PAGE TWO. THE KINSTON FREE PRESS CONVENTION LIKELY TO COME TO AN END FRIDAY NIGHT; PROBABLE PL'TFORM WILL BE BUILT BY PRESIDENT'S SUGGESTIONS )!.. H! IX .M " fill ! ' - 1 1. k.IiL- il :! . ' i;iiu ilia, 1 f 1 r r ww I li iniM uiLijiiii in aim mmm n iii ii i iiiij i iy, ,iii yiu. . , mmum,, h.mcim,,,, m n immii u ' ,. 1 I Today Devoted lo Oratory Plank On Americanism Will Denounce thp Hyphenates Baker Carried to St. Louis Tentative Draft from President.jTouching High Places Democrats Will Favor Letting Weaker Na tions Shape Their Own Destinies, With No Reference By Name to Mexico A Navy for Protection and Ar my Adequate for a Start Demanded Income Tax, Sci entitle Tariff Commission and Low Tariff. r. loiJs, ST. LOUIS, June 15. Chairman! James an- nounced that balloting would start t 8 o'clock tonight. I Plan to WindurfFriday Night. St Louis, Jupe 15. Speed-up methods were today applied to the Democratic Convention plans. The leaders ; plan to adjourn JjFriday night instead of Saturday. To day is being devpted to oratory. J Senator OlliA) .Tamts. nprmanpnt rhairman wna ih main speaker, Ratification of the platform is expected lonigni. n is expecteci ' vice-i resident jviarsnaii wi have no opposition. $ KPSOiiiLinns unmrrmrpp mpmhprs nrp irvinnr tn era planks inserted appealing to the Progressives, hoping to get their support. Workmen's compensation and suf- frage planks wffl be favored by Progressives. James SpeakingVhis Afternoon. f When the convention was called to oi:der todav re ports of the Credentials and Permanent Organization . committees wereiadopted. Senator James was made per manent chairmaiu Nominations will befmade tonight. John W. Westcoft will place Wilson in nomination at 8 OC10CK. : ". , . ft I - Senator Jamel started his keynote speech lauding wiison. , McCormick Manager. I Washington. June 15. President Wilson todav de cided to name Vance C. McCormick of Pennsylvania his campaign manages. f President to Dictate Platform. SL Tenuis. .Ttinfll 1f..Hvnlipnnfprl nrnrnrii'nHrmn uil be denounced vigorously in the Democratic platform. ,The President's Mieas on international relations, Mex . Jco and suffrage ill dominate the platform. A tentative draft was brought to St. Louis by Secre- vutjr w iioi , giving mc i i cBiucin a views, it touches only the high spots, leaving minor issues to be worked out by theResolutions Committee, Denunciation ofthe hvnhenates will be embodied in tho Americanism plank. The platform will endorse suf- :rage, won t mention Mexico by name, will pemand a na vy sufficient for protection and an army forming an effi cient nucleus for alighting force, and will favor the in come tax, a scientific tariff commission, and a low tariff. , Referring to Mexidb, the President says tn$ weaker na tions ought to have the right to shape their own destiniea ting disintegrat'nwashington expec ofcarranzIgovernmentorichaie for better soon; something is coming 4 Battle Between Tvo Troops 14th Cavalry arid Hundred Mexicans at Sail Ignacio, on U. S. Side, Today Troop- crs Whipped Raiders and Are Pursuing Two Sol diers Killed aijd a Number Injured Five Bodies of Mexicans Recovered and Search Continujs In Brush for Others Complete Crumbling of De Facto Govern ment or the Opposite Inevitable, Say Reports From AuthoritativeiSources Shakcup In FewtWecks 3 i Iredo, Te.sf June 15. Two American oldiers were killed and seve wounded today in fighting ith Mexican bandits who crossed the Rio Grande near kin Ignacio, say reports. Tje Mexican casualties are unknown. The bodies of six bandits have been found in the brush al ready, j, t ' Official ReDorfi I San Antonio, June 15. General Mann.l commanding . v..v-. uuivuu ivHtB, icijuiicu iu uenerai r.unsion mat iroops 1 and M of the fourteenth cavalry iere attacked y iiuuureu 'panaiis at dan ignacio. lief said two sol- diers were killed and eleven wounded. Sokliers are pur 1 suing the bandits. ' Explosion In Mexico Bound to Come Soonv . Washington June 15. The Administration has evi dence tending to show the gradual disintegration of the uarranza de facto government Consular reports re- ceiyed at the State Department, and private advices giv en the army hy officers and civilians in Mexico, give evi dence. -. . . . , , Officials beUeve that a few weeks will bring develop- , mPnt if 4 null .'fk. -l 1.1;.. b . . . ' . f.i cituci ui tuuiiiiete crumoung or a decided ( change for the better. ' .Washington Hears of Fight . v ." ' ' . v Washington, June 15.The War Department this af- We Believe the Maxwell m Greatest''- J,.