I A B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1918 THE ISIllFREE PRESS 4 1 (United Press Telegraphic Reports) " H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager Published Every Wednesday and Saturday by tha Kinston , Free Press Co., Inc., Kinston. C , Subscription Rates Payable In Advance: ' One Month i.. f .15 Three Months 35 ' , Two Months 25 Six Months CO One Year $100 Communications received and not published will not ba returned unless stamps to cover postage accompany same. 1 NEW YORK OFFICE-58 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in solo charge of Eastern Department. Files WESTERN OFFICE In chaw of Mr. C. .1. Anderson, t Mfcrquetto Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. Entered at the postofficp at Kinston, North Carolina, as eeond-class matter under act of Congress,1 March 3, 1879, Subscribers are requested to report promptly any ir ! rsgularity in receipt of paper. Those who failed to attend the first of the lycoum at tractions, jriven Friday nitfht, mir.scd an evening of de lightful entertainment. The Lowery-Lawrencc team rend ered a most pleasing and wholesome program. The reports of the political outlook from different part? of the country seem to leave nothing in .'oubt as to the re sult when the polls close in November, except the size of the majorities. The trend Wilsonw.ml begins to as sume the proportions of a landslide. A contemporary reports that "two young Republican apped Wilson" in their remarks in beh ilf of their party The rapping business is becoming pretty general, but one good feature of it, every rap seems to be a boost. trap which, through the telescope route, slaughtering place for hundreds of people. The under pass and ovtr-pa.is go hand in hand with the modem steel construction in rolling stock and heavy raila, -which are proving so successful in reducing wrecks and holding down the casualties, when derialments do occur. The Southern Railway is to be congratulated on the good showing, nd may the record be only the beginning of a campaign looking to the riddance of evc-y frrads cross ing on its lino. A SUGGESTION WORTHY OF COXSIDKKATION. The suggestion, carried in Thursday's Free Press, of the advisability of inaugurating a regular boat service getween New Rem and Kinston, jnakinjr connection with the proposcj Baltimore-New Bern steamship line, is one that might prove worthy of consideration. A good deal of shipping comes into Kinston from Baltimore. Th: service by steamship to Norfolk and thence by the Norfolk-Southern, at present affor.lcl, is v y satisfactory from the standpoint of time in transit. A considerable amount of this business, however, could If classed as slow freight, and the lower rate wh:;-!i would ob'ain by a' all-water route, would make it to the interest of Kin Mon business concerns to patronize such a line. Whether tho channel from Kinston to New Bern i ij alde of handling all-the-year-round boats of sufficb draught to carry the freight, which 'the runninjr of th' :!ia:s woui.i warrant, is a mailer, or course, mat wouli have to ie investigated but there aro many advantage for a water mule. 0 SOCIAL . And PERSONAL FOUR CHARGED IN t D Mrs. C. Lupton of New Bern h3 b'-in on a short visit here. Four cases of aseault were pending t-i:il in the City Court Friday morn- fc tng. ii'tenuants were r.iv;n ojur $'m.v. :,!!egod to have a vaulted and ihron'ened to kill his wifj by cutting ?l .is PoL'ahontai Hi;', si from Ayilen, where fe.v days with friendj. .Mrs. W. Frank Str.. ! r of Chapel Hill are : vim here. Mrs. D. S. Week- o! . .:.ntly visile 1 rtlati r .v ;p?:idin;r a few da i o do in New Bern. . has rcturn- -,hc spent a i and daugh r.i ::ls of rel- Florida, who here, is .