s iahi: nvo - .1 ' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, ' 1918 tLE IttZiSTOn FREE PRESS IL Gait Braxton, Editor and Manage Cmy Wedneaflay and Saturday by the, KJnetor . Fm Prm Cat, hx Kington, N. & Snbeorlpttoa KMtm-rjtbto la AJvaacas Cm ItoBtia l Thm Months ...... I It Twe Vontha JO 8ix Months ........ J Om Year.. ......... .11.50 Coannskathwa received pd sot published will not i iwtsraad nlaaa stamps t cover postage accompany earn NJCW YORK OFflCE-M Park Bow, Mr. Ealpfc B Mulligan ta sole charge of Eaatara Department. File if Fro Praaa aaa be WESTERN OFFICE-ln charfa of Mr. & I. Aadar ton, Marquette Building, Chicago, where fllaa i Tba Pra Praaa aaa Da aee ' - " :' W ' -: toured at tba poetoffice at Klaetoa, North Carolina, a-eeeoad-elass mat tar aadar act of Congress, March 1, 1879 Outwitting tha Hun ia Just at easy aa outfighting him . Wall anyway Sunday waa a bettar day for walking war- rwinf . - Again, you, ara reminded that next Thursday, Sep tember 12, it Rf filtration Dayt Tba -jasn who faila to register on naxt Thuraday, if ba la betweea tha agea of 18 and 45 and haa not previ ously anrollad himself, ii a slacker. No other character iiation of auch disloyalty la perm Usable. "On tha battleircnt we" ara everywhere in our new . poaltlon," declared tha official bulletin at Berlin. From tha present indications it would not ba a bad idea to keep to lin standing for it can probably ba truthfully repeat daily hereafter. . '"' - ( Wo have with ua today, ladies and gentlemen, Mes demoiaellaa School Ma'ams, Soma a bit timid and a lit tle eonacioui because it is their ilrat day at teaching, ether demure and self-possessed because of experience. AH hen, however,' to impart to -Johnny and Susan' the knowledgo that will ; lay the foundation for their life work. . Give theirs a hand, a cordial smile. They'll ap preciate it and work better-.- Welcome teachers! The linotype trot back on tha job Monday morning a Utile, before the dinner hour, thanka to the4 telegraph and fast mail that procured from the factory t Brook lyn a part, comparatively email, being Mmewhat larger thari one'a linger, but big enough to put tb important machine oij ht blink. Our appreciation ia expressed to the management of our morning contemporary for the use of 'ta machine, only by which we were enabled to it ire FrHay and Saturday. THE SPIRIT OF V1CTOBT. Too eecond - no-gaaoline-for-p1eamreriding-Sunday , passed with few, if any, violations of the epir't or letter of tha request of the Fuel Administration. There may have been aome who on tha first Sunday faled to ap preciate the importance of the matter and thoughtlessly or willfully disobeyed. They were ve.y few, however, and it ia hardly fair to ay that the "number taking" edict wns accompanied by vary much tetter observance than waa the purely voluntary action on the first Sun. day.. '-' :7-".',v.,; ' V : The apir't of the people is to be commended. No se- rioua complaints have been heard against the order, Germans Build New Safety Line ja J I' . . -" " ) SMssj . ; 1 (.,' sh By Webb MifJer (United Press Staff Correspondent) London, Sept. 7-Tbo Americans on the" right of the line are conttn uing their advance towrd the Alsne Ey tha United Press) Amsterdam,' Sept 7. On the Bel-elan-Dutch- frontier German troops which deprives many of their only opportunity for 0f the landstrum sappers ara today Jat some ' points. At other ' places pleasun r'ng. The great masa of American people is I building a new line of defense. It I heavy machlnegun fighting is in pro fast coming to realize that the first great eonaideration I la believed the German command gre8s. Between Glennes and Ro- now ia the winning of the war. They are lending their proposea to make this confirm to malne, where tha line runs north who! heart! suonort to every offkial uggestion and h Meuse line in the event a retreat and south of the Alsne to the Vesle, request. i . ' . . '. '. The interest of the people is evidenced whenever any wker arises to deliver a message pertaining to the war. Seriously, yet eageny, ia me average (American about whipping the Kaiser. That phrase, "Lick the a-er" ia becoming synonymous in the average mind with the Ides of preserving the freedom of the world and