V HI Of in. ni M4 01 at ma. t," taei' idst this, heir t esj rftrt b d. ear.-tf ot LU ad. afi. pirasfc. ur wifi leif Me! 0 A&g. e. Am ,'riai ve&Ver, ais canh fctttekett Little L'.tPt rjor Court 1895, . i J, C. '1 s - i i ! its ior ita. il. ty aya rd. raa ' oy- as- d; ldiend lyxkf2f.T; a deps doos o"1" lookwtt kf bat Uni verity JSixt en. fttOll'JtS. - - J BY FRANCIS W. SIlEPAitDSp.V. LmCOliNTON.N. C, .ITtlDAX NOVEMBElt 1. 1895. NO 6- The .idea? of what is known as jnjvfcrsit)15x tension had been lomina'ut in America, longibefore t took definite shape and received .nsjne, in England 4twentyH wp litl ago! In a land where there ere two great institutions of jrniDghich stood, f ar above the pie, being essentially aristo- i 1 X auc in weir nature, was not riling that some friends of the iiiet f hoiild:havjQjjed for bet- r things for them, and should ie sought to have .some of the jning of- trie cloistered walls of brd and' Cabridgeusedor iTart of those who were de- ing its work to thejMlvantage of a largo constituency.' 4rhe circulars issue.; by th largest f the insti tutions of Nw York ; its importance was reconixed.' and a '. plan adopted w!iich haa.been found to be practi- 4'. hvotv sswf v sss wsaw v worK among, u-,h(w. that instruo tlou i pivan i Voit it.. l , .Vut " kuruuint - ... .- -. of collegiate training and It longed for a drink from the Unan spring, iEhree classes of lS, buujujoi iuauu oi 'leisure 10 aesireu lusirucuon ; young 9f,: wealths andeieurV ijjgj w.ik ujiu uuiy uvir evenings from study: and artisans. triinedj1oirrsphiy miik cruhl work a special: andri h s is usually known as Universi ty Extension .hv , lorfn wtjere lecturers, special ists. in parr ticralrdhifraflA t-i. J giving courseox)fiffQt twelve lect- ores to miSbellaneons audiences, comprising -many ;ih6 tteeV'b'til tcv Stuart, now a member of e 6t ames liament, but theipaa: modest Dg fellow connected with one e colleges at Cambridge, was ijl-f diin'der 1 ef the system. dtu) of class distinctions in hip. airy, uc 'iivniwvicu w aiiempt owpetor to idUCVeswBertface adewnh coimpahy of wealthvJ csjjjoi 'asfced th'em to Write l1qj4?stit)ris,; -misinK to ex- ern'c dbd :ao"8wer them t)e- Jjetlfcctutei i Thns'cirne feature known as wrrfteirej?- V hicli was a tMrd elnient e.Bystem fif:iinstxac4ion, the. rateelfHEe'Drifl ted bht- k'aoyq ajs-the syllabus, being ther two. A few diacrrams jon the wall of the room e lectures were given, attract- tfe5tioirf certain hear- to examined them during the of lectures anuHhemsked tiirer to cornel htdeilaj time and w explain Ihem tog this favor, Mr. Stuart de- ld Wrthet h-it'ructiona without de8troving thexon- T of thoughf "br'the lecture r. Andaci thgkcyeiteC teaBien, eTlucafional advan' (re given to manv. hithe thiEim?elftityeiUn0 g a sysfem of lecturer , ac. teal"yllahuo r oui class, ofreview7and written ses from the stndr ;uib, bllU I mg i charge Of itinerant Wthe-Vopie come in an oral naTy college TTtr. Kid !ti fi.i seek jfdcfed knowledge by I at'libertv Wselecr.tH. books se est study with the help of the. le ,&J- ihbuicf te used' aurinir the 8yllabu&. - - I vp'nr ' Tn AaAKviVta rA'nnt fiA uiveraityjii.xteniion in Amerifl the- dudiIb. should. wbnv.;. oft the ca f oest attempt to.reach, thcfse. bicher books furnished at a low .hp never r,had any advantacesi LbBcause' testate has provided ad- the Univeraity