KlNSTON XT U ; TT ir- rr IT !!!;. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS VOL. XXXVI. No. 28 KlNSTON, N. C SATURDAY, SEiTlttlBE .1 1JI6 CHANCELLOR HOLOS FATH'RLAND MORRISON WILL BElVIllA ABiIilil ? in I Tin: fOT E BACK HOME, IS PEACE, PROSPERffiY, IH i BE PRESERVER OF WORLD HERE SATURDAY TO A SMASliO mm ... i F8LLGGH I DEFENSE BUSINESS t ,. 3 - . 'j L , 'i ., & FROM BY THE HATED BRITISH ADDRESS DEMOC'AT? ,1 WW AOAMSON BILL - . - , i j C2.ai3 i tii oiitilu The GEM UP AS WOULD DOMINATION "Wish to Crush Out Our Existence as a Nation," Tells Reichstag That Accomplished, Dream of World Su- Holds Town; Led Atlacl Person, Says Robert to El Paso I.. ! V 1M , The principal political event of the month will occur Saturday at 11 a m. in the Courthouse, when Hon. ihrfT119rV ftf FnO-lflrirl Will PAnm T?oi; Tiarac Cameron Morrison of Charlotte, 'he ..,"., I Democratic candidate for elcctor-at- "UUifcoa -vns i.fciui iuncAiHTO ivespunsiuie lor Iareef win ,,,, Lenoir counly men. Piling TTVn f TUIi f j cs n, i i i.. v. ti. rflPDlW7C!VAC ?M !I C Knows Enough to Keep Out of Mess, Says State De partment Officials Afraid-We-Will-Start-Somethingj Warning of Lloyd-George Engenders Don't-You-Wor- ry Spirit at Washington ive Days Without Fee!. Beth Manual fir,; a 3 Id 's and : Sub- is in the Vzzi Fighim:,' i R best suited for the people in all parts of the county. Mr. Morrison is an nole campaign er, lie has been the foremost politi cal figure recently in Eastern tAroli- r.a. A large audience hero is assur ed him. Mr. Morrison is expected to arrive Friday night from Greenville. Hntnoii Secret::' ar Tex as Town Routed by Cav- ahy Fairol Ilml Pit! COTTON At least 150 bales of coiton had been sold here Friday by 3 o'clcck, buyers stated. Prices ranged from 14 3-4 to 15 1-2 cents. rvew lorn tuturcs quotations Open January 10.20 March 16.3G May ivere: Close lfi.lG 1G.3;; 10.50 15.38 10.11 MM KJDV III mn I LAM (By the United Press) Washington, Sept. 29. Any purpose that any neutral may nave of ottering mediation for the European bellig erents was removed by a "hands off" statement of Lloyd- (jeorge, made yesterday, in the opinion of State Depart ment Officials. "A hint to the wise is sufficient." one said. Britain Would Dominate World, Says Germ'n Chancellor. , Berlin, Sept. 29.- Chancellor. Von. Bethmann-Holl weig's Reichstag address, placing the blame for the con tinuation of the European slaughter at the door ol ber many's enemies, won enthusiastic approval from a ma jority of the members. The chancellor made no offer of roo7o' knf irrHfnfprI tVinf. in vfpw vf tVtA nffprnnpa nf Al- iied tatesman, it would be folly to expect an early end- October . . is's2 mg oi the war. The speech lacked the hopeiui tone 01 Dcccmber 16 30 fonner addresses. The desired territorial conquest of our enemies is responsible for the daily piling up of mountains of corpses. The British wish to crush out our existence as a nation. A Germany crushed economically is defenseless from a military standpoint, boycotted by the, world, ar.d condemned to eternal feebleness that is the Germany England wishes to see at her feet. When England no longer fears German competition, France will be bled to death. All the other Allies will become slaves to England, and the dream of British world su premacy is to become a reality. English Press Lauds Lloyd-George. London. Sept. 29 Lloyd-George's declaration that the war must continue to a knockout and warning to neu trals to keep "hands off," contained in an interview with the United Press yesterday, won the unanimous support of the English press today. It was printed in every news paper in Great Britain and telegraphed by all news agen cies throughout, Europe. JLIIC ppcx ujiiiiiciiu cmwuoiij i, L Branch, N. J., Sept. 28. In ment UlUJrs UlC uuiuuwwc win auu I'uip c"lu(- a messagre opening his campaign of British Empire. It is a forcible answer to peace talk, ,etter writ:ng, President wiison d.