; THE : LINCOLN ; 0 E M 0 C R AT. j . I ' ' ' 5 PUBLISHED KVEilY lkMrYAV i " . rY ; .The 'Ltntokn Demmckat I'rn Co Chas. L. Coin, Editor, ; h Osi'V'-nr - .". - . ,1K Six Month- ... 5" Thre..! Mouths..- 25 .jTe are prepared to fo your Job Printi: lt in nice -tvln Send! up your work. Satisfaction truarnn .leed. Enttrci! at the F'toffi:-at Lincoln ton, N. ('.. as second class mail matter, Sept. 27. LIC0LNT0N,X. C. DEC. 13, 1895. Wlint . W Have Sccu to ITnlU V?oiit ri:iilM Week. Tlie Kepublican Mail tfnd Ex press of New York, eays t .hikpoint edlyUmd forcefully : G rover Cleveland is scheduled to thunder down the ages ad the ne President who accepted the annihilation of the party that elected him as a vindication of hi9 own-statesmanship. It is, as if a doctor were to point to the graves of his paitients as the supreme tokens of his professional 1 skill." Charlotte News. Mr. Cleveland does no such thins; and you know it. It does not nV in the mouth of any Dem ocratic paper which quotes Repub lican' authority with approbation to no so other Democrats of re ' joicl:.j' over Republican success. And, if we mistake not, the News belong to that class of Democrats in North Carolina who have con tiniia: y tried to conciliate the Al liance, better known as the Popu list party. And though you pub lish rich things as the above al most v-aily and take every occa sion to try to prove supporter's of Mr. Cleveland Republicans, you still raise a howl about sound 'money men emphasizing Demo cratic differences. Suppose you eer.se y-iir emphasizing and, set a gOOi L'umuw, ana can on tne . . l i n i l . ; 4 'boys tp fall iu line. It would be manners in you. v'- xTiTxr have is a very attractive plat!. -t t.i speak from, nt least in tii .viWs of-Home men who claim to ha bi-;-n life long Democrats ami arn.-t; It some people know would write articles we for Deru the C "be tim Denv iVjtte papers instead of for wai'ait there would hardly h ntM?tJriity to explain thoir v:cv later. iU TUKUFOHD DKMOCKAT IS d tlint. Judge Robinson.one" Fusion Judges, hns been fconduct -qmte unbecom ':ig; The Charlotte Ob- s iufon; Of. thr guilty eervrr voices the sentiments of this p.:v;r when it hopes it is not ttnn. - Thp respect which the Dis trict Judges of this State have merits i. in the past makes us eel that it would be a positive calam ity if tho people of the state should lose r.'-neet for those who are en trusfed 'with the most-responsible function of government. Capt. E, W. Ward, of this town, has written a letter to the Char lotte Observer, on co-operation. It appeared last Sunday, Capt. Ward has been promoted. The Obsen v calls him Maj. Ward. We the Captain has been prom'.f -d in view of the fact that be got Mt as a captain. Since he is a "Major" we confidently expect to hear of his title and co-operation putting him into something like Congress or the Legislature. Complete co-operation is what Major" ard now favors. His letter is only another illustration f the cohesive power of spoils. The.public. will remember that the "Mpjor"- was suddenly converted to the Fusion in 1894. We wonder how the "combination" is going to are for all its 1896. A merry time may be look ed for when the spoils "are to be divided. i I worshipped Jeff Davis once and went into, the army to fight gainst my country. Then I made a fon of mys -If. But still we are (.proud ot the State that sent more ' soldiers, according to the popula tion, than any State m the Union. rJ?.roni a Recent Speech of Ex- Jud Sleigh. We think it rather oul f tin i a 1 1 a m way lo.iniK auout a nixii hih 14 enough fool to. say the ainv, but X it ntrikes us that u-il should ave drawn tin: loic;.! ihfnrw I s . v.dent fn m hat I- anid h.mI J h;,v' o!:,,m,,d !,,r Norlh C,,roI,!IU ! T?t;it sue nmiHf tne oitrt'si tki1 i lu-rjdf ot any oi th Suth?rii i"hii ii:-r ii f 1 Sf 1 li S? ?tes duri!g the yoqrs 18fn. The capacity of a State tor I rnikinry n ford "of ircolt rould .