The KijMSTnlik Free Press. PUBLISHEp TWICE A WEEK4WEDN ESD A YS AND SATURDAYS T VOL. XXXVfc-No, 05 KINSTON, N. O, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1916 PRICE CENTS CARRANZA MOVING GREAT ARMY PRESSURE ON CHIEF EPISCOBAL FEDERArD WOMEN'S CLUBS OPEN GREAT CONVEHFION TODAY IBER POINTS; CAPITAL EXECUTIVE TO MAKE A MOVE FOR PEACE VOTES ARTILLER V IN FORCE, ON NEGRO I ,1 1 .muati nm m mm fc vwm Twenty Thousand Men More ward American Troops Intend to Attempt Force and Did Obregon Play tions In Southern Republic Far Worse Than Ever Be fore Starfation Faces ment's Money No Good dicap Corf uls Pen Picture in lflain Lines for State Department (By the WashingtAi, May 23. twenty thous, but$ are mov elsewhere, according to State Department messages, Ostensibly jthey will assist the Big Bend fend Parrall districts. Officials strongly in timated todajf that the number va far more than was necessary for ;he task. Another disquieting feature was the presence i f considerable artillenv in General Trevi no's command ! Awful Condit ons In Mexico. (By 'arl Groat, U. P. Correspondent) Washingtp: , May 23. The great Underlying elements of the Nation life, money, industrt and food, are in such deplorablfe conditions in Mexicolthat the Adminis tration faces trie gravest problem sinc the American sol diers entered. I I Reports frotn the most level-headey of the consular staff today gate the Administration & distinct shocK. They pictured starvation, shaky Carranza fiat money and a railroad striwe, affecting a large portion of the rail ways. The cabinet considered the reports, today. PiFTS AN r ffll COURT HOUSE TODAY Enters Beforf Opening- Gives Glover Sky-High Character Best Man In Washington From Stand- point of Inte rity, Says Washington, Ma; 23, Apparent- ly thoroughly enjoyBig the whole proceedings, Thepi re Kooseveit. teeth flashing, todas character witness foi testified as a President Glo- ver of the Riggs ational Bank. charged with perjury ith two other :fficial. ' The Colonel enterej the court be- flsre the session ope ftd, with his daughter, Mrs. Longorth, and got He said a big ovation and c Glover was "absoluuly the highest man in Washington iom the stand- point of integrity and general not,cross-cx- knowledge." He w amir.ed. Alii NOTHINGtDQIN ON; - u C0TT0 EXCHANGE (Daily Free Prel, May 23) No cotton was soldBiere today. New York futures wotations were; Open 13.21 .13.36 .12.92 .13.10 .13.06 .13.18 Close 13.09 13.22 12.84 12.91 12.89 13.04 January . March . . May . . . July .. . October . December i UTTLE GIRL SAFES ANOTHER FIOM RIYER ' (Special to The J-ee Press) ' Washington. N. C, Way 23. Pearl O'Neal, 12, rescued Marie Mahoney, another young girl, from Pamlico river here. The latte member of a theatrical company, "I1 off a dock. Pearl O'Neal eized St by the hair when the came up aip cried out for help. Itet took the scared but un hurt Marie from th water. . OVATION eeded in March To Does Mi ican liovernment Withdra al of Expedition, United Si ttes False? Condi People iDe Facto Govern Railroad Strike Serious Han United Press) Thirty thousand Carranzistas, Than nd more than Obregtin promised to distri ng northward from liiltillo, Durango and the Americans in patrolling STMT DRAINING BIGL LAKE IN HYDE COUNTY TV Swan Quarter, VN. C, May 23. Next Monday morning the mammoth pumps at Lake MAtamuskeet will be put to work draimng the hike for the reclamation of Vnore than 50.000 acres of land. The pumps, amoifc the largest in the world, will throw out the water at the rate of 18.0(1,000 cubic feet a second. It will tAe three weeks to complete tha task.It is estimated. The reclaimed land will be worth $5,000,000 or more. MORE TRAINS OVER SOUTHERN; SIEEPER THROUGH TllIS CITY Southern Railway trails Nos. 108 and 131, running betwtn Greensbo ro and Raleigh, are to lie continued to Goldsboro from the M ter city af ter May 28, said a repoi j today. An other sleeper is to be Iperatcd all the way to Goldsboro aid on tc Morehead Citv over thi Norfolk Southern. NAVAL MILITIA TO CRUISE ON BIG SHIP Special to The Free P Washington, D. C, May ss) -The North Carolina Naval Rese take their ten-day summer the battleship Louisiana, tes Will jiiise on ith the cruise Atlantic reserve fleet. Th will begin on July 15. FIFTEEN YEARS FOR ASSAULTING GIRL (By tha United Ptm) Durham, N. C, May : Tom lowing Sails. 