Eitonsionrby oor resyondehct leaaons, where the in dividual gains the benefit ofjthe careful study :tf the study of the teacher, buViose the d?antaKe of per&onaf contract with him; by classWtndy opportunities, where the individual receives personal attention from the teacher, the recitations being conducted in the evening or on Satnrfla - , era ii V awav from th nT.ivoMWv IntMcliW'&d sustioliVrok be jentertairred-.e 8 ?wll flyman v- THBtfWJYOBK CITY" PLAN. The-board of Vidnt'loii appointi a ext'book committee, and pub- .... .... . .. lisliers present their books lor in spoction ; a selection of books is made; several different kinds of readers, spellers, .geographies, etc. In iict nearly all text-books are placed on Ibis HsU'Tho pubiiihors name 'the price' at Which they' can be secnred. A list of this selection is pTMifced ; the teachers select the books on , the list they desire to nse; tbe clerk ot the board of edu- tstfoa -seods them: This is sub itantiaJly the New York plan; it hss been inaraUonmany .years and gives eausiactlon.-, . riue Journal nas urged many times ,the . adoption of a similar plan in all parts of the country, and it again, urges its adoption. ' ! APPLICA.TJ0H TO OOUNT1E3. . There should tbe ts school board in1 every cdtthty and this should mkke up a list of text-books. yifrrrn anil Taramafiv ij art to wipe up the earth with her com bined enemio next month. It u a case exact l bimilsr to what we have sten in North Caculin. The lUformers" in the campaign last year promised to make all kinds of exposures of corruption and' ex tra vajiauce on the part of the Dem ocratic Legislatures "and State ad ministration and promised to cut down the salaried and fees of all county and State officers. Bat wnai aid they do wh en the re- formers" they elected, got to Ra leigh? They organix-ed tho Legis lature by employing' about thirty more clerks,t pages aix laborers, at a cost of about $125 a day, than had been employed Iry the modt extravagant Legislatnre that .ever before met in. the Statu. lrfaad of cutting oil: officers, they at'nxse set to work increasing thm. Ttrcy createdtwonew Judicial Districta, requiring two additional Judgosl3' lC4luoiif ttt nud Orlmo. Since 1ST0 the" number "of child ren in Kngluh schools has in creased from 1,000,000 to 5,000, 000, and the number of persons in English prisons has fallen from I,000 to" 6,000; The yearly aver age of persons sentenced to penal servitude for aggravated crime has decreased from 3,(XA) to 800, while juvinilo offenders have fallen from 14,000 to 6,000, vAa France th criminal statistics ani the statement of the magu- Inxtaa htw that as schools have oeen opened prisons have been filltd. and that the diffusion of education has been accompanied twrintlv with an increase of jr j crime, pcially juviniU crime. Keeping cn.Udren in school ought, annarvntly. Co some extent Up them from the ctfmnusaioo of pwt ty-offensesby lwsen.g opportuni- ths but if this be thJ cs, and Solicitors; they elected throe treCt should be produced in additional magistrates in every Jxance as in England. A Trench 9 ft - ft' " - .vsr,u; .. ik. u. ' ! loom ai oners tne explanation lUn.lSMIU KUU UUb IUU ij LU 2tli I ' . extMnse of 125.000 iri rnrnibinff instance, as under the rvpubllc 1 '.7 o l . . . , them with supplies ; they increased all the annual appropriations ex cept those to