- said the London Times. "Interviewing is an American c'.ared tonight that' "the question ......A ' -..i i 11 1-11 1 J Ti-i 1 I . . . . ... lnfttitllt.inn Whicn tne Oia WOna naS DOrrOWea. IS omy about to be determined whether wo aDnronriate that in choosing this method of expressing shaii keep the nation upon its pre;-, his views the secretary for war should favor with his con- e"t terms of peaco and good win fidence one of the great American news organizations." with the W0lId or tuin to radical Cflk.TnF.vn. "TnollwmilH.hoiiMCPmnL changes of policy which may alter 1V0 lyctery L'ni R BARBER lilllP (Special to The Free Press) El Paso, Texas, Sent. 29.- The First North Carolina Infantry ar rives at Fort BIis3 Saturday Second is dua Sunday. TV GRAVE QUESTION PUT TO NATION'S P: F ers', whether America, Rome or Snain, or another neutral, the war secretary bluntly said 'Keep out of the ring.' " the whole aspect cf the nation's life. El Paso, Sip:.. 2:WPa!ieh has cdministered a severe defett. o.i , "'Tt!ican do faclo Uoops and v;:3 siill j n -oss.-ision of the t-jwn of Cu.-.nu:- j raf'-);-.- last iv;;:;t. s.::d a re-io. t v.- t -.WM by U. S. cfiii-iuis here. ' It is lepcrted Villa led the allac'; ; i pes son- j ' rravzistas Ooss Horde;-. i V. -i. !,: ;;' --a, S 2:).- . : i.'y :t I .' .-: " i'.t..s W-"!! rour:! c '.: - i .-.2 la orur.h two rr. h.'s west af Yr-K-ta, ; 1 y a p : ;.'. 1 of the E";.-:i;ii e.tv-! :.!ry yostCi-iby, ac-.n-dinr trt s re- j :;-'rt by i'ua;;m to the V.'.ir un-l ment. Th'.'.v fed across tho Kio Gran j do v.htn dUoovered. One l:ft L liit'.d a l-Hle belonging to the t .!.( :roop3 engaged at Carrizal. No :v; a;.n W.-.3 found far the vl.nl. t;'y ' 1 ! .i-l.'-n, ?c-pt. 2'.- -Vi:hout a r.o r.'s :-ill in the !".--!ay l-a'.tls .'.i c-f -.in i'ntn.', f.hs !!r':-sh c.l--. ..' ) tl.o 1 ; 'en of Co ire !-rt.--si--i7 c..ptur-.l a pyay d.'ferdtd f.irin southwest of : C.n.ral ll:;'r lenorlu.!. I, F'ar.'js Ahead. - 2-.-C; !i.:a- V a 'h tne i.:ra; f.iid. I i ! Ion a;- ; i.'t - ,;:.-T of y n'trh'. a-yhf- rtv- :v r:-ht. -.-.. M. Vm.Invill? cf A rmv, is ' -l.'-r c ; To; r; y cuxva UiiieJ Chnrlt the Salva-1 hv ! as a & f . ii 1! i i :, in r i ill lysUaJt. Tv.-o liur.drrd : J.. M i ... ! i 5JJ 1 - O C v; -.1 Tar .1 t ra-e of iaWier.a r.rl.l lA. 1 1 a;r. -n a cr '. avn--: -v c'rt'p . t lav' v. hah l".::a;r v.-r ,-e r . -rt-.a, Fer.l. 28. Tho Keaer Ijan Hoard relumed today ip which bofran A'.rtu.'-.l 21, :a. Main:. 7 n all, llr lioarJ ;va 'a y- :"i lir a a: ,..,f ; -.-,.(,! (,--,a hk v. ;.a:--.' will :-.accr. a ; ! i'ae with hearings a an ill th 1 an;i y recks a'-e li erf inn hit to o? 'a sad well-:nf(-rrr.ed tobacconists is a'-e beginning a r. 'turn to bia- sales na .i.-- .-. -anv.'ill-a at"a'i;.rra;ih'e - t,r a -a; lays iha ! : have be.'n submitted to the va! l:a r.vefurv dar stal. Vr.- I FEUD BREAKS OUT IN COLORED POPULATION Many Shot Fired and One Leg In jured "Tale of Two Lovera" -Partnera in Romantic Business Stir Up Trouble Bill Isler Over-Zeal-ona Sheriff Taylor returned Thursday night from the Lenoir-Jones county line, where he had been to investigate a shooting affair. A number of ne groes were summoned here for trial on Friday. According to one account Will Gooding, "about 16 or 17 years of age," and (Bill Isler were colored part ners to' love matters. Isler and Gooding were compelled to resort to Gretna Green tactics, which were successful in the case of Isler. Good ing, desperately in that state which knows no reason, couldn't get his girl, however. Isler set about help ing Sim. There never was a staunch- er partner than Bill. a- Dave Gooding, father of Will, was -worried. He didn't want the boy to marry; frankly, the fiancee wasn't gooa notrgh' lb his" m, he tfcoaght. "WiH Gooding left home and went coating over , the countryside after nightfall trying to get one sweet quint at hie Juliet Old Dave got "ia.; " Automobiles sped over $he ad past his' place nightly. Dave fixed a gate so that he could hold up one machine in which he euspected i key was a passenger. He. leaped upon th, C1H. .nd had gun shoved HOW TO M CRUDE OIL IN THE CAEE OF SWINE; CHP O. F. McCP.ARY (County Demonsfralion Agent) Crude oil can be applied with a spray pump, or a sprinkling pot. sucn as is used in sprinkling flowers, or a cloth, brush cr broom may be used. It is also used in dipping vats and hog wallows and the oil docs its work . . I pvprvr:ir,p t rm hno rrn t. hrrmrh th? came a hyphenatea " " 4. vac or wna j.v. rroozu.y tae tiosc ei- in his face, the account says. Albert Patterson is alleged to have been, ths driver Joe Coleman and Bill Isler are alleged to have been with him. Dave Gooding yelled for his son, Floyd Gooding, and 'Clyde Dunn, an other negro boy, to bring him a gun. The gun wasn't fetched, the story has it. Anjrway, the machine was put into motion and headed down the road. From it, is alleged, there came a fusillade of shots. A moment af terward from behind a nearby tobac co barn there streak of fire. That, according A! L OF The na W'o'j.i ura Irivrn ov n- to e. Tac c name for as hearsrs py. v .-,,yr -.vorU) MOT MATTER TO COKPSfl ..' aa'.ara.caila liearse cf the !. -rtaVlnrr eata'dialnaant was a t1-. e'iy T)vj: ' 7. a a- ,';lt it t.i pro-y-a-lv: u r -"i'iM.":al car" is th? r.'ca aiia'n a thing is u l;.-.uty. or a 1 1 a !t ' ; cxpcctfil. however, that i! I .and ! in) : will ! or-1 i.t.r jV. alio 111 It is Mack, of cau-:-c. crencaal shape it resembles an am- aa i :l T oat cf :''.e o j- n n K ! r '''v a i th a Thar re is la ,1-lr.s aid i are a ;:', ! i vl . li '.cn .r It ii aail Clyde Dunn, was Isler in action of Bill's bullets bored through Floyd Gooding's leg his right leg or his left leg. one or the other. Clyde Dun says: "Floyd, he says, Tse shot.' "1 says, '0, my goodness, Floyd, you isn't shot, air you?' An' he says, 'Yes, I is, Clyde.' An' I says to Uncle Dave, 'Uncle Dave, Floyd's shot,' etc, etc. "An' I sees Bill Is ler ahind that air barn wid a great big gun jest a-glitterinV One other person claimed to have been shot with a shotgun. - That per son, according to Clyde Dunn, ran against a barb-woire" fence and got the "shot" wounds. A dozen shots, more or less, were fired in the melee with only, the one casualty. Some nights ago a car driven 'jy a person named Pink Irving or some thing similar, said to be white, was fired at by Joe Powers, reputed dis satisfied father-in-law of Bill Isler, it is reported. . i.The complicated case is being tried by Magistrate H. C. V. Peebles at the courthouse Friday afternoon. I Qn fectiyo way to spr-'' is by means of a bruah or oroom havirg the oil in a bucket. L'y means of he brush the oil mav be worked in'o the skin and hair, especially behind the ears, h v a in the armpits, on the inside of the;itT Pa legs, and in the folds of the skin. In I: . case the ho?3 are not accustomed to! ra- 'v being handled or are wild it is best r-- to confine them to very narrow and ' f- Subscribe to The Free Press. iv.- a k; . n ;u a. :se it !, s n t d. 't aio a'e. Di )5 wi'b r-ia af -a rr affft : - . i ! a rat or wallow, ns . s oa tlie watt'. 1 a: e ol's ar- nore effec'.'v? for van are mvl other r.?-n ?!'(. ; a ;;a it :s n vd frr !t? jroJ f-f-rm the hair and skin. limited quarters so that the attend- j Oml? oil to which 4 or o orrsces of; ant can stand on the outside and sa'phur have been ad ied, (per gallon spray or sprinkle them, provided of 'j of oil) has in many cases cured mange ! course that a wallow or dipping vat! a".