PUBLISHED TWICE A N WEEK-WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS KINSTON, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 191fr -PRiCE FIVEeENTS VOL. XXXV1"0. 15 . SESSIONS OFfDISCIPLEStONVENT'N WILL BFUflRCLUDED HERE THURSDAY EVENING; MEET NEXT YEAR WITH WILSON CHURCH Address of Mr. Bagby of Washington D. C, Featured Wednesday Night's Program Lively and Interesting Business Session Thursday Morning Christian En deavor Work in the Afternoon Appreciation for Hospitality of Host Church and Kinston Expressed Daily Dinners Enjoyable Feature Mr. Walker to Preach Thursday Night and Social Period to Follow The State convention of Disciples of Christ, which has been in session in Kinston since Monday night, will bring ita meetings to a close with Thursday night's pro gram The convention Wednesday night unanimously voted to accept the invitation of the Wilson church for the 1917 meeting, which was tendered through the Commit tee on Time and Place. At Thursday morning's session un finished business and committee re- ports took tip practically all of the time. The committee on Bible School asTted for more time than it has been given heretofore for its part of the program and the request precipit ated" a(spirited-but good natured con troversy. The fequest was finally granted and next year one whole day of the convention will be given over to the, Bible school awd Christian En deavor work. The nominating committee recom- mended the re-election ot Messrs. J. W. H!ne3 of Rocky Mount, T. E. Hook er, of Greenville and George Hack ney of Wilson,' whoso terms on the Staie Board expired with this con vention. The recommendation wag adopted without a dissenting vote. The committee on resolutions sug gested suitable recognition for the various factors, which have contrib uted, .to the splendid success of the convention. Especially was the hos pitality of ths host church and the good .people of Kinston emphasized. Committees oh literature, enrollment, obituaries and other routine work was atterided to. Thursday afternoon the Christian Endeavor session, conducted by Mr. H. Gait Braxton of Kinston, World's Union .' Vjce-Presid?nt from North Carolina, and an address on Chucch found Extension .by Mr. E. L'. Bagby of Washington,.. D. C. filled the program. Mr. W. G. Davis led the devotional service. The Christian Endeavor pro gram consisted cf a "round ta'jle" or question box' "pertaining to practical I work of 'the. young peopl?. Thursday night Mr. J. J. Walker, WANTS CAROLINIANS CALIFORNIA'S SAFE HELP RAISE BURDENiFOR WlftON UNLESS BULLETINS DEMOCRACY'S FAC'G Cotton sold here Thursday a' f:cm 19 to 19 5-8. The market was as strong as Norfolk's, and th host iere in many years. itecoipt wo-, fair. Now York futures quotations wore: Open Close January 20..';.") 20.43 March 20.18 20.58 Mav 20.4H 'J0.Tr July 20.48 20.72 October 19.98 19.03 December .. .. 20.20 20.37 Lumberton. Nov. 15. Hon A. W. McLean, the Democratic National Committeeman for North Carolina, this aflernoon issued a call to the Democracy of North Carolina to take part in paying off the debt of over $300,000 incurred bv the Democratic National C- om mil tee in conducting '.ho campaign which resulted in the re-election of President Wilson. All rhcvk.4 should bo sent to A. W. McLean, Lumborton, N. ('., u- Hugh MacR:i( or Wilmington, treas urer cf the finance committee, is out of the State for a while, and will v.v be able to act. GREAT ERROR POUiNfl P!urality. There Will Be Around 3,75030 Out of 38 Counties Counted A Slender Hughes Lead Minnesota In (By the United Press) CAPITAL CELEBRATES. Washington. Nov. 16. A slant torchlight parade will be held here tonight In honor of Presi dent Wilson's homecoming. ARMED SHIPS DETAINED. Norfolk. Nov. 16. Two armed steamers are being held here awaiting clearance permission fron the State Department TAYLOR GETS DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF ANIMALS DWELLS ON DANGERS DF EATING TOO MUCH The case in civil Superior Ccurt of J. A. Taylor vs. City of Kinston aad Lenoir Oil Ice Co. was settled Thursday with a judgment fa:1 the plaintiff of Sr42.57 for the loss of a :ri:e an l damage to another thrniT;-Vi g into an open sewer In Sn.r.h-Kins-.'.on o"tair.lng scalding !vt- from the o!l and if" plant. Tay lor had aslc'd i'.ir ?'')'). The can.- wr.s without ccmplicaticn and th? yi- -y irvi little miiicuity in renchir : n I ,-;r. cement. (By the United Press) San Francisco, Nov. 16. Not a gain of five hundred over the unofficial count lor President Wilson; is shown by the complete official returns from 50 out of 53 counties of California. ,'U son'3 complete plurality will be between 3,700 and 3,800 unless a glaring error should be discov ered. IMnnesotn for Hughes. Seems. St. Paul, Nov. 16. With Hughes leading by 2!H) in all but three counties, the official recount in Heunesin county was begun this afternoon. i FURNITURE MEN IN . i ANNUAL CONVENTION ALLIED OFFENSIVE TOO; EXPENSIVE AND CA10T ACCOMP LiMliECT, ISGERM'N OPINION 0F SITlATI0iV1N HBSfl,llE Rome, Oct. 24. (By Mai!) An v.c-iean millionaire, r.ccn'ly visit- wns Rsme, declared the C';!o.