- j.." n ,.; ',-,.,:,:"., .- u, . - jt.j;.i.i,n. 4-. . . I'sT'lj ' f v i , - - -T-, , , ,r.Vv ..,,. .. ,. ...... . . . . ...... PUBLISH ED : TX71 Cf&v&t XI LUIZYfEVftf E El A" Y S AND SATURDAYS VOL. XXXVI. No. 35 I3NSTbN. CSATUR13A OCTOBER 7, 1916f - -a. i t !N0T SINCE CASVEIi SAtfflN GOVERNOR'S RUSSIA ViBULDSEfjD fllLLION POLES TO so.MericIm eiMIIIPLEB TODACCO BACK INTO .. , , ..a t. a :4 Wr. V ., U.'U.UL't'LSCl'ri. J I y?A ' ' - : . - '- '- ""i' I-- CM : i:estung IN CEOiNieSE CHAIR HAS SUCH SCENE BEEN 71TNESSE ITSOWNEARLYl ipBLOCIlSraiNGCOTTONPCONS HALEHIILLION mm iUuuUiiiiiJe!.IL.-.i! srwJATio nctrrr vi yjien the Sales on Queen change, and the Busiest ?CarolinalBffait Frldat vf Bales of the Great Staple 4; w-ii AKk iiTRrm? WflitoAt One Time" Was the ' . ' York faiirti iwUti Jaanary if .March ' Miy . . July .. , i ...... a .,. . f ,', .. Octobw : . ... ... . . y.'j - D(Kber .., ,.;... ,,m. Did.tmteYer IftiS scene . T.rirK NX11C UUIT . MbMsizedt 1, : ; ' t If 3 tVW til- T openpf the sales; the Vkfm hoWetmefof the expm feAer:Say. Mday,v when ; at t the other end of .tte'Unewrfsorr ' ife Qner,. on Xinston'sbusy ? thoroughfare,- Queen 1 thrW bjcis of the staple, which is still, and always has' a riiiiiinii nLiE.Liii w OfjajigaJ.- WlMr Nr'l'he .li'bwflw'WVWI troott It la aale ,:vim'iPaJtwii' ;tiaf;i 'iW aiidible'amlla ef Uie kini tht &irf.i.&&"?utotm& the nkfara that he took will make eKy f the right aort. v-:;,- iMiSHSW fHiNew York, Oct. 5.Vnce C, Uc I'QorMfick, chairman of the Democrat- t? National Committee, announced "SaWfoday that he" had been .served ' hKK ififfiniona'in gait for $60,000 ' brought against hhn hy Jeremiah A. OLeary, "president of the "American ;Tnift Society." Mr. McCormick kid 'i ' &ad not been ' apprised, however, of tiie charges , upon which the auit W OHIO. , ; . :. Mr. OXeary. in a statement issued Ifwra . afterward ' stated . that.: hi - .ParPose In instituting the action was ,to find out flpst, whether hyphenism, ocalled, la ubelloua; and. second, 'whether it is inconsistent with Ameri- .jt;?Otavsid he-wsented';a UtemenV'sittrJbuted to., Mr. MoCor-mick-criticising him for sending in lwltiftgl messages'! xtaf; Presdent 4nison. t In 'that ; message,' Mr. ' 0V ry criMcised the Iident for "not ;&!ming "American rights "against fmV Britain vaad informed?; Mr. WUson that he would rote for the re j.WcUon of the President. - . ' TOOTO,'! BEFOIIE II cirni'N Willi Hi , KepnsstrtaUve Robt M. :Page, 'of jtw Eighth district will not come to t Koa iot P'gn address an. November .fith- Te of the else j .don, Couy Demoeratic Chairman C. V.vCow-.r i Jlnlujy ..nnounced Tri- y t-onpretsmaa dauda Kitchin ana the focal Ul eiers.had hoped thst Street, Kington Cotton Ex Thoroughfare In, All Eastern doming; Approxiinatelr 175 Were Assembled Along the 7) t "j - i:40i. 17.01 : 17.18 I 17J3 . ... 1738 4 aao 3 17.CC Wo f1iVe?'Weoui?htfto havei c re itlwii I ...fc -7 - - ' r eg-in oWrftaf4, Uke trying $17500 worth on th mar- la 'S&'vii had bB in the air tmj long and good illustration for some Kinston .. "."f) . ' VON TIRPITZ HAVE , NO I WITH GERMAN GOVT. Suggestion for 'Blockade of British tort Fails to-Find Favor No Resumption or Urirestricted Submar ining, Said 0y the United Press) Berlin, Oct. 6. The government is unimpressed, it is said, with the sug gestion of the Von Tirpitzites for a blockade of English harbors. The suggestion was made as a substitute for the "war lone" blockade. There will be no resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare, said a high offi cial today. The Von Tirpitzites are doomed to failure. No changes of the personnel of the government are imminent. Bollweig and Von Jagow are to tay in office. STRICTLT FRESH EGO - BLUFF 13 EXPOSED t St Paul," Oct" eBuytas;;' rotten eggs at tne auntp lor