':v' --. V-V. . '; . . . . ' ,;; 3 . !T7l j :i. ''" J i .i j""U .. ..-" VOL. I. rC0lI C., FRIDAY, JANUAllY 3, 1896. NO 15 - DEMOCRAT. ; v . hi i - E' 1 i v Membek of Legislature : J. F. ReinharcU, Reinhardls. County Officer?: C. II. Rhodes, Sheri It ; G. A. Barkiey, Cleik of Court; Jacob F. Killian, Register of Deeds; D. L. Yount. Treasurer; J. Tlios. Mclean, Cjro ner; 0. C. . Thorn jon, Surveyor HulWx Roads. r.niTNh-Y CoMMTPSlONtRS : II. E. Rainsauf, Cbsnrmnt. Lincolnton; DA. Coon, KeepsviUM : AV. L Raker . Hulls X Roads ; J J Reinhardt Iron Station ;- P A TiurnpsoD Denver. - County Examiner : . L. A. Ab ernethy, Machpelah. Town Directory : S. AV. McKee, Mayor, Lincoln ton; Miss Eva G. Sumner Post master; S. K. Cline. Ohiet of To-' lice, Lincolnton; ANNUAL REPORT OF G. A; BARKLEV;c."S.C. North Carolina, Lincoln County, on Honorable Chairman and Board Count V fYkmmiairtnfrt t tnfnlti County, N. C. - ' ' " 7 ; - " I herewith report the following amounts In nivlmmls' Hue arii.M. The following amounts wero paid - mo bv the former Clnrk- .Superior Court and by him reported to vour board December F. P- CAUBLE; . , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. - , WaU'he? repaired. 'Anything in the Jeweler's line doTMrY.ith neatness and di9patoh.. (4ive ine.1 rail. !l-15-S)o-ly Page No. 939 947 i a. i SU 866 973 895 972 673 EXECUTION DOCKET. 23 it 35 4 4 tl a ti Case W H Motz-vs Caleb Motz 4i (i tl ti it it Julius OMcClurdva CC R R Co tt a it iLi.in.LA n n 44 t ( 4 44 4 4 (4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t; 41.44 44 '-.- Ct ' 44 44 (4 tl 44 44 it -ti ft 44 44 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 43 St vs Jeff HufTstetler 46 50 19 49 84 To- whom due I) P -Yount t T M Webb SirtT IJ hHanirick u n : J L McSwaln i"s . J O Oslxinn i w M J Koue Sheriff A'mt 15 70 IrV.7 J C Oborn v N Cook et at 102 17H2 Caleb Mutx it W II Motx I) A Clin D 00 U W lUmnton J r 4 i) P Yount 15 C Mutx . 15 1 The fulhmiog pro rata coit. jwiid mo by former rUtk, hatrim: l;n r'ijrtnl by him, thU ling Rcong report of n.tme. JCDOCMRNT DOCKITT jio 3 Mourtxr XxtrlnrM Orl- 4 t . DR. T, F. COSTER Offers Iiis professi'.-nal service to i the people of Lincolnton and sur- 'N founding country. Office at resi HdeDc next to The North State Hotel.1 10-4-?95, ly. 4 4 4 I It 44 984 63 4( 44 ti 44 it 44 it 44 t( 44 tt ii. t4 44 906 80 977 55 949 37 L Julius Jeff Huffstetler John Carienter vs J D Spratt et al II S Sellers i T L Brotherton agtvsT Martin et al J P Court cost ; MauneyyCarpentervs J LSpratt. etal J P Lackev i JFDavi9 Ad'rvs Emerson Gant " " T K Connor-1 h 't4t 4t 4i -4 " M J lUiu.-Sh'tV ti tt 4 4 4 4 44 Malinda Gftn, 4 4 44 Aanm 00 4.:jo 30 JW) :ui V 3.r5 0l (10 fill AM . Pau.o Ca Ittl 1865 F J Jviton v Sallio D Cherry t nl U 4 41 4. 