i t L1NCOLNTON, N. C, Mill) At, OCTOBER 4. 1895. NO 2- I llJlld VOL 1. Sea Got fcpial PI Bit pwn$hf al aea ai Hat? e. tox cash, edit. unrig rfcntasal bit S. aribr to Term t E H kni lot li e Co Mond 1395, ptupiai said ttie del ire the e urther Jfor absi hawet intiff, :-theri this fcciu cqu: 7o - Wwui Vcember Vill be berV M May. d. Ten ttCE lor ihe ilki'nso'aj W CM 11 parti ale au n- or Ibex. 14 be 8ape - n. Drrl lissfiaw kited 8 iatorr hi AMANCE. AL- I Y PatriotwV ' 1. In last: Sund;ivhs issue of the Observer there is an article on tne it r4, i'i whichVa jrnth?--mn sairg-'st the erection of a m -.n-umGfni on the battlefield of . Aln. nxanvxto those who wore ' killed Lfirs t vijvi a r j a, t s t: tui I e f. r i n - jt i; i i irif rtaa iti 3 Lite of af fairs tVit N'orh Carolina has nev T wi(h one exception,. Been fit to - j migni consider il poetic license and let tin nutter drop, but not so :is it. is. They were Americana all, b )un 1 t the c')luii(M lv every ti-i of filial tbv ton, whicii was fofeildy shown ny iueir conduct in liter vearj. m woll m on previous occasions. A:i ! i .v, turning from the on ii iiiu; tyrants and bleed in he roes, an 1 a';un castinjr our eve to- SOUTIIKllN 1NDUH- ; ,;. THicH. ; .. IV o JSlnilciaIii: lit. TfJioIi A(lvanMiueuL Aoi-ttljrn CapitulluvuHtod. IV W HT'urnuooM llowa Iu -Now lil n't oi'prlMOH. t J'.i.tim UK, . ipu 26 Reports to lb ) Mauufa;UKer's Record shows that the list of new enterprises pro ble it to se thai, as party, il hid g.-Uea rather near to dangerm. .1 i v, . . . Kioitii.i, uuu cimuiw ii I. ink.- Us And" re.ko it fuiup. J'Olt (JOVKHNQU OK It: bearing) course v It we are to regain poassion of North Carolina next year or there after, it will not ,1 by conceding that our enemies are right or by going into conventions with them to promote their peculiar ache ward t no Revolution, which began Mecte4 iQ tbe Sonth darlD ihe P8t It .will not be by cutting ourselves wee wa- unewu. luau .u, n fR)m ntioual t i do not indicate any Blackening in the central industrial advancement of this section. ; The lertilizar combination, which only lour years later, we sees in vain fur Regulators serving ' the American cause- One historian, indeed, has gone so far as to say that General Person, of Granville jjence county, was a violent regulator, over- nerbetuate ill ; stone the memory fhordebarted creat ones nnrnnfised shaft would not be Y this -language probably ; . I; . it , draws the case. He doubtleaa did t riAairfthreJ But. nuttinff this a11 that he ... ! u that line to check the evils prODOaillOU asme, it may nut- uc . , . r .... . " K j - I plained of, but it takes aml83 10 COUSiuer iub caaiiwwi ui the Regulator's themselves. Thflir leader, one Herman Hus the extent of saying ttiat the national party is entirely wrong, but it will be by alliguiug our selves closely with it upon national consistently could in com- a vivid imasination to connect the honor ed name of Thomas Persm with has been formed to IncloJ eight . " " CBi" oi the leadmz fertilizer mioofacU ""b kv arers ia Virginia and North 0 tro Una, will faav capital stock c! to. resort the government of $6,500,000. It Is intended by th'a Nofth Carolina to honest and com- cbmbmation to operate all of the Patent hands. We are a small plants which ar included in It, but iitctoT in national affairs but if our it is hoped to redoes the cost of iuence mere were potential ther is noining in national legislation Konfl waa'exDelled frorn the Col- M"1" "ltt33 Wl "0su,aiul' 111 "uo prod net ion very materially. onial Assemblv for publishing a l' ,lU, UiUl"' I Cotton mill eoterprisps indnJa a equai to us in importance with res- - hhfil acainst Juilse Maurice Moore. 