-! I ; demonstrated ofyonu a aouoi ii it, would put the author of the above quotation in the governor's chair. We are proud of the war record of North Carolina, and we are heartily ashamed of the fact that she has a Confederate 6old'er in her midst with little enough brains to declare that he wa9 a fool when following Lee and Jackson. Five years ago, if there was a gold Democrat in public in the United States, he carefully con cealed his preference for what Ike Hi II calls "the jaundiced metal." The hew boldness of the gold 8tand ard men and their success in un expected quarters is a fresh men ace to securing a Round financial system. Hitherto nobody but bankers talked gold. Now politi cians go further than bankers in advocacy of the single gold stand ard. Most of the great political economists of the world are bimet al list a. News and Observer. As early as December, 1885, Mr. Grover Cleveland, the president of the United States, wrote a message to Congress which mo9t sensible men have thought expressed a preference for the ''jaundiced met al." But how about a man, who would vote for a "jaundiced metal" man in 1888 and in 1892 and even accept an office under him, turning around on the heels of it all and writing the above? Tell us about .those Century Articles 1 They were in the North Carolinian juat 5 years ago ! Newspapers are great educators. They teach good or ijad. Those who run or edit them should be careful always to take the moral side of every question and act oq it themselves. In short, educators should be strictly moral, and act consistent. Hickory Mercury. Oh. yes, be consistent, whatever else you are ! And:when you have abused Democratic Congressmen for aDnointino nnwoU a""a the Democrate were dishonest and mean for doing it, turn right around and write oomething like the following in order to let the world know how moral and con sistent you are : We learn that Congressman Lin ney, of the 8th district, has ap pointed Mr. E. Sponcor Blackburn, of Ashe, his private Secretary. We congratulate Mr. Linney on the choice he has made. Mr. Bjackhurg i well known here and his friends wish to contfrntnlnto hitu. If any one is entitled to it, 5 -! ! ' Koiirn I?. jiicKory tYler- curv. i:.Duke I I.-,.- O . 1 1 Tw , I v..ru,x ouer ana uuke """ AyiuuK. ig not trie same man at all times, you see ! I , l.-v l 1'J " i .1 S 1 Editor Ayeh, of the Caucasian seems to he -'out i f sorts" abrut the suggestion trom the Republi cans thar. tho Populists ought to show their manners and apprecia tion of .Republican ' co-operation' and not put out an el ctoral ticket in 189G. Here is v h it he say : G .... - , j, here trom sixty counties. They ! adopted a resolution dMcluring they I Would not vote f me owie .silver convention m voie ior anu ifi t - , i lesmenc or Con gressman who dot a not favor the free and unlimited cdnasie of ail- l'riiirl-i-- '...,. T : I ! i ujh sum atd suo- stance of what was done, and is the ' determination of the North Caro- ! una 1 opuiists. I see nothing what ever to indicate nnv rli their purpose since that conven . - vuaurj 1 U tion. Tho Republicans surely have too much sense to even think of trapping the Populists. The latter are right in the middle of of the road and intend to stay there." J But when Populists co-operate witn Kepubhcans it is hioh . x .... -. . . " ior common mortals to ask wheth- Populists are in the middle ot the road or not. We formerly heard a great deal about loth old parties being corrupt. When did the Re publican party get decent? The most adroit methods possi ble are employed in paving the way to capturing the delegation to the national convention for a third term for Mr- Clevel Come down from the fence, now, J gonlleinan. The Democracy will et you aside if you forfeit your title tt leadership by waiting un til every body has been forced to lakeside. Favetteville Observer. Wftll. did von Tr? Dninfiirm puMic a- f0 the Itftjunj flf tho?fl m,roit melhodsi lhat i m&y be on guard Bsrainst the trnitora and not be a party to the treason. i iir . t We are ever bo anxious to publish I .an expose of the whole crew who areencaced in such treasonable de- signs on tne party. uo cive u particulars! We herewith serve notice that we are 'Mown oil the fence'' and are ready and