;p?p IP IP vtv PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS VOL. XXXV. No. 82 KINSTON, N. C SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENT3 ENGAGEMENT BETW'EN AM'RICANS PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO CLOSE END PRESENT SCHOLASTIC MONTH CRAIG WIILL TRY TO THE LATEST MODEL MAXWELL oc SEND SOME OF THE LYNCIIERSTOPRISON CIAKEGIIIELA BANDITS LOSOT DEA In VILLISTAS r f ' i CUHIIED, TUtSDAY AT I Carranzfetas Helped United States Troops, Says War Depafthient-Two Outlaws Captured American De; tachmehts Believed Close on Heels of Villa In Conn try South of Chihuahua City Report Says Fugitive Chieftain Has Two Thousand Men With Him and Is Awaiting Arrival iDodd's Men Only, Advanced Pari ties from Punitive Expedition About to Run In Upon Guerillas; Rumored , - t (By the ' Washington, April 7. Americans and Villistas fought a third engagement Tuesday at Cianeeruilla. Ten Villis tas were killed, two captured. Carranzistas helped the Americans. The news reached the. War Department to day. The Department also between' Villistas and Americans at Agua Calien'tes Sat urday. VJ Americans Nearing Villa's San Mtonio, April 7. ments are believed to be near Satevpn, forty miles south of Chihuahua City, hot on Villa's trail. Villa Reported to Have 2,000 Men. El Paso, April 7. Villa men at Parral for a stand nriTir to information reachinsr here from Mexican sources. Dodd's advance cavalry is reported to be near ing there. The Villistas' reported numbers surprised offi ciate here who believe they may be exaggerated. J HtniN WANTS THE UTON 'CIIANOE'AT ItTrl To See If Bears Are Cons pfring to Lower Prices- Greatest Reduction In Years of Winter Wheat Crop 24 Points Off 'Washington, April 7-r-dlepresenta tive Heflin today introduced a bill asking for investigation of the New York cotton exchange to find wheth "( the market is controlled by a con- - spiracy of hear operators trying to lower prices. ' - Winter Wheat Fourth Short The reduction of 24 points of the winter wheat crop as compared with last year, is indicated in a report by the Department of Agriculture. The crop is estimated at 495,000,000 bush els. The falling off was due to bad weather and reduction " of acreage. , The production was lower than in any year since 1904. ' ; . Chicago, April 7. Senator Warren - G. Harding of Ohio was chosen .tem porary chairman of ithe Republican National Convention by the unani mous vote; of the committee on ar- rangemenbs of the Republican Na- tiona( Committee here today. t VOLUNTARY BANISHMENT - i -- if t . t . (Dally Free Tress Apr"! 7) i if ' . W. C. Boone, who -will leave the U. S. about April 15 for a four dears' stay in the Orient, as spending two or tare days here bidding good bye to friends-. Mr. Boone came from Luniberton, his home town. He was . stationed hew in 1915 as demonstra tion agent for the Department of Ag riculture. ;,: : fr l.'-'i.?:-? , Mr, Boone' da tinder contract with , the British-American Tobacco Com- . pany to teach Chinese farmers how to grow better weed. He will be sta tioned in Shanghai, the Chinese cpast 4etropolia, where there is a - large .foreign population. He is thankful Jat he will have the chance to live in the city, although his work will rry hhn mto "rural districts" of China frequently, and far away from tfce habitats of white men, it is pre SiiaieJ. " . NVESTIGATED United Press) ' confirmed reports of the fight : V Position. American; advanced detach has gathered two thousand against the Americans, ae G0LDSB0R0 YOUTHS rr ARRESTED IN CITY Trio Had 22 Pints of Whisky One i-Jakes Slam Sat Police Hold AM Woman Got Away Prisoner Members .Good Families and Have Good Characters Generally, It Is Said' . The police seized 22 pints of whis ky from an automobile an South Kin ston this morning between 2 and : 8 o'clock and s arrested R. L. Coker, Marvin Best and S. F. Pate, charged with violating the prohibition law by transporting and having too much li quor."'" Chief of Police Heath says Coker declared ownership of the whisky and; automobile and exonerated his com panions. Assistant Chief Skinner and policemen discovered the machine in the resort section. They had spotJ'.ed it previously. One of the men was asleep in the car, apparently very drunk. Skinner removed the whisky. The