15,000 pmdle mill hi LeGrange, cuing our own state xroin the o uug v i"tui3, auu owni uiunu- ria t0r wliicb bids Hre bsinor in- nanus oi me wreckers. - krieir Iiiq pfthnn home he became a the com- ei bL 7" vitea, snd ttie deoision or a mill at The point we are coming to is imagine him in sympathy with the Anderson, a. O., to doab'e its oar this : The absurd affair at ftaleigh band of incendiaries who applied pflci:y by adding 18.00d spindles Wednesday will, we telievH, tend the torch to private dwelling, as4 the increase to be male Urcelf out to make Democrats glad to forgnt was the ca9e with Judge Hender- of surplm earnings after having about gold and silver and to turn son's property. If searched with a declared dividends. A Wilmiug- their thoughts to the more practi- fine-tooth comb and microscope it tou, N. C, mill will add S00 looms, cal question of local self-govern- is doubtful whether the rosters of Among other enterprises reported ment. Certainly no silver Demo- our tr6ops would reveal the name for the week were a knitting mill crat.can have any joy in reflecting of a single person of prominence and wood woiking plant in Georgia ; upoI1 the deliberations of that day who had served in the insurgent lae propose aeveiopmeui UJ J J and no well-regulated sound iiioi.hv 11 Till lkark v.. aIaA a m MlflUUB aAmVA aB army ar. Alamance. iney were cm uapiiuiieno ui xw.uw iwro ui nearly to a man Royalists. Some timber, coal and oil lands in Kn writers virtually contend that the tnaky and Tennessee; a 30 tou cot- patriotism of th3se people was ton seed mill in L missus; an only exceeded by their piety; that srchitectual . iron foundry, water v.o.r Koon nrtmnflllfl tn'taVfl tliR woiks and $500,000 irrigation com- Aud this, too, when he had beehl b ... A m in Texas and miscellaneous disturbing element in ,inunity, and next we find his de luded followers, thev "Regulators,' : engaged ,in the unique method of redressing their grievances by as- iaultlng the judges who wereap pointed to hold court, by taking po8se3sion of the public records ! fthd'holdins high carnival in the public buildings - of Hillsborough During allv their riotous conduct Husband stood manfully by them until the appearance of . TryonV army and then "hastily took his leave. Being a Quaker he had re- O 1 ' lim nn Knr.ri ortm rCk 1 aA irk tnlrA tllfl I I. n( 1 n nnn. oftar ,fliair I Dfttl IQ expelled irom mat seai oi immor- , , enterprises in other States leal CUCY WC1C Vlll 1 U , I violate it. It such was the case The iron interest contlnnes very t.hv wfir snnerior to Washiosrton active, but a number of f rnaoes himBlf.-for that ffreat natrmt bad wbiob wou,d into bUst under n mt l . - g o Lio a v v T w m in a a. held a military commission under u'u ' - " - thi8 financial controversy, th XLiUgUSIl UUlUUllty pilUl WJ mo ivry- ohition, and consequently sworn allegience to the king. Caswell and numerous other North Caro linians had taken similar oaths in filline civil as well aa military ality. ; So much for Mr. Husband. Referring to the battle of Ala- iUHUVV v w ' - j - says it was the 4'first conflict of arms between the Royal Troeps of 'fingland'and the- people of the Colonies." Another writer wax- eth poetic ,The rustic ploughman at early morn, ' The yielding furrow turns with tg but the 