" it T HE KfNSTON PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK WEDN ESD AYS AND SATURDAYS Free r VOL. XXXVI. No 26 i SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1916 INVADERS OF ROUMA NU MILES BEFORE ADVA NCING ALLIES ATTACK BY GERMANS IN WEST A FAILURE CANDIDATE :R t - Russians and Roumanians in Dobrudja Sweep Bulgari ans Back for Big Gain Teutons Admit "Failure to Progress" Ravaging Country as They Give Way Roumanians Take Town of Considerable Importance 45 3Iiles Beyond Austrian Frontier Troops of Cen tral Powers Concentrate to Resist Successful Enemy In Black Sea Country Most Violent Counter Yet In the Somme Offensive Checked by Curtain of Fire From the French Guns (By the United Press) London, Sept. 20. A wirelesls Vnessage fromi Rome reports that the Russo-Roumanians have won victories in Dobrudja and Transylvania and that the Russians are again advancing in the Carpathians in Galicia. London, Sept. 22. Under heavy blows of the Russo Roumanian hammer, the Teutons in Dobrudja have re treated moro than five miles already, say Bucharest dis patches. An' earlier "statement reported that the Bulgars were burn-frig ' villages ; and ravaging the country as they re treated.' ' The statement also reported the capture of Szekely Udvarhely, an industrial town of 3,C00 inhabit ants, 45 miles inside the Transylvanian frontier. Sofia dispatches admit the German-Bulgar "attacks" have been unsuccessful, but an official statement does not mention the retirement- It reports that the Bulgars are consolidating their positions in Dobrudja. Furious Teuton Attack in West Fails. Paris, ept. 22. The most violent German attach yet on the new French lines north of the Somme along the Le Priez-Rancourt front, was checked by a French cur tain ;trf;hrtlpts"ofiiciall.y said. ' Another British Gain. London, Sept. 22. The British advanced on a mile front south of Ancre last night, capturing two lines of trenches between Flers and Martinpuich, according tc General Haid. The Germans were driven toward the Lessars-Dueudecourt highway. The next strong line of defense before Bapaume.- Vigorous Fighting In Dobrudja. Berlin, Sept. 22. The Russians are attacking the German-Bulgar line at Dobrudja with great vigor, it is said officially- Severe fighting is in progress along the whole front. THE BORDER MATTER OUT OF WAY, COMM'N FINANCE I (By the United Press) New J.-indon, Conn., Sept. 22. There v-.is no formal session of the Peace Commission today, "but the presence of Albert Pani, one of the Mexican commissioners, ' in Ebston, revived' reports that a Mexican loan i. being discussed. The Mexicans have insisted that financial questions are secondary to the border patrol matter. With the patro) issue practically, settled, it is believed the commission intends to take up Mexican financial affairs. WILL BRIGADE THE TARIML GUARDSM'N wf I If rtNNSTLV N nS Harris-burg, Pa., Sept. 21. Adjt. GoiL Thomas J. Stewart of Pennsyl vania today received a telegram from MaJ. Gen. Chas. M. Clement, com manding the seventh division at El Paso, to the effect that the brigade of North' Carolina infantry, company of engineers, field hospital company and ambulance company will be as signed to' the seventh division. : This division is made up af Pennsylvania troops. RETREAT FIE j A BIG AMERICAN NAVY TO HAYE DIRIGIBLES AS BIG AS GERMANY'S (By the United Pms) Washington, Kept. 22 A mon ster zeppelin type dirigible as big as some of Germany's largest, is to be bought by the Navy De-N partment. This first air mons ter of the navy will be 500 feet in length, and be only the begin ning ef an aerial fleet. The diri gible is to cost half a million dol lars. HUGHES SAY WST USED HARSHNESS IN Richmond. Ind., Sept. 21.;r-fln.?true-fcions said to have been giv?n by President Wilson to John Lind, hia personal representative in Mexico clujing HuertaVtime, were cited in speeches by Charles E. Hughes at Fort Wayne today and here tonight in support of Mr. Hughes' denial that the administration sought to deal with small States in the same spirit as with large States.