nnxTi BEMO C SAT r , - - . - ; " NO 12 LlNCOLlTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1895, Clerk net Iron Denver. ton: maete lice-, dispat for it tal1 Mix si. oiint.V Dircct,orjt.; ANNIJ k of Legislature : j. F. arilt, Bernhardt a. ' . : - VTXY Officers: C H. . iv. n a T Rhodes, M'u , ie7) - Vf Court ; Jacob F. Killian, The Mr of Deeds; D. .L. Younf audited Treasurer ; J. Tho8. McLean, Coro year Ihompaon, Surveyor To X .Roads. pat tv Commissioners : H. E, amgalir, Chairman, Lincoln ton ; D a Coon, Reepsville ; W . L Baker Halls X Roads; J E Reinhardt Station; r A lhompson I -.county ixAMinu-K L. A. Ab- 'ernethy, Maclipeian. Town Direc IRECTORY : W. Mclvee, Mayor, Lincoln Miss Kva G. Sumner Post- r; S. K. Cline, Chief of Po- Lincolnton. ' P. CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. , atrium repaired. Anything in the t ier - line done with neatnesa and ' , ( ; ive ine a call. 11-15-95-ly DR. T. F. COSTNER Offer a liis professional service to Itbepf oplo of Lincolnton and sur rounding country. (Jfhce at resi dence next to l he North Sta.te Hotel- ? 10-4-'95,ly. DENTISTRY. ITavi nii" located in Lincolntdn, X. C, ufter my professional services to the oeopU' (if the town and surrounding (Wintry, l am prepare.! iu no an kiiius of dental work, crown and bridge work a specialty. Nothing but the best ma terials used and all work guarantied. rues reasonauie, leuns rasu j'. special agreement. Office nearly )po?ite postotttce. . DK. L. S. FOX, Dentist. l-22-Hff. ly. . NOTICE. Tht- Town Tax Book is now in my indd for the collection of Town Taxes An early settlement will save cost Don't wait until your property advertised, and then get mad. I give iu this 'timely notice. Those who owe very soon unless settlement is made at or isy-i-yo w in , L mean wnat i . J. K. Cline, Tax Collector. DENTAL NOTICE- n. a w. Alexander will b a XJi . ii. I A bis office at Lmcolnton, June, Aa R08t, October, December, Feb ruary and April. Will be 111 Mt. Holly, July, September, November; jjaquary, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate ''is the place to get a nice piece of BEEF, PORK and FRESH SAUSAGE. ,v- All meats found in a FIRST- - CLASS MARKET. Come to - see us. Market prices paid for hogs and cattle. . - Edwards &SherriU. 112-V)o.. ly. J. C. Morrison, Jeweler, DEALER IN , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. AMD SILVERWARE, Invites you to inspect his stock at Potd'& Elara's, opposite Bap-tiat-jchurch in Shelby. He has a larcrp. trcK nip a Assortment of La dies and Children's Rings. Go to him if you want your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired MARKET In tirst-cVass style ahd workman- ship guaranteed. "Prices to suit the times. His Work Speaks his Praise. Orders received through mail' will have prompt attention. 12 27-95. ; D you im ; I F SO ' vto jib d Buv Your A. Groceries From 12-6-1- Al. UEPOIIT OF COrif- X orth XJarolina : Office Board of Lincoln County Commissioners following accounts have been and ordered to be ipaid for the ending. 