1 HE free PRESS. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS VOL. XXXV. No. 94 KINSTON, N, Ci SATURDAY, MAY 2 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTO i BERLIN DtytVtd I HA I UN1UD STATES IMPEACHES SHERIFF ALLIES NOT GOING SUNDRY CIVIL BILL THE CRITTUR HAS A BAPTISTS ATTEMPT COULD SECURE PEACE EASILY, U. P. MAN ALA. COUNTY WHERE TO LISTEN TO THE CARRIES INCREASES GROWTH OF ANTLERS TO RAISE BIG DEBT mn a i fkiirnrki rrn rin w Junnin a i na-u-tna - - . I I 1. f f 1 is allowedI to Tell HEUCAN PEOPLE DRINK ROWED TREE BERLIN P ORTIFICATIONS AND CL&VEN HOOVES ME TALK FOR CARRIED BY BOARDS .A. of Sentiment fi i Germany is Sent Over Frank Discussioi Cable With Colisent of Ccnr "No More Difficult Than Settling Submarine Controversy," Statement of an Imperial fiofernment OflicLl Must Be Something Formal Done, ifpwever Belliierents Cannot (Jet To gether on Peace Dutch Believe k Bring Great Straggle to an E tWhile Every is Washingtoi ne Talks at Random fs Duty to Act Now to Over IlalfiMillion Dollars' Owe SomeUiin Worth ii uor Taken At Generations, Girard S Far Lot of It ani of Behind ;l Bank Clashes Are Threatened THP A1IIIN (By Carl W. ifpkerman, U. 1 Correspondent) Berlin, May 19.4-There is a fA'lintr here that if strong neutral, sucllas the Unitetl States, undertook negotiate peace, it might succeed. a to statements by Presi as the opening guns ough the expressions mpared witlt the German chancel- ot appear altogether most frank discus- the German censor.) Diplomatic circle! regard recen dent Poincare and Sir Edward Grew fog informal discussiln of peace, t of the Allied leaders lor's recent Reichstaa speech do n conciliatory. (This if probably thi sion of peace rumors et passed by Could, Be Easily Arranged One official told met today that making peace at this stage would be no moremifficult than adjusting the recen German-American submarine dispute. He explained however, that no belligerent can publicly state definite terms of peace while informal discussions continue, with oach, side making drastic statement of what it intends to accomplish as a result of the war; I learned on a trip iijto Holland that that country is certain all the belligerents want peace, and that the time for a decisive victory has passed, although each may at tempt a summer offensive. The Dutch think it America's duty to act now. (Ry theljnited Press) Mobile, Ala.. General Martin pcachment pre sheriff at Gir where over h;i worth of liquor Was found in t proceedings ni sensations. (Hashes were tween citizens : May 19. Attorney today instituted im- edings against the Kussell county, a million dollar- as seized liy the mil- Will Me As Strong After War as Nfw, Declares itia. Fifty thfusand lollars worth Former Pr ily Fore in Chastisemei f to Unborn jSays Vivi-trance E STANDS uei hteaii- Genuany's More patteries. Arsenals, Ktc.At Canal Zone and in Hawaii Total ol $127, 2:U,m in Hill Reported (o 1 louse it Lenoir County Pachyderm (Maimed to Have Bobbed Local Arouse of His Adorn ments :n Hig Meeting a la Ford Thursday rear of a hank. The expected U produce Shreatened today be- 1 militia officers. 15 I'lin.l dT SIMMS, (I'niled Press St:H Correspondent) Pctrngrad. Mat 1!).