iLMO,;...Ji.' I PUBLfSIIED TWICE A WEEK WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS EEKWEJ . N. C4 WEE i - KINSTON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS 3 Wilson Will i nan Few. ri To :':Reieasfe EXPECTS DEflME STATI FOUOWJlEFUSALTfl Longer Not Wait isms For Carranza '- 1 ' ' ' . it,.::- V '. mencan uamives WENT FROM DE AY; WAR WILL i I i i. 4 ... I ... AGUDETO DEMANDS Mexican Troops (lather Opposite Texas Town Latin American t Diplomats Trying tp Bring Carranza to Reason House Won't Give Up S-"0 Per Month for Mil $ With Senate by Big urvivors Stagger Into itiamcirV Dependents Disagree Major jtyFdpr More Clarrizal American Lfnes-War Department Not At AH Pleased With Progress of Mustering In4-New York Gcta War Fever 'i , . V ;(By R. J. Bend'r) . . Washington, June 27, Presidei t Wilson's patience in waiting for the release of the Amt rican troopers impris oned at Chihuahua City is limited o hours, not days. It may be stated that he expects a dc inite reply from Car ranza relative to his attitude not 1 In presenting Mr. Wilson's dem terday Consul Rodgers suggested tliat an "immediate re ply" is, imperative. What lies bey&td this officials today refused to say.. . The program of possible action a cabinet meeting. In the event of acceded President Wilson, it is believed, is certain to personally ask Congress to permit nim to use an armed force in' Mexico. : A MexicaniLPou- Jhto NnearbT Laredo. June 27. -A 20-car troon train carrvms: 1.500 Carraiizistas ihas arrived at NuevoXaredo, opposite here. The train was the second in twelve, hours. Latin-Americans Pleld. With Carranza. Washington,' June27. Several Latin-American diplo- ter than tomorrow. knds to Carranza yes- s being considered at Carranza's refusal to IIP wm ASTEIS NOW ARGELY FOR 'RE PAPER GREAT SMASH ALONG ARGENTINE PEOPLE WESTERN FRONT TO IN A MASS MEETING ('NY BEND CONDEIlN U.S. GOVT. Allied Offensive Is Getting Messages Under Way; Attacking Simultaneously pressing to Carranza Ex Warm Sympa thy fpr Mexicans TEUTONS SEEE NERVOUS .ALLEGE 18 350,000 C Pulp Mil dian Pre Western ka Develc ds Went to the in 1914 Cana uct Cheaper tates and Alas Industry (Special to Washington, , a steadily increa warte in the ma indicated by figu Forest Service. industry howed year for which c available (1914X o creasing cost of general business wood waste was previous year. Approximately waste with a value utilized by 35 of paper mills of the is thought that as wood goes up the waste used will be The Canadian put e Free Press) ne 27. The use of ng amount of wood fheture of pulp is s compiled by the Ithough the pulp decline in the last plete figures are account of the in- aw material and onditions, more sed than In any Making Preparations for Expansion! Defense Allie Attack Germa War Frencl Gains Near Ve Airships Men-of- Report lun By EDWARD L. I (United Press Staff Coi ENE, 'espondcnO London, June 27. Olnmany be lieves the "big.'push" is ;5U,uuu coris oi f $1,400,000 were e ZOO pulp and nited States. It he price of cord mount of wood me greater. industry has, it mats have telegraphei Carranza urging him to release the Americans impris me'd in Chihitahua. House Disagrees Wit i Senate on Hfay Measure. Washington' June 27. By a voie of 119. to 5, the House, today disagree i with the action of the Senate in striking . out the Hayl resolution wlich granted militia men's dependents $50 k month. Four More Carrizal urvivors. ommpus, june zi.t our mori two of them, in terribfe condition t water, are" back in thel American lin Mustering In 'Proceed! Slowly. , ; (lfy Carl Groat) Washington; June 1?.-The. must tia is proceeding noneltoo rapidly, tions forwarded to th War Depar pensmg with' red tape fill permit the remainder of , the militia at an early wise there might be lorfe delays. The department is still confronted plane service. . Efforts fare being ma' trouble. N . " ; would Provide for Families of Soldie Senator J ohnson, of plorth DakotaShas prepared an amendment ta the sundrl civil bill to. infloduce in the Sen ate, providing $35 montllv for famili of regulars and mitianfen sent into S Martial Scenes in New Ark. . Mew York, June 27.4-The East catght a war thrill luuay ior the first time si e '98, as guar&men from many wies marched through the streets ofpTew York - with Carrizal survivors, m lack of food and s. ring in of the