WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1918 ini: two AUSTRO-GERSIAN DECR'E AGAINST ARH'D niERCHANTHEN MAKES THE SITUATION A NEW WAR SECRETIN ITALY TO RECEIVE I LIKELY NEW SECR'Y nn MHIfflHHHHHHHHHHnnHnHHHtn g ..i.Miiiiiiiiiinilllllllllllllli!!' TlU in HAY BE ANNOUNCED NO MORE PRODUCTS FROM ENEHY NAT'NS WAR VILL BE NAMED IN NEXT FEW DAYS .sii T ...j,a"rte- ill -at I - m J I WW ..ft n . anUUi"" - K- W PERPLEXING ONE FOR THIS .ill' .V3'i n n V TTIE KINSTON FREE PRESS 2 - "-iri III GOVERNMENT '1 Ill i ii Nothing to Be Done By United States In Matter, With Boycott of American Goods to Other Ports Than Own Threatened by Allied Vessels No Violation of Inter- ' national Law On Latter Score Formal Warning to Citizens to Keep Off Liners Carrying Guns to Be Is sued Embargoists Likely to Get Busy When Boycott Is Announced to Affect Retaliatory' Legislation, Be lieved In. Washington '" (Py tha United Press) Washington, Feb. 12. With the arrival probably to day of the notes from Germany and Austria, decreeing armed merchant ships shall be treated as warships after ' March 1st, the United States will face one of the most in tricate diplomatic questions arising since the war begun. . It is believed, however, that Lansing, will admit the Central Powers' contentions are sound. It is considered possible that the Allies ships may boycott American goods billed to other ports than their own. This, it is believed, would not be in contravention of international Agreement with, the Teutons' orders is to be followed by a formal warning for the citizens of this government to keep off armed Allied ships. It is expected the embar goists in Congress will open a campaign as so6n as it 13 learned that it i3 certain a boycott is planned. Allies May Protest to the United States. London, Feb. 12, The Allies, it is stated on good au thority." will send a strong note of protest to the United States. At Secretary Lansing accepts Germany's policy lo treatrarmed merchantmen as warships. Jt is declared here that the United States has allowed armed merchant men to enterdts ports, and cannot change its policy in the middle oltjie war. ' . VIII k m ATTAflf OFMORM'NS WITHOUT PROTECT'N i;i Paso, Feb. 11 Villa la re ported to have started to west? i-rn' Oiihunliua American Mor mon colony, where live hundred (MTwma are practkally unpro tected." ... SCHWAB AGAIN AFTER PENN. STEEL COMPANY Fliiladelphia, Feb. 12-Chatloa M, fkhwab today reiumed negotiations for the purchase of the Pennsylvania Steel Company for approximately fifteen million dollars. He want to add the plant tot the BctMchetrt Steel Company, MYSTERIOUS FIRE IN GEN. ELECTRIC PLANT Schenwtady Munition Factory Dam v aged Considerably by Blase Today, ; Flame of Unknown Origin Sweep TIiioukK Businesa District of Shcl . 'byilU, -Del., Doing 1100.000 Dam- -age, Keporfcd SheK.jn. illa, Del , Feb. 14 Fire of unknovm ariirin In the l)tiamcw toction here today did damage to the extent of $K0,0O0. Schenectady Fire Mysterious. dfmeUay, Vvb. H --Serious dam age was dune hy a mysterious fir in Wtt inanitions plant of the Cenurol Electric Company here today. ILSON TELLS OHIO SECRET'RY OF STATE THAT HE IS W1LLL1NG . Washington, Feb. 14-The President today formally an nounced hit candidacy . for re election. Ife wrote Secretary of ; State Hildebrand, of Ohio, an nouncing his assent to placing his same on the primary ballot ' of that State. LATE SUNDAY, SAID 4 May Be Houston, Lane or a Dark Horse, Rumored In Capital . IS EASIER ON CONGRESS Garrison's Hesitation Gets Continental ' Army and Compulsory Training Out of Way President 'Goes on Cruise : French Premier Believed to JIave Influenced Gov ernment to Issue Decree. Steel Wall Around Cen tral Powers Complete ' Washington, Feb. 12. Legislative skies for Congress have cleared aa the result of Garrison's resignation, in the opinion of capital leaders. It mean there will be