the Soldiers' , Home were gi4ng out of btuin. In fact, they have just commmcd to do Inuinesa on the' sound basis af forded by unlimited aceasetothe world's supply of this raw mate rial. Philadelphia Record. Wtu the HoutU lltfftatV IIIffH-XrlorMl ffflsvaff. m To 3 are rioMcal Eaa otua rre-irs tarn for tart ' vr. foar dsya wotk Usa tbt'paraoa ri- ftrrrd to bj lbs Beatles! msTXS-i lot an satire j rat's lsbor ifo-'dis who keow aajthis . &cl C2? -1 JosrcsiLswa will laiak tbaOilaTx.: aasde otk to rrpast tA&lwcrsSZZt su tost are ta read beta frota. snU ootaaas of csw tsaltst 'mtT k da j lor sa eel Irs j ta. Cj Another northern , witness for the' great .anti-war principle of States Rights and Seceasion is out. It is United State Senator H. C. Ixdgw, of MaaaachusetU. In hU Ithe JenUset e point Is Life ol Daniel Webstar," be I Uo not baiieTe soy writ as follows: thots will lefard it s r!rlt -When the Constitution WMklta as ooca w I .1 . a a . A - Philadelphia, and accepted by the " " i - r t . i . i i I imiii puiut rrmiN it-r mm mum 9 jssr of aftxt k. ibe vaacilsSf tT votes of States in popular oonvsn tions, it is safe to say that thr was not a mau iu the country, from Washington and Hamilton on the ouv side, to Uforge Clintou and George Mason on the other, who regarded the Dew system as any thing but an experitueut, entvrvd upon by the Suu-t, su4 from which sarh and ry cry Statu bad it rasps bere U crtt-4, loul;lf tat Cgpab'e atrtstit ol UoJ os ) sar.' x by jrar. Sstn Joasa tat beet twe la Wilcatbgtoo. It ihcra wax ao rtal lj a diso ctoutbe cuful Catbetsd io st two careUags U Is more Ibso e ts'.ieva VTe kaow i . oibrs who are tt lbs aamo opBio0 Evsoctbsf, who t snoasy,' price by the cottnty def) JaJtory: Of coliras it wonld he 'much' "better if vrhageidrllt'fi reason fori existence iri'' the'bdsf Iblin could be annlied. , tv iuenTOn ' 'ine,- "wnere 'tnc j a matter for iscuesiosv -books were free, butinot the StO6 TJ:ere are certain qeatitUx :wjf( aTtfgaYj, the dfl y laborer, mu.e discussed r h? teachers tit in a touch witb moVementa -ofT eetings They are parties deeply concerned; ,they mustjhave.free- and State Guard, making .an ag gregate increase of over $100,000; tne increasea taxauon. not a salr.ry or fre, in State, County or towLihip. office was reduced, but in tl.e office of Register of Deeds, and perhaps, others, fees wvre increased. Tl.o people of North Carolina education is simply intellectual instruction, while in England there U-t-n only instruction but training; moral and religious iu- fluenoes arr brought to bear upon the minds of the younx. There is not much soaodnes in Victor Huro's contraticfi that hen vou build a chool-hoxJC you cloce the door of a jail. . The peo ple t f no other country spvnd swjre mcm-jy for education than the jeo- harf..Mn--evrr nroniise of the Plecf the United States ; but crlipe r -t r . "reformers" broken and every aepi paw-wia.