PAGE TWO EDITORIAL THE KINSTON FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15. 191 R THE KIHSTOH FREE PRESS (United Pnu Telegraphic Reports) H. C ALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager Published Every Wednesday and Saturday by the Kinston Free Press Co.. Inc., Kinston, N. C. TITLE NOT CLOVVttiiv- j Subscription Rate Payable In Advance: Ona Montii .15 Three Months .... Two Months 25 Six Months One Year 1.00 ..35 .CO Communications received and not published will not ho return ed unless stamps to cover postage accompany game. NEW YORK OFFICE-38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Mhrquetto Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. HOSPITAL LEGALLY PASSED, DR. HYATT ASSURES SKEPTICS Entered fit the postofflce at Kinston, North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of Congress, March 3, 187'J Subscribers are requested to report promptly any ir regularity in receipt or paper. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1916 All's well Marshall. that ends well. Hurrah for Wilson and Wanted a job: Address Charles Evans Hughes, New York. Can furnish references. Here'!) a hope that such a coalition as will enable the return of Cannonism to the will not be formed. Mr. Hughes' littleness is still being manifest. Congra tulations or no congratulations, he is whipped to a fraz-tle. The woman, whom the voters of Montana have sent to Congress, ami who is the first of her sex to be accorded such an honor. Is listed with the Republicans, but one of the planks In her platform' was prohibition. By way of warning: Let no precocious young trees in these parts get the idea that Spring and tho time for the sap to rise has come,. Old Jack Frost will swoop down on us the first thing we know and assert his rights. Here comos Dritton before the smoke has cleared or ven lifted from tho battles of lSHfl and makes tho un pleasant suggestion that tho Colonel will bo the G. 0. P tandard bourcr four years hence. Let's rest awhile. News item: Hughes and Willcox will remain in New York for another week, awaiting tho official count from California. They have the drowning man and tho pro verbial straw story beat a block. Looking at the map one sees that Mr. Hughes' section al ideas were strlcUy adhered to by the vote givon him Tie received tho electoral vote of no stntica outside the north-central and eastern states (except Oregon, which failed to keep step with her slaters of tho West. Several ships have been sunk by Gorman submarined recently without warning, it is alleged in the first reports. Some of the Mediterranean' line ships have been sunk but is also reported that they carried guns. It must be borne in mind that Germany and the United Slates have never gotten together on the armed-ship matter. Ger many has maintained all the timo that passongor ships, which carried guns, were su'jject to attack without warn ing, but the United States has claimed otherwise. The sinking of such armed ships now will probably bring the matter to a head, and snnxt definite understanding with Germany be had. ORGANIZATION OF HOUSE. The organisation of the next Houso of Representatives will furnish one of the most interesting fights ever staged in the lower branch of tho Nation's law-making body. From tho face of returns now at hand neither side has a working majority, and must depend up mi the voto of in dependents to carry their points. The odds, with a few districts in doubt, favor the Repu'illcans, having a plu rality and, of course, they will endeavor to elect, in Speaker and supplant the Democratic chairmen. If the final p turns give the Democrats control, or they ' nre able to form such coalitions with tho independents as to enable them to name the presiding officer u:id chair men, thpre is Htlle likelihood of any material changes be ing made in the present line-up, except, of course, where Democratic leaders have suffered a defeat, in iheir dis tricts. Champ Clark will be the Speaker and Claude Kit- chin the majority l.adcr, and other North Carolinians will preside over the important committees as now. Wkh the tables turned, and the Republicans having the privilege of organizing the House, the complexion of things