no continental ar my plan in substitution for, militia under Federal control, and no com pulsory training plan. Houston and Lane Mentioned. The President will fcring back the name of the new secretary of war when he returns tomorrow from his trip down 'the Potomac. It is believ. ed be wilt select either Secretary Lane or Secretary Houston or dark horse now unknown. -Will Roosevelt Succeed Garrison? Washington, Feb. 12. South Car olina' friends of Admiral McGowan are booming him for assistant sect retary of the navy In case Franklin D. Roosevelt Is named secretary of war. SAW ZEPPELIN RAIDS OYER ENGLISH CAPITAL EXPECT WM. ORPET BE FREE BY TONIGHT Collegian Accused of Murder of Girl Holds to Story That She Suicided When He Jilted Her She Feared ? Disgrace Efforts Being Made To day for Accused Youth's Libera- ' tion Percy Trilnlck, a shoe salesman of Norfolk, here today, is just x weeks out of London. The British, says Mr. Trilnlck, are to ft man con fidjnt of victory in the world war. . Mr. Trilnlck .talks interestingly of :he Zeppelin raids over the metropo lis. "They are terrifying experien ces, he declares, describing how the giant dirigibles swooped down in the night to bomb the most populous neighborhoods of the city, killing and maiming many persons, wreck ing property and starting fires, and how the anti-aircraft guns and searchlights on the tall buildings scutched out the unwelcome visitors In the sky, but damaged them little. A lot of excitement was caused each time the Zeppelins came, he said, and the din of th e battles was nerve-shattering. TAKE WHITE CHILD OUT : THE CARE OF A NEGRESS y th? Eistcro Press) . New Bern, Fet. 11. The sheriff and an agsiit of the Charity Board yeler!ity took from Gertie Quinn. a nt'j-s, the 1-inonths-old daughter ut a white woman of the Pembroke arclHKi ttamoj Euaaell, who claims o be fiHim Raleigh. Thj negress had c';vs the Infant to take csre of. The authorities will place the little toa in a home, stating that the moth- -r is rot a fit person to have the eus. tojy cf her. $ 1 j I r vo Out Malaria And Uui!4 L'b Toe System " r o: Sl'sJtr. CKOVS'S . : s th u Tonic. Voq know n v i 4 e ikkcif, a Ue ruu! i$ ! n --rr Ulnl. t.,ii;ig it is r ! J n in a tis'c!rs fim. Waukeiran. 111.. Feb. 14. Whether the death of Marion Lambert result ed from murder or Strang suicide, is yet ""undecided. Effort being made ore expected to free William Orpet. collegian, charged with the murder, before night, lie declared the girl sitieldfd when she feared public dis grace, as the result of her relations with him. COMPROMISE ON THE INDEPENDENCE BILL Brought Ik-fore House Today Like- ly to He Adopted Mould Postpone the Granting of Liberty to Islands Four to Ten Years Pledges Ulti mate Freedom of Possession Washington, Feb. 12. Postpone ment of Philippine independence from four to ten years is a compromise plan before Congress today. The 1)111 is expected o be so amended by the House, The compromise pledges ul timate Philippine Independence. . WHEDBEE WONT SAY IF HE WILL RUN FOR REP. SMALL'S SEAT By HENRY WOOD, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Rome, Feb.. 12. The last gap In the steel wall of the Allies around Germany was closed with the issu ance of a decree by the Italian gov ernment forbidding the Importation of any products from Germany or Austria. The announcement was made fol lowing a conference with French Premier Briand here. It is expected to thus throttle Germany's economic grip while battering away her battle lines. Violent Fighting in East. Petrogad, Feb. 12. The Russian front, from Volhyniad to Bessarabia, is the acene of violent fighting. Bulgarian Czar Conferring With Teutons. ; i ; Amaierdam, Feb. 12 The Bulgar ian Czar Ferdinand after a confer ence with the Kaiser is conferring with the Austrian General Staff re garding Roumania's threat to enter the war on the side of the Allies. The