-. chaiiM aeainst the democratic ad- wucuod. ana it is wortn ourwsw min:strations disproved. The ngm p-acaaoiy to wmarw . BfTef koo0o ,0 f 0 mUt9 lbfrt - - i . & i nght wmcn waswry iixeiy wwitr Mt b!f crowds. etUblisUd eWcised Lodge's Life of WUfbQrcltf 0tl too proeprcls ol a stcr,. psgs iio-i. .Mwnjiwn larre coijectl' o. rtty t:3p;y 7 Mewvnger. What Knowlodtfu i Worth Mont. to consider whether this result thokhtt)f the nineteenth centurv- !J... u' ' i iu, thiiir for thniX. to do is to follow niay l ot bv m some measure due fismenfia'-fiii. iIJL TT?iI t . ... , . , Lu-:J i.ut , vl to tLc ausJitv of the Wacher. ie orjehaaptulytnamed; Unii versity: Eite? i8i0ri tha . University of the' Busy." t xuesoareits claims: 1. That opinion it eriahler busy men and women to I keepjii touch with educational FS1! conserving what has been f enf? i in public school, academy, oreof iegej fitting the idea, which mal ea part Q1 the system', that ed- a thing, which can tne, best results when feeling.free thxample that the to ict. The teacher in an uhgraded York will set then :icn is not i limited to a certaid period of ,hcoI instruction, but is to ho r continued through all the years of life. New York School Journal. America nCit- intrpat in vu xHftfUFJuaca w-uia waguui k fedueat,r5.ifA;aand bfougbtiaant-armfaiof bookB This question of "What knowl ede is worth most," wm answered at' Denver. Prident Nicholas Murray Butler. Ph. D.. of Colum bia University, N. Y., made this the1 theme of his addrtrss. We hop everv teacher in the United fUtu will read president Uutler sp acsw ?r to this important qui nr. -JJ,? femcd to sweep the whole Ctrtojy o! the intellectual heavens with clear, far-pc-nctrating viaion, and brit to concluaion. Ur ay.; "If it be tree that spirii and rton rule the univtrt. then tho highest and moat ecdur rr r ? . 1.' . ft' . them this Fall. ine PS.J Z IHur) the hvDocrits and slanderers I Wonum KutTVnaro Ita Con- w& Mil7VA.vV DUVUlUi W WUJWI & I 1 r i.-i. rlof r.ripat- bravo njid natriotic menl nootlout. tB AJ WLI1ULI Ul O 11B k vjii - x- Ifroii: power. Give them control with v . of another - Legislature and State U s n;mj tnat wnen tne aoroity the'publililers' side. 1 hereus'something to be said for the publisher, :- One book may ha o special merits ; the publisher should have the opportunity to get u L. u. u est achiovement of which humam Education und tho SontluLuut. hnSih rieht vnfa for ty w capable." American Journ w boiid opAo oitsr cso's oooisy tioss.' Oflbsktoi of ptaacaUj-- itaJt ts besa besrd tbs Texas CbtlsUto adrocxlft tyj v'r7 liat the polplt donojr tbS Isjf' fw jtars has lodolrrd la erlfs- -ordlo try libet ties Is trssfpsrecUy- cWr. AH sorts ot soMmsr: poiliial, soda', fluraty and aaa-rr tJOtal bare bero dlscaaaed, vioU.th tioss ef tbs 'awa cf pratntnar aoecr;.. fbetorv bae been cloned !a. aart. very TAfieij ol tU Hart rate . tt4rt. been i potted. AU tbe traditicstz.'. . Cieat trrscbios: wrre . lorxotted. AH proifielst ao4 coaveafoa 4iar hleb bad bilberto bedced; to th '.a'p't were rt!iitfOpcoas3y garrr,-. Tbe ldal ptattipg was'' tv. : of smart 3ioc. Ufcajf , ani lsng, with rajrCriaJ officorswhowill encourage, instead of the thing wears off the woaian (of t.ntching them, and there will UuflraUUdo not care much about be iiu holdine back tho floods of voting; The. Ilartford- Couraat extra vagance .: and corruption. publu bos an Instructive tawe oi F.ntpmrufl the voting ol women in uorinccu- in knowledge is of the things of L, rtxtx tte gry;e. acd - - a . r Uu-i s;int. That subUe w oi th' rvautiful and the sublime whicif nccompanies spiritual in Tho Text-Book Question The writer remembers when a wagon drove up front of the little red gchool-hous6 where he was a pupil, the entrance of a better clad man- than was usually seen in! "these parts," the conference