THE KINSTON FREE PRESS SATURDAyy MAY 27Ui, 191 FIGHTING ATi VERDUN VILLA PRINCE VON BUELOW WILL PROBABLY BE SENATE JUDIC!ARY COMMITTEE jBY VOTE TEN T0 IGHT ON PARTY LINE8 TODAY RECOMMENDS CONFIRMATION BRANDEIS HUSBAND RESCUED DESPASW WIFE BLOODIEST OF THE PARTIES FOLLOW IN OFFENSIVE, STATED WAKE OF AMERICANS R TO U.S. PAGE TWO Ten Thousand Battle That Tuesday (Night Killed in the tarted On MEN USED MIR KNIYES Great Gray Tit j Rolled Up on French P( sitions Until Troops Grap led Both . Sides Literal Bathed In Fire Herois r . As Fore ?s Withdraw Band its Pidk Up Peons in the Count -y Evacuated-Say Chief Is Coming Back to Command Forces Reported He Will Succeed Von BernstorVf at Wash ington Embassy Paris, May 24.-JFol!owiin a terrific onslaught, j the Germans have penetrated I the French front west of thj Meuse, the war office today fdmiUed. All other attacks werl repulsed. Paris, May 24. 7m thousand men have gone down to i rapidly becoming; cerement of the th tie of Verdun. night rolled up 80, French works on while two brigade! rushed the French monk After bath in ' sitions from Thiau mont in a steady r ' trey columns rushc the face of a mach ' coming to close gri men struggled so clo: only knives could be LUghter in what le bloodiest en- ;e montns' oat- Germans last against the lead Man Hill, ime and again ifending Douau- the French po int to Douau- II of fire, the the works in te gun spray, Groups of together that ised. Columbu bandits arc N. M.. May 24. Villa frecruiting in the wake or the withdrawal of the American for ces, accordant to information from Pershing's front RemnanUjof bands that Pershing disnersed ate conscripting peon at the pifitol pAnt, saying Villa is com ing back to ad them and promiHing them rich loot, BRIEF NIf S NOTES FROM THE NEIGHBORING TOWNS AND COUNTIES ups PASTOR! FOR ENF0RC1 Taft Asks Them to Coi Churchmen flan of tl Enforce Peace Whl Establish rnternationi Conciliations-No Disi HELP PEACE tunicate to League to Beeks to Court of rmament Yet i Daily F Mack Blou have fallen fr freight car, w the Neuse riv New Bern Tue vered and the Commenceme Greenville schoi e J'resa, may Z4j colored, supposed to a Norfolk Southern killed by a train on railroad bridge at ay. une leg wag se- y badly cut tip. exercises of the s will start Friday. Pastor B. P. Street Christiai asked by the Fa Churches of On attention of his Smith of Gordon church, has been leral Council of the it to bring to the ngregation "a na- MOTHER SIQf OF PEACE Say Diplom; Chancellor Respect- Expected t or Import; ts Former Active In that )n iiernstorii Go to Anoth- lt Post London, May 14. The Exchange Telegraph statedjthis afternoon that it had learned in authority that Prince Von Buel cellor, is slated ambassador to ing Von Bernst rearrangement matic service. ex-German chan- o become oerman ashington, replac- f, as part of the j the German diplo- e statement is un- Ex-Treaidant Willlai H.Tft,M head of special committee of th League to Enforce pace, recently ' wrote to preachers Bvrougfcout the country asking them go inform their ' parishioners on the a-ogram of the ' organisation, which Is to hold its first annual assemblies Friday and f Saturday of this we. Several oth- " er prominent membea of the League affixed thefrelgnatu Minir In Kinsfin to whom let ters were sent areDlev. Willard 0. ' fiodell of the Chunl of the Eternal Hope, Universalist. fnd Pastor B. P. 1 Smith of Gordon Street Christian 1 church, 1 "There is no reoftmable ground to hope that the natlns of the world -r will disarm and cSJate an interna tional police. We lave not got that far," says the lett practically possible of this war the nJjions will be will ing to enter a lea Mi a to enforce the submission of all teroational court cuiauon, lor a coi before war can be But "it seems that at the end spiftes to an in council of con- lete examination eclared." france will share munition! with the CZAR, SAYS PETROG'D tlon-wule effar't f the relief of the sufferers by the