-i I 1 . J lihC0hNT0N,' N. C5., IMI;! AY, OCTOBlill 11, 1805. ; f0 i 1 ... v : ; : - . . .... -.. . f i . - ' . - . ' , - : " 7T, " -j VOL . . - - . It I r Value. 1 a I .To ll'ilifr of the Oh?erver: Ti, JO OB out I 'J'he :!i iruineJit from v. Ku-li you - - r : or v. t oern one of Ue doctrines nir i democratic. party. of S'efiator Mill9 quoted feeelv iii i. 1 k'HiL yllUr ;-iU'i ; nit ui inst., - tun tlusiv.r!y -!iivs that ,kiree silver' It i- n '"iiUKuiion pwce f-r the im'u-jtTi '. ! Hpoeches (if that true I'Pcnhi. . .mi, i.arueie, ana tuese Ten- ture to predict, prove to be proper preiuW's ii the utterances of - our ipresj'leut, in hia forthcoming mes sage 't Congress." " " .' ' But- after all our searching into the' history of financial legislation in the.ruittid -Sta'tey, Srodr!ntd the -Duhiio utterances of our . 6tatesrnan on ttis subeqt,tao -we not at Inst . come, pi .T-aecessitt'Q te cdifcluiDn thut, when biif 'leg islators thought that'thfty vv-'erlM-a "stah Ja 't4 oi vsAuq-t-a,t,one titoe, -jil-yer, jas roniersay,afad'at I another, time,: gold, a some 'Bay optf I they were, in: real - vefjtyj mere)y 895,1 I recording what the merchants and trade re the exchangers ofcvalitfes. the- "iiiiildle menVsoX the .ivilizeo: world, the men who make and. con trol commerce,' rhad heretofore4 done? . . , . It ha always seemed to me that all assertion-- about Congress ha- mg nxea or cnange.a at any. time the ''ttandaid of value'' is' founded on a inieconceptiou of the poweif of oor national legislature. The con stitution has not imposed any such impossibl thing wlych, in. each pnrliciiiar nn tion, is callel "legal tender curren cy 4r "MoneyV as above defined, rrar no prticuUr shape. ' It has on it l.o eeriaiu stamp. (Juki 13 the, JUjIy.thhrg itvG.Mi:s wrrrhl that now filla l lie measure of thid definition. iNo imlter what ihe shane.whpfhr m round pieces or m l.n hara, ly heconiuioir const nt .f the civil ized world it id .'money," and lioiiiing else ia. It is "money" be , cause ibis "current with the mer chant;" . it is "current with the merchant" because it is "money.'' Such is the clear fact Tfeevchase o'Fa boy after a: butterffy' Ts' profit able labor compared " with the search of the "silverites" after the reason why gold" is "money," and why silver is not: "It -is a condi tion, not a theory, "that confronts US." The commerce of the" world says that cold.- afid-Mc alone, is vrjrld. . Therb- is' no "monev'' in - V - - - J "money," and therefore,the "st'an-1 -tie. United -States except the puu one- TT1 X r 'BOnrce; if'lhe liar lis not iiimv.T 1 IZ IZ 11 ltf t-S" lXTS'IO! tli N. i 1 . . neither are ihecoju-i mad" t!ire-) from. .Congre$.mtfY- make pjlvfrr . 11 cu:'pg',-l i?iidtfr.'-: It cannot niklA;then,:', or" an4hiiig hf "mrny.', The mind that, after . , ...-. ' due ' reflpctio 1. .n'juui.i that it can, iie-ia thj tieution of ' the fricrndd of its.:ewner,'as4 Yhucli as does the mind of th'e'rnaclnnisC who is seeking after perpetual motion or the mathematician who is work ing diligently at the old problem of squaring a circle. - But such men tal organisations are not much more unreasoning than, that.one 1 atupposes that fey .some inter ri:itional agreement, the-merchanU and graders of the civilized world may -be induced to 'ch'angethe.ir Jtiinds and tastes Vs to "nioiy," The stubborn fact is that cold is Fe only "monev".in. the civilized nri4nr:l?i. . ?S'.tJi 1 CftpKhl.