4 4. t. k 44 it 4 l t 4. tt 44 4 41 t. 44 ( tt t 44 t tt-' t tt t It I tl tt t. I t tl tt tt tt tt tt t tt t t. tt 44 I t tt t tt tt t tt tl t .4 To thorn dua Amt K O McCaul 0) J K Cliue Sh.fT M V S Starrtt to utt I) W Robiniuo tfif Rolicrt Nixon Jatnn IUack T II PnKtor A Nixnn It C WmI 02 07, X The following amount paid to oClce on rtJtr. nJ rrpurtrS inr bx th furti.t r i-Irrk, thU brlti !M-cond report of nu. KCCORM Or ACCOl KtU ju. Pap- Name of etatr AdroinUtrator Toh(milur Ialr paid to oHU Ain't U' M I. r. Strain JAMion Hrir 3) NoirmUr hvl 11S.CM 8. Commiiori to Clerk X.4A tt 4t 44 44 44 4 4 44 f 4 t4 tt tt . 4 44 M H ShufordShff2.10 II S Sellers 3 4 f fl f RiifuiJ Iol)spiixs' 2. 4 J i lii' D u r h a ill . . i.G( John C Kicht 7.70 Theo F Klutz 5.0") " E L Wilson esc 45 Levi Gheeu 3.10 S S Morris j p 1.50 R)tnrt Sowers 60 DENTISTRY 817 1 1 Having: 1 orated in Lincolnton, X. C, 859 I oner my protesional services to the coi i . . ,i a: i people ui int; wwn iinu urruuuuini country. I am prepared to do all kinds, of dental work, crown and bridge work a specialty. Nothing but the best ma terials -used and all work guarantied. Prices reasonable, terms cash except by special agreement. Oilice nearly opposite, postofliee. - V DR. L. S. FOX, Dentist. 11-22-95. ly. 4S.G5 The following amounts due parties paldnio by forninr-cUrk, wnd by him reported twice, this being the thirc report. EXECUTION D(X KET. Page No Case 864 42 St vs Jeff Huffstetler S3 " " John Scronce 66 tk ; Philip Carpenter 74 " " S J Skidmore 44 44 44 44 44 Itl. Thf followtni: amount- paid to ofllc on tett'rtnenl of rute. and rrportrd bj U rrnvr rlf rk and by him paid to me, thW b-ioie rtnd reptrt of nr. KCCORD or TTLMrT tocrT. P7f Name of rotate Kz'ror Adtn'r TowJumduw lalr paid to ofScv Am't 7 i5n l Fulbrixht ! ACoon Adra'rcTAMir K Moro?)th Mirch 11 Ada KFulbHcM- " I.sJ ttttt Sarah FulbriicU il.tl W J) nirl Thorn It M Itoncman Adm D Tl orn Heir lth April l4 lCri.lJ lOi ( I be rine F-aton F T Warlick Adm'r Sarsh Uram hrir !lh May 14 13.W KXJJ .pa JWp I, J Hrf p Kx'r Alicr lUmr 13:h Julj 1-H 1.CO irline Shlpn IlarMt hipp Adm'r Mf r: Itynum th Jul? X.Sl" Mr. ornry " 3.1, it 44 4 41 14 14 I It II tt 1 1 It II 14 4. 41 14 I II II 41 4 I II 41 II I II I II 125 J. cob Win Juilu Wiws Kx'r Milun Forney IHH t Hunter Cbx Dynum Kn t ?a Hunter SalJi McLean " " " Mar." llynum A N WImt Tlh Nov 11 i ii ii i tt ti tt 3 Commlwlon to Clerk 922 924 857 850 54 W A TampbelLvs R Dellinger et al 56 St vs Tol Mauney 31 " " Henry Carpenter 30 " 44 Zeb Wilson 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DENTAL NOTICE. T Dr.. A. vv, A!exat!tJer wjii re a bia officw at L!ucointOn, June, An RDst, Os'obe-, December, Fib fuary and April. Will he in Mt. Holly, July, Beptetnber, November, January, March and My. Patronage solicited. Terms cash t and moderate 896 757 925 4 I 4 4 4 4 To whom due Ain't J V Rurri . w A II Yoder n 30 J M RurH4 1.20 J V McCaul Shff :J0 E O Johnston i VA) D A"Lbw9 j r 79 Jr. Herman c-c 1.00 Page Name of estate Kxr or Adm'r To hom doe Date paid to iT3c Am'l Anna McCov 8 v 