XJlDX ID EM ? A. TTt 1 - TOWN TOPICS. 1TT1 -. wny don't you advertise if vou . - V--V-" n -advertisement in the 1 -Items a "" " , Democrat? A Lo wosvillo IVov.-. man trying to do vPusher. 1 Court next, Tuesda V - 7 F. -M: ? -W illiatifsi pfewtQi wa ,here Wednesday. ' . . ; ? D. M. Hodges, . o. Charlotte, was id Lincolnton yesterday.' ' " hi. L- Ueafner, of Ileepsvillewas iij our city Wednesday. . IL A.. Thompson,-of Denver was I oL our streets Wednesday.- m 1) A ('oon,.of RfHfvjRjp a. '.Lincolnton YfcdneVday7 business without advertising is like "IURiU5 pieuy gin through a You may pair of green ! aoules Know -what you are doing but no body else doe. r BoJU jHuntihg's Bi Railroad bhows Circus, Museum and Men agpjie w billing Lincolnton in UiHwist elaborate manner, and georgeousness and variety of wiUuHyiler,n thrill ime's 'as- Court ityicea haley's bed' or fox- , ! en fiat. V L Baker, of Hull's X i I , yii in town one day this wef ;."". Xw ; su 1 sc ri i ers are." still :im- jntT yd :ind ld ones are -renewing. jr ,1. F. Iteinhardt, of Iron Station, was iu the eity.Wednes- I7 Miss Mamie Lewis has. returned from a visit ., to rieds in Char lotte. ' -..-;. Mr. S. Herndonof ; esbjuxy, S; a, isyisiting hisimJor,inVtaw, -M.'1.M.'. Lawing,v. ' - bVf. Seagle, '$'! P, kantl Starr, of Uiefcoty; owere'in. the city this week:--V- ' lr . A" M .' Vjie . n d f anuly . cvf Charlottc'ar.e. in thfa-Gifrp, stwppfh'g at the ITinson House: V '"' " Mrs. J. M, Lawing wha hasbei . yis.itinK in Cokesbury; je,e,: tumed home , Wednesday.. . Mrs. M, F. Ruth, of Raleigh, who has fjeen yiuting relatives In Lin- colntoD. has returned home. Miss Mamie McBee3 whojms been visiting relatives in Sewanee T&nn , returned home . Weduesday. The" I. 0. II . (Improved Drier, Heptasophs) will meet to-nigh'.t rid organize! Let all attend.that. an. . Miss Janie Connor ? returned ome Wednesday after -a visit of iveral months to relatives 'and iriends in Cokesbury, S. C. Sirs. J. J Manning, of Charlotte, ho has been"visiting "her mother. ,t8. E. H. Cauble in -thia city ,r re ined ta her honfe Tuesday. - Miss Jennie Wrenshall left Mon- the the beautiful printinir strikes one Atent. .rha show is bit' a;; it ever was. jand no muiiy Jnn been-spared iiiir- uiimiiii ii larger, lo lliaKe it keep pace with . the very best. The irresistahlc liob will be in the vhj-li"$l"v Monanm jf all ) enormoas tents will be spread on Motz's estate. . Don't forget the day and date, Monday Oct. 21st. i l' 1 1 1 1 r Clown!1 Mecklenburg Presbytery was in session at.JRjitherrordton Oct. 1-4 Rev. Chalmers Moore, of Bryson City, presiding There were thir ty ministers and twenty-six elders present- -Tliebusiness was of local interest mainly. The question of groopins of churches, and the en- mleiito rietf church in Union county was discussed and( order nfadjio o?a)ni!zeanoYher in Union county. The matter of special in-terest-&s aitnyjtation to unite yith Concord ! Presbytery in Cen- tbnnial Exercises at old Centre ch u rc hjljrdg 1 Ifr ( ofi hly . Ap r i 1 1st ajnd 2nd, 1896, which. was referred th," crmimittee of arrangements. Rev. R. Z. Johnston, of Liucqlnton, was nominated to 'breside at the joint meeting next year. Prof Huili "Grap aha If no. W. Moore, ofAlJuritersvillfe, were appointed committee-' i of?' arrangements for next meeting. Presbytery ad journed . to met atHuntersville church OA-March 3ist 1896. T. lie, p Titie. The lexcapt ec;lib-i' urniiig-: By-fcight, by way of the Central," u Anniston, Ala., her old home, spend a few days With relatives. Luhch Oyeters, Salmon', Potted Sim, "Corned BeeT; 'J)rj:edBeef , feese.Crackers, Sardines, Pickles, tefApples, Candies" fec.at,P. Barr's. medical titlloef:b, says men bid keen :t hir mt)ut'hs shut tie asleep . There afe some.men ofttd be betterOfr.it they keptr