mili- tcording. to.tabula- lent. Orders dis- sntrainment of the late, where other- ith crippled aero- e to remedy this is stated, had a vigoj-ous growth dur ing the last few years and the great- ee portion of its product is marketed in . the United : States. ' An average eoSXiaJrtiSctJjSISd jp- coriir as com pared with the $10 to $16 per cord which many manufacturers in this country are paying f for pulpwood, is the reason given fof the growth. It is pointed outjthat the develop ment of the supplia of spruce in the National Forests o- the West and in Alaska, together with the abundance of cheap water poorer, will eventually attract the paper findustry to locate in those regions. s3ui table pulp tim- to desirable mill twenty to forty about $2.50 to $4 rts of the Foest fight that the low ber can be dclivc sites for the ne years at prices o per cord, say ex Service. It is th price of material id power will more than offset the hfther freight rates on the product tofthe eastern mark ets. , THREE KILLED IN ELECTION RIOTING and dependents xico." ,J:'. Tr v. n d riXrs "ying and trumplts sounding, 4U ,"e fame scenes-were . the. khaki-clad men bade ones. .. . ; ... . 0 entrain for the macted in al the cities where arewell to homes and loved vfuiimism ii niAYirrlf itv Than it pre .w?xl'co City, June 27.-4Evacuation if San Geronimo o- , lva &y Amencalis, who, mefved northward, msrt nopes here todly that Wilsofr is preparing to withdraw Pershing's expedition. "The War Department merejy published Trevino's innoimcement and the latter's declaration that he would Ittack the Americans, if they auempted to reoccupy the ft wns. Despite the sentiment :v -lilt;ca strong optuTuscc sentiment1- prevails " here UiflL V. ( F" IT-l rt A 1 ... i Panama, June are dead as a re: which accompaniei presidential elcctior has bfee restored. The election of th didale tor the Pre; mond Valdez, forme of the. republic, and th' Virted States, i . V . Three persons t of the rioting the holding of yesterday. Quiet government can- ncy, Dr. Ray-vice-president no minister to jidicated. inforcing their lines im No.rthem France and Flanders asfthe British continue their steady poinding from upres to tno aomme. jciauy con structed railways are carfcing heavy artillery to the Jiavalan Crown ! Prince's front. I The local public is anxi(sly await ing news of the expected nash. Pap Is and Rome newspapers today join ed in the belief that the ABied super- j offensive is getting under fc'ay. Pros pects of a combined offensive on all irom,s were joyously naiiifi. in view of the sweeping offensives lw the Rus sians and Italians. ! Aeroplanes Attack Warghijjs. Paris, June , 27. Three eroplanes carrying cannon hurled 05 tshells on German ships off Etelgjum. f: Further progress' of the French near Thiau- montfollowing .tlftot . Jgl4aftu.i I announced. By t U A (United I'resj P STEWATf Staff Correspondent) Buenos Ayr, June 27 A lengthy tout to be- I telegram exprftsing warm sympathy gin. The Teutons are ferishly re-J from the LatiiilAmerican League was forwarded to Qirranza totlny follow . ... ftting at which pro- orators chargi expansionist pi S. IS GRASPING st Party In U. S Has Designs On South m America! ed Wil ation Idea Entertain Not Press Medi- ing a mass m Mexican speecflss were delivered, the ft; the existence of an ii-ty in the United States with dcligns on South Amer ica. South Ameri&in governments most anxious to mediate are Argentine and Brazil, the loading powors, but these two do not favr unduly urging the United States. HORSES TOiRUN IN THURSDAY'S RACES Greensboro, New Bern, GoldHboro, Ayden, RsXigh, Greenville, Battle- boro and Kinston to Be Represent ed -Scores of Animals nere or In JUSTICE DEPARTM7 ISSUES WARNING TO FOOD SIMULATORS I i Dealers Reprfed to Be Con sidering Taking Advan tage of Situation to Boost Prices to Individual Con- The following horses are here or in transit for the racing meet on Thursday: From Gi-lensboro, owned by II. N. Reaves, J.l R. Thomas and Penny (E'ros. Ned-IP., Jr.; Franklin R., Os- man, Red Juno, King Charles, Ave Em Bee, Iztron, Toy, Farm Boy and Mabel Patci From Neir Bern Claude B. and Homer J., fwned by Meadows & Guion; Swift Patch. Ed. Meadows, Jr.; King lls, J. E. Daugherty; Rose Daugherty; Rex sumcrs mnm newspaper SIDES Willi AMERICA Rio Janeiro, June 2(' per.