2 10 ' 1 onrnu cronc i' lumaur Aum r a j .Mtonre &nu epi I3j a; 70 70 forss i4 b-cacit kxown m tin Holy AllUsc, ootsci! ct HtiKiU, PmIa Atulria aad France. . Thm objU cf thi Uli. tx ttrrr, amor. jr. olbtra, to aca tAn and xtnd monarrijica.1 pria ciplr a-i far m j-j;Llf, ad fiany to mton to thir Uina th IritiniAt tnouArcK bo ht4 br-i deruttl by Na.jK!oa, or tj their own auujLa ondarth l&Sa encvf th pri&cipl of U Fraacii Ke-rolotion. Thta wm a potrfsf all ia.no , and acocrtnplbbfd tnsth in th direction indicated. Ia fact, Kurojwi wa-a thoruchly rm tiunarr at thU t imf. Public eoa lituftuna had la aalrrert atd ih9 ""rpl oppnrwid; Roarlioti ralfa. fully rtorM. At th: jfiint th Holy Alliance tuml tta Attention to the NVw World.. TLt Hpnih-Amenean Sutra had toc-c-fally jrultrd ffora jm.aLd trer now tu exiatenre a, tndtj dnt ; rfnitr.nti. The Holy Al-liarjc-proj-d to extend it oj:m tin to thi oontt:i:jl, ird to rt ttor- Fedinand to h; rrToltrd State. Kr.g!and not a r5"fa br of the Holy Alliance, tul a.i faTori'!e toita rt"f.l principle and'!icY. To thia j articular Tt-ntt : XjoweTer. ne u rtir f0lov?iiment of the United State Imcel ppoeJ. Th jneral pna i3,;0 ha ten deirou. hr thi fri?ndlrlein!e . f th- Holr Allianr!? wr in 2i4Jjproc-'!irjg. of maniftir. the I harm with the tnona.rchicjd ia Th Monn doctrine ia th col letivi term appliej to two decla ration run tainM in the tnea of President Monro? to lh Con jTTf f th United Stale. Decern 1-r 2, 1'J3. Thto delarUona are to s found in difTrreut por tion of tho rne-ajr. ainl ar mad with rtfertnc to ditTervnt aubject matter; th history of one U dif fefvnt from that of tho other, and tho g-MJorai principle aucgtwUd by tho Uo rwfer to entirely different ubta. I will Cutvtider them -parately. The fint derlamtion i a follows: At the proposal of the Ruian Ituj7rial CJoTemment, made through the Minuter f the Km prir re id in? her, a full per and inttructiona have teen trans mittal to the Miniterof the Unit ixl State at St. Petembur?. to ar rati", bv amicabl negotiations b rcrv "live nght and interest of thefo nation on the northwest i cont of thi continent. A f imilar prnp-H.nl ru. ben made by Hi imp Mai .Mtr to the covem- jmJt ( Grat Britain, which ha 'liken:- bti af-re-ded to. The 3D 20i b of 7.es-cret value which thy have inva- titut n and idea-i of Grrat Brit- ' . ..jriablv attached toth frindhipa:n. lr.: th? rvt-Miica of Central Th- f)lluvinir amounU paid to office upon e!tlemenl f estate, and paid meiof th Kmpemr.and their o!itttde I Amr.a br Spain, cr br any othtf y f : niicr clerk, haying Wen reported twice by him tbl beinc tbe tbird report to c:iUiTale the U tl underhand- Kurt... au ' counirr vold bn i jii.e ! I iinjj mith hu citemmtnt. In thehn .Wriou to the cosnztrcal kxcoan or jtnuKixr tHcarr. Alice Smith j w 44" 44 44 4 Sarah Smith v 20 A Lee Cherry & A N King vs W and Mrs S J King W & Mrs S J King 43 St vs Cliff Mar8hall P R Be. 9 w 57 