- rd of value" or the 'studjiri :r tf therein. The GtHer c-rculatinz on value 'and, therefore, "mouey" diuni of thif. great4 nation the and all that the legislature ot this uj nisi notes" ."silver . certificates. nation, or of any. other, or all Leg greenbacks, coin notes, silver coiils ielaturea together, can do is to re- (including that politician's favor- ccd -this edict, :thatrcbmmetce nas ibr,- fheMoli'dr of our daddiesl"nickr made- vl ' ,, elYand copper .coin Vt etc. is-not 'No little - part of" "the confusion "inbney'l at all. -tsome of this va of thought," so' aoparerji in much ri igated mass has, by statute," the of what'ia.. writU and-spoken on bgal-tender" quality that, by na th is subject j comes from Ihe fact ture, belbngs fo true "money" that 'money" -may be used to pay that is "to say, acceptability: by debts, and, -as nearly all of Jth crditprs, from debtors in pay men trading dt "Ihe "world is done "on of debts. , JBut- the stern fact re- credit," we are. led, almost.insensi- mains : . they are not "money." ( i Djy, 10 inins 01 Kier-t-paying as a -inow tnat uemocratic, sage ever function of "money,'v whilg,jiuj a-JVocate'dV befpr$j the coming of fact, debt-payinnjoirujreessary "the craze," that the laborer,' who function of moaey,-or, at most a toils, through the dreary hours of task upon -it. The Mise meir ..secondary 'one,: its primary thef.day or night, 3hoiild be paid fraitrd of that' most Wonderful in- function 'being'tdXacilua.te the ex- for his labor with, something that strument well knew that in the chankeof property. The debtpay- was libt "money," as defined above, very nature of things; the conferr- Power thisthing has grown nor controvertible into it-? What ins of such a' power was not bossi-1 0Ul 01 16 1 Cl l 1 8 moneJi Jjemocraiic- statesman or tne old ble In the loose -'argon of these I as aD0Ve defined. There must be school ever "advocated the 'doctrine latter days, and in the curious dia- distinctly Kept in mind, as 1 nave that tne-dehts diie irom the lite in- logical literature that fhe free sil' 1 8 ' distinction between "le- surance companies to the women her prorjaandists send forthas gal tender "and "money." Uon- and children, ot the- land; Irom evidence of their own wisdom and can mak the frmer7-"legal savings banks to their'depoitors; the solubility of the masses and tender ut of paper, as the court from any man,'wom8"n:,or cOrnora in the sanieut sneech of the seakers decided, and, of course, therefore, tion to any man or .corporation after office, we hear and read words Plu 01 anning eise; ana mere mignt oe nquioatea in "piping that seem to show that these writ- can be 100 m&n "lesal tenders" in time9 of PeaceM by something that t? hrsnnH .snplrora uhW tt tkJ circuiauon ior tne wenare 01 tne was "legal tenaer out not "mon- L?J Confess ol the United States, or f People, 'as all know. No man, or ey ;" noroonvertible into it? What tne farliameht 01 Great Brittain w J ' kuc, ui uiiUU 1 dcoau vv- ever nad too mucn ".money. ' it catea a currency not redeemaoie in ce. 1 M ne. 1 rcis He cannot be found, settles st file J of th Gcermaii Keichsta. or some 0 her legislative, boclv. rekt or U not possible to conceive of a na- "money?" 11; Jan. somehowfix a standard. tion haviDS ' to uch of so good a we gold-bugs say. We stand where of value, the stetnlact all the time l, lnga thlng f 0r .hicn-a11 other our fathers stood. We believe that beme' tharnot "'on bf thpfiPren rP90?16 exchange what they the laborer should be paid "mon- bodie riir all of thpnV toother tave- If Congress could, By any ey" for nis iabor that the farmer 'canmakn nr fiv a 4RrnaTd nf possiouiiy,- mase mis woDuenui buouiu oe pam money lor nis value " 'tho nn0r th M i tninS it should at once go to work products, that the creditor should A. - . . 