-e:i ;:11 .':ight, bin tLcy ought '.i : aa.l ) loi'k like .-!i;to- HiKh Point, Nov. 15. The South ein l'urnituro Manufacturing Associ ation, an organization composed nearly one hundred manufacturers of furniture of oil grades and of kind rid lines, located in North Carolina Tci.'ioisee and Virginia, with It principal office at High Point, held its annual meeting here today. PRESBYTERIANS HOLD PROGRAM AT MONUMT ureen?-Moro. rsiov. lo. Itie monu rr.ent envied by the Presbyterian Sy nod of North Carolina at Alamance church in (his county, to commemo- rrte i!i ' i fc-aniMtion cf tho Synod at thr.i tihiee one hundred years ago, .v.-i:'H".ilca.'e(l, wlth'imrrPsiivn fere ' mo:i!es, ibis afternoon. By SAMUEL G. DIXON. (Pennsylvania Health ComminstonVr) 'The children of the Iroquois Indl ans, it is said, were trained to cat frugally and taught thmt overeating was far worse than undor-eating. They were warned that gluttons would be caueht by a monitor known ns Sagodakwus, who would humiliate th:m in a most terrible manner if he hat th?y ware goarniand.-. Most people eat more ih.n tl'.ey need. Tliis is nartlcuiariy true of that class of individuals engaged aedentary occupations. I'erhap3 you da not feel tnat you ! ?crao under this h:aJ, ii.; suppose ' you Cry a few experiment ;. Make- pastor of the Greenville chucch, will KOmo sdght invostigat.o.i or the nu creach the ponrbidino- sprmon and n ! tritive values of the different foods. D , social period will wind up the meet- cut yur excessive allowances, cat. ings. j -lowly, and drink pKnty of water ' One of the most enjoyable features t no; at meal -times. of th3 entire convention has .been the Certain it is that an increasing delightful dinners served by the la- Percentage of our population suc- dies of tho church at the noon hour cumo tl degenerative diseases and each day. the cor.s-nsns of medical opinio.-, is Wednesday afternoon was devoted tha'. overeating is an important cau- to the interest of the Atlantic Chris- salive factjxr. tian College in the program of the State Convention of tie Disciples of WPC FI'AniFR WFF); Christ. Encouraging addresses were made by President ,R. A. Smith of the College, Professcp W. O. Lap pin, teacher of rural economics. A. G. -Martin and W. S. Martin. The convention" vent on record as endors- commetiding; It to its brotherhood, inj? the ffood work of tho college and Wednesday evening there were some interesting discussions precipi tated in a short business session ir. which tha reports of several commit tees were heard. Thesewere along constitutional lines. ;The principal address ofj the evening" was made by Mri,, JB.t Bagb pastor f "Ninth Street Christian church of Washing ton, D. C. Mr. Bagby spoke in be half of the national benevolent work. He told of the splendid work In car ing for the aged and the orphans. His address - was particularly impressive, an& pointed out many ways fa which those whs Are blessed with abundance and some to spare could lend to the assistance and development of "boys and girls -who otherwise would per haps not have the opportunities which hi'7 ciuld co weir take advantage' of whcn' glven a' fair chance. An offer in g ws ' taken" for the benefit of the rerevolent work and a very tfjeralj rtp3usi was reported. NORTH CAROLINIAN NiW York, Nov. 15. Mrs. Mary Lily P'lagler, widow of Henry M. Flagler, one of 'the organizers of the Standard Oil Company, was married iiero today to former Judge Koi;c-rt ",'jrth Bingham, of Louisville, Ky., son of Major LXngham, of Ashevllle, M. C Mrs. Flagler inherited an estat-1 sstimated at as much as $70,000,000 "rem her first husband. COAL HIGH, NATION'S PROSPERITY JO BL4ME WIRELESS FROM THIS COUNTRY TO JAPAN San Franci.'co, Cal. Nov. 15. Commercial trans-Pacific wireless :e: vice va Hon.-.lulu to Japan was inaugurated today by the Maiom Wiro'.ers Telegraph Company with niei'sajrsi rrn! by President Wilson and othir prominent men from I'oi inas liide, near here, to 'lie Em per or of Japan and other d'gnitarics ir that country. B11T-11 BAY Ml BECOME OWL as ieilt of mimm mm NO TRACE OF STOLEN AUTOMOBILE 13 HAD No t aco has been had of a Ford ii.-ing car stolanrom Mr. F. If. o 'ker, a local tobacconist, Monday i;:ht. Tim machine was hft stand in front of a drug store on Queen n"t, and disappeared completely, he -.'. -ection tho thief took c: nnDt be ..Ciscd. nor can th? police, after a iore;:gh search, discover a clue to ., identity. BRIEFS IN THE NEWS NEIGHBORING TOWNS The Norfolk Southern Hailroad is ur;.'i!r Washington to erect a corn elevator, bocaus-3 of its proximity to the Kast Carolina belt. New Bern will decora 'e to the lim . 