Winnie Shippet al vsB Johnston etal Mark Rvnum 44 44 Charlen Rvnum 1 4 4 4 1 4 44 4 4 1 4 4t 4 4 44 44 tt 44 41 44 44 tt tt 4t 44 11 44 -it' "44 44 tr 4 4 4 t 4 4 4.4 (4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ( 4 4 4 4 tt 44 44 44 4( 44 44 44 4 44 44 t4 4 4 N 'JLSophialierriH 4i 4iMarv Rvnum 5 44 "Syd Fofnev ' 4 4 4 4 Milton Fofnev 4 4 4 4 Delia Hunter 4 44 Emma Hunter " 44 Sallin Mrlaif IUUnre (Lti Th. following amount paid to orUce on ttlc of estate, and by former clerk nald tu mc tame having been reported tbree time by him. and thU binr the r,.fourtli repirt of wine i ttmi?ii or itmium bocttr l.IOPaj. Xame of estate Adm'r To w bora due Date paid to of3c Am'l 2.014 P-'O li.m'1 Mmteller J J Plonk Children Cathmne Ilroombead 1 tec lyJ ft2 I m r 1,1 f . w In I a w ' I mimr 1.0051 The fullowincr amount tald to ofllce on eitlement uf etatf-. andby former I which ther hav CITY MARKET Is the plu e to get a nie piece of BEEF, PORK and FRESH SAUSAGE. All nfeats found in a "FIRST CLASS MARKKT. Come to see us. Market prices paid for ! hogs and cattle. Edwards & Sherrill. -11-22-95. ly ."O.f.ia Ihe following amount due parties paid me by former chrk and bv him reported three times this being the fourth report f same. EXECUTIVE DOCKET. Page No Case ' 691 . 40 St vs Wm Hoke 83 1 95 4 4 4 J and A Branch 832 96 J F Warlick vs Frank Roberts et al 44 444444 44 44. 44 44 44t 1.51 1 lelcrk jmid to me, ame having been reported four lime by him thta belnf tbe 1 514 IlIin report oi ame. To whom due Date paid U oCicw Am'l Rebecca Down 6th Ie- lvJ Barney Ion Abraro Keener Sth IVb'y lat IS.J9 Mary Carpenter t&.lv dicu-io:i to which thi tntere-tlin!fr, of Great Britain. Thia, ha given rie, and in the arrange-1 ar.d ther con:dpraticna ia tit mnt by hich they may terrain-1 tamo .hrtti'a cf grrat tr crltu ate, the occa.ion baa been judSjitnpciLnnc, prt-tailed, asd Et prop- r for arting. a a principle! land .tne out in cjca c-ypiticia in which the ruht and tntcnntto tht -chts: of the Holy Alliaict of th United State arv involvrd,lhc ";;ht to enht the aytajtalhT that the American continent, by land c-o juration of th United the f re and iuder ndul condition Mate. hc fjvemratai a.a tJkl- e aumed andlurmllv verr much interested ia th 2.012 2.01 i --01 HE CO HO or Pa" Name of estate Adm'r I.VU Kobt U Iowni J A Johnston a ft i47 Susanna Hovi C I Shrum 3 ttmmiioii toC'lera, Am't 1.15 811 63 St vs Luther Perkins To whom due L T Mclean i s .1 W MKirt i h A. It Ymh'r i h Worth Roberts n 4iii i tt i i n- i i t . 5 I 1 air .N O Jaims Hilt inn I.ltl 1020 67 I23.e 3.71 133.17 IlaUnre I have on hand three dollar paid to office by Ir Vv t; Kier. un tbe fint day of lh-v 1M1 and by tbe former clerk tald to me, for tbe benefit of Uun tUucb- (V)Urt be Wifor bound to bim and tbown by former report. I.uj 1 "0 I ' 1 lu wvfinj? amountit faiu to oiace vriiiun me x teie uuinni ana aue pari if, tni oeiiiR nri reori oi tame. KXKCUTIOK tKJCKtT. Cae St v YA Mundy 22.015 In the following cases of amount paid in costs a balance on hand i3aid me bv former clerk and reported once, this bein' the scond report.