r in Europe and Asia," on "Memorial Sunday, May 28, or on as nearyi Sunday as may be practicable." probably other lo cal ministers havsV been similarly appealed to. The council proposes to acquaint the people with net only the relief plans, but "a movement that shall prepare our Christian churches to play the vital part? that belongs to them in the periods of reconetruotlon end reconciliation corroborated, although it has been frequently reported that Von Born storff was slated to be recalled to fill an important post in Europe. Diplomats todaf said that if the report Is true it s another indica tion that Germany'ilans to move for an early peace. Von Buelow's rjatne has been fre quently connected X'lth peace rum ors, especially diving his long stay in Switzerland. J (I?y the United Press) Washington, May 24. The Senate Judiciary Commit tee today recommended confirmation of Louis D. Bran deis as United States Supreme Court justi e, by a vote of ten to eight, on strictly party lines. Senator Shields of Tennessee, who arrived in the last minutes voted with the Democrats, favo-ing confirma tion, f Cummings was not present, but his vo e was allowed against confirmation. Members favorable to Brandeis are julilant. A prptracted fight is expected in the Senate, with a filibuster likely, when Brandeis' name is ljeached within a week or so. A division on party lines the expected to give the nominee a comfortaljl PARTELLO WOMAN IS: MYSTERIOUS BACK TO FACE THEjIN FARM COURf FOR MURDER CONTINUE SUFFRAGISTS OF THE NATION T010RGANIZE woman's ran' JUNE (By the Ut Chicago. May 2 Tiess for the thousi will attend tho ted Press) , All is in readi ds of women who man's farty con- Alleffed I Slayer of Harry SteinjSaid to Have Been III In Norfolk Hospital, Returned Tuesday Night Cass Today Ihat ' must follow the close of the SHRINERS HOLDING SPRING CEREMONIAL AT RA IEIGH TODAY (Special to T Raleigh, May Shriners are he Spring ceremonii Oasis patrol am over the State a parade at 10 th viewed by the G John . Cam Illustrious Chief the big persona le t tea J'ress) 24. Nearly 2,000 for the two-dav Members of friends from all present, A long morning wus re- ernor. n or Klnston, as abban. is one of of the patrol. INQUIRY INTO THE SAFETY IN IRELAND LIKELY Petrograd, May with plentiful suppl now are undertakir eia, through Archai son Bay Company is fered all iU ISO sh ration from the ITi Russia without pr The French, s of munitions, to supply Rus The Hud- id to have of- s to carry mu ted States . to tBrownsvtlle, May 13. Col. Louis Morlin, charged with Manning a Mex ican uprising, and Vitftoriano Ponce, were shot to death wjen they at tempted to escape fro Texas Ran rers last night. Resolution . ported I . British B blc Motive avorably Re- cstigation of kade Proba Ef Another Re- vention here, JunelG, 6 and 7, in an swer to the call ofi the Congressional Union. : Suffragist from all enfran chised Slates vff determine ' liow (:hey can throw their votes in the next election in oler to best serve the cause of nationjwide suffrage for women. 1 The fast day of this convention will be the first day oy the Republican conclave. COMMENCEMENT OYER AT ElN COLLEGE (Special to ThfFree Press) Elon College, NC, May 24. Dr. James I, Vance ofNahville, Tenn., delivered the literay address at the closing exercises ofMhe Elon College commencement here yesterday. JOHN MM FOUND GUILTY Of TAKING PART IN REBELLION solution, Thought (By the I into tne safety o land was ordered orrbly reported tJ ited Press) Washington. Miy 24. An injuiry Americans in Ire- p a resolution fav- the Senate by the Sudden changes, high ing seasons cause colds and these spring eolds - end dangeus and are li Into ehrVlc ewmme euch cases tike a tree King's New Viscovi uauvt iar itnm. 4 I r 4b 1 DS. nds, ahift- nd grippe. annoying ely to tarn cough. In eni of Dr. a pleasant soothes the conga, checks A nl.i'.nj k.iM . up u 1ck o r-ippe. vIU llreadv nrnlr.i. Jl.:.. ' ng. Just ask yolr dugrist for