-' "I have only, recently received thifl i rm-tar WILSON GETS READY TO RETURN FIRE OF HUGHES To Discuss the Eight-Hour Hour Law, Trade Compe tition and Other Issues Raised By Republican In His First Addresses By ROBERT J. BENDER. (United Press Staff Correspondent) Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 22:--!:-esidont Wilson will m;ike his first ler.senal appeal for re-election to morrow when he speaks f'om the 'cranda of his summer home to sev eral hundred representatives of the Business Men's League. The Tren ton gates of Shadow Lawn will be )pened to the public thirty minutes icfoie the speech, and several thou sand others are exoccted to be prcs - nt. Tremendous interest r"nters in he speech among Democratic lender-:. It will be the first plunge of the President into the discussion of the 'ssues Hughes has been raising hroughout the West. . The eight-hour law, what the ad ministration . promises the count.-y. he layiniv of foundations for meet ng and ils preparation against for eign trade competition after the war. ie expected to feature the IVri ff'nt's first "porch campaign" ad Iresscs. Following his addresj to he Young M?n's League of Demo cratic Clubs, at Shadow Lawn, the President, plans to confer with Wal '.er Ilines Page, Ambassador to Lou ton. It is understood the blacklist and mail interference will be discuss ed. BULLETINS (By the United Press) WOMAN SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 22. Mr-i, J M. Sanders was today appoint ed superintendent of Pike Coun ty Schools to succeed her de.d husband. ' BIG ZEPS FOR ENGLISH P..v' Rome, Sept. 22. Zurich dis patches today revived reports that the Germans are building a - fleet of super-zoppelins for a great air raid upon England. TEUTONS BOMB RUSSIAN SHIPS. Berlin, Sept. 22. German sea planes have successfully bom barded two Russian ships on the Bulger coast. STOOD WITH SHOTGUN TO KEEP SHERIFF OFF Troy, Sept. 21 J. C. Johnson was placed in jail today for failure to give $2,000 bond for assault on Deputy Sheriff Stuart of Montgomery coun ty, and also for resisting an officer. It appeared at the. t-ial that Sheriff Stuart in company with three other men deputized by the sheriff went tc the home of J. C. Johnson about 7 mi'est south of Troy for the purpose of laying off his homestead under ex ecution, whereupon Mr. Johnson re fused to let them enter his house and to prevent them from doing so he used his single-barrelled shot gun and told the sheriff if he or any of his crowd tried to enter his house he would kill them. authentic information of the actual instructions tliat were given with re spect to the government of Mexico, such as ' Mexico then had," Hughes said. "John Lind was authorized by the executive to state this proposi tion to a minister of another govern ment, namely: 'Huerta will be put out if he does not get out. That It is the preference of the President that it should be accomplished by clo mestio means, other means adequate for the purpose will be resorted to.' NO PURSUIT VILLA, WHO IS LOITERING AROUND CHIHUAHUA De Facto Government Sol diers Afraid to Tackle the Bandit Boast That He Was Badly Defeated But Won't Renew Chase (By the United Press) Kl P.i.-.o, Sept, 2. Althouch Fran cisco Villa is only twenty miles out side Chihuahaa City, according to i.'arra::::a oTkmU at Juarez, "a vig orous pui.ai." of ihe band!; will not be taken up, sine? Col. Uanvms has :ham!one.! i:. General Trevino still is conferring with his chiefs be for risk'!:;: an ei: . om.'cr wish the out laws. Trevino declares Villa was de feated with heavy losses, and does "ot admit the capture of the city. He charges that the attack was planned ay "American mid Mexican inter sts," in the hope oT influencing th ''American Peace Commission at New London. IN I STATE ipr MIL li LbL. j j W CM !! sr. SCHOOLS y.