DEMOCRAT. 7. 1 T H A VOL. I. NO. 17. LINCOLN TON, NORTH CAROLINA;.FItIDAY, JANUARY IT, 189G. SI. A YEAR. r f 4! Oouiit.v Directory. Memreb of Legislature : J. F. Reinhardt, Reinhardts. County Officers: C. H. Khodes, Sheriff; G. A. Barkley, Cleik of Court Jacob F. Killian, Register of Deeds ; D. L. Yount, Treasurer; JLThos., McLean, Coro ner; O. C. Thompson, Surveyor Hulls X Roads. County Commissioners : H. E. Ramsaur. ,Cbairman, Lincolnton; D A Coon, Reep'sville ; AV. L Baker Hulls X Roads: J E Reinhardt Iron Station; P A Denver. County Examiner : L. A. Ab ernethy, Machpelah. Town Directory : THE TRENT AFFAIR. idfll refused to leavo t ho Trent, jpeaceably when Mr. Houston was an incident of the late war be-I directed by the lieutenant to re- tween the states. tum to the San Jaciuto.and inform It is now thirtv-four years since I Cap tain Wilkes that the Confed- the capture of the Confederate Urate Commissioners would not commissioners to Great Britain,onpeae the Enelish vessel without board the British mail steamer an application of force. The lieu Trenf. Few incidents ot the war! tenant states that he thought tb awakened a more profound inter- Pr, ence of armed men nnnecessa est, on both sides of the Atlantic, rv only calculated to alarm S. W. McKee, Mayor, Lincoln ton ) Miss Eva G. Sumner Post master; S. K. Cline, Chiet of Po lice, Lincolnton. nmsionera. Dr. ICobert I'hilti Montis AlVtcnn 1 topt.ntlo. mori, advocate of one of her Maj- The trouble between tbi foreign esty'a Admiralty Court, hld that residents of the Transvaal aud the 'it is iudeed competent to a belli- Bot Government, growing out of ger-nt to storTlbo ambassador of the rtfual of the Utter to grant to his nemy on Ms Dtssage." fbrvttners civil righta euat to The law of nation, and the ihcs enjoyed bv the Bors, has lrn:tice of the British government assr.ned aerioua proportion. Dr. cle::y sanctioned the act; but the L S. Jameson, the ndminiatrator Uni ed Slates was In no condition for tie British South Africa Corn to b md upon its rights at a bellig- patv in Maibonaland and Mala ere: ; aud Mr. Seward was only beiland, marched npon Johannes- j too ready to acquiesc in British I bui with . a force of COO men to reasoning on mecae. lassis: me uiuanuera, or loreicn C. 1Z. CHILDS. Attorney at Lay, Lincolnton, N. C. and no one seemed to be fraught U0- iadies. He therefore directed Reinhardt wirh graver consequences at the I Mr. Grace and the armed men to Thompson tmP) Tne South indulges the hope I return to the lower deck. it would lead to wur between the I After parleying for half an hour L rd John Russell, the Secretary I resid otin enforcing the demands United States and Great Britain, anv.ber cutter came alongside, for ! ?reign affairs, wrote to Lord agati st the government of the which would have insured the in- W'1 eight marines and four ma- Lyo- s, to demand the release of Soul i African Republic. He and dependence of th Confederacy ; chii ists, in addition to a crew of the ommissioners, and treated it his followers were lonrrounded and these consequences would in- soraj twelve men. The gentlemen as a matter ot course as if there a fcr te of Boers near Krocrdtop, evitably have followed, if the ad- sti-1 refusing to go, without an ap- coe d be- no question about it. tothwett of Johannesburg and j ministration here in Washington, IpliMtion of force, Lieutenant Fair- Thi. was like Great Britain. 