naii cent ,. dotenl Isadore lenscllsohn kept " a few 'chickens for a comealong and ad vertised strictly fresh; eggs', .forty- five cents' a dosen." , He was arrest ed, pleaded guilty 'and was fined. One deer, two doe and a rattler were killed by A. K. Williams, hunt ing near Vanceboro, m less than two hours' time. -1' If the "Power from the West" could share honors with Mr. KRchin here on October 1 or" 17, bst the SUte Committee had too much work in hand for Congressman Page and could not spare him sooner. Jie will have to speak her rather early In the day in order to leave, in the aft a moon for West Carolina so that he can vote in the election. , .; . hpn the traffic officer was CROWD Czar's ' Government Con- jitions With iii&Reim lidH-Wants to Depopulate IlandThougnV " (By the United Press) Washington, Oct 6. -Eustia . ie n gotiating with South Amorieanrapub lies for the cokmtzition of one mil lion Poles in Latin-America, 500,000 to be distributed between Venezuela; Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and 4 Boli via, the 'remainder to be located in the Argentine and Chile. This " is learned by the United Press from on questionable authority. . Several months ago a Russian com. .mission of twelve' members riaited Washington en route to South Amer ica.. "They obtained letters of-intrt duction from John Barre.tt," directoi of the. Pan-American Union, .'.Jt South American officials.- They avoid ed the State Department. The Russian Government Is said to have prepared to subsidize the colon- ists, paying their passages and sup plying a small ca-pital to each, - .-to stock and .equip farms. Persons in intimate touch with t&e'BliuaUoi''dV clare tha Russia wishdHd totally depopulate Poland, whjcljt always has been a thorn in her side. b4 wud repopulate the region ; with . nori Russians .' She offers large trade in ducements to South America to ob- tain tn good will or the goverdmenta. The Cz'ari would estii8bftm jad steamship lines. ' The chief concent of lAtin republics is said trte fear of T alien .'domintiorolltically "nd ooomi.iflUy,; finidley y artithere-' fw'-OT&g,'.w1i WRIGHT GIVES ALL liir ( By the United Press) , London, Oct 6 Orville Wright; the American inventor, has presented all his patents to' the United States Govomment, according to an avia tion magazine printed here. Every American manufacturer, it is assert ed, will now be able to use the pat ents, which are said to be valued at millions of dollars. ACCUSED WIFE MURDER (By fee United Press); Mountain View, .Nrl H.t; 0tv Frederick Small, charged, jyih ,' ntfie murder of his wife, is being held here for the grand jury. '1. AimEDBEflPvi OFTRUNKOFWHKIsY Charles Hatch, colored baggage man at the Norfolk' Southern passenger station, well known to hundreds of persons. , was arrested Thursday afi ternoon in connection with theseiz ure of a trunk containing two quarts' and 50 pints of whisky. Hatchde ciared that the trunk was the propi erty of a white man unknown to imi and that he had made out a check for "itat the owner's request :'The check was in possession of a dray man when' Chief Skinner, hoticlrig ' a leak, investigated'. ' The aQegeV white owner could not he located and Hatch was taken into ; custody. N . A preliminary hearing i was set ' f or Friday afternoon,' Hatch 1eiiig- held in bail oi'ST-l FAIR WEATHER FC.1 ;cg.'.:; llw ,CLi (By the United Press) -Washington, Oct 6-Fqir we is predicted for the or";' ? f the world's series tt:--.v. . . REPORTED . ORVILLE PATENTS TO GOV'RiT Tasker' Tolk, Kinsman of a fPreswuit Is a Political foetr Brilliant DEi6m;.