-.e-s that had res'sted the attacks! is not available. In any case the j cf other standard mange remedies, treatment should be repeated in ten j ?, me breeders feed it in the food days in order to destroy the newly . of hoy"! to get rid cf worms. i aoa or G-".. . i'oaa thr- f ATT! .f the th" laal- ian j.r 1 u a t li lb a 'cgJ Citizens, end tha Dem ocratic Parly Wants Tt.cv.i, Senatorial Nomi Dof.Jn res Some Will C;"i-;--.j;c Hears y ":"'r. icy a- fcundcJ upon love - Vrrar.lly." Col. W. D. Pollock al'y. !( tio'ratic candidate for t'. . -.: ),-, Johl a la-yva gathering Ccaa'' "t Wednesday niht when n ada an arl.'rcas under the am af ;h- ,!aai'.- County Executive a ai-.-e. (' '. l'allai-k appealed to : -n,'',l if th' section to "come " Th- vay r'ty party wants 1. 'iaaa- (li.-y belong with . ! il v'aacJ. Comfort is , Tt'.h'.r.J.', in which vicinity . ; t .' Wi a.vi j 's party arc 1 i a1-' (.-aaiaayrriier's speech a'j-a af lave." He said 'a a the ropul.iats foi .-' -d v.-'-:-n they split away :: ' c! i paaiirra; ho dwelt uprn .la '.' of i ')..- v.-.i,-! over the o a ' .y. ; ' .aa- V, . O. P. and the 1' of pie. and compared the v ! : c" tiia t .vo r-t parties. Ho ":' ! :h i '-' thought some of .' a '".a-li-tt wanted to .a I... 1, la a a. -d that some a c aa ; 1, -.-'; and urped thom throw a a ay any doubt that they . aat wan ;.-;. lis gave them cre foa ;:o:..l citi-ensh'p and plea.d ;a th;"n to rejoin tha Democrats 1 hav? a hand in thoir own govern nt. The Veaverites in days gons acted with a good conscience, he Wilson's issues In Western Campaign Soon' to' 6e Uhdeirtafcen PRESIDENT IN FINE TRC.I Believes Average Mail- la More Interested in Keep ing Country Out of Strife Than Anything Else Wife Going ' ari !, 'and in the fr.ee of good ad i !e a ni: a. ha by fuaion. lie vra:d nlrlare of old home ; aal -. '. 'ii . bllable circumstan : jni"'.-l to what Democracy. Irr.a. had rccampliahcd. "And hat a.;', thing to complain f.tr a: the r.t;tte government .-v. A " ha declared. CaLiay Chairman J. K. , a -! rather to the State Chalr lasiJad over the gathering, a' .lal-n Ilrrrett introduced : an. ak. (By the United Press) ., Asbury Park, N. J, Sept 2i Fmr issues of peace, prosperity, btt" nes3 preparedness and the eight hour law will be enunciated by Pre- -; 'dent Wilson when he goes into the( H-.ntry to wind up his campaign for ro-olection, it was learned today, "hese issues he regards as the ones ipo.i which votes will vindicate or lenounce ths administration. Tho President is feeling fit and p acars a trifle heavier. He says he : ;s in fine trim for the coming trips to the West. He is . enthusiastic about going, as is Mrs. Wilson, who will accompany him everywhere. It will be her first taste of s real cam' naign, and she is entering into It with zest. The man on the street, the President believes, is thankful firat of ell that the country is at p?ace. For that reason the forenlott issue will be an appeal to the' votf0""' not inclined to "radical changes policy which may slter fche Vhole 4 pect of the nation's life" and "endataJ" ' gcr the present peece and good will with tho whole world." . MER1CAN NAVY (IN GUARD AS TWO BIG mam mt urn u n mi i mm (By tiie United Press) Washington. Sept. 29. The battle ships Minnesota snd Vermont are convoying the interned German cruisers- from tho Norfolk navy yard te the Philadelphia yard to - guard - . r , j . ... against Allied warships hovering by. ? iy .t;:ek. Crccnv.rod, S. C, Sept. 29. it'o 17-jvar-old sen of J. S. Cres- 1 t.i Mc?''r:iiick county, shot . !: i. '.a his father's face, . ' ; a r in a family row. . .. ' ' V--'.. ? a lilt , rry m. women ' , .; Wo-1:1 Like to See So ' y T; c i--Tao Jluch Money for Vruri In This Country ila h; M