1 1 afur a conflict were compelled to nan. not oeen wiser man in peo -- piavcvi uio uauu uu iuc buuui uiti uvt ijuuie uis inuguBsr. run uuav.vw pie of the North. For the almost de f Mr, Mason, who then ac- 2! r. Sward, in dealing with the !on of a friendly state was universal-sentiment among them conpanied him to the gangway, casr said: ,The question before pron tly disavowed by the British of burghers or ciliicns, the rit contuting of whites who were res ident in tba republic before l&Ojor who fought in the war of inde pf ndencj, and their children; the second of naturalized aliens who bavi rrsided to the republic at l-at lu years and hare taken th Armrnlnn llorrttrw. Dr. Henry S. Lunn, eOiUr cf Lbn Review of tha Chorrbr, and ilr. IVrcy W. Bunting, editor cf t:o Couteaporary Review, have ai drtwxi the following rommuaica lion to all editors in Knrland asd America: V encJoo ztrxrti oat! of allegiance. Tha firtt-class ifrom a letter from apriraU friend was that the capture was iustifia-wre be was turned over to Lieu- us i-, whether the proceeding was I autli nties. Johannesburg i the Ku ! d to ioteri-r. ai.: ble in the purview of international I tei-r.nt Green, who conducted him aut'iorized and conducted accord- Icenne ot the mining region; 125.- Work intrusted to his care will be haw an(i that the commissioners U Q boat. Mr. Slidell insisted ing to the law of nation. It in- OOOXOO of gold, more than a sixth burh' rs aton can vota for and are ligitlt as members of tha uppr IIoci. The second-clsi i burghers may be advanced to tha rt!at after 12 yn of reiidcnce; till ther they can onlv vcte for mem bers of th lower Hooe. Thre rrt' irlicus hav ben ejitrrnvlv irk -me to the crowd ot adtntur-!lra" ers .ho bavo ruhd into the gold teariTig district tnd mad" Jhan net !irg, which did not rii nit yeai igo. a who spent several mcnth f this year tn Araerlr, h - is ro of th- first aothonnrs ciu sL tion. a loderd yra woM atlnii wert w at litirtv In pvl :h his , nam. May we voi to insert thet m lh nxt io ct vct:r pi prr. Here are orr. t f tK x- T tnn of nrr i'r win - inhabitant. F r irt-ar ' pat mn hav p i - i . ,ist atimpc-l to r.i i let ;tto tociron baud promptly anil carefully attended to. Omce on Main btreet S. FINLEY, should be held as prisoners of war. thM ho would not go voluntarily, volvs the following inquiries: I of th world's yearly production A whole generation has passed I aD'l tnat considerable force must ul. Were the persons named wai fent out of it m 15v3. It is off the stage since the occurrence be applied to him, to get him to I and their supposed dispatches coo-1 about CO miles south of the capital of this important event, and a new! go The lieutenant then called in tralnud of war? loithj Iransvaal, rretona, ilh m ....... m. one has come forward, who .may I three other officers, who had no 2. Might Captain Wilkes law- which it is couuected by a railroad have heard of it vaguely, but with - difiicnlty in persuading the recal- ful Ksrrrn r p'y- rcrcAl rrpfnif ' :i r- ut-d f- of a ihnttati - ; . . i'l i;ni'r t"t' t r . i li.r . I I r rntrk tm-f , jil 1.1 I!. .! I . i p I tral to h business Office in X rth State Hotel B. V. JPSTICE. Q 10 Victoria has aptinttd . rut. 'rMiiraliT itu fn s. r. m Alfr Austin. Poet Laureai". an -?. ir.d,, in mu! tm. off;r.? which bat l-en vacant ine jpler.,- thrm l - il.rm jf- ni " O " " I I - - I . . . . . T . 