S . fTilf : LINCOLN ; ID EMMA Ml ,'y eld .1 1 : : , ; ill'HS illllt FRIDAY f iusioiiist'couniy of-F-liatelv leriito han I "a way: the COOlgiuiiijig; the trivin ' oiVbniid sackaVif.oatiMi which the.n.wit-(not hetjeV trine thai t ho Mercury tanus lor. In iur humble opinion we iutend to do juat what the Mercury wish- ri;iu;isnKi ;vku . : UV- iir- T .vAtv TVkvociiat Trii. il.l M..l Co. : ; T-- Qh'n L. Caon E.htor, Ho i v J. "GasoMq. Loral Editoi uoor3 would ba unknown. In fuel, v on-diet a iiloriuus era of local J a Uiiwiiilinf North loads irohiii . s uith and two loads . .. , , , . . . v . ... x. of our career that wo do u a tfincio lnjimcai uoc lion had been i lviM haubd 184 H.tcks live and had inded, Ui ; Carolina when--'they all turn Pop- going nor. Ii.when day light lop-d ulist. r Republican. But theurlher opinions.- Uih uci. - )vrtj l&:7r7 . -Democratic, pajty is not dead yet. f show tne Uinjcuiy crvuuori im On- Ytfrn,'; - .$1.00. ! Hrotber Golen7y;Your wi.sli U rirhave In "'furchu' eAllectiuii. S- sj-1"-,' t h3 " V V 50 j doubt genuine. You never Bawuieriyb they work ami no thur- " V vL '' '2 ' two bad fovs, "berit.on deTilmehtduhlr a'bd-'-w.HivMly are tlipy I hreo . Months ............. . - . , - ; ,. , . . : - - ' ' -,.;-,. i yn-jrfr b. presence ' of ' the head i organized 1 trotr according to r. Ad rr i l in in i; te.? of the family. Your fusion'legi-rstate'meot of a uifinbor, they could i One Inch, one insertion $1.00. j lature by 'its acts published to thejhave'500 men in arms ui ?4 hours .Liberal discount made ou". contract j world that you are not competent j So far no ciash has ever occurred, advertisements for three, six or ! to govern Xorih Carolina. Moral : but It is hard to predict what twelve months. Apply to Henry ; The Democratic party does not xiie i might occur should ihey.oe resist es us to do. bnt we shall do it in a way which may not always set well with a Populiat or a lie publican. Oh, yeswa. are ou the side of the Holt of Oak Ridga, C on the subject: 44 Price Uml,?r Kree Coinage in North Carolina.' ViiH paper deals with times, xl.ich, ac cording to many, were th. 4;-,oHi times before the war." The urti cle wan written some months ago for the Charlotte Observer, but it is interesting still and we give it 4 dear Peuole" and expect to stay j now in order that -the-facta con- ther. .In fact, we are some of the 1 tained in it may have greater cur people ourselves. We do not, in- rency. tend to turn populist atthia late ! day just inordir to get to be one of the masses which the Mercury speaks of. Oh, no I . XGasquo, at the Democrat office, fnr nrlvRrtisi't!r rates and estimates on iob printing : AVe are prepared to do your Job Printing in nice style. Send us your work. Satisfaction guaran teed. ; . every time a Republican" thinks it ought to LINCOLN TON,N.a,sEPT. 27 1895 DUCTIOX. Trie editor of this paper is a raw recruit in the-ranks of journalism. He asks a li.ttle indulgence until . . i . i i i ' he, gets his nana in. We wish, in the first place; to : serve notice on the public that we I intend to .conduct a Democratic i i 1" ' newspaper at,;Lincolnton. In the second place, we wish to say that we intend to print the county news when there is any to 'print. It we cin'carrv' oiit'the two idea.? as we should UK.', wo io iiol seo reason why tVj p i.tai- e .- DOEK POPULISM FOS- For some time Democratic pa pers in North Carolina have charg ed that Populism tended to anar chy. This cliarge has been de nied quite vigorously by Populist editors. These editors have claimed for their principles that they were founded on justice and . right and some advocates of Populism have even claimed that their principles were Jeffersonian ; Democracy, and that all the peo ple of this country had to do in order to banish want and oppres sion was to adopt their, doctrine- and peace and happiness would follow. We have always believed i that arrayim?--CTHc!a.j; i our pro funda pin against another- m -iilal .wronir: ana Uiut tne I wm of Pvioulism has done more L In h it o .A -i wiien. so many ll.i-u 13 of. D iiwocrats are to be found t iortli Uarolina, it mignt ne r'v ell i'or us to tell the public of Wiiat kind we are. We do not . hold a single principle the popu lists advocate. We do not believe ' in Republicanism in any shape or ft)rm. We are not a gold-bug nor a silverite.