r Free Prists "4 -';.' ( 'V PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS KINSTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2U1916 PRICE JETVE CENT? C AltiPfZ A'S TEES PITH DflTt) DAHGM - ii ' M fe 77 ... VOL. XXXV. ry. uu i -J AT ' Washington feallg $Iflfl& All tMNaities jft(3an Think of ana This Government Resenb First Chiefs Discourteous Lan guage, Accuses Him of Bad Faith and Tells Him That If American Troops Are packed His Life Will Be Made MTslffahle 'Bandits' flat Pershing Is After Block ade !Wi!l Be One of MFirst Acts of War-In 'Blood Thicker Than Water' Fajhion England Will Take Care of American Interests la itable Break Occurs (frranza Government Tottering (By the Washington, June 20. ters entirely replaced optioysm today in omcial quar ttThere is a strong feeng that the militia will see Mexican service. It is considered possible that the gov - tQxpent Is planning to bottlejbp the Mexican ports. iris now said the Carralza government is disinte gratingt and that the first cffief is in desperate straits, 'lie prices of food have been rtiised 300 per cent, in Mex ico Citv in three weeks. 1 Mobilization of the militia the States. Orders to move any lime. While no arrangements have been made to placethe American diplomatic .and cpnsuls'.business . Jn othTHThands in Mexico, America can avail herself of the services of several .nations. In case of war, England would have charge Vgely of American affairs. Pershing Throws Gauntlet; Dares Trevno to Face. El Paso, June 30.-4Defiance by American troops of Carranza's threat to attack Pershing's ren if they movve south, east or west, was the most important development of the last 24 hours. Pushing has sent twp columns south to Namaquipa after lejrning of bandits activity. Washington Tells Carrlnza He's Little Short of Dog;. Washington, June 2D. This government, has threat ened Oarranza with "gravest consequences" if he at tacks the American trolps in Mexico. 1 The threnc is contained tarranza'p last withdrawal arm diplomatic jabs. Tr the American forces ouj of ranza for his failure to cl ness, ar d intimates bad f J ith za has ignored his obligation and punish bandits, and that the execution fcf his threat to attack the troops will rlead to gravest dgisequences." The.United States blufctly told Carranzathat it can not "recede from its sett ed determination $o maintain National rights," and, pre rent further raidslon the bor der; that it resents Carr; nza's "discourteous tone and temper" in his last note, j nd charges bandit! have gone unhampered and unpunished, ens. . I he note recites scores It charges that Carranza ftroops have been and atrocities even encouraged and aided by ers. It charges that. Carr zfrza has failed to t, steps to apprehend Villa aid others. Mexicans Marching Against Texas Town. San Antonio, June 20. iReinf orcements we sent to Del Rio, Texas, f ollolving persistent ru Mexicans and Yaquis were Col. Sibley is commanding Mexico City Wildly Excited, v Mexico City, June 20.T1 verishly awaited the arrival rangements were made to flalh its contents to all the re- puoiic s cities as soon as it isltranslated.i Arrangements are being made to take 600 ol 700 Americans remaining nere py a special train to Veri Cruz. I No Trouble Equipping Army. - Washington, June 20. Thaiiks to the European war, America is prepared to equip afid munition its array, the .war Department officials said tfeday. The only disadvan tage is the shortage due to the war. The munitions plants are ready to supply the 'government .