-The Al!ie stand for a finish fght. They intend M'CRAwTsmYER LAST OF AL Iliilsville. Va ( raw, larroll co KITCHIN SATISFIED COWBOYS SURPRISE WITH DEFEAT FIVE- YEAR ROLICY, SAYS BAND;1 MANY KILLED (By th Washingt cratic Lead eral months posed the 1' ness legislat the fight. battle cruis feat of the program is e day. United Press) May 19. Demo Kitchin, who sev- igo vigorously op- (sident's prepared- has renounced favors the five program. "Oe- ive-year building tugh," he said to- CYMRIC W BOILER STATED SUNK BY L0SI0N 1$ Y SURVIVOR AND DEFEAT VILLA y the united tress Persl ing's Headquarters, Mexi co, M ly 19. Sixteen Villistas were lilled and a number cap tured, when twenty-five cowboys surprised a party of bandits 40 mileslsouth of Madero. HUR1 WHEN CAR LEFT ANK DURING A RAIN (By the Ufited Press) Berlin, May lO.ttThe White Star liner Cymric was Hnk "by the explo sion of boilers, a& was not torpe doed as London orted, was the assertion made bv at member of the crew reaching Amsterdam, dispatch es today said. BIG ORDERS FQj SHELLS AT N0RF0LK1IAVY YARD Norfolk, Va., May paredness test and ir onstrate the facilitiei of hte navy yard shi orders have "been recel 6-inch and 10,000 5-in -As a pre- rder to dem and capacity II shops, rush ed for 10.000 naval shells. ALBEMARLE NORMAL CLOSING. Albemarle, May 18.-The closing excrcisei of 'Albemarle JNormai and Industrial Institute corttmence ti.is evening it 8 o'clock, and will con clude on Sunday, Mr. B. P. Anderson of Annlston, Ala., relief operator fit the Wes tern Union, k supplying for Opera tor A. W. Westbrook at the local of ftee while the latter is on fort night's vacation. ... I'aylor, who lives beyond the llge from the city, was hurt automobile went off the Id between Kinston and th Lbout 9 o'clock Thursday Sam Iron b when Dam r bridge nijrht. Mr. Tlor says he was driving on ly about mc or six miles an hour. It was rainilt', and the machine struck a pole orfcost and left the road. It tumbled Mme feet to the adjacent lowgroundi The car was not badly damaged. fc"hp steering wheel struck Mr. Taylol He is up and about, but quite miflfujly hurt KINST01B0Y BROKE UP STUDENTS' RULE ANBlHURT SHOULDER Durham, the ban rece lars by the s school, the pr. Trinity Colleg- good. The re suspension of about Wednesdt as Heath of Ki y 18. iNo longer is y placed on stiff col- mts of Trinity Park ratory institution of this city, to hold n for tha sudden e ban was broujrh- night when Thorn ton, a Park school in student, dislocati scrap' vrith num were trying to ei Heath, it was sa Peele, started to. his shoulder in a rous students wno force the ban. Mr. by Headmaster lave the dormitory with a stiff collar! He was pounced upon by a numbel of students who attempted to take the collar off. In striking at one of his adversaries, young Heath wrenihed his shoulder loose. ENS, IS FREED May IS. Will Mo nty farmer, on tri al in the CirniitffCourt here for the murder of .Taspe noled Carroll co tiijfht was aeuil lowing a deliberation of two hours. The verdict was ured in the Hi April, 1912, whei eral court officer: Allen, last of the uty clan, early to ed by a jury, fol- l-eceived at 8:40 o' clock by Clerk Dlxter Goad, who fig- sville tragedy of a judjre and sev were killed. Self- defense was claipied by McCraw. W fli shrdlu atakshrdlu atats hassa to break (ierman They owe this lions." This was the peace talk made by Rene Viviani premier, now mn Viviani is hen; sioi' . "Our 'alliance than at any tini gaii," 'h said. grow stronger a steadily forcing ment. We will full reparation done. There'll t after the war. the Allies equal! s heaviest sword, unborn genera- wer to Berlin the United Press ho former French ster of ius'ice. on a 'ice ret mi more compact .since Uk war 1 We continue to msmen. We are ermany's chastise orce her to make or what she has no separate peace ffbe world will find unified." Wa.