1st Dec.-18&5. Dec. 3rd, 1S04. J E Patton bis Poll Tax for tbe year 181)4 $2-30 D W Lutz his "Poll Tax for' 1894 he being infirm '2.80 J F Canipe bis Poll Tax for 1894 he being infirm 2.80 K James coffin for Kate Raima u r 8.001 R M Roseman 2 days on com it mittee 4.00 P Carpenter Registrar in Reep precinct 1.71 E T Childs for goods for the Home and J II Tutherow winding town clock 2 months 3.16 ! P F Baxter the Home bill for Nov 1894 ' ; 118.16 DE Whitener D arrest and S - i delivery of John "VYirigate ' 0.20 I R Self for repairing bridge at Old Rock dam 25.00 G L Heavner d l for serving 1 road order .40 J K Cline Sheriff for Jail fees for Xov 1894 84.92 ! J A Nixon Registrar in Tri angle precinct .61 W A Graham Jr. repairing the bridere at Grahams 4.18 F S Starrett for printing 500 orders . x 1.50 J A Abernethy repairing Dublic road 60.00 Calvin Hoover to use J K Cline for 2 bu lime for Jail 1.00 W L Crouse M D for services : at the Home 4.50 W L Crouse for drugs for the Home and Jail 4.75 O E Childs c 9 c making out " bills costs etc - 12.76 F T Short 1 mo allowance for infirm son 3.50 A Lee Cherry 1 mo support Ollie Abernethy 2.2o ' David Canipe 1 mo support infirm son 1.00 ' Jerome Yarborol md support for himself ' " 1.50 ' Mrs. Susan Hussl mo support - infirm daughter - 1.50 CJ ' Mrs E W Ramsey 1 mo sup- nort, for herself 2.00 ir TT 7irTirr 2.00 1 for himself Mrs C Clemmer 1 mo allow ance Mary Clemmer's child ren MrsMGooden 1 mo-allowance for infirm son John Osborne 1 mo allowance for himself B C Wood services as clerk etc Nov 1894 Jan. 7th, 1895 1 Van Hoyle for .tax for 1894 error in listing ' J K Cline John Heaver's poll tax 1893 error in listing 3.00 1.50 1.00 69.90' .57 1 2.45 ' J K Cline money advance to Indigent Pupils 121.00 " F S Starrett publishing Co. Revenue and Charges and C. E Childs c s c annual report 49.42 Henry Houser Registrar m Heavners precinct v 1.53 lifw-WMotz work, on Court THpuse' " ' V . '' 11,90 "W:Li Crouse M D services at the Home-' : . -V"-' 6,00 W L Crouse M D drugs, at the Home - 4.50 " E T Childs goods for the Home and J U Tutherow winding town "clock i4 BR Payspur repaiting.bfidge at Leonard Fork: - . ' 7.82 1.00 J F Killian for Edward and BrougHtn. stationary F Killian services as clerk "pre -. i ' 1 3.92 54.25 M Heavner the Home bill i for Dec 1894 vij E ; McCcrkle , 84.47 repairing bridsre at Smith's Tocnace 29.35 " C H Rhodes jail fees for Dec 1894 - - . ; - : . 44 Elm Grove Cotton Mills for iron piping - i8,00 F T Smith- tax on $100 errors : in listing. - - - " B C Wood clerk etc at Dec : 1894' ' ' ? - .73. "' - 4 - 90 H S Robinson & Co good for , thft Home and jail --.' A- linrtnn P-OOdS fOT -ofti; toTand.:JL I aain.andKiseifgoods for they 'HomV.y, , J,5? i C E Childs cc for Edwards . c T,rrhtn stationary1 7.45 . .. : . I n4Si K A.llOUSer wura vi j - : -- v w W-Wells to use U H uwc' ! ? for work on CburtHouse A B Poole tax for 1893 er- y ror in listing : - Ani t. , T Jr Shoal . Cotton MilU bridge at Laboratory, . . F S Kids tax fpx 1894 error 3. 