0ppreasion of the heedless tread ; Or tends with frugal care the ; springing corn, Where tyrants conquered and where heroes bled." i Thus we have presented to us two passages which involve : Firstly, The- character of the L 'Royal Troops of England" or '.tyrants. mother country they properly con sidered the release from the obli gation thereby assumed. Historians are fond of oompar- abintv to secure ore and eoke on' short notice, the output of mines now in operation being, fally ab. not bed by the furnanoes in blast. Danug the week one furnace at Middlesborough was blown in and ano her furnace at the same place will probably start within a few weeks, to be followed later on by the large steel works which a Democrat will have a disiKwitioii to prod the honestly misguided men whose names .are associated with this fiasco. If in this spirit of forgetfulness we can get together to redeem North Carolina the in cident which makes forgetfulness agreeable will have been a bless ing, and we can all afford to for bear recrimination as to the re sponsibility for the introduction of is ap ple of discord, into ou local mli- ticar. rjharlbtte Observer, Sept 27th. Hov to Train tho 3Xmiio- 5 J'luiitolloi 3o Gill IVoaaa- l it toil Overwhelm rl oaa tho'Flmt Ballot. ' - .i U i m. Trtox. .Nit J.r Btpt. 26. Tba Demoer4ti) ttraU Oosstron east bervi tod ry 4o oolaat- m caDdtdte for Goverotr.- lAUea UeDraott, cb4rnii f AhwfitmU r -eoomlttes called the 010 r-jntwa to bratr ' aC 11.20. SimueTKalllid,-ot Nw ark, u well-kuoa crttalol Imnyrr wu uuide le4arary chains a a. A receH wjs taksw aatll 3 o'clock. llas'nes was resaensd at 220 with Judgo Howard O Arrow, wt GarmUo. as permanent cbaumao Th plat form was presented, rs4 and adap--ed nnammoasly. Hat two haimo-i were placed bsforw tb convention ulisiicellor CdoGill aoM Aoeaatus W. Cutter. MeGitl'wns nooaluated oji the first hilloU Cutter rso- ir. ing only 153 vote oqt of 952. Mo Giir.i iiomiosiioii was tbsy declsietl to b i ananlmoua mltbtMgb a band ful ot delegate protected. The conten iou tbeu Hdjouro'ad. Foi'oiog ure sxoe'rpts front the rlatf.rni : "Wh r.v-affirin tie-national lsna . ocratto pitlform adopt! at t:be- o in 1S02, aoo oordlaUy eodoriMi tbo h ImtQiatratiOtt- ot PrMtduc Clevflaud, wUU s04t detraatuSi tion to protect tbe-'peobU' of tbifl couutry Iroin lbs evils sjvst alteod aottipo'i a debassEOeot of tbw na lior.al oarreocv ar t most earnest sympatbyv Ww? ootiRrAtu ate the people upon lbe: revival ef prosperity, everjwasro videui' in onr land, and we tuset t that Ue iu- dnstrial depressioo wltU which -we havo been wfii-cte I donog the psat hree jears is obargeble to tb ua- tionsl legislation eoactea by the Kepublicsn party Tba porch sae of nil ver to bo stored In tbe.Treaa nrY aid Ihe enaetmdht of unjust aritT laws to enrich a few favorites xrj ux u i 1 1 r vf niinvm ui cousnmers, were the main cacscs oj the psralysis of oor.msrkeU. That oariWsis. with an eaDtT . national i - Treauy, ware the Ujjaoles reoelv- thoe -hu VrtioiaUd in the journey wer totally reduced from lack, of food and we're obliged to abandon rtb 'cUetrfpt to make further progrsie Itrthis respect their work traitout V rvpetilion'of last yaar'r faliaW althocgh the weather axperisnottd was 'much mora uroratrieHyr than last. Near ry all tWthmVfrire Ukea on the ezpodlliun dij4,-and the re mainder had td bta. ahniLbecaise -o 1 the Uckjf food fdrtrwnrrt ' ' ' Th4 'KitxeHetx4ed splendid weather in the north and started to explore thai wswt sld of