lir niouths shut while awake.' the State Fair,which takes "place Jet, 22nd and continuing uniil promises : to be thebesl held; The one Cent per "mile will cause a great many' to go. laleigh that .would.iothBXwise at home. There is d one. thingtha we all should learn, and that is, to be "on tinie." There is nothing so im portant as being punctual in all matters. LasJb 'Monday riight we sav. while at the depot, something that might have resulted in & fatal,. accictent to an agea gentlemen. The Narrow Guage train arrived on time" The Central train was late. A gentleman (we do not know his non de plume) stepped on tne Narrow Guage . train with a large valise in one hand and walked over to the Ceptral railroad. In a few minutes the Central train came in, and this gentlemen stood looking at the "sights" unmindlul ot tne Farm rs are bnsy gathering co n aud picking cotton. Neither corn nor cotton will be a very full crop. Wheat seeding ha9 u-t yet began, but will in a few day. Mrs. Geo. S. Duckwoith ii not expected'to live. She lias fever. Mr. T.N. Baker whose lip the Dra. Davidson, removed for cancer in doing fairly well. The circuit S. S. Convention for East Lincoln circuitwas held with Salem S. S. Saturday. 0 :t. 0. It was a success. Several dialog. i-js were rendered by th girls" and boys of Hills Cnapei S. S., and an essay was read by Mis Dellia Ila gar of same school. The essay ind all tho dialogues were original having leen wiiitH.i by a lnoiun ot IljiU (Jhitp'l rhur.h. They were prou unccd by those compe- I lent to iudee as eood as the Ubugiit" variety. Why should we not utilize horn e talent when it is available? John Puntch. of of Marvin S. 8., was elected Presi dent, Dan B. Thompson, of New Hope a. oM Vice President, J. O. King, of Salem S. S., Secretary and J. W. Mcintosh, of Hills Chapel S. SM Corresponding Secretary. An Executive Committee of four, one from each S. b. was instituted to arrange for next conference. It consists ot W. J. Wingate, Ed. M Jetton, Mon. A. Nixon and J. Will Mcintosh. Mr. L. B. Wetmore, ot Lincoln ton, has recently paid our town several "professional' visits. Whether he will uwiu" is not yet apparent. CoLdX A,. Lowahas reind Ijis Magistracy. "He made' one of our very best officers. Old age was the principal cause for his resign, ing. His successor has not yet been appointed. " Mrs. I). Kincaid killed a chicken wbAkawithin its crop a half dime. It had i the . aDnearance-'of having been there for some consid erableU roe. : ; ' ' V- V r ' ioiiucs nave goiien reraarKauiy quiet vsince "Cleveland,, has run cotton up to 10c. Another prop seems to be knocked from under Populism. . - Mfss Aqnie .Well s, of M t. Hoi -ly, is visiting relatives here. Mjr O. Lee Kincaid, of Stanley, was over Sunday. fc v Mr. A: A. Keeyer, ot KidsviUe. is here "storekeeping" for Mr. E. L CloniIrrT,CTmega", ot Hfce Enterprise-it atiur. J. U.' CahinV 44storekeeping." Mr. W. T. Long has bold his land near here to Mr. J. O. King. Mr. Long will have charge of the large landed estate of the late Miss jSaran M. Luckey near Triangle. Success to the democrat and its editor. Bill Shanks. , - - LYou ra i'lro a e u q w LlNflOLNTON, iVIONDAY TO torn 4 A 1, grand street PARADE ON MOTZ'! ESTATE krdn. nnd At. 10 A. nlift.iittt. C i uith 4U) Mfii. Wonifn. Hor, EI aml, OtH-n !) l-iw". Tigen, Lop- Hvena- in the ROYAL 1'AllKANT. CI R CUS M 55 rO C"3 Male and Female Equestrians, Gymnasts, Acrobats and Jugglers from thn 4 quarters of tbe giooe. Everv department is at once Entertaining, Amusing, Intersetuig and above all Moral and Instructive. -.O: NO OTHER BIG - SHOW - COMING v. 1 JU3 BIG 'ME N A G E R 20 STAR RIDERS. ou can earn $5 each day "giv ing" our absolutely ;ifccteBpen8ible household article away. iNewpian of work, making experience pnnfic essary and jsuciess; certain for either sex In any 'section. Sample dn7nnn frpft Hrpdit civen. Freight tM-J ( Uli - I v VS V w -w ' - - - o fact that the train he had come in paid. -AddressirrMjeLRoSt 3To; on would soon ue reauy lu ieave, jq -i iueiroso irarR, in. but in 'Ashort order' the baggage was transferred from one train to the other and the Narrow Guage train was then readv to 4 'pull out." It gave the required signals and began to pufstie the "even tenor of it's Way"-and then 'it was that this j .. .. .. 