IMSTOT fREE m 11 PUBLISHED iTWICE A WEEK-WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS VOL. XXXV.-No. 101 KINSTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, J UNI 14, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS ii K t. 4 ULTIMATUM FR0MTII WOMAN'S P'RTY TO HUGHES AND SMILE PMV AMERICAN CAVALRp PUT LAST ONLY TBEY WHO PUT RUSSIANS HAVE PUT MORE TllAN A THIRD FOES OUT OE ACTION DEMOCRATS DEMAND S MSSAGE ANTHONY TO BE SHOWN EVERY OF CERVANTES' BAN DTO.ROUT IN FIGHT BELOW TlliBORDER; 3 OF fiANDITS BEAD AMERICA FIRST CAN PLAY IN OUR YARB AMERICAN, IT'S SAID i. lb I. I 1C ' ' :, , AMENDMENT END OF uHE SESSION i f 9 jH Half a Million Dollars Available for Fight In Event There Is No Compliances Women atjchicago Prepar ed to Present Mailed Fis nings Bryan, Only a Little Alternate From His Own Home State, Turns Up Ifl Convention? City to Be Told Farewell by Rejuvenated! ventions In His Day, But a Small Figure In This (By the Utited Press) St. Louis, June 13. "Efact the Susan B. Anthony amendment before the end (H gress or fight! Half a million dollars arelavailable for our fight." This is the ultimatum to be lianded to the resolutions committee of tip Democratic fonvention by ihe 'National Woman's partr. Bryan, a 'Has-Been,' Arrive! St. Louis, June 13. W. and found the Democratic National Convention ready to tell 'him "Good-bye, God blels ' The fact that Bryan is only ka'Mnd reported as such aftir in four conventions, ana inrae date shows the change in Democracy. &UCKIANS IN A RECK EN ROUTE TO ST. LOUIS THIS A. M. Delegate! and Others on Way to the Convention Hurt In Smashup When Split Bail Threw Sleepers Off N One Killed and No One Severely " "Irtjnred Itls Reported ""rT'rri (By tha United Press) Owensboro, Ky., June 13. Ken tucky Democrats en route to the Na tional Convention at St Louis, were wrecked early today.1 Two pullmans today injured when Louisville, Hen derson & St Louis train No. 14 was drecked early today. ..Two pullmans left the rails and another was over turned. Many passengers were in jured. Some were rushed to the hos pitals. None was lurt seriously. Malor John H. Buschmeyer of Louis ville, thrown from a$ upper berth, was badly bruised. A split rail is said to have caused the wreck. SUFFRAGISTS A1 ST. LOUIS ARE HOPEFUL St Louis, June 12 tlope was high in suffrage circles tonight that the Democratic convention! ate an equal rights form in its platform. INo official de claration of the convention's intention was forthcoming, but luff rage lead ers regard the attitude i many Dem ocratic leaders toward their cause as friendly. NAVAL OFFICER GOES TO TRIAL F0 NEGLECT :; Norfolk,, Va., Jane 11 Lieutenant Junior grade) Barnes? commander of the destroyer Kee, yas placed on trial today before the general court martial convening at thl navy yard, on the charge of neglect of duty. He is held accountable foig the collision between the Koe and destroyer Mon han, which occurred & Key West harbor March 25th. 4 TO TRY A FORMER N. S. MAN FOR EMBEZZLEMENT Suffolk, "Va, Jane ttJIs. B. Dinris former Norfolk Southern Agent, will be given a trial nere FHday for the Alleged embezzlement Tpf many funds. Ayden and Wintervill townships, Pitt county,, have been athoried to hold elections for the issuance of road nonas in the sinnj of $50,000 each. Both townships are expected o vote favorably. . to WilsonitsWilIiam Jen Party Bossed a Lot of Con It's Intended for Him to Cut Dne the present session of Con at St. Louis. I. Bryan arrivfd here today you." an alternateffrom Nebras being the dofninant figure times a presiuenuai caimi Cardinal and other DINGNITARIf S ATTEND FUNERAL (fF NORTHROP , t - By the United Press) I Charleston, S. C June 13. Cardinal-Gibbons pontificated at the fun eral here today of Bishop IL P. Northrop""of the diocese tiharies ton, who died Wednesday. Bishop O'Oonnell of Richmond preached the sermon. Bishops Haid of Belmont, N. C, Monaghan of Wilmington, Del.; llcn of Mobile; Keiley of Sa vannalji and Watard of Indianapolis, are arfrong the visiting clergy. BULLETINS (By the United Press) OWNERS WILL ELIGHTED. fiington, June 13. Gasoline reached Its maximum price lis decreasing very rapidly bghout the country, accord- T. J. James, an Oklahoma ian, at the Federal Trade tiission's gasoline price hear- oday. KEEP JUSTICES POLITICS. Lington, June 13. Senator Is of Colorado today intro- Lpd shrdlu atats has hastha I ... J la resolution to amena w utien 4e prohibit members Supreme Court running blic office. HYDE COUNTY LAWYER S ANOTHER MAN (S; ial to The Free Press) Swan arter, N. C. June 13. W. T. Berry ja prominent Hyde county man, is ing rushed to a hospital in Washing with a severe knife wound in