"y- - V LTBBs t: L. SSna--" TO ir.... icr. . T7m o: vol i. LINCOLNTON, N.C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10. 1895. NO 16 County Directory. Member of.Legislature : J. F. Reinhardt, Reinhardts. County Officers: C. H. Rhodes, Sheriff; G. A. Barkley, Cleik of Court ; Jacob F. Kilhan, Register of Deeds ; D. L. Yount, Treasurer; J. Thos. McLean, Coro ner; 0. C. Thompson, Surveyor TTnlls X Roads. County Commissioners : H. E. TUmsaur. Chairman, Lincolnton; T) A Coon. Reepsville ; W. L Baker Hulls X Roads; J E Reinhardt Iron Station ; P A Thompson Denver. County Examiner : L. A. Ab ernethy, Machpelah. Town Directory : S. W. McKee, Mayor, Lincoln ton; Miss Eva G.Sumner Post master; S. K. Cline, Chiet of Po lice, Lincolnton. AN IMPORTANT DECISION, murder in the first decree or noth I r-m - ing." To the same effect are three THE SUPREME COURT DEFINES THE I deClBlODS Upon ch. 434, acts of 18- two degrees op murder. . 89. deviding the crime of burglary Slate vs. William Gadberrv,(ap- into two degrees, in which the pellant) from Kadkin county, identical words are used as to the Opinion by Fnrches. J. duty of the jury, as : in'tbe .act di- The prisoner had made threats vidin the crime of murder; and against the Hie of the deceased and are constructed as in State ts. had sworn that if she did not eoto UlIchnst BUPra Virginia with him h wnnid till Montgomery, 'J., .also dissents. her. The deceased refused to go with the prisoner, who grabbed hor by the arm and pushed her before him up the road, and upon her re- INewB and Observer. F. P CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Watches repaired. Anything in the Jeweler's line dune with neatness and diepatch.-Give me a c all. 11-15-05-ly Aoetyloue Onus. HOLD THEIR FIRST MEKTIKO RELIGION OK ARMENIANS. FORMAL OROAXIZARIO Of THE VEN EZUELAN COMMISSION. e- Washixqtox, Jaii; 4. The mem bers of the Venmuelan Commis aion, Mr. White alone being ab sent, wen at the State Depart ment to-day and had THET AT THEIR MXCTSTtt WEk CHRISTIANS l,O0 YEAKJ AUO. Armenian claim that their an ce tor were Christians l-efnrc the end of tho first century of our era. But their history point back to all lPr OrfHfnrv- ih I lltimitt-trtr. n nnnr t i I r--j t ---- . . of tho roval line of Armenian Olney. After exchanging greet- .. , . . J ... & kings, as tho founder of their tia- a s b m BV . - & mm mm S mm mI & m m & mm . . - . J 1 twnal church. He was born A. D. uiney presenter to eacn member a commission of which the follow- Anything touching the above! ing is a representative copy : lubject is of interest to our read-1 the Honnrab'-. lt M1 Bri "To rnwerr DR. T. F. COSTNER Offers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton and sur rounding country. Office at resi dence next to The North State Hotel. 10:4-'95, ly. DENTISTRY. Having located in Lincolnton, N. C, her in the back with a pistol. The prisoner offered no evidence. The court instructed the jury, after re citing all the evidence, that if they believed the evidence to be true beyond a reasonable doubt, the prisoner was guilty of murder in the first degree. There were no exceptions to evidence. The court explained to tb.6 jury the degrees oi murder and also stated that the credibility of the evidence was a question peculiarly for the jury and that in a case of this importance the jury should exercise great care and weigh the evidence well and be fully convinced of its truth be fore convicting. There was a ver dict of murder in the first degree. Held, that the act of 1893, which divides murder into two degrees.by Prices reasonable, terms cash except done jn the above Charge. bv special agreement. Office nearly . ; . I . XT 1 J nrroi . v euire ue uovu oDUOsite postoffice , DR. L. S. FOX, Dentist. 