1W stop and search the Trent for Ita population includea the larger ihe.imoi iru lennysot., ici. 0rirj tUm. U-ha eso ccntraband persons and dis- part f the foreign element in the G. Alfred Austin was trn r,lv . u a rt it c b-ar f ::.r r l .... i .i ll "(I l . , . . and even those Who are old enough ny them. Messrs. Eustis and Mc- patches? republic. Dr. Jameson hi """7, ,rj' , "y irct.u a.u, no- :,tu to c to remember it will doubtless be Farland, the Secretaries of Messrs. Did ho exercise that right march cut the telegraphic wires so j cmj- , ' ".' ana Mason and Shdell.moved on quiet-hn a lawful and proper maouerf as to render communication with P""1 nu si .1. aiiTs.n, uaanl girl. I I lit . O L. fi...n t. ....... ... The trouble in I num "kuu iitui-I hr puc taai mr imus.uh i Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed- ouj. an ttcconnt of the particulars Icitrant commissioners to accompa- th al Courts. Prompt attention given , . , , ' I r r...: j r I Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Lincoln, pleased to have their memories re freshed by a brief recital. The San Jacinto was on the African coast, under command of Lieutenant D. M. Fairfax. He left St. Paul de Loando, with orders to wait at Mecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherfora, Polk, and in the Fernando pa for Capt. Wilkes, SliiTirpmfi nnr Fw pr,i Courts. I f Offlce in .North State liotei. wno iook commanu mere. uu reaching Cienf uegoes, on the south DR. T. F. COSTER coast of Cuba, he learned that the 1 xt linf linear Trrtpef XVipv vm? fnnml t h rnntra. I him imOOSilble. A T v V -m mm -km v - w w mm m mm v a m wm-m w w m r,- - been permitted to collect their band persons on board, and in pre- the Transvaal is of long standing. IWk Ul" u'!:"v . : . V- " baggage, and Messrs. Mason and sumed possession" of the contra- and has become acute since the ot London in 1S, and in Ii h i;,1nll n nVinrrnn mnnncr n k.n.l tlUtintliAa tmrt nrrht fr. rush of foreign R J V6 J turcfi. at- Called to tli Baf OI tb Inner tmn.'.niNB v. tffiii noruiro -w t im I n ni h.a rvAMnm? Ir4rtftv thdi.mvorv nf i?old. Temple. Ihe publication, ol a trunks of their wives and daught- -5. Did he exercise that right began Tho Boers of tho Trans- rm etJlUIT doiph. ncn M Ur. o.'r, rsrs K r,l orrl f-.,r in fKn minnnp 1TMtrwl I Vft.ll. difft deCtnd S II t Of tho O b 1. ShOCll lh lNnt Ol tilt rnntinnftd the voratre to Enrono. and recoirnizeil bv tho law of na- iginal Dutch settlers and of French d,,lX)t,Uon- r rom n,t r"l' -j 0 I - - I . - . . .1 !.. m nM H i Ih. Lieutenant Green states that tions? Huguenots who tied to the Cape ol " that is what it has o tnr l'i The t oTrnrr.eit 4 !ur.j f I spcUcl lc tniVe ai.g U t-p. They guard the gstr -f TuiLcy. t" ay, tolerutdr d -rirg II. at wltateTrmay bapjf n ! lh? l!hii tiant, bosietr diatiliclly Iter may le trrturl lu draib. r tlm g hall hapfen l lb Turk lhy. . i I . I . . . ... Is It. . 1 .! I 1 f MI1U UVLIIlllIiailUU IU UVlUin I nr,-.... i- e-. i j.- nnu- r. rkn1aa.inrhpn T.iAiilftnnnt. r RirfRT fivft thftl MlnII tliPun lnnuirip thall be I UOOU llOP HOOT mc pcrwuiiQUF I vJiiers ins uroiesBiouai eerviuw lu b iconic j. ucuuuto, num vum mo- o - - - 1 .11.:. .,,,1- riri. . . . . the people of Lincolnton and 6ur- ton, South Carolina, with Messrs. ordor for the Marines to be brought resolved .n the affirmative, tbo of 1M.i. XIV. ha. .tidily rtnmd h 1 "7" " "' 0'1 -,n ' rounding country. Office at resi-' sliieI1 and Mason on board, had in, he ' heard some one call out, British Government will have no to l-comc subjocl. ol KnKUud. ' o'J" ''SLl.Z "Jg InrlrVn.tM1-'.!. denc next to 1 he North State fun fhe blocUadej and he determ. ahoot him.' But nothing of that claim to rejiajn,;:. ,J 41tv .lh-n-rti-v,.o..V A Salir. ptJ in 1- ,m...ii in Armrm.n 1 1-1 : notei. . iii-i- no, iy. ..... . -- - - '..i:,',. flrt lour interrogatories must b4 not .troi.jr enough to re...t. tty produeUon. i .r ...M ' DENTISTRY. ?? 