7 " truth, fix such a"standard bi'ne as flbrs "as IsTnoVtie.law of npt ;make any money at all.' .tiVtt anyK)ther of nature's caDl to-y-irtn of -its -power n to "make" as much oi it as possi- The simple truth, is, it can- It under the constitution- -"coin . s - standard of Tal- that is, it can have, monoy. mader ihathingis notl010?111 lnto Pces of .a cer- 'money.-. it cniniotAbe- asUnaafd1-m;8lz3.ax,tt snape, ana Rut aQer- V value." no matter " what Wial txficate-fta Jthe piece contains a pe. "euact'meiU- Jde2fare ithtfSit certain quality of a certain metal. ml be. If anvthin is tnohev V But, when all this is done by its U the legislative enactments that direction, no money will be credit- 'efor J Mr removed "from the sphere.pl ;rior Ccc Payittioa of airy-oth mmutable enactm"ens.: - The. only real " W1 IS "iltiVT-Y " pould b9 devised (Tould hpt prevent ed at all. bat thing from being a "standard The b;f of goTd.when banded to f value." - r. r the minter is Imoneyjv When1 trie" H.val If, thf hav ''money" for his debts, and in fine, that any currency that is not convertible into "money:' unsound and dishonest, hurtful to the material and moral progress 0 Lour people. All Democratic 6ftges we say, have so thought, and have so taught. They were,alt of them, honest men, sincere men, truthful men, and all of them had, added to these homely virtues, that best of God's gitti- to the Jhuilders of this nation saving,- common'Bense and it is-.not possible that men of1 such natures could have thought There. 13, invested . in bankin capital iu.tbm Stale today $54S 700 more doklars'tlian were invest ed in 1692, the year of the greatest financial 'panic olrindt-ru years. This fells Ah'b whole' story the encouraging'ricital of how this eld State of ours, slow though she may be, has yet stood the pressure of hard times better ' than any other SouthMrn - State,' and how th mas3esof hef people'.' schooled Ur economy by buainesa depression are now in a bettej vndition than they. have-. ever been . Hero ia what -Auditor R.'M. jfiirmansaid - this lorulng, and b:. eked Up with cold reasoning of pl lin ' figures : - "Notwithstanding the calamity h'.NKlers, the Old North Stato has m.tut nioro- substantial improve ment tlie" past lhree';'yeard4lth'in ay' other jSoutiier,u . .SUte. u Uer pivp le.h a vje reduced their debt, hare t produced- mare.' Jood-stuffs" foi' 'man 'and bea'st, ,'and added mre to the manufacturing euter pr res during . t,hnt period than ducing all the time previuui, since thvi.war. As a most suggestive 'and important illustration, iri ad Ljdition to the above, is regular in creased of banking capital since ly)2. : banking capital, of all . t ... . Wnas of capital,. never increases ave in prosperous communities. u 1VJ2 the total baukiug capital of the State was '$6,582,000. . In July,. 1605, it was$7,180,700, show- ng an iucrease from J tily. 1S92 to July; 1895, of S5"iS,700. If to this could be added the large additions o the capjUl. of., yarjpus manu- factur:ng, enterprises, thn showing would trulv be pleasing." Aud qd thia,'too'durihg,the .seYrst panic known" to modern "tims.', . iNoriu uaroiiua js growing in all the elements which goto mako a prosperous and a happy peopled' We showed the above to Com missioner Patterson this morning: I wish the newspapers would print more statemtrnTs"like that. It does good. During the past year I have traveled h great deal over the State and have had an opportunity to.ob'serve the condi tion of the people. ' T tell frankly I beleivef that' the people Of this State are today in a' better condition tiian they ever 'wer he tore. They havelearued how to, economize; and 4 With good crops fand prospects for good prices, I I .m I i ti tf i ! v t j.ir-. lr i4 m.