others came out of a house and one commenced a tirade against the person or persona who had stolea" the whisky. The couple were arrested. The woman, who was not identified, concealed herself, it is thought. She was' not located. The three men, all yOuiths, remained in custody, faili to give bond. All are from Goldf boro. The Chief states that the Goldsboro police give Best and Pate rather good characters. They are said to be well connected. Cokerj he says, has been suspected ithere for some time. The-trial was expected to be held this, afternoon. , "''' THE DAY ON THE I & $ COTTON EXCHANGE - Sales on the local cotton market were larger today, a score of bales having been disposed of before noon. The best'price by then was 11 1-2, New : York futures -quotations wore: V '''' Open . 2:40 May .'. '...........,..11.90 July .. ........12.06 October . , . 12.23 December ; . . . . . ....12.40 3 anuary . ........... . 12.43 11.83 12.03 12.19 12.37 12.39 SHIP SUNK ; 11 DROWNED. Londoa, April 7. Elere Asi atic members of the crew were drowned when the Peainwla & Oriental liner Simla sunk in tt Mediterranean. BULLETINS Tro ot these Cars form the Capital Prizes in UNiTEDlTATES NOT WAIT LONG FOR THE OERMAN STATEMENT Government Is Absolutely Convinced Teuton Tor- 1 pedo Hit Sussex GERARD SEES NO DANGER Of Break Between Nations. V: ; Reichstag More Friendly Toward America Since . "Chancellor's Address, Says Dr. Hecksher -! (By the United Press) ' Washington, April 7. The govern menf is absolutely convinced that a German torpedo struck the Sussex. A -German statement of intentions Is awaited in the light of this fact, and this government will not . wait long. These facts were made known today as the Cabinet assembled to Consider ithe question. Gerard Not Worried. By CARL W. ACKERMAN, (United Press Staff Correspondent) A Berlin. April 7. Ambassador Ger ard doesn't believe the German-Am erican situation is serious. Despite English reports, he believes, Ger many may meet America with com plete willingness to settle the ques tions on five ships now pending. Dr. Hecksher of the Reichstag , foreign relations committee today ' said the whole tone in the Reichstag, former ly anti-American, has changed sinee the chancellor's speech Wednesday.' 1$ NOT Oi STICK DYNAMITE IN CIITY, SAYS FIRE CHIEF Rumor That Had Reached Officials to EfTect That Hardware Dealers Kept Explosives In Places Bus iness Flatly Denied (Daily Free rresi, Apiil 7) ; ' "There ia absolutely no foundation for a rumor that explosives are stor ed in local hardware stores," declar ed Fire Chief T. V. Moseley today! He had been advised that it was re ported that dynamite or powder or bolh were kept in conisderable quan tities in certain of the establish ments. "I have the word of every proprietor that such is not the case," he stated; "and, in fact, I believe there is only one concern here sell- ing explosives." ; f.-''':-j s The law requires explosives to be stored in places a certain distance be yond the corporate limits of a town. The law is being obeyed by the lo cal dealers, Chief Moseley said with positiveness. He is satisfied tliere is JT-.. .1'.- - , Contest. iidt ocruc - r . ' '' . HAVE SMALL CHANCE ...4 , ESCAPING CAPTURE Fall of Haucourt Makes Garrison's Position More Perilous, Stated GERMAN GUNNERS BUSY Pounding Away at Salient to Prepare for Great In f antry Attack Teutons t Bent On Taking Verdun 'From the Northwest o i ' (fy h ' United' Press) London, April 7. The French po sition at Bethincourt is greatly im perilled by the surrender of Hau court. It was under a terrific Ger man bombardment all day yesterday. The Germans apparently are prepar ing to concentrate for a heavy smash against this salient as the next move in the new Verdun drive from the northwest.' Russians Take a Town. Petrograd. April 7. Destruction of a German airship southwest of Dvi- nsk and the capture of the Galician village of Svetkavtze are reported of ficially. Much booty was taken at Svetwavtze. Russian Naval Activities. Patrograd, April 7. The Russians are advancing on Trebizond, the Tur kish Black Sea port, from the east and south, official dispatches today said.' In a naval battle Russian submar ines saw a Turkish steamer, convoy ed by a torpedo boat, and eleven sail ing ships laden with