pcrwtuating the princlplea of the Great Teacher unto tht uttermost parts of the earth. The spirit ia one of victory. is necessary " before winter. Executive Committee Volunteer Corps of Doctors Announced The central governing board of the Volunteer Medical Service Corps of the Council ot National Defense announces that-'the North Carolina State executive comihieVe of the corps is comprised by the following doctors: ; . L. B. AfdBrayer, chairman, Sana- KNOWI.EDGE OF GERMAN MAY BE ESSENTIAL. Raleigh has outlawed the German language as a part of the public school curriculum. , We are still of the opinion tint this method of manifesting our dislike for toriura the barbnr'ans' will deprive ua of a most important I Julian M. Baker, Xarboro. agency . fir sowing tha aeed of world wide democracy when t'.w Allied; protectorate is established over the do main of the Kaiser. The masses of Germany must be taught to know tho truth of the Allied purpose. It will be a long and tedious educational process that will upset the taneta of militarism Imbedded in the hearta of the Germara by years of tutoring. . " American young men and women win no ooudi nave Uvltle pertainmg to lit moWliza ta be sent to Germany in large numbera to instruct in I tion and enrollment of members of tho schools, that the new idea may be Instilled in the I the Volunteer Mt'Jcal Service Corp I )nr and lagt nfght "eastward and minds of the youth. A working knowledge of the Cer-1 throughout the Btate. ' " northeastward of peronne we pro man language will ba absolutely essential in such an me central governing Doaru aiso gre8ed, capturing pancourt, Sorel- authorlsea tho appointment of one county representative in each coun ty in every state of the Union. The representative fdr Lenoir Is Dr. C. B. Woodley. " -I IZ'J liH A. J. Crowell, Charlotte. J.- F. Hlghsmlth, Fayetteville. J. M. Parrott, Kinston, ... M. L. Stevens, Ashcville. "Cyrus Thompson, Jacksonville. The purpose of this committee Is I to cooperate with the central gov erning board in prosecuting all ac- I tho ' Americans are wiping out gun nests, :' SHELLING CJIEMIN-DES-BAMES. - By John DeGrandt (United Press Staff Correspondent! fParls, Sept. 7. Chemin-Dcs Dames Is under a cross Are from the Allies south ot the Alsne to the westward. : German occupants of St. Gohaln forest are endangered by the French advance, according to front dispatches. Mangla'e troops are filtering through the wooded, hilly country toward AInzy-Le-Cha tra.u, seven and a half miles south west of Laon. The French are re ported to have, reached the south em extremity of Crozet canal, which places them at the gates of St. Sim on, on the road to St. Qucntln. Fur ther westward the Allies are march ing -on Vermald, six miles northwest of St. Quontln. On the Aisno the French-Americana are near Vallly. Hundreds of thousands of German shells have been captured in dumps by the French. HAIG'S RETORT. London, Sept. 7. Yesterday even- eventuality. When the good news flashes back, over the wires that the Vl'es have advanced and that the defenae ia weaken ing steadily, let ua not be unmindful of the aource of the good fortune. Let us not forget to thank the Heaven ly Father that He leads to victory. :"' 1 t ' z y ' Without consulting the records of the, police, we affirm unhesitatingly ' thtt a 'mall sheet of paper and one sharpening of "tha pencil were sufficient to taka the nun btr of all the cars that made their appearance on the streets Sunday. legand and Mctzencauture," Halg re ports. "Northward of the latter place we penetrated the western portions of Havrlncourt wood, cap turing a number of prisoners.". . BRITISH PROGRESS. London, Sept, 7. I-Iancourt, near ly, seven miles east of the Somme where the present British offensive started Thursday, bar been taken by the British in their advance toward Derby, England, Sept, : . By an BL QUentin, General Haig reported overwhelming vdte the Labor Con-tndaT No Trades Union Party in England, Stop the motor when the car la needs mut be supplied first, A pa aUriding still and save gasoline. trlotlc compliance with the requeet i - or tne ruei Aamiuimrauon io saw ' Yes, 'the police will "Get your oil and gasoline will make it unnec number" if you Violate Dr. Garfield's