with the teacher in which a new book was i exhibited, the asking if we wtuld like to .get a new spelling boot forour'oIdbhW : that we all wondenngly;and quickly assented p not be auseAmenca was y.fbehlnd.the Umes, ad applied much of the and gavend to each of "nr.1 AThus 1 was CobbV Speller 'aud'DeaDer, I I ing-bbokar put r into tho wagon, ltPckto&. XllSffi-P V1 Yiaitor disappeared. . Wem ol pnblio school in 1AV '3 auendaxice until the P&ched a certain p nf- opp-ortunity of ducatian X primitive; it waff, however, the in-Jnished that before the pupils. In this I pla ;e there is a committee -whoso j bufiness it is to examine and .adopt book 8 they deem; meritorious. e. THE PEOPLE'S SIDE. In l i s c. The crv sirainst the South that P"MWH WHUUIIIWWI it is illiterate ia heard frequently. It is as follows: It is given voice to by persons! womjli vote. whose accusation seems to be that, I Counties. Ib93. 11. 1293 978 wiik i-ongb of an e-tbicel rur arttr ronelU :be leroa.' It f it- wt kr.b nf Tbt sight. od U part of it, is the high-JmM fho Oorpl Difi" whici is 1 tacs: uriuujoi iuic41ao. ri'iog wtl a vriy Uoe bacd w caonot'": ay oov what as would libs to asyv' 1 bsrv ts a cost bealthlbl rssctlosi al of Education. Fancy It I Naturally the people want ijood bec.use the South has captivated utnforj I a i m. 1 m v ft4 inn sn has) I area, -we do not want schools ; that P,t,w "aven, booka-and at the cheapest r ates. 8CUoolg m propoirioo w . ...... I Rren. -we do not want schools : that It would seem . that all publishers i dQ not iee -(ho ndof them; New London, - would agree, upon the adoption ol we aro hostile to free public I Fairdeld, a book by a county or city board, schools. I Windham, tofurnis&. this book at a certain In reply to this f resident ureher Lilohfield i college, v a., snows we nte-.of discount a low piace Ui ihUOUUM VWUVkV. v m sw w-.w difficulties in the way. The first iu"UJT 804 278 170 259 CO 872 11S0 W9 878 193 182 So 140 187 1895. 069 070 lbo Who -wants to have anythiag to do with a wovnao ho can stop a street car with js whistle? Fancy woetiins- ant tW irx test sorrow of 1 a m sgaiot volgshty. sl or. dirt and inevrrsnoe aoJ the sUsbibsi jp;Ub. - ipersoraJitj. Tbe Tin says : "S'jds of tbfta wboaaoe igtx? .mm - .a xaj wiu asrrr 101 87 3300 8141 U03 Thus there -would be an opporfcnn- u ft jRck Xhe goUth Tolland, ity to purchace dooct cnnapiy. i caIn out of Iho war impoverished. , Tne objection.' . - I Mot of her xwonlo are eneaced in I Total, The only objection tcv this plaru is agrifculture, which money is ac- It will be seen from this lain that there issaid'to bo a tendency l-'n,. 11 that a very large vote was pulled KAoti in citror r. , . i line urst vear. ine bocodu " hintwi nrirfi. an . uuiv lhu 'rjooalinWayf .... .rif the Southern number was sli io.il i:r.. ..;irkf-mA4ie inrir I aJv,t--v - jwuitua t . "T . nlKr IntiU lion til-A&J 143 FaricvaakinrfurJadvceaoout : 1. ' "T 00 an importaat Le Ured of it and bar- repast ; wnoseusujutvu,., .tforevsr. Tbe idols are so aUsraC:. : shirt collar is as maacdhye as pos- ttjjghtj are fallea Wat sible.and who assumaair o Cbcrcb pfeasalawu--. bloomers whsn she ndashrnstai u ot4 arrajsd; IUal(.r horsel iastonia uazeiM. .Mu,( iK.nncnL The oexa . S SSs v ft) w aswv'vwwv M I to. accnmulate .sur countv depositori es, IBut win lll fccumulate so etietef it is state's ,: and a pojmlation greater bv The third year itji well to have tbeai accumir- onfy 923,580, ha ve an assessed vai- one.balf of the 1 Massachusetts is taking the feadU'e committed to paulog It dow. oiall the state in the matter t I Tb journals simply olfw Ui: At the last seal tew ut of tbe oaea- -TOt p-V f late in depositories as of. the, pupils. nit certainly. ia a,g aod. recom nienuation W tliis1, p Ian I tht Mties 20O.Q0ja childre are tur withVexbooka ad topt it. Is The Becond year litrhtlv diminiahiki. it i . l LMiiiainsr eoou roam. IV leil OU " " . . 1 ... .1 il..t.,..,dn.lln'.n SDsiou of the Massachusetts ieL- jh-" UCUJBW" ,uw a . i . I ' " 1 . . . t uii I araa TV. I LiinilD.DU 1 U v w ax the homeff ; , " 1 auceu to tne naicuiousiy iuuu , . , . eny more man tnree uuae iatfto i x ,,f . woman FPrulwl lwr rv m" Q f ntith " From number of 1,900 out ol a woman r- i M;nn.n m v vw i , . 3Mi uill m k -- thMn -flcmrfta PraMddentrJDreherlPopUlation ol voting age- wnicn r i rmn I'aTii will .xhow- tfit l,"th t of pukiioq UmounU to .bout 170.000. From PPropn.u - ' -mi 'J M..u:i,fti,ii k.' .. ii i - IbacL&dtf. Tbe cood roaoa move- ItcaruWnso'l faU from oos tod ol lb' csiaot lo lbs other. Wd mirjL'toa iiraaencfr. ventibn oi a man, of genius -and has been iolj9,wed ;io.0he f6rmor ahothptf or .eltpaat fifty years. jhai bsed 'rrcbived tbVt there 4' 3 a great field iorth3 use ef text bookslin the 500,000 schools in the m4hem? rweR enrwehTtVnite? States, and. tho publuhers i ox uxeiu Bixive w nave wueiu uuupi- I w 4 ma m u inetitutions for,, higherlfa antt w bunded. 3-Stat trriii-f booka 4?? P-8 iQDerml i I m the lease inlt-reitad-'ws:infnrind 1 v wueir uoors to an i 1 - - RtUiflinir;T. an.Jjaot tohovWholly attWmlkeddod? . O. TVVil.i 7; JLAIV I T . J A t . - -r : a rejoiced in tha riXO removB tnesQ ana.guosiuute n a forded by univit-10 PUCH?9- 10 America wQa in i-. rv. t: foil rum bich was adanfp tA tin0 . L T. rent conditions the te aeveiopmont mi pi American soil, TJnd- t.OT!4V"uasananeo: tir- I , i 4 ,t I Last year a great jwar.w .raa saaae on tno, lammany eiuu v ganiiatiihjNewn'orkatr- was accused of all-kinds pi rcorrvpt DdVextfaVaVan ractTcV the aoinistAitibrjf "the cit -&ierh meiltt A.comrination wlc)nirfd XVMii 'Republican. Vnd "all the organization ' b, ano: a picnjtarpi 4ftgof f lew-bookijas j given ithistratiqn of theti's world WnderimUrtflneipecimotii Fffi'reformers'Mis ef schirtefaiiothtf5ka&rj era ghotitffCnav fhtf vnnpotttfhif.y h .ViKii ii t-'i lrfk? rV compliah. the oparpsea. of educa tion. 5 -The 1 questidri' rabo ve "pTo- TtoaedUs not' a newone in the city f School there 4 better one ?--N. Jonrnai' - i n seem tnat woman eht well be railed a hvfhich will providepublic achools his it would for 10 months of the year at the iufTrft migi IHOrin will ue eumcieuw n UMminff. Uin finch achonls af the South!1""0 for only threoand a third months ton aioaseager. in theyear.1 : ' ' 0ni v vTben, again, ,ttxe f popuiatioii o the Sduth is 'scattorod, taking . it Wool to 12n(;llh. The ditjit in !aome; ;8ectiona impos-1 : a;Mft Aatabliah schools. OwinSl It tW tliaistahce of a- sufficient Tiam-I has appears that a Bo tton firm aold GOO.OOO pounds, of Mon- men t, by the way, is by no means confined to Maaaachusetta, or to New England. The whole country is U.terosUd in it. and the interest wilt be stimulated by tbe good