coal. A Rus sian battleship bombarded ilhe farm er German cruiser Breslau, now fly ing the Turkish flag, which fled. HAVE ROADS AGREED BUILD STATION ON SITE? Reported That N. S. and A. C, L. Have Decided , Not to Fight Location at Gor don and -Independent Might De BIufF, Opinion (Daily Free Press, April 7) - Rumors known to nave emanated from reliable sources state the the Norfolk Southern and Atlantic Coast Line Railroads have agreed to abide by the Corporation Commission's de cision thait the new union passengei station should be put at the South east comer of Gordon and Independ ent streets. ' No verification can be (Continued on Page Four) not a -stick of dynamite nor a keg of powder anywhere" in Kinston. ' OfTicials had bec.i info.-med that exj)losivcs were stored in the city. DCTIIIlim ULMNIUjU The Free Press Voting BRITISH SCOFF AT TERMS OFFERED BY GERMAN CIlICETR Peace No Nearer From Von Bethmann-Hol weig's Speech to Reichstag MORE MODERATE, THOUGH Verdun Offensive's Failure and Food Problem Have Caused Teutons to Modi fy Tentative Demands, Say English Officials (By ED. L. KEEN, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Jjonaon, April '!. Jfeace 48 no nearer as a result of the German chancellor's Reichstag speech. Every British official interviewed today scoffed at the idea that. England would agree to the terms suggested It is believed here that the terms of the "chancellor are modified from for mer suggestions. Officials give two reasons, namely, ithe Verdun failure and the increasing seriousness of the German food problem. Chancellor's Speech From German Point of View. By CARL V. ACKERMAN, (United Press Staff Correspondent) ; Berlin, April 7. The papers here generally.dnterpreted Von Bethmann Holweig's Reichstag speech as lay ing, "before the world Germany's terms for ending the war. FARMVAmSCIIO'L LARGELY; ATTENDED Six Schools Participating In Exercises at Central ! School Address by State Inspector High Schools- Big Country Dinner1 (Daily Frte Press, April 7) Six or seven hundred persons at tended : the group ' school commence pent at Farm Valley school, Falling Creek, . oday. The exercises com menced jait 10:30 o'clock. At 1 o'clock an elaborate dinner was : set by the patrons of the school for the guests, who were from a large territory sur rounding. ' The following schools, members of the Farm Valley group, participated: Hickory iGrove, Daly's, Aldridge, In stitute, Oak Dale and Farm Valley. The group center school as one of the model institutions of Ithe county's system. : . '''' ' ;,' ' - - ; One of the best 'declamation con tests ever heard in Lenoir county fea tured the exercises. Miss Mabel Foi - (Continued on Paja Two) . rnimrjurii Expected to OlTer Reward TodayAct of Mob Wor-. rics the Governor TALKS WITH OFFICIALS Solicitor Expects Develop ments In Investigation Soon or Will Call Halt to Wait Until Somebody Has Talked, Indicated , (Daily Free Press, April 7) Governor Craig talked with local officials over long distance telephone Thursday might in regard to (the lynching of Joseph Black, colored, taken from the Lenoir county jail Wednesday and shot to death by a mob in Greene county. The Governor seemed to be worried over the affair. lie initends to press the investigation, and prosecution of suspects as well, to try to place re sponsibility for the lynching and send some persons to the penitentiary, it la said. He suggested offering a re ward, and asked the advice of the of ficials on that matter. . He is expected to announce the reward in a few hours. Solicitor II. E. Shaw thi morning stated that he could give out noth ing further about the investigation to be started. He would not, say that he expected to secure the con viction of any persons. He intimated that something would-develop in v a day ' or two .(that the investigation would be suspended to await develop' ments.