i? - t l ad If Properly tatted Off -. y.' -S -, - -. ' - - ' ', .. Of 5 v. 1 kapt par: with tha in-p- -a'attan, but has dc l,i nunther," the resolution ; A 'rayae Stylo Society" is a thing hi: Sir. Jarnc? Towers of the local ha a wauhl like to see organized. If feme person of national reputation, wiih ability to lead, were to put such a movement to going it would be a racateat the ceu.ntry ' svee fs, Mr. Powers believes. ja:i!;crj are making Ma. Powers has noticed with grow- prosperity cha- Dcrpite ths presen Ti'tt-rlzaa! a' the . has 6Vtr known, 'as; pr .f'i Iha.n at any time within ! :r, a' arm tin increasing prices of the bst-twenty years. Statements t c j fer.i'alne apparel. (Ill isn't married. hatched lice and nits. No lice rem-j Few farmers seem to know - that j that effect were made to the ?onven- j hat has the right idea, certainly.) He edy will be effective unless the bed3 j crude oil can be bought right in Kin- -ion by Joseph Chapman cf Minneap-: has heard of coat suits' ocld here ston for a few cents per jrallon. I j din. Minimum rates of intertst are 1 this season for the fabulous prices Of know of some farmers in Lenoir being paid. Mr. Chapman declared, Z0 and $60 and such. If the cle County wso have bought it by the ' although the bankers themselves are ment of envy could be removed from barrel, ar.d they like it too. One of beins charged the maximum for 'the human nature there would not be so the strongest advocates of the hog ' mer.ey bsin?r loaned. A ssrvice charge : much d:3rre to sink big sums in gar- or houses are cleaned and disinfected at the same time the hogs are treat ed. Why use crude oil in swine work? Because it is cheaper 12 to 15 gallons is sufficient for use in a dip ping vat. 1 gallon applied with a broom or sprinkling pot will go over 20t 30 head of average sized hogs closely confined at time of treatment. Because it is more lasting in its had for ten cents. See your county; of the currency and the Federal Ke- wallow ar.d crude oil is Dr. C. 'R j cn rmal! depositors' accounts -was 1 n:ent3 a little fancier tha.n ether wo of the Casweil Training among the things recommended by; men wear. Extravagance in dress McNairy. school. . i Why mix lard with oil costing 23c j Mr.. Chapman also recommended con per gallon, when crude oil may be solvation of the office of comptroller j him to increase the profit account. effects. At the same time, it is as rent about crude ojl. ' ' serve Board. 's the biggest menace to the country today, he scys. He recalls how sweat country lassies used to look in dross es that any woman of the middle class would scolf at now. "ay NESS IN .. a'.w.iv:. it r nirni mm uudi FREIGHT ONIIDCAL MiLROAD ENT n-.e Atlantic Coast Line id operst !ng extra freights between Kinstoa r.nd Greenville, because of tio 'ieavy traffic. No regular schedule is ob served, but long sittings of ears ac surauiatir.g are hauled sway st short 'ntervals. All lines in the section ere5 doing big business now. Tobacco, cotton, first shipments of holiday goods end other things are helping to swell the volume of freight. Some Kinstoa dealers already are recerving' Christ mas merchandise. The city will Spend around a -hundred thousand doQars to help out Santa Glaus end in the contingent feasting. , CAR SIDEWALK C1T0 PA.1TY Shifting shout the yard hi fcV vi cinity of die passenger station" TtWs day night, a Norfolk Southern' freight locomotive "bamped' s train sudden ly ad almost becked a ear ktto a par ty of colored persons standing on the sidewalk near the station. One worn an had a narrow escape from injury. The ears were shunted only a few feet," but the rear one far r 'i across the sidewalk to enC - j de.rians in a crowd swaLtlr. j i; y. senjer train, .

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