... J IT ufcvLoVpf Lowejmlle, on. the 7th ingt. at the office of hWerSl afc a. clerk- ;tp kfbojtteWfftilB to come to 'court, Retritter of Deed -"f- 4 fV3 llV: tlfr i xut .j. i it register or ueeas. with the. firm: QiiMauney.&.Aderr Kthi- ? The P"" filed and, hoWtklng MidW, N. CL WS.Wrf ordered poited a petition to dis-. Out betwithet RO with tim. .;' TOWN TOPICS. jt4,UiN of Iiitovtfefiit Culled lV tH Looal Im11 Quite a large crowd was in Lia colnton during court. Kext Monday will be a big day Lincolnton circus day. . j, M. Jetton, of Reepsville, was iQ Lincoln ton during court. Editor J. F. Click of the Hickory Mercury was in town this week. Miss 'Girhe Nixon, of Charlotte, Vas in town the first of the week. ;.l o, F Ma9on, of Dallas, frastpu county, was in the city this week. - J. R. Warhck, of the . historic VVarlick's Mills, was here Tuesday. - W. H. Thompson, of Bellwood, (Yeland cou&ty, was in town Monday. , ; I). K Kincaid and M. NL. Hager, , of Lowesvill, were in Lincolnton "duriiiK court. Mr. Ed Smith, of Iron Station, has accepted a position "as clerk uh Mr. J. L. Cobb, j Mr. Jaa. G. Jordon, ot Asheville, waa in town this week, He isx; a prominent shoe man. Dr. W: C. Kisei, of Reepsville, was here Tuesday. He is a storing man and likes the Democrat, too. We will publish the court pro ceedings iii next week's issue. Lack ' -of 'space forbids them appearing . ,th'i week. Ji 'County Commissioner, P. A. Thompson, of jDenver, was here this week. . Hie subscribed or the )eiiocrat. ' Capt. A. F. Brevard, of Mach pelah, was over here Tuesday. He sjojw kindly, of the Democrat and subscribed . " Hon, L. C. Caldwell, a promi- li nient lawyer and Mayor of States- yille, was here on legal business Hthis week. Messrs. J. A. Nixon and David Cherry of Triangle, (were in town this week and subscribecU-for the Democrat. We noticed the following visit-j mg lawyera-herehis week: E Y f Webb, Shelby; S. H. Jordon, Con over ; L. L. Witherspoon, Newton ; J. D. McCall, Charlotte; Oscar Masonf Dallas. Our very able and worthy So licitor, Hon. Jas. L. Webb, sub scribed for the Democrat )efore he left town this week. We have heard him much complimented for his ability a a prosecutor. Dr. T. A. Salvo, ot Chester, S. C , 19 m town thii week. H is a piano tuner and a heleiver in pnnterV ink. We don't know his politic. He ought to be a Democrat, though. P. M. Rhynfe, a good Republi can from Gaston, was here at court this week. Qo thinks of taking the Democrat as soon as he can get some of his Populist editors to stop sending him their papers. Mr. J. L. Beam, of Crouse, left Monday the 7th inst.. to enter the Louisville Medical College, Louis ville, Ky. He ordered the Demo crat sent to his address. He knows a good thing when he sees Mr. David Kincaid. of Rock Springs, Catawba Springs town ship, was in town this week. He is an ex-member of the Legisla ture and a good Democrat, and, not least, a kinsman of the clever proprietor of the North State Ho tel. . ; IVotlos . .To delegate's and visitors to (he South' Fork Association which meets in Newton, N. C, Oct. 24 tn to 26th. I have secured reduced rates over theC. & U railroad from all stations on this line of road in Novth Carolina for the acomojatu n ot delegates and visi tors. J. A. Koyi.e, Maiden, N. C.f Oct. 18, 1893. NonHatiuu li Catawba Some months ago Orvills Still well, claiming to be from Macon county, N. C, came into the Den ver neighborhood, this county. He married'a Miss Blalock soon i w-w aiierwaras. ue appeared to everybody as a straightforward honest man, and very much re spec ted. He soon became a Sun uay School superintendent, . and conducted religious services quite frequently in the community. a iew