T HE ' LIN CO L N t M 0 C R'AT, I V-V PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ; . m BY - 4 , - .'--c - HE ?2i' PJS'X. iatea.iCompJiixiehl almost as much-it Chas. L. Coon, Editor. Subscription hf Advance OmyYear . . t ..JfUH; Six Months. . . : r . 5' Three Months . . ... ..' 2a . ' -A. .- -j ' ' We are prepared to do your Job Printing iu nice style. Send us your work. Satisfaction euarnn teed. Entered at the Postoffice at Lincoln ton, 2f. C, as second class mail matter, Sept. 27, 1895. ' LtkcOLXTOX, X. C, JAX. 3, 1896. There are some so-called Dem ocrats who insist that, they are Democrats after the pattern of Washington and Lincol n . Neither of those men were Democrats. It reminds us of that old"gag" about the'Ocala Demands" being Dem ocratic doctrine. We all remem ber the time when almost every Democratic weekly in- the State had its Alliance column and was courting that organization. Speaker Reed's sense of the rid iculous must be acute. He has put our Congressman Shuford on the Committee on Education. He is as well qualified for that place as some of our fusion office holders are for insisting on a reduction of their salaries, now that they are in. Both are cases of constitutional disability. Mr. Shuford got his "education" in the Alliance. We all know what that means. . Senator Tillman says he learn ed his Democracy from Jefferson and-Ijincoln. We never learned any that vehave from Abraham Lincoln. If Senator Tillman is really hunting for Democratic doc trine we would suggest that he go to a better source than to Lincoln for it. We have no criticism of Lincoln other than that he was no Democrat. He, of all men, de parted from the principles of Thos. Jefferson, and the man who says he gets his Democratic doctrine from Lincoln says in effect that he has no Democracy. There are some silver Demo crats in this County who say they will never I vote for any "sound ; money" Democrat. We know of many such at various other places in North Carolina. We have nev er yet heard of but one sound moi -?y man saying that he would vot? for 'a silver man under no circus:- . stances. Gentlemen, study abqr. hat you are doing. It is not tl: "-ound money" Democrats y. : re making' .this, trouble. It v. nade by the Alliance as early 390. Those -men who are nr.. perpetuating the spirit of the A, - iance should - not accuse us c ' naking trouble. ' We have no time for that senti ment which some North Carolina : nn,Tftra. ro offpii vnirp vir ftn iha annnA ,n vLna emphasizing differences in rjirtv. Thnt'tn in the Dhrtviaa. well known w Then, why try to 'disguise those o "it X, differences? Hajmonv can not be i i i - . j.1 , mi brought about in that way. The i v J i w-' x i honest, manly thing to do is to i- i i. i . discuss honest differences ot opm - . x, , , truth can judge, where it is. Har-' mpny and fellowship can come 1 . learning tne trutn ao learn it and act on their knowledge. If divis ion then comes, let it come. A di vided party would be preferable to a concilia ting,vacilating party un divided. A union of faith and practice must dominate every or ganization that would succeed. I Men must be taught the doctrines of the party. The doctrines of the Democratic party must be believed and adhered to. Then the Demo cratic party will be strong. wa ;Tn " cj ing mat unaer its new manaee- ..At A "1 ment the Lincoln Democrat 19 many. The subscription list is somewhat of a hornet. 1 It has set- small yet to what it should be. tied right down-on the hecks of Those especially interested in in the enemies of sound money m1 - Z e fii 1 North Carolina and is proving it- creasm& tlie usefulness of the Dem self a very uncomfortable com- ocrat are tne People of Lincblhton panion for them.