28 vears of age, f a confession that he assaulted fifteen- year-old Daisy Webster, dau ter of a Patterson farmer, was ntenced to fifteen years in the Statepeniten tiary in Superior. Court toliy Washington, May 23. The Bouse oassed the Porto Rican Mil, provid- ln for a larger ; measure of. self- government, after, striking out the woman auffraye provision. - President Preparing His Speecji to Be Made In New York Saturday FACES I DIFFICULT TASK Might lave Talked Very Freelj Had Not Briand Made His Discouraging Statement Monday, Say Wilsod s Intimates By CABL W. ACKEHMAN, (United less Staff Correspondent) Berlin, May 23. Either Mil- son or Tift would be acceptable to (k'rmai maker, the Germ socialists as a peace, 'hillip Schiedemann, n Socialist leader, to- day told said the "food die lied hope blockade. e United Press. He ppointment of a new tor" destroys the Al- f victory through a nd will make England sue for pelcc. By I. J. BENDER, (United PrAs Staff Correspondent) Washington May 23. Ths Prem- dent is at woft on the speech he vill 3 deliver Saturday before the League to Enforce Pwce in New York. H is facing a mcqst difficult task, accord ing to "those m touch with him. Many appeiifc have been made to him to make fn offer of mediation. Even some mm high in the Presi dent's circle believe the time is ripe for him to opey voice the belief he apparently feel namely, that none of 'thebeingwfc PtSjfetSR andgthat for humanity's sake peace shoiHd be declared. If it had not teen for French Pre mier Briand's eclaration yesterday that peace only in come with a de- cisive Allied victi ry, it is tieiieved tne Is. . . . ... President would lave talked very freely Saturday. BULLETINS TORNADO WRECKS TOWNS. Mobile, Ala., Uay 22. Elev en were hurt when the towns of Earlvillefi Ala., land Agricola, Mif-s., were' almoffl wrecked by a tornado swepingl that section yesterday and ea ports said many ly today. Re- buildings were literally blown aay. ASQU1TH WANTS? NEW CREDIT. London, May I 23. Premier Asimitli moved fr a credit of three hundred million pounds in the House of Coninions this af ternoon. GERMAN'S TAKE BLOCKHOUSE. Berlin, May 23-The Germans have captured a French block house south of (Jmard Forest, northwest of VerAin, in violent fighting, the war mice today re ported. Also a fulious battle is rauinz about the IFort Douau- mont ruins. PRESIDENT COulPLETES PROTESTITO BRITAIN Washington, Ma 23. President Wilson today competed the formal protest against Grit Britain's mail seizures. . It was mnt to Secretary Lansing for his siglature shortly af ternoon. It is expolted to be put on the wires immediaty. TURKS FALLING BACK BEFORE IhE RUSSIANS f London, May 23. The Turks have begun to fall back On Bagdad be cause of the Russian advance. It is believed the Turkish rear guard .will have difficulty in escaping capture during the retreat, because of the difficulty of, troop movt men te. Colored Clergymen Protest Against Separation of Rales in Debate THE TME NOT YET RIPE But Chinch Shrould Keep Divorment In Mind, Says Substitute Resolu tion Ajlopted Sharj) Tilt Likelyf Today (Daily Free Press, May 21!) Uivorcepent or the races an the Episcopal Chilrch was a lead ing topic 'before the East Caro lina Dioceian Council in St. Mary's church this morning. At the instance it is said of the General Convention, desiring to learn the sentiment of the local diocese in the matter, a commit tee was appointed and today a favorable, resort was made by the committee. Colored clergy men participated in the debate that followed They unanimous ly opposed the, move. They could see no benefit5 to accrue, they protested; certainly none to their race. The report was voted down. It was proposed , to establish sepa rate missionary districts for the ne groes, each with it colored bishop. A substitute resolution introduce by Mr. G.Y. Cowfer of Kinston. stating, thatgii fehoul toe the future policy, rtheAiurch to favor separa- was not ripe, was adopted. Abolition of the offile of archdea con was proposed by ftev. Mr. Ash by of Elizabeth 'Ci:y. A committee was appointed, and a import is c pected this afternoon. & lively tilt is predicted. The Council of the Ejcopal Dio cese of East Carolina, in jjmnual con vention in St. Mary's cfcurch here, Monday afternoon heard 1m address by Prof. Chas. H. Herty o the Uni versity of North Carolina! on the subject of the church penilon fund. The movement for the fundUias been very successfully conducte with the prospect of incn largely in future. Name Deputies. so far, Mng it The Council named the following deputies and alternates to tne Gen eral Convention, in order: 'Clergy men: Rev. R. B. Drane of Edenton, Rev. W. II. Milton