weexs ago stiiiwell pro cured a wagon and mule from one of his neighbors, Frank Beal, to haul his cotton to Davidson Col lege. He sold his ootton to Howard and Stough at Davidson and traded out $21 worth, buying a suit of clothes j coffee, rice, sugar etc. , He left Davidson late in the evening for home. He was seen at Potts' Place near Beatties' Ford for the last time, Stillweli; wagon, mule, nor goods have been. seen since. men wnereabouts are unknown. A. UJl'actrt KiiglUiimari, i-t J Scn tir lanyard, ami c nnpli to marry a daughter of Kx-S?cre- menu i:..y r.L tary of Navy 'Whitnoy. rulwam'Atki:iH n a-.l a parly of Alniiufacrureri from m , vi- it Atlanta Expitl bUippin ut Charlotte, North Camlin-., and at Columhis, South Carol iua. President Cleveland, it is An nounced, will stop a f'wd.iy with Col. Frank Cxe at tinen Hiver near Uuthertordlon. North Caro lina, on his return lim lUe Kx positinii. Qaail stiooting is the ttttractiou. The London Daily Telegraph at tacks the pamphlet of Lord 6ack-1 villa West, which reflects on Ex- Senator Tolxy of South Caro lina denounces Tillman' autTrnge plan Ut-!y subuiiltet Lo tht? South Carolina Constitutional Convcn lion. A factional tilit i vx:t ed to result. To the People of UPPER LINCOLN COUNTY Who arc interested in GOOD goods and LOW . prices. I wish to say a few words. I have in stock Yon rnn ontu f" a li day "gv IH" .ir ji!'lulrly nuleiH?nsihle housetiold article a ay. Nw plan of work, making experience unnec essary and success certaiu for either sex inauy aectiou. Sample doztifMi free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address. Melrose MVo. Co., 41 Mlro Park, 111. 10-lMt. R. S.REINHARDT. F.M.UE1NUARDT, Lixcolnton, X. C. Iron Station, N. C REINHA1BT & CO. Bob Hunting's Big Railroad Shows Circus, Museum and Men agerie is now billing Lincolnton in the most elaborate manner, and the Keorgeousness and varietv of "rf the beautiful printing strikes one with bewilderment. The show is three times as bit? as it ever waa. and no money (Si'Cceskors to Heiniiahdt A Morkis) General Merchandise & Cotton Buyers. Private Telephone Lincolnton N. C. to Iron Station. N. C, NET? FAIX AND WINTER GOODS Arriving Daily. Highest Market price paid for Cotton and Cotton Seed at all timen Cotton.bought in the seed,'loose lint or baled iu any quantities. Oiv us a trial. 11 Iron Station. North Carolina, lt7-vo. rrV KNTV-Kl V K THOUSAN 1) lUHiiiAM Morn than any two tuiv in Cl-vland county. Buying ci-ids in ?uch larg iuaiititi". I tf-t price that th saallsx draler can t Kt. and ing aatitia itli a mall prontanablM uif to do a voluuirut buiii-. wliich pa l-ttvr than th old way of bin profit and small bu-m-- : aiioth-r tonrff t can 11 ih-ap i. 1 don't cr-dit any on.-, trn-rvfure doirl?locj anytliittg, for the man who pay h to jy tor lhp- wha don't imv. We Befy any and all Compe- I have th lnr;"t ntook of any hoii -lt--ii Charhtt X. C, and Kiiux ville. Ttiui., all out in th t-rv tat-t t y 1 lr hU fall and tor fleganc of fit and .utility tliv can't 1- ur- c L O CLOTHING H I N C . pa!. Utn's Miit- from 91.03 t. ILIKU). Boy'a uit- from $1.60 to$UfjO. Child-rt-ii'ii tiiti fX3. U l-.isi. Man's vt-roii $1X0 and up. Hoy's iiv-rrMitH $1.00 atnl up. Uiiry it Mr, Wiley Childers has puc chased from J. F. Leonard a tract cf land on which ha is now erect ing his dwelling. Mr. B. J). Wessinger has re turned from an extended visit to has been spared nia fathers in Wessinger, .8. C while building it larger, to. make it' keep pace with the very best. The irreBistable Bob will be in the ring himself: Monarch of all The oommonion service at Trini- ty Lutheran church will embrace the 3rd.Sunday Tin October. - ' Henry and the surrounding