KlNSTON . .t ', -i. .i JJ. ; PUBLISHED TWICE A-WKEK Wfc ON KSUAYH A Ml 8 A T U K O A i t i n VOL. XXXX. No. 101 5 4 KINSTON, N. C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919 PRICE FIVE CEK EIGHT HUNDRED MEN GUARD CAMDEN CAR PRESIDENT FLATLY CHILD WELFARE AND jWAH'S EFFECT UPON DORHAtt HAY HAVE SIX HUNDRED I DENIES RIGHT COPS 'OTHER TOPICS CflHE POPliUTION UNITED 'LYNCHING IF NEGRO jllAVE MET DEATH ... STEEL 18 mi it LINES FROM MOBSITO GO ON STRIKE UP FOR DISCUSSION STATES BOTHERSOME ! ASSAILANT CAUGHT TEXAS TIDAL WAVE Men Will Leave Postsat 6 O'clock Monday Morning " NOTHING CAN STOP THEM Says Chairman at Pitts burgh, Where Details Were Threshed Out Thursday Up to Gary to Act, Stated Service Resumed in Parts Opposes Policemen's Unions State Council Hears Ex-Census Experts' Calcula-' Black Who Attempted to of TerritoryMilitiamen Augment Civil Forces Doing Duty in the Trou- e Zone (By the United Press) PHtst'iuph, Sopt. 18. Union heads today continued firmly in favor of roiiV ih-ouh With the nationwide strike of the steel and affiliated in dustries workers set for,1 September 22. Promptly at 6 o'clock Monday inoininjr the union steel workers will leave their posts, to remain away until Judge Gary accedes to the de mand? of the men, John Fitzpatrick, head of the general committee,, today declared. I'kial-- Talk. Pittsburgh, Sept. 18. "The men are going on strike. I can see noth ing new that will stop them," was the statement of both John Fitz patrick, ch-alrman, and W. Z. Foster, secretary, of the steel men's com rnititee as the heads of the 24 depart ments today went into conference. Ptt7ptrick stated that) the nueit- ing today va not for the purpose of deterli'ipinji whether there would be a strike. "The purpose is to lay out a program and establish the de tails of the strike," Ftapatrick said. anteTaf MoreT Than Professors at Some Colleges; Say fHS the United Press) CamdunJfcN. J., Sept. 18. Partial -V.4( gervicfc wasjjjesumed on the Public Service Company's street railways over tt. southeA division this morn ing under protects of a police force consisting of 300 poemen, 100 fire men, "00 members of&he New Jer sey State militia reserves and 100 deputy sheriffs, all scathed along the line." in operation. Ow:vr to expected, disorders' the vicinity of the shipyards no Xars the shipyard, i for Exertion of Pressure perts Colored Race in State is Dying Out Venerea! Troubles Prcva- AMERICA SAFE ENOUGH! Against Any Alliance of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Et Al., Wilson Tells Pacific Coast Audience ticnx Upset by Recent Conditions FIGURE BY STATES .NOV (Bv iPrl'n-t-; P-;.s) Ch.roct Hi!!, St is. -To program of the n!-weik Ft.it? County Council ctl-J f.-r the lowing: Addn-ss by M' Clarence Jchnsoi., child w!farr expert, "cn?e work." Talk on county health work by State Board ly s and fol- W on Ihv' to Guess to Gns " Ni.-ety City ToUfts-- I v, wa:u M;itt i'rpoaniv Out rase White Girl is Sought. by Sheriff's Posses-Fired at by White Resident Estimates Range Upward From 300; Driving Rain Falls RELIEF WORK HELD UP Hu'J dl':H-!8 by Growth Centers' In- account1 kee-p- Disi'ussen of countj .ng. Address on the income tax and sol vent credit-- amendments bv George Dr. B. E. Wfaafhmjrn (Bv the United Pres) if H. :th official. Washington, Sept. 18. President Adorers by E. W. James, F Wilson in n telegram made public ihiglway' official uprated on the shipyard, i here today came out flatly acrainst Gloucester City and Trenton lines. kjPolieemen unionizing with a view to Eight Hurt at Boston, fusing pressure to obtain their do- Boston, Sept. 18. Eight guards- im'!s' men are in a city hospital suffering I Brownlow, comnvis-sioner of from wounds received when the gun lthe Df''t of Columbia, read the of another was accidentally discharg-1 Pre,W?n,. telegram before the cd, spraying: buckshot over a wide Senate conW;'tee which is conelder area. The accident occurred at the in n bUPtfwithhold the pay of Blue Hill Avenue police station.