he abdomen, inflicted ;al-. legedly b Tom Warren, a lawyer. Factionali over a local campaign against p :er playing is said to have aligned men m different sides, iment and the -cutting as with an the result RESOlHltES NATIONAL ;BAKXS INCREASE FAST Washingix June 12 Resowrec nf - Nation banks in the United States contaiue to inerease rapidly. Their growth in the period between March 7 ahd May 1, ComptroHer Williams announced tonight, was $256,000,000 pushing the total up, to more than fourteen billion dollars. His Picture to Be Broadcas ted Throughout Land; Movies 'Cal' Him THE COLONEL? )H, NO, NO He's Out of Pollics; Still He Won't Abaldon Fight to Prepare therlation, He Declares, According to a Friend (By the United1 ress) Oyster Bay, June 13 Though Colonel Roosevelt has I larod he is stated that struggle to i out of politics it can lii hp "will not abandon th i place the United States n a proper s informa- basis of preparedness," tion from a person close to the col- onel. Evcry Person Can Squint jftt Hughes. New York, June 1 Hughes, whiskers, smiles, and nil, lis to look nearly every American iilf the eye, and prove that he is not ifc iceberg. The movies of him are vL be the medium in price. . It is llarned at Hughes headquarters that Ithe Na tional Committee is arraifcing to show the pictured Hughes In every home of the country. The campaign plans will probably bo made at today's conference with W. Murray Crane. , Hughes disclaims the titles of "justice" - and "governor." He re quests that he be called plain- J'Mr. "Undiluated Americanism" will be Hughes' campaign slogan. MEXICAN OFFICER OF " RANK KILLED IN U. S. ' , T.nredn. Teias. June 12. One of three Mexicanbandits killed today in the chase of Outlaws who raided the T. A. Colema ranch, near Laredo, last night, woe a Carranza uniform bearing the itteignia of a Carranza lieutenant coloftpl, according to a mes sage received nere tonight. One of the bandits taken prisoner identified the body at wtbb, Texas, this after noon as Lieutenant Colonel Villareal, oi tne carranza n ifl- 5 anny. RUSSIANS MVE TAKEN MORE TH4N A HUNDRED THOUSAND AUSTRIiNS Pctrograd. vi London, June 12. The number of Austrians captured by the Russians movement has b the new offensive increased to more any sectors of the than 114,000. In! front, the official! statement of today says, the Russia are still purusing the defeated Au .riaDS. STREET TRACKS BUTNE1 ER A TROLLEY Washington, N. '., June 13. This city never owned trolley tracks are -street car. But iving street, build- ers a lot of troubl Men excavating long section 'of for an interiir i the horning. today encountered track, laid years ban line that died 1, 4 TEUTONS ONIa EXPECT ; 5 ' TO RETAINniLCTEGIC 'TOINfflftBU, SAYS By "CARL W. CKERMAN, (United rress Stal Correspondent) Derlin, , June 12.- "Don't look for the annexation ef I large part . of Serbia . by Austria Hungary. Only the strategic posit: ins must remain in our hands," said xiunt Albert Ap ponyi, opposition le Jer in the Hun garian Parliament, -oday. lie looks for an early peace .... .. .. . - - - ' I Field Headquarters, American Expedition in Mexico, urie 13. At least 3 Mexicans have been killed and several woun$d by Captain Retherqfs detachment of the 'FightingCThirteenth" Cavalry. rThey routed the remnant of Geferal Cervantes' band aer.a forced march early yesterday. There were DR. CALDWELL GETS DEGREE OF IL. D. AT TRANSYLVANIA, KY. Honored With Tlree Other Distinguished I Men at Famous Old Institution Has Been President of A C. College (iTaily Free Press, une 12) "The faculty of Tran Iv.inia Col lege have recommended or the hon- orary degree of LL. 'O, and the degree will b lour men, conferred 11. Cross- t cxercis- upon them by President field at the eommenccm es Thursday morning at said the Lexington, Ky., 0 o'clock," leader last Tuesday. Transylvania i College is an old and prominent institution 1r. J C. Caldwell, the new dean of the Bible department of Drake, Uni versity,; until recently President of Atlantic", Cttirtetian College, Wilson, is one .of he men bo honored. The otheriZm JJgv.F M rfarahner. fit St. Louis, Col. Miles M. Dawson of New York and lA Thomas Hayes Kin naird of Kenwicky. The Leader said of Dr. Caldwell, who is wellTknown here: "President Jesse C. Caldwell was born in Ex celsior Springs, Mo. He received the A. B. degree from Transylvania in 181)6 and the? classical diploma from the Colege o the I'ible, which cor responds to he B. I), degree now given by tht institution, in 1897. He was a miister of the Christian church at (Kventon, Ky., for six years, where t addition to his pul pit, duties, herved as principal of the Caldwell'? Academy. While in Owenton