81 HaVaDS U,atlbrhU Mr SHde.l see" to have been answered affirmative.v ; by thi decided to abandon home. JUarnau Tr.SedT. tl I.Lt -f ri -f Tr-I... JJlrS commissioners were there, waiting Nr. biwo fai)uro tQ br the Tre.t to... and .c new on., m tbo wilder- ui,hN, , . ,mfll.,.d mhJ or ,. U,, .. IottVoL.T ?o Se to -J curved by Mr Mason. The lat- American port where .he would no.. T.Ung ; wb.t - ,,,70 and nna.W ... ,M. k. a. ..... V.- SSStry, I , prepared to do all kinds clded to iutercept the Bntish mail ter was .ware - "" 1 Wilke. acre, the IUver iu 1SW. of dental work, crown aim unuge wui iv u0 nmmis. 1 anOO W8S lOliy &uu iuui iuwwowiw r . I .. . Ittiii.S Utin. Specialty. Nothing but the beat ma- steamer and make the commis a y d bU faileil to briog the caRe within the which was then the British boun terials used and all work guarantied siouer9 priSOners, if he found them of Mr. t a rtax appnea wd b thJary. and established little cornroou. Prices reasonable, terms casn except . j for 80n was all SUincieni to auu uwi i:u8i.uc - - - tK.f river and in Office nearly on ooara. U11 T.a:.u -u:l horfrtr rltft- I weauns wyunu uu. J . i . .re -i . hftdid not leave me ormsu buiji u v ... .i:.lju.j ii,.m rialal. iner.n(;iimii'Huw .... tTrr.. .,rief. uu. driviue them out ofataiin OUbU V am fcv. aaukw.x I .... in iuc onnfmitf1 nost office f 1 DR. L. S. FOX, Dentist 11-22-05. ly. But Mr. Slidell, to show his h' Ihfi official account, nemo. .- m ' . . ' .rt. nd. a9 soon as voluntarily, aud return to Amen- ed uuai vuu.v.wj 1 she was in reach of our guns, every ca gun of our starboard battery was d shot from lltUcv , U r i r j k. nnere iit3 wia uuukuv uj . ..t . j io q nnr nivnt. ?iin was nrea acruss uci i Ltl . A. w. aiesanuer 1 ' " I o I r Cl, l.n otoii Vtrtrrlieti Wi nr. oa. UUO www- j DENTAL NOTICE- 0 in ? .. f T . -rxl ninn lnti AnlvboW. - . -w-i Ii. j i j j r .m. e An t- rjlorir October. DeceraDer, r t d- out snoweu uu uispueinvu v v t7U8t. luiirv and April. 'Will he m Mt. en her speed or heave to Holly, Ju y, September, November, hoisted the Star Spangled banner, January, March and May; ; Lki : Th; window h.w c.,e. de; rrM, Sr. the cahin. would not he ,n,ro.U S where he was caugni, oy ir. rsu- uuu, i , ... iK- to if insisted on. Circumstances emigraica, iu, i. - tl.nwd It Goonloe. in Vaat, establishing the Transvaal the commissioners vcic -. rtr ,k ch African re- I . . . n -r a I I . I - I ICUUUIIW, w w. We placed aboard ot &an jacinto, auu,p,ea u.c.... lw Fear Paironnge solicited, aod mdrate Terms cash F. P- CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. 