-OUais expresses a terms of the American and hopes that Mexic its disadvantageous will spare the eontine bracing the direst con "If war is unavoidab paper, "what would be of the American chanci the role of Brazil? Su quieting enigma of torn The newspa- iproval of the te to Mexicv. recognizing al position a war em-uences. saya the e situation ones; what is the dis- trow." LIVE STOCK SHOmIN GEORGIA Cnj OPENS . Moultrie.' Gan June 27.4-Live stock raisers, 'irceders snd Balcfcien ; from all over the South attendef the open ing of ihe two-day live Itock show here today. Some of the ftiest cattle south of the Mason and bison line are on exhibition. (By the nited Press) Washington, Jupe 27. Food spec ulators attempting !ito use the Mexi can situation to oost prices will do so at consilerali((l risk, the Depart ment of Justice Announced today fol lowing reports thjjl food dealers were considering sieziijgHhe si,tuation as an excuse for jumping prices to mdi- J. O. Causey. vidual consumers r From Ral "Our agents ai alert to catch any will Taylor; sign of this," saiif Assistant Attorney Chappcl; Min General Todd. Bedford, E. A. Granthai; Boston; Rapid agent. I . From Gollsboro- Tantaras Ba ed by Dr, Director an Scott From Tar! Cummings. 'From Ayd Dr. WlilkOB, Grace, J. A, Leach; Hazel Cox, T. Cuban Burns, F. L. Hal, Pete Draney. Fond Memory, y and Alto Down, own- . P. Exum, Jr.; Mark Young Billiken, Henry ro Ben Harris, R. L. Baby Wingato and Jeff Wingate; Mary atton, and Guardinini, Greei LANSING Mf ?S PLAIN NO MEDIfflON WANTED Washington, J A ward Latin-Amerlfi Mexican crisis, fored by Carranza officials, collapsed ing reached the twlay without hav- tage of a formal proposal to the Ifclted States. It was made p Lansing to Ignactt ter of Bolivia, wife ed States would e the services of its to aid in averting ington government situation that wou tion proceedings. TEDDYAND willdi: e 26. t-irorts to rt mediation in the From & Dail. Jrom Babtli and Bon Dal; From Kihsto J. Dupree; Stricklin; Rocki Jennie E1ue, K Airsimith of man, will be the will be experie Mt. Olive, Fannv h Virginia Guard, rgima 15oy, J. jfi. , M. F. Moneyham. ille Hannah. Smath Bell boro Hartford fus Hadley. Homely Bob icess 1'almer, Nan, W. C, ey, agent. illsboro, a State arter. The judges racing men from e and New Bern. Carl Joe Knox; Will BlacK to M Chair! ASSAILANT OF llTTLE GREENE COUNTY , CIIH HEAVILY GUARDED M f OOPS AT TRIAL IN SNOW HILL EARLY THIS MORISTG Speedy Hearing for Brute Who Outraged iTiny, Mattitf Tyson, Manhandled Filer Mother and Shoty Spared Fate of His father. Who Was Lym Section Few Weeks fAgo More Than Hum F fched Into County Seat Hill Had Breakfasted )evin the Trial Judge -Ko .Timej Lost In Getting Contemned Colored Youth (Mt of thd County Third Infantry Mai Negro Before Sno Had No Warning- osseman i ed In ThM ed Men of wn With Populace! (From DailjlFree Press June 2G) Will -Black, assailant! of little Mattie Tyson, was sen tenced to die in the elecfc'ic chair in the penitentiary at Raleigh, after a trial laaing only two or three hours at snow Hill this morning. Ummediately after, sentence was passed Black, surroundea by soldiers' was put aboard a. train and started for Ralligh. There was no demonstra tion. Judge Devin presiefcd. The trial of Black waslattended by a very few ciyili- ans. unly tne court onictus, witnesses, aeienaant ana newsnanermen were allowed in the courthouse. The commanding officer of theftroops passed only persons vouched for by the authorities. , Within three hours the story ot iJiacrs iniquity naav been told. The mother of the little victim described the scene which greeted her eyis when sh went to her daugh ter's aid. It was the story, told before, that made breene county boil with race hatred. lll'll 1 X l.l" 1 ... 