PAGE TWO . THE KINSTON FREE PRESS SATURDAY, MARCH 18, l9l(t INCREASE REGULAR MIY TO A HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN; VILLiSTAS AT'AGK TOWN IN NEW MEXICO; TROOPS SAID BE MOVING Houses In Outskirts of Hachita, on American Side of the Border, Looted Tuesday Night Quiet Today Caval ry Base in Mexico Selected Secretary of War Wants Million or Two for Expenses of Expedition Army En ' largement Resolution of Hay and Chamberlain Unani mously Passed In Senate Sherman Would Have the Troops Brought Back From Philippines for Service In Campaign South of Rio Grande (By the United Press) EI Paso, March 15. A Villista band looted homes in the outskirts of Hachita, New Mexico, last night, say re ports to El Paso and the Southwestern Railroad offices, v All is quiet today. There is stijl no news of troop move ments, nor the hour for crossing the border. increase Army to 100,000 Immediately. Washington, March 15. The Senate unanimously adopted the Hay-Chamberlain resolution for immediate increase of the army to one hundred thousand. The adoption followed a short debate Hoke Smith advocated a two-year enlistment Instead of four. Newlands wanted .to unify the whole preparedness program. Sherman of Illinois introduced a resolution to bring twelve thousand troops now in the Philippines to serve on the border. He said they would be ideal forces for work in Mexico. Baker to Ask for Emergency Appropriation. , Secretary Baker today practically decided to ask .Congress for an emergency appropriation of one or two million dollars to cover the expenses of the Mexican ex pedition. , Believed Expedition Has Started. El Paso, March 15. A rigid censorship established to day led to the belief that the expedition for Mexico is starting. It is believed the advance guard of three thous and cavalry will start for Guzman, Mexic, and make its base there. SO. KINSTON MIEN GO FREE; EVIDENCE COULD NOT BE HAD Latest Movement Against Segregated Section Was a Failure Solicitor Ask ed for Dismissal No One Would Testify (Daily Free Press, March 16) All the defendant in the South Kim ton resort cases were dis charged today when the prosecu tion moved for dismiaaal. The latest move to eradicate the so called vice district fell flat with that action, not a one of the 12 defendants arraigned Tuesday having been convicted. Men could not be found to testify. Recorder Wooten stated that lack of evidence caused the Soli citor's action. A statement was issued that Jurymen summoned for Friday need not appear. Trial of the South Kinston proprie tresses of aHeged bawdy houses was resumed in the City Court this morn' ing, with ten Judgments to be dispos ed of . Of these one case had been tried, together with two others in which the defendants were acquitted by juries Tuesday. REPORTS ON VERDUN SITUATION DIFFER; DOTH CLAIM GROUND Germans Say Pressure At Any Time Would Force Evacuation Positions MOVEMENTS BACK LINES Reinforcements for Teutons Evidently Are Coming Up French Counter At tacks Reported to Have Resulted in Gains SAY ALLIES TRIED TO SUBMARINE TWO UNWARNED VESSELS Austrian Embassy Gives State Department Report and Berlin States Name of Craft Ships, Owned In Hungary, Got Away Berlin, March 15. The Hungarian steamers Daniel I Emo and Asab have been attacked unwarned by Al lied submarines off Dalmatia, say Vi enna dispatches. They escaped by outmaneuvering the enemy craft -, - Austrian Embassy Gets News,' ,, Washington. March 15. The Aus trian embassy ; today notified the ' State Department of alleged at tempts by Allied submersible to submarine it wo vessels without warn ing. . ' BEST OFFER EVER MADE FOR A LOCAL ISSUE, SAID Stacy '& Braun of Toledo Would Give Par, Accrued Interest and Big Premium for $275,000 Worth to Co ver Special Paving WARREN WOMAN AND ' CHRISTY TAKEN TO THE PENITENTIARY Winston-Salem, March IS. Still protesting their innocence, Ida Bell Warren and Samuel Preston Christy, doomed to die in the electric chair at Raleigh on March 31, for the murder of the former's husband, G. J. War ren, in this cHy in August, 1914, left her at 6:10 tonight for Raleigh in the custody of Sheriff George W. Flynt and " deputy. EJECTMENT HEARING PUT OFF UNTIL LAST : DAY MAKCH BY JUDGE ' ' Daily Free Press. March 16) ' The Norfolk Southeramotion for ejoo'.ment of various persons alleged by the railroad to be holding proper ty deeded to the A. A N. C, leased by the N. S., many years ago, will come up on March 81. Counsel for the defendants at New Bern Wed nesday afternoon, when the matter was brought trp before Federal Judge Connor, naked that time be given the' defendants in which to prepare evi-!t-nce. Judge Connor accordingly set the hearing: for the last day of the jn n. H, to he held at WiNon. ' (Daily Free Press. March 16) Par and accrued interest amount ing to five per cent. Mid a premium of $1,700 was offered City Council for the extra paring bonds by a repre