of Wilifington. Rev. J. I!.' Griffith of Kinstlh and Rev. W. E. Cox of Wilmington, de puties, and Rev. C. A. Ashliy&f Eli zabeth City, Rev. R. F. IluJke of New Hern, Rev. T. P. Noe M Wil- mington and Rev. J. S rlly mfen, Fayetteville, alternates. Lay W. G. Ifimli of Williamston, 15. R Huske of Fayetteville. G. C. Royall o Colds- boro and George B. Elliott Wil- minuton. deputies, and R. W SmTtl of Hertford. E. K. Rishop o New Bern, T. II. Partrick, Jr., Clin- ton and R. R. Cotten of Gr nville, alternates. A telegram of greeting an affec- donate eood wishes was sc the Rev. Nathaniel Harding, the veteran, who is rector of St. Washington, who was unable loved 'er's. ause of affliction to attend the C .incil's meeting here. Rev. Dr. H. L. Burleson York, editorial secretary New the Church Missions House, ad essed the Council on the subject f sions. ' mis- At night a service was held by Bishop T. C Darst, who is presiding over the convention, and Rev. Kelsey , of Belhaven. Rev. Cox of Wilmington. eecreU the report of the Missionary tire Committee. He ata food gains had- been made in eese, although, only one ne at-Naz' Head had been? built. Archdeacon T. P. Noe of Filming (Continued on Pff Three) JC. C. ryf made fcxecu- ted tnat the dio- (vfl church r and Ohio Have ates for the 1 residency RAREST KIND OF FIGHT Already Started by Follow ers of Mil. Sneath of Tif fin, and Mrs. Cowles of Los Angfles 20,000 In Attendan New York, Mai 1!3 A pitched bat tle between the Cr-'ar West uml the Middle West, fol tho presidency of the F'ederatod Wfcnen (Hubs of Am erica, was underlway in the mam moth Seventh ReiMment armory here today even before resident Mrs. Per cy V. Pennypackel of Texas whack ed the gavel thatM brought more or less silence to the Sinks of the 20,000 clubwomen gather m from through out the country fol the Federation's biennial national convention. Even at this eay date the con test has simmered dlwn to two candi dates who would .slccecd Mrs. Per- ny packer. They arMrs. Samuel B. Sneath of Tiffin, Ohfi, now first vice president, and MrsM Joseph Evans Cowles of Los Angiws, Cal. Both Mrs. Cowles And Mrs. Sneath have mobilized theiiK campaign for ces with the schewdfcess of a Tam many politician; amsboth the floor and galleries of th convention at th opening hour werft the scenes of f or posntipn, trading Wtween delega tions and the like as fver character ized a buzzfest of the irand Old Pnr- ty or apostle of the s key. This election will 1 most important pieces of the Don- one of the business and there is no subject bi dug discussed more earnestly than relative women for qualifications of the t the position. Big Armory Turned Ov to the Convention. New York, May 2:!.-VNo woman ever was permitted to Inore than step in, peek around and lurry out of the mammoth Seventh ifcgimenl ar mory in this city until 2ooO of them from all over the United States trooped gayly in and tool possession of it this morning for tio biennial national convention of th Women's Clubs of Am Federated ca. And thev certain v shooed ii y tnat. bleak, somber barrel, nes that pcr- vades bachelor, club and busincss r go. 1 day o quarters where women ne From today to the seco June, the armory is given biennial, which means !h;i onel's room this morning possession of Mrs. lYmiy(i bional president, and that p to the the col in the ker, na- mess- room is not nearly large eiSugh for the luncheon which will lie fcrved at noon every day, but had W have joined with it the band-roomamd the library. BRIEFS IN THE NEW! OTHER EAST CAROLINA CITIES AND COUMTIES (Daily Free Press, May S) Work on good roads to cost pO.OOO is to be started in Washingtoiltown shiD. Beaufort county, in a y or two. I The aenior class at the EaswCaro lin'a Teachers' Training schoJ won the Athletic Club'a loving cut for general athletics. William Brady, a negro, pulfd the belkord on an Atlantic Coas Line passenger train in Onslow, c unty; tha train was stopped so tuddc ly by the startled engineer pai- lengers were" badly shaken v , and Brady, intoxicated, was arrest (d by the conductor and turned over o the New Bern police. California Candi FRENCH DRIVE GERMANS OUT OF NEARLY EVERY POSITION AT VERDUN; AN BATTLE OF FIERCEST HIND SWTP Tilt t! OFF FEET People Affeady Wild With Excitement ind Enthusiasm Get Amlher Surprise With News To Jay of Duplicar tion oil Great Victory Teutons Now Hold Only One Fort-jFoujfht All Night Hand-tc Hand Kaiser's Troopi Fell Back Steadily Before S ccess-Maddened Defeniers Tricolor of the Republic