-.Ki:sro;TAiis Warren' County Orator Re- !viewi Process of Human h Raie and Deelares Denio cratic-Party Was Fpnnd ed Before the, Calehdarii 'r..ft One might comb the lower region ' r"- i . . . . with' a harrow and sweep "them with a jtagom'inS fwTftni.' jslore-iniouitiM Nordl Caroiina a tuggesonYth4t, as , a uniehmen,t,4 "Bondi'T Butler e forced' to tit urougn neagesM tae State Housedoor like the leper of pawjtby,ftlW:ieij' ' suioleaBt'r.;.y Clean7i.:an4 (that .the ;RepubUcn pair ty had evea raised the price of BU bles" because of the commandment. "Thou shalt not steal were some of the Ating said by' Tasker Polk of Warrenton, a nephew of the late; President Polk, fn a speech to a Dem ocratic audience at the courthouse on fnursday night ;&-.'V '"' 'S:' "eriiddress was a gem. It has not bcenvsiripassedThere in yearsV ' 1 If everVli'waS gotten off in ?ilityle new , and refreshing,,; The ; speaker's delivery, was lacking in. ybcal volume ad"1ges'ticulatioiirbut !it was (replete Jwitk. wisdom, Choicest language and pttsef thst drove home . Every other sentence was!f adeflght::He seemed not inclined to pause to al low his auditors' b applaua1,.' which was wise; otherwise he mighrneyer have gotten through.',,;' V'f Mr. Polk showed j how democracy was the ftrsi tttiii In gbvlrnmnH3bT went ck to the beginning of- man kinds-described the ' creature- ' , who took liis wife by force of "arms" or the weight of his" club, who1 begot a shock-headed, bear-hide clothed - pro- geny and then had the love .of home Instilled in his dormant conscience by God. The cave man,' "the first tiny seed' of eivitionMv1nsrieen,'iio learned to wish that his ragged -little urchins imight have ji fotteceWg that he had, and so he gradualry grasped one tnmg after another, and progressed through the ages' to ' the point where' centrafization of power was .a jreauzea necessity, men ne and his fellows held a conference, and elected the strongest 'among them io bo king? The king died and another y&a elected, and another, and so oh, joi then ' came a time when a king 'about.' jft'diadestrid 'ths:i his son succeed, him, and''tho peopls submijU ted. Rule by' inheritance! became art established institution, and rule fi'y itheeope "passed butf ' And ' there came a time when king ': tried to dictate to the people file manner In which' they should worship God acid 'ore'wa's' al protest " "That ferougfi( the speaker , down to ihfi JfflgA&i who, the winds of God's iova-rbUJfig the troubhdt waters "iefore : them, came to America, arid-oh-Tlymouth Rock knelt and thankocUhe GadU stormiT''who fia8 seen $ tieni safely hlilier. and commenced the task - ot building an empire.' ; ; v ; j Independence 'and T constitutional government, the government of tfiem-J selves by a people determined upou exercising the rights' to' pursue hap pmess, 'earn' av-1ivkig 'Msi'imeir the) laws' of masters and worship God Or came to the hew' land.. An ideal state of AffalMf dfctksth'tloodrVwj suited. The ' symbol, a fiag fwith tm fieU.aiure'. fdrtruth,T spangled with stars, . hits ; for , purity, and ' striped with red which recalls the holy blood which wis shad that it might wave on high,; is a sacred bannerworthy of the adoration with which Americans. r-nr n. . .; ' ; r4i"' ' :-: . , ' ,Then Mr. : Polk skeletonized the' history of the Eepublic,' Us v. ari !' - Is. .ie .presort t'rrt.e -r ' Jt t' e u:::. 1 ci 7tte c : Friday's Breaks Approath : i Alidscason J Sixe Bigger Sales loqkcd For-Price Probably Best of the Sea son Tz&r: :y : V; i".; -.V:.. ;'.s.''' .KA: ! It is estimated that around 450,. 