-: ..ji" lh.t. in vir readv tstlius powprfui cinnniii.i to tho; who di'fy tne law, oppress th people, who corrupt ffgislators and who build reat,. fortunes on the laJlenjhts.ocitizeii4. Newspapers are not publishetl merely for the health or amuse inonl of their editors. .They ar published for finHiicial gain.- The editor is, or ought to be, the ' ter vnnt of the public and h is en titled to a just regard for his ser vire. And he gets it by honest efTort. lut the editor who greed for wealth causes him tc open his col umns to every powerful and op pressive schemer i-j dihonekt an.1 ought V be branded ns such. The nu'roiiant who cheals his customer has hid Nemo&ia. Th; editor who bt?i ravs his people ought to have a 1 lace in the lh pnmiiua they made wer for catching votrs insincere ami .wiiuly utterance itiade with no thought or intention of. fulfill ment.' . lit our nwspaptra turn their pena urri-the enemy;-as they" lie .Hernr ua in all th' nakedness " of shameless hypocricy and' adjust our own ditferenos like men when our party meets in State and na tional convention for the purpose of formulating our platforms. Till this is done our platforms are our law'aud guide Ut US 1611 wonderful re 1 j There in now in proreaa Ja the ciij of AilHtitA an t-xpositioq jrhieh will cue fu mibature a prtttpr good rep(eMotation of the' iodustilat da xelnptneut aod progress .of. the South niece tbe war, or ratbeV tloce 1H7G, for it was about b"t time That tbe foduitrUl, prpgre&a - really bgan U tojLat t;me tbe , people of the South Lad about all - they coabt do 10 pmtoct thetnielrae I rem the boidn of olilkal- Ttm- pite-. mIktd and t.alve, wt)lch fl- W: siiington Tost Ti iiin going -"on m every part ot me fconiitry under v Democratic law and Democratic control. Tell thetnhow cotton hca riseu ip. price; how beef is briuging the janner more money than it ban has for tt n years under Republi. am category. 5 cm rulj; how vool baa boeu ad- vnti' ing almost every day since th Democratic taritf bill went in-r , . e" " , " . tt-nfd ihemtlr upon tbrm. It I the ,op!8 o the tok eu .v.v.l of trad that , ff , y f uI;v; tfrott till tllOj tn iteration not witn atADdliiC th" howls of Republican 'l'hre i a time io laugh and a ti'i to we?p; ther is a tim to n-j -ice and.a time to mourn; there is i time, to tall; nd .a tim to keep t silence all uf which is in accordnrcd,, . with Script ure. There is us much truth lu these sayiugs when ap At d to politics as to religion, and the Citizen would command their wisdom to certain newspapers aLd politicians in North Carolina lv. ' J lhisisnot the time- to weep pver what may be considered the failures of the Democratic , party, but it is an opportune moment to laugh at the inability of fusion in North Carolina to c irry out the pledges it made the people either as to Statu or national affairs This is not the time to mourn oVor the -'might have beens' but it is the most auspicious 'occasion for rejoicing over the benefits'tha Democracy ban brought the coun try. This is not. tne time to talk of any division tnat may exist in our own ranks, but the .opportuni ty of a generation is presented to the Democratic press and people in North Carolina to auk Senator Marion Butler, and Senator Jeter C. I'ritchard, and Congressman liirlmrti IVrsnti and the rest of l.i : 1 . t .. yon tne r un.on coiere as 10 wum iue r - onter 1 . r ' r. 