- i Dares Him Southern Republic When Inev Uifited Press) ssimism over Mexican mat is proceeding rapidly in all to the border are expected at in the long note replying to demand. It is full of short- note positively declines to take Mexico. It exconates Car- derate, and resents his brusk- on his part. If says Carran- to protect Anfei-jcan rights in attacking American citi of instances of ba idit raids. idifferent, )me lead ce proper e tociay rs mat A 1 1 marching to attack e town. e garrison. e Mexican capital tbday fe- f the American note. Ar - i I r Do Worst THE "MIKADO" WHLL CLOSE THE CH'TAUQ Dr. Cadman'd Lecture Mon day Night One of the Most Enjoj Week Junl ible of Entire Chautau qua Today The Bijou Trio d Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, the noted rooklyn preach er ami lecturer, fu sned the pro- gram for Cbautauq Monday to lecture of Dr. gether with the seri Downey. The concerts of t. Bijou troupe were up to the stand sical attractions that lid of the mu- e preceded nn the program. Dr. iCadman's addn s was one of the "high" points of e "seven joy was "Makers ous days." His subjei of America." He developed a most interesting "genealogy'' of.,the Ameri- fan republic, tracing the principles and policies that have been crysta lized in its making to the earliest days of man. He pointed out the con tributions of Egypt, Creece, Rome, France, Germany and England and emphasized the Indebtedness of Amer ica to those countries for these things that have contributed to make it great. Dr. Cadman paid his respects to the historians! and said that only within the past fefty years had his torians begun to (vrite facts and con tribute to literature records that were worth while. Th true story of re construction dayji had only been printed of late years, he said. A story which fifty years ago could not have been printed "because it gave of- (Continued onf Page Three)"' f IS MEXICO, THE FOE WASHINGTON MAKES SUCH TO-A ABOUT? Wilson Urges More Dread- I; naughts Daniels With Him Tillmai and Swan- son Confer X ith Presi- dent and Seci tary iBy the (Jnit Press.) Washington, June .The Presi- dent today urged Sei tors Tillman and Swanson of the val Commit tee to include one. an if possible, e navy bill. two, dreadnaughts in The President and Sen; ;irs Swanson and Tillman and Secre ry Daniels , ships. The conferred one hour. Daniels also wante thi navy may need more m he said. RED MEN MEET WEST .i CAROLINA CUT TODAY Ashevill. . June 19.-Reverting back to pioneer days, Aslevrlle will be invaded Tuesday night vy a band of redskins in full regalia and war paint, and some interesting! times are promised. The occasion vlll be the annual convention of the lorth Car olina Independent Order of feed Men. 1 ' i Subacrib to The Tit Fresa. as SLAVS ARMY AUS MANS IN Must Retreat Through the Mountains oi Intern or Be Taken Prisoners HARD FIGHTING IN WEST Germans Made ?hree Night Assaults on ill 321 But Gained Nai Reports The ?ht, Paris Big Guns Shelled With! 'igor i-aris, June zu. re uermans re newed the Verdun attack last night, thrice attacking the Trench on Kill 321, east of the Meule. They were repulsed, it is said ofllpially. On the west bank of the Meise, the Ger mans bombarded the French at Chat- tancourt violently. Big Austrian Army in (Critical Fix! Petrograd, June 20.4Eighty thou sand Austrians, retrdltLng in the Czernowitz region, haveleen corner ed in Bukowina by the tussians left wing, fney ere facing capture or re treat through the Carpathians or abandoning their arms find entering Roumania. , .j hMjtl ft- ! !- iif..'? DOCTOR 1 PROTECT EMBERS SOLDIERS FAMILIES IN CITY Dr. I. M. Han& Offers Men Services Fr Grateful Boys In Hive Drab Thank Well known rny- sician Noth ig hunted (Daily Free Pre , June 20) this afternoon to address the Br. Ira M. Hard was given permissio non-commissioner ol ers and pri- vates of the local m an agreeable surpri tia and sprung by 'informing them that he would t e it upon him- self to care for the f; ilies of every man who has an incoi e of less 'than $30 a month. Ab: utely without or every pcr- charge would he care son dependent upon a oldior during the latter's absence, asked that they !be him immediately. Dr. Hardy was wa stated, and 'istered with thanked by Only three the appreciative fellow of them will get mon than $30 a month. Several will a month. iw even S3U It is estimated that dred persons will be t Several hun- js protected. Obstetrical and all otl cases will be given full attention ous physician. ly the gener- Mr. Roland Haynes of Raleigh came last night to joil the Second Infantry band. SHREWD, SHREWD, YOU! "I hope if Uiey do iiftade Mexi co they will retain a lew thous and square miles