- We are not a fusioniet nor a time server. e do not be - lieve ih making terms witlr thes enemy on any question. We be- Jielve in p teaching Democracy at ; :11 times. We are not afraid .that Thenever the people " hear and 7 b am whafe Democracy is theywill r jMftve North' Carolina in the hands j of Republicans and Populists. !e ask, then, that the Demo Vratk uf Lincoln" -County.. help us to - ilt old Lincoln back into- the JJemocratic' columii. It can be done wlt Jhe. r-iglit kind of worjv. s ne more vord. We ask you to vxamin'ethis issue of the Demo . i'lt vo aiui, if you are interested in :incoln. CbVintv, to have your . i "limine placed on our subscription oks at once. :. ed bv force. These men have been taught by organizations and agi tators that they are beinc perse cuted and that they must resist with force what thev think i? nrr attempt to rob them of their h'oiuesl and their living. STOLEN OATS BECOVERED. . Howe brothers whose oats were attached and afterwards taken from the guards by armed meti were arrested and brought into town Saturday, but were released! from custody upon'delivery lo the officers ot the oats which had been taken away..- The matter wdi probably he. allowed to drop, as all the oats have now been recovered The Rowe brothers, mentioned ab ve, -aiv Catawba count y men, who Vok theif lirit leiaoii in Pop ulism in this State. The truth- tutness ot thts. incident is un- utj I doubted. Tho paper containing the above account . was sent to a citizen of Qoiiover, N. C by his brotherr who lives at Oakesdale, KDITOKIVL, NOTICS. Just think, of it! Cotton is leight cents a . pound, and Grover Cleveland U still President, and no fra? cllvar dowii hi way. We wonder sometimes what made that five cent cotton last fall. Brother Mercury, can't you tell? Htttto Nowh. - The E. M. CJhort Lumber Co. of . (i.iUu rj' Kansom'd salary ras pai. ituriiav Ui. The Secretary of th. Treasury received tne deci- f stoui.f ilmAudilor. who rcfoaed to pa it. " i h.lera has broken out in hiiia. AtPekinitU sid tht 2,000 dib thiilv -"f this dilate. , The GrnJ Lotljre d Otld Fl ViiMiicvIri next year at DaHa, Texda. fh.J lylk met ut Atlantic j Ciiy. X. J t!iivar. M. Richards. Muckb U iIih nw (rand Master. than, anything else to foster class Vij ruintrv Nnw let. w;en tnis cnarge ui AS TO rTXIiVT GOLl) !' "The gold reserve "in the Uirit l. States; -Treasury' now stands iw s : rpJU.i12v -tht? -loaves! for'in'iaiiv a 'Jai. jthi 'A WW w appefH'--'u .tin ion Repuhiif-an ot' . last .-.'week lender; caption of "News of the dav ' riellv told." ' ' We reniember that j- jveral times jcbiring the panic of " 1) ami L95that the gold reserve went down to near $30,000,000. ' Keep straight about this matter, Brother G-slen: Y.on know, there are some pegple in North Carolina ;who will not allow even xa Repub .Tican "to shthder that gold reserve, , But ve mtehded to say ,tha( here ".Of late. we have about, come to the conclusion that that gold reserve has no e'arthl-v businfess to exist ! but for some newspaper editors to. , make remarks about. . Now don't you bother about the gold reserve, . honey, the "old sheriff" is still on deck, and the Populists call him a .' Republican ! ; You : ought to be B itisried if they tell the truth: 4'Co-operatio', at Washington ; ought to :suit you. . , tiOOD TI31ES -HE1I When the two- wings; of the'' Democracy in North Carolina get through harmonizing, it now looks -1 likely that the lamb will btf irisiuS the Populist fold. Winston Re publican. ,. ..; 7 And if all the above should take j place, would ii not be a glorious t "era of goq4 lefeling,,".;for;North: Carolina No" more: hateful. Dem ocratics : to. war .upon, only those two cooing doves, the Populists - and Republicans, to' hold the of fices and conduct the political love-feasts. We. ; suppose there would theii be no Democratic County Commissioners to trouble us see how anarchy is substantiated by the facts. We clip the following from the Spokesman Review, Spokane, Washington: . 4 Oakdale, Aug. 19 That there is a regular organization tjamong the farmers for the purpose of re sisting, with arms if necessary, al leged unjust action by the courts is thoroughly proved by tho occur rence of Friday night.