will change up entirely. The election of Speaker (Will precipitate a moat interesting fight. Logically, the 'Republicans will want to promote their present House , leader, Jim Mann of Illinois. Washington talk has it Chairman WUicox of the Republican National Com mittee says, in substance: The American people are entitled to know beyond a question as to their choico. They do not desire to have a man in the White House whose t'tlo is In the least clouded. Mr. Willcox is right and the Mums todate from the forty eight states of the Union indicate that the people have mado it clear whom is their choic. No! un(iutjt;oi-I Validity I.S Questioned i ably no, the American people do not want a clouded t:tlej Way Is Open for Contest, hanging over their chief executive nor do they wan', to have any man, who would acc-j,t such title, even par ticipating in a campaign as the nominee of any great party. Mr. Wilson has been chosen to succeed hirnsolf at the end of a campaign which has been marked so far as he has been concerned by that dignity and bearing, which should characterize the man, called to so lofty place. His op ponent, Mr. Hughes, has on the other hand resorted :o jiiuu-muiKuifj, m.iiigiiiMK, ami mo circulation or untuand cd rumors and canards. In fact, Mr. Hughes' campaign, from the very issue of his carefully prepared attack on President Wilson In his acceptance of the nomination nf his party down to the last speech that he made was c n ducte.I on a plane, which would be expected of a ward heeling, peanut politician, but not from a candidate for high office. Mr. Hughes' villification of the President of The l.'-it-j r""nty -Co mm ed States, although he was his opponent, has bit-n ds- j tasteful to every right thinking person and his supjurt! has come not because of his unwarranted attacks on ihei I President or because the people, who have voted for him. i thought he was right, but for partisan reasons and in ' spite of the disappointment in their candidate, Mr. Hughe Declares Pitt Will Fol low Lead of Lenoir, Pre- dieted j "Several of th friends of tho cnun j ty hospital rire a j p hensive that wo I will not get the ho-ji.'jl beeau.e the j election was not ea-ried by a ma ( jnrity of the rvgisVrcd vote," says Dr. II. ). Hyaf. in a letter to The ; Free Press. "The inalmg act. chnp ! tor 42, Laws of V.H'.. -ays: 'If a ma- - jt.ritv of votes -:i I on tne proposition be in favor of a bind issue for a p.n maml-'.nance of .am The such election -.ibmitted shall nt tax for a c hospital and the Hoard of ihall levy the act is manda te world whe4!( Jpp'k4 found markets which sfic hardly knew exist ed before. Exports to the South Ameiican countries for the first eight months of '.hi- year amounted t i .l.ii::,i0, not a latg.- figure when a! mside record in American hut worth cor -:.era!ilc nt'en- .!icn ir Is recalled lhat during me period la- yeir, Japan's to South Arm-.:, a were val-...-:ly !''..'!."" ! 'I tins her trade : direction ha- been nearly : in a year. lira Th,- j; W."! ' -(( 1H'.- eoarh vif-l-' comii l-al-..r. STOP THE l-'IKST COLD cold does no:, get well of -itself. pioc ! ( wearing out a cold - yo:i o'.r. and yir cough i.-e- -erioiis it negicct -.1. llaosing drain Do. energy ami sap the y. For 47 years the happy i.rioii of t - ' i I K thing antiseptic r's X.-w Discov- iicl.-d c. .:;hs and relic 'd : ., Young and old can tes te iffectivencss of Dr. Ki-r's . -ve:y f.,r ,- . ;gns and ci,. ' ie today year Druggi. ad 1 i ' I. ' v;;.;r v;K ; Ty "r i SH O :h( ; of the ho.--pital matter, the way WELCOME. CHURCH PEOPLE! The Free Press, in behalf of the citizens of Kinston, welcomes tho visiting church people, who have como here for the sessions of tho State convention of the Christian church, beginning tonight, and running through Thurs doy. Not only are prominent members of tho brotherhood from various congregations of the State here, but repre sentatives of the sevtral national boards will bo heard. Kinston is glad to have state gatherings always, and especially so when the religious and patriotic organiza tions come. Tho homes of the city hnvo been thrown open to the visiting delegates, and everything will be done to afford them comfort and pleasure while in our midst. An analysis of the votes cast last Tuesday for Cha.