112-95. lv. DENTAL NOTICE- 257, and alter many rerecuUous was consecrated in C02 as tho had of the Armenian Church. His -1. r 1 A .1 lik,. ..1 I I)-... I ail in up r i a ii in ruruaT Tfi imr rftn n.iLiin iimiiiiihu" ri .ir iiinnoi : - .... m sistance and cries for help, shot , 'v"": 7" 7 . 1 - ' . successors look the ti ur oi pa tn- u.:uu.-u,u-.:i re largely on account oi xne lact iou are umuy npnuru. . , . f Mlhnlicl ,nf! mTn A. 1 X A . XT 1. mm. I . . mrw lu Un w t 4 mat acevyien gus xa a unu vor- mcuix u4 vu.....M.u.. - elected by the bitboi. The Illblo i . m i r 1 1 r . a . - . a i . a . a a s Olina UlSCOVer'. idb ionowmg.nmIKaiB uu purv uu iu wur Inn .Lied in!r, Armnnim .i n xt - -r--Ti- t. i I ... 4 : i .i:..: i i.,. I men, irom me iew xurx juuniai iui.i.uu u.vuu.. about 431 A. I). Tho Armenian of Commerce is worth its space: tween tne xemiory 01 uih Kepuo-i,. , 1. . . . . .... WUUtk.lt t'U k iiii- ine engineering ana jiming n ui uu. ...u """ Church till the rear 4U1. when its Journal is carrying on a couiro-i ian uuiuna. veray with some gentlemen inter- 4It U exj)ected that that com ested in acetylene-gas productionl mission will avail itiwlf of all which is not without some ele-lsiDie sources 01 miormauon, win ments of acerbity. Calcic carbide apply to the matter all pertinent yields about as much gas as conll rules of municipal and interna does, but the gas i9 ten times asl tional law, and will make a re much as coal, illumination by port to the President of their con coal gas. and by acetylene gas I elusions, together with the evi- would be about equally expensive I dene and document submitted But calcic carbide is produced! to and -considered by them with from coke and lime in an electric as little delay as is compatible furnace, and the Journal figures with the thorough and impartial crwKi and nrsvers of tho fathers that electric power aione wouiu consiueraxion ox me suujecv 10 w Qej jn Q Hnmin Catholic and cost about $55 a ton of calcic car- dealt with bide. There was- talking among 4 In testimony whereof, I have promoters of making it for 15 to coused these letters to be patent $7 a ton, since advanced to 140 and the seal of th United State with a prospective reduction to to be hereunto atflxed. 80. At these figures acetylene "Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, on the fourth day of January, in the year of our Lord, on thousand, eight hundred and nine-six, and of the Independence of the Unit ed States of America, the one hundred and twentieth. "G ROVER CLEVELAND. its express terms makes it within I offer my professional services to the tne 80le province of the jury to de people of the town and surrounding . , , , ! country. I am prepared to do all Kinds icruuiuo iub ucicb, buu iuib im- of dental work, crown and bridge worK perative duty cannot be taken aspecialtv. Nothing but the best ma- . , terials used and all work guarantied, away trom them Dy the court, as 18 would, of course be much cheaper than coal gas, but a correspondent of the Journal sayp that calcic Avery, J., concurring: It is carbide costs $70 a ton at one of necessary, in oraer to convict 01 the largest ana mostpenectcueuj- murder in the first degree, that the I ical factories in Germany. The jury should have found either a I Pittsburg Reduction Company is Dr.. A. W. Alexander will be a premeditated intent to commit the said to have given up its expen- I ... ... I ... i 1 nit ii r : j . his ofiSce at Lincolnton, June, An" murder, or an intent to abduct the ments with aceiyiene, oecauee us uy xne rresmeni: oust, October, December, Feb- deceased: and the findine of Buchlcalcide carbide cost it $150 a ton. "RICHARD OLKEY, ruary and April. Will be in Mt. jntent is exclusively for them.lThe suggestion in a prospectus Holly, July, September, November, Whenever the intent is of the es- that calcic carbide is about to be January, March and May. UeDce ot the offence and the jury produced more cheaply without Patronage solicited. Terms cash fai ju a special verdict to state electricity is commented on by 1 . . . . 