sentative of Stacy & Braun of To ledo, O., Wednesday night. A spe cial meeting of Council was held to receive the bid. The proposition was not accepted, and it vill have to be presented when bids are opened at timo to be announced, in the Fall probcbly, the agent was informed. Administration members were en thusiastic about the offer, however, It was better than any ever made for Kinston bonds before, Clerk Colema said today, and'tha would-be-purchas or are well-known to the city of ficials. Stacy & Braui bought an is sue of graded school bonds here two or three years ago. The extra pi v ing issue will be for $275,000, in 10-year serial and 30 year coupon bonds. The 10-year class will bo for loan to (the individ uals who are to stand about 65 per cent of the expense of the paving, they to repay the city in ten an nual installments. REAFFIRMS DEATH OF TURK WAR MINISTER Newspapermen at Athens Says Sue cessor to Enver Pasha Has Been Appointed Tufefiseiff, Bulgarian Irregular Leader, Assassinated, Reported from the Greek Capital Today London, March 15 -Reaffirming the story that Enver Pasha,' Turkish war minister, had been Assassinated, the Exchange Telegraph's Athens corres pondent today said Ishmail Haiki, president of the Commercial Admin istration, had been named Enver'a successor. Athens dispaUJhes said the noted Bulgarian comitadji leader Tuefkselef had been assassinated. GERMANY DENIES SHE WILL STOP SUBMARINE WAR AGAINST TRADERS Amsterdam, March 15. An of ficial Berlin statement telegraph ed to this city todsy denies ru mors that Germany plans to abandon the submarine war on armed merchantmen. INDICTMENT AGAINST . OSBORNE DISMISSED WITHOUT TESTIMONY ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS IN SEVENTH Carthage, Mar. 15.,-U. L. Spencc, of Moore county, todaydeflntely de cided to enter the race for the norai nation for Congress fronkthe Sev enth Congressional District, xpr the past week leading Democrats Jfrom many sections of the district ha been urging Spence to make the race and have been offering him their sup port. V I-. r t j . . - . i V11U.HKU, jnarva . iue Jinociat- dBill Poster of the United, States andCanada was held to be a combi nation in restrain of trade by Fed eral Judge Landis today. White Plains, N. Y., March 15. The indictment charging Warden Thomas Mott Osborne of Sing Sing with perjury, was dismissed by Jus tice Tompkins today before the de fense started presenting its case. HOPEWELL IS GRANTED LIBERTY; HEAVY BAIL W. R. Hopewell, charged with giving poison which caused her death to hie wife, Mrs. Rachel Hopewell, last summer, has been released on bail in the sum of $2,500 at New Bern. A habeas corpus hearing which was to have been held at Beaufort before Judge Whedbee to day was waived after Solicitor Chas. Abcrnethy had consented to the bond, It will be several months probably before Hopewell is brought to trial. By CHAS. P. STEWART, (United Press Staff Correspondent) London. March 15. The Germans have driven a wedge into the French front, between Bethincourt and Dead Man's Hill, say Berlin dispatches ar riving via Amsterdam. Bethincourt is claimed to be two-thirds surround ed. A slight advance will force its evacuation, it is said. Paris reports are contradictory. Fresh German Troops for Verdun. Amsterdam, March 15. Many de plcted German regiments are arriv ing in Flanders from Verdun, and frcah troops are going from the Flanders front to Verdun. French Deny German Gains. Paris, March 15. The French, by an effective counter attack, have cap tured several trenches at Hill 265, northeast of Verdun, it is said off! ciallw There were no (Jcrman in fantry attacks during the night on the west bank of Meuse around Be thincourt. The French still hold Be thincourt, Dead Man's Hill and the Cumieres Wood. Troops Leaving Near East. Athens, March 15. Large German are moving from Mace donia and Serbia to the western bat tle front, say reports. German Gains Officially Stated. Berlin, March 15. Silesian regi ments have advanced funther to the southeast of Bethincourt, capturing a thousand French prisoners, it is offi cially said. Four counter attacks on the west bank of the Meuse have been repulsed. SENATOR SHIVELY OF INDIANA DIES IN WASHINGTON Washington, March 14. Benjamin F. Shively, senior senator from Indi ana and for years a prominent figure in Congress, died late today at a hos pital here. He had been ill many months from a complication of dis eases and for more than a year has been unable to perform actively his official duties. He was 58 years old. Washington. March 14. Immedi ate construction of eight or nine bat tle cruisers to provide an element of strength now sadly lacking in the American fleet was urged before the house naval committee today by Cap tain Sims, commanding the battleship Nevada. IliEOFIDES ATTACK ESSEN AND OTHER TOWNS, SAID Munich and Gladbach Raid ed Along With Seat of the Krupp