4 : for in liethig : .'.'J i'A k l of her mother 1.00 John Farmer 1 mo allowance for himself " 1.00 O C Thompson Poll Tax 1894 error in listing 2.30 D M Taylor 1 mo support of his daughter 2.2 Grant Powell Poll Tax 1801 " r 44 44 44 44 44 44 he being infirm 2.30 G M Clark for toot log on public road 1.251 C II Rhodes jail fees for Jan 1895 42.00 J F Killian services as clerk etc 13 40 S V Good.Hon Registrar in Orebank precinct 1.201 K James coffin for Si Sample 3 00 J F Davis Registrar at Den ver Precinct 1 97 C II Rhodes delivery Andrew Starnes 7 90 O A Barkley for Edwards A Broughton t5 85l M L Heavner keeping the Home for January 95.55 II S Robinson A Co goods for the Home 21.73 GW Edwards hauling rock on public road 1.60 W J T Styers coffin for Re becca Williams 4.47 Elizabeth Williams 3 mo sup port Rebecca Williams 6.00 A W Reedv ink for the county 1.50 J F Killian, Harrell Printing Co for stationary 1.20 Raimaur A Burton goods for Jail and the Home 3.0S E T Childs for J II Tutherow winding town clock . 1.33 R M Beal conveying Mrs. Edwards and children to the Home. 8.50 C L Brown for clothing -for F T Sh6rt's son 5.25 Calvin Shnim lumber for baidge 5.26 fc L P Sifford examination Joe Nixon insane 1.00 ' F M Gilmore allowance for himself 1 mo 1.50 March 4th, 1895 4 Jane Little i' mo allowance for herself 1.00 1 E James coffin for Wright Moore and Will Williams . 5.50 11 J K Cline for carrying elec tion retruns etc 10.70 DA Lowe repairing Hunters' bridge ISO. M L ITavn.Jj .XX. F T Short 3 mo allowance for infirm son 10-50 A Lee Cherry 3 mo allowance Ollie Abernethy David Canipe 3 mo allowance for infirm son Jerome Yarboro 3 mo allow ance for himself Susan Huss 3 mo allowance for infirm daughter E W Ramsey 3 mo allowance for herself and family Mrs C Cremmer 3 mo allow " ance for Mary Clemmer's children R W Cline 3 mo allowance for himself 0.75 0 00 4 50 4 50 6 00 4 900 600 John Osborne 3 mo allowance " for himself Frances Brown 1 mo support of-her mother 1 John Farmer 1 mo allowance for himself ' D M Taylor 3 mo allowance for infirm daughter 4 F M Gilmore 1 mo allowance for himself and family 3 00 1 00 1 00 Frances Brown 1 mo support. 7 50 260 44 L W Hoyle hauling rock in public road D Cherry conveying Jo Nix on to Insane Asylum 12 19 50 J F Killian services as clerk etc Jenkins Bros goods tor me jail C W Shull hauling rock on public road W L Crouse M D services and drugs at jail and Home C II Rhodes jail fees for Feb. Philo Jonas hauling rock on public road P B Bess Registrar in uess Chapel Precinct L J Houser 1 day service on committee J M Lackey J Pexamination of James Ashe insane S W McKee J T examination of James Ashe insane C U Rhodes conveying Jas 