- a f2 1 .11 of ivumcet . a i eueve !otor Car Value on th ever Want or need : electric starter mnd self-ventilatincr. rain-vision windsh touring car) or $635 (two passenger We know you can't beat it i.": a i ? h I L?riiUi.- 'I. i jhii iwi wwwwi UT our opinion would not be of any particular importance to you if it aia noi comciae wun me racis. w e only want wbu to look the market over carefully. Then we absolutely know thablyoti will agree vith us. In the first place there is the remarkable Maxwell engine. No four cylinder motor of its size has more "pep" or go to itfregardless of the price.of the car it chives. It will climb hills on high gfer in a manner that will astonish you. It is quiet and works day in and dayibut with a sound, business like num mat is gooeto near. Any engineer ill compliment the desig of the chassis. And those yho are not engineers qannct fail to note its simplicity and staunch construc tion, as tor wnat it is nade ot, we can truttfully say that better material cannot oe oougnt. The operation of theicar i3 simplicity its the springs are long and flexible the axlei apparatus, like the rest of thk chassis, is built the car may ever have to f acA wherever or If the brakes are powerful are strong and the steering stand the most severe service wever it is used. Then if you consider loolb important, fend most people do, you will pot find a more attractive car than the Maxwelllat anywhere near the price. And it comes to you fully touipped fith all the attachments you will I, demountable rims, one man top, AH tor ab55 (rive Das sender ). Touring Car $655 F. O. C. DETROIT Roadster $635 inston Garage Incorporated Kinston, North Carolina ternoon received official confirmation oflthe San Tcnacio right, f unston reported two soldiers killed and seven vvounaeg. Reply ti Carranza Readv. Washington, June 15. President Wilson and Secre- iary raising aiscussea today tne hnal ti-att of the replj troops. NEITHER SIDE DOES MUCH IN THE V'DUN ; -jjs (lirranza note demanding the vv - - 0 it may not be sent for several Washington, June 14. A call for the Ihdrawal of the pays. i National Guard will be Ihe Government's first sten if niore troons are needed tli the Mexican border. accordinefLo armv offieers?. r rf " Only l,rl)0 available regular troops are tal Unit The latt Offici been sen mitted tl to get th 1 States, exclusive of 10,000 co ir cannot well be used. Is insist that no snecial instructions have yet 10 tne neads of the NatinnnJ (Iimrd hut- nd. fit the War Department is workinsr in an effort guard supplied and its equipnfent m conditio DERAlLfi A line of Railroad a hours at N noon by the cart on the ed off today. REPORT ft in Continen- !st artillerymen. NT ON N. S. YARDS AT NEW BERN the Norfolk (Southern blocked for several Bern Tuesday after- railment of three rock jfrds. One car remain- Mr. Merivther Lewis Greenville totfty.v went to A HACKING COUGH WEAK THE SYSTEM. Don't suffer with a hackln cough that haXweakened your tym get a bottle olDr. King's NewAiscovery, in use ovt 40 years, a; benefiting all who nsl it. The sything pine balsam withltar heal tM irritated air passages eolthes Vm raw- spots. loosens the Viucousknd ' nreventa racking the lily'wfh eouchinjr. Dr. King's New lcory induces' natu ral sleep aid ul,!iature to cure you. ad. French Var OBce Claims There Was fo Action During the N&ht Berlin Today Statel Germans Have Taken Trenches n .. . 1 raris, june H.-Tre were no infantry attacks on eitler bank of the Meuse last night, the fice todav offioiall French infantry cap! fred small German post east of Slissons. French airmen were successfB in a raid near Venizel, in VosgJ. Frenchmen In a sortie at Sogern cAtured a num ber of Germans. . ! Germans Claim Gains: Berhn. June 14 the Germans fcav . caDtured nnsitioA south of Thiamont Farli,' east of the Mouse on the Verdun front! it is offi cially announcej. Toy captucrd rench war of- announced. ALL TRIMMED HAi rSATQ Wrap ID UNTRIMMED :EATLY RE PRICES. CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON CS9ES Edwin Clapip SlVoes For Men Highest Quality Exclusive Styles 3 Whitd OxforcTi lengths and widths. it J l i - r i- r . picijs line oi iviens Palm l Beach grades. : Mark Cummings 793 men and 15 machile iruns. - : i .