mith sotxnd afWrpiokll ttp Lieutenant nji nil Iloi-ity (live, tlto llo to the CaJainltyIluw. lr. Delegates who at tend -d the Ra leigh silver convention from a dis tance saw, if they looked out of the car windows," not evidences setsn yers of famine, but fields of COXXt and COtton in bonntifnllv plentiful that they seemed to l 'rtfUctiog back to the skies .the smile of propitious providence, were acres unon irr f t, , snowy staple of the South. True, ihw burning heat was causing it to open unusually fast, and to no Ahlrr.r4i-A'a7Xl xUat damaring it, but the inn.iail insiry nesfr! Tms She I?UIUpof u blessings acts on the traversed tha whoUasi, visiting P?ncjpIe of pensati.m, and ..ojfl.v t wh6 doea nt know that the hurt- tleton Iilind.r Perhspe the xnoat Important dis cove ry of this trr was two meteor- iteeof Urge iixs and bf alsiost pure iroa which ened crop means higher price?, to farmers? There were wide atrntrh ing fields of corn that had U-ii topped and stripped of its blade. . . land these having Itrt if t lir.l werwtaxen bn Loara.i. . n Another met, snnghingabout ly th- heavy, forty tort waw-found; but ifwas fuH-rained ear. iu the yellowing impoesibUtO'brihf tthome; - .L foT ?'""'. -training " wear uu uixier aa i-t a - Sidney Wolietr,' the New York elocutionist, pays that the way memory can be trained is by con scant exercise. -i "I - know ' thirteen of Shakes peare's plays and Tennypou's 'Idvls by heart, besides a vuluore 17 ; '-r ' ' J-a thai i to Secondly, The character of those premature ;fcpatriots," or "heroes," who composed the forces collected bylluaband. judging by the test of patriot- iarnas torth relative to these; dis turbances by both historians of our State we, must consider auong the ''tyrants," who .composed the armiea under Tryon and Waddell onjthia occasion, and in 1768, such Reybluttpnary soldiers and states men as General Francis Nash Who afterwards fell a martyr to American liberty, m 1778, at the Battle of Germantown, and his brother. Governor Abner Nash ; text comes Major-General llobt. IJowe, Nqrtn , Carolina's highest ranking officer in the Continental Line ; then Richard Caswell, dis tinguished alike as general- and pyernor ; William Hooper, signer f the Declaration of Injlepend hce; W illie Jones, president of he tae Committee qt Safety and Bnember pf tb,e Continental Gon- feresa ; Major-Gfenerals Griffith, teutherford and John Ashe; Bri adier General James Moore, ana reyet brigadier -Generals Alex nder tillington and. homas lark. In addition to these are iehard Cogdell, Joseph Leech homas Polk, Alexander Osborne, biiemon, Hawkins. Sr., John inton) Neeaham Bryan, apd ores oi other, noted patriots too umerous to mention. Had. it een the poet, instead of the his- were bu It in connection with these ing the Regulators with those who fornce8 jQ8t before the Baring resisted the Stamp Act. The dif- fftllnre. English capitalists are ne ference was that the Stamp Act LotutiDg to purchase the machine of m'.ecellsueous poetry. My pro ff-nm tha hicrhat. law-makine i .Art. Kn;if t Mirt I cess was simple. I went nard -w m. - aa u w fcr v authority of the English govern- aieaborough at a cost of tSOO.OOO. Ef. l ... Perhaps not anXTnmlxed Miiv aoniitranal atriaa a.rt cur- r,nt imn -th craf th KitalH1 cuuld Ai th lnorania "1 astotheextremetie.toBearyf-Lbe P-Pty rolled on, intr-LP1l and th servaht werWceduced by UtwT;u m rtr c' M hunger.