waiting to aume the leadership of any thing insight ! No tlii iil term for us. CONGRESSMAN SI I U- foud vrsTr oicrs'- TKALIZATION. The startling news reaches us j from Washington that our Con gressman, Craige Shuford, has suddenly realized that the govern ment ownership of railroads might tend to Centralization. Every body in this county knows how eloquently Mr. Shuford has plead ed on the 6tump, in Alliance meet ing, and in private for govern ment ownershipof "those grasping corporations which are sucking the life blood from our body politic. To all such as have heard these ap peals and were convinced by logic of this singularly gifted son of Catawba, we have ' to beg forgive ness for being a bearer of bad news. We have all the while thought that Mr. Shuford would introduce a bill to buy the Narrow Guage, at least, if no more. We had expected the government could afford to buy the "people's own line." Now, we are forced to inform an expectant and disap pointed people that Mr. Shuford has suddenly realized the fact that government ownership means cen tralization, and, as the Populists do not believe in centralization and Democrats do, therefore, we must have no government owner ship. But to be serious, everybody yet remembers how Shuford preached the doctrine of government owner ship while a candidate for Cong-ess in this district. Now, all at once he flops over and says he is afraid it would tend to centraliza tion. -UL JiW wtisk clinttl date? But we account for this sudden change of base from the fact-that Mr. Shufsrd said in a private conversation to some friends in Lincolnton a few weeks ago, that, if lie continued to feel two years from now like he did then, they would have to get an other man to fill his place. We believe the man can be found I THli2 JjESsJ iG 12. The-Finaucial part of thePresi- dets late message will be found at another place in this paier i ne messaee. a a vhnl . . " ' " interesting readinir We ank you of it, as it will to read the whole be published in installments in order that you can moro easily digest it. The p,irt of tho mei ago which pleases us most is the recommendation to retire the Greenbacks, or legal tendor Treas ury notes. Thn.v notes were is sued by the Republicans. They are used to draw gold out of the" Treasury. Th.y mean, as long as ... . hciiuj. ,;nil we Itelieve in . P"'pi h-vo raised their vr'lceii "gainst the retirement of tlli liit. TVll-t rxf u:"V lire nut. t!iu , .our curr'Tiv With all their professions to the at t l 4 A t. . - . - "... . niuing me cretllt element of our currency in the face of our sad experience u ii h such curreacy will have hard work to convince thinking people that they are not Populists on the money question. Here is what tu nmington Star has to say aboutthe Greenbacks: Out of the $840,000,000 of green backs outstanding it is estimated that. oVintif orw-v . . culation. nnrl nin . , - v fuW,wu,ww are in cir- oui oi a "11iu 1 people who hfindl bil rl K a.D0Ut l,ne,r converti bility into coin, and don't care a fig about it while, they answer all andPhnS9-0f mn' debt and buy things as well as any other money. This gives thi greenback the intrinsic value it has and will continue to have while it is vested with the debt paying purchasing power. The Greenbacks have no intrin sic value. They are not value il..' I - i . VUVUa currency. They are promises to pay. They circulate aa money b caino people hve faith in the auuity oi we government xo re- - ( . . . ' deniu its pledge to pay value for thee notea. But we know it in no u to try 1 to convinca some ieople by aound argument and ne. We have lAmr n(Tii CIVfl 111! tllH tAvil Xlirt leniiciou doctrine that the gov-1 ernment create money w at the." nucr eaooting in caturn j Itottom of all this clamor to up- Imbl the Greenbacks. A great deal of cheap talk about the ikhx-J. pie ling in love with Uniform of inor.ey now heard. We some-J tiuv s doubt the uudom of lar government wnen we ee bo many who can be made to believe doctrines utterly at variance with at sound souo and reason. But Con gress will let the Greenbacks alone, that can