1 and moderate soecificallv that there was a crim- the journal as a contession that inal intent, the judge is not at lib- the present process, which claims erty to supply the defect before the protection of patents and on stating the conclusion of the law; the strength of which rights have a fortiori, where the jury retain been sold is worthless. t .t.hP ninro- to fi nice niece of the right to state tne veraici m e noiw iuui uur i iuc BEEF PORK and FRESH the shape of a conclusion, he can- figures, with the conclusions based Tho Vr-noxuolnn Conn ln- qaart? milt-t. cuotiric apiia (nzrx r Question. our authority: . A very clear idea of "the Vcne- Traihtl i:.t plain Unuij, xuebn question" is to bo obtained th rr ply ma alout t!u : Mtr do fnm a discussion of it in th IV- facto frtipin-T. alt5a-li mrozs- cml-?r !vitw of Iletiews by Wil- fulljr mad wit!ii:i hat hxd uvxtr lism L. Fcrujx, and from it the br-ti dtpu:M a W:.?7u-Un ter following facts am ascertained: ritorr, cotutitutc a Hritiih tiU Venexuela, following tho exam- too acrM t U tubmittr! U arti- pie of tho UniUd Staler, in 1S10 trmtion. thrw ofT tho Spanuh yoke and de- 4tT SalUbunr juttfKS Kn- clarrd her independence. As tho Undt mitaciou 1 r aktcj: of faith sucoor in UUo of Spain in that atJli --rw:i 1-v ayirss that it year sho claims certain territory was Miu tirti;' f nbjnent cca- west of the Kttoquibo river. In tho cwin frr:,i HMland" atjJ of -n- country known as tho Ciuiantt. cicnt tr. at; ;tii native Indiau Ureat llritain, as the sueoctsor in tril-. A t ti. UriU rcu9 title ot Holland in claims tho how r..uM H-.l .!. ! hxxf rnrrycd samo territory. Tho rrcognixd tiil,. l.y -ul i,t i. s n. boundary, then, botwe-ru bpaiu to irrnt-.f v ; : -1 .! ' y r.l. st and Halland at the tirao of their ir Un -'.'. 4'-.i i-v i- f o-ii-- respective transfers to Vrnexuela ti,.nl : . lb-a!.rjrnt and Kngland.u the rightful bound-1 ItHiiati tnl- . " L -r-l .iSibufy is art'.! Venoxnrla claims the KamjuiImj upon lb f!- I'.nf .1 --. i rr river as the boundary eUbliihrd -t tul t.. s - c n im nl I y between Sjwiin and Holland by tho hi. u. i treaty of Wetphalia in lG4s, and thonly .1 ! . l!rb lla thst this boundary hss nvr iinc oln r lx?n chsnged, rither by suliuent ...... conceptions or prescription. Kn- I I..- Mill. land deniNi this. In 127 sh cf TI ' ' ; - 1 -y ih cupil territory loyond thfc K- !!- qaibo and when remonstrat'd with, " A 5 claimed tho Pumsron riTr as tho th " r"1 ancient toundtry. Th writrynl-"" nriirintllr in dill.uto then was th! f si I- '-t- - rt . ! w w j . I . 1 - ....I lt.lt - 1 ., full synod the decrees of the Coun- , . . . m , . .1 . . I IIU UUt.tl l.l.l ' 1 it bts been a Church by ttt-olf. which fact has done much to jH?r- (letutta the nationality iu spite ot its people having boon alxiorbod into other nations. In doctrine it differs but liillo from the Greek and Roman churches. It hss a liturgy of its own. wntcn inciuues me . icon ft !!ii'i lit i t 1 1 narrcw strip Ijetwren thet- rivers. Later on Kngland extended her claims to tho Moroco river. In 1 M0 Sir Robert Schomburfcx-under lib- ? f -r EiiRlsnd'acommuiion, laid outthotb- -i ; f To qucte from our authority: "Ho, by tho capricious line which beir his nimi, extsnded the Hritiih claim westward to the Orinoco delU and southward to tho Amscura and tho waterings ofthoCovunt. Rut that was done without the knowledge or concur Secretary of State.M CITY NIARKET SAUSAGE. All meats found in a FIRST CLASS MARKET. Come to see us. Market prices paid for hogs and cattle. " Edwards & Sherrill. 