neighborhood will be well re pre-.. seated at lincolnton on the 21st Clowns I The enormous tents will - Mrs. -W: W. Wells left Tuesdav I be spread on Motz's estate. Don't 'iiiffht for Atlanta and Griffin. Qa.. foreet the dav and date. Mondav unting fl Uircns,...il nothing- We she expects to spend some 1 Oct. 21st. i :?fnH-. Bno.T;7" ftt5w- P60?18 ;iMlfhiri Griffin- I . -j;aine.nWiianaa'iiiivi tition on dry goods; CLOTHING, The Dress Goods Department I brim full and ovt-r-llo iin: -aithtli n--it tyl and latt- vavi that ar out thi Ittiurln t!loth( Tailur Ch-ck. Viiffn-uux. Markriu-rit Suitiin;. Xrlty and Fancy Suiting-. Stlk and W-il mix planU. lahmr, H-nrrtta, ri?". Crn, Flannl. Ijdi" Cloth and on. Hats I Hats! Hats I Evt-rvthii i bran and th- lt-t lyl-i thi fall. Hav intr iMll ot! rVt?rv hat l-fort t!- iti--k cam in. Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! For in'n, ladi and rhihlr-n an i-injl-t- in fVry dotail, all at'old prictn. . aclies, Cloaks and Capes I , Thf largt tock and prtti-t Mvbv i-VHf whn hr-, at SHOES, HATES ?&c. &c. - :0:- i r LniLELi 3D if i- fir IDS Mori ilAalu wsr .1 III . H . . A. M. B. . B I . a lets:. i -lue. Doaraersai taa xxiasoa i anull the public road known as ;H h iviouie aLd a few invited guests en- I the Beatties Ford road from J. H, . i L. jvj iwiuo , oAjjSMuv..wuiiv wj- xaiiaru a t,o some point near juuu 'hf Esq. H. D. Warlick,- of -Keeps- H. P. 'Killian', They also ?iaHfi was here Tneadiiv. He aava 1 ordered a new public road to be .-. 7 ' v I 'iVwahts the Dem ScIiat to preach J opened from Denver to Lincoln Oiiaocracy and Jteep on at it: . . I ton. beginning at T. J. Wamack vi&'Afio. v-.i?i.itt -fto':.-. and uuoasatne landa ot i. J. r ' ' jx xmm mai v v diiiii. ax i w " We haven't had :any weddings; in our-towft since quc lajtcammur nication. But : itill e- have the.- bachelor. - r ' Philo. General IVe-w. t ta election 40 riiig gome time with friends in ' and iar Jjncolnton. returned to her ;,iioxne in Clinton last Friday. " Esq. Jno. Fi Davis," of Denver was here this week. He always ; knows some news . He is a ; Popu list, but he wants the Democrat. Mr. A. L. Quickel, . of Grouse waa here Tuesday. He is a recent hltm P-STiaate of the University of N. . -Hd is now in business at Crouse. Revi L. A. Bikle, D;D., of rung's Mountain, N. C, preaphss at St. Mark's, "Beaverdam," next Sunday. Qoinmunion held atT this tervice. Hon. A. Costner was here this week. He is not. a "calamity Rosier," and believes that the , FiiiAucial policy of the Democrat correct. . W. A. Aderhofdt; a prominent oung merchant of Cherryville, as in town this week. He. - like many others in his section, gets the Democrat. : Messrs' F. P. Munday and J. O. .ihompgoQ, of Denver, were in at dance on the court this week. Catawba Springs townsnip has yet w.ot the faithful. ' . Ky. J. R. Bomb: of Bethel Pres- nfiY will besdn a meeting at Poole,"S. A. Wingate, David Hel- dernlan and R. A. Smith and in- ;. Democrats carry City in IodianapoIjB, lud. . . The S: A. L. Warehouse at tersecting with the Beattie'a Ford Portsmouth,1 Va.,.f burned. Loss road near John Hester's. S. D. BnrKin and H. E. Ram- saur were appointed as a commit tee to confer with the directors of the North State Hotel as to water works for the ctfunty. $200,000, insurance $75,000. The Corbett-Fitzsimmon fight -m .- ' TT A is neing arrangea ior ai ugi Springs, Ark. Episcopal Convention at In- TfekCmim.- BARGAINS - COME - TO J yJbL'JG OB Bj - i ' oT TTV w - - K Given a ay Fr with frr'.llU.U and llb.W purcna ai yait; tiuw, a tine Strvl Knnraing or a lutiful atl paint ing, glaiif front nith ha!iduu-Gill Frain-, -ix 14 by It, and '24 bv J inc!-. 