emary for tba Government to assort Sunday gasoline aavlng order. j its authority and compel such a aav , . .lag. Tba attendance at the wona se-. There ia one thing certain, the au- tolst who falls to heed the call and do his . pant will be brought to "terms" by compulsion. " riea games this year look like fan dom ta afraid of a slacker raid. Ot course a million and a bait One young American fellows , at Foch's command helps the situation a lit tie, Heinle. ' The rumor that the tore ot the French and British had about bean spent appeara somewhat refuted by recent events. vT. .,.,?. Vv'.',; r-'v .: While reglstraHtoa next Thursday of all men between the ages ot IS , end 44 Inclusive ts compulsory, a patriotic and enthuMastic response will go tar t remove all appearance of auch. The unsuccessful attack on the U. B. transport Mount Vernon on Hi homeward bound trip from Trance will probably be reported In the headlines la Berlin something after the following fashion: "Great troop ehlp : loaded with American weak lings sunk ty one of hi majesty's formidable, submarines All on board probably kaC Tha chance are good that" many a kink will be taken out o'ttha legs ; of Utoae old German war lords be fore the aprlnt to Berlin ta ceded. Rome report that the latest talt from Berlin la to the effect that Ger many la willing to evacuate Franca and Belgium for the sake of peace. We are Inclined to think that auch evacuation will be tor the aake ot getting rid of the ledge hammer blow tliat Foch'a brave troops are laying oa the heels ot tha erstwhile tartoc-ibla. , . 1 f HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S GOOD SHOWING. The Oratt year's work of the Coun ty Health Department In Lenoir County baa been most encouraging to the friends of the plans whtch made the Institution of the depart ment possible. A big program was laid out tor the three years' cam paign. The report of .Dr. J. 8. Mllch ener, head of the department, to the State Department of Health has been commended by Dr. Rankin, secretary. He declares that the definite results which are being "obtained fully Jus tify the action of the county authorities in creating the depart ment. -:'-';r':.'r. -p.-- (There has been some criticism., Naturally so. v work that some thought should he. given primary consldtfation was not done ana some who were not! familiar with the plans and unaware that a defi nite program was, being worked out may have thought that the Import ant things were being overlooked. The worl ts largely educational. It(s chief purpose i to show the people' of the s county how simple 'SUOOTOG OX SUSPICION." Wilmington Star: "A dispatch from Wilson says the chief ot police saw three negjroes alight from a train, and arrested, them on the suspicion that they were bootleggers. On the way to the prison, one made a dash for liberty and the chief haul ed out his gun and 'Bhot in his di rection' and then went on. Next morning early, the chief found the negro dead on the street. He was exonerated by a coronet's Jury. It is our opinion that the chief, It not guilty of ,tnurder under the law, is guilty of aomethlng close akin to It An officer under such circum stances has no right even to shoot in the 'direction' ot a fugitive. It h is dealing with a desperate char acter, who baa been guilty of hein ous crimes, or whose being at large is a menace to the community, well and good; but to shoot down and kilt a man arrested on bare suspic ion involving a simple demeanor is going too far, A eoroner'e Jury that would exonerate an officer under the circumstances needs something in its direction. .; Shooting on sus picion makes lite awfully cheap at the hands ot the law Itself j gresa hero today defeated ' Havelock Wilson'a resolution to create a new trades union political party In England. AMERICANS LEAVE RUSSIA. Washington, ".':,'Sept.( 9 -Consul Haynes at ' Ilelslngforsreports ; to the State Department' that he met a special train ot Americans . . 