- with kins- Home Records of the Wilson Admi listrntioa : "New export records made in the month of September, mor than half a billion dollars' worth cf Am ric:;n-m:ide Rood sent to foreign markets"; "cotton bringing the highest write known to the stonle in tim;s of peace"; "national tanks of tho country stronger and in b ;ter condition thar ever before" Comptroller of the Currency Williams; "banks reflect more nroalK'rii v": "srr; slier pronotio" of failures than ever was known to history, and mor pli- cations for charters for national banks ber ,it to Washington." These are 'but a few of the evidences of good management and its ntiendani prosperity gleaned from the front pages of a single issue of the daily news paper. The difference between the violation of Belgium's neu trality and Greece's neutrality is largely a matter of "whose ox is gored." In the former instance, D:!giurr. resented the violation of its rights by the Germans and jts a consequence was run rugh-Rhod over; but not until it had mado a stand sufP nm'.ly lengthy to enable the Al lies to so prepare as to prevent a speedy culmination of tho conflict by the over-running of France as well. In the latter case the Allies have calmly taken possession without any regard, seemingly whatsoever, for the neu trality of Greece, and because -of a division of sentimen among the people of Groece there has been no anmed re iHtatance to tho encroachment of the Allies' forces. Con slstency, thou art a jewel. The pro-Ally adherents can't with any degree of sincerity longer criticise the Oerma: action in the case of Belgium. THE HUGHES CAMPAIGN WATER-LOGGED. There is every evidenca that the Hughes campaign ha; become water-logged. At least, tho weather vanes o' tho political atmosphere see nothing but a falling eff da; by day of the followers of the ex-juris There is nothing mysterious or pinr.ling about the fit--nation. Mr. Hughes' campaign has not had since it Inception a single sound prep. It has been an aimless reckless groping in the dark for an issue without sue cess. The New York World sizes the situation up when it attributes the decline anil prospective fall of the Hughes candidacy to its lack of the "one element with out which no candidacy has a right to succeed the ele men of good faith." M'r. Hughes has not t.?ted fail with iho American people. At the time whrn he was heir In high esteem by all the people as a member of the United States Pup -erne Court, ar. 1 when to till out war.' appearances he was giving his umlivid-. d attertiaa '. th important matters o.'mitig before that Treat I ibenai. lv was "gumshoeing" a campaign for the RonnM-ovi pros' dfntial nomination. Being successful in that cfl'ot .,n lecoming tho standard hearer of the Urpubl can paty he has failed still to come out in the open a:. I let tin people, whoso support he is asking, know whore li stands. Instead of devising and presenting f- - the en dorsement of the American people a eon-it rurti; o pro gram in kreping with the limes, his attention lias hcor given entirely to tearing-down tactics. One y - h has tackled the g eat piece of crnstruenive !cg:-!.:t r ,.n acted by the Democratic (Vtgrcss ur.drr the led n --liit of President Wilson an I in ..very esse he ha .1 v.,-, that the dirt under his foot wa loose. Not con' on t wit) the tactics of invwive and v'i'tirati.m. Mr. H.rthos' part ;M ltoopir,g to circulate charge anil rumors wh'ch haw ; l0 foundation, but by which it is hoped to dispara te th Wilson admirmrntion m tho minds of the people. Surely, H begins to look like the llughesites arc fail ' ing back vn the last resorts to stem the receding tide. REMOVING DEATH TRAPS. "According to aq announcement of the Southern Rail way, ninety-three grade crossings have been eliminated in its improvement work on tho main line between Orange. Vi and Central, S. C. Overhead bridges, under passe and changes of the routes of the public reads have all contributed tb the doing away with the agencies of death. '. 