- Several Veeks ago the Spokesman-Review correspondent told of such an or BanUohnn.fnr. tho DurDose of re sisting the appointment of re ceivers for crops on mortgaged farms. The information then gained came from a rnember,of the Silver Federation, and subse quent events have proved the truth of the statement then pub lished. Whether or not this or ganization in ihe Silver Federa tion can only be surmised, but the fact that members in. extreme parts of the county are kept postec of its action- in other -parts anc. thai Jthey know of meetings anc oction taken before it ever reaches the newspapers shows the perfec tion of the organization. A mem ber told the correspondent of. the meeting" to be held in Moscow ana exactly what action would b taken 'several days before the t ineeting was held. This shows th( u-ork to be that of an organizatioi. p. net not "a popular uprising, .as at first -reported. Later-he said that had not Judge Piper resciuded hi? action in appointing receivers hs Would j undoubtedly : have been called upon by a committee. When afiked what the "committee" would have done, the informant only smiled significantly and said that Piper showed wisdom by reemd ing his action. This man gave a far more minute account of the meeting than was published in any paper and . showed that, although he lived nearly 60 miles from Mos cow, and in another state, he knew exactly what was being done by the organ izaticn there. A short time ago a mortgage was foreclosed on a farm noar Cotton, in this county, and four men were sent out from, town to guard the crop. After dark nearly i00 men "armed with Winchesters and shot guns, visited the farm and ordered the guards to leaver which thev did, two of them reaching town about midnight, ana4 the other twd at daylight the next- morning. Since then no attempt has been made by the : mortgagee to take possession of the cropi, -. TJHEr RECENT ATTEMPT Cotton goes up and wheat goes down, the volume of the currency. remains practically the same; and Vtlttotii HI" aad.Griiv Tinv. mar . ! ' . Washington naa six urge inns ui j lumber burned on the ISth. rLAMTx g.m S.t. 2r Ao r estimateil at $12,000 to f if)tlKX) F rial r,ll(M.; domi, Civil Service Examiuationa u i!l M..n Ait .tn f Hiu thir naie .Ut lw hold at Asheville, Oct. -J, and at lit ind lh i r dp br4de l by Those who 3 rf-o'!' t f Urn n nm fii ihfirtTT I 1 thr llavfiiiM- f tmt Sita. m -mm mm -mw w Wilmington, Oct 7 wish information as aminaticus should writo to 'Tbe Civil Servue Commission," Wash ington, D. C. Mr. W. W. RirkelN will conduct the examinations. The late Rev. Dr. C. T. Hailey. editor of. the Biblical Recorder, yet we haveieople here in Lincoln Raleigh, N. C, had $19,000 life in County who still believe that 8Qrance when he died. trouble occurred. - The above clip ping wafs marked by the Oakes dale man in- order that the Cataw ba man might not fail tx read it. The Oakesdale man is a Populist, too. - : -. The public can judge as to how much of anarchy there is in an organization which has tor its ends the resistance of just debts. Wo hesitate not to say that society is no better off fbr.the existence of such an organization as is pictured above. If- it could accomplished ItS purposes, the lunr rould bo at an end-. Marion Butler and Craig Sherford know all about finance there is to know. We. would like to know how the Go eminent can make 57 cents worth of silver worth 100 centa, Don't go to talking about John Sherman Democrats and gold-bugs and the 4tcrime of 1873 ' but set to work to answer this question. If somebody will tell the editor of this paper how it can be done, he will go to talking silver at 1C to 1 next week. .AJVI THE SECU LAR PRESS. Some days ago we lead that the above named gentleman, who is well known in western North Car olina., has said that the secular press was the most conscienceless thing in the wurld and that in the future the church would have its hardest fights against it. We do not know what course the Doctor would recommend that the church pursue 'in its war on the press, but we would respectfully iuform him, and others who may be of his opinion, that