- All .Washington .rici'men wlw affiliate he nen were shot in the legs, none!w!tn thc American Federation of bein: 'enously injured, it is stated .Labor. . at the hospital. leral (Bv thet'nited Press) W-ts.hmgtatfc, Sept. is. Stff-.in)' chamrec in , the growth and charac ter "t thf population of th: United Ftat'jJ re expected to lie shown by the. ,.Wt) census, preparations for e inder wav. whirr (By the United Press) New Ycrk Sept. 18. College pro fessors arc worr,2 paid than janitors and scrub-Women in the same institution-, ehat'ges Gardner B. Perry "? Al'mny, a Harvard graduate who is chairman of the Eastern New York endowment committee to raise funds for Harvard University. The university wants $11,000,000. "So lung as the janitors of pur colleg? halls and the scrubwomen of the libraries get larger salaries than professors, just so long shall we be in danger of seeing our universities, become second rate schools of ad vanced education," he said. CORN MARKET. GERMAN SEPIIJC'S nnT urn lininDDV ic DEARTH DIPLOMATS Anzacn Can't Outvote J. S. !San Franeisco, Sept. 18 In an 'address here ye?terdav the President At Chicago Wednes'.lay September declared America' one vote, in the losed at 1.44 1-2, December at 1.21 . jj(,arm. 0f XuMova assembly' would be equivalent to Britain's six. There is an equality of votes in the council, he pointed out, and the assembly ha exclusive jurisdiction only in admit ting new members. The council pass es on ether matters first. Mr. Wilson said German propa ganda is increasing. He denounc ed "hyphenated Americans." China wil) get Shantung back, he, declared. The world powers have promised it. Old Crop is Discredited NOT LEAST REASON FOR While New Ones Are Still Unripe Solf May Come to Washington Harden Out of It By CARL D. GROAT (United Press Staff Correspondent; Berlin, Sept. IS. The new repub lic is finding selection of diplomats a real job. Of course, it isn't entire- Health Officer Says Parents Should Exercise CautionC6sts Nothing Antitoxin Available to All Per sons. All :3rcnne florsn't ronifoul; jjf,. Rursia where v it breeds bolshevism, accord"-. tff T' T. F. Wickliffe, head of thfle?.lth Bureau. It is a nrettv gneal thing, and is a wrench Miard inammons E Be Chosen at Series Matches This Fall (By thr United Press) Now York, Sept. 18. Tourna ments to determine the national bil liard and pocket billiard champions of America will take place this fall. Ths tournament for the 18.2 balk line b'lliard championship will open here October 20 at the Astor Hotel. The ' three-euahion championship tournament will be held at the Moose Auditorium, Cleveland, starting No vember 6. The pocket billiard series will be held at the Parkaway Auditorium, iiiiaeciphm, starting November 1. The three 'champions decided in the tournament will then stage an e'Rhtecn weeks' tourney for Which they win. receive ?100 per week and up. ly necessary that Germany make oat, often thrown into the gear of health a whole slate of ambassadors and work. J ministers just yet, particularly if "Tiseipon for diphtheria is on. Entente nations only send here During' September and October we charges d'affaires. But the policy of jh?v('' more diphteria than at any the government will probably be, r other ,ensn. The schools open at -such an event, to send out charges itJite time and large numbers of chil- and ronruls the charge perhaps be ins the man intended for the higher post' of minister or ambassador w full diplomatic relations with tie outsidv world are resumed. ' Germany's difficulty arises from the fact that some of the men cf the old diplomatic service would .be per sona no.i grata at certain ; capitals, while ti e new regime so far" has net