1 the institution cf Huda., fem- of Shriners thare next Wednes !;. . Fez-w?r.rcrs will be present "n m ;he North Carolina and Virginia temples. L'ash prizes will bo awarded to rrers in a local Boys' Corn Club -.;, at a meeting of the Pitt Coun ty H of Agriculture on December CITY SENDS NEARLY S4G0 FOR ASIATIC CHRISTIANS' RELIEF New York, Nov. IS. Prosperity may yet freeze New York's popula tion to death. Such at least, was today the ex planation the -coal man ladled out with each coal order $10 to J12 a ton j of a house-to-house canvass. The city There was forwarded Wednesday from Kinston to Charles R. Crane, National Treasurer for the Armenian and Syrian Relief movement, $380. 37, collected in the city during the pa3t two or three weeks. A portion cf this money was raised by means arid still going- up. ' Ths mills end factories' are so busy that their a demands lor coal ; IS stu pendous, Is the unanimous averment. Tiey have simply grabbed : every thiW in sight and are aching to get j their hands on more, 4 , - national conference committee of rail- having failed to observe the two dayr ways announced in a statement Eerr named for nation-wide givin : for this cause, through failure to secure instructions as to how to proceed, ministers and the Mayor took the matter in hand with this jratifylnj result. . ' . ' ' ' Halt tmoi'e, Nov. 1G. Loaders of the four railway brotherhoods will address the American Federation of Labor convention here within a week, on the eight-hour day principle. Their appearance is expected to "inaugu rate a concerted tight lor recognition of eight hours a a working day for all classer. of labor. At the same time ilie appearance of the brotherhood leaders is expected to Hasten a coalition o the hro herhoods with the American Federation of Labor. The labor leaders hope to force the eight-hour day not ill rough legislation but through the powetvof o-Feairized labor. Co-operation of tho brotherhoods with the feder ation toward eight hours would result in the ultimate coalition of the two greater organizations, leaders to day agreed. It is considered possible that when the federation del egates visit President Wihon Saturday they will discuss the question of national recognition of the eight-hour day lor all employes. fJovcrnrcent Ready for Labor War. (By II. J. BENDER. United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Nov. 16. It was made clear today that the administration is ready to start an aggressive right in behalf of the Adamson eight-hour day law, now the ob ject of a concentrated attack by most of the big railroads of the country. High officials declared that efforts to enjoin the operation of the law would fail. It is suggest ed that the government not confine itself to defensive tactics, if it appears probable that the railroads will suc ceed in getting an injunction. Greatest Industrial Fight Coming. . . New York, Nov. 11. Prospects for the greatest in dustrial struggle in history are increasing in the capital and labor situation arising from the railroads' determi v ation to fight the eight-hour law, accentuated by the for mation of a vast organization of employes known as the National Industrial Conference Board. A new body, rep resenting eight billions of capital and employing seven million persons, propose that industrial legislation be watched closely, and that legislation be guided by public information and favoritism for labor eliminated. The significance of the new alignment increased- with the United Press information that the brotherhoods wilf join the American Federation of Labor in enforcement of the eight-hour day in all industries, not by legislation but by the power of organized labor. in the next few days by each railroad In the country in each of the Federal districts it traverses, according to lEJisha Lee, chairman of the confer ence committee. Mr. Lee issued a statement at the end of the, com mittee's three-day secretsession, ex plaining the railroads' program in Von Hindenburg Takes' Terrible Toll of Franco-British Lives Joffre and Haig Can Take Only Few Trenches and Villages at Disproportionate Cost, Teutons Be lieve Great Counter Rolls Across Allied Front; the French Give Slightly British Making Good Their Gains In Northern Region Naval - Brattles, In Inland Streams In Prospect Both Sides! Preparing' Fleets on Canals and Rivers London, Nov. 16. Mipnastir, is within reach of General Serail's French-Serbians after.; one s of the most astonishing advances 1 of the war. y Battling against driving snows tver great natural: mountain fortresses, the Allied forces have i now .Veached the Plain of Monastir, sweeping TlaJiJTtn' tonic line to within four niiles of the, Bfy itself 1 Ber lin admits new positions in the.Czerna(sector, are oc cupied, i (By CARL W. ACKERSAN, United Press SUff Correspondent) Berlin, Nov. 16. General Von Hindenburg. is exact ing a toll of Allied lives