'i ml f w J 1 1 i-i 1 r a tlmt thn "arrM I in. dutrv will bo crccitied by the WiUor; bill. Lot us tell the peo pb how the Democratic adminis tration is rapidly bringing the na tional treasury from a condition ol bankruptcy and ruin, in which Mr. Cleveland fouud it, to ou of dour at 1 tif, .inf t if o lb rrciper alien of ihe tjt-niii brg-n, lea tLe grtTMumtnt ot lie ral atafr' KOl into tt e'haod ( . their own f roj-l. 1L0 lun-i t t-f m tcat Urwl .tint T4nib d. iid tLrre aa aomi 1 ticourgt meut for our pecy p!- ii co to wa k and enter earn rpnj u;oti crk f u;d uildiop. for they ihen frit tt at tbr reign of pluulrr a' nil eo, and tbal m:t might ci jov tbe fruit of tteir Ul r. Betoie thai it was merely a a!ruggl for extairnce anJ aub piitrDC, titter that tbe efforU to MCCutnulal began. Ti'if wa ro'jJe pro2tei, of our-r, donog th tint dteade atttr ib war, l r tbe Itduitry, J eocigy and e.utei pne rf thr Sou'h- ' trn m-cp!tt couhl oot be wholly sap self 8Utport. Let us tell the la boring men of the almoat millions jprwet J. hut U la a marvel that on of their fellows who waaes have der xh" difcooraijing ccndiHotis to-' Un raised during tb 4vast twelvel ,Df r" ooicwg uacK and . I... .1 ,1 jtoctnteud jgaim.t. tbe the - places thut wer miierable An IncliiNtrlul South. think everything' points to a pros perous epoch m the States history.1 -Raleigh Observer.' , Hoiu'Ht ! oiiiiki11kiii. luen' we w ishnwhai, .mtoer has ohangerl it into lwentyp-taught otherwise. -Aift "flk'nd"- dollar pieces, it will haVe become Lvyv.; i t any oiveL .timelwaa tne""stand W of value." w hva lv to in. coinea money. Old Fooyi The merchants and traders of the civilized world regoric. arootlo J ,The:. higher price of cotton may- iire whm was then Wiey.'? auu V " 'JJiJk oot continue ; it may go down; kow, if ingress, or- any one or m every rnaKer; ana ax ail times, . wil, hodyoxe But ot t-leslatfve--riodiel of the wlJ1 cept -the- gola Oar or the f , for-our free silver Ithas aT- rrld, could pitefcer- 0 ' - we feel sorry "msitfl mono-w" anr.h 1 - IfrinHd while it. IflRTS. wrepuTJ,if biJnti awihare, pwpethvyialr to efctot a. knocked the .pote. oo.f" e.en, mate .standard -of valoev':: both or .'money ..-, therrawinient and tUey. must be " simple truth. , is that nbtfe of " VefrriiUerable. They- -would W nor all together Wma&l th9 fT' BX mt th! smartly.-if- decline it . . ... . i mere nan ts wui nou...aaii time? r- - ' . a. jjt rrs aupney'"at all. pade tW Ti - ana m au aatw, acwpi t iu ex- i iha 9Avn . ttfvSnlrl b hu ; A- i " - , ' ' . ' change for property. -Tt is idle to Mbneyis not m?h:f 4 Vetin a41.e t- their wits way. t JJ, .(rinQt;v:,fee. rf?- "," rJ..endslvAif the advance should b( that wavJ A clement CDa Tr l.; maintained, .These bright autumn amon oi money must be' Han,tZ ? daVs dT bounding blood and bound- F aU falk about the money que do so enougn tor us p.w -;ce8 are ..the-wmter' nf 'the pat is "money ? V Answer, f It hi t0 tbat n, Jxe entitled to the sympathy' of his Kthatthiug which tWmeWante tTfre on rth.-can mak theml &nd nymbt "the traders. -of h Pivibvarrworld uu4t. nhnreh.CharIotte Observer. all place markets aocenV rn PvohaVv for I W6-8ald ?Vna,vqt.course, wheal to remove the constipated habit. to rtv r "-t"' . x 3 1 tb'e.'xninter merelx-otiangs'lts tf!ivonly safe treatment is a course XUot' KlSrt do Jdistiris;arsn'Trtrom-'tbo3e'thine8: ?-?em P,ec.?. lef.ditijr physicians recommend -t.A..