- According, to the, sto- g,rowth of mnw -J ak-f hillsid ries, which thr-wxiftorarr-f use to "J0- of tobacco could U. .. .hr rflrm r.T,-- ah- wr tbe ral K111 gracefully falling . almoet starred ad4oTCed to eat P1' junt Uginnim' eealmeatandotherrafuae in order to undergo the gilding and br,.., to preserve their UrUt'.' Peary and P P"" of lh PuiUr .,, his companion.-tm buV little to goW-a-md shook its bright say in regard to their experiences. U Iou the ltUsru "r The overland expedition to I nd- cheered up even the most.. Imrn-i. pendent Bay, it-ia learned, was PU ,wlth " U 'P't im- nnfcaaraaliafaetrv Mb. U Th" aple blu-ll-1 anticipated, - but -came- vary uearj with crimson beauty and oak and chestnut and hickory glared and glittered with autum gold but weorget; the mention of gold is nut in good taate in condition' rith a silver convention. If the resulting fatally to Peary and the other two-. They .started late in March ou this -6uxneyrand after reaching indpefodsno Bay were utiahL-to pruQwwd' mona than a fe1 inilee-aloof the coaat, just beyond V delegates went by way their former -tstonninff ulace. Uiu, ud wia.W. p.ood v - further on" account of the precipit oue nature of th dsscaV. 1 During the trip an- unexpected contingency? arose, owing to we ed from a Republican administra-fact tml UeuUnaat. .Pry was tion. Tbe batUa alhlt a system i M t.loeaw biw siche-of last fostered in violatioa of eelf-cvldnt veax : He-waa-nabU to discover laws o! pollticsl economy has been ; j- indicating it. and wss won. Every atraffftla .fcalast In- craipUled to continue his journey trenched wrong s attended by I jh tUtf .pU. food '-supply Jess spindles. Tkoy heard th-m frbm Charlotteon, at C'i-..rd. China Grove, Salisbury, Ixiiikji n High Point, Greensboro, Rurlinir ton, Graham, Haw River, Iur- hara.j Thsy saw, if they ul their eyes,- in the cotton mill" kim! tobacco factories and their en virons, men, young and old, with pnvaiionsaDo sunenng, oBfc whi ..oon, am never endorva id Talu. liei three men eaiy and-Hen .fj I sleeve rolled up and arm h- muscles swelled with strength, or ment, a,nd tose who defied it were therefore resisting British m . - . . ' - . oppression, ine wrougs irom which the Kegulators sunerea carpe from the misconduct oi eub-r ordinal e officers of the State gov ernment. It should' be borne in mind the King of Great Brittain nd Edmund Fanning were differ ent individuals. General Waddell whose brilliant career was cnt short-just before the outbreak of bad Evil. to rork and learned them by note Sometimes I would read ten lines carefully over several times and then attempt to repast them. It I failed I would keep at tbm till I knew tbe lines perfectly ; theu I white ii-o-wu 1 .1 ihorcughly learned 4adr will-l 'mm n a t.. Pna and snowy linnets gave a O I aV,W ww -l s ninll'SLiJltlurtUQJ Vaft t III s We cannot but congratulate the Democracy of North Carolina upon 1 oritiog ten lioea at h time tbor- its great good sense in absenting I ougbly Had little trouble to te itself from the silver convention, pet an entire poem ot a tb.uiatid at Raleigh Wednesday. That con- lines or more. My' favorite way of vention could only, commit iteelf memorising is while I am wa'kinjr. unreservedly to the cause of silver (Orteu. I bare walks I Itseo or rr Tfrfnsft to do so. If it did the twenty miles repeating long jvoems ment of the Stamp Act in 1765, as ii0( olort fianftral Ashe. Yet at a il CfcVA uwy -vw iater period these gentleman did not hesitate when called upon, to aid in 'vindicating the authority of North Oarolina over the lawless element which