11-22-95. ly. RIES FRESH FAMILY G-ROOE AND CONFECTION A RiES SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES BY 1 not do before what he could not do upon them, are subjects to modi- after assume that the facts prov fication and correction. The gen ed a guilty intent. Hencft the eral claim for the new gas has ben court should have charged that if that it would reduce the present the iury should find from the tes- cost of illumination 90 per cent. timony that there was either a The above showing does not look prennditated intent on the part of that waytherefore we trust it is the prisoner to kill or that he wrong. Charlotte Observer. killed while he was attempting to carry out a purpose to abduct,they would be warranted in returning a The first authoritative stte- Ai4 t ,inv .J rrmWUr in thft ment ot the conauionoi uie nnau first degree ; but if they were not cial department of the exposition Hflfipd rS to the existence of ehows that the company will not either the premeditated purpose to owe more than $30,000 when its kill or the thev believed that he killed with a j deadly weapon, then the law raises Episcopal churches. It offers prayers for tho dead, but doas not behove in pergatory nor allow in dulgences. It has several orders of clergy, bishope, priests, and deacons, besides minor officers. ... i "ScbomburRk line.' or can oe oiiiaiiicu, uu uui hci. The priesthood is heredity, tho sou assuming it upon tho death ot the father. Liaptitm, which is by trine immersion, is administered to infants as well as adults, and the Lord's supper is administered to all baptized persons. in mo 10m ceniury wo f v.no2nola.ho still claim acceded iu crcaUng a schism in . EM4Klllibo lt tfce boundary xso uuiiuro oi 1.110 xpo-iuiB nurcn ana a new argauii.- 1 j0W)Ter jL when Vcnexuela d rS - riment rstuiion. Hon called Catholic Armenians. ......... ik;.M,.,nnnf ib-ri.u-l .C3.4.i. l-n. 1 . .1 : -- I ine txperimeni owinuu u..c- j.ms xnovetncui rciauw .u , . Itntish Premier. V"f- tt . 1 . .. .. -F. I . I " W " ' 1 centiy cunjpiiwonauuicuW.. periecuuons nj iuo lu,M,uku' Aberdecu. expliciuly dis- pr.vi!. carrying on some work in ie ui- ernment. till in tho midaio ox mo UimCtl lhc schombargk tine" -1 A 1 . . A - ik I mm - . IA. W 1 W lure, DOin 10 aisserninaw luiorma- 15in ceniury. 00 peuuoo 01 - , Abhlormlion bv th ut! . . . . . 1 ... . . . w.. .... 1 tion at to the best methods to 101- Icatholicos.fetcr the Ureat, o kus- low in bee-kteping, as well as to Lja took the Armenian Church conduct tests to determine what under his care, and since that time plans should bo adopted in North it official hoad hss had his rcsi Carolina to make this particular dencc in the dominion of tho Czar, industry as profitable as pcssible. There are two other officials tx?ar In many sections of tho State bee IDJ- the titlo ot catbolicoi, also pa culture now yields handsome re- triarchs at Constantinople and Je- turns when carefully managed, rusalem. Congragationaliit. -kla f lt vor. Ihi. rP.nlt A UtO 1MU0 Oi the t0 10 "w,MW UibUUU. w ,w. . .It . . . i.i ,.,ro.0l Tt .School Jouruaiexnn;ssesitiIIUjii nai"'wui5.u y UiltUI U lutlj wu - - I " I . . .:n t r v, I wftr on the enezuelan ouesUou : l pomuou - TKra.hmild o no excitement then, never having Yielded that .r.u:.,i ;k nrUnd least of all uo war. ( 1) The the boundary extended west ot the ui mo iuuubmj, " I ... I t -: KMh,w1 in rfjr th t v w'-wimi s . ll. IJ M :!. "Jil-- , JIli lb- f.-!..jii.' t . ".t i afnl ili par u 'i', m J! ' 1 " ani"tstit tat"-! !? "Iu -. . . atiimni. it . I !i-l I3 d- ' . Ti -ui r ly J . ' . i , r I I. i f" ?! r it 5-f 1 t ' u:?i j'jI f ! j-r . . . , : . 