' '" . s . . . i , : . , , . , , , ! . - IM&IM -DEMOCRAT - - . '. . - , ; , .. i' ' - ' - - ;. ' t - . 4 . . - ml M tt IB m m pa pa pm. pta pm pa pa pa pa au, lint and tLi io at 1 at N.C.' it: c; tMsi iraylt aim. NO. 8. iit . Cm k. V 1. - 5 80'p :l 05 p L0 00 a ii 5 a J3 20I 735 a 6 50 a tjOOa limited oUnty Diroo tory. jiuMurB of Legislature : J. F. Linbanlt, Roinhardls. ' CoCNTi ui-nctKS : tj. u. hodes, bheriti ; Lr. A. Barkley. leik of Court; Jaeoh F. Killian, 2ister ot .Deeds,; JJ. L.:lounfc 1 1 'I'lir.mnAn ... . u)l3 Koads. County Commissioners: - II. E. rasaur. Cbairman, Lincolnton : A Coon, Reepsville; W. L Baker ulls X Roods ; J E Reiuhardt Iron Station; r A .. 1 hcmpson enver. County Examiner : L. A. ,Ab- rnethy, Machpelah. 1 OWN DIRECTORY : - ' - - S. W.-McKee, Mayor, Liucolu- lou Miss Kva (jr. Sumner Post- lice , Lir.colnton. P. CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. ; Watches repaired. Anything in the Ieweler s line--done with neatness and upatch. Cive me a., call. 11-15-95-ly )R. T. F. COSTNER Offers liis professional service to he people of lncolnton and sur- Qundmg country. OInce at resi- i rm xt j t rii lencw next to; me iNortn oraie lotel. 10-4--95, ly. DENTISTRY. Having 1 (Yea ted in Lincolnton, N. C, offer. my professional services to the pie of the town and surrounding itmtrv. 1 am prepared to do all kimls dental work, crown and bridge wof k specialty. Nothing 'but the best ma- rlals ued and all work guarantied. rices reasonable, terms cash except 3: special agreement, umce neaTiy ipposite postofflce. DK. L. S. FOX, Dentist. 22-"). ly. NOTICE. The Town Tax Book is now in my ndsfor the collection of Town Taxes f 1895. An early settlement will save t. Don't wait until yjour property advertised , and then get mad. I give lou this tnnel v notice, l nose wno owe it 1894-95 will see their names in print ery goon unless settlement is made at ince. 1 mean wnat 1 say. . J. K. C14NE, : Tax Collector. DENTAL NOTICE. V Dr. A. V. Alexander will te a ItaofBcp at Lmco'nton, June, An- lost, Oifober, December, Fcb- uary ad April. Will be in Mt. lolly, July, September, November, aomry, March and Mny. Patronaee solicited. Terms cash hd moderate W liET I Is the place to get a nice piece of JEEF, PORK and FRESH SAUSAGE. All meats found, in a FIRST- CLASS MARKET. Come to see us. Market prices paid for bogs and cattle. Edwards &l Sherrill. ll-22-S.V IV '.Morrison, Jeweler, DEALER IN 'atehes, Clocks, Jewelry. AND ILVERWARE, avites you to inspect his stock ota & Elara's, opposite iJap t church in Shelby. He has a rge and nice assortment of La- !e9and Children's Kings. Go to if you want vour Watchesr cks and cwelry Repaired first-class style and workman ?lP guaranteed. Prices to suit times. Hia Work SpeakB his Ordftra TAPPivwI t.hroueh will have DromDt attention. 