the Consti tutibn bf the United States says ttiat tho. right of free speech shall never be abridged. As lqng as free .speech is not criminal speech, an oody can use his tongue as he cnuosea. dui we lutenaea io sav It cannot be denied that some Democrats would like to see a fusion of Populists and Democrats It is the old idea over again. In 1890 we heard Democrats telling Alliancenien that the "Ocala De mands" were Democratic. In 139-1 we reaped the fruit of such a surrender of principles. It pays to be honest at all times. There ought to be an historical society at Lincolnton to record and preserve trie history of old Lincoln County. This paper in tends to agitate this matter until it gets such an organization, com posed, of members from Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba counties.. Let the press of these counties create an interest in this matter. Formerly the man who said supply and demand had nothing to do with the price of cotton and corn, and wheat was considered a lunatic and was sent to the asy lum for treatment. Now, North Carolina sends such men to Wash ngton to make laws for her. Great State, isn't she? We all know a great deal more than we "usedto'M How do you Fusionists of Lin coln County like a Clerk of the Court who goes off to camp meet ings when he feels like it, and when we started out, that our in-j leaves his office in charge of no formation leads us to lelieve that it shows poor judgment in aoybody to? bounce on a newspaper editor simply because he is au editor. So far as our experience goes, we4ire not too moaest to say that we know some, reasonably decent people , one? In view of the fact that the Legislature of 1895 4 'restored local self-government in North Caro lina, we do'not hesitate tosay that we think . this one actual lessqn. in local eelf-government, under the new law. who are connected "with the seen-f lar press people whom we have Have you heard any Populist of always thought had a conscience, late talking about the Sub-Treas- If Dr. Atkins will put more re ligion in the world and seek less to array the- church against' its best fnends,he will have no accaeion to speak thus ot the secular press. There are bad papers and . good papers. There are even good church papers and bad church papers, and why not good and bad secular papers ? We knew a man who said a certain editor had no soul because the editor would not consent to. smother his conscience. And very often this is. tne case. j We havH read more Christianity in some secular papers, in ouropin ion, than we have heard from a groat iiiany pulpits, but we do not feel, for that reason, called upon to make a crusade against the church. Oh, not - , " . Last week the Hickory Mercury .ltlj lL ..I ... it -' - - Th6 cbasiugof these guards from the farm of RoweV brothers: near Oakesdale, reported sinVester-!n0.ted the'ehange in the monogram daY a ' Spokesman RevieV J ehowe lof .PS? B' 'that'w that the organization' exi8t8 here. iConld a ereat Rood W "advocating Night had just settled down when PciP1 "which would benefit the the guards were! visited bv 25 mas8es- NowV we ehould like to heavily armed men and told to go. snu,lX the Mercury, but we shall ury? In 1890 and 1892 the woods -were tinging with oratory on this subject. It has been abandoned lry those who hatched it; Now, the same 4 crowd are the chief mourners at the Silver altar. Would it not be well for Demo crats to go slow about helping Populists obtain their "demands"? Good company has its advantages now, a9 well as in the daya of Sol omon. . . This paper intends' to have in each issue much that will interest the pupils of the public apd priv ate schools of the Qounty IJvery teacher and pupil in the County ought to read the Democrat. The editor : of this paper has. taught school for sometime and lie knows what he is talking about when he says' that very few of the schools of the County give enough atten tion to -the County history,- past and present. - ! ' . The case of the North Carolina Railroad (o the Southern Railway for 09 yeara has been confirmed. The Lenoir Topic, edited for so long by Mr. W. W. Scott, has changed hands. Messrs. J. S. Deal and R. L. Downs are now editors and publishers. Success to the