'Watches repaired. Anything in the Jeweler's line done with neatness and disrmtchr Give me a call. 11-15-95-ly M TWO FOR ONE. .fiY special arrangement WE OFFER nublic. s it is now called. loner Lncv' Ito ot the attacks of the Kamra ana port. I llolieniois leu t... nnAl rmrart of the State nowledee the iodependeoce of the CommtMMl as above stated, were taken to Bos- ' . TTomrvtrvn via Hamnton and as soon as she was close upon wu, ' " , ' n-firpd a shell across her bow, Koads ana new iorK. which brought her to." Captain Ihe sentiment amnug BuMU of Labor Statistic was is-IT Wilkes hailed her and said he people was nearly universal, tnat colton and tt would send a boat. He ordered the Confederate ommisaiou. Lieutenant Fairfax to board her ; wera rightfully captured, ana maae and at 1:20 p. m.f as he states, he prieoners of war; and there were , , iirn . ; an I Vr.r-1'iaK rkrACAdnnts to aunnort this repaired aiongsiae iu umu, iu nu . xiu&. i - - 1ST1 ; Interludes, l!?r; uoroo or eV-n a rrrooi, n,t r-i m n- a Death! 173; Madonna's Child. m,tlimnqoetionon tb !.. ln.rj.i. 1S73; Tbo Tower of laU!. a drs-Uj tho. f- afe th- dcU .f ma, 1S7I ; Iexko, th Itsitard : A Turky. Tb Audfui. i . i sale cf Polish Grier, 157?, bavana- lu Xm Jltlj JT TotVfh i;.-rrrn- rola, a tragedy. 11 ; oinoiuiet m,flit lropodnUr ! u.o in Song: At th UaU of th Con-LOII mfttfcrr. nt cu-s lb- vont, I-ova'a Widowhood and otb-r I jrtneniaua of having ttraptd la Poems. Prine Lucifer, and Knc-t ,ulchr the Kurdt atMlTotX. Tb lith Lvfica, all publibed betrn (jerrnin t,frl. it ib trrr t tb? 11 and 1K0. He ba publuhed iiro kind of culture to its rdra. thre novels Five xears of It,tnj j0 ,,ih the- coontn- the An Artiifa Proof. Uublic knos titivly iothitc W K m HriJ. al-X tnel.i lfl. Armnun nnet?i a w - iaa - - - - Potry of the Period, repnoted armed cutter, accompaniea Dy ine opinion. u..w6 , prohibit second assistant engineer, Mr. uenerm mrcur,, .uv.v-. is- Transvaal in nd of the Or. tn.,lAV and covers cotton ana anee r rec ouiic .u w. - " J I t .1 : 1 woolen mills, farm labor and fish- to prcvool a ciose a..uto Th Ommisdioner recom- the Boers and Germanr. hngland - my mmm mends that a law 11 he urs a9 a day I a a . from Tempi. U.r.lSTO.and a in- ...,r..l diction of Urd B,ron.lSJ.or. I v. ThcTroe Story of lrd "Tb- lt- ' Home and Farm In combination with our paper, for tt. Mr nrov th boat- and a bitter enemy of the United man He went aboard the Trent States being in Europe, sai ed for aloue the to show some I or. At, uvv.-uu-. I . force. He was shown up by the j Bud anan made complaint in a first officer tc the quarter deck, where he met the captain and in n He went aboard the Trent States hem g in Europe, ue leaving the two officers in Vera Cruz arriving there August , boat, with orders to wait until 14, l-47, in the British mail team- oe;QrV tn show some or. Treviot. Secretary "f btate formed him who he was, and asked to see his passenger l:st. He de clined. The Lieutenant thsn in formed the captain of the Trent Being the price ot our paper he informed that Messrs, aione. mat is iorauuc ir t-..: a mu0 1 subscribers, or old sub- Mbod, Diia.i, u- u , scribers renewing and pay- Und were on board, and that he ing in advance, we send . would know the fact before allow linn.P ..I pi rKAM ing the Trent to proceed on its HUmC AND rflnlVl voyage. Mr. Slidell, hearing his ONE YEAR FREE, name mentioned, came forward, and the other gentlemen soon join- HOME AND FARM is a 16 e& him. The captain of the Trent page agricultural journal opposed a search of his vessel, and made by tanners for farm-1. . , fn ahnxc nnRsenff-rB an(i erJ. Its Home Department v ,1, conducted by Aunt Jane, is passenger list. The gentlemen unequalled. Its Children's also protested against arrest, and Department, conducted