1 1 12 27 95. rist- Ch bCagWrl. mas BWM3BH1I1B -AT- TVEV3ENlJEMA!ll (Continued from Iaat week.) To Lucy-Knox s w toJ KTClIne fee st vs E W Ward Jr . J K Cline a w fee st V3 E W Ward jr " P D Hinson wfee st vsE W Ward jr 44 C P Miller s w fee st vs E W : Ward jr " S Schenck to J K Cline fee vs E W Ward jr " -J P Cornwell s w fe st vs E W Ward jr " J& H Cauble to J K Cline fee st vs E W Ward jr i 41 J W Saine s w fee st vs E W 2.10 6.10 2.10 2.S0 6.16 2.40 2.10 Ward jr " Uenry Taylor to J K Cline fee st vs E W Ward jr " Uenry Shuford to J K Cline fee st vs E VT Ward jr , 6.10 (3.10 6.101 " A II McKoy rrw fee at vbE W i Ward jr ; v. ; - 8.85 Ben Wilson to II 9 Robinson fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 W Gates to E T Childs d w fee st vs E W Ward jr ' M X Hamrick d w fee st vs- E W Ward jr . 44 G A Goode i w fee st va E W Ward jr " XB Kendrick d w fee st vs- E W Ward jr " JT Hoard d w fee st vs E W Ward jr . ' A Nixon d w fee st vs E W Ward jr ' Dr T F C'ostner r w fee st v E W Ward jr . 44 Hugh Jenkins d w fee st vs E W Ward Jr " S W McKTee d w fee st vs E W Wardjr . " E WT Sherrill d w fee st vs E AV Ward jr 44 Samuel Sherrill d w fee st vs- E W Ward jr ' Henry Sherrill d w fee st v E W Wardjr " A A Killian d wfeest vsE W Ward jr . . ' Joe Stamey d w fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 R S Edwards d w fee st va E 1 W Ward jr , 0.20 8.60 5.80 4.80 4.10 4.70 2.1o U0 6.10 tJ.10 8.S5 3.85 3.85 5.50 .85 5.10 0.10 44 R M Roseman d w fee st v- E W Ward jr 44 L R RichardsoA-D w fee st vs- , E W Ward Jr -44 B C Wood d w fee et vs E W Ward jr 44 M T Steele d w fee st vs E W Ward jr .3o .10 .25 44 A W Reedy d w fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 J H Bisaner d w f e 6t vs E W Ward jr "DA Lowe d w fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 Tlios Hoke owfee st vs E W Ward jr " J F Killian d w fee st vsE W ward jr "DA Coon d w fee st vs E w ward jr 44 J T whitesides d w fee st vs E w ward jr 44 R M Beal d w fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 E M Hallman to J K Cline d w fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 J T DeLane d vr fee st vs E W wardjr " : . e.10 5.10 .10 6.15 6.10 6.60 1.80 -5.10 O.10 .10 .2.10 44 S D Burgin d w tee st vs E W Ward jr 44 J T Davis to E W ward d vr fee st vs E W Ward jr 44 Dr John Saine e w fee st vs- EW. wardjr 44 A Nixon for diagram fee st vs ' E w ward jr " p D Hinson boarding jury fee st vs E wward Jr 10.10 25.00 5.00 16.25 , 4.00 44 J G Shram offlceT jury fee sf. vs E w ward jr . 44 G A Barkley c s c 1-2 fee st- vs Ed Forney V; .. : v 44 J L webb Sol i-2 fee st vs Ed -7 Ftrney 44 S w McKee j t 1-2 fee st vs Ed Forney 44 R M Beal t c 1-2 fee st vs Ed Forney v 44 Martha Reel toLB' wetmore 1-2 f ee st vs Ed Frney 44 BessieTorney to I- B wetmore k U27 i fee st vs Ed Forney G A Barkley c a c. 1-2 fee st ii vs william Brown - " 44 J Jj webb Sol 1-2 fee st vs Wil liam Brown . 44 w'l McKee J. ? 1-2 fee st T williak Brown ' ii J P Bean c?l-2 ttjfs william Brown -, c. 44 Josh Ramsaur to A L Camp bell 1-2 fee tt jr wnxBrpwn, Hutlert Heriadon to J T De- Lane 1-2 fee st va wm Brown 44 G A Barkley' C a c certifying to 26 bills of cost - : June ard 18W . f T 3hort 8 mo support infirm; son t - v ' : r- " 44 A Lee Cherry 8 pq tupporV- , vOHle Abexrnethy 4 L . - 44 "David Canine 8 mo support- '. Jerome .Yarboro 8 ma support for himself LINCOLNTONN. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1895. mmmmmmmmimmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm i 1 1 J f . i . .. J . '. rt 44 frusan Huss 8 mo support in- I u lrm "daughter " J-'- w Ramsey 8 mo support for lerself and family. - 12.00 COO 900 8.00 4.50 II w Cline 3 mo support for himself Mrs'C Clemmer 8 mo support lor Mary Clemmr children 44 Conn Osborne 8. mo support for himself - 44 Trances Brown 8 mo support for her mother " 44 -ohn Farmer 8 mo support for. aim self " . . 8.00 DM Taylor 8 mo support for Infirm daughter V M Gilmore 3 mb support for himself Lllen Williams 8 mo support lor herself and family Peter Helms 2 mo support for himself and family wm Summey 2 mo support for Mary Cloninger . -.- Martha Queen 8 mo support for herself J P Bean d b conveying John Besa to Lincoln 00 - w L Crouse u pt k w witness st vs John.Jollv . 7.W 7.50 9.0C 4.00 3.00 7.50 6.00 10.00 J F Killian services acjerkc 51.50 J F Killian express anddrala gee on stationary- U S Robinson A Co goods for the Home. Burt 'By num. burial of Charlie Bynum Jane Little 8 mo support for her family P p Uiusou l.bbl lime for Co jail 1.00 8.44 exx 6.00 it 1.40 41 it C H Rhodes Jail fee for May V5 17.15 - ... - - w L Crouse m d service ana druira at the Home ' 83.80 44 w J wTngate lumber for pub lic, road 8.50 44 M L Heavner the Home bill for May 1895 117.31 July 1st 1895 44 J F Killian for Edwards Jt Broughton . v . -2.7 44 J F Killian service as clerk 55.80 44 J L Cobb goods for the Home 2.88 44 IIS Robinson & Co goods for the Home 44 C H Rhodes jail fees for June 1895 t 44 R M Nixon conveying George Connor and! Lizzie. Robinson to Lincoln county Jail 44 J S Houser conveying Polly Buff to the Home : 44 J F Killian postage etc for the county r tl -. 44 M L Heavner the Home bill 17.49 25.65 11.20 1.60 8.85 forJnne 1895 117.83 4 J V Blackburn lumper for public road 44 S S Morris tax listing for Ironton township 1.76 26.80 16.00 39.60 4 S D Burgin tax assessor In Lincolnton township -14 S w McKee listing taxes In Lincolnton township 44 J C Thomson listing taxes in Catawba Springs township 44 H P Killian tax assessor in Ironton township 44 Philip Carpenter listing taxes in Howards Creek township 88.50 12.00 80.95 44 David Yoder tax assessor In Uoward Creek township "TP Jenks tax assessor in -orth Brook township 44 A S Coon tax assessor In Lowards Creek township 44 L P Sifford tax assessor in C itawba Springs township 44 J F warlick tax assessor in Lincolnton township 44 w L Crouse u d services and 1:US at the Home 11.00 8.00 16.60 12.00 18X0 21 70 10.00 27.20 1 B Bess tax assessors In North Brook township C w Beam listing taxes in N orth Brook township it tr v F Kelly tax assessor In Ca tawba Springs township A G Uarrell tax assessor in Ironton township August-fcth, 1895 v A Howell conveying wL A Queen to Lincoln county. . 