- EXECUTION DOCKET Pago No Case To whom du 942 28 St vs John Leo Balance 977 55 44 44 Edward Ewing . 907 32 J F McLean vs James and Levi Gheen 10-20 4. 44 t. 44 44 14 44 44 44 44 44 "JM Lowe J II Auton 44 tt 44 44 44 44 44 It Axn'l Ain't hi 2.5) lt.45 l...)1 Tho Hoke v V J Holme m as -AT- The following pro rata costs, having leen reported bv the former clerk and by him paid to me, this being second report of same. aXECUTTOX DOCKET Pace No Case t 3 837 "P. -A. BARR'S. TWO FOR ONE, BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WE OFFER n 4 4 44 4t It 103 Nora Leonard et al vs L A Lockman (4 t4 4 4 tt 44 tt 4 4 44 ft 4 4 4 4 4 4 tt tt tt tt tt tt 44 - 4. ft ft (f if 'f tt tt ft ft ft ft tt ft tt To whom diir John tiabrinl J B Luckey L A Kaylor David Cherrv J H McConnell 900 24 W L Edwards et al ts R Edwards et al L P Sitlord Am't 1 .54 67 56 f5 56 80 tt 44 12 : St v W S and J K latrldon 44 14 4, 44 44 4, 4. 13 IS XI " Monroe Sain A W Reedy v S K Myer A Co Tu boni due 8 M, Ivlllnsrrr. Mnhil Tbo Tboma M S Hagar r C M Jetton l . T Smith strrr I. I) Hayne J V S V Goudvon J r II 1 Carpenter w Zeke Jobmton w Alex Montague I) Hull to 14 O Hnley S Herndon to 8 U Klnley J II Auton to SO Klnley W L Gilleland to S G Klnley Sam WiH to S G Holey 1.15 Sam Harvey to S G Klnley I.2S W W WrII to S ti Klnley CO J A Nixon j r Z.VO II 1 Mrt'orkle to II S Seller JW A Ire Cherry w 2.70 G I. Ream t a 13J Iavid Mjer Comm'r 1 19 tV o LIS The following amount paid to oQloe within the lat tttehe montl and due parties, thi being tint report of aame. JlDOcatXT iHJCin ko. a. maintained, are henceforth not toquet!n. A a HepsLlic, itcvuld be Conidend al biet for fu- tu,l view. excetl witn crtat dia- lure colonisation by any Kurorn pleasure, the xteniM: t.f the re- potr. lacti'T.ary movement to tLi c- n - Th- amemeaKcv.ntaineO tl.etinnl and o (jreat a the jfnr folium inj; language: "f the alliance that the Ltiit! In tho ara of the Kurotrn Stat-, then a young nation and a Power, iu matter relating tol pioneer in fre p iremment, thmwlve. w hav netr takn not entirely irrv from the fear U.at any jwrt. iiurd it comport with th- alliai.ee. oold ultimately ex our jfdicy to to do. It i only t-td it interference to our!. whn our right are invadrU or - for tin rran the attitude of rioulv menaol that w re-nt in- Kngland u viwe4 with rrrat vndl or eriouly uirniod ti;at public approval in thia cvuntry ; re-t.nt iulurir or make pret- and while the United Stat Got emment did not act on the abjl in the manner propi by Err and, yet the President, with tha advice and approval of hit Catirl, ook the KMilion that the United butt- would not ajprovw o: u. extension of the ojrationa of tht Hoir Alliance to tnia oontsnent. What i called! the Monroe doc trine grew out of the agTvtmaCil between the United State aivd Kngland on thia ubjt of inUr ferencw with the ovemmtnUl forma of Spnih-American coun triet Decern b-r Forum. Home and Farm 27 In combinalion with our vaper , for 1 S 1 Ml 5 Bein-g the price of our paper alone. That is for all new subscribers, or oJd sub scribers renewing and pay ing in advauce, we send HOME AfCDFARM -.