be depended on. Literary Notea. Baugs A Co., of New York City. who make selling old liooks a bind-1 nejs. are now selling the library of I Mr. John T. M. Pierce, of iank-1 Henry Howard, the Earl of reys "Songs and Sonnets," print-L. ed by John Windet, London, 1586, was sold in New York not long tmce for $1CS0. It was one of the Adee Library books. Jules B. Saint Hilaire, the French Scholar and Statesman, is dead. He is known to the world of letters for his translation of Aristotle. Saint Hilaire was born at Paris in 1S05 and was 00 years old last August. George du Maurier has already made nearly $125,000 out of his aa i mmm at as a. tamous novel "lriiby." ltissaid .that Harper & Bros., who publish the work in this country, have made $800,000 profit from this book. A. C. Benson, son of the Arch - bishop of Canterbury, and the au - thor of Dodo, has written a new book called "Limitations." It no doubt has the right name, un - less it is an improvemsnt over! DOdO. The body of Mr. Calvert Vaux, the eminent landscape architect, was found drowned at Bath Beach, L. I., on Nov. 21. Ho was born in London. 20;)Qa uignimseu wun Mr. Andrew J. theffround,oftheCn,.itl.n. arwnujK. If ILli m III III D fi rl mil . " Altorward fr V.tili ' .- iu a tC p " . .7 their nrm furaiflhint7 tii.n. r.l r iub i ui urooicivn. the i i .,-ir- , r-fatal VI w...vftV .UU uuaio.anu tne btate --...w.. uv .tKaata I Ik I la . HIT. Vaux was afterwards appointed landscape architect iu the Park Department of this city, and fur- ft nistieU, also in co-operation with Mr. Olmsted, the plans for River Vo,kCo.umU,i.,n.tl.. M.tro- l Conturv Club . uiiu i i'i A. Oma ofThnlw. r x'.e...KiiLLK, in. t; -Dec. 0th lb-Jo: Mr. Euitoh, please allow m i spuco m your papvr to return inankifor tho unmerited favors ...v..ft nvMnMi upon mo by x,-, lTl 'rtttory Cot- ...... aaving lost by fire all mr rem..,!,..!.! i i . . . , ,r. Z: .7'- fntni. , v....,, niirai, meat, fruiu ... Fuiaioeaetc. Space w 11 not allow a full lit .,f .t.... "L and Morningsid. Park. nd Zs v X, , 1 "'e"'a "u:'!' for th. ,m!l prka authorized r. J c,mrch Pf'-- wntlyby th Ugi.!.,w. Mr- , ' 1 r,h",J. K...I-. Vaux d.,;,,,,,, ,mntvt of cou. " C..lh.,. try reaid,,,,, d ,,ubli,hI . " ! """' ... II.. wn u ,ne,K.r ..f ,,. uL,vr ".,.7.",r, "(. ,hj S'" ' N e'.v but will criv 7 WU"IUU"0Q. wi Estonia Gaxstte write it "oo uruT7n5D8,-tc: out wui give a few. Messrs. D of a man C3 years old in v- tUrZ Lif-?.w koow lu w E hyne $00; H G McFall. neighborhood, JTo " fday. i?. i Ttd"SWr ciprocated. A merrv pk.. 1 .. - 1 . 1 . I to all, and may the New year dawn with golden flowers strown n the pathway of all and .r;.i ly those liberal contributors of Laboratory mills, toffeth, tlie chariUble people of Chirry. Vllle and inrmnm;n. urrouDdmg countrr "her, I flnd . hom. ateT ' house. ery Sincerely. P- Sr I am in my 78th year. Latent GrnornlNowa. J flat Mali Hinanm'a Dnmini . Hon m minuter to Mexico iiMDn confirmed. ! Rntun W Peckham hajl btn ? aupnm uu-uuj -y the 1 Wl deut- He U a ork IWident Cleveland hat recently J Nrth Carolina. J Jno. F Ryan has been elated k,r of tho Virginia Ugiila- t ire. (JomaliM & Cuban Insurgent popu-hdcr, has been captured and) shot. It is said that 40,000 Armenians have hen killed bv the Turks and $00,000,000 worth of property de stroyed during the receU massa cre in Armenia. Tho Morse Kugraviog Company, of New York City, baa msdo an as- Uignment This firm Is well known throughout tho country as eugrav- era of photo work. 0 , . . , .x-opeti&Ui ittrruia o rwou tuckv legislature who refused to Sur-LcceDt Cdrti(wle of eIection U- frftud cvnnA wal -w LitM at . aTu .w.; W FridftV This makes the Kentucky t . . w-ii. The South Carolina Republican State committee at Columbia hav issued an address to the people, in which the committee refuses to ac cept as final the new constitution foisted upon the State by the Till man faction, on the ground that it is per fraudulent, and becauss lit is not to be submitted to the I people for ratification. I Senator Don Camoron. of Penb- syWania, announces that he will retire from the SenaU on March Uth. 1897. and is not a candidaU I for -a,Twt;n T kAi.9Vf .. w va a vu a at uwwak ftaw lconld not be r-eltcUd and thst ols tnoved him to make this an- I nonncament. I Renresentativo BarrntL of M.