14 it Ashe to Goldsboro If f windinir town clock ? '.as Juror laying off public road J A Carpenter 8 days services as Juror laying off public road M W Gates 3 days services as "Juror laying off public road . j.o.uv 44 )avid Ingle 3 days services as ' 1 . urur ioj 'fc t 44 Monroe Reep 8 days services ' . as Juror laying off public road t...i. nirntr nun c roaa 44-' C H Rhodes summoning 6. Ju- - .rori.ta lay out pu bile road 200 - 00 t . - j McOoirkleworkon bridge i .lCfiitri Tii marl ' ' . jWallia Quickie 1 mo support, .: ' Wright Moore ' "3 Martha Quern 2- mo allow- anre for helrlf April Ul Ramaur & Burton goods for the Home l J IWaui lumWr and hin- gles at the Home i on 10 M C7 0O J A Nixon coffin for Mnrot (iraham RC Sutler t uronvejing Paid Walton to Lincoln count) Jenkins Bros good for th jail J C Shrum for lumber for Iron bridge J F Killian for Edward, fc Broughton 1 record of Ied J F Killian services as clerk etc j J B Ramitir gnU for the Home ; R M Nixon serving 5 road orders M L Heavner the Home bill for March 4 SO 4 65 ISO 823 16 25 6 73 31) 8V65 44 John Norwood repairing bridge at Marif a 44 Lawson Hagar lumber for public road 1 ro 10SS 7 76 2 40 II W Cauble work on Jail W J Baxter serving 4 road orders C H Klioiles Jail fees for March C II IUumI eiiinmoning 52 Jurors spring term E James repairing chairs for runty G A Barkley for Kdwardi t Broughton stationary W 11 Siginon building bridge 37 16 15 6) 2 HS 7011 8 25 .s on public Hnad MnV l.tli, 1M5 44. J K Killian for Edwards & Broughton stationary II S Itubinstui k Co goMls for thw Honn? 44 Ramnur V Burton goods for tin Home 44 J F Killian services as clerk etc 44 J 7 V Lynch building bridge at Keinhardt ; Furnace 44 T M Hoover repairing bridge on public road 44 E T Childs J H Tutherow wmdinv; town clock 2 . mo and gooda for jail C II Hbodea holding court and summon jury .1 - 1 1 3.as 4.15 12 55 71.00 10.26 3.85 65.fcO 34.00 (I C H' Rhodes jail fees for bill for April 1693 J F Killian to Edwarda Sc Broughton for j.p dock eta G A Barkley eervecea &c J L Cobb in cao state vs E W Ward " J T MoLftan to ue J K' Uliuo holding inquest over John Ix)gan 10.80 2.S0 81.30 15.25 44 R M Beal summoning wit neesos at coronor inquest l'JP Bean summoning wit nesae9 at coronnr inquest 44 J H Bisaner 2 days ser vices as iuror at inquet over John lxcan .1H) .30 3.10 " F H DeLane to use W 1C Edwards 2 days servico as joror at inquest over the body of John Logan u EH Cauble 2 days service as iuror at inquest over the bidy 01 Jolin Iogan R C Coon 2 days service as juror at inquest over the bedy of Jr.o Logan " P D Hinson 2 days ser vice as jumr at inquest over John Logan " R S Edwards 2 days ser vice as juror at inquest 3 in 3.10 00 nvpr John Logan E James coffin for Jno Logan J L Kistler clothing for John lKan . " Jno W Sain M i examin- afon John Logans tody 1 35 300 20 15 29 20 " C E Childs esc J rees stvsS V Gooilson et al G A Barkley c c fees stvsS V Goodson et al 44 W J Wingate D 9 i fees st vp S V Goodson et al 4 H P Howard sw $ fees st va S V Goodson et al 950 1 50 2 00 100 " A F Moore s w 1-2 fees at va 6 V Goodson et al 4t C E Childs c s c i fee st va Philip Maasagee y A Barkley esc i fees at vs'Philip Massagee. JC KinR D s l-2fea at va Philip Massage . D J Beam 8 vr 1-2 ;fee at va Philip Massagee " A L Goodson s yr i fee at tb Pnilip Massagee .. 