins apply Sloan's Liniment Don't waste time and suffer unneces sary agony. A few drops' of Sloan's Liniment on the affected parts is all you need. The pain goes at once. A grateful sufferer writes: "I was suffering for three weeks with Chron ic Rheumatism and Stiff Neck, al hough t tried many medicines, they railed, and I was under the ears of x doctoK ' Fortunstely I heard of Sloan's Liniment, and after using it Jree or four days, am up and well I am employed at the biggest deport ment store in S. F- whers they em. ploy from 600 to 800 hands, and Jjey surely will hear all about Slcan'a Liniment, IL B. Smith, San ?MnciscV CaL Jan. . 1913. At all druggist HITCHCOCK THINKS HUGHES BEST HAN Former Postmaster General Would Like to See Justice Nominated for Presidency Disclaims Telephone Conversation With Staunton, Vs., Man on That Subject, However New York, Feb. 10. Although he denied flatly ns purely a fictitious story of a telephone conversation with II. Brown Allen of Staunton, Va., in which he was said to have de scribed a movement to nominate Jus lice Hughes for the presidency, F. H. Hitchcock, former postmaster gen eral, today said he is strongly in fa vor of Hughes' nomination if it can be brought about. He believes him the strongest candidate. REMAINS OF ENGINEER WRIGHT FAYETTEVILLE Seaboard Air Line Man Killed Near Southern Pines Tuesday Was Na tive of That City and Iirother-in-Law to Kinxton Woman-i-Family Survives Locomotive lft I'ailn Two Hurt (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, Feb. The, funeral of David K. Wright, S. A. I- engineman killed yesterday when the Florida Limited's locomotive left the track nesw Southern Pines, is expected to be held in Fayetteville today. The remains were carried there this morn ing. A negro fireman and a baggage master were painfully but not se riously injured. Engineer Wright, who was a brother-in-law of Irs. W. B. Douglass, wife of Alderman Douglass of Kin gton, was 41 years, of age and a na tive of Fayetteville. He had been a railroad man the better, part f his life, He went with the' S. A. I in 1900. He was at one time a member of the Board of Aldermen of this city. He is survived by his wife, a young son and a daughter aged eight He had resided in Raleigh a num'bcT of years. . SCHMIDT MUST GO f 0 CHAIR, SAYS GOVERNOR Whitman Refuses to interfere In Execution of Unfrocked Priest Convicted of Murder of Sweetheart i Will Die Sometime During Week Beginning Monday in the Electric Chair (By the United Press) . Albany, N. V., Feb10 Governor Whitman has refused to interfere in the execution of Hans Schmidt, the unfrocked priest, who murdered An na Aumuc'ler, set for next week, Execution. Nest Week. , . Albany, N. Y Feb. 9. Hans Schmidt, the former priest convicted of the murder of Anna AumuMer In New Yark in September, 1913, must pay the penalty for his crime in the electric chair in Sinjr Sing prison during the week of Feb. 13. Gover nor Whitman' tonight declined to In terfere with the execution. HUGHES NOT IN RACE FOR PRESIDENT, SAYS Washington, Feb;.- !). Representa tive Slemp, Cjhatrmttn of the Virgin ia Republican committee, today made pulilie a latter from Justice Hughes declaring "I am , totally opposed to Lht use bf my name in, connection wifh the nomination and 0 the se lection or instruction of any dele gates in my interest directly or re motely. SUGGESTS MEANS FOR EDUCATING OFFICERS Washington, Feh. 10. Military scholarships to 'the number of 230 a year; for boys willing to' enter mili tary colleges, was advocated by Pres ident James of the University of Il linois tfday before the House Mili tary committee,' e Children err . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR' A U.;bwts for Catarrit " C.CiSa Mercury . 4ipo V of mmtlt i it a .