he mfrried the daughter of Congressman JjfVan Settle. He re ceived the B. . degree from Yale University in l03, and accepted a call to the Sejtna, Ala., Christian church in 1904. n 1907 he was made dean of Atlantil Christian College, Wilson, N. C, anfl was elected to the presidency of thaj.'institution in 1908. Recently he was ?ippointed dean of the Bible department of Drake Uni versity, Des Moiiifs. Iowa, and re signed the presidency of Atlantic Christian College fft order to accept this new position. ';He will assume the duties of dean m Drake in Sep tember. FORTinCATIONBiLL CONSIDERED IN HOllSE Washington, June 11 -The House today began consideratl in of the for- tifications bill, carryin appropria jpriations to- tions bill, carrying appi tailing $22,000,000. It jprovides for four 10-inch guns at Ckpe Henry. BIG NEW-ROTlipP GOES INTO COPISSION - -1 - Norfolk, Va., June llr-The . eu perdreadnanght Pennsylvania, the latest of Uncle Sam's gr4t warships to be completed for ser&e, will be formally commissioned tamorrow at the Norfolk navy yard with interest- fe - ing ceremonies. - Asheville. Jane 9. Wih 120 del egates present, the annual convention of the South Carojina Coton Manu faotnrers' Association waa held here today, -the convention confining--its business session to one day. no Amecan casualties. REGULATIDN OF USE OF TH SIDEWALKS BY TEAfSTERS, ETC. Where Usll Necessary Ex tra Paving Expense Will Be Sto(j by Property Owners I Without Help From Ci (Daily Free Press, June 13) City Council mt a meeting Monday night principals for the purpose of getting unfinished routine business out of the wayfj'took up the matter of the use of ide walks by teams- ters. Individuq directly interested, as tobacconists. merchants and oth- ers, were presc and were permitted Pro Tern. Douglass to address May and the aldcrmwj. Council decid$jj to pass an ordin ance, which is tbe put through next week as an emergency measure, Im posing the following regulations: Property-owns shall stand the entire expense incurred from extra paving when aidewika in'roivt of j buildings are used lor oraying. me walks so used shall extend to the curb no matter what tho standanl width on the street happens to be, and in fronf of places of business shall be six;' inches through instead of four. TTI city will stand its pro portionate part of the expense of the paving for nly such a width as is the standard for the street. Drays expending vertically across sidewalks sall be required to load or unload, fts the case may be, and move in ten. minutes. Parallel with the walk itf owner or driver may leave it f o 30 minutes. It is not likely that m sidewalk anywhere in the city ca be blocked by a dray standing parallel. A pavinglpetition presented Mon day night was tabled until the 19th, when, Council has intimated, the present extra paving program will be wound u so far as passing on pe titions andfpranting new paving are concerned. lAn ordinance was pass ed imposing a penalty of $5 for line men using Spikes in climbing trees. CITS. JLEARN GUNNERY AND HOLYSTONING, ETC. Green Gan to Be Broken In By Lively IJds on Louisiana KJns tin'a Maj or .Investigating Propos al to Male Blue Water Salts Out of Lands; ion This Summer Mayor Frtd. I. Sutton is back from Norfolk. A?part of his business in that city. je states, was investiga tion of the"Naval Flattsburg" pro- position. e battleship Louisiana, civilians in the States assigned ta of this regfen, will before long nose out to sea with several hundred bus- students in addition, to her regularjcrew. East Carolina will furnish a large contingent in .all probalilityf the section has done its full share yy, and ha wards officering the na- furnished more than its proportion quota of enlisted men. Mayor Sut n may Tist. V The civian-sailora will wear dun garees, sci4b decks, abide by all the ship's rnleli and navy's regulations, get easic& ' eat good, wholesome food and a plenty of It, and above iall else, have 4he time of their lives, in all probability. , Greensbo o, .June 11. A police census -giv n Croensboro a population of 19,847 v ihin the'eorporate limits. 'World's (Joing to Know Americal Means What She Says'Wilson DUTY IS T(i BE PREPARED And to Knoy What We Are Preparing For Is Essen tial, President Tells the West Posters Citizens First, He Says (By United Press) West Point, . Y., June 13.