4 W L Baker s "1-2 fee at . vs Philip Massagee Frank Hoover a w 1-2 fe at vs Philip MasiBge 1 00 27 95 1 83 3 00 8 00 . 8 00 - w 8 00 OA Barkley c ac $ fee at -vs Eleithcr Varner " C E Childac s c 1-2 Ice , at va Eleither Vartir " J L Webb sol. 1-2 fee at ' va Eleither Varner C E Cnilda esc 1-2 feo at va Chaa, Reynolda G A Barkley c acl-2 fee $75 ' 6 at va Chaa Remolda SO 44 II M Beal Ii a 1-2 fesi it VI . Chaa Reynolds .50 C H Rhodt strrr 1-2 ff st va Chas Itcynolds .15 " 11 A Kirks y s w 1-2 feo st va Chas Reynolds .K) 44 C K Childs c c 1-2 feo st va John lUker 1.5G 44 G A lUrkuy csclSfw st va John Baker .bO 41 R S Jones chief police 1-2 fee st vs John Baker .50 44 CK Childac ac 1 sfesat va G A Smith 3 05 44 G A Barkley cac 1-2 foo at va G A Smith .12 J C King i ! 1-2 fe st va G A milh 30 44 C W Beam w 1-2 lee t va G A Smith 1.05 44 C K Childs c 12ffla at vaT A Smitli 1.02 41 G A Harklov v s c 1-2 fi it vi T A Smith .K) 44 J C Kins r s 1-2 f- st vs T A Smith 115 44 C W Beam a 1-2 fee at v T A Smith 1.10 44 J K Cline sh it 1-2 fw st vsT A Smith .15 44 UK Childs chc 1-2 fea st va Andrew Starnes 2.40 44 G A Barkley c c 1 2to st va Andrew Starna 1.35 44 A H Boyd' sti'iT 1-2 st vs Amlrw Starnes .50 44 J K Cliu.. sirtt 1-2 fe st va Androw Slaru 44 T M Hiovr t s 1-2 U n st va Andrew Stamen 44 J J Whito t s 1-2 fe st va Andrew Stamen 44 Frank Smith to use H S Sellers 1-2 fest va An drea Slarnes 44 Alex Morgan s w 1-2 fee; st va Andrew Stame .CO .15 3 05 2 05 4 Henrv Carn-nter s w 1-2 fee at va Andrw Starnes 44 David Brinkloy w to us J C Hnldbrookt 1-2 lee st vs Andrew Starnes 1.15 1.35 44 Frank Anthony a w 1-2 f st vs Andrf w Starnes 44 D A limes s w to use J T DeLanw 1-2 fe st vs Andrew Starnes 44 J L Baker to use A L Campbell 1-2 lee st vs Andrew Starnes Thomas Link s w 1-2 fee stva Andrew Staruea 44 G Morris Clark a w 1-2 tee st vs And row Starne 4Z V Wilson aw 1-2 fei at vs Andrew Starnea 44 Alic Wilson aw 1-2 fee st va Andrew Starnes 0 .GO .SO C E Child o c 1-2 f- t vs Jihn Logan G A Burkley c fc 1-2 fc st va John Logan 1.07 1.13 4 C H Rhode sh'tl 1-2 fet? t v John Iogan 4 A K Loftiti shrt 1-2 fev st vs John Logan C E Child c s'c 1-2 fw t vs Kati" Ramaur 44 G A Barkley c a c 1-2 fe t vs Katie Rnmsaur 44 J L Webb sol. 1-2 fe st vs Knti Hamwur 44 J K Cline sh'tT 1-2 t vs Kati Ramaur 44 R M Beal t 1-2 fev st vs Kntio Ramsaur 44 J R Cnron e w to ut: E T Child 1-2 ft st vt Katie Ramaur 44 G A Barkley c s c 1-2 fe st vs Hnfv Carnter 44 L W Hoyle i 1-2 fee st vs Henrv Carpenter 44 W J Wineate t 1 feest vs Henrv Cnrp- nter 44 S W Mctf.