-ii'Jl v. v . v Trustee ('owper Declares That City Must Necessar ily Have Best Schools Since It' Has Btst Chil dren In Carolina AUhoiigb the city schools have been doing business for a week and i half, the "formal opening" in the high school did not occur until Fri day. The same for the Lewis school won't be pulled off until one day next week. .Members of the Board of Tru-dros were present at the exercises Friday morning, held promptly at P o'clock. These were introduced to the teach rs. Business affairs kept some of the trustees away. County Su)orinte!n!ci:t Joseph Kir.- ;ey made a short talk to the high 1 school students in which he impress-1 ed upon them a lot of good things i I a verv few words, after his style, and ten called upon Trustee (1. V. Cow pnr to make an addrc s. Y per praised the .schools and gave tho j Statesviib', Sep!. The main youag people, encouragement in the?:- bii ones.; portion of lliddenile was work. j destroyed by fire which originated in Ku,-toi hns the ber.t teachers in : the boiler room of .1. C. Thomas' 'or:h Carolina, Mr. Cowper df-elar- roller and planing .mill at -I::!1) tlii : ed, and must have the best schools, ! afternoon. The total is e-.timat-si r.cu it has the best children. ' od at $-10,001). HE FLYING WM GERMANY'S WAR MEfASEHiE; GIANT FISH SHAPED AEROPLANES UNEQUALLED, SAY tty CARL W. ACKKRMAN, (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent) With General Von Linsingen's Ar mies cn the Russian Front, Aug. "20. (By Mail) Germany- ha3 added flying whales to her other war won ders of the air! A hundred yards away these new aeroplanes Jook like gigantic fish with double fine which have flopped out of the water and lie stranded on their bellies on the sand. They have four big eyes on each side. High in the air thdy aie the most startling creatures I hae seen on any front. They look 111 e the fly ing fish one sees on the ocan, many times magnified. On close examination yfu discover an i aeroplane standing a Wit eight feet from the ground Th. wings are those of an ordinary aeroplane, but the bodies are phapM lita'n fat fish WILL BE HOURS YET MAKES TWO IIUNDR'D BEFORE TROOPS GETJARIi'EL GMSFN UNDER WAY, REPORT No Movement From Camp (ilenn Today Fitting Out Soldiers With Cold Weather Duds Furlough for Few Infantrymen There will be no movement of sol diers f.iira Cam!) Glenn today. That much is reported on pretty good au thority, '''he sanitary troops, includ i'lr aa ambulance ccmpaav with a b'.'V enuipiucnt, and a full field hos pital company, to use the- first t-ain a::, a;;1, the First infantry, to Ik' the iir.: 1'pc -.iiittit to mo", a:;' .y ! e:".rao: at a minute's !'o;i.-p, Tlu-ir paraphernalia is already on the cars. Fic'.ing out of the men wi'.h win-te-wtight clothing is holding up tin men. That, is a big task for the quai'N rmasler fo:ce at the reserva tion. Some ri" the clothing ha.: not. arrived from Cue Philadelphia supply depot, and it is generally believed at C.'tnp (Horn now that it will lie Sun day liefo-e the movement toward 1lie horde" bcg'ns. Th" Second infantry, in which Kinston is most interest, d. oabiy Won't get away lief., o M :: ray a rtornooa or iiiesilay nitun:!)". - 's hoped tha1. since the rciriment i coming through ''.is cit, that the Second will move bv davlifht. S; vc-nl memlier; or the ! ir st an, I 'r:-r"d infaaC-ie; are spnnding Imr! lour!:1-, here. A-istant Hanil I,ead . Jo:C)h Pal lard and Cook Oscar "aimer of the headquarters compa y. Second, are among the number. FIVE IB Harlfo Conn., Sept. 21.---Mm. Amy I'. K .