Waves Every whereJNation Celebrates Greatest !foin Since the MarnJ-Douaumont's Fall Incited Gr&t Offensive (By the r aril M:iv 9'X Tho French tricolor! floated every where tldav, celebrating the most striMng French vic tory since the ereat Verdun battle began. I Already work ed into i frenzy of excitement and enthusiasm over tne victory in that portion of the front arouftl tort Uouau mont,tl second reason for the people's efflebration carrle todav wien the war office announced thatln an all-night -,n n trfpiit lcrocitv me Tho flrcest and bloodiest characttffized the great French victory. F0RMEI8 KINSTONIAN CLAIMS FRAME-UP YS. I FOR ASSEMBLY (Speeit to Tho Free Press) Ooldsbor May 23. Polities in the of Wayne is Ik-rally red hot, with State sena ial fight the center interest Tho asnirAnts for the Senate are Matt H. Alftn, representative in the last assembti; II. B. Parker, attor ney and aecjjttary of tha Democratic Executive Cfljpunittee;. J. Wf Jhomp UorfiHfli WrtniiJ "of" the lioa ftT of ttriiS' 'bees of tho abate Hospital for the Colored Insane, and Sam. J. (Rob erts of Mouli Olive, who claims to be the farmer enndidate. 4 BLACK WHO WENT IN WATER JO SAVE HAT FOR CHILD DROWNED New Bern. aSJay 2.'?. An attempt to recover Hick' hat of Mary baulk- ner, a little lilown into vte jrirl, after lb had river, cost Rieh- mond Khodes, ored, his life. Rhodes an expert sv imer was overheat- ed from work hen he went over- board. He wa tieined with a cramp and went wide It was HO minutes before his bod was recovered. WILL URGEf UTTING THE AMERICAN NAVY NEXTfTO ENGLAND'S (By the Bnited Press) Washington, May 2'Z Demandi.ip "all or nolhinn, 'the minority mem- bers of the Hon Naval ('omwlttce tomorrow will authorization of and men to put in second place. t! a report urfeinjr wutTiceint warships ,o American navy DEMOCRATICpIG FOUR JERSEY NAMED TODAY (By the U: ed Press) Trenton, N. J. Hay 23. Interest in the New Jersc mary today center presidential pni- about the eclec tic Big Four to tion of the Denv the St. Louis con ntion. Although there nothing definite are expected to about it, the place go to Governor Fiel r. United States Senators Hughes ind Martina and State Treasurer Gn ;cup. Congress- man Scully is ambi quartet also. ous to be in the RICHMOND GI SHORT NAME FOI CHAUFFEURS - f ' Richmond, Va, May 23. They Ve found & new name f dr jitney bus dri- vers in Richmond. They're calling 'em jitneurs for eht. . United Press) r rencn orova me vjcii"uo fortl of hand-to-hlmd fighting SANDERSOrl NOT TO BE TRIED giLL THE AUGUST COURT Slayer of liectori Gets Con tinuance Nego Boy to Be Tried for Slurder.'On Wednesdays-Progress of fDailv Free PressJMaY 23) The case of young JVvid Lawson, colored, charged with plldngr another negro boy, was set fi Wednesday afternoon in Superior Gourt today. The case against BryjM Sanderson, white, charged with Jelling (Apios Bee ton, was continued fto the AiMfx-js,., ust term. No important cases wre taken this morning, Many Cases Cleared 0 Monday. The following cases ere disposed of Monday: J. E. Dufaree, assault, nol pros. Lonnie Jones obtaining a marriage license by fifse represen tation, judgment suspended and costs. Miller Paison, pssault and battery with a deadly jVeapon. de fendant insane, nol prfti. Norfolk Southern Railroad, violam of law in unloading coal, nol pros. B. M. Wood, carrying a concated weapon, dismissed. E. W. Minchar, gambling, nol pros. Wm. Isler, ssault on a woman, $20 and costsif Benjamin Faulkner, assault and Ibattery, jnol pros. Ernestj uopper, .tgamy, juag ment suspended and cos and order ed to divorce first wifL alleged to have been untrue. Olln. GarVlner, seduction, nol pros. First Degree Defendant SiVbsent Margaret Partello, clarged with murder in one of tho tlfree homicide cases up for trial, was hot in court when her case was callef. Her bond the court of $1,500 was ordered to be forfeited. She wasf stated to be in Norfolk, too ill to tvel. Coun sel for the woman say phe will re turn if she is able. , . BAPTISTS DECLAtt FOR NATIONAL PROBrnON Asheville, May 23. 1 e Southern Baptist convention "close its 1916 session here today and 1 night mes sengers from the variou Southern Baptist churches in wh :h re en rolled some 2,700,000 P' na. wer leaving for their home: . The convention, which et the high water mark of attendant with 2,125 registeredi messengers, was featured today by passage of Ttsoiutions sk ing a national prohibition law and urging that the District of Columbia be made "prohibition territory. 1 I 4