Works, Reported. London Is Enthusiastic Over the Feat London, March 15. The Al lies destroyed six sheds at Es sen, the Amsterdam Telegraam today reported. London, March 15 Allied aviators have raided Essen, the home of the Krupp gun works, according to Am sterdam dispatches. Other air squadrons attacked Mu nich, the capital of Bavaria, and the city of Gladbach, it is said. The news, though unconfirmed by the war office, aroused much enthusiasm here today. AUSTRIA BREAKS OFF RELATIONS WITH THE LISBON GOVERNMENT (By the United Press) Amsterdam, March 15 Aus tri has severed diplomatic rela tions with Portugal, a 'Wfjina dispatch today announced. Early dispatches said Vienna had re called the Austrian minister and handed the Portuguese minister his passports. Whether there will be a declaration of war is unknown. GOOD FOR COLDS. Honey, Pane-Tar and Glycerine are recognized cold remedies. In Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey these are com bined with other cough medicine in a pleasant syrup. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey quickly stops your cough, checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. Excellent for young, adult and aged. It's one of the best cough syrups made. Formula on every bottle. You know just what you are taking and your doctor knows it's good for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Only 25c at druggists. adv FIRiT NATIONAL BANK OF KlflSTOH Capital and Surplus $160,000 -STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Patronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Prest. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller 'nmlS W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor IL H. McCoy DIRECTORS 8. H. Isler N. J. Rouse C Felix Harvey David Oettinger H. E. Moseley A SAVING YOU MAY HAVE MISSED WHAT DOES IT MEAN to you to be told that Titan engines burn kerosene?' Not much, does it? Yet because of that fact, you would make the mistake of your life if you bought any other engine. Gasoline and kerosene engines burn about ithe same amounts of fuel. .Gasoline now costs, in most places, over 100 per cent, more than kerosene. A 6H. P. engine, gasoline or kerosene, burns 700 to 800 gallons of fuel in 1,000 hours' work. At present average prices, 700 gallons of gasoline would cost you about $118, while 800 gallons of kerosene costs but $61 or thereabouts. A Titan 6 H. P. engine, burning kerosene, would therefore save you somewhere around $57 a year. Now do you realize what a startling statement that i3? Titan engines' burn kerosene. See me before you1 buy any other engine. Prices right and terms to suit you. H. H. GRAINGER, KINSTON, N. C. MRS. RAOUL IS GRANTED DIVORCE FROM HUSBAND Millen, Ga., March 16. Mrs. Wini fred Raoul was today granted an ab solute divorce from William Green Raoul. Her husband was charged with having been familiar with the former wife of Upton Sinclair. AMI FIRST TO SHUN RESPONSIBILITY, SAYS Rev. John H. Griffith, rector of St Mary's Episcopal church, "shamed' Adam for laying the blame for the tragic garden affair on "the woman thou gavest me" in en interesting sermon at a lenten service in bis church Wednesday night. Mr. Griffith declared that every Nrunkard placed the blame for: his I intemperance upon someone else; that every rambler held to irniunt the person who taught him to play, and that everyone who lives a life of shame throws it up to another. Adam should not have put the responsibil ity tipon his helpmeet, Mr. Griffith said in his illustration. COTTON STATISTICS FOR MONTH FEBRUARY Washington, March 15. Cotton consumed in February, exclusive of linters was 40,711 bales, by census reports. , THE ACHES OF HOUSECLEANING The pain and soreness caused by bruises, over-exertion and straining during house cleaning time are soothed away by , Sloan's Liniment No need to suffer, this agony. Just apply Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots, rub only a little. In a short time ithe pain leaves, you rest com fortably and enjoy a refreshing sleep. One grateful' user writes: "Sloan's Liniment Is Worth it weight In gold." Keen a bottla on hirvi. u. if -;... all Soreness, Neuralgia and Bruises, Kill pain. 25c at your druggist adv last fLa Ha FOBS State and County Taxes are now long past due and will be collected by dis tress after April 1st, and if you have not paid them costs will be added be-, sides your name being published in the Delinquent List. A rush is expect ed in the Sheriffs office during the late days of this month, to insure prompt service with comfort to yourself in not haying to wait a long time in line, set tle now, A large amount of money is due and payable by the County on or before the 24th of this month and this URGENT APPEAL is made to all who owe Taxes to come forward at once and settle. : : X . ? - : . : Respectfully,: n nr I 31 S .1

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