of Itt aad cot it up into several little fitates." ' Alderman L. P. Tap-everybo-dy knows him to be a politician exprcsstd that sentiment this morning. ' , . ' . ''rVliy. down there. Bext to Tex as, they'd be Democratic States," he said. i "We-need the Senators r 5 4 WORLD! CITIZEN TO SPEAK AT ENDEAVOR MEETING Dr. Franks E. Clark, the Most-Taveled Man, Will Speak at Big Convention in All inta He Knows Every fation (Specialao The Free Press) Atlanta, GL, June 20. Ptaacis K. (lark, n.D.,jLL.n., president of the World's Clititian . Endeavor Union and founderW the Christian Endea bor Society.ftvill speak at the great All-South Christ ian Endeavor Con vention in tilanta, July 13-1(5. ,Dr. Clark ras just returned from a six-months' Murney Hawaii, Kor ea, Japan aM China and the only convention hHwill address in Ameri- ica this summer is tho All-south C". E. ConventiH Since the first Society of Christian Endeavor wafc organized 35 years ago the movdincnt has spread and grown until today there are 80,000 societies with!tnore than 4,000,000 members, fouiftj in churches of 87 do- nominations and in every country in the world. Dr. Clark is known as "the world's most traveled man." He has traveled nearly 1,000,000 miles for Christian Endeavor and has spoken in every wuntrfrthi to the iConvention in Atlanta offers an otner opportunity to the young peo ple of the south to hear this wonder ful man and his treat imessage. Two other ofncejrs of the United Society of Chris thin Endeavor .will be among the spankers at this great convention. They Daniel A. Pol ing, Associate Prasidont, and Kurl Lehmann, Southerr States Secreta ry; E. T. Gates o ' Chicago, Field Secretary of the llinois Christian Endeavor Union ho is considered the greafest State C. E. Field Sec retary in America, Iwill also address this meeting. i The program forfthis convention is now ready and cafj be had by ad dressing L. E. rubaker, Ens.ey Ala. I PATRIOTIC DURHAM CONCERN WILL GIVE ENLISTED Private In lis Employ Drawing $15to Get $45 From Compart Thous and Soldiers Work for company in ijeace (By the Unitci Press) Durham, June 20.- Tho Durham Hosicry Mills iCompai one of the largest hose manufacl ring concerns in the country, has ered ax bonus to employes respondin to the mobi e of its one ligation order. Everv- thousand employes be! nging to the mnnia wno is presses into service will be paid the diffe nee over his salary as a soldier. A soldier will , get ; irom the company if his salary ij ?G0 a month. BULLET! - By the United PRESIDENTIAL ; NOMINATIONS, r Washington, Juno 20. Presi dent Wilson today nominated R. W. Whitehad of Virginia to be Firsts Aaaiatant - Commissioner of Patents, and S. E. Fouta of North Carolina to be Examiner-" GREGORY pKELY TO GET HUGHES' PLACE ON BENCHlTIIOUGHT If Attorney General Is Ap- pointed HeWill Probab ly Be Succeeded by Solid tor-Ccneral il)avis, It Is Reported ity n. j. Render, (United Press Staf CorrcHpondent) Washington, Juna 20 The work of selecting the canjftaign committee was today begun jr the President. Secretary McAdoori Secretary Burle son, Senator Taglart of Indiana, Henry MorgenthaiK former Ambassa dor to Turkey, Sopitor-General Da vis and Charles Ri frane of Illinois are mentioned for membership. It is possible that Daviap, cannot serve. Attorney (JeneralMJregory may be appointed to theijSupreme Court bench, and in that case Davis would probably succeed Gregory. RABBI SOLOM0J TO LECTURE AT ML' Chapel Hill, June 19. -Rabbi George Solomon of Savannah, Ga., delivers tomorrow the first of a se rios of six, lectures, horo on "Repre arnWrjelwVmerlsilartra POSTOF CE DEPT'NT 111!) lil!! ATENED TO DECLARE! WAR, ALSO 4. i Does Postmaster-General Believe Norfolk Southern Will Carr Out Alleged Promise to Quit Mail Bus In a liffs iness (Daily Free P ss, June zU) It is believed e ry second-class postmaster in the owns along the Norfolk Southern R road's lines has been instructed to bids from u- to owners for carryi ,g the mails. It is known that the ston and New liern postmasters structed. been so in- The Norfolk Southlrn is reported o have threatened o summarily throw up the mail coatract on July 1 if the government &d not comply with certain demands. High officials of the Sorfolk South ern declare that no thR-at has been made. The action of he Postoflice Department is in directontradiction to their statements. L Should the break ootor Kinston will provide autos for approximately half the dislai.ee from mis city to Goldsboro and half the gistance to New Bern, as well as to fcoints north and south. 