4 t 1 f ! i !i i i loffoii-a oro atmitrKtpnn OUt. and intent to aouuci auu v--or r-- that this amount will be cared tor Demarara authorities." Then Lord Aberdeen rorcsd a conventional boundary lino be:in ning near the mouth of th Moroco and extending in gsneral direction to tho head waters of the Acara bisi. Ilut as this would havo t;iven to British Guiana even mors than all tho territory then in drsptite. .21 th Tf -..Ii ; I - it '": td SlA! l t- T j1 (,,r n i ? j - .3 r ., !i-fi-t-r fr - l . "f 'V l!" f LINCOLNTON, N. C. 12-6-l-y. TWO FOR ONE, BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT - WE OFFER a presumption of murder in the second degree and that presump tion has not been rebutted.- Clark,J., dissenting: There are repeated decisions in our court,not resting upon presumption from the use ot a deadly weapon, approving :ul -.-.AAmAnt f Ua n it nrA I rounlfT in dlSOUte where it ha. now found a foothold, troubling ourselves about; 33,000 whole matur to Incadiy arbitra- thnroneration couaro miles down in Yenexuela mon. nnKua k.-kuiu .,--. ii I tho nezolittiou wouna up oy mc been secured, Dr.J.W. Hunter and It would be far i Vfrt!- ii ul"npi r at tl Tr""f at lb t fd ! j !?" Stal--. r. ji1 .aralhofif ? . !j fvf.f 1 ' tl r-,.i.d ativ t - ti i - r by the directors The exposition company, owes today about $150,000 on iu float ing Hpht. find its bonds. It has -o property against this which cost $400,000, and cash assets of $80,- 000. For this Durnoss tho co-operation couaro . e . - j i i--- ,.. I rt rf nn nrrpiitit financiallv. OI iwwc.ui!uwu uvvm5' M" l . . .. i .t . i:-.i-.t : hp T v ir..niAftnd It would be far better if all of ciuuusnment oi u-o u,PuW...v Mr. W. II. 11.11, both of Fowtb V.nu.U und.r KnRl..b con- .jrm.nt W br wh.cl , ..ch ... .. .t ij v -k-.,- I .,f tht narti'va obligated itll to rnntP Tt IK nTHACIM th&t rCIUltS I 101 UlCn) WUUtU W WUJO vwwvw . r I I nnt lr r-tin "inf tWf I"" ss'" nterestingto bee-keeper will be tor emulation then. Wnjsrs :.n P-j I .. . ... ; i I tint. ef (Vi tinfyYOnifd IrrniorV in I' !. reached during the coming season. surrtxi up we w no Puu, . m-- - u.r.Ui. In the . meantime items of timely tention to boundaries wnen tne n... terestwill be distributed upon! Indians occupied this country? (4 I Iloth parties et.acniiT mju Home and Farm , In combination with our paper, for Being the price of our paper Thft fieures of Treasury receipts a charge that if the jury believes d e-.peuditare8 for the tint half the evidence the aeienaan. ib gun- , fi . lg96 now . n I w w J ty of murder, btate vs naKer, nrtl(.allv comDlete The official - t i r - . N- C, 276. Hss Honor uia not m- .tit.mant to be issued on Thurs- struct the jury to convict, but , j-nnarv 2nd. will show ap- 1 UUt k ysm. I . ....... I I J w y alone. That is for all new simpiy loia vueiu iuo- tu '--M proximately that the receipts lor subscribers, or old sub- facts, if found beyond a reasonable 81X monthg were $167,500,000 scribers renewing ana pay-1 doubt to be true, would constitute iQd eXpen(rttires . $182,500,000 inginauvaui:, murder in the hrst degree, just as i aV:n fll -iftfirit ti5.000.000. .- v-anBH I . - . . . . i ' nUmt ANU r Anlll he Would nave Scne on'lt tnere naa For the month of December the I. sm a T i .... ONE YEAR FREE, been conllicung eviaence, mj iu - - - I m . struct them that another state ot it uc r i rur. i b -r-li ' 11 ' r r l . 1 an H'.n! ! in the various phases of the subjecL As the Station desires to enter into correspondence with every bee-keeper now in North Carolina each one is cordially requested to send his nimo and address to Dr. II. B. Battlf, Director, Raleigh, N. C. Any items s to the stocks, hives, etc-, o hand, and the suc cess or failure heretofore met with, will be cladlv received. DoubtUss a the corresponuenco wiil bo mutu ally helplul. HOME AND FARM is a 16 facts if believed would have con pace agricultural journal 8tituted murder in the second de made by farmers for farm- jre6) an(j another,manalaught- ers. lis nouie iepai iiucui T . nninf nrftRented in J. . JL UW j-v -w " Tfa DhiMrAn'a this case nas Deenreceuuy ucv.iv-o JL V W 'W - v M. v - receipts were light, being $26,250, 000 and the expenditures $25,750,- 003, making an excess of receipts over expenditures of $500,000. lie- cause of the heavy interest pay ments in January and the ma,turi: . ' A k m W" X r,0olloH Tfs Childreiis inis case uao uccuiuuj u- ltT of S4.320.00U of 1'aciUC Kauroau VS. LlVJ UUHV . , I ..