Increasing activity of the Russians and Austriana is attributed to a de sira to Impress Roumania with a show of strength. French Gain in West. Paris, Feb. 12. The French cap tured three hundred yards of trench es In Argonne. Wilson Desires Garrison's Successor at Considera tion Important Notes BACK TO CAPITAL TODAY VISIT SMALL WILL NUMBER OF PLACES IN THIS VICINITY Georgia Orator Will Be Heard In ML Olive, Clin ton, Ayden, Grifton and Other Towns As Well as Kinston, This Week , PANES' TO ENTER FORD TRIBUNAL. New York, Feb,' 1 2. Firo Hanlsh . , peace delegates hare been elected U the Ford Tribu nal, it la announced. NO TROUBLE BETWEEX SOUTH AMERICAN NATIONS. (By the Eastern Press) New Bern. Feb. 11. As every pol ttician in the State knows, it has been the talk of the First Congress ional district for six months that Judge II. W. Whedbee of Greenville might make the run against John H. Small, he present Representative, at ith met election. Judge' Whebee has been conducting Superior Court here this week. A State paper in structed its local correspondent to get the Jurist to admit or deny that he was about to throw up hia posi tion on the bench to enter politics. "Make him talk if you have to sit on him until he does," the correspond ent was instructed." The best that the paper haa had yet was: "Whedbee talks, but ha as- tolutely refuses to talk about Ihe things wo want to know." MORE THAN SCORE OF MINERS MEET DEATH Johnstown. Pa., Feb. 12, The bod ies of nineteen miners wee removed from a shaft here today following an explosion last night. Three others are missing. , ',-... Eio De Janeiro, Fb, it That diplomatic - relations between , Airentina and Bolivia are se verely strained over the 'old bctindary dispute wa stoday ru trored her but (l nittl from both THE ODDEST STORY IN THE DArS NEWS St. Paul, Jdinn.. Feb. 11 Burled with the body I of Mrs. WUliam Wright under six feet of sod today, was the pudding she had. saved for 20 years, to serv when her son, from whom she had not heard since the Boer war, came home. Her long v. ".;'..-? rraJ her aa invaL'J at 73. : ERev, Sam W. Small, D. P., of At lanta, who is to tour North Carolina In the interest of the Anti-Saloon Society, will be heard in Kinston by a great audience, the . Indicutions now are. Dr. Small is a speaker of exceptional ability. "There are not a half dozen in the country who are equal to him in popular power as a pmbl'c speaker," in the opinion of a Pprtlund, Ifld., editor. Aa stated in Saturday's Free Press, Dr. Small will speak in Gordon Street Chris tian church here on Wednesday eve ning. , The noted Georgian will visit the following other places in this part of the S:ate: Mount Olive, today; Clin ton, tomorrow; Grifton, Thursday; Ayden, Friday; Willlamston, Sun day, and Plymouth, Sunday night He will spend several weeka in North Carolina. Wilsons Returned From the Trip Down Bay at 6 A. M. Lansing Was Occupied With Armed Merchant men Notes Yesterday (By the United Press) ; Washington, Feb. 14. President nd Mrs. Wi!non returned today from their trip down the Potomac and Chssapeake. The Mayflower reached her dock at 6 o'clock this morning. It is believed the President has de cided upon Garrison's successor, and that he will be named soon because of the need that he be present at the consideration of the final Lusitania reply, expected this week. Secretary Lansing spent a large part of yesterday going over the new notes on armed merchantmen, and will go over them again with the President, who desires a full cabinet for. this also. Part of Wilson's re turn trip was made in a snow storm on the hay. They visited Fortress Monroe during their tour of the Ches apeake. , n n h n ' Why bear those pains? g A single bottle will -tt convince you - W ". ,-l;-tiTi? M Liniment Arrests Inflammation. "Irevents severe compli cations. Just put a few drops on the painful spot and the pain ait appears. . '0 