-tchev'-Cillinan. charged v h ; oi -:o:;ing five ii'tiates of her e.-nv for elderly people at Windsor, wa iH'teil for first deg.-ce inurdor M live eiiinis by the grand jtny late i day." Mrs. (iilligan pleaded not guilty an-1 was remanded t the coun ty jai! without bond To:1 her appear ance at the December -term of 'he Su perior Court. Most of the inmates wv admitted to the hone, the Stato elaiins, after contracts had been sigred pi'oviding for lif1 care upon payment of $1,000. BUSINESS SECTION LATEST ADDITION T The motor is enclosed in the head and at the sides, where the eyes of the fi-sii would be, are two windows. The ope ra Lor or olxservcr can look out from above tho fish's back or from the aides, through tho cyen. (The censors' scissors bad detect ed a paragraph at this point, possi bly carrying more details of the aero plane's construction.) These flying whale3 have greater speed, more bomb-carrying capacity and quicker action than any other bi planes in Europe, office at the Ger man aviation camp told U3. The one I saw was not large. The Germans have other aeroplanes much larger. equipped with two motors and carry ing three or four perqpns, but for purposes of combat tha "flying whaWt, cannot he equalled,'' even by thk famous French Nicuport ' machines. SOLDIERS OF CROSS IicmarkaBlc Success of Rev. W. M. Craiff in Short Se ries of Services at Camp (ilenrv Moral Standard Super I), Declares Rev. W. Marshall Craig, th.1 young pastor of the Fi.st Haptist church in this city, (luring the three nights end ing Wednesday night secured no less than 200 conversions the estimate is Mr. (' .1 if soldiers in the Y. M. t A . at Camp Clenn. Mr. Cra;g, kick f rn the reservation, Th'.irsd:-y et r.inir. !dd about the ser vices and the -Muariiy of the men. il.::idr. :1s of '.ki.-.e fellows, ahout to leave for Kl Pa-o, a;.. I possibly to hack'' of Vilia, attended the servicer.. Hundreds r:ised their hands in prom ise that they would try to make tin ir spiritual lives better; and look- , ui. ovc" the small sa of sol dier faces, serious young Mr. Crai) saw nothing but the seriousnes; .h re which did his heart good. Then when the time came for converts to rt"P;i!;.T, . n i b'ss than ten Venre showed op. It was a wonderful and a t: j.y .-.-mtitii! mvi.iele l.-r the ( e :. . f '" M '. Craig knew - he she. a,! ihe m. illicit and father- of !!ie veu. chap ; down there knew ii xay- - that anionrst that o000 li -ted men there is more mora! mi'-itv Inati there is in anv ten thous- ind youths in civilized life. The physical .-tandard of the North :ar!i"a sol lics is splendid. Then s no! a bit, of doubt that the brigade will prove a revelation to the owe ol'Kcrs in Texas. At the call fo- erVrotf'fhcv were aOtow the average. in the country, and three months o ife ulal.-e ideal condi'Jons, with nono )f the alleged harrowing heat an' ia-1 work that those already at the have '-xperienced, has made hem a lot of male beauties in irmy uniform. Mr. Craig thinks they are line physically, but their mo al stuniUru mat is wnat he is n ecstaeies over ''is nearly superb!" There was nothing at all spectacular ibrut the services in the Y. M. C. A. lent None of the ordinary moth- oils ot i.versuasion were empioyoo. . j i i'hM wouldn't have "gone" with the , 1.. men. anvwav. I ney were simpiy el.! some truths and, listening atten ively, m re oiih'ily and more inter- !cil (h:in nriv con ir r(ru to on in civil life, decided to "come across." The chaplains took their names. Mr. Craig, three hours from Camp Glenn, f :! very coidiilent that practically the last man will make good hia promise. Ho knows his men. ACCIDENT TO TRAIN ON A, C.L NEAR GRANGER An A. C. L. passenger train which left here for Weldon al 1:10 Thurn day afternoon was delaed by an ac cident a short distance beyond Grain ger, a few minuU-s out, and did not