- Charlotte Ob- and the Democratic .party of this server. . y t County. The Democrat can not None at all, of course not. W do more than preach good sound appreciate nobody's ' attention Vmore tnan tnose ox;ine unserve r. , i me ' litue JLfemocrat, o use me Hickory Mercury's parlance is not it asks that the peop'e of the Coun vf 'oil stnk im V hut it annrf?ii- lv trnnt it u-ith that considuratiol; !a tiie ladies do. But for all that, 1 we know that hornets are useful, j The "Hornets" under the leader ship of Joseph Graham did effec tive work once at Charlotte, if we remember our history correctly. This paper hopes to be able always to make as firm and decided a stand for good govt rn ment and sound money . as the Charlotte "Hornets' once did for American liberty. When confronted with th fact that the silver now in a dollar is only worth 53 oents, the free sil ver man says: "But, if. the gov ernment would coin it free, it would be worth 100 cents." Then how will money be any easier to gt? if this were true, how could it also be true that money would be cheaper? Our silver friends make all these arguments. They can't all be true. This tree silver talk is only talk. There is no rea son or sense in sucn arguments as are advanced to uphold this cheap money theory. We .have always wondered how men of sound sense can believe in this silver business any way. Col. Harry Skinner, the Popu list Congressman from the first district of North Casoliua, voted with the Republicans in favor of their tariff bill the other dav. And though Populists do like things every day in the week, there are still some Democrats here in North Carolino who believe that Populism is almost Democracy. When will the Democrats of this State awake to the fact that ev ery concession made to Populists is a concession to Republicans? Populism means nothii.g less than au almighty government. Repub licanism means the same. No Democrat can fellowship either of these parties, and retain his stand ing in the partT. The Private Stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad should feel under many obligations to the Alliance for instituting a suit in their interest and paying for its maintainence. The State alsi should thank the Alliance for a like favor. But to be serious, we do think that the stockholders, whose interests are at stake, should pay for carrying on this suit, if they really want the lease broken. If the lease docs not please them, thev should say so. If the lease does not please the State, it should say so. We rather dislike to see the Alliance attending to. every body's business but its own. Just wait till the campaign begins and you will hear about how much the Alliance loves North Carolina and her welfare. Wait!! Those silver men who declare t.hey will not support any man but a silver man for office should not be too hasty. The public re- members how in 1890 a part of the Democratic party, the Alii-"of ancepart of it. said they would ' support no man for off.ee who did u'ji picviye ujuistir io me caia ti7emanu3. inat was the tirdl !8teP in formhlS e Populist party here in North Carolina. If silver j men insist on this policy of 41no- ' . . . i oouy oui saver men on puaru. L, . Mhey will have to net out of ih 5 J , , . ! party soouer or later. Ihey must i , 3 1 not try the Alliance game any men on ruard. i more. Let this money question i be discussed, and when- the partv meets in National Convention let : us all agree to staud oy its plat form and vote for its nominees. Tho se who would make a platiorm in advance and ask us to get on it and on no other are the men who cause division in the party. Let all .good Democrats remember these things. THE NEWYEAR. The Democrat wishes to thank all its patrons for. the support it - has so far received, and also for j that t which it hopes to receive. The Democrat has had many dif- Acuities to overcome. It still has Democratic doctrine .and -work for umcoin .tounty anausweiiare. ,ini u win continue 10 ao. - ahi 1 ; . i deserves: The present manage ment will then be satisfied. - . t . 