10-11-4L Reinhardt. Keihhardts. HniiKTY Officers : C. H. it 8 Way auu Uiwi n was tuau kuw , m n Tiv1Qv gehtleman'B attention was called 5,hde8, Sheriff ; - G. A. Barkley, ?, , , ' Clerk of Court: Jacob I. kilhan, to the,iact tnax ' nis tram n i v-rfhr Taivinff H started in a run and I .ul.rv"UB I 'V ' ii-f- r - ... succeeded in reaching the last pair of steps mst in time to eaten a r-feold with one hand. Then we saw. a race.' He" made an attempt to 'I Democrat, Republican or W.Botad; sublSilill iy uewspaper. ibe ucmo- the only paperh)ufriisbf County Directory. Member of Legislature : J. F. .iiijj Jilt I' T " i-m-' - JL R: O J V 1 -BIGGEST ELEPHANTS -r ON. EARTH. M A.N Y&p- 'fSFfi? ,Hnu Lb .' - T.X TCCP P O D & O Al K TAX NOTICE. I will attend M follows to receive Uiei forlS95:J r . V LowesviUe; Tuesday. 22nd October 1895. Triangle Welneoaj5a Denver, Thursday, 24tb . . M&cfeDAlih. Friday. 26h IronbUtion.Munday.'iStb 1 4 II II II I ' I Beam's Store, Tudy, 29lh . ' Bess Store, Wednesday J3um - ReepatiUe, Thnrpdiy;"3TV . V 11. 11 tiBuDTS, onerin. Lincolnton, N. C. Sep. 83, 1395, 61 Treasurer ; J. Thos. McLean;. Coro ner; Or Oi Thompson, purveyor Hulls X' Roads. PntiNTv Commissioners : II. K. Ramsaur. GbairmAn, Liricolhtoh'; ? : 0:1 iTry , - i- onA Ramsaur. Chairman, Liincomton; x , - , -. V- 1 i 1- 1 1 r- . ' i i i . . r r t riA 111111 , i i i ' - . nnemou tu J Hulls X Roads ;' J . Reinhardt tti the nagman, wuo nvus s auuu.5 srtinn - P A ThomDson rlnsa bv. came to his assistance. I if011 station, r A uompson perearthat County and it slinljl gato : W 4 'ohii iPg Win the Goun : S MiSM Denver. County Examiner: L. A. Ab- lirnethy Machpelah. ' 'VtJ I - . '- ; . - n SS. w: Mclvee, mayor, Lincoln- -. i o - U A. 1 on; Miss .va oiiamer xost- St ..i. y ;lice. Lincolnton. Mil III II I rl r W . lmtfHrrentne a hadremainea on- mo iram no .wwo , f Lonp. fpuianot have bttfn J Lis I6 ioumal brfarm- artment Jane, is " hildreii's - lirtteu uy . ertaio- get t'his Lid home .i j .'..-si a i ergetic xand - progress vft EnjEnxio ; )neichan-ts has beerTcbn- f h room for t weeks ;-siaffftjfin.W50 arpgressing prostration. ; JWre.,..i5e rla?. IilNCfOLJlTO.i RTAHKliT. WANTED r To 7" fufnij mm rent two nicely lutnisned rooms in some good, quiet family, suitable for light house-keeping. Apply-'at this office. tf. J. C. Morrison, Jeweler, -DEALER IN- ' Watches, . Clocks... Jewelry, SILVERWARE, Invites you io inspect his stock at Fold & ElamTs, opposite uap. tist church in Shelby, lie naa a largo and nice assortment of La A,aa .rid Chililrpn'a Rincs. Go to liim if you want your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired In first-class style and workman ship guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. Ui Work Speaks . 13 Praise. Orders received through mail will have prompt attention. 