sought by mob vio- ence to strangleiier courts. Alamance is of ten'ref erred to by rthe enthuastic writers of our State on tViA heinnine of the War for the War tor independence,, nau nrr in it would like .'Mile Standlsb.' Kaocb Ardeo alrea4y been among the rat and lyea out of party . Und 'Etaine It somehow comes foremost in opposing tne eniorce- thr could be no ob- natnral to. me to memorize while ject in the meeting. The Demo- walking. I seem tQ rememer cratic candidate for President next better what I hwe conned Shak vparwillbe a sound monei -mar, aspeafe's playa are diracult to mem. - . . .1 m n t? Art jml rnardA(rtL .i Democrats of this State nave put -'"'7 .i ..u.. .nmmU l rany u is aside tne. ouuurtmuigr ve,in advance airamst him. dramas than pom. If I While the Democratic dgMte for to m.ke the . .ehi ..t.k In and promote of thb convention re.d.nt my I e. .ro, ... a - T am narAfnl to know what I recite have made a universal show Qt - ioc to abide bTb ffeUlotf ol n l :u, . , ? . .. A.,m .h.ir charming picturwqa.neM to ic.e.Mgeatpb o. '.n- ,dU .impUcit, of their aW 1ht during-in : llirlrwa of '"7 r - ,tr4:n vu work for all of these. At cknsendeffscVWtetgh- '1 "d ly learned ara st are -wllim to ha heen so great oa nam, vn ltle.trackt, ablda by Ibt dectitos.-411 l.um- T rIJ tttT " thee were hardly train- would try ten lines more. By mem Kent people who ara now enteiiag I 1CJ "J mm f enough to haul it away. Th. upon a period of' ptosperily that TTfW traVeUer upon the Seax,ard or will Pr6ve both aatiiajaMl and' ea- becaosa nl the Coast-Line, or whatever route h- . adeqtarta medical tupnlies were not , . during ' V , . . . . . rt" . - pursued, saw virtually the arne Chancellor Alexander ' T. McGllI on hand and it J d picture-the ample outiouring of ... u -m . tram t n -' no wiiuui uib - is a Pennsylvanlati bT wrta ana oi " " , vests ot sge, It ufeat' thst h. from-exhamtxon. But he rallied will resign ihaebarwellorshlp Id eventually. AU three of -their order to be free to tat toe aturop- invee Charlotte Obaarfef. prosperity into the lap of the good old State. ' No, "having eyes they saw not. and ears, they heard not.' Then 8 Nato- inore diffi nll to rerite peary Found, Sf. John's, N. .F.,. Sept. 21. The Peary relief ftaamer has ar rived here, with Lieutenant Peary ..ml bU pomnanioni from Green- ... . - E Indepeqdence: but it is cpnpli- themselyes individually, w appr v,af tVio nutoome will not be I roracreaaman Settle fiivee tbe neqtary tq the iptelligence oi wUhout gQod to the party. it i8 New Yotk Tribune anme qnito. in tViAir rfiftiiers that thev do not at- . . . .,vmiI. ..tu. nnAn v...ih nm. aaan T n T. I HIIlLKJraUS baliUUV auwi" l LDCklUK !" Hmm bsppen hxm on lxard. When the Kite reached Whale sound 'on August rd. Lieutenant Peary, Hugh J, U-e. and their coldred aemht, M,,tt Henson. were ' icsAnd waiting for it. Tta party- nao oaxy" davs lo-eviously ..ratuxned.- from ..uriand aTjaeditmn. : which UIT3II m: tempt to persuade them hat the I alUanceg with people I Una i obi ice. Qaite a. considerable !l had proved a comparauye.ia.aure . . . . Lieutenant Peary and tne otner late in xaarcu uu uw Regulators themselves even 80 L other partiea. Every DemcfcraJ element ot the R-publicans of tbe J. Lieutena much as dreamed of independence- Qp gyrv"Q QQm J state, represented by Mr. Settle, .two started T?nr the information Qt tOB PUD-I ... .u . Dn,.. mhttlrmin TfTnHnn National Com-I ';T" P T T. i I " ' : ' lie in general and Jumeelf in par- ;. . i , l . .aA' 9 i U 1 n n.