entirely disproportionate to their gains in the Somme fighting, military authorities declare. Today he had their entire line vuvaer a, tgmf ic, hre, with . the prospect of enormous casMtiesHo-be.inflcted if their initial advance is repeated. All reports from the front say the British attack has been entirely without regard to the sacrifice of human life. Officers admit that , by concentration of enormous stores of ammunition and men on a small front the Allies can win a "few trenches and illages, but that the price will be too costly. , f' Tremendous Counter. ' London, Nov. 11. An unceasing series of attacks and ounters swent in a wave of fire and steel across six miles of the Franco-British ifronf;todatJien the mightiest thrust the Germans have yet attempted .was directed against the Allied lines. A; continuous cratrole is eoinc on along the entire sixty-miliirqn iorcea to yieia siignuy irom uie treiuexxuuua, tssam c . ish consolidated advanced positions in the sector. : U'- Germans Occupy Town. , Berlin. Nov. 16 The Germans have stormed and oc cupied the eastern portion of the village ofgpailliset, it is " said at the war office. ' Allied Success In East, Paris, Now 1,1. The Franco-Russians have hurled back the Germans and now are Vithin four miles of Mon astir, it is officially said. The Germans are retiring hroughout Macedonia, , French Retake Ground. Paris. Nov. 16. After a violent battle, the French, have dislodged the Germans who yesterday partly occu- ned tne village oi rressoire, n is omciany siaueu. Xow Yo-k, Nov. 15. Suits filed by railroad? asrain-t the Federal govern ment to test the constitutionality of the Adamson eiprht-hour law also are expected to result in the Interpreta tion of th'3 statute if it be upheld, the railroad managers comprislngthe Salts designed to iteat the validity of the law end to restraint ha govern ment from putting: It int"ect wer V New filed in this city to York Central aTold la One nv ds. their fight against the law. ? Two questions are involved lri the appeal by the railroads to the courts for light on the Adamson"' law: v v -, 1." Is the law constitn' - -1? ff.. If It 1 onntitiit I if. It is const Iook for Naval Battles on French Canals. Ily WILBUR S. FORHFST, (United Uress Staff Correspondent) London, Nov. 16. Inland navies may fiirure strongly ioon in tho war news from '.he westorn frnt.?A Constant pressure on the German front by the Anglo-French, acsordlng to the British war experts, must :n ovitably mean a withdrawal of th German line now lying across the orthern part of France and Fland ers. Hi's would tnrow me ."vi line near and across various canaU and rivers and bring a new branch of warfare into play. This new branch would be the Inland navies river and canal cruisers mounting fairly heavy guns and manned by ex perienced men. As first announced by the United Press correspondent on the French front, General Foch's canal navy has lready boon in action against heavy German guns mounted on Mount St. Quentin. These units, mostly moni tors, operate silently and slowly on the canals skirting the crooked course of the River Somme. But in the extreme North of France and South of Etelgium, it Is pointed out, rivers and canals are more spacious and afford real opportunities fotr ma neuvering. These waterways also, itt terlock so that separate units .1 and fleets may extend their activity to many, areas. Neither, ordinary sol diers or sailors would operate the Iand-lockexf'navics. Such services as England's Royal Marine Light x In fantry and Koyal Marine Artillery would serve. " These men are highly trained for su'-'H. work s ''" service. . The recent official annouhoement here that Sir Archibald Paris and, other marine major., generals have leen sent to the front lends flavor to the conjecture , regarding the in land navies. . ,r That $he Germans ,. have al ready organised their inland navy is indicated by the appearanee of great numbers, o German marines en the Somme front. Soma f these have been captured. . While the real, aea-goipg navies continue to watch their ehanee V clash, it is believed not imprehabte that the inland fltsvtnay yet he the first to figure again in 'the news dispatches. COLD WEATHER CAUSE 5 OF MM DESERTIONS Deming, N. ' M.,' Nov! IS Sixty men have been arrested on charges tt desertion, it .was announced -today at brigade headquartera. at Oamp Dees ming. The men, H la tmdefstood, are frony the first provisional infaatry brigade, atationed, at Tort Bayard, N. M4 an dare deseVting hecauae ot hardship due to cold weather. , WEED.KEEPS IilGH : -AYERAGE; CGOD, SALES tbout ,75,000 pounds of. tel-a sold , here Thursday, br- -'-1 r rr1y ss V h s any c' ' The ave jj Jjetwo Similar suits troxo oian. it toP. , i imrh and work oS the Coki. mXT II H fail! to cur. MtM'Hrt 0 caca box. ii, - v ' t. ... i - ' i

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