-- "I'he world is ging to know when America speaks $at she means what she says," the Pifeident told the mil ls itary academy jrftduating class to day. f He said it wafc"undoubtedly the duty of Amcricttlto bo prearcd." The President Siromised to uphold t he Monroe Doc I 'Lie, and to uphold American standa ds of justice when the time comes ir joining a league of nations. He laid to be military does not mean t ; be militaristic. He asked the 1 'est Pointers not to forget that they 'are citizens first. Regarding hyphe lism, he said, "No body who docsn1 , put America first can consort witlj us." JIo said pre paredness is ther'prescnt imperative duty of Amerijia," but we mu4t know what we are preparing for. u HAVE A PREPAREDNESS PARADE ON THE (Specia Morehead town will h ito The Free Press) City, June 13. This d a preparedness parade People from all parts-of nty will participate. The on July 4. j Tarterct col First Nortl Carolina Infantry will om Camp Glenn to head come here the proces on. loast guards will give a dril there will be boat races; a the fire de artment will give an ex- hibition. SAY CARRANZISTAS SlffPORTING 1 ROSA San A onio, Texas, June 12. Army nflle s here are convinced that Luis De I Rosa, the Mexican ban- dit leader officers in as secured from certain irranza's army promises of support tk any border warfare that he may belin against Americans. RALEIGlfi WIDOW KILLS HERSELF WITH PISTOI Raleigh, C, June 12. Broken the death of her hus pairing of ever provid- small dependent chil- W. Cooper. 118 West t; shot herself through hearted ovc band and 1 ing for thn dren, Mrs. Morgan str the left breat today and died almost instantly. Jyie had spent all resour ces left byfher deceased husband, and her father, Pat Barbee, section foreman foql the Southern . Railway, is fatally tit at this time and, while she left n(t statement, these condi tions are thought to have impelled her to the Suicide. 1 INTERNED SEAMEN AT WILMINGTON COMPLAIN Raleigh, June 12. Governor Craig forwarded 'V German 'Ambassador Vori Bernstrff. at Washington, to day, a letter written by interned German i sailors at .Wilmington, in which they .Complain of mistreatment in that the captains of the two ves sels withhold money, to which. 'they are entitled, and cut off their supply of beer'wMe officers of the vessels have abunJ inee of the drink, 2C0.000 Austrians In East ern Theater Have Been KHlelSoFar BENT ON TAKING LEMBERG Captives if umber More Than Hunrjred Thousand Austrian Strive Hero ically But!: Unavailingly to Stem thl Tide Paris, June 13.- ermans in night attacks on the east ank of the Mouse panotrated roma dvanced French 1 321 last night, trenches e ji of If the war ullce todaj announced. At- tacks at other poin were repulsed. Austrians Claim Slj ht Successes. arlin, June 13. minor .victories in eporting several effort to stop the Austrian tho Russian advand war office today decred the Russian losses "correspond with . their reck less use of the mast formation. Austrian Losses FeJful. iPetrograd, June lS-T-Hurtlinff rhuman vigor. Westward with sum the Russian armies if General Brus- silof are hammering ioward Lemborg, the Galician capitot '.The demora lized Austrians are being ewept back. It is eatiimatou that more, than a third of the Auetjrians on the East front have been killed, wounded or . captured since the 'Russian offensive ' began on June ' 4. One hundred od twenty thousand ftave been captured. chre,a ihniulrejland .jfujtfesnd killed.' -" - - v '. t ' TO HOLD CHAUTAUQUA PARADE BfrORETHE OPENING PERFMANCE (Daily FAe Press, June . 13) The usual Chautauqua parade' will He jheld here Wednesday afternoon. It will be formetBat the Courthouse at t o'clock, and! those participating will march to the tent. All taking part in the pa de will be admitted free to the firs performance. It is good ehow. Dr. W. marshal, and he fa hoped to make 0. Knox is chie vites every auto wner to be on band. School children jiven places In nd others will be e line. : Vehicles shoul be decorated if will probably be possible. Picture taken of the pro ission. COPPED C0P BICYCLE; SNEAK SAFE SECRETED; ciivmKteo'lSiooK (Daily Free Pss, June 13) A thief nnknowi to the police made off with a bicycle owned by Night Chief Ileath flonday night, it. was stated at the police office today. The theft was an unisud and a dar ing one; the wheel vas taken from in front of the office in City Hall and almost from unfer the noses of m.WE-CiUIiWElL. KNOWN MIMSTER,pEAD Washington, N. C.une 13, Rev. W. II. Call, between 7 and 80 years of age, a retired Methodist minister, known throughout the tState, is dead at his home here. He jeaves a fair sized fortune, it is said. He k sur vived by bis wife butHio children. SEASON UNDER VAY AT Seashore to inuRSnAY it 1 : (Special to The Free Press) ,3IoreheadX2ty, June 13. The sea son here starts officially on Thurs day,' -ftlen the Atlantic Hotel, the principal resort hostelry in the lace, opens. -v.. r j - I i w n A. :- "V

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