- lULchusetti, on list Tuesday pre wnted articles of impeacamont in Itha Homo of Pnr.nt.iw tffinst Ambasisdcr Bayard, our present minister to England. Mr I Bayanl is charged with scoring I protection In his teccut speech at UdUnhlWacn VCrVChrlnA l.u linen a thing is a crime. I V . . " lti ra,lr,"1 I I ratalities. liU: colhwm- in . i iai w v 1 r w m 5 ... salted from defect. in tho road W ... - ivu ., i i t r-v... r .. 1 . . r rt ... . .n.. I V lM,n. r.. . . lUv. Dr. K. Y. Satterl. thu rector of Calvary Epicopal church New York City, has been ulec'.ed Bishop of Washington. Thw nl.. ry is $o,U0 ier yoar. He if nut a . w . on lb. .,. v i va. iiiiiii i a ih iir a w- n w . ma "iiciiarci is -ant to fovor free sil- u.:ii .. er ami ' ound Money" McKmU .11 .a .1 .. - i ir.e tamo time. How do vr... Populists feel about itt Fortune, of Shelby ha. procured one of tho minor of- lcct or the House of RsprstenU- t Washington. Ha has -re- Ii;. . i. -mm IV .. U.kep thoccoont itil. Tho OlM V., , . vpoaaant MAW UfX7-rvaval aik. tho I .ng.gea in th. riot .t WiL, i... pnng hr. pleaded guUty. Four NfnMd I to .ubmit and will b. tried. A i 11 Bit IV aa. fc. A a. . mv, munuiwa tin u, With the w-it tiA : t .wa 1 iu eacn caae The Baptist Suta thiH,.V p.. r,. ofOxfoMuV, '' JSE ewrpoodiig Srttajy to fill th. I l. rt to., i. . t il ... . Po. mad. TMMt bj Dr Dnr FARMERS- MEETING, t. , t trK!r..f D...filU. Air. . Y- g rfK ,ur " thi Conu Hm t-i ftmrw .. thvuMof frliii-r ' M.uiJay DoiUr Iflth u 2 i. ci. uu.Apnt0o Hal Jw-l !ttltworU forOjU, luuU. uvt9AllS' ruiUaJnt 6on.j. a4 allbklo JCmp- j ft 1 rtic S3 crbts rxr Ixjx. Vcr J at all Racket Store Corns this way if you want to se tho Largest and licit Assort ed line of Christmas goods yon TST saw. We bare got what you wast, and at the price yon want. If you want to make a prtssnt to any ont, or your btst jcirl, we have got what you want. All wa aik is to coma and oar Christmas goods wb0er buy or not. Evsrvtoy corns bring tha Childr'a. P.'ESPECTFULY. see you and J. L. Kistler. A BAD FALL, NECK nd TT7TTiv . "ARE. "ISSTiti1 07 1. Oa Bp 1?,-' '?.Z2; r," ' 1JH tuit - w m wsy. jcc rru tt L WG, TATE, fi: Co. rnT ? ce clot hiers, Charlotte, N. C. - Jn IF YOU WANT Y Best lass ol GOODS At tb miii.-.f c self, you can I- -iv it CRIGGS VnPPIr.v i v . FRUITS A Mi ; 1 . IT. A full lm -: i fcr the Bov u 1. F. (;iw;g Croceries-Crockir If you want a I oin furrmli the 1 i v?htch to mak? it. ALL Fl:Pll ..iif Also Cx-o.iimi. Pf-' Apples, Ac, Grated Cocaiiu! l$ per pouniL T" i- a. ... .1 . on thia xnarKct trv u lf-J wwu "ucfii . .o:,? T-e'.tt If von trarit to 1-- V .- .. r 1 1 i 1 - .- Cupa at d uu r-. G J plate. n. tidMi:.c: ClJ ber Seta ever o!d h-rv f;r money. J. B. RAMSAL1 THE ONE PRICE Cash btore Has now rhb;!; c - - n ... IIIITlMII .V vtr shown m Lnr b,ton. I Wo hav jut: rt:vi trJ MVantino' it, Y,.fk iUp est aifortmcnt .i tb dtU. PSt'n. v.. . . . J K I KlHl irw L .111 a,f I I. a. . . . . - wa..B mw i U opn. Cuniiiig ww, ii 01, a- lrrr u et, Muth and Oat M-al Su, Ii dividual Sri-. tuj.. .iar. Cake sua Fruit IJs! Ac. "f hay a !rrt.si !. - rk t beautiful Co!..r.-d si I lU: , Ulta ware. It wi? r,j f?, S 60 cts. pic. M L. -I - T . . ueian? uiir-iv i. a . . ... -uestaer, Olluhud id A!s in goods. aUo a l'w:k J li t t quality of platxl Silvers r. rl knives, l-ofki. Sp. Cr3 Pitchsrs. Tea Pol.. Sum H.f J Ac. BOOKS. BOOKS. IXja't fail to stk t of Christmti B k UV m 1 bandsonvt jtn d It li vtry Us: aotbor. !1 I. tiJ -i cloth and rtl ?,fu r r.'r ii cents volume. ,Uq J I i handsomely bound C4nU to $1 SO rolon;-. FOR THE CHILDREN Wa havo 1 tii; lot r f D,n. Jrs Ccsnts to 12 00. T-s ,utT cants to W cntf iVtcr? Uui 8cap books Ac. To srli-. ratlins up r ?;:u Irt-ss mm nl rusk- tir i. pricss. CslI to -c-9 cur v for yoo mW tour CLr.r.s1 purchases. To m c ar c i -i bsar our prices will d nscrt wards Mlling them. lbin prioun ink. RESPECTFULLY, bjun'i dth. JENKINS BROS.