11 U.SIIS It cornea to our eara that cer-i tain Popuhsla in this county ar ! claiming that they" have a d-j tective to watch the doings of oti j D mcratic Board of County Coin-.j niia8ionr. No body who. know j our present board will imagine furl a moment that tney are apenuuir any sleepless nights over the fact j that their acta are being wttche! by Populist or Republican detec tives. They are all meu of honcr and character and do not care how much light- is tbrowu on their official conduct. We only men tion this hue to show how Popu lism has bred suspicion and hat red here in Ncrth Carolina sus picion and hatred ot men who aro above reproach in all the walks of life. No man is too good to bo the subject of their low down abuse. The chief magistrate of the nation on down to the lowest officer of the law, daily has to hear their uncalled for deuuncia tions. lhose ropulista who aro now circulating this report are on ly doing it to try to besmirch meu who are well thought of in this community. It is characteristic of Populism to do the like. BUTLER'S TIIVDIC. Senator Marion Rutler got mad in the Senate of the United States the other day and said that the Democratic Party has no idea9, and .that it hail gone over to the Republican party, carpet bag and baggage. Senator Harris, the wet hen of the Senate, asked Mr. But ler whether he was not now in the Senate bv virtue of a Fusion of Populists and Republicans. Of course, Mr. Butler got mad soma more and made the capitol dome ring with his denunciations- of Democratic rascality hare in Nrth Carolina. We only refer to- thia episode to let the public, know what Mr. Butler is doing, and to show the downright hypocrby of Butler when he tries to dnminc Democrats forgoing over to the Republicans. If Democrats stand for nothing, have no ideai and are Republicans, then w submit that Mr. Butler is out of order when ho denounces Democrats as Republi cans ;for manifestly Republican. have some ideas and stand for something: It Biirely cannot b that Populists have all the sens and stand'for everything there i to stand for. We are only inter, ested to the extent of saving th Republicans from the insane Asy lum I Venezuolii ConimlHalon. i The presideri has appointed tli following members of the Vene zuela Boundary Commission David J. Brewer, of Kansas, aso; ciate justice of the Supreme Cour of the United States; Richard H. Alvey, of Maryland, chief ju?tic the Court of Appeals of th District of Columbia ; Andrew D , White, of New York ; Fredericl n. wuuen, ni .ev lorK; Lianie . uiiniaii, ot Marvland. nresident of the Johns Hopkins University Ihis Commission will determim where the boundary K-tween Brit- ! idi Guiana and Venezuela reallv is. The result of this work is looked fqrward lo with a great deal of interest. The Chief Justice of the Ten nessee Suprem Court haa been ar rested for assaulting a man named Beaaley with a pistol. The Southern Railway now has a line to Norfolk, Va. It ran its first train into Norfolk, Dec. 30th. Dr. R. L. Payee of Lexington, N. C, haa moved to Norfolk, Va. He ia president of the North Car olina Medical Society. " Capt. S. A. Ashe of Raleigh ia now a clerk iu Collector Simmons' office We take it that he haa re tired from the newspaper business. Snow storms in the Northwest this week. Anthracite coal has been discov ered at Hot Springs, 'Madison county, N. C. The supply ia said to be inexhaustible. Queen Victoria has appointed Alfred Austin, Poet Laureate. This office haa been vacant since Lord Tennyson died in 1892, K. J Murray. Editor of th Nor- ilDC wtean remember. Etidarr folk Landmark, ia ttod. ( Ij the "Immortals'" ant nrs - Th North Carolina State A 1'- "me. Daudrl will now hav to nnco haa nanlv-d toatart a friili- zer manufactory. The Alliance used Jo ell the Durham frrtilixT, ; ibutice that company haa join- : . . . i