1 Automobile mail-carryfibg service would not be nearly so satisfactory, but would answer in a pfflich, and it is slated that the government is tak ing no risk in the negoti&ions with the Norfolk Southern. BETTER BABIES Wi BEGINS IN CLE Cleveland, June 20." bies" week began in chu: throughout Cleveland today. ing that 80 per cent, of deaths of infants under one! r. 1 1 I haffc a. mum 1 Bitter ba- fftes - and 5 Believ- Ihe U0G jjear old last year could have been prevented, the Welfare Council began f a cam paign of education of mothers in the foreign quarter today. jjjj.' I MAY BE SOME DAYS BEFORE THE TROOPS LEAVE FOR STATION Unless Changed Standing Orders Wi Be Carried Out, Imported EXTRA MOPY FOR BOYS They Pocket,75 Cents a Day ' Uncle Sail Gives Them flit . . for Rations, and Feed On Good o Dad The Work's aiCinch Now (Daily Fref Press. June 20) The armory i&n Gordon street near Queen is virtually an army post. It is tho present' homo of nearly 100 men. lOapt J I. Drown is the "post commander." i, When the "soldier lads will leave for mobilization camp is not known. 'Standing" general orders (provide7 five days at thejbame station after being called into the service. Should j here be no change in the general - orders the troops will accordingly move Friday or Saturday. ' The ex- item ent of Monday this morning had abated aomewhat, iFjinston does not militia yet. They will be forwarded the border aa needed. Unless an emergency arises there is a lot of A-ork to be done at the mobilization ;amps. 'For instance, medical exami nation of every officer and man is to be conducted. Since only one re- ruit out of five- or more is passed generally, there pay be a lot of mi- itiamen thrown lout. However, in his State the examination generally , has been up to the regular standard, wd the regimenfs in North Carolina re not expected o lose so many men. The men now! are drawing from 0 cents per d&m to $1.50. First sergeants get Hie latter pay. The hief Musician 'is the highest paid nlisted man infa regiment, drawing 2.50 a day. fleers draw from al most $5 to $25 fr $30 a day. Enlist- d men while Ithey remain at tiie ome stations pre being allowed 75 - cnts a day foi rations, which they must furnish hcmselvea. Needless 0 say, most .them are eating at .heir homes au pocketing the 75. The troops n home stations are required to wjjrk four hours a day. Captain Brown is allowing his men to sleep at horn. He is a hard-working officer, with consideration for the men under himj Colored Vet. Gives Advice. Clay Mettsjipolored, who professes to have beenftin the famous Tenth avalry in theWOs, professes to know . 1 lot about Mexicans. Clay most of Monday evenijfe could be picked out on Cordon and Queen corner, the center of a knot of attentive dough boys. "It's jLipan' that Clay is afraid of. M Tough BuRgaft. Tin soldiersdoes not apply to the local militia. It is frequently ap plied to the fancy-dress organizations in cities. Everywhere they have been tho Tarheel troops have been singled out for briskness,, neatness, mark manship andllhe , Ability to "stay there" with anybody. A couple of years ago a cdbipany of the 29th in fantry, regula had thi misfortune to be put in front of the Second N. . C. infantry ona practice march. The regulars had more than enough of it, ' they professed Theirs was the Job of keeping the-Tarheels from tread ing on their hls. . How It Affects. Industries Some employers have been hit hard by the mobilization. Tho city elec tric plant lost two-thirds of , its force. . The cHton mills contributed largely to the force turned out here. iConUnueJ on Tage Fc"tJ !. i. M. r

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