1 1,..., J.Vn Afnl ". Will uiacK, tremuimg, jjsuuuu up aim ncmu uic waw . sentence. He will be electrocuted on July zist. , - - Will Black, colored, alleged assail ant of 6-year-old Mattie Tyson, white,, Wa ; hpwght ' ftrqm JUUigh1" -tlill early today and in elvwt timv arraigned In Greene County Superior Court.' . ' ' y There was very little probability from the stalt that Black would es cape the death sentence. i, m&mw. ONLY HEW HOURS TO SPENDHT Second Irflantry to Mobiliz ation Cimp Wednesday KinstonlContingent Din ed By (liamber of Com merce and Others : The troofc Queen street before leavin The start w Courthouse will ' parade up Wednesday afternoon for Morchead City, be made from the t 1:15 o'clock. Thir ty-live minulfc later they will en train for Cai Glenn, ', m Dy Secretary Caldcron, minis- called with the intention of askinjl whether the Unit- ttertain an off er of outhern neighbors larr that the Wasb- ees nothing in the ; warrant erbitra- FIVE WANT TB GET OUT OFPRISJN TO ENLIST (By the Un New York, Jun IUGHES ElTOGETHER Presa) f 27. Col. Roose velt will dine with Candidate Hughes at the Aitor Hotea tomorrow night No others have beeri in Vited. Asheville, June charged with assa charged with bigai bell, charged with. less check; Clyde with housebreakin charged witk desti property, inese ar signed to a petition Swain,' asking that against them be drop; they may enlist in th war with Mexico is dec' men are in the count, -Will Frazier, Gene Baldwin, Lester tCamp- issing a worth- isliop, charged J. B. Cody, ymg personal the five names Solicitor Ed. (he charges in order that army, in case red. The five ail. , Subscribe in The Tim Presa. Kinston wil ldiers Wed no o'clock. Camp Glenn a coming throut? njr two com pa will be on the the repri mental ow at Camp G cominir of the S Company B n The strength of ly 1,500. The soldiers Central warehou nessmen subscril and the Paughte had charge of t tion. Barbecue viand. The Chai was most liberal occasion, and Pi Roque solicited t Mayor Sutton dinner. Mr. S Lewis, Mr. G. V. D. Pollock, Mr. A. L. C. Hill a Taylor made shor the soldiers and Mrs. E. B. Mar the Daughters of read a short pap Humble made the Rev. G.' B. Hanrah The Second infan' be fully mustered in to proceed by train transport ' to Vera East coast port bofo week. bid goodbye . do its sday afternoon at hey will entrail , for that hour. Troops Goldaboro, includ es from that place, ain. Captain Black, mmissary officeri isj in preparihgfor i2 ond infantry. .V has about 85 men. e regiment is ncar .vere dined at the today. The busi 1 to an ample fund, of the Confederacy dinner's prepara as the principal ber of Commerce providing for the ident W. D. La-money. resided over the tton, Mr. E." B. tCowper, Col. W. J. Rouse. Capt. Lieut. J. O. II . addresses praising ishing them well. on, representing he . Confederacy, Rev. H. 7 A. ening prayer and the benediction. is expected to nd trader orders o tne border or nas or another the end cf the fantry. The trong Force Soldiers. 1 train with Black were huntfred National enerally Supposed to tie Guarded by On a specii more tham Guardsmen, from the THrd North Carolina In sohliers' cars were left at Hlnes' Julction, where locomo tive picked t to Snow Hill iNot a doz knew that th force, with b; fles, lying j There were streets in Snc ial train arrivi train and car: Greene court ing a crowd, Fraught With , The Greene formed the ence of -troops perative. Somo pie said there Go j up and hauled them persons in Kinston , e was a strong armed onetted and loaded ri- outside the city. ry few persons on the Hill when the spec The troops left the ( d the negro to the without attract- 'osuibilitWs. . unty officials had in- rnor that the pres t the trial was im Greene county peo- :uld not have been . a dcmonstrat.ioni.naa iiiacs arrivea unguarded. Thelfncials, or a part of them, insisted. Iftwever, , that there would be trouble The .Lenoir co asserted that sh that Black did nol tence, the militia to save the prison lind the most dete! ers in North Carol them; "it would b would plunge the gloom," said one. The commandin troops is said to when questioned thai to carry Will Black ty officials today Id it so happen draw a death sen- ould have to fight And they would ned lot of farm- arrayed against a butchery that ntire State In officer of the re stated simpfy his orders were iack to Raleigh alive after the trial, nd that he had no alternative, no matter what the consequences. , Ihe trops were quiet and well-disciplined. gThey seemed to have very little interest in the matter. . , ' 4 On a day late in Mach Will Black, not quite grown, attacked Mattie Tyson in the open neatf her homti on a farm in Greene eonnfy. Mrs. Leon Tyson, the'bal)y's moth er, heard her cries and ran to her as sistance, y . I 1ack beat the woman's face al most into a pulp. ; ne accomplished his purpose. . t ' , (Continued on Pa?3 -Tliree) V r C

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