15X0 14.40 4X0 ii .00 A W Reedy goods for a desti tute woman 4.00 Jp-Bean d s serving two summons 70 80 ii ii J F Killian serving as clerk ac 1.80 C U Rhodes jail fees for July 1893 L . f -'- , 3 W McKee examination Sarah Hoke Insane . r. Ramsiur & Burton goods for the Home i - - ' - 1.80 i 4.12 ii 44 J M Lackey j p examination Sarah Hokt insane - ' -4.00 " ML Heavner the. Home bill 87 1.43 1.1Q 1 . tor July 1895 - .. ' ITranlr TT 11 KK A 1 mn all nrwrt. Jane Hubbard- " - 4 H E-, Ramsaur 1 mo support iollie Brooks , S.w Mckee for culbex( for Co T Child for J H Tutherow 1.10 6.50 winding town clock . "September 2nd 1895 " L W Hoyle . building; " bridge at Leonaxda Fork " W L Cronaa lit f D dniffi' 10.50 1 1 and services Atfthe Home 14 L, W Hovle d i aerviog . -6.76 10 road nrdara 44 Q A Barkley for cover -4.50 1 On C 8 0 8 desk "OH Rhodt conveying Enatero Hospital 4 V r 27.45 .Z E Bvnum con aerviDjr " . U xoaiordora ' ; U Rhodes conveying Sqbo Ixgau to Lincoln count v , .,' 6.40 0.80 F Killian Edwards fc , Broughton for stationary 15.75 44 tyVi McKee examination Harriet McCorkle intarre 1.00 44 . F Killi&nforcorapting tax etc , 200.19 M C 'Leonard.. building pillera uqder the Home 11.00 . l ieaii v s aerving i road bYder" 44 J TDIaneJ p examina tion Harriet McCorkla insane 44 It M Nixon " conveying Harriet McCorkle to, Lincoln county jail 44 Alfred Linton 1 mo sup port forhiniself . 44 Roxanna Edwards sup port for herself and family 44 F T Short 8 i'no support for infi tin son .GO 1.00 5.40 1. 00 15.00 10.CO 44 David Canipe B mo sup poit for.iutirm son 44 Jerome Yarboro 8 mo support for himself - 44 Susan Hu&) 8 mo support for infirm daughter 44 E W Uamsuy $ mo sup port for herself and familv 44 K W Ciiiie 8 mo support for himself ' . 4 Mm C Clemmer 8"' mo ? support Mary Clem mers children 44 Joliii Osborne 8 mo sup port forhunself 44 Francvs Brown 8 mo sii'h ixrt of her mother 44 Jolin Farmer 8 mo sup port for himself 44 I) M Taylor S'-mo sup port for bin slaughter 44 P J Pate freight on lumber for county 0.00 4.50 0.00 12.00 0.00 9.00 8.00 4.50 '8.00 7.50 69.18 44 F M Gilmore-8 mo sup . pert for himself and familv 44 Ellen Williams 8 inosup :"port for - herself and 7tO 9.00 family 44. Peter Helms 8 mo sup port for himself and family 4 . 4 William Summey 8 mo support for Mary Clon inger 4! Martha Queen 8 mo suj- lort for herself 4 Jane Little 8 mo support for herself and family 44 Violet Dellinger 8 mo support for herself 44 Timothy Johnson 8 mo support for himself 44 M L Heavner the Home bill for August 0.00 450 7.60 0.00 5.00 8.00 102.40 44 W C Kiser m d medical attention to Ben Sisk 4 J F Hoyle conveying Ben Sisk to the Home 44 E4 A Lowe 3 r fee ft va Harriet McCorkle 44 LincolnCourier printing ax books for ltOo October 7th 1S95 44 IrT F Costner services 0.00 2.00 5.00 ;.nd drnzs at the Home 2S.W 44 ( H Rhodes jail fees for .September ISM 4-1.75 44 J F Killian wrvicc as lerk Ac 40.25 44 . L Kistler coffin and lothing for Eugvne Wil otig 44 W H Babbinjrton repair ng stove in Reg of Deeds llice 44 I!S Robinson Sc. co goods j or burial Eugene Wil lont? 44 II D Warlick J Pconvey ing La urn Ramsaur to t.svlum 44 EAmsaur fc Burton for paying off hands un loading lumbei for co 44 T M Hocver D S serving 5 road orders 44 E T. Childs goods for thtf Home , 41 O L Heavner com serv . ing 7 road orders 44 G A Barkley c a oservice , for the county &c ' ' 44li W Edwards lumber for public road AW Reedy goods for .county 44 ti L Heavner The Horn bill for Sept 1S95 . , . 