produced many big prospects of am bassadorial size. So far in connection? with the American ambassadorship only two firen con'creirate. f "Every child who has the least sore 'throat or eold should stay at home till well. The doctor should be called early. - If he pronounces the case diphtheria insist that he give your child State Board ot neaitn diphtheria antitoxin. It costs only 25 cents for the syringe. The bal ance i paid by your taxes. There are three products that your drug gist ean furnish free to his patrons smallpox vaccine, typhoid vaccine ind diphtheria antitoxin. It does P. Po'l, , ex-judge of the Corporation. The shifting of population because , Comn'.:s ;ion. , 9yM th war has upset the calculations' "Discussion of "county govern- of census experts, who since 1017 nient is it might he in Nortli Caro- have considered it useless to attempt ( Una." ' to estimate population of any other I Toright Dr. ChSrrles J. Bullock of rmtita tlnn states. Before ' thmt," it 1 Harvard University' is scheduled to ,was r,os's;ble to predict with a fir speak on "The Model Plan of State, degree of accuracy the number of. nnrl local Taxation," ,,J' persons in any given locality. I Mgnty-iive conniies nave askeii i me "center ot population, it is for Federal road aid,' State Highway believe-', has stopped Us westward Commissioner Frtik Page told the movement, which wns continuous council yesterjiyi 'from 1790 to 1910, when it was lo- Dr. A. J. W'nrren, State Board of cated in Bloom'ngton, Ind. This is Health, sanjv.'there has been a mark- heca'iso industrial cities in the Cen ed d ecro wwffti the colored populaition. ,tral Last, such as Cleveland and De The colored birth rate is lower than , t ixi t, have been growing alt a greatly thi white, the death rate five times , increased rate during recent years, as gTJi'at. Seven venereal disease 'as have manufacturing centers fUr clinfcs44n this State are handling her east. Formerly the Rocky 4,000 cases monthly, Dr. Warren i Mountain and Pacific Const states said. V ' i' increased in pooutetion with twice the mniditv of Kastern nnd CpTifiml afe""- -i The ceming census is also expectc to shew a continuation of the move the country to the city, en going on fori many decades. A further decrease in proportion of negro population is pected. In 1900 negroes numbered ll.fi per cent, and yn 1910 10.7 per cent. Western population is expected to 'increase at the old rate now that the .var iy over. It ir. expected that the percentar" of fM,cign-born will show a mark".', declin&j.due to the discontinuation j mm if ratjon. (By the United Press) lu"Km, Sert. ;il8. nShetriff Har- vard and Deputy King with blood hounds :r.d a large posse are scour ing we'd:! near here for an unidenti (lied nere who late yesfterday at , tempited to assault a young white i . . . . .... Kirl nr.'u iier home in tne eastern part of the city. The girl was seen runn'pg up a railroad screaming. A n"igWor stopped her and after learn 'fg the facts started in pursuit jof the negro. Ho came within sight of hir. and fired several shots at ' him. So far as eould be learned none took effect. It is thought a lynching will fol low if the negro is captured. Columbia Has Strong Eleven May Better Last Year's Record I New York, Sept. 1 football candidates 18. Columbia's were called to report today by Coach Fred Daw son. I Even better results are expected f'ir the coming season than last year, when the eleven, crippled by losses of regulars to the army, went through the season with a lone de feat fiul that bo the unbeaten Syra cuse team. Soldiers Building City of Tents Handicapped by Weather Aransas Dead More Numerous Than First Reported (By the United Press) Coipur Christi, Sept. 18. The ; diwth toll from Sunday's tidal wav and hurricane is now estimated at from 300 to 604. - ' ' .." Rcpcrts from Aransas Pass