-t- lre yet not "money:" The foun-I Avei'e Pills, especially a. a family encv " "I beleive," said Robert Collyer, "thats a good newspaper U as sacred in if own-way as thi HiIjIh. J,t baa something iu it of the very present word of God to man," aid the .very present word of man to God.' . , . .... - .j - . Thi3 was the great tribote of -a great man to honesty " iu ; jonrnal iem. It ought to be the high aim of every newspaper man tu.deaerve it. " U'lmJ a an Imnocf f & ti 5 i-n 1e I If IJUV ID tall w uonpauwt . ' vXt is one-thaV,'within its proper sphere ars a punnc instrument, tells the truth without fear or fa-4 vor. , vrt. ... It is one. that, within-its proper sphere as a public1 ihstfumenl, telli the truth' without' . fearpr. ; Ja- Tt -is one tlia't. 4Kas. over as ' its guide the best and truest-interests offhe community, that is foittffiil I . or. ... . . ..- f ",' to ltsonsutuents, tnar uses every legitimate 'meaife1' t6n'guard and foster the welfare., of. Uio - people aud nid in their social -and politi cal Elevation; thatnpholds the just law-of the land, -that ; 'does hot he- come tne ready weopon oi .trusts and corporate aggrandizement' It's not one that invades th intend doing about' fulfilling the promises they modi last year when trying to gain support for the unnatural and unholy alliance they fostered upon North Carolina. I Where are the-re-forms they prom ised in our State atlairs? i the press of this Stat? keepj ringing in thn ars of the people the extravagance, the imcompe teiice, the outrageous enactment of the laat Legislature. It it be known from Manteo to Murphy and from Pender to Person, that instead of the reforms promised, the coalition legislature of last winter was a disgrace to this State second only to the carnival of - i crime and debauchery that was witnessed in Raleigh in liO'6'J. Instfad of striving to draw the line and show to the world th- diiTr- .ences that exist in our own ranks on the silver question, let our uew'apapers ply questions to coali tion Senators aud Congressmen, aud'nsk them how, when and wjjere they propose to give the fre.coinago as promised last yar. Thero is no paper iu North Caro lina but knows' thit these coali tibrii'sts'will stand in tbe halls of Tbe Atlanta Expoaitfoo, now op(Jed, will attract. the Htteoliou ot the. country North and South A Tbere has never been h time in the history ot tbe world vrbo the cot ton industry in mil of P. various tia JticatioDa was mora Important than it I; todty. ' Tbe Atlanta Lxpoiitton will dla play iu a concrete form alt tba in ventiooa ot tbU age, aud 'these m dicV;e 1q d 5touihtae degree tbe advancement -made iu tbe culttva- tioti ot cotton, as well as ID iti'man- uiacturo. ' ' Ir ljast one buodretlyeara aince Eli Wbitne: luvented tbe cottoo gto. .At that time eoutbern acri coltnre had come to a standstill lbe development of tba Soutbeto States had " t-eeu cDecked. There was h lethnry and a bopelesiuass that 1chUI no gool to the new re- pubiic. 1: it dimculf to outlloe tbe po aihle history of tbe United State bad tbe cotton gin not been invented at that period. Great Ins vtriitiiina bad heeu mde to textile machinery, aud cottoo machinery bad ecu ro far advanced tbat it wea not possible to produce raw cottou iu quantities sufficient to supply the requirement even of tbe mt!s or tbat eriod. Then came EH WhUocy with his giu'. A revoluiiDn waa precrpitated. It wpi manfet immediately, not rn'y in the Sooth, but in all E a rope. Lord Macanley id : :4Wbai Peter tbe Grnt did to make Rasaia dom toant; Ei Whiiney'a invention of tbe cotton gin did for tbe United atHtca.' Hut Whitney did aa much for -. i in rrnrarnl .nint ih hrnarfu nunie utsoni i i a a - . m ane Li' maae a:ncf tne war nor, - o. -des At tbe a few cottou tuilli . which made coaraa fabric aud coueutsed aoit 25,000 Ua'ts of cottou ; now tbtre ate over 100 mill?, coniomiog nearlv 1,000 OOU .balefl of cottou, making H&e as well as coar-e tabrtcr, anil abipp'.og not bofy to the North, bui all over the world, and euppljing to a great xtnt ' the home market, which two decadal ago depend'd for nearly alllts good a on Njrilcru mtJIi. Theie i-j over aiCO,Ui;0.t0 J o( capital now invested iu tbtee mills and tbey are paving band- ' m m r. . 