12 27-95. To the People of UPPER LINCOLN COUNTY Who are interested in GOOD goods and LOW prices, I wish to say a few words. I have in stock F. M. KEIKHARDT, More than any two stores in Cleveland county. Buying goods in such large quantities, I get prices that the smaller dealer can't get. and being satisfied with a small profit enable me to do a volume of business, which pays better than the old way of lig profits and small business; another reason why 1 can sell cheap is, I don't credit any on?, therefore don't loon 'anything, for the man who pays has to pay for those who don't av. R. S. REINHARDT, ' Vr r Iron 6tatiox N. XJ XlNCOLNTON, N C. k REIKHARBT &,C0. p to report, h;m bejttftr-ini4 to RftP Vnm rnrncrnin: ce the little eight year old er of Mr. andi MJfi.rlrT Fas taV A telefframHseSt i Pate. 1 arrived' hoylstep- Kenorted Y for X Jffif Dek6craT 1 ' 1 1 A. eiy Thursday morning oy vapi. F. Grigg: Cotton, H Wyr "The crc hfti Corn f j f . 50- - OO RirfNiiARDT Cv Morris) General Merchandise .Cotton Buyers. Private- Tlephone-Llncolnton N. to Iron StatJon. N. C. Ilirnest Market price paid for Cotton and Oot ton Seed at all times. ' l?r 'e-8 V :5T?r Ik- .i -ia lint or baled iu anv Quantities. Giv UOlipn DOUgUl iu 1110 vou,ivv- ' - - us a trial. v, ... trtu Iron Station, - - - - - woirn ywuiiui four patentOVl jilftQD kV'- 'V- " 1.50 rMf; ' -If theory weather continues J. M , . . - , r- t hp.r. t - rr Bides, N. C. grandoaugnier, -v Bfcon Ham3 has malaria? leverT gomeU.1 3eef perlb. round-J -fc familrST Latd, N C per lb menrfcg' unusui.vio3xf North CatfiTfa: ; a Jf' little ffirl. wp ata lad rrrVri-R utter ucb better thfmoro;. --i .rcVvir,r,r - wiey .v: raises ---trace tniswAlK pj.-11- "$Jgg8 : --. '- "TTioDeT vou will .excu-ahort, j&ides.i r- butor- 01 : t ol J. C ' r persons 4 estate v' under- jrom C will be recovery, y the de-.. t'pay kvi costs. loud and 011 and spread his T'Tiope you willexcu ides.green" lb dri?: j vfi. zist:xoMimtw letter tmswwArw!:wju" , j ilroad Shows, omi"M9SSTh9A lmageipwit!visi- H' "" Kespegtollyf -les dried " AyJCLU-,.hft dried ir " ing of twa-flW nr0J. P Rrreilslariicitiach " iHroncrt, v flWiSr3 tflf Tnft Oil I Sweet potatoes " me uoiumns 01 an juv iui won Jax I t " h ' ' and it must -' ltert&a53i3&. best cir?n5TTr o" frltogAf h Pr -yns "V v.flTanrI rthoT trrncArifia tOO cheap. IL unw ' waaffl mrtit VI O ftO tJ5t!,'tn Beeswax 1 2 ' " T C '"k ' 10 to 18 . 10 to 15 btuvia-ia a J u 10 21 1 2i 4 40 lb. rr" "11 ininn hru . ... ether groceries too cheap toj Blackberm 8, drie i. HnnoTPQT w " " ii i( it ii it ki 30 40 40 ; 1.76 ' ..4. 16 I hav e the largest stock of anv house between Charlotte N. C, and Knox- -ille, Tenn., all cut in the very latest style for this fall and for elegance of tit and gentility they can't be ur- c L o CLOTHING H I N G passed. Men's suit from 12.00 to $20.00. Boy's suits from $1.00 to $12.50. Child reu' suiu 00c. to $5.00. Men's overcoaU $1.00 and up. .Boy's overcoat $1.00 and up. We Defy any and all Compe- tition on DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, The Dress Goods Department Is brim full and over-flowing wih the newest styles and lates veaves that are out this season Boucle Cloth, Tailor Checks Vigereaux, Marguerite Suiting, Novelty and Fancy Suiting, Silk and Wool mix jdaids, Cashmers, Henriettas, Serges, Crepons, Flannels, Ladies Cloth and so on. Hats. Hats i t-iats i Everything is bran new and the latest styles this fall. Hav inz jobbed off every hat before the new tock came in. Shoes! Shoes ! Shoes! Shoes ! For men, ladies and children are complete in every detail, all at old prices. Ladies' Cloaks and Opes I The largest stock and prettiest styles ever shown bere, at prices from to aAQ.w. SHOES, 1 1 1 1 i ii i n HATS !&c. &c. :0:- FOR - GENUINE - BARGAINS - COME - TO J W0 L, C O 2, V.J Oiven away Frw with every fiu.iw ua tiu.w purcua.se at e Pntrravini? or a beautiful pastel paint- fr elass front with handsome Gilt Frame, sue 14 by 1. and ohx ?80 inches. I wish to award my old customers and to in- J ... m a mrA K rnnvinrw! tht I cira more dnce new ones w ij o- - and better goods for the money than can be gotten elsewhere. L, M. JdLU. JLU Shelby, N. C. xecutor . )BB . . J

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