--.r -1 J ' " Department, conducted by in State vs. Lhlchnat, lid JN. t., bondg it j8 anictipated that the Faith Latimer, is entertain- 6.3. construing the act ot 1QV6, cn. m0.h of januarv will show a de- . - i . . . . - . i i - " ing and instrucne. "dividing the crime ot murder mio ficit of iOOO.OOO or $12,000,000 " liven rWrep.n" In that case the I ! Renew now and get this l .j -T I T?nmo Cin. . ia to have a million factory. David Our duty to a sister republic has I this "unoccupied territory to li U limits. What did wo do when I betwe-n 'he r suibo and Morrco . . m Chile was "Chawing upM Peru a rivers. A generation later, bow- sister republic? We shall do on- ever. Knsjland kept faith by taking ough if wo find where the boundary I forcible position of all th cuon should beand say to Hnglaud.Tholtrf within the nnrmal .hom- . . ... I. ... . .. i. world expect you to bo just Jn ine l burgk lino and ten mousana quar mattor. (5) To go into a war tx- I mile beyond territory larger in cauw Engltnd is a bully and I rea thin tho SUU of e l ork ought to bo whipped would bo tho Sho fortified tho main en franco to height of foolishness and wicked- I the Orinoco, and eo lab lis hod pouco ness IG) It is extremely doubtful I tutions throughout the lemiory . hethor tho Monroe doctrine has l tr faitl to evacuate and restore 111? ,1 iw bu hwd in almost the verv fnra onrl hnmfl I uut,u ... g.. ruuiai - tWindra in this. I dollar cotton . L ii- . u --.;,-.,!. I Trinpr of Fort Mill. S. C is tho 1 in 1S33, Tlio'Uitlloul Itooordor. Edwards d-Broughton, of. Kal- eigh, bought the Biblical Record er, the organ of tho horth Caroh- n. K.ntista. from Mrs. Mary L. Bailey widow of Rev. C. T. Bai ley. The latter was for twenty years its editor and was succeeded by his aon, J. Wm. Bailey, who will continue in that poiition un der the new proprietorship. Tho Biblical Recorder was established and it widely known aiiy relation to this mitUr. W. Cabell Bruce, Independent Democrat, has bwn elected presi dent of the Maryland Senate. Ex-Congress mau S. K. Mudd ti Sweaker of the Iloua. tb sUtU quo of ISoO led to tho re call by Veneiuela of her minister to Caracas with his psesport. Venezuela then appealed "lo tho moral sons ot the civilized world," hoping to iodoco Eogland to arbitrate. The United Suu, m:i v lb llpb- I1 l(l t"t I alrd !3-I- b I h:r ful fll''' lb f dt il Tf - 9 !-l . Afl exmpti?' i tumtin in Ul!)"TU"1 hr-f ball ' mw Jfwfil- ! fur !b f- h- f--!i-r 1 f !.!) ' ,f 1 1 -. jti ! -;. .; ... i? r 'A r ' t - f . . ... . : v .31,,. .-. . A . I r" -i t - 1 a i ! 1 : 5i - 1 t .!! '- President Clevolaud, last Satur ) ;.tMl nrrvlmmation. mak- nc? Utah a State. The territory I Jean it publics tendered their good has complied with all tho requir-1 02ces and suggested arbitration menu imix)ed by a recent act oi i . Q rjritUin hardly treated (r.. -..-,.tr rl within tho Schomburrk lint not -tr .v.: tu- nnw .tfi I thft nld lino, remember-but tns Btl'd W &,Iito. on. Umit08 th. .daiuei 10.CM ..i 4 d 1 id t-m t i I d Our lnltl hMl.. Thr af in the an4 7olofrd normal !s,.!iT3 whito and.l'.l c!fd 'ht4 dis tricts, ith 4.11 wtitf r4 colors 1 '!.'-! ttijh!. North Carolina has sjenl f r t -! I-c chords in rer I1V 0. News aid Oticrvcr.

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