a hottlt of Dr, KlngVsNew Discovery. Terted and tried for over 40 yeari Foreign Relation-yCemmittee today. The committee Usb reported reso lution asking for lue executive de- panmrnis report so tne senate on what obstacles staid in the way of sending relief to Poland. This said to be aimed af the British block ade. If so it is Ideeply significant, as it is the first tfne the foreign re lations committee tins -. ermitted Sen tte discussion ofl the Secret Courtmlrtial for the Irish Profesmr Who Was President ofl Sinn Fein ers' Orjranizaiion Was i unce i;ivii unicer LITTLE BOY DROWNED IN SPRING UP-STATE Hickory, Msy 21-Sam, the three- year-old son of P.vA. Miller, a local liveryman, was drlwned in a-spring near bis home in I the suburbs of Hickory. (By the UnitA Press) Dublin, May 24.John McNeil. presiJent of the Siln Fein rebels, and a professor in lh Irish univer sity, was today con v ted of part pation in the relwllii. McNeil for merly was a civil oflfcor of the Four Courts. He was seetly courtmar- tialled, having been lrrested on his return to Dublin. He had left there! after clashing with Sinn Feiners or the advisa bility of starting 'thefrebellion some time before the hostilLies broke out VICE-PRESIDENT GRADUATES' ORATOR (Special to The Ffce Press) Greensboro, May 21. Vice-Presi dent Marshall made hfc literary ad drrss at the commence 8ent exercises of the State Normal and Industrial College here yesterday.'; (Daily Free Press, May 24) Several tfuses were disposed of in Superior Court this morning. None was of espeeial importance. The court? planned to commence ihe case against Davjd Lawson, col ored, 12, Iharged with killing a younger coldVed boy, this afternoon. Margaret Partello Back. Margaret partello, alleged slayer of Harry tein, who was not in court when her case was called early in the term, returned Tuesday night from Norfol r where, her counsel states, she v it seriously ill. She is said to have been in a hospital. It is supposed i lat her case will come ' jre the en of the week. Tuesday's Ca es. Cases disp sed of Tuesday were: Charlie Greg fy, bigamy, judgment suspended an costs with certain sti pulations. E ibert Dudley, carrying a concealed eapon, six months. J. E. Gibson, r sisting arrest and dis orderly condi :t, two months, "Kobe Williams, a sault. $15 and costs. Walter Mewhorn, assault with a deadly weapA), judgment suspended and costs, adolph Parker, assault with a deadw weapon, not guilty. e, nowever, is e manrin. FIRES RESIDENCE TO BURN Number in House On II. P. Loftin Plantation Nearly .1. 30 Since Si urday The Cause Yet Unexplained Experts Askfd to Aid HOW RUSSIAN FISHER MAIDS BRIGADE GOT TO THE FIRING LINE (By th United Pres) Petrograd, Blay 24. The spirit that animates ussian women to fight was shown am ng the fisher-folk col ony at Novgoi id recently when Pe legeva Mandril returned wounded from her regii ent after fighting in seven actions. 1 She recruite sevtn'ly girl warrior' among the fisherfolk and when Gen eral Kuropatkil arrived from his es tate at PskofTphe fell on her knees before him anifcmplored him to allow the fisher girR brigade to go the front. i Kuropatkin refused because worn en are "not aluwed'' in the Russian army. So th ctft off their long hair, dressed ft men and scattered themselves am$ng the troops over the thousand-nflle front. These fish er-girl warrio; rely on the unwrit ten law of Rfasian regimen'ls for their protection A series of mysteeious fires which started in a tenant louse on a farm of H. P. Loftin, foul miles south of here Saturday, continued today. It was estimated this jafternoon that nearly thirty blazes yad occurred at intervals of from a few minutes to a few hours. 