new management. Charlotte now has a Gospel Wagon. It was dedicated on the public square last week. The crew of the Steamer Com modore was arrested last Saturday at South poiL The crew ia held ior trial on a warrant sworn out by District Attorney Ay cock, charg ing them with collecting arms for the Cuban insurgents. The pen alty is forfeiture of the vessel to the U. S. Government. After October 1st, Col. A. U. An drews of Raleigh will be lt Vice President of the Southern Rail way. Gone ml Neww. The dedication ot the Chicka- nauga battlefield near Chattanoo ga, Tenn, took place on the 18lh. The battlefield has been converted into a National Park. Gen'Is J110..M. Palmer of III. and Juo. B. Gordon, of Ga., delivered the ad dresses. Many distinguished guests were present, among the iiumbor were Ex-Gov. Ja. E Campbell of Ohio and Goy. Wni. McKinloy also of Ohio. , The Republicans of New Jersey met in Convention at Trenton on the 19th, and nominated Juq. W. Griggs for governor. The Con vention adopted the following platform ; i4Wo reaffirm our de votion to the oalioual policv of 41 1 tir lav-inM ItlUf hihI GrMj" Dit t m- 1 ipn sitloo is a socxeja. Tbeie is ia At- 1 ut tout 1, -ijU Witb b'i tl. btunr M Kopj.of Oil j fl v finoi Moituii, i Nw Ytfk; G r .rWrmdtiu.j, o! Y' -w l; 0rr .ui Vri t Nj Jarw; Governor ijoin.ajb.-, ot Nebraik'i; add Gov- orui-r airlQiyiC 01 uoioraao, are tba ezfcaiif ea bo have honored the occasion with tb el r 'presence. The Grand Army ot the Republic ia represented by do leaa a dnUm guisbed list of ganerala than Scho- fleld. Dodge, Howard, Horace, Por ter and Williamson. Tba Con fed er aU legions are beaded by General James Ioogatreer, tbe gnrz'eJ hero of Cbickamauga. This morolnc tbe enUrUloment committee of tbe exposition direct ors oat tbe Governors and tbe memoers ot tbeir staffs and- accom panied them to tbe exposition grounds. Carriages were' provided and tbe visitors were taken around tbe grounds to tbe various build, logs. Afterwards tbey were taken to tbe Piedmont Clab, where lanch was served. After tbe laocb Gov ernors Morton, McKinley, Werts and General Fairch'.ld maaa abort ppceche. Tne Goreroors spent tbe remainder of tba day viewing tba exposition grounds. All of tbetn will leave for their homes to uigbt and to morrow. LivaU-utnt-Generai J. &I. Scbo deM, commatideT-iQ'chirf of tbe UuiUd State Aim;, U in AiUbta todiy. lie is in rau'e homo from tht-cc--jti tne brahfe1 when CapUlj Evan P. n0w Tftterany?ditcirol tb AUt,ii "Atltuliocu aro (o ieal-t fiiwuiiiliu tker, w I114 vo oa-rtiid Kbarp, ineirt "-uobe brought' do n 'tit with Lis iuf. u ii'um ruen so U1IJ, . Mm mm Hh .drt 1 veiy su-n Uj iJt ance ibt H fir-w. ,. WUU 11 uev. tie in ,ul 1 tbe 3 iiUl ro cojntrr go ief Ui t tti.i. te ao e be . ui U vr Io.h . will X It lo" b ll f Lullf. C p W. i i: i . hr, w Ui- f ii. . ', UJ I- ttf I. ij , tbt . I ii . mm . . 11 - . I I O I or woo,; oe?Uit - 'I , i . .1 1 ! , BXo iU a om.j 1 v i. be tail ol .h v. tud .i tJO lib, Mi. rtrMii, .1 ,, tl 6 COO 1 rl I 1 G n.rai Lojkstret wM Lt) rodnoed nd mde a short ut rrihioR tbe braverj of the J ni me norm ana Sooth in th icaa war. He received a sr2 nww, ui auuiruce rising to mm, Tbe audience wss qqu away when McKinley mbn J miu j "Aaencani never rJ . . . . 4 H Das 10 Americans' At ttu Loogstreet sprang to bi waved bis bandkerchnf, mbk tbe signal fpr renewed demc tloo by tbe audience. Tbe next speaker M G x-wrouiiu, reprentiiit; Go Upham, of Wisconsin Mv oroKeo nil leg two durs mm. m Lioocoot oioontain. He ceived with applause, sni 1 close ot bis speech, Ctt, Hemphill arcsi and presented "with a Confederate badge, p It on bis cosL Tbit, 01 ooorfJ cipitated anokber decoct: Governor Holcombe, of et. and Governor Woodbur j, of moot, follotred io hort pi; Bpfcur. The List speech w.t n. Oapt. Juices W. Koglisb. 1 totte Ubeerver. NOTICE ! iIih t-xercisii attrod'tiit upon tbe prou f Chi ku s-jgi Park. aino jesU.drty m iruiug 20 6pe cul tiahia from (;n ittsnxK's bare nUed in in- c tj. Oa tbene trains cvrue.m uu of tho Grand Amy -nd the 4n.ffe U ta'e veter4Ds who u i bu t 'uJi.g ibo exercisea at Cliick.tQi.