road s congrvas to be held in At lanta a shortly. News A Observer. Tb . daAtjUig money in in this coantry n 1H73 aa i4d, and we had ooly )lt hundred and thitty-rive millions' ta that. .To;'. dav we have over foax j3rareaar macb gold in the etraaLT angr nearly four hundred padlk&a. ut7 box of: children from, a., central una wool from export t England, I lo ti . patent on th name of th p0frtt,i4'New England has 71 peo ne English' rrianufactur- boiif icai faction in Gotham. Th ffoodv coody - T . ...... n tnonjpartisan rBjrnif1 rcaw waW:elected. Wicked T ammany was bftdiy Deaten reopie SiiSai of mairy&expoei 4U w W - -m m. . ft gr$aetrenchmhv in th affai fiieJtreformersMiave i VbW IV uncovegsingle andjjmstead ofrsducing ilirlhave addedSS the ex jeVeryl derrtmtiit, and jNerft orr. are mguet j expected ires and admin- ra-But iot been scandal, cxperses rmses of ttiEx'in isxnthan they ever werpjder.Ta xmnariy. Iho -voters hive tad . i of leto the iauarei inilo:,the Middle tatae, jlxa ; uio, uwu t2)-.l Massachusetts;' :&78 ; and Vir- ffirua.oniy.,1; uonnecticm, 8MdlJ6eorgia' bnly 1 11 Permsyl- e cannot uo ueu uumiwu cludeiWithlthelWasfington PUdU comment qrtho. foregoing : . , "We do riot-oeiievB tnat toere any peoplfrW VtW ot country that nas. ever made .such sacriflcb KTWUUcaupn as loo meu mA men ol the south nave mido ahd atenalang Vin the snp-i rrt nf f red achOQis. .Let their cen- Mns Hrics IrAidV the facts col- Woii cflnae of .iustice will compel them to bestow praise- where they hav been pes towing conaemua ti6n.,, Aflheyille Citixen. 0c krs are willinir to pay more for it Sun ! first called the Good Govern- - r i ... tn silver money besides, ery dollar ' ... i . . . . . Tt e New York Son is enuuea uf xt of legal tender vau,xxir l the iwB of subsidiary siivsr coin. so. then, the plain, untarnished truth is that in l&o Ve have ovtr ess billion dollars in 'metallic "xaooiy of full debt-paying .power in cir- culation more than'six times th ' volume of oor metallic standard ' if . wnrfh in Lhia matXSt. I m.n( rmnlB UOO VIOO svuu Maw v v -- ujvui r- - j - On the strength of thus transaction I Geni Un-American Reform Lnion the.advocatea of a high UritT tax 3aroo. Goo Goo is an an- rtrna that foreiiTTl mSUU- I I.tinn of t?ood ffOVernment, fact are rs will soon monopolize tne and .expresses the inarxcuiie money in j.o.--oaluBvl i w.V;-,rr Anr wnnlrLa. I M U. r,f hi1dnn ID DOilUCa a l which they will send lack to us, in Weil as in nature. Garoo is de spite Of our 40 to GO per cant, du-1 nvml from the initials ol the ties. This argument ignores the I m Gam loots nao, wuiie tact that our manufacture are I Garoi , U finished and rounded out. lite the curios e, are about a year m 1 I ft t ,m." , . SL. ff tSvSASMBMItf domeitio wools they est. as ioug i oio, J2-T-- - - - aatns neccsaitiesv of their trade 9jm Corrje-Fitxiimiaons fight compel them, to buy so largely of jg declared oil. No place no .nnhas it ooea no i tne unuveo i " " " ) lookTia if American xnarmfacturers ftatfng U allmred. J. Morgan, the New.York banker, who has - disturbed mare PopulUu' drvsms than any other living man, has given several thouMLnd dollars to the Episcopal church to carry on Miasionary work in Alabama. in priro U oca's Pdls hse woe blfh oraie for ib4r proapt aod l!lcrat 5ctty actioa. 1 I 1

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