87.70 86.85 1.00 88 1.00 ; v: - 118.95 2.60 44 V P Asbury services' on " public road T P Jenka work on 6.00 11.06 ITnuser bridiTO . . 44 R M Beal burying Eu- gene Wilfong 4 Richmond Scott 1 mo support Eugene Holmes November 4th 1S95 J Sv Propst conveying John Lontr to aaylum T F Coetner servicea and drugs at the home 44 J A Carpenter lumber for 8.99 . . 298 87.00 0,00 1.00 brides at LaUirapirv : 4 1 1 S Robiiiiun & co goils for th? home l'.obrt Ramsaur putting - !ts in C H 44 Lanviaur Burtoti gfKlt or the home 44 J Monroe Kincaid board or Jury 41 I I) Hinn!i board for urv 19. U 7 04 12.00 12.00 23.20 N Nl 44 J F Killian eerviaM a .hrk Ac 44 CII Rhodes jiil fi-es e or Oct -44 A M Shrum Jury vuard at Fall term l?iC V F. T Cpilds for J 11 ' Tutherow winding tn i:Uck 8 mo 44 J L Kistb r for Pmk Hok digging grave for Kugeuo Wilfong 44 J rM Crow. il J PKxami- nsticn of John lxnlx nifsne 51 L He.inor tho home no 8.U) 1.70 1 rm bill f.r tol I'jUj 11j?,70 44 V LCrous'jtlrugt foi the hom 4 Sallie Hovtipr 1 mo sup K.rt for lnrilf 4 D A Chii vork liuI lum ber fr lh honiM W V Howell S W 1-2 fee Stato va Will Kendrick 41 K T Childs goods for FT Short son 44 J L (db goods for tho co jail 'OA Ilarklv ft'rKdwanls 50 3 co VJ1") l.co 7.10 4.H) A llrouglitu stationary lU.4.i 44 Ed Want 1 mo support for IVmpy tirt.n 44 Mary Ie llnj;r roUiu for her children 44 C K Childs e sc 1-2 It si vs Frank 1 itlh U A Barkley v r 12 lee st vs Frank Little 4 J K Cline ShlT i-2 ft-t , vs Frank Utile 4 C K Childs c c 1-2 fit st vs Hall ChainU r- 44 G A liarkKivc c 1-2 fet? 3 ( i r l..f-0 IS 11 st vs Hall Chambers 1.07 44 S S Morris J ! 1-2 fee st vs Hall Cliatn-r 32 4' S W McKno J i l 2 fc st vs Hall 1 -hatnU-r 44 J K Clino ShtT 1-2 f.-. si vs Hall ChamWrs 44 It M Beal t s 1-2 fro si vs Hall ChamWrs 44 William lo:k?t w l-'Jf, ft vs Hall Chambers 44 Tillman Ellis w 1-2 fee st vs Hall Chamlx'rs 44 John Ijmlz w 1-2 tee l vs Hsll ChamlHra 44 G A Barkley vc 1-2 foe st vs George Bovl- SO 15 00 l.J?0 liO 1 35 44 J V IWai. n h 1-2 letf ml (ttoro Boyh 4' S W McKet J P 1-2 f-e it vs George Povl- 4 J K Cline MIT 1-2 tee st VS Georce Boyles 44 J Wtlkr t C LP Hoffman 1-2 st vs C oree Bov!i 44 C ?l Childs c s c 1-2 fei? t. vs S?N Ij:2n 4 G Borkby c? c 1-2 tc t vt Seb-. L?a:i 4 F. O Johnm n 1-2 fco i f . . CO 77 1.10 05 1 oi a. 12 'JO s vs roe ijju 44 J 1 Brn n s 1- 2 leest vs A! tasan 4 S i Sherrill J rl-2fc? si v Seoe loc 44 S V McKccJ p 1-2 fee st v i Scbe Logan 44 Tt "0 Rami'aur to E T Childs 1-2 fco st vs be Ix)?nn 44 J. nk Mauney 8 w 1-2 feo i vs Scb Logan G V Barkley esc 1-2 let? . vs Frank Jolly J 1 Bean n s 1-2 fee st vs 1 rank Jolly 5.25 3.79 44 S W McKee j p 1-: tt v Frans; Jollv 4.00 44 J I . Chue ShtT 1-2 ft vi Frank Jolly 44 Jo t Walker to C L V l otTmau 1-2 ft st ,vs I rauk Jolly 44 G A Barkley c c 1-2 fee n vs I) P Sink i G W McLaughlin 1-2 f.