- . ONE YEAR FREE. 4.ro The following pro rata costs, reported twice bv the formerclerk and him paid to me this being the third report to( pame. - EXECUTION POCKET. Case tk tt tt tt tt 44 t4 t (f ft St vs J H Auton tt tk t f4 4k ;t tt tt tt tt tt ' tt ft tt tt tt tt tt i tt .. tt tt tt To whom due C M Jetton n t? Z T Smith Sh'lT L D Haynea J i S V Goodson J p H P Carenter w.1.72 Zeke Johnston 8.22 m't ' 23 45 m 0.74 Udoii Judsement-Docket No 3.theiullowins .amounts due parties paid me by lormer cierr,;tmaDeinuie secoucLrcpoxoi Fame. -JDDGEMENT DOCKET NO. O Page No Case 68 1633 J I Martm vs C D Delhnger HOME AND FARM is a 16 127 1787 St vs Beverly Leonhardt page agricultural journal 1 123 179 Wm.Crain vs J,I Martin- made by farmers for farm- 146 1848 St vs James Cody - . W "-V ft . . -W . -"WW ,er. its Home department 14 looz bt vs jonatnan narvey conducted by Auut Jane, is jiinegualled. Its Children's Department, conducted by vFaith-Latlmer, is entertain- ingand instructive. 4t 4, Pare Xo Cae 9:1 170-J A F Kulbrighl v A M Fulbrlghl VI 1710 M K 1711 T M 111 17tvtJ A LinetMirger et al v John Clark .4 t 44 tt 4 .4 4, .4 4. 4. ,4 4. 44 ..44 44 44 4 .4 4s. 4 4 44 .4 tt 44 4. 44 44 4f 4t 4 4. 44 44 44 44 4. 14 44 44 44 44 4 tl 44 44 tt tt 44 tt tt tt U tt It 4t 14 44 It It tl I It It tt 4 tt It tt To whom due Ada K Kulbrlght Mary K T M 11 C Wood IU J C Blackburn to J A Line barker J A Nixon Juror L A Kayler Juror II J King Juror T H Proctor Surveyor A very Hadjrer Kd Cahion 154 1867 F G McCaul et al vs F J Jetton t( 14 It ft tk ' ft tt tk it 4f ft tt tt c tt t kk tt it t; .t .c tt tt t. t - tt (( i. i4 .' tt. , To whom due Am't L D Haynes jp 05 J OKingi.8 , . 2.101- JO Allen jp 1.15 L D Hayne j p Go F G McCaul 24 Man Jetton 17.07 Francis Brittain 17.07 Samuel Jetton C3.28 Am't 11.22 tun 6,70 20 les A Lee Cherry tPdo Adm'r Litem 33 H tin ur. J r Vrlnih ni fHcn J iMob Lockee e tUcSH Loclee 8 C Wood fr 111 lvjl " 1) a S Cherry L A Kaylor J. .4 .. 4.44 i 4i it ki it it ik ii ki H J King J. it 44 ti tt it 11 ti ii tt tt ii ki tk kt kk j q Wood Keg'r 141 1!M7 "- " 44 " 44 44 44 44 K a F Luckey 142 IWi Kachet Luckey v J F McIntob next friend of J J Luckey B C Wood liegr 147 IKOStva Klib Mull J L Webb Sol l&S lfc & F J Jetton et al vf F G McCaul et al T M to oe F MrCaol kk t it kt tt I. kk ki 11 it n c Wood 150 1VS J Howard et al v Connie Howard k t tl , I, k II t II t t k , k 4 kk tt tt tt tt tt tk tl II It 157 1:0J Howard etal va Lyda Howard ,, ,, ti ti - t ti tt t i t it tk tt tl tt tt 107.08 Renew now and tret this The following