-.h ,'il bil today ri It ea nma fi senals, Islands. IlllnHi again Jy tho United Press) kj'.'hn, May !!. The sumlry carrying fl J7.',:!7,2,M, was lortod to the House U's great increases for 1 an- lilications, armoriiv; and ar id barracks in the Hawaiian Four million and a half is for canal fortifications iirlil millions disked. CIRLff ATALLY HURT Bf THE ACCIDENTA L DISCH ARGE OF PISTOL HUGHES COULD NOT KEEP HIMSELF OUT OFOREGONPRUM (By the United Press) Portland, Ore., May 19. A three- cornered race between Senator Cum- mins, Theodore K. Burton and Just ice Hughes for the Republican nomi nation fop President fea;ured Ore- gon's presidential preference prim ary today. , Despite his request. Mr. Hughes' supporters filed a petition signet 1 bl,:;oo voters demanding that his Jame be put on the ballot. Hughes telegraphed again that he did not Want his name on the ballot. Hut therOt is. CHARLOTTE WAITING pnn r- v 1 - 1 tbnuiLmLin BRIDE THERE SAT'Y BROKE SPEED LAV AND rLMtWlNSNOW HILL; WAS EXPENSIVE Covoriu-s of Virginia, Nortlif and South Caroli na anq Their Staffs to Re ceive Thief Executive on Reviewing Stand WashinMon, McAdoo ISday (By Chariot If RECEIPTS OF REVENUE GREATER THAN LOOKED F(t BY CONGRESSMEN May IS. Secretary submitted to Chair man Kitclin of the House Ways and Means (fimmiltee, and Chairman Simmons, fejf the Senate Finance Com mittee, revised estimates tending to show thaRsmuch less new revenue will haverto be raised to meet the bill for pfeparcdness and other large contcmplaleu expenditures than had been supposed. Only al&itt $1 ."0,000,000 in addi tional revenue will have to be pro- g the coming year, Mr. lid. This is less by $7f, riB the most conservative Congress calculatetl at of tne session would he United Press.) N. C. May !!. Flabor- ate prepar.Aions are bping made fir the prngrani when the President and Mrs. Wilson! arrive tomorrow for tho celebration If the 141st anniversary of the MeclBenburg Declaration of Independent' Representatives of many Southern States are lire. The governors of both Carolina and 'Virginia ' and their staff wll accord the President the reviewing stand a reception o tomorrow. New Bern i: community lighj LumKerton, May IS A deplorable occurred in east laimherton iBernoon about 5 o'clock, when iilcailows, ii years old. was pistol ball entering her head live tne lilt eye. She win o the hospital, where it is the wound will prove fatal. was attached to anyone. A young wolks were engaged ng kodak pictures, the sidi ng "western scenes" in re pistoks were used, none were supposed to be load weapon was fired by Frank sice it! this Marjie shot. ; just a rushed though! No Ida tie par'y in mak jeets hi which vr of whiefl ed. Th Bryant. e Press. May 1'.)) no Mowers no music gowns, nor pott nor fat dowagers at a weddingmn Loftiu's opera house a (Daily I There wer no nandsomt plants anil p Autoists from Kureka, N. C, pass ing through Snowillill were arrest i for exceeding1 thiijspeed limit on the streets and killing; a "yearlin heif er cow for Josiajl Exum," in the words of a well Miown citizen of that town today. The party wim forced to pay fine for speeding aid damages for III heifer. Thursday aft. "beautiful" about a bund ptir y and a c unity (1. (). V't her in we handed nor The knot wa could be by cans and I rog monv feast meeting resol tion. A full Republican the honor is ; tain ii is, how fi.'l of big Ps o n. But it was (fair nevertheless to persons in the brida icnce. I lie I.enoii and M (Misers got to ck. It was no half If hearted husine 'id as stoutly as it determined Kepul.li ssives. It was a har the finest kind. The 1 itself into a conven- cket was put out. aders today say that for the (J. O. P. Cer Acr, thai the ticket is ELKS RUNG IN FIRE ALARM TO FIND MAN TIM WERE SEEKING preparing to wage on the mosquito. WOMAN KILlED BY A BOLtIdF LIGHTNING vided dun McAdoo p ooo.two t members he oirtse needed. GER 4 MAES be REPRODUCE ARABIAN