move for nearly Fix hours. A train duo here at 7:10 was held up at Grifton until the northbound train moved out of the way. The front truck .if Che outbound train Iert the track, turning partly around under the locomotive, and bumped over the cfosstiea for a dis tance of about 200 yards, tearing up rails and tics. Tho passenger cars kept tjie track and no one was injur ed. TERRY TRIAL UNDER, WAY AT GREENSBORO Greensboro, Sept 21. It took : all of the forenoon today to select n jury in the case of State vs. J. A, Ten. charged with the murder of John R. Stewart in July. Several jurors dis quelified themselves hy ; saying they had formed and expressed an opinion that tha defendant was goUty. -whi showed the extent of opinion as to the defendant's guilt, and public feel ing in the matter. , The taking ; of tcstinionv'Was bepun, aboit noon,' EXPECT KAISER TO MM ANOTHMVt FOR PEACE SHORTLY Allies Would Resent Sug gestion as Comirtfir Thro' Washington WANT COMPLETE VICTORY Madrid Another Possible Source of Overture, But King Alfonso Is Not In clined to Be Used, Says London Opinion (By the United Press) London, Sept. t!'J. Germany will ;r; another peace kite-flying in Octo ber, Hritish officialdom expects. Ite cvit apparently authentic rumors say Ge-niany, suffering huge losses be cause of the Somme offensive, is en-v d'.avoring to suggest . an armi3tice' th-ough .Spain and the Unued''&tateS. It is understood from high author-" 'y that King Alfonso is unresponsive and unlikely to act. Tho Germans, it ii believed here, hope to tempt. Presi !:r.t Wilson to start negotiations all : ;ime when his success would atfect 'lie American election. It in believed :ch a move on the jiart of Washing 'on i forjdoomed to failure ml would arouse bitter resentment on the p.irj of the Allies, eliminating VVa:hingt,m as a possible mediator. SOJNC'ONJN OTHER TOWNS AND COUNTIES OF EASTERN CAROLINA 7 w?r-wff ffy j A lot it advertising must be done 'to bring the right kind of settlers to this section, says C. S. King, man- r.ge- of a ranch in Beaufort county, stid .ma pf quite a few' Middle West-, ernei3 who have located there. Why . there are people in the Central Statea ' who actually believe the soil here is poc-, and that only cotton and tobac- -co can be raised, Mr. King says. Mr. King suggests organizations of land owners and advertising. The New Bern Sun-Journal says that a resident of the Caswell sec tion, passing through that city Thurs day, had' M. suitcases of whisky, the total quantity being , estimated ' ftt 3o0 quarts. It is thought that the ', bulk of ho liquor was brought on a" sleeper from Norfolk and transferred to a day coach at New Bern. The .; person came on through unmolested by the police, who had not gotten . wind of the "perambulating oar room." . Company 13, Engineers, recently or- -ganizel al Charlotte, arrived . at Cnmp Glenn, with two officers and 70 men, traveling via Wilmington. AGAIN FAIR BREAKS , ON TOBACCO MARKET Between 225,000 and a quarter of ' a million pounds of tobaceo was sold here Friday, at prices as good if not i little better than Thursday's. ' Of ferings were good on the whole. . Heavier sales are expected on' the market next week. A number of . largo planters are reported to have . not "entered the market at all yet, and millions of pounds of the be3b of the crop remains to be disposed ff. October may equal, possibly sur Tass September in the total of sales. Cotton sold high here Friday. Re ceipts were heavy. It was estimated at 3 o'clock that more than, hO tales had been sold. Prices ranged from 15 to 15.62 1-2. The staple is "bring ing practically as much in Kinston as at Norfolk. . New York futures quotations irere: .- '.Open . 2:40 January ; CL .v. ;-.. 16.40 March . 15.50 - 16.'0 May -k 16.63 16.4J October . ,.16.C3 December .,..16.27 .urs t C.