1 others en route out ot Russia. ; All were well. - They expected to reach Stockholm on the 7t h. FEW AMERICANS "WELL-TO. DO IN THIS DAY. Americans cannot be said to he a "well-to-do" people, according to I Government census statistics. Ninety eight per cent, have only their wagea from day to day or are de- rules ot health and aanltatlon and tn,nt relatives or charity. Should Write Men Overseas, Declares Thomas Morrill ' Mcwborn, corpor al in Ambulance Company 310, over seas, writes that he received , two copies of The Free Prfss on a day last month. : He noticed In one the appeal of Lieut. Harry Lewis to ci vilians to write to- the boya Id France, and echoed Mk Lewis' acn- timcnt heartily. The ambulance I man tell of various amusements furnished by the Y. M. C. A. Includ ing baseball games. -' The French spectators' greatly' enjoyed the lat terParisian and local talent gave a number of entertainments for the Americans. .; v. The people are 'Very, clever. They are 'patient in trying to teach the Sammies ' their language. "I have vialted ; many placea i of Interest. They are so impressed tn "my mind I heed no not es on "paper to remind me of them wBen I return." EIGHT MILES FROM ST. QCENTIN. Parlsr Sept. 7. Fresh progress to ward St. Queatin, LaFere and Laon Is announced by the war office to day. Nine more towns have been taken. Passing Ham, the French are, nearlng St. Simon, eight miles from St. Quentin. They liave fought their way Into Tergnier, three miles west of LaFere. ' The whole ot Coucy- Low forest has been seized. Barials, 11 miles .west ot Laon, has been captured. From the Somme to the Olse continued progress is - being made. The French are breaking lo cal resistance of German . rear guards on both Bides of the Somme, south of the Ailette. Nantheull-La-Fosse, Forty-Deconde and Conde-Sur-Alsne have been taken.-. North of the Vesle the situation la un changed. The French have advanc ed on an average two mile.? on a 20-mile front, at some llaoca more than four miles. , BOCIIES BURN ETERITIIING. With the French Aflcld, Sept 7. Acting under orders, the retreating Germans ; are , demolishing every thing. AH villages the, French are oocunying have been found - com pletely destroyed. Even the cellars were dynamited. Huge bonfires of furniture were blazing In the etreets. Important buildings were blown up by mines. Allied troops hare only two words, "vengeance, reprisal." : MOBILIZING AMERICANS. WashlngtfW! ? Sept. 7. Ninety three per cent, of the , American troops In France arc now under di rect command of General Pershing, senators who attended loday'a war conference said they had been in formed. This is taken -to mean that a distinctive American force is about to be used for gome big purpose'. - NOW FOR ST. QCENTIN. f ' : London, Sept 6.-StrikIng straight for St. Quentln, the British have forced crossings of the Somme, south of Peronne and advanced nearly four miles In some places, says General Haigff report "We captured St. Christ, Lemesnil, Brie, and Bruntll ply base, 20 mifes north of Sole, sons, ia reported to ba in flames. South of Peronne tho British have forced crossings of the Somme Gen. m-al Halg reported today, i ; FRAN CO-AMERICAN GAINS. , Paris, Sept 8. By encircling rt from the northwest, southwest and south, tho Important junction point of Ham, on the road to St Quentln, has virtually been taken by tho Al. Iiesv according to battle front ad vkes General Humberts movement from the wdat against the Chemln-Dea-Dacs, north of- the Alsne, Is outflanking-important woods and near ins the line of the Crozat CanaL North of tho Olse tha French ad vaitco detachmonls are reported to h" near Chauny. To Ihe northeast of Solssons the Allies arc Hearing Sancy and Laf faux, the latter, three miles, east ot Tcrny-Sorny where the' Allied Una recently stood. The continuation of tho advance eastward of this region will cut in above the new, German position's on jlie Alsne. , - The French nd Americans have reached tho Alsne, on a front Of more than 10 mllca. A continuous soners. Astride the Alme-SU Quen tln- road we reached Athies and Mons-En-Chaussee. East of Peron ne we have taken Doingt We have made progress on the high ground between Peronne and Nurlu." East ward ot Neuve-Chapelle the British have established themselves in por tions of the old German front l.no. We hold Bussii, northeast of Peron nc, and are nearlng ; Templeux La Fosse, Norlu and Equancourt, where there ; waa sharp fighting yesterday and last night. On the Lys front west, of LaBassee we gained