(!i1a tifn ar rnH wrimi ui tu ai uvio ... . . . j : v."'-- i " . I nnvontinn ia rnnav a. uiauiouiiw i ." -i I ' . . . t resDectfullv invites any person Li " nf wWanv- aeUiag Ont to Ue lira. What on the previous wptOAuau. s - . I Til H 1 1 II II L UU WW -. .- 1 . ... IndemnisA ;rht mtislr oxen, trot during the ioumy they had to sacrrflca the I ef e sincere men at the silver eon weaker dogs and feed "the flash to I vention, but the political Anaiu- theotrtorrt waccessarytolasea ox mree parues aianui - - sustaintKanaai ussausjuiaa jougi y as poaaibH toaaabla thair suppliaa their way to nowi calamity. naL and instnn-aaatavto ba brought an awful thing to fool the people alotMr.' ')GaV-t2 fortT.nin ddga Wfool God's poor and simple and which suited, aniy e3aereturtla:pxi" pevic "i vv ali ve, . ari IrTatdgw were nanciai raiiex i iney are suner VWndofifldodiirinit' the two days ed to escape an Ananias fate, but " i.. . . - it r . i lust -nriortotbawtaxriof the party it wsni neiter m tne ena lor uio- to Annirsrwy. ladaJ . n that they were drowned it. . . 'i-w.- j,vJ the ' sea-depths with a millistoii? Their - saf rstutn-' thsy looked . .r s . --v', . u round their necks. Charlotte Ob- unon aa aimcasc si nuw, " .. . --v ii .server. ing" those vwo oaya bmtumj -Ma of food i sa l lri tnouths of WaW ' ay i lhamv. and rtha straggle to reach: their som fcasr-fana'OiwrTer increaaiDg aaiSarinj - When the rlse srx art i tha Fay or. not nn RMOimi Ul WUftloui-i"; -f ' i t x . . i ' 1 who can do so, to give the name of w i- uirn now but hu tuey will do about It next year re- pendence Bay wa raacnto, eay - o!nai0 inHividnal nnt of the two UUVV . 1 "'7" ' i . 7 m.m. ift ubarlotte Or T.,..H hut thaw- waa noc aoouga thousand composing the army as- reason of what ly ya a Mmr,. , . j IUen in the ry WaocmpliabTany a I . A. a - - A ana aa, x . . I r iitt ltu Mill! li&i u aa, ay at aaamai semoied at Aiauiance, wuu ohci - ucn, v,, r r . r . . . . . . .a- I - V ti A. . a Va a W ra wards material lv aided m the es- he has shown. tQ anwat? "h I. n .1 .1 T n.nas t- , i , ait undertak- Lttuuouu4., - -.- - i common eueuiY k -ns iti-iy OQMvgol tDa nnmuve - . m. JM J-k a- rD, whose laDgpage above quo- P - DeUwpt Havwood, d lets these gentlemen down as v , Ki Hpyal.Troops of England' .we Charlotte Observer. Dandruff la due to aa enfeebled bold venture. Tfcay Vara further ate of the skio. Halla flair Re-deterred from, any raa undsrtak- common enemy K fl. T V newer, quickens the nutriti ve - b the . inanQciency ' of their vised oonduet or tnese wtww(- fnnetiooB of the skin, beaiinir ana i a . w..Kh u r riAVwoou, . . d it - fnrmlllion of dan-1 food suppiy, T Kaleigh, N. U. does not iuyt- t--j '.7, " Vrff - . 1 foreseen last' year. All kraa r. mnstbethatthiiroeetmgwiUena-ldrnff foreseen ia j, . Wt COOth ,Yenr OasUIIMX, JLfaas Sept. 2C. , .. . . . ; IHarrazd'a Uni vanity began its. nAna." W,",, with iucrewed ;' tr-j , I attsDoance 10 aii oepartments ana ariAnofaToi their 1 proeperoaa year. -The students torrihla srrptirw - lieutenant! have baaviv poaring into Cambridge Pearr -i waa-xtzalyr aoo-coxn- b j , vne oiu mittakiteto-a tTL.nmfl fin generaUy, anall dli Fy Ibnitla and ' activity once more, clined to expr arcpiniaa oa the Ersry atudant is required to reg work djaa. will they sUta1 later today, and regular lecture aaw diacojnariaa have been I begia thia afternoon. News and mjade. GresnsboroKccord. iQbtatrsr,

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