-. m T If' l. 1 TMl, i!, pU .!. Jl.r C-i'rairk iur J.v i .w I. l it,,, ti,.ro,,. i.r-r , i: lit - VJ4 Bi.r.i m'r " ' .rr. N rtij ii. il !. Cut.n a) ! u-'rttvrrf.ij.. . . TV-, hum. s ALBERT, INDIGNANT OVER PROPOSAL OF PEACE FROM BERLIN f i Understood Kaiser Offered Restoration and Payment for Destruction i ' ' KITCHENER WONT LEAVE Official Denial That He Will Quit London for Foreign Service Turk Submar ine Sunk By Russian Ves-. sols Off Asia .Minor London. Feb. 9. The goern ment machinery fr the enforce ment of (he conscription act was put into effect telay. The call was isHUed for bachelors from 20 to 30 years of age to report with the colors March 2. Belgians' King Angry. London, Feb. !). Belgium has re fused separate terms for peace offer ed by Germany, according toa Rome dinpatch, said to have come from Va tican sources. The Kaiser was will ing for restoration of ,the 'country, and agreed to pay fpr the destroyed irtruotures provided the country re mained neutral..' King Albert i indignantly rejected the terms, it Is said. Kitchener Won't Leave Office. London, Feb. 9. It is denied in of ficial circles here that Lord Kitchen er is toresiprn '' to be succeeded fay Lord Derby. Turk Submersible Sunk. Putrograd. Felb. 0. A ' Turkish submarine which, attacked a Russian squcdron on . the Anatolian coast was brkinbarded and is believed to have been sunk. r NEARLYLL COUNTIES REPRESENTED AT THE N. C. ROAD INSTITUTE Chapel Hill, Feb. 10. Nine-tenths of the sounties in the Stat ore now represented, at the North , Carolina Road Institute in progress here. Among the speakers so far have been Prof. Collier Cobb, on the sub ject of "Good Roads In Other Lands," W. S. Fallis, "Steam Shovels." Pro- fossor, Williams, "Relationship of Su ueriirtendents and Engineers to Highway Commissions," and others. Thexe and other experts led in dis cussion of various topics of interest to road builders. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Ycara Always beais the Signature of STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE , CertiGcate or Dissolution To all to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: ,'r ,,') Whereas, It appears to my satis, faction, by duly authenticated record f the proceeding's fpr' the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my ofike, that the PINK I11LL'"MOTOR CAR COMPANY, !a corporation of this State, whose prin cipal office is situated at No. Street, in the town of Pink Hill. County of Lenoir, State of North Carolina, T, Davis being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be . served, has complied with the requirements ' of Chapter . 1," Revisal of 1005,.. en titled "Corporations," preliminary to the .issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution: - , . Niw, Therefore, I, Jv Bryan Crimea, Secretary of the State of North Caro lina do hereby certify that the said corporation did. o the 22nd day of December 19U Y file : in my oflfce a duly executed xul attested consent in writing to the ' dissolution of . Said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my ssid , eflbe as provided by law.vV - In Testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at R.iKigh, this 22nd day of Dss wmlw'r, A. D. 1315. J. EiiYAN CKlilES, Secretary ot State. " ... THE SAFEt CONSERVATIVE TOWN. Full of Opportunities . ' Strong In Resources. BANK OF GR1FTON . Grifton. N. C, ; , YOUR MONEY IS SAFE WITH US. , THE BANK THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT . . . , k WE KEEP YOUR ACCOUNTS . - ' ' - CORRECTLY. , P. W. BROOKS MEDICINES AND TOILET ARTICLES Phone Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention GRIFTON, N. C. GRIFTON, N. C. SODA FOUNTAIN GASOLINE SPRING SHOES AND FURNISHINGS ARRIVING DAILY And to make room for Winter goods -for less cash. " ' Come and see! . : with the , Respectfully' - ' Mark Cummings FiR3T mm Capital and Surplus $160,000 ' STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Patronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Prest. D. F. WOOT EN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. II. Canady J. F. Taylor IL H. McCoy (CABBAGE 1,000000 Early Jersey Wakefield, - ' - ; 1,000000 Early Charles- ton Wakefield. . Now is the time to put them out. AlForders filled prompt ly. Write us for prices. TT TT r i. t"l i V - Kinnton, N. C. GRIFTON, N. C. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ladies' Furnishings and Shoes A Specialty " Walk-Over" Shoes for Men "Dolly Madison" Shoes for Women GRIFTON GARAGE LEON O. COX, VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS r.npral ReDairS" 1 Gasoline PHONV 3 ' ' them I will sell you than cost pricey for what you can save . , cost. BANK OF KifiSTON DIRECTORS S. II. Isler ." N. J. Rouse j C. Felix Hsrvey David Oottinger II. E. Moselcy t .TTT i 77 T7 ; 1 - - ' . ' Hit' Si -I