ground and beat off a counter-attack. The old British line In the Fauqulssart sector Is . again in our : possession. Northeast of Armetierea we ,have ad vanced our line, capturing several prisoners." LaFERE IN FLAMES. London, Sept 6. iLaFere, German vlHaKes and took a number of prl- j advance on the whole Iront between the Somme and Vesle is announced by the French war.qtflce today. For ward tfcrusta reported (from Epen nncourt, south of Peronne, to Glen nes. northeast ,of Fismes. ',. America troops who have taken Flennes are approaching the Alsne at. new places northeast of Flames', tho statement shows.' . In the advance on Ham the French have taken Plessis-PaUs-Doic, four mllca to the south.' To ward Chauny the French have pass- ' ed through Abbecourt ' , For Expert Work Gas Engine, Brazincr, Etc, Call A, Spesccr 409 College St Phone 496 u Li-i-Eumujuu uuixj-JBsaaa"-' No Worma la a Healthy Chnd ' All chikiren troubled with worma hire an un healthy color, which Indicate poor blood, and a rule, there i mora or ! ttooiech disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act aa a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child wUl be io perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per hot tie. ; We havo a large selection and variety of clocks, suit able for every purpose, and each guaranteed to give per ; feet satisfaction. , ' . , No matter what your needs in the clock lie may be . it will pay yon to see ua. '-. . ' . ; . ; In addition to guaranteeing yod satisfaction we will . aave you. money. - . v-- . ft I 214- N. QUEEN ST. I KINSTON, N.C, We iiivite you to inspect our line of RGB XrST SATK Oa AND GASOLINE. The saving of oil and gaaoHna ts most tmporunt now. Not only does the Government want the use ot cars for purely pleasure purpose cut out on Sub'"- tit, it argea thasthetr uta cL o!..z.cJ.U recced a rtsuch as ross'.hle. OH and gasoline are rt tea of war. .They are r.i-t ! 1 li te um qf many tf the ' -1 ! :'?nif.nts cf war. The wari preventive measures can greatly lm- rfrov the health conditions. The decrease la disease that sap the vl Only nine persona In a hundred have more than 5,000 when they die, while 66 ot every hundred dy- talHy and lower the efficiency ot ln ,eT .-aAaoTWrtj-TO estate and I the oeoDle la ih. ri.flT.it. Mnn th.t penniless. cornea from a campaign auch as Le noir ia bow enjoying: The cost ot malnftalalng the department la a l,( jThls has been America's record ln he past. But when the cenaua ot I Steamer Sunk; Five Drowned Washington. Sept 6. Sinking of the American steamer, Lk Owen with the loss of five of the civilian in Blue, Black and all the new shades and colors. ' were fortunate in buying them early and can save you money. We 4920 it taken the story will be dit-l crew was reported to the Navy De- mrr bagatelle as compared with the er'nt Tfce 1MS ta ,he blB aavlng on account ot the 'increased 'n ot "w " for America. One efficiency. Tho average person haa-1". BMm' OBe trU ot n"t yet come to i realise the great economic ' value of health. The enormous loss, to say nothing ot the discomfort, occasioned by etckneaa and resulting in the "day off" here aid there le Impossible to compute. .The Free Press bespeak the con tinued support and cooperation of the people for the health work. Without auch support and kelp lit tle eta be accomplished. cter wrought the miracle. It vj the work of the war-aavinga cam 1algn, the sireat thrift movement which made saving fashionable and extravagance a disgrace. partment : . today. Submarine ahell fire t understood to have been re sponsible. i The ship waa sunk by gunvre on the morning of September S ia for eign waters. Five of the crew are reported- missing. H T: other mem bers have been landed, six seriously wounded,, six slightly injured. She was a cargo ship ot 3,308 gross tons. Beautiful line of Silks in all the colors, plaids and stripes i-nuuren teething are liable to bowel trcuble. Dr. SETII- ARNQiLD.'S 1 tne remedy. (Warranted I. -! Tit rhtri Tal. ' V, ' "-"V" - . ' 1 anrs the ata)ariaJfruVaica ere transmitted ton.DrUfCo. ay. I o the bknd by the Malaria Mosquito. Frkeetc Our Line of Shoes is the most Complete to be. Found in Eastern North Carolina. We Can Fit You. a. 1 COPELAFVvBMOS:,