r it if fhance favor. Congressman Shuford hat in- troduced a resolution to report tn - a act which give th Cngraraco power to appoint clerks. John RukiD, John Morley and other Knclifh acholara haTe atzned a protf at againtt war Uteii Ens- land and th Lntled b'atea TheCnmnock coal mine in Chat ham county haa recently ben the scene of n fearful explosion. Th death los waa over 50 oeraons. Safety lamps were not naed. To this negligence the disaster ia at tributable. The Senate of tho United States passed a resolution last week al lowing ex-confederate army or navy officers to join the rrgular army, oonaior uii, oi bw i or, n . m 1 intorduced the reslotion. No Totes were recorded against tha meas ure. The magazine of the Smithdeal Hardware and Furniture Company exploded at Salisbury last weak and killed two boya. The maga- zine con'.ainea ou Kega oi powaer i and 1600 lbs of dynamite. Much damage was dono to property near by. The Supreme Court, of North Carolina, haa granted Hon. F. I. I Osborne, aa Attorney General authority to bring auit to lest the legality of the leaso of the North Carolina Railroad to the South' em Hallway. Mr. Osborne con- sidara the - leaie valid, and will bring the suit to test the matter in the courts. The matter will, no doubt, rind ita way into the Sa prerae Court of the United States before it is finally settled. The Alliance ia paving for the main tenance of thia suit. 1 State Treasurer Worth and ar sistanta were ' taken in" by some tramps the other day. It seems that soma cancelled coupons were thrown into an open fire place and set on tire The heavy draught drew ttiM cancollcd coupons out of the top at the chimney. The cou pons fell down aomewhtre on the Capitol grounds and were picked up by tramps and doctored so well that they looked like uncancelled coupons, nd were reuaid when presented. It is thought that from 1300 to worth of these cou- pons have been thus repaid. Woodrow Wilson is writing a aeries of papers on George Wash- ! ington. The first paper appears in tho January Harpers. M.Zola is said to have a first class chauco of being elected member of the French Academy. M. Zola has been a candidate for membership in the Academy ever Stepniak. the Russian Nihilist and author, ia dead. He was kill ed in a railway accident in Eug land. Stepniak vras.ouly an as sumed name. The author's real name is unknown. Putnams has lately issued a book of '-Reminiscence of Richard Cob den". Cobden was, of all men,the most influential Tariff Reformer of his day. To his specchea Eng land owe much of the Free Trade sentimeut which has dominated her policy for the last 50 years. 4V House Boat on tho Styx" is the title of a new book bv John Kendnvk Bancs. The book is il lustrated. It represents Nero in Hades playing billiards with Shakespeare, and the like. It ap pears to us that the book ia an at tempt to ridicule the doctrine of hell-and future punishment. 'Jnde the Obscure' is the name finally gjven to Thoa. Hardy's ae rial atory which has been running in Harper's Magazine for aome time past. The atory is the most abominable rot. Like a great many other novala nowaday, it deala with the family relation. There are. no principles of virtue inculcated. The story deserves to perish. Canou Farrar once wanted to deliver a lecture on hia impressions of America. Hut Philip Drooks is said to have remarked : Don't do any such thing. In the .first place, you have no impressions; and in the second place, ther m 1 all wrong." ; via hla ,TIm Imw..mr. W. E. Gladstone ia it ptriog anof articWfor UNoih Am- Tl,, 00 ,lbo .. re oaiv iuu in vouuutea ot miq in TWO FOR ONE. BY SrCC;lAL AfttJUCQCMCST c crrx a Home and Farm U mbioUo wUk ear f r S 1 . 