-l?s Evans Hughes but bears out our estimate of the Intelli gence of the American people. Our contention before election was that the Intelligent except, of courts, we mado allowance for the partisans people of the United States would not turn their backs on the true and tried for the enigmatical and untried. Mr. Hughes' chief strength. it developed, came from the centers, where large numbers of illiterate and ignorant foreigners voted. The grea rank and file of the Intelligent business, professional, ag ricultural and industrial men voted for Woodrow Wilson. tax so author;? lory. "If the o-;m want to Conto is r.pen. "Pitt couo y now in th-.- heat of a hospital canva-s. Their election will be held ,.;i Decimbir ath. The enclore I 1 -;c:- from Gr.-e:iville will be coiis..!a:ion to U- .e who are fear ful of the ojleomo: Dr. II. (). Hyatt, Kinston, N. C. My dear Dr. Hyatt: Congratulations, and I trust yoj will he able to return them on De cember ."lh. Do not woiry about Article- 7, Section 7. Ihckett Is strongly in favor of county hospitals. As Attorney Gen-; rral, he considers them necessities. As (iovornor he will inn change hi- i opinion. j North Carolina's Supreme Court has got too much sense to consider . the community hospital as anything' oth r than a necessity. i Send me all the stuff you have! got. I'm going to need It, particular- j iy n.-w-pnper editorials. Very sincerely your friend, CHAS. O'H. I.AL'GHINGHOUSE Z. V. MOSELKY, M. D. I'lnSICIAN nad SL'RGEON lUfk of Lenoir Drug Company 1 hones Office 47S; Residence 113 Dr. George E. Kornegay SPECIALIST in DiseaseH of Women & Children Office Hours: 10 to 12 Office 212 East Caswell Street PHONE 118 'orrvers. All the New Styles and Colors' for this Fall Are shown Here. RememberOur Motto "Quality First." Yours to Please, - iim m jr mrim im umiij 0 I AS0 .w mmm mm-rhr AentForClapp, Bannister, jand Flosheim Shoes WTlnever You Neefl a Genera To.He Take Grove-s I The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a ! General 4on;2 ticause it contains the well known tonic pror-ertieso'OUININB and IRON'. It acts on the Livr, Drives out JJalaria, Kuriches t.'ie Blood nrd BuflrU up tha Whole System W) na. Miss Sallie Foy Hazelton, R. N. (Registered Nurse) 119 E. GORDON STREET PHONE 218 WHAT OTHERS SAY WILMINGTON AFTER PACKING PLANT. Wilmington Star: "Orangeburg, S. C, having orga nized a packing house company last summer has follow ed it up by organizing a creamery. A creamery is a ollateral industry along with the livestock industry that is always prompted by a packing house indus'ty. Later will come u cheese factory, and yet that is not all, since a huge growth of the livestock industry in a state means a tunnery sooner or later. There is no other farm industry with so many possi bilities in it as tho livestock industry, and once Ka.u rn North Carolina promotes the raisintr of cattle, hogs, sheep md goats, the result will astonish even those who have JAPAN'S FOREIGN TRADE IS GROWING AT A GREAT RATE! i Ily Ualph H. Turner (United Press Staff Correspond, nt ) i Tc.kio, Nov. 1:1. Some id-a of the1 wonderful progres-s Japan ha-; made' in her foreign trade since the war is gai'ied from figures just announced here. In every part of the world this I nation has ooen establishing her pro-! ducts, new markets have been open- j ed and irnship linos subsidized by ' the co' , rnment, extended to every !'ig ! : of call on the face of the' Klobe. Or .'test prosperity is beinir en-' joyed, perhaps, in the trade with l-'uss: i. .Iaian's ally, who is huvim: evei yth fr munitions to boots' and !(.. In one month, lust An- : Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because its flavor is so different and so delightfully good ; it can't bite your tongue; it can't parch your throat; you can smoke it as long ant as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap piness ! On the reverse side of every Princ Albert package you will read : " PROCESS PATENTED JULY 30th, 1007" That means to you a lot of tobacco eiw joyment. Prince Albert has always beea sold without coupons or premiums. W prefer to give quality I by R. J. Reynold the national joy smoke V 'X'OU'LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no .