- Greene county men today deny that " the lynchers were "a Greene cdunty mob," and assert that the ma jority of them were from Pitt cmn tyw Black lived npar the Pitt-Greene line, they . say, as does Tyson, thj white man whose life Was threat?! ed by the negro. Colonel Shnw be lieves "both counties" furnished con' tingents. INDICTMENTS IN THE ' CANriL CONSPIRACY Expected In a Few Days Man Who Assisted Tauscher In Engineering Plot to Destroy the Welland Not likely to Be Tried Von Dcr Goltze Promises to Be Govern meat Witness , Washington, April 1e Indictments the Welland Canal . conspiracy, in which Captain Hans .Tauscher is al leged to have engineered with llorst Von Der 'Goltze, are expected wkhir few days.' It ds improbable that Goltze, will be indicted, since he has promised to be a government witness. AYDEN ILLUSTRATED IN HANDSOME LITTLE BOOK JUST PUT OUT The Ayden Chamber of Commerce has just issued a handsome 36-page booklet of the vest-pocket size, set ting forth the charms of "one of the most wide-awake, progressive small towns in the State, offering unlimilpd pportunities to the home-seeker ana the inVestor.'' . r ; '. The booklet is well-printed and con tains many illustrations. Fine busi ness structures, churches, schoojs, homes, etc., are depicted. ' ) "During the year of 1915," sayj the pamphldt, "thia little v village for a village it ' waa theninaugu rated a campaign for progress, which in less than six months' time termi nated into one of the greatest periods of progress and advancement in the ent'rety of its hisbery." Pages are d voted to a resume7 of industrial, ac tivities, the schools, chamber of com merce, civic league, churches, water, lights and sewer?pe titanu, bank ing houses, business houses, hotels, nd "Ayden as a whole! , Eight-Months' Term Deter mined Upon by Trustees Thursday Night ' HOPED FOR LONGER YEAR Board Could Not Very Well " Finance Extra Months Had Made an Earlier Start Against Chance of ; Running Through May (Daily Free Press, April 7) The city schools will end the scho lastic year on April 28, it was an- rcunced Thursday night, following a meeting of the Board of Trustees. The term will have run the usual . tight months then. . . ; -The school year was started a lit tle earlier than usual in tho tad. in the hope that the board might have f : funds enough to increase the term to nine months. , It was stated Thurs- day that it was Kwsible that the board would not its way clear to finance the schools for the proposed ninth month, and the meeting result ed an Hhe decision to close them at ' the end of the eighth. The trustees expect to be able to make ithe 1916-1917 term run nine months. Members of the board say' that the present year might have been stretch ed to nine months! but that the f unds would have been cut very" closely. FIRE IN HARDWARE STORE DOES DAMAGE SEVERAL THOUSAND Blaze of Unknown Origin In Place, of D. VJ Dix on & Son Early Today Firemen Checked frames . Immediately "'- m' , . . (Daily Free Prss.1, Aprd 7) ' Fare shortly after 3 o'clock tins morning did damage estimated at $3,000 or $3,500 in the hardware store of D. V. Dixon & Son at the South east corner' of North and Queen streets. The figures of damage are those of Fire Chief Moseley. The origin of the blaze ds unknown.' The department was quickly on the scene -and checked the 1 progress of the flames within five minutes. The fire was confined to the second tory of the building, in which it started. The blaze was a more or less stubborn one; and it took the firemen about 30 minutes to completely extinguish, it. Combustibles, such as paints, oils and varnishes i threatened to make trouble ; for 1 the ifire-flghters. The water pressure was excellent' ' The fire was not' exactly a spec tacular one, but quite 'tfnteres;tirK., ; to quote Chief Moseley.' The depart ment excelled their previous best ef fort ami handled the blase in an ad mirable fashion, he said. A stranger who claimed long acquaintance with Are departments in many places de clared to a group of the men that he could not believe them volunteers, so nicely had they eoped4- with the threatening situation, for Ithe flames had gained considerable headway be fore the apparatus was called. Much of the damage was from smoke and water.'-. , :7;j ; i ; Insurance men this afternoon es timated the damage to stock and building at $5,000. Philadelphia, April . 6. So many school garden teachers have been cap tured by Dan Cupid since last sum mer that the board of education held a special examination to fill the ranks. Many marriages followed the closing of the gardens Jast summer and the eligible list was virtual' exhausted. ; I J r i! i if. t . LI 1 f ...... it ;' .... !?..,!