'J .t; " ii y . yi, . ; r The Free Press is not informed as to the number of grade crossings on the line bet two points in question, but the elimination of hwe is certainly UIVSTON IN THE LIMELIGHT. Several days a;ro when Col. II. S. Lcard, General Pas enger Agent of the Norfolk Southern, and good friend of Kinston, was here to make final arrangements for han King the crowds eaucted next week for the second an :ral exhibit of the Klns'ton Fair, he commented on the marked improvements that were constantly taking plai .11 rennouts and compi:meni:a very ntgnty tne Kinston pii it. He had ahe.ady been to several other fairs, Lvgc d small, this year and remarked that none of them vonld exceed Kinston's und?rtaking. Said he, "You know, haven't (stopped talking about your first fair last year t was a revelation to everybody who attended it. and tin Xinston spirit which pushed forward and accomplished - successfully the big undertaking was truly rcmarkabli i ml commendable." Col. Lcard added that this year'; 'nir was bound to be a big success. Said he, "Your pros i;?o was established last year." Few Kinatonians huve really stopped to analyze and ippreciate what a splendid impression W'as Created by he success of last year's fair and what an opportunity s given this year for still further good work and none an apnreiiate as do the outsiders what the culmination if tho community spirit has meant in the way of beneficial i Ivity for this section. Let every citi'.en hereabouts lend his unstinted evopc ati&n to make of the four days next week all that it is oo.'sible to make of them. f. t the good people w-hn 'irte from Kinston's trade territoiy return to thoir home i'ith the song on their lips. "Great is Kinston" and The ''roc Press will continue to help them t;ll its story. 'HITTING THK NAIL ON HEAD." Honorable N. A. Sinclair, Democratic eleetor-nt-larg; 'com North Carolina, in his address b?fore th" voter of !bi!icombc coun.y, in Ashevillo last week, hit the nail or he head alien he declared that the Republican party was rn of sectionalism, and that it had always hated the Vi:ih. The R; publican parly has always representee special interests a;ul sections :tn, j(s leaders, who have ' apied the Whit House, have never undertaken to re. Vv the sentiment o1" tho South v matters which pertain io: only to the South, bat to the Nation in general. Ap ointments have been made throughout the South by Re iibliean Presidents which not only failed to reflect th? vishes and sentiments of the majority of the people of he localities but ;n many instainv; were exceedingly dis- asteful and o! ious; and they were mado not when here was h,k of acceptable rider a! in the party ranks, tit often with cory carma:k of intonticnal affrotit to the oeling. of the SfUihern poop-e. Not until the Pem.v raiic Adni't-istration came into power and began to d'vtl it with an e ,-n and just hard ro'rard!es of section o vality lid th American p-oplo. so far a, their govern t is con.-,- lo.l. truly appreciate wha' it means to ! Mr. W. S. Hamilton h.,s returned ..m a few days' May io Raleigh. Mr. J, I. Brown P to Norfolk. on a business Miss Lida I.ee Kh-des has return-f.-om a visit io re'ativi-s in Rocky ounl. Mi-;s I.'. ownie Ttiylor erk-end with rebii.ve; rmty. spent tht in Green; .Mrs. J. S. Walthour of Danville, .'a., is spending few days with riends here. -Mr. Ed. Winfie-M his returned to .is horn.' near Bath after a visit to elalives here. .Miss Edith Morgan cf Suffolk, Va., : : guest (lf f-ji-nds in the city. h'r ' of Lt n t ; pie a Roed, Uirrr oat; Keller Williams, accused .'