today estimated the dead at Port Aransas at 35. but these could not be confirm ed. Earlier reports placed the known dead at not more than 30. -A ?hill driving rain Wfoich, oon-' tinued for 3ti Itours ha added , to ihe misery prevailing: -throughout -the storm area. The construction of x tent city started by military au thorities on high ground here yes-, terday was held up by the rain. CM)Y TO GIRL WHO , . NAMES NEW CLUB HERE: rr B I,.1'" y IS J to shew a con ! nent from tlv which has bee WHO WON THE WAR? BLACK JACK! Washington, Sept. 18. Con gress today told the world who won the war Black Jack John Pershing. The reception ft gava the head of the A. E. F. hroke al! records for enthusiasm. Sen ator Cummins, representing Vice-President Marshall, who could not attend, greeted Gen eral Pershing as "the man who led the moHt impressive spec tacle in all the annals of war fare." Speaker Gillett and Champ Clark added words of praise. i ISSUES COMPLAINTS f IN SEVERAL CASES;; Hundred Charter Members for Klna-t; ton Social and Commercial Or ganization Prominent Men ' f on (..on'mlttees. v . , COTTON Baptists Plan Five Year Program Sunday School Work in Drive I'itlslvirgh and Chicago Concerns Charged With Making Fraudulent Rep resentations to the Buy iw; Public i: Futures quotations Thursday were: names have been muflt mentioned .look like good business advertising Ma'xinvl'an Harden jtfid Dr. Solf, the for y,Tar druggist to do this. October Decwr:ber January March July ,. Loe'ti! receipts to three bales, prices 2S 5-8 downward. 10:40 eft.50 29.58 20.78 " o'ekk ranging (By the United Press) W.'thi'nrfon, Sept. 18. The Fed eral Trade Commission today issued a formal complaint charging unfair competition against the Ward & Alack. y Biscuit Oo. of Pittsburgh. (Bv the United Press) l The commission alleges the com- Ralcigh. Sept. 18. Her is the pany's stock is of little if any value program which the Baptist iSunday , and thfct fraudulent representations schools of the South plan to'earry have bein made to the public in sell out in connection with the Baptist ing it. "75 Million Campaign:" Add 1,500, . Three Chicago grocery concerns 000 to the enrollment. Give $2,500,h-ave been cited in complaints of un 000 to the general cause. Secure fair competition alleging nifsrepre 150,000 diploma holders in, the teach- fen1ia,tton to the public. The comer-training courses. Have 25.000 olaif; charge that the concerns of- were senior-adult and 10,000 intermediate fer combinations of groceries, lwt from legistered classes . in the organized 'ng raj'iJis at bargain prices and department. charging hjore for other ttems. 2:40 29.09 29.05 29.98 30.12 30.17 Kinston Is' to hav , a-social, nrn? T'ave teen ait work sevwiml, weeks. ' The prganization will occupy tne old , !rrnwry, formerly fitted up lor the Elks. There will be approximately 100 charter members. At a latef te other refdents and nonresi dents will be accepted. A number of .prominent men have not been ap proached and it is hoped to have ; many of Uiese join in time. The club so far is nameless. The membership committee will present a five-pound box of candy to the womar or girl who sends to T. V. Mose'ey, chairman, prior to Monday the best suggestion for a name. Temoorary chairman of the or ganizers is Felix Harvey, Jr., The advisory committee is , comprised by F. C. Dunn, Clarence Oetitinger, Fe iix Harvey, Jr., the membership com mittee by T. V. Moseley, Clarence Oettimrer, Ernest V. Wetab, Robert H. Rojse, L. L. Oettinger, Edwfln Oettinger. Felix Harvey, Jr., Oscar Greene, W. L. Burns and Dan. Quin- ; crly. Asiatic Cholera is . Raging in Russian Town; Hundreds Die POME BASEBALL- CAME; STORY BOOK FINISH TO TIDEWATER MATCH. Washington,. N. C, f?ept. 18. Ninth inning. Score, Givlords 6, Wash;ngfon 8. Bases full and two Wen down. The spectators weren't pectin'c a