-r fitter how much of a stranger you are in the neck of thf. woods you drop into. For, Princm Albert ks ntfht there the first place you pass that sella tobacco! The toppy red bail sells for a nickel and the tidy red tin tor a dime; then there & the hand lome pound and half-pound tin humidors and the pound crystal-glass humidor with mponge-moistener top that keeps the to bacco in much bang-up trim that Jfann would not be acceptable to the independents ' and to some of the Republican members, and such a situ- ados, will necessitate the casting alnnit for another and more acceptable man. Although Mr. Mann is the present leader and logical candidate of his party for speakership honors, his flec tion would 'ie distasteful to a great many people, of the country. In the first place, he Is not the calibre for the position. Mann is a narrow, bigotted and "littlo" politi clan..' Ha possesses none of the characteristics essential to stateaaMMhtp; ha Is a product of the seniority system, and his elevation has been because of his long tenure in office and not because of any peculiar fitness for leader- If the Republicans have the organization of the House, the "ejection of most anybody for speaker will be prefer- rust-.I. ;p in exported jto.mIs to Kti :- been convinced that the opportunity in this section for a i sia vai;..d at S5 343 00 This fi,i,r,, ivestock industry is one of inconceivable magnitude. j becomes all tho more sisrnificatrt when The Star, at times, has emphasize) the opportunity for' ': m stated that the imports i his ! nolh a creuineiy and a packing house, and one Wilming ton has either both will be a surety. We must keep in mind the Indisputable fact that a livestock industry is the greatest means open to us far development. Wo have othiT farm and industrial opportunities as well, but we can't eet away from the fact that the livestock state of Iowa has developed more rural wealth than ten of our cotton states cembincd. That sur.ily oiurht to make u ap preciate what wealth producing factors are livestock rais ing, packing hou es. creameries, tanneries, nnd ch ese factories. j Wilmington :s -he right track in persisting in her ! packing house enterprise, and the $l!0,(00 to f:;."..l)iKi ad ilitional capita! stock should Vie subscribed at once so no timo may be lost in beginning operations and p'-cvr,-ing the plans fo- promoting a gr:ut meat animal irdu-t-y in this section. The adaptabilities hero are too grea- for us to delay the wgorous po-osecution of something that will develop :hi- tion and bring to it a desirable class! of home seekern. By reason of the fact that Orangeburg is to have a' livestock ma'ket. Western parties already arc n gc:at-j ing for stock farms in tho South Carolina cmntw em- ! braced in the Orangeburg territory. That is one of the result, of proiding a mar 'not for livestock." j country re reived from Russia miehed ' only I.T., leaving a balance of 1. lITo m favor of the exports.' South America is another part of in goodness-and in pipe satisfaction is ail we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it ! It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is so cool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time 1 Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wbiton-Salem, N, C that keeps the to- 111 u II bacco tn such ul ftjx bang-up trim W(W NOW nmm, . .1 ; lOBACCbl T-OSMOIjCERSWllJERtHEiH PROCESS.DISCDVEREOIN': LIOnitUL ANO WnOUtrtii; SOMCTOBaXCOFOfitlG-5 This f th man (id el V Princa Altxvt tidy Nd tin. SkH Ihk " Patcaltd Prnf I'miiiui to-you d nwlia wlut K mtmn lmtoiPilMAlrtlM SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS We S eSS at the Top off the Market iTOaasamiiMUuiJiiaMi "The new broom sweeps clean." We have been in business but a short time, but the number of our customers has grown stead ily, and we have yet to hear of one patron dissatisfied with the" price he got or the treatment he received. We do our best to please them and believe we are suceeding. Come and try us yourself Mew Kinston, . : - HOOKER & RUCKER Brick WaFahoiiie : : : N. Carolina. " . ...

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