MORE THAN HALF OF COTTON USED JAN'Y Total Consumed 542,000 Bales298,111 In Cotton States Linters Consum ed and Other Statistics of ,Staple for First Month PLUMBING , We make a specialty of fjood material and workmanship. Ail work guaranteed satis factory, and t rices right. See me for all kinds of sneet metal work, tin roofing, and general repair work. : : R. E. L. RHODES Cures Cld Sores, OtSiff Remedies Wont Cure. The wont matter of how lonsr slamlirn sr cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr P-c. Antiseptic H'eling Oil. It rclivrp vlu and UeaU at Uie m i tiuie. t. 50c. Sl.O Have You Ever Tried ' WRIGHT'S SILVER CREAM ' ' POLISH? If you have not, you should, as it is one of the finest silver polishes on the market. We have Just re ceived a new supply, - i , See our ' Window Display.' Two Sizes 3-oz., 23c; I6-os., 46c Newborn Jewelry Co. Jewelers, Engravers and Optometrists1'- ' 4 tfext Door to'J. M. Stephensoni Phone 417-J - f ' - Kinston North Carolina ' (By the United Press) Washington, Feb. 14. Cotton con sumed in January totalled 542,000 bules, according to tho Census Bu reau. Two hundred and ninety-eight thousand, one hundred and fifteen bales were used in cotton-growing State3. Linters consumed was 95,489 bales. Cotton held at consuming establish ments at the end ot January ; was 1,974,069 bales, and in public storage and compresses 4,545, 859 bales. RUSSELL CARTERET REFNS' CHAIRMAN We have up-to-date eauip- men i, ut putiumuLic touts, insuring quick service and first class work. S3 us for your needs. Our pric es are right, consistent with the good work that we do. MARBLE WORKS KINSTON (By the Eastern Press) Beaufort, Feb. 12. The Republic an county convention ''for Carteret county elected N. H. Russell chair man of the executive committee. Del egates to the State and Congression al conventlona are: Thos. L. Piver, C. R. Wheat l,yW. V R. Wheatley, W. a Noe, J, P. Dun- can, A. l. Wilson, George A. Wulis, W. A. Mace, A. L. Willis, Carl Gas kill and Stephen Harris. FIRST DELEGATES TO REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. - Excelsior Springs, Mo Feb. 12. The first delegates to the publican . National Convention are being named at a conven tion her today, - v - C ASTORIA For Infant tsi CLUirta la Vz9 Fcr Over CDYcrra Always bi4 SPECIAL TEN DAYS . SALE OF MEN'S SHIRTS ARROW BRAND , ' " ' .; " ,r:J. p Ay --'"is -,'-1 A-. We offer our entire stock of $1,75, $1.50, : and $1.25 Shirts at tha f'atan SEE OUR WINDOWS jiiiasEHEiD;:co:!Pm Nt-itrv National Dink cf Kinston Phone 311 GRIFTON THE SAFE, CONSERVATIVE ' TOWN. Full of Opportunities Strong in Resources. BANK OF GRlFTbN Grifton, N. C. YOUR MONEY IS SAFE WITH US. ; ; THE BANK THAT TREATS YOU ' RIGHT. r ' WE KEEP YOUR ACCOUNTS CORRECTLY. P.W.BROOXS MEDICINES AND TOILET ARTICLES Phone Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention GRIFTON, N. C. R. F. JENKINS GROCERY GRIFTON, N. C. SODA FOUNTAIN GASOLINE C.C.MAY ; GRIFTOtf, N. C. " GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ladies' Furnishings and Shoes Specialty , "Walk-Over" Shoes tot Men "Dolly Madison" Shoes for Women GRIFTON GARAGE LEON O. COX. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS General Repairs- -Gasoline PHONV 3 It Always Help says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, o Cliftoii Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After tnking three bcttics of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. : I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, a3 well as run a big water mill. -, I wish every suffering woman would give "; (K The Woman's Tom a trial I still use Cardui when 1 feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, siJ2 ache, nervousness tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has b;en helping weak, aiiir.z women fcr luore than fifty years. ' t? ,' ( ) I i i i M )) '"t V ) 0 -4"'-