..tig and kickinir Jesse Chest a r-. y Davis, ch:iicd with sim ; il. on Leland Davis, and Geo. indicted for assaulting Will is with a bottle. SPARROW SENTENCED TOR ASSAl'LTI.NG WIFE Mr on i. A. K. Robot ooi of Wilming snea ling a few days in the IflDEN! WILSON ML IIAVE AN TllfC IW 1 Z ,f 1 ,u V ai ELECTION i)cmocratic Leaders I're dfet Landslide; President Himself Satisfied Elvin Sj-at-row, a white youth, was sentrnc o to six months in Police Court Friday for an assault upon his wife and threatening to kill her with i knit'o. He appealed and went to jail 'hi default of bail. Sparrow is said by the police to be a handy per son vr.'th a knife; he has served time for a murderous assault on a mill forero .n w; th such a weapon. ,r.e Cutnins Tnat Lvei ftot Atf-ct Tfis ISao rt-.-nti'.'- t i-s t'v-ic and laxalv- fl-ci, LAXA f ; j ' .;') (il lNTNt-: i-. Iteitt-thun ctritTUirv n-ono- r uc not ct1,: n-t-v-.usi.t.'Si nr 'iti'.-i: i hcaJ. Item-.iiibf. " " It:!! uai.ie ci:C ok I- ' io- sisatotii'- k.' ) w. i.bo"-'. SSo. Farm Land For Sale Farm near Tiiscirora, containing about 167 acres - cleared, balance in good growing '.nl-er. Good 2-story house, 2 tobac-1 . , i rm. I co I arns, goou water, me mini is situated near the Norfolk Southern V.. R., near schools and churches. Ivne cotton and tobacco land. Price :M..00.00. One-third cash, balance -n time. Farm containing about 200 aires, 7o acres cleared on Central Highway, about half-way between Ft. tin tt'.vell and New Kern, in good cithborhoorl, dwelling, stables, barn :t;,d gin on farm. Buildings only or 'ry. Price $0,000,000. One-third -.i.h, balance on time. Farm near i'-llocksville containing 130 acres, 80 acres cleared. Good buildings on the place, and in good neighborhood, i hls is good cotton and tobacco land, t ar- schools and churches. Price .5o.it00.00. One-tihird cash, balance on time. If you are interested in farm lands write me, as I have some i;ir;-e and small tracts to sell. J. M. Howard, New E'orn, N. C. SW-10-5; 11-5 both issues Watches and Clocks and guarantee them to keep CORRECT TIME. We al so repair Jewelry. YOU WANT Your watch repaired so it will keep correct time? Then bring it to me. It will be done to please you. W. J. SCHAUT Jeweler at 106Norih Q:e?n St., Three Doors From QUINN fi MILLERS . When buying a : PIANO y0 should first inform yourself as 'tac tile eonstructioo of pianos which give the best satisfaction section. Yon want your money to buy a durable instrument OUR PUNOS are constructed to stand the hardest kind of usage, nd also hold up under the damp climate of this section. Each pi ano has from five to eight plica, or thicknesses, of wood in the pin-' block and a nolld metal back. Call and. see our instruments. J. B. LEONARD PIANO MAN , 104 South Queen Street, KINSTON, N. C. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE Piles Cured in o to 14 Days Your druggist will refund norey if PAZO (tlNTMFNT falls Io ci-re anvene of Itchinn, Ithr.O. tUcediiiR or I'Tott tiding lales in6tol4dav. , The first jpplicaiiou u' ICaje tiud KesL 20c. j Crochet Cotton I O N. T Mcrcorixd all sizes i'roin to J 00 Corticcllo .Mortorixed In Jnk, Blue, Kcru, Lavender, (iroen, and CJold. O. N. T. Thread 6 for 25c. Crochet Needles. We have added to our line the well-known C?.r! Fisher Pianos GRAND AND PLAYER PIANOS Before purchasing a PIANO call Phone 329-J. or a postal card will do. Our line is complete in every respect. We now use a storage house instead of a store. Forrest mith ft. I. Siittoi Ml Tclcohcne 31 I Whenever You Need a Qenerai Ta.'tie Take Orove'8 The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Ton'.: bucause it contains the well known touic rorertieso QUI KlNf atvd IRON. It acts on the Li vr. Drives out Malaria, Enriches ;ic Blood ei" uikls up the Vw'hole Svt"i wi il "1NNSY WS AGREEABLE 'fov(l;s In the Republican Stronghold Gave Execu tive Clad Hand Strenuous Weeks of Cani.oaigners - Two Ahead hi I l.'litPil po in'. hr f l i T 1 bencti enjiiyinjr, without part of the provernmont. p or r.ivor United Press) -Hack after S!::: ! 