NIGHTS TO HEIP WAR SUFFERERS s . San Fra Cisco, May 19. It looked as if the streets of Bagdad had been rejuvenate.Fand brought here in all their oriental splendor ivhen the charity bamar for German war; vic tims open el today at Civic Auditori um. E The vast! hall contained almost every featifre of a far eastern city. Sinbad the al Raschid character were on h turbans. Eailor, Ali Baba, Haronn bind 'all the other noted if Arabian Nights fame d in their best bibs and Wadesboro, Ma electrical storm, v.ruck a post on Cimphell, killing, and rendering hims year-old daughter b IS. During an It of lightning e porch of Van Uantly. his wife f and seven-conscious. ASHEVILLE GIRL WAS . GAGGED AND LEFT BY A WOULD-BI BURGLAR Asheville, May 18.ntMembers of the Asheville police department are today searching for tie mysterious assailant of little thaleen-year-old Julia Schoopf, daughtcKof Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schoopf, wha was seized by an unknown assailankin the base ment of her parents' wrae, gagged into insensibility, dragg4$ across the floor of the basement ara left to re cover while the unknow made his escape. The man b supp sed to have hidden in the basement of, he Schoopf home for the purpos of robberj. (Special Washingto lo. Bill!" hailj who climbed bile 41!. the c ket streets Carl Richar Richardson Elks strode the corner, brought the the neighbor and Rich "What ai it?" was a Elks, attem here, lolled awaiting d said the eh until tomoi The Free Press) N. C, Mav l!.--"llel a jolly party of K Ik ut of a stolen automo nor of Third and Mar. re. I hey were seeking on, who lived there id not show up. Th the fire alarm box on idled the hook ami ngines, all the dogs in od, a lot of small boys son. ?you going to do about ed the lire chief. The g tne Mate convention the automobile then, elopments. "Nothing,' if; "they own the town w morning." PRESBYTERIANS ARE WONDERING WHO WILL BE MODERATOR NEXT Atlantic (By, N. J., May 19. One of the subjfets of greatest interest at the 128th fceneral Assembly of the Presbyteriangchurch, which is meet ing here to y, is who will be the next moder or to succeed the in cumbent, th r Rev. Dr. J. Ross Ste venson, pres jlent of Princeton Theo logical Semi tary. Within six weeks of the appr aching assembly there were only t o men who were actual ly known, to have their "hat in the ring." . No no will say who is the strongest Subscribe to The Free Press. l.eiulers ripe of reace Among "lhos present" were Re pi blican ChairtSBii T. B. Brown, Pro gressive Chairiwm J. II. Mew-borne and John E. Cameron, Rep. Messrs, Mewborne and 'ameron said sweet things about thl meeting and the fu ture of "the pifrty" in the county. The Ticket. The following, were nominated: Al ber' Brown, Progressive, for Sheriff; B. F. Daugherty, Progressive, for Treasurer; Ceorge E. Sutton, old lin- erT lor .-. Register of'.iDeeds; J. I.' Vause, Progressive, flbr Coroner; J L. Phillips, Progressve, for Survey or; W. C. Knox, rftiuted old liner; J. W. Scarhoro, Progressive; Ran som Garris, Republican; W. E. Stroud. Progressive, and J. T. Spence, said to hoy of the old faith, for commissioner.';.!1' Chairman T . B Brown of the Re publicans "feels" ghat the reconcilia tion is permanent.l"It was like this," said Mr. Brown timay, gesturing with his hand as if pquring sugar into a candy caldron, "they melted!" 