- J P x vs Henry CanwnU'r 44 Ann Cotn-r to B C 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.00 10.00 WcmhI f.-f -t vs uuci Walton 4 Frank Jolly to J K Cline . fe st vs Bud Walton .li.hti ILamsaur to J K .50 2.S0 Cline U-f st vs Bud Walton 44 C E Childs esc 1-2 Iw t vs Melton Erring .30 44 G A Barklev cec 1-2 fee st vs Melton Erving 44 M S Hager D 1-2 fee st vs Melton Erving 44 R M Real i 1-2 fj st va Melton Krving 44 C H Rhode sh'tT 1-2 fee st va Melton Erving 44 G W McAllister a w to G S Mullen 1-2 fe st va Melton Erving 44 Foster Varner a w to G S Mullen 1-2 fee at va Melton Erving 44 Foster Varner a w 1-2 fee it vs Melton, Erving 44 G W McAllister a w 1-2 1.50 1.05 i .27 1.27 1.27 1.C0 1.C0 1.72 1.05 fee st vs Melton trvtng 44 G. A Barkley c c 1-2 fee st va John Hoke ' R M Beal t a 1-2 fee st va John Hoke . 44 II J Crook J P 1-2 fee st va John Hoke '4 S P Sherrill J p 1-2 fee st va John Hoke 1.35 3.75 2.00 1 1.42 44 B A Kirk-y w 1-2 ( t vs John Hole 44 Ellis Turner aw 1-2 f- st v John Hoktf 44 I) A Kirks-y w 1-2 i t John Huk 44 Will Aahe aw 1-2 f st vs John Hoka 44 C E Childs esc 1-2 iv t v Genri; Blantott 44 G A Barkly esc 1-2 fee . t vs Grin;i Blanton 44 G L llvnr u s 1-2 f st vs Gt-orgu Blanton 44 W C Taylor a w 1-2 fu st vs Grsiiig- BUntin M N IKllingra w 1-2 ft-s t vs Owrp Blanton C K Child c a c 1-2 f t vs AlUrt Mauney 44 G A Barkh y v m v 1-2 ft- st vs All -ft Maun-y 44 Amlin Hallmati w f,-.. t vs All-rt Maundy 44 J S Can-iti rs w 1-2 t v AH-rl Maun-y 44 Thma Wvnnt s w 1-2 1.2U 1.30 15 2U 1.25 1.40 2U 1.27 1 I!o t v Allrt Mautivy 44 J P Ileal! TC 1-2 fr t m IK'tirv Carji-nter 44 J W Sain- s w 1-2 fe st vs Henrv CaqnUr 44 C Etthihls i sc 1-2 st vs Snlli ln 1 U5 r 1.15 44 it A Barklev ' s c 1-2 fe st vs Sallie Logan 44 J L WVbb S4l. 1-2 le-f st Sallie Ial J K Cline :i,'ir 1-2 ft- l vs Sal It" Igan 44 C H Rhode sh'rt 1-2 f-e t vs Sal lie logati 44 J- Waller to W L Crnnw 1-2 ( t vs Sal- 2. l" 15 4 Ji- Walker to A L Camj Udl f-et vsSUi"l-;, 4 C K Child s r 1-2 I tl 'n Sallie I-gali G A Barkley c s c l-2fe-s at vs Salli" Igan 14 J L vVrbh S-.l. 1-2 f St vs Sallie baii 44 J K Cline Shir 1-2 fre tt vs Sallie lan KM Real l s 1-2 ft st vs Sallie lan 44 John Beam T c 1-2 f-j st vs Sallie 1asii 44 Jno Bean T c 1-2 tt vs Sallie l:tn 44 S W McKi- J r 1-2 f-j i vs Sallio lgan c t Svr'ill It tV vl 44 Frank Ramaur t J r Cline 1-2 fe t vsSall: 4 Frank lUmaur to L i Child ,1-2 vs Sallie lian 4 G A Barkley c c f- t vs Bud Walton J L Webb Sd f-f t 1.15 2.KJ r . 5 1.10 GO CO r Bud Walt.m 2).UJ ' W J Wtngate r s fee st vs Bud Walton T M Hoover r s fv st vs Bud Walton 4 S W McK.x- i r fe st vs Bud Walton Walter Heldertrand to A L Campb-ll ft-e tt vs Bud Walton 4 Walter Glover t J T iVLane fvt: l Vs Bud Walton .50 .15 .0 55 2. CO 15 44 J T Ohwli to A L Camj Udl ft- t vs Bud Wal ton 44 G H Bollingsr to A L CampU-ll It- i vs Bud Walton 4 G A Barkley s c 1-2 fc t vs George Richard 44 W J Wingatens 1-2 U l vs G-org Richard B V B al s w 1-2 fe t vs George Richard W M Maundy w 1-2 ftss t v G.