-e s' vs D P Luk 44 W L Hoyle d 1-2 iM t v D PSik 44 W J Baxter d 4 1-2 fe? ft vi D P Sik 7.65 8.00 68.05 4.20 10.73 1.85 ' T P Jenks j p V4 D P Siik 1-2 fee st 4.25 W C Childers s w 1-2 fe st vs D P Sik 44 D W Aderholdf w 1-2 Y st vs D P Sisk 44 C G Anthony w 1-2 fre st va U P Suk 44 G A Barkley cs c 1-2 fee at vs George Richards W 'A Howell d a 1-2 fee st vs Gerg Richards J P. Bean da 1-2 fee st st vs George Richards 44 C K Bvnum s w 1-2 feo st'va Getrgj Richards 44 John H Smith a w 1-2 fr st vs George Richards 141.09 14.55 1.60 J.50 "40 2000 44 i W Mc K.5 t.J PBean 1 -2 fee t vs Ufi Richards 44 .? i Wdlv to Charl- Wrenf hall 1 2 fe v Ift-org- nichard 44 t A Barklev c c 1-2 fe t vs Samuel llrunhv W L Hovl ns 1-2 fe-st v ?5amue Brumby 44 O II BhrwL-4 -li'iT 1-2 fr- 5T 70 2.15 .45 st v Saniu-1 Brtimr 1.50! Williams t w 1-2 fc? t v Samuel Brumby 2.2 4 A M. R'; s w i-2 fei t " Samuel llrutiiby " Fannie Ibmuur s f-v si Samul Brcmhv 14 Virgil IUmsur s w fr Saiuu' l Brumby Tl;.. P.. inhardt w 1-2 i v Suimi-1 Brunihv C E Child t 1-2 tW -t v lotmrd Batnaur 44 i A Bar lie v i- ic 1-2 fi- t o lJi4rl Bniu-aur J L W.M. ..l 1-2 f t v l-.iiard !iamur 4 J P ltnii ! 1-2 (r- st Iuard Uamaur C II iUu-b-. h i! 1-2 f- t v l".aftfd lUniMiir llrlnmla EUm i 1-2 f -t v Itmrd Ilatnur J T tihi- i w t-2 f.- l I-.it.ird ilsutaur " Bud Honk u 1-2 f. t - Iuard Bamaur 44 O E Chil.U rut- 1-2 fr t vi T A Smith and C W lUam G A BarMy- t- 1-2 t t v T A Smith and C W B'am 44 J C Kin: 1-2 1 t T A Smith A C W (Win C II Kh.-b- h'll 1-2 t vii T A Smith and t W B-am i A Barkley c f t- ! 2 20 1 X' 1 .iXi 1.12 1.11 2.l 1.25 1.10 15 11 72 2 l'J in Til I 11 J i tit iUl lii- uian J L Wbh t v Jim I Il mn W L llovl- t f.i. t m Jim Bh U-maii J P Bn i (- t v Jim ll..h KiMnin S P Sherrill j v I' -t Jim llh U" m:i DMlle Iati t w f.- l h Jim Boli Hix'inaii Sallie Isn W fr- l Jim 1U1 itiMwrnaii Dr T F (tn-f lw 2 1 1 I HI l l.i :f. 10 a lo l v Jim Bob K'-trn Will fob!, i., E T Child ft-f ml V Jllll Bob BorlUAt) 4 Huntr St1- t Bam- mr A Burtn t v Jim Bob Bi-omn 44 S U Devt nwrt ti E T Child fe- t Jim Bob lM-initti Tol- Ki- r i.r p . Hml nmti fe -i v Jim Bob Bow-man 44 y.m Jol.titon to E T 1't'ild t Jim Jl..b Bi-n!i 44 O'nt" Bdlm?er to Is- R.2U t i 1 1 Ti l :i.lu v, Campl!l te. t vs Jim !Lb P.rnai 44 EiOno' to E T Child t J B B-rian 44 F rnk J. "lv to I-Camp f. u"v J b n." -rsn 4. 50 n.io 44 Ed John to ('snip ,-l t v J B I!omn "U cv Kn xtoCPLHu:! . :n v J B Himan 3.451 Io! 70 ! 44 J -i Joi:i:i to E T fi.- ? v Jim Bb 44 A v Carrnter to I w m tuij J H f" t v) Ji:n ::;aJi 1 .05 Snr.'.h to C P L t! ! v- Jtr. r At :;';' CP I. CO? t of' fiti.f i b- v J. 30 . MclUe lo E T Ciuid -t J B r." ra-kii 44 G iUrkby r c 1-2 f - Thorn a Bur- ' C 11- Khod h'tl t t vThma BurK' 44 B M lbal I C fe t Vl otna Burg S P Sherrill i r j fc tt Thoma Bun:" 44 C E Child- r c frr t vs John B- G A Barkley t- c fte tt t John Be 44 J L Webb ikjI fe t vs John Re- i 1.10 1.00 17 15 SO 1.10 4 V L Hoyle n 9 f iee i vs John B- 44 G A liarklev nc fte ,t Will Houk J i Webb sol t f- tt vt Will Houk 44 J P I