1 1 - m- ill. n a 1. . . . a with want and distreia trpder Re-; - J ... . . . lOHde?, bna beeu wouderlal. pubucau control. , .. ii i i .u cKf ox tbe war tbeie eie i" noi tne neiu ampie aiuag lue liue above indicated to keep everp Democratic pftpwr1 iu North Carohoft full for the next twelve month, withuufhnx-ing1 to resort to advertisemeata ot rtir ou ' d:f- ferePceeV Aaheville Citizen. m '" au u-v-! E'iff ted a tor tbe Uoite1 States. Congress without a party to back , J? q war EocUnd whs -ut off from her cotton apply, aud h real-xed for the first time her n-udence on tbe cotton flelda of tl -s Uolied State. . - - Tt e cotton crop lat Jar waa near doable any crop rirel prior ir. Bar tb Sontb if rata-. inj'-.li-r tbinga than rot on, and it Uie'rjvkWith or without a party to back them, without an organiza tion sustain them, without a hon? SVeven a shadow of a hope td gjycifreo coinage to the country. By ,,;hum8elves the will. U Ttot'r.tiir: with' the tremendous WW RerVliliean maierity which has u r -ig cotton with maebinery not - . ... . I . - tri.:a 01 Ml."!)" ll-D" fa IvT- -IV'f'S- Hm nbjw p n n-w.lnjr! teH . P ' aoruly, jteld ng ditideudi from l'J per cent, up to 2ti. , In. 1070 the Scutb produced 100,-. 000 tons of pig iron. Now abe hat a capacity ot 3!O0O,tHl ton-, and abe C4U deliver pig iron lu Northern matfceta cheaper than ihe Northern tumacee can rank it, and in add!- a tion to tbat abe baa demonstrated her abtlity to compete with tbe world q lbos hCttt ot caftinga on tbe manufacture of wl.icb aba baa eutered. She baa increaied bar cotton crop from a little over 4,000 000 bale iu 1870 to 3 OiO.OOO, not counting ooe or tto extraordinarily large crop that were raiei. Iu lb70 the proIoced 2,000,000 tons of coal, and thii jear will pro duca 30,000,000 too a. Io lbfO we bad a little over I3, 000 miles of railway ; now we have about 42.000 mitee. Oar towns and eiliea Dave grown, and millions bave been expended upon tbelr improvement. Our schools and collegia have increased In number aod eftlcieucj, our uub lie icbool at at ecus bave been faal red for tbe edocation of cbtldreu of both racas ani indoetriea of various, kinda, which were unknown among ua twenty or even ten years ago, have eproog up and are fljunsbiog. Aa oar farmers have been branch ing out into diversified agriculture, to have our enterpriaing business men been branching oot into diver alfied manufacturer, creating a de manl for varloua kinds of crude materials atd giving em ploy meet to aki' ed" labor in their respective brati -7 ea. Wilmington Star, aW'iVs been-and is now unalter-! d;rfc. Co b'ov IH tb' ijy iiijl bitterly opposed to free coi. ge, they vriir be in a minority !sa 1 "rlpless, and an attitude so n- sanctity of the home for the grat-dici f ius that every voter in North, lht incation of the scandal monger or Ca-r V.1na, pan be made to see that lie c-ir hn- th- 'r, 4l wib T yf ar . it u-m1 cJ ;,r. fc tro-n ltoty. I V n ooo l: y"oa w, io.tbe choice of a .infiar la utineee4ry. Tbeie t- tH Saraat'a'lHa. a.d r. I fcia ni- r aj" -ct '.n r d t -b- W 1 I1M bv -v -" . : l .. i i M . tain can rise no . higher than, jtsl oijsio. a- f - i '' ' - and espeoiaUy "f romthat' t

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