-rg Richard O A Barklev c s c 1-2 iw 50 j 1 lo 1.42 15 15 4.10 4.10 ,t vs Miller BmU el al C E Child c s c 1-2 fe ,t vs Miller Bromn et al G L Heavner r 12 fe t vs Miller Brown et al John Hu s w 1-2 fen t vs Miller Bro1i i t al 4 John Averv- a w 1-2 fee st vs Miller Brown et al 4 John Tavlor s w 1-2 ( ,t vs Miller Brown et al 4 G A Barkley etc 1-2 fe t vs David Rich J L Webb Sol. 1-2 fee st vs David Rich W L Hovle t s 1-2 fee 4. IU 2.02 So 45 45 50 st vs David Rich 44 T M Hoover D a 1-2 U 1.50 st va David Rich 44 M I Latliniore Con fe! st vs David Rich 44 W J Baiter s w f 1.15 4.45 st v David Rich 44 C K Brackett a va David Rich 44 Charles lb-am fev David Rich J H Peneltoti fee fee st 3.45 st va 1.25 t 1.25 David Rich Martin Ilou-r lee st David Rich Bob Roaty fee st David Rich 00 H2 Henrv Itabb fe st va David Rich 44 L C Shitltf fj st va David Ricii George Davis fw st va David Rich 1 55 LCD 1.C5 I. CO L53 1X5 44 Joha H-avner fe- st va David Rich 44 J C Rs fw st va David Rich 44 J T Groove ft- st va David Rich 44 G L IWmru fe-j st vs Dav id Rich 44CEChildscsc 1-2 fr st vs Sallie Ikuj 44 G A BarkUy etc 1-2 fee st vs SUi tu 44 J L WVbb S-L 1-2 fr t vs Salli' Iwjcati 44 J K Clin- Shir 1-2 ft st vs Salh- !'a't 44 C H Rh.-b- HilT 1-2 fe et V Sallie Ivrati 44 Sam Moll to KT Child 1-2 fe st v Sail to !au 44 Sam Mot S W 1-2 m. m 1.75 1.02 .5 2.UJ t4J .15 157 1.10 UJ7 J U) .15 15.?2 S.IXI 4 AM V) .SJ l.-0 CO .J J .to t Vs TiallU' !U 44 C E Child o s c 1-2 fs t John Ivn 44 G A Bafkl-y c sc l-2f- t v John ln C H Rh.-l Shrl fs-s t vs J.!m lv'n 44 A K Idtiu Shi! ! t v John l"g!i 44 ti A Barklev fee st v K W Ward Jr W L Hvl" i t vs W W aid Jr T M IL-fer S VS K W Wartl Jr 44 R N Kirbv tt t vs E W W ard Jr 44 J G Grant Shi! I-t st E W Ward Jr C 1! Rh.-h- Shrt fe t v E W W aid Jr Linder Klam i s ft vs E W Wan! Jr 44 W J W lis ;al- t t- t v K W Ward Jr G W Latighn t s I- tt vs E W Ward Jr '. T Smith t s !e- at vs E W W ard Jr J J Whit- I s 1 st EWWardJr 44 Sarah Durham t J X Cline le-i t v E W Ward Jr 44 Alfotuo Nesl to J K Clin fw st v. E W Wani Jr 44 Abe- Smith to J N,IIJ Clin- fev t vs E W Ward Jr Th mn to J K Clm f. t v. E W Ward Jr l-ah Icvn toj K CI in4' L ,t v. E W Ward Jr Martha tber to J K Clin- f- v E W Wanl Jr (iNtfitinuel li-xt w-k) 15 .Ul r. 15 l .j l.'x Subscribe for Tbe 4.10 Demo 4.10 S IU 4 10 crat. 1 5J We YOU will send it to from now un- 1,1.1 1.20 o17 til 1807, for Slf00f 45 J THIS OFFER IS FOR NEW ,-5 Subscribers 2.05 JOB WORK DONE IN GOOD STYLE. 2.50 1X0 CO SEND CS IS YOUR ESVElXiPES. NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, HAND-BILLS. lSTERS, ETC., THE DEMOCRAT PCB. CO. Ijtycousros, N. C. 20 1.25 1XO vs I.CR 1.C7 vs va 1.75 CIO 6.19 c.;o viu v iu 6.10

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