1 POSTERS WARN POOR LONDONERS AGAINST KINDS TRAYAGANCE London. May jios:ers, who ha with enormous 1 pie to economizt! - Government bill plastered London ns urging the peo- have no respect for ocalities. In oim of the most squal d and poverty Wtricken districts of oe.don the follteing advice appears T . . i l l i ML l 1 1. $84,000 o scribed Thii No Part Faith Ii tion of S Reason $252,000 Sub at Asheville Morning WOMEN OFFER JEWELRY ConventioiJDecides to Take m Conference on ists on Separa te and Church, (By the Asheville, Ma pcilaul work In tempi to raise unv shouldered Foreign missions iig been voted bj lit convention e. Many women theii tbigr and sell them. Speeia all the States of nited Press) 1!). The most im today was an at- $252,000 joint debt the Home and ards, $84,000 hav- the Southern Bap- ly this morning. re jewels from easts, offering to committees from e Women's Mis sionary Union, in vssion here also, joined in the attemBt. The conven- turn adopted a recommendation by a committ-io1 ceinpriainfc Lansing Bur roughs, Oliver Gregoly of Baltimore and Ilight Moore of Worth lOarolina, to take no part in tnp world's Con ference on Faith, because of the Bap lists' insistence on absolute separa tion of the church and state. The committee was ordered Continued for the ensuing year. BRIEFS IN THE PWS , . OTHER COUNTIES AND OTIES OF SECTION (Daily Free vfress, May 19) Attorney General T. W. Bickett spoke at Greenville Thursday night. He made an address at Farmville earlier in the day. L. C. Cooper colored, is believed to have been fatally wounded by Rachel Deems,1 negress, who shot im in the back during an alterca tion in a Greenville tenement section. Tho breakwater being built at Cape Lookout. or a distance of 1,000 feet is showing above the surface, says a report to the New Bern Sun- Journal. s4 New Bern E$cs won the cup for having the largest number in at- enuance at tn state convention m Washington Thursday. in letters five "Don't use Don't buy super employ more need." In fash trictn the pnste their absence, near the heart however, is lii tho warnings ft high motor for pleasure uous clothing. Don't rvants than you liable West End dis- are conspicuous for Trafalgar Square, the official district. rally splashed wit.h PRESBYTE Orlando, K! evidence of the ern Presbyter!;' ed States to p; the country c! ' h first busine :.i:ih General . by the electior ton, pastor of churches in tl siaPippi, to th COUNTRY ifiRSON NEW N MODERATE May IS. Personal itention of the South- church in the Unit- greater attention to hes was given at session of the fifty- sembly of the church f Rev. C. W. Graf- nion . and liensalem Presbytery of Mis- office of moderator. DANIELS CELEBRATES NATi ANNIVERSARY BAPTISTS V0ULD SEND MISSIf ARIES TOTHE SLAVtAR PRISONERS Special tThe Free Press) Washington! D. May 19. Sec retary of theiNavy Daniels celebrat ed his 64th birthday yesterday. He was bora in Washington, N. C, Asheville, Jay 18. Plans to send mi.'.sionaries $dlo German and Aus trian prison ramps to attempt to con vert to the Baptist faith the "2,000, 100 Russian jrBoners of war" held there, were oufiined to the Southern BaptistConvmtion at its session here late tod, which was devoted chiefly to heatlhg experiences of iU missionaries rfrned from foreign ields. r SEVEN OF WLUMBUS BANDlflE HANGED Deming, N. M .May 19 The seven Villa followers aptured after they had taken part i the Columbus raid, and who were s jtenced to death by Judge Edward I " Medler here April , 23, were hanged t Santa Fe petuten r tiary today. At the time t ey were sentenced, the prisoners pie ded that they were ignorant of whe e they were goiitj at the time of thl raid and that they were forced to follow VUla under . penalty of death; - Six of the bandits listened unmov ed to the sentence of death, hat the seventh, Jose. Bangel, who had been wounded In the rair and was carried into court on a cot, cried for mercy.

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