'v !. uvn, Oct v!i:r - ;;!-! as the "tnn-: suc-.'s-f-.il ' of his camptiim. Prcsi ert. -',. -n today p:-ep:i, oil to vutu'li 1' - h- 'si vigorous efforts du- e ' remaining weeks before lev !l:e 'lee I ion. V,'ed:v - , :':, return: rr.'i'i -l.eve !h.f 'e'i-v,.' I makinj a good start to get rid t limb. The srrade crossinjr is a r more place in modern railroad jnaco to life and .ie past. It has no the wooden death Padueah. Kctr ,:.y, added t :!, :st "f violins done o d:ath in Jud.'i- I.vnrh's trilumnl Monday when two ne- rroi-s were swan,.- up and their lIVs Ini'-nod. Ore r! -in- .et:ms of th- -neb's wrath w-i- thoupht t .- have bcv. srui'ty of a heimnts ci ime and the other w as mi.i.y of i-omloninjr the offense and sympathirint; w th the brute The first, had his guilt boon proven in any court of law vo;;i;i nave suftered t!-.r d at a penalty and, the see n-l '.ooso-tonsrued and irtespon? !.'.. as many of his race a-e. would have no d..v'--t l-c.-i a !'.ua:lv nunished for h- in. discretion. The mub. J-wcm-, li,'t se it thai way. but, as usual, took n-a:-; -- jts own hands :.i..l hrcacht its Slate and comma-, iy in' disrepute and utienv a'c publicity. The go d n,-. ;!,. ,.f Priducah were not respon sible, howbeit they v.- have to suffer most. It was th same old story, a- ' ;..onsib!i set of follows in th; mad desire for rcvenp.s --amnled the law under their fcot. he leaves for Cinciri Sat'trday . !ea -iers no loi'arer mere Wiis.vi wiil "oany the y a-e nro.lietinir an a!- "land-l ile." They are a very nt irreip. 1'i.y believe th 's t .vm crow-is at every sta- rork-i :lbed nepabliean Penn ;. '', I iho "way of the The Pres-d-nr is confident the t-f the voters will bo favor- J. H. PARHAM Central WJ 5JMM0NS TO BE THE SPEAKER .AT RALLY OF JONES DEMOCRATS emoerats Mr. Kitrhin would like to c r-tna-ked in his address Tuesdiiy that he invert ;he RepuWicana in hij audience al- thwigh he d l not expert them to make any confession. If the State Hemocratic Committee continues to send their "biir ?yns" to Lenoir to tell of the great record of nemo-racy, and 1he Republican friends continue to find scas in the aadience, we don't see how they are going tc keep from becoming, converted, for the truth is bound to prevail sooner or later. . (Special to The Free Pre-s) Trertaa. Oct. 20. Tho l .f Jos county ar? plnmrr to have i h.'tr '..;ly at Trenton i November th.' day before elecv n. at which' :m.- Senator Simmons will speak. A ' 'it-becue dinner will be served and ; V ass 'aand will bs had if possible, iid l spirit to the occasion. The ! ones people are very fond of Sena-i r:- Simmons, and are looking forward I this occasion with a great deal of . 'leasure. ; Buy a bottle of Ir. SETH AR dlD'S BALSAM, the hest known emedy for Bowel Complaints. Al ways ready for such attacks. War- -anted bv J. E. Hood Jk Ca mnA v E. P. WOOTEN H. C. WOOTEN T4lk dffel 1 J. H. Parham & Co. Owner &. Manager COMPLETE SATISFACTION Is what our patrons invariably receive, and the full market price for their tobacco ask any of them. Fricos are slightly higher than last week; you are sure of a good sale at the Central; our warehouse has every convenience for our customers and we use care in handling the tobacco placed with us. Tobacco is selling a little higher in Kinston than in other towns in the Stat. As we said last week. Now is a good time to sell, and he Central Warehouse is a good place. Centr Phone 321. I Warehouse Kinston, N. C. " U. Marstoa Drug Co. ' adv. T7 A '

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