1 1 What causes the fires a puzzle to Mr. Loftin. T. W. Chasi the tenant, who with his family If ;es in the 5 room dwelling, and nu rierous other ptrsons Who have seer them break rut. State chemists f tm Raleigh will be brought to the? ;cene if pos sible. Federal authori es .in Wash ington also have been1 appealed to. It seems not to be me house, but the contents which arfso peculiarly affected. The furnishiMgs have been moved out of the hoflte. Part of . ... trem were taken to ft dwelling a sho-t distance away. fiUmost imme diately when taken Mo the other house a piece of mating burst into fl.imes. The fires have beerMseen to break out without a moments warning, in bedclothes and artlclfi of furniture garments hanging onfcwalls, etc. The family of Cha are a normal lot. They are greatl perturbed and cannot sleep in the nouse. There is nothing unfisual about the residence. It is a fpme structure, and has stood for a Jong time. Two outbreaks occulted this morn ing. BRYAN MAY RUM FOR PRESIDENT IGAIN AS PROHBITIONIST IS Colds, running irritation of the if neglected may er. Don't take th Uune for your cl not take every me take Dr. King's without bribing sweet pleasant T; fective. Just la eliminate the wa the tint dose he!, ed, no ny'xing your drugyiat j DiscoreryA It .... ciukl gain.seri Ing from col nose, continued ucous membrane can Catarrh lat- hances do some- dl Children will cine, but they will Discovery and teasing. It's a Syrup and so ef live enough to poisons. Almost Always pre par- fussing. Just ask Dr. King's New safeguard your s ailments result , adr. Chicago, 111., May consent 'to make the : Bryan may be selecte date of the Prohibit! President Recent Mr. Bryan were discujsed by Prohi bition party leaders hire today, BULLETINS .If he will William J. as the candi- party for tements of NAVAL BILL REPOI Washington, Maj reported to the H( Naval Committee t nearly $36t,000,00( calls for the expenl ED. 21. A bill se by the lay carries One item tore of $& 000,000 on the No folk yard. CASEMENT IS INDICTED BY GRAND JURY TODAY London, May 25. meni ami uamei uaiay, confederate, were indited treason by a grand juihr ment will go on trial u Roger Case , of alleged Mor high Jilay. Case-26. X- sight wyf After Four Years cf Disconraging Conditions, Mrs. EaQock Care Up b Despair. HastasJ Cams to Rescue. Catroe Ky. In an inierestln Jlctter from thi place, Mrs. Bettie Jfullock writes as fcllows: "1 sufferedBor four years, with womanly troubles, md during this time, 1 Vuld only sit uoor a little while, and fAld not walk ywhere at all. At times,! would havalcvere pains in my left side. The doctor wakalled iJand his treat ment relieved melpr a fhile, but 1 was soon confined to nbfJ again. After ttiat nofiing seenied to do any good. tad gotten so weak 1 could not stand, nd I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle ol Cardui, the woman' tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. 1 can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all tny work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic It has hclpe J more than a million women, in its 53 years of continuous success, and shoui j surely help you, too. Your druggist lias sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recora mend it- Begin taking Cardui today. (Trite to: Chttanon Mfllcln Co.. Ljdtn Atlvisury Dept.. Clumanooga. Tenn.. for Special 1 ntructioii$ an your cue nd book, Horn Trot'taD. for Women." mm in oUia wr.ooor. Ja Field Peas Are Cheap Western Hay IsHigh Now Is The Tipe To PREPAKE T1 I I'M TFh Wit iV I For Your Hay Crop We Have 1O0O iBushels Peas to Offerat Attractive Prices L. Hary & Soil Co vAkPEN TOOLS TOO IF YOV DON'T wflNT THE ruirjcrN. tcs di ay "OLD SCtATCH'V JITH YOUR GARDEN, BUY SOME OF AUR WIRr kND FENCE THEM OUT. IT WILL NOT NLY SfVE YOUR GARDEN, BUT SAVE YOU WORKY ANDrVORK. LET USlFIGUrfi WITH YOU FOR ALL THE FENCE WIRfOUKEED. , WE AREITHEJ LIVE WIRES FOR ; GARDEN TOOLS AND ALL MNDS OF HAttDWAnRr, D. V. DIXON :jJ& ISOM Edwin ClappSh Jes For Men Highest Oualitv nn FxrlniVi- Rtv I Highest Quality anci Exclusive Styles In all lengtbg arid widths. xA complete line of Men's White 4nd IPalm Beach Oxfords dll grades. : ; : Mark X 3I1 MIL r c I

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