1 ih to aard my old cu.toimrra and tu iu duceifw tihN to try iue and I- cinvincnd that I giv mart and loiter irovxl for tki&JU"tiv thau can 1- gitOn ?lohrt. KM. HULL. .... : ;., Shelby -N, lu. . K m mm v . a . m mm m . m . . m hv am m U -livry.U VJ u uu vj pT- O. AD ffocJi nd . 4 ".. eilne blotfi loe as KB iO V School yd. Horn brthert OUiW W cbeaP io h 11 tafro . 1 nnnnaa tVlQ H TTT1 All. H. E. Ramsaur was appointed I . tr, r,fvr w P Ttvniim ai I l8Q outrages. to a route for a public road from the Caldwell Bridge .via Motz's Mill to Lincolnton. The Lithia Water Qto., was granted the privilege to "puv up a telephone line along the public road from the Lithia Inn to the C. C. depot. No more business of importance I birthdav, to was transacted. The Comxnis dential ticket. The Liberty Bell is at the At lanta Exposition. 9 The hopes of the Cuban Insur gents are said to be on th decline. i Some Western Populist pro pose an early Convention at At lanta on Feb. 22, Washington's nominate a presi LINCOLNTON, MONDAY a4& fi h& , m grand PARADE street ON MOTZ'S ESTATE At 10 A. M uith 4m Men. Vomeur Horses, El- Otn D-n" d Lion, lifers, Lop- CIRCU A. Nero Farmer. e 8iDC a aho em.' ci on'Vf- in fell ill hS. l -mty church, Catawba Snrines wuahip, Wednesday evening be fit Sunday in November. r0 A Iiowe, who was report- "uvmg lenaerea ms resigna ' a as J. p. has been induced to re- lder and withdraw it, and will gain-be found at theTempleof ffce at Lowesville", N. C, in his capacity. ; On MonH 25 1 fiig Railroad Shows,' Circus, gum and Menagerie; will visit eolntoh and Spread his enbrm tent cm Motz's"; estatel' : The standing of: this show pre 2 it throuh th cdWtrrhfrVif Ml exchanges, and. iVmuit begone iul na; together, one of the Maj. W. A. Graham, of Mach peiah, this county, told us bu Tuesday of this weekJthat he has a colored man living on his place, who has one mule. With this one; mule, the negro has made 9 bales of cotton, 00 bushels of corn. 8,000 bundles of fodder, near 75 gallons of sorghum, and a lot of peas. We call this good farming I Mr. J. P. Strong of the Char lotte Democrat was on our streets this week. He tells us that Mr. J. J. Plonk, of this county, har been a subscriber to the Democrat 48 years. Mr. Plonk has never been a delinquent in all this time--He has never been asked in all thi time for his subscription for he has always paid in advance. Mr. PJonk is an old time Democrat, and a kinsman of our esteemed townsman, Dr. W. L. Crouse. Ihe French forces have captur ed capital of Madagascar, and peace h beett declared. There is much rejoicing at Paris over the success of French arms. The Dismal Swamp Canal in North Carolina i be deepened.. Bonds to amount o 750,00O have been issued to make i8 iniprov inent. - . x The A. P. A. Society cted thw candidate for Mayrof "h" villa," Tennessee. Xtarraat Is still on trial at ' Baa Vatrinif fnr tha TTirirdflf of a young girl. . Jay Gould's estate is now found1 to b worth $83,000,000. Gould paid taxes on $300,000 only.", Anvdia Rxvc Chanler, the .au thor of "The Quick or the D' hai been granted a; divorce from her husband, Johii '-Armstrong Chanler. The Novelist livti w- rrrmrmmmTmTmirmm msrmmmmm B L G . NK "fait ii l i I rii " irffiTTii -T " ' ' '- "r n ! ! " ,' ' irl. "nd Hn' .' ihr KtlYAL PAUEAST.. M u s e y M . , T P.vmntiia Acrobats Male and reroaie r.qucsvwu., , t ? i ntiArtirt of the fflobe. L Every department is at once LnterUimnp, Amusing. Interwtiug and above all Moral and Instructive. :0: NO OTHER BIO - SHOW - COMING. 1T. I wVivl E N A G E R 1""E at Castle Hill, Va. - Albemarle Co, S vT A. It . . . , AVi- H-vvKTiii: BIGGEST EtEPHMlTs ' ON EARTH. w ,. , .- w w ' . f HIPPOU KO IE.

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