25 Ueing the price of our papa alone. That ia for all oct subscribers, or old aab scribors renewing and pay ing id advauc, w atrnd HONE AI1D FARM ONE YEAR FREE HOME AND FARM la a If.! page agricultural joaruai mado by farmers for farm er. Ita Home Department conducted by Anut Jan, it unequalled. Its Children's Department, conduct ad by Faith Latimar, is antartain ing and iostrcctite. Renew now and get this graat agricultural and homo tournal JT ! wTniwrinin: now! - - - Dr. Shields, an eminent physi cian of Tennwaee. aaya; I rvgard Aver a SarMpnlla aa tho ImU blood-medicine on earth, and know of f many wonderful curr ef fected by ita use." Phyaiciana all over the land have made aimilar atatementa. 1 1 n 11 11 1 111 in W-9 The Lincoln DEMOCRAT Is Tho JLcacling Paper Published in the Count v. Democrats ahould le.-vd it bt:aUK' t i soundly I)njratic. Popu lists und Republicans hould rcid it to tlnd u it ulmt au tbout them. Tite Devokat for ill Wttrr than ever. This ia Campaign yen r. You can not atTord t Ua without thv Democrat. tubcril now. Only One Dollar per Year. Always done with iieatneu and diipdUh. We duplicate price any reliable house. Give us a call. Do not a-end your work out of tho County. We can da it for you. GIVE TJS A TRIAL. Special Notice. Chattrl Mi rtaa for at Thk DtwocaxTonice, tK-atly print -eU on guoJ T a.1 J0 ccuta per !inndrrd. A January thaw i alwaya morv productive of colds and couU than a Ja:iuarr fnw. . Then ;btirn Aycr'a Cherry PctorrJ ta nwU a:d pror xtrrrorly eOicacwus. Ak you drusrsift for it, acd aJo for Aycr'a Almanac which ia frt to all. Sab cf Real Estate. Bj tirtuccf adctdof trott.rtrcotctl lu me by SU. CUm on th iMhtUf ct Hixr. 1J. cooijlc lb foltuvttc iSerriUd rviltUf lo tttitf lot ecu v fa debt due bj tatd CUnr tw A. Mxint and by Ibr taw ,. .ntm ioe4 lo yzrion Clit". and Ibr pJ cnrul f Mid debt brrotnlijr dc-. xJ pemrr of abtotr. A I if mufl of Mafioo Clint . awljrnf f debt, and lo vtcm mtne I dor, I will, hj 1 ir tu cf Ibe aatborlljr rlH In f by Aid d drd ,t tnt. kI! at pb!i auction frr rwh, at It" rtmrt hosr dMr lo lb lewn of UooJnioi, N. C oo t Monday, the JSnlday of Frltuan-. l!r. at M m.. It foUclnr t lrl or prcl of Und. tiluttrd In It town of IJacololow, lJrr4o cewiniy. N. C, and orr trtirwUrljr drrf1l4 ad drfinrd a foJIowt: JWtnj- prt or lot No.LS. H. VT. vquATt of IJtcoJolc. commaclnjr at a iul on Illjch trrrt MttW potrtfrtxa lbN. LfofnfotU lot -. run iro icc injra trttrt.Wdrif. C&.eVy polrioatke on lhUret; tbro S. . II 1-10 jtc to tb tinr of a new irrrl. Uld oot. Ihrn alonf Mid Dnr tirrct N. ?t j4 toa ttakcon id lrrl;ln . - I. US, ptArt lolbr bccinniDjc.ronutnlnr U K-rr or W. and adjoin Un! 01 Cfflmi Cobb. Hultr Itrrndon td otbrt and for further d-fift!oo rtfrrnrU brby md lo drrdfrom Vcult ninr lo Srlbfllnr. tgUUVtX In bookSl.pir T'T. and lo dr-d f ra C. and W. 11. Molt 10 VrnU ttn. rct Urrd In book 4, pr to lb tu of thr Kettlrr of Irr4 of I.lnrJn rounty.N.C. lltrrw ! ! hd 10 took edof Irrd, 2t0. !Wttrr of Irrd oClct. lJrcln count). N. C. Tbl Sll day of Irrmbr. I -V. vr, lraori.Trw!. (lew YEAR. a i. Wc xcjil the- jrc: in; I ftjr nanr ff3ct,5 and cutomrn ard tb atJL lhm for thir libtral trona-c donni: lit jrt? of aid t;trtrt1y bop? and lut that tt w-Jl t-r o-Jijlinnrd in thr tut. RESPECTFULLY. JENKINS BROS. IF TTHE Best Class of I S At tb mi!!t eah j lf. you can t- cratifird ml S. F. CRiocrs FORLHiN ANli iKJMEaHC FIU1T.S AMI NUTo OF SKLKCTrALlTV. A full In, .4 Chntrca TIjti for the II-it :d Cr:r!t, . K. CKIGG: Croceries-Crockefy A Happy J - . If you want a 'Fruit CaJct'' I can furrmh the articles with which to make it. ALL FKKSH GOODS AlsoCccomul, rruacv. Xuls Apple?, Ac, Grated Cocanufa onl 15 CX Jcr pound. r If you wnt the Oncrt Floar cn this raarxct trj taj Morr' town ' Best". Kone Letter. of If you ttant to make a Izi: present e my laniri, CUP t'd Saucer, GVir plat cs. H ari io ta es t CUa bcr Setj ever told here for the moncjr YOU IIS TRULY J. B. RAMSAURr v ft I I I . I 1 t 1 1 . ! t I 1

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