miracle. "Candy" Weston never could be fx Iwtcd to perform a miracle, any way. Car-dy had two strikes and tW3 ball! called on him. The Gay icrds pitcher decided he was wasting time throwing curves to such a punk tatter. He put over a swift straight one. Westsn swung blindly. There was , crack and the ball sailed far out ever the right, fielder's head. Score, Washington 7, Gaylords 6. former colonial minister and latter -'oreijrr minister iff' the closing days cf but year. .f'1 Harden hasn''a chance to go to the Washington post. He..has made more less .of a name for. .himself in A':erica-;-but that doesn't count for anything with the present situ ation. In fact he isn't taken seri nusiy bv the present government in that connection. On the other hand, Solf has con siderable backing for .the place, Solf is a man of liberal tendencies. OXE ET. WILL WALK ' FIVE HUNDRED MILES TO ATTEND REUNION. By the United Press) Atlanta, Sept. 16. Confederate veterans are coming to their twenty- ninth minion in Atlanta in October by every mode 'of transportation. Not all of the veterans will come nn trains, however. Col. Jack Hale, of Arkansas, is walking to the 're union, a distance of 500 mile. An other veteran in South Georgia wrote the committee that he will drive up m his old-fashioned ox-cart. Diphtheria is curable if antitoxin is giver in time. i "There have been 12 cases of diph 1 her in reported since September 1. In al! but one case State Board of Healt.1. antitoxin was , used. I feel that it is important that we have children vaccinated against this di sease, especially '. children under 5, with the toxin-antitoxin. If your child has been' exposed use the old antitoxin; otherwise, '". I wish to in sirt utbn the new to(in-nt3tloxin. It is furnished free. Culture. tubes or diphtheria are available and it is well, to have children's noses and throat tested." ' : " TOBACCO BUY WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS. Receipts Thursday were approxi mately.:' 400,000 pounds; according to wareliouse estimates. Prices ruled very nigh. Kecetprs ior we wee have Von close to 2,000,000 pounds. More then 6,000,000 pounds have been marketed since the opening .Serttfmbe- 2, and (prices have in creases spasmodically to an average of 45 cent or better, ' v . t : - h .... n i, i i M,. mn, ... . f ! ' h, f?r.sA i -V- - j'i . V : J y 1 - . k 1 i-l J : H i'V. ' . v""- ' i -r' -J (By the United Press) Novorissk, Russia, Sept. 18. An "pidcir.ic of Asiatic cholera is raging n thi- city. During the past week th death rate from the disease has averaged 120 ner day. Sixty-five per cent, of the ewes prove fatal. Shore leave from ships in the harbor has been, discontinued. ; : Insruotions againat the use of un ' oiled water and uncooked food have ' een issaed, but careless living hab its of the people render them averse : v: precautionary measures. " : . Physicians of the. Amerkrah' Red 'prosj are treating the. crews of for eign snips. - YOUTHFUL SPANISH PRINCES AND QUEEN FROM LATEST PHOTO. Queen Victoria 'of Spain and her sons, the Infante Don Jaime at left and Prince Asturias at right ' are shown embarking on the royal yacht to take part In the great regatta. The King of Spain is an ardent n at i man and so are his sons. The Prince Asturias bears a marked resemblance to his father. AEROPLANES IN DEMAND- ! IN TEXAS OIL FIELDS. t'i- t ; (Manufacturers (Record, Baltimore)' The Curtiss company is finding a jfield f r aeroplanes in the dil coun try of Northwest Texas, and the oil i .... ,,.... m. .;t. All. nullity VUJIEin. IIV roads: do not reacn all irtts, and what roads there are are badly con-, gested, so that passenger trains are run at rare intervals and are never on time. But the problem W in find ing chauffeurs for the machines. To meet this demand the Curtiss com pany is securing pilots. BUT THRIFT STAMF8.