-uj4. It is ea i iikUii ibat.alnre yester dsiiLO.iiiug l5.U00 ui earners ol tbe Grand Army of tLe Reuoblic iave an (red in ibe c lly. From tbe ?oircundii)g country thoasands ot the Cotifcder.4,6 ret. r ma attended tbe le.aoimi ex Tcists which oc curn d at 3 oVlock this afteruoon ar I will brt in LSncolnto. week. Those desiring cot J w.ii una me at Dr. Will Pr, old atand, next door to Mr. H offlca. Satisfaction guaraLte money refunded. Db. L. s. 1 our party; our opposition to any I " 7 attempt to imPo.9 upon thie ooun- ,.,Tb.a tCDe' ," lbe "P0''" .- - a u a j jt . , , htoiinm at the reomon ot tbe . , : B ne and the Gray this afternoon empbasiEd the statement that .' the rency, and our firm belief in tbe wisdom and beneficence of a tax npou imports- which will afford protection to American industry and adequate revenue." Congressman Lock hart of the Cth North Carolina district thinks that the Silver Convention held at Raleigh on the f&th will tend to dismember the Democratic party in this State. . Ex-Gov. Simon Buckner of Ken tacky says he will not vote for Gen. P. Watt Hardin, the Demo crats candidate for governor, but will vote' the remainder .01 the Democratic 8ate ticket. . GeoT Hardin ia a free ailver candidate on a sound money platxorm. Senator Vest ot Missouri, says he has not changed his views as to the money question. He is still for free silver. Indianapolis, IndM had a $500, 000 fire oa the lStb. ... CapL E. Berkely, Supt of the Columbia division of Southern Railway has resigned and'mbved to Greensboro, N. C to engage in the tobacco business. The Bond .Syndicate, .which managed the sale of the last issue of bonds by Sec'y. Carlisle, has been dissolved. The-government, it is understood, has no furthet need of its service.: .It would ap pear from - the raboye - that' the Treasury is in good condition.-and j that all the talk about tho U. S. . 1 aAtirliova in 4 Vila T-a rvA will lvn Z . l ... They went, and the vUUora ta. to say r.ght here in the 'j".1 Tr opening ot the exposition has Inau gurated a new era of good teeling. The ovation received by theJKorth-. erh Governors, espactally that bv Governor Morton and uovernor McKinley, reanhed a climax ol ea tbusiasm seldom equalled. It is some'thing nbusual to see tbe Govs" ernors of so many 8tatea on one platform, and still more nousuai to eee eueh an incident as the pinning of the Confederate badge on Geo. enlF-dreblld by Obsirman Hemps hllb (lover nor Morton's speech wss very short, but his appearance was greeted by a tremendoos-dem on st ration. Governor : McKinley was received In the same manner, and made a solenoid nttranc thoroughly In harmony witb the ocK caslon. . :.: ; .-'v;.. . . - Yictcr Herbert, of Gilmore's band Dshersd in a dramatie scene - by playing a snceesslon of airs, begin, nlng with . -Sewanee niver," and paaslnn; in sooef sloa to Yankee Doodle, Dixie, Columbia and the faUrSpangled tanner- "Deafenioc cheers reeted Dixie, Yankee Doo4 die and Colombia, and when the inspiring atraWof the 8Ur 8panN gled Bannar were heard, - tbe creat arose si ooe'mao, waring handkerchiefs and cheering, to; the ec-h-?r ?A waf at ibU j onctoro that was . introdoced t0? .tTt?cied ihe 'great .ovation. Tbe .standard bearer t of Governor Morton's laffbad'planted'the'New' York flag on the stsgf, sid' wivexf it as the Governor came forward. Tbe flag called forth a new burst of TAX NOTICE. I will atteod at follows u rH for 1893: - wea?Ule. Tuesday. Uct.V triangle, N .oedaj, 231 Denver, Thursday, 2ttb AlachrlaJa, rifiy. 2i b Iron aution, Uonday,2Siii Beam's Stare, Tuetdty, Beaj Stort, Wedne3aj, 'Stth ReepTiHe, Thursday, 3pt it; ii If nsDii. Mtr Lincolnton, H. C.er t. 21, A WANTED c To rent two nicely h:i rooms in 6ome good, quiet U suitable for light hou?-kt Apply at this ofiice. LOST One large red folding book containing SU.ll cash and some valuable p Said pocKet book was od tween Lincolnton and IX ville on last Tuesday, papers are of no value to owner. Finder will W erally rewarded by ret4 fiaid book to L. K. Wetmore . Iiincolnton. N ALWAYS FRESF EST CAH 31 A mess? Always as Reconnue And will be bold in coa fonnity witlJ the fiines, at M flow a maigi&l jof profit as (consistent witb bimplj a liyiall business. The Highest -M Price Ii always offered for cou dace. GALL OK ME. B. F. CRIC

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