000 pounds of iobscco was sold here Friday. ' The .breaks were the larg. eii In c some time 1 ;VV Increasingly high priMsfcnpe11d f planiers to marke and from the ig quantities eomirig in from all directions Thursday night tobaccwlsU knew- that the reek-end sales roi)14"ba hivy(- Fiiday'i 8 Prices were said by some tobacco. nistr to-hivirbeen' the highest t the seASon.Vrt VWwVj.;,'.."''' r. VltgM;hf ; longeif-'- sales had been away' off from; those, of thelffidf 'Seplemfbetr On ton ydlsys not more than 100,000 was sold. there "was no "material slump : fai prices it any time," tut cotton d marided" lot1 of attehtion-Aspecialty "Bie ' cotton " marketahd tnclement leather' dUrinc" 'anich of the time prevented , inarketihg. v. A return "to "'aaJes :rof midseason size is Didicted'foa-"next week. itetiii ' (By the United Press) . r"; ' ; Boston, Oct; e.-World series tick et speculators -nave .graooeo iroavon hag. and baggage. Perhaps never be fore in the history of the game has twket' scalpinlr been' so'brazerir'Spe dilation is going on in utter defiance of the National Commission, and un. der the very nosel 'of Garry "ew an,ind,.Bai,. Jhi)on. Grand stand seats are selling, at $30 for the three games, .... I- ' -1 : r ' ,-vr '5 'Hi " Buffalo, Oct 6. The elimination of the county 'jail as other than a house of detention', is one of the main ob jects of the-meeting of the American Prison Association which Will open in thek:Hbtel Statfet"- tomorrow and wilt continue ' five"' daysl "". ,H j "We shall take a determined stand t6Lp regulation " and management, said Arthiir ! Pratti' president "of the Aisoi elation and warden of the Utah State prison, , h 1 : .' -1 L ,' - i , .-; .":, : '. t. -- -American' Federation of 1 Labor Officials will applaud &e action's ) the 'local messenger boys.4 'They ere oat on strike. A principle U ''Involved. Also a 'few cehta '.i da They were ordered back to "j - salary ' from ra perceaUge basis. ' V' The' BtrikeriHrtll "refrain indulged m, even. All or them ' -::Uewhol't'watdd f somsusstisfactiaavlha wy ;,' 'the ' manager ' and ' operator 'hustle ' iiW 'wit $fi$a&m$ KOTHERJONES; ViOIIKl: PLAYED FT VTIlil vci (By - the UnitedTress) f ' ; NW YorkvOctA6.-other Jones' insttuctims to "play ; heil," showed net' results Coday' in the' appearance In ' i'po1tbveolutf of ttree n:en and six women, arrested list ' n .t after one of Ihe' fiercest' mtlefi the trac t;onli3ts h yet'dett! ', .1. ,'t' '.' ' vvon;cn, many with tt. . 1 a; as, : 1 a street car' a, k1 1 1 .' a ...Jjws. The poll. ; SCAMIORiAT :ISo?M ;IWn.8overl ilcato lcad Way Bliss ipUve! These I Great Tiroes, Says;-;i;3- By ROBERT J. BENDER, ! ' (United. Preea Staf CarresBoadeat) ? O. Board lent Wilson's traia, isusaa snrwHonn la It f'retarning" to his eaatmer home, . happy sad weO-pfeaaed with his J ' trijr west- Nebrasha'a weleewe ; j " treiaendoaf ly impresaet the t). j aqratte kadere and- ' atoresl tto j ItwIdMt to aew .; flChej " demewsUiUons htUftry ' sp- j Sraace reached -a tnai ls ; ight wha thsaads Usf 1 th re UH a Uto hoar, theeriag , Mat. A reat rato;Weas orfosl i vgava vent w apanwraeoiw p utburlil st every motion of the t f Prerideflfs aame;' Uadera are- f , diet Mis tccuow Ol uw wmawy ' will "swing wls' r; WrtsoK "discussed! the European Nwah peace' and American; business' in thr speecnes nere voaay. ne f aeciaa America U is ready to' nght araijy nation in the world, but that its c'au must be ','usi. lAfter the''hejiwjd. i;1iwtioit7.ito'iin(;,r join' ;v 'Jeigue of;.4 iis to preaerW the"' peace of M world. ' ' . , . . ' ' ' .. u li"the Presid'enl was cheered by ?thoa sanas during we nay. qe.size crowds 'aAd. the !aoew''2Sowr 'exceeded anything' vhV wrparieni. ed' since'-hii Inauguration. :-f':- the Commercial dub, spoke fa; paH as follows! ,-, iJV'.v!'':"..,,;.?i;L; iV- ' .Tho'ire'maiiy circuinwhceiLwi i of the' world is, beyond measure trai i cal. Ahd'yetay'feilowcoun men, I believe tiiat thlsi r'fiiUt'" catoW trophe which has faflen 'npon tae world in the shape of waV is jgbiiil to do' us fa Amorfcal' at any . rate, great'1 service. W'ijt W ahlli every man to know (hat he lives a new. age and 'that be has 'fok ac'f noVt according ; to "Uie