team t J f t s Will Hook 44 C II-Rhodes theritT t fe- tt v Will Houk S P Sherrill j p $ f t vs Will Houk 44 J C Hnldbfookt fee ft vs Will Hmik 4 Irene Holdbrookt fee Lvs Will Houk 44 G A Barkley c s c 1-2 fr 45 1.00 1.55 2.UJ 25 C2 CO 0 65 t vs E A Jett. on NO 13 4 W J Winjra!dil 2f t va E A Jltou 45 44 ; W pAlUrd s w 1-2 ft ;EAJtltva 44 1; A Barklercsc 1-2 ft r Jim Le tt al ' Z.Vt 44 H L Hoyle d s f st Jim I-e et al 45 44 ,..ca Be w 1-2 fre tt v . Jim L et al LOJ 44 V n:,k I!cors w 1-2 fe v Jim Le et al " L. tUt fceM a w 1-2 ft tt Jim L-v ct al LfO " 1 Barkb-vctc 1-2 tm -' v Is- ltcaner and "Ion Houer S0 " V. L H.y led s 1-2 f s r. Iav Hemvner aad " V. I. l:.rd 1-2 fr : t Ii-i i.e r atd Mn IL u r 1 C5 W S WKrnt 1-2 ft tt 1. H-vntr a&4 M:i ll(.uer 1 07 G A lUrU-v etc 1-2 fr l Jo!tn Smith I W " J P B-oti d 1-2 ftt it vt John Smith fiU C E Child, csr 1-2 Urn t v lli Lfin tO " G A lUrklevr c 1-2 ft rt v 'lli- lan 1 to " J P li-n d l-2fel vs Sllie L.r tO " J K Clu.o .hrii! 1-2 f l v Sail to tAan 9J G A Barkley c tc 1-2 fee t vs RoLl'Slon 1 05 W J V,,lk-t-d . 1-2 im t v Rhl Ston tU "G A !Urkl-y c tc jfts l Jaoib GilUri staJ 115 - W L Ibiyled 1-2 ftst vJach GtlUrt t sJ UJ S P Sio:i t 1-2 ( st . Jarvh Gilbert l al 1 V J "Mi A Barkley ocrtifyi&f 21 bill of c 5.25 The folio itig t s t'att&s&t cl Betiiu- iriei by tL Cvty CommiioD-r at thua by J K Clin final t-'ttlemtnt. KeM from J K Clm ia'l due br aUtrsct IS.ra WJ " " J K Clin- tm'i dot Mtrrisv-e Lie:. t lttJOU J K Clif.am'tjJ . Jury Tax ?MJ " " J K C!iratn'ldu Merehsnts Tx 7 JU J K Cline mtu'l due M Turh iVUItr 15 O on iiit cm .f Clara Flansait 1 7 -T J North Carolin i (HTior BdCora. Liticln oounlv l- 5th S C 5 . I. J. F Kilhan. Clt?k cl lis Ibrd of CommitMofitrs htrtty rrtify the foroirf? a tz tstmnt rf P v- ue sit.d charjes of Lincoln C"uaiy. for tbs yaar lo 10 !to m-mV-r ri the Board) as tak en frvm th" minute of tb bard Al that the fulJwirg is a list cf t' .rb:!?" sjff Cocr.ty cn r.e;n: 4 rroard rscoey as by Tr11 z ' sjr's !.-.Vs. J. F. Kttuait. Clerk, follow ins i a hi of the in of Lincoln Ccanty i 1 n.ioi-c" ef bjrrrel tzczirr as ;v Tri3rr bncktf!o . 1 rV5. o.'.O l , R: e H- -It r.k.rCClr.X4.tJ 5 J t n CTorm p tlos D. T. Whitney, ta das r.etrt ith hsr fS 4 cd! fric I'.ik Iexmlr ladie't IUsi Jocr?.!. bat thit ttinirg charpt louu' acint S-jci.y, as it tl to p?B' ith a cap;tol S: "Scia- ty a pur.ut, n ed, is a thir.g ilhit a kuI. Th bent-tpim, fnm the sharing f which bttvta 1.45 1.97 2 AO O) home and Usi? it grtw, btl d farted out of it. It it d rid. Ilu dead. Il ii a corruption. A pro fratKnal society wosian is a psvra tite vnjTx the world's hearl-roTlh helping, a rnicrvb of (iHiM, to l.EQ -al out its vitality. Thsrs is a 200 e. terrible rraction in the InJScaaoa of what e make socisty to bst without its tree heart ad cactrs. Il it to blame for th many cca fuied problems of our tins; it la 1.40 rei):iib!e for tha frantic tnraix.f of tfle world upfidt duan. CXa- 1.C0 1.C0 vent tonal ilios, fslee s-ort a si r- slriction crowd in open and ekeka out our mil Wautifd as4 aarr4 rt-alilirt. 1.42 15?J