amounts paid me by former clerk, upon Judgement great agricultural and home Docket No. 3 and byihimlrefmrted twice, J thta -fqirig third report of lournai 1 same and due names. VT.PyEV-T ' . JUDGEMENT DOCKET NO. 3 tt tl tt US l$7l" t t - tt tt tt tt) tl tt II Jt II l t-k tt tt tt t johnttoo Howard tt tt tt tt 11 ti tt liVi If 71 J Howard et al v Johmton Howard 1M lSIl J Howard et al va Johntoo Howard 158 lIlJ Howard etal vJohnfton Howard (Coatlnuednextwe.lt.) J A Nixon B C Wood J A Nixon Juror D Cherry Ja BUck Wither Uagar nc wood J A Nixon j r J A Nixon Juror I Cherry Juror Ja Black Wlthera Ht gar It C Wood J A Nixon j r J A Nixon Juror D Cherry Juror Jai Black Jorcr .07 (ration for our defer. Whv the iil . t9' movement to thi liemupoere w are, of teceiity, more immediate ly connected, and br cauea which mut l- obvioua to all enlightened and imartial oltrveri. The po litical vtem of th- Allied Power i fMntiallr diMerent in thi rv lect frtira that of Aroericai. Thia difference proce-i from that which exiti in their rrjtive covernmfnt. And to the defenw of our own, which ha !n ach ievel by th- loof much blood ami treaure, nnd mature! by th widom of ur mtl enlightened citixen, and under which we have enjoyed unexampled felicity, the whole nation i devoted. V own it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relation existing between the United State and tboe Pow era to declare that vre hould ccn- ider any attempt on their part to extend their ayftetn to any portion of thia hetniipher at daneroui to our peace; and tafety. With the exiftinv: colonie or dependencies of any European Power have not interfered and ahall not inter (ere; but with the jrorcrnncaU bo have dec la ml their indepea- dnce and saaintatned itasd who- indepndei we haTe on fjr rs 4.001 a OS so so so ro 20 CO S3 so so so 40 10 40 40 40 .triti Cnrallna turn IIeia Cwnoallleew. cmniderrifja and oa jul princi- plM a;k3ledrd, we coald not riew arfc-intetpitioafor the pur poM of opprring th?ra or coa- troHtr? ia at.y other manacr their datin . by any Euro proa Power, in any other liht than aa the man- ifcita.;oa of aa cnfriendly diipo aition viwardi the United State. 'Up-" the dovrnfall of Narjolon, aa evi ry tndent of hittory iujo . an aihlaro of European rc:t Ilailwayf and Canal J A Lock hart. Foreirn AtTaira K Paaraoa. PotlofHce and PoU Itoada Tho. SUl. ElcUon UZ Udmt- Military AtTairt J A Lwrkbtrt- Public Baildioga and Grvc&d H Sa inner. loter-Slate and Forairn Com merceThe. Sttlt. Arriculture Alotjro Sbuford, J W Slcct, Civil Servioa lUfona R Prar cn J A Lockhart. Edctatian A Ehcfcrd. Claitrt FA Woodward. Alcoholic LJoor TralTc F A Wtodward. RoT'.r.oa of LAwa R Z Llsney. Milula JGShtw. Mti:tippi Lcvfft F A Wood vrard- At ... paernoniA, cijphtheria and tt4 o d frrer. by keertirr th M'k f th aptw.itt Rood ard the l hralth riroroca iy llm c4 ot Il Jod'i SxrxanU&

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