tiaditlb of the past, but according to tne n essipes of the present and the proph cios of thC future B-;-"7: "Wicn wnat we oosaiea ana oene ed-'llfcelievetiUofeW- the' :U business fi-enius in the world. We hot. even thought' of ttslng' that gen ius 'outside of bur own inarketi' : V"The ; ekorcUnary' 9crcumUnce that'for'" the' next' "decade'itt; y 'raU Rafter -hat it ';'wiil be a 'matter'of oeV own choice whebher 1( feohtlnuee or not "but, but for the : next decade' at ahy':'rat4,i;we''have' g'ol'V serve "jtt$ 'Z.JiJt '" ift..' mMii&l ''JSH4 'timtioiLi i WWI 1U. " ,11., MVV. . V. V ; ci'el questloit' H ' sil1T5nk."aSsM question, u aiwrs every question domestic de'relopinentr The men wlid insist 'upon " going on ' to';' do 'sthe Void things ' In the old way ' are "going to be atf9 the laif end of therocWlon the in'WjhfVU 'V'lSst become as wide as tlie horaon. Ahd the thing that we have to be careful about is. that we do this thing in a new way.; y '' :' ;i ' r f ""BHsi it is fa-these days" for in ;' American' to be alive; nho" to be youn must be very hVen,'lecause all the destiny into Vliose great s fruHioiia Ainerioa ' has promised'' to lead 1 the world is now open to' be achieved ttn4 ilev her leadership if she Wffl' see and take' the way. T ' w-; . " 'Sometimes we deceive ourselves by thinldng" that tho commerce" of Hi cent 'years.! has chiefly "'constated fa exports Stimulated ' by . the .'war. It Will be worth your whUe to look Into iiM'Agnres '"Our ' exports Tiave" been about fa thU proportion: AnlmreaM In export's 't during? threo years f V)f some two 'thousand milUont exprei3? ed in dollars and an' increase' fa the national wealth of forty-one tLousaf i minions twenty Cnes tie" L- .laseV ! our exports. Can' an ir.r:. ,in c -c-orts cf t 1 0 V ' sj - ---e 10 i . J t.rv t .':kt ti 7 He-iBoialwr ' Along Struma ... ..i-x -rWf'.iu.!at; tie" .1 ': ;.(8r4hrUtftr Soik, 0ct'M'4 aire XiAtt. manian soldier of tha army ei.isioO ; wi ia.. At ptkym-J:-itrctel 'Ini cut Wvipieiesty ''$&fyr': firs, "now" iremalns on Bulgarian soil, . rt1l?kald'ottaally. ittllslfSfc alonli'Oct3 aWlfttraat the Stnmta f rnt, according to 'G. . eral $(0 W:M ArtiUeTyfarfr-Vs4 pnt:hroaiJohtCiik:. front aV Yerdun jtett Biht,'aftBr sev eraf rekks' ;if 1 InsyV-ikJS.; dallsaid The sheI2n ; Fhisalaa Gafa. fPetrcraa. Oct iJ-Th .:feiaUut ft?'! Stveaptoreprtlt Brezeuny tnd sttrtheasf W lmberg, huri IbacV rcneato Roumanian 'offnslv ttniis Jnort puliiup la'ire; prisonersi,4j !. 'li XoriOctTh- (towtf.oMtiW:;vi,; ijeaiasVbeen'-WpWr ish in severe fighting on the f tritiaa , front '''C'!'"'.i' Wv '' . ?iT ' ' tish:'hv''ptotssiUortk 1 e tiil fioiomt and eorthoaat'o? tH-'KM-l llvfM : UlU'1-HRjtrdft ;'tt the Bapaome highway. H i ald 3. 'I ft :itiicortfr:vfir illi 1 . t:J.trt;'.i:?-i1-t- HEAtr;'t.Kl Rome, Oct iWThe Allies bav to r. , , formed Holland that ; ahyaaove o- ward peaos would be c6nstrned"M fHMSiiMi6M that 'Sot.. Uni ing oT mm:r , wl4rresmwTb',ATOeai. acc?dinic ' to reports fa authoirHavt dM4was . . . , . -;Nw"York? Oct-.(W'tai'fiK4 r ; HPect'sanitotlon itWishei tr4a i whiclr: food ir Stonthey;.'iSottia M . hished' nd tlrilitaooirin4 jt!l iccorditw "to '.Tueklth Tlletin Just Issued.: jtflbiOi'liiXY istihktl? tj!: 'nbmsronl etSnnful JU. - ; 'dt'sptts:igeHni ;:..'. 1!. ' . Iijreseij faVtaeinwth8'o'f tL-lk aiaicted iSrOizov.-f'T.il.'.i ; ; 1iiyiiHbEtaiges ahlherii1ilo6doiionu4vetc., trknsfer'lease-' srhis'frora1' " l Bi'otitEs '.tor. eatlhjf .toilii:!."- c t&'elt Zhri i sttfiliied' b'jf Use "! c'f ' i , water! "their are a louree'of ... 11 whoever may nse them subse ; . -j' ' ""1 --'- - . national wealiht ; The fact b V ', for! ! al poured its I '.. 1 ty , ja of the fict t'-t v . V:t to'C.a f v 'i Ectj ,;-t , ' .. v.3'1 . ':...,;-:' .. .. n '- '..; ; . " ; tj-." : ..v C4