by being sent to the Americau 'steam- Faith Latimer, is entertain- er There was considerable noise ing and instructive. excitement about this time; 'Renew now and get this and Mr. Houston, the officer of the great agricultural and home 1 pan Jacinto, hearing it, came iurnal , aboard with Mr. Grace, the boat- REE I . man, and six or eight men, all SUBSCRIBE Now: armed. Messrs.. Mason and Sli lettor to Mr. Bancroft,our Minister to England, iaying that, "anuetral vessel which carries a Mexican oi- ficer of high military rnk to Mex ico, for the purpose of takinp part in hostilities to our country. ia lia ble to confiscation, according to the ooinion of Sir William fccott Mr. Brancroft brought the case to tho attention of Lord Palmers ton, who admitted the j'ustice of the complaint, aud the commander of tho Treviot was suspended, for violating the acknowledged bellig erent rights of the United States. This caso was exactly in point a British mail Steamer, not captured and cond3mned bv an Admiralty Court, which waa held in the case of the Trent, to be an essential cir cumstance, to warrant the arrest. But the Union, 1861, was divided. of which fact the government ol En giant took advantage. Many English authorities were U:- if- i,..'wtii!Q much fori v-rv cumpn.ily m hi. "Thi be passed fixing sen! on the Boer republics, lead- ' dQn Sunaird mnd tor The Country t (ur." -n-. it. labor in facto- inp to a war QaKUfiy Review. During the forthcin ing the employ- At Majuta, m icoi. iu -' uu of lh, Okumenical Coun- Hom-Journal. u- ' under 12 veaw of flictrnl a cruiomg ancv Vw Vatican h rprntd tb prwvfio:,. ana " ' owing thoe be- Brit sh regular, x - cuairdt Home, aod h- wtaelttr.2 a ni-; t to work unlei ly alt ir ward declare ana ine in-, e0rrpoodenl of that .will h.-.v rnu-h i.. ..y -nn-:. iticate showing aep i aence oi iuc - ti . iK headorarur ol ir.c on ir e -.jk ... - hocilatleaatlS aUia-jernalnalrt was acknowi-;-- ..u .mh, Frar.o Ifr .-rtion : H ll V:-T 0p..3w.r. Hi. political writ- . to, h-Hf -! t- power to enforce the. -.(nduct ot tncir cimn.. ""-,.,.,.. lo..ia Brf-f- Kom--."'! n.i rTj.r are now 1,K5 tion --ourtai urn. h- 1&76. Tory H,rrors, 1ST6. a replyicK-i op. . ' rteen years of able settlement 01 wc u.,j.w Gladtonea Balcriau Hor- noyan-r xo wmcn - caufolmucbKrumblingintngianui VpEland'a Policv ard .ubjenl from r.-.r. t. s the average aua g caiunouiVM Pril a letter to thi bin 01 ivs- amr.- n r l.Wr.lrA rnrtion of tho Enelish s?tUera m e . 16fcrt .,t; . and .li-x men of children atre. and not all w - twee i 12 and 1 thev have a cert nttPltfl week during the year and giving edged, on their agreeing to leave the (' jmmissioner the laws. . There chile n under fou age nployed Hi report say mon; U V UKr? w i - . - tlmn . c j rr. . n ti ri fnr vnmpn t tl.e ClD. Ot wnom w.vmi i . T rrriKnn. he l x arv f -.tu .v -w. . . . . . . ,.!. nnc'i'in wim v- i i and 2.00 for children. There has Rho-l- s is now the heaa. n is iu.p - v.Uonal lUview, and Wt- been a decrease in wages for two party that has puioea .or.u yeai prol 00 Cr nu.., - - I " . . . .... and :J0 ccnta a bn.hel of oaU. wher, Portnsal, wr uie mom.. f.. ui.t.(rm farmeniaro ha tcn able to opooia ner njLii.. i'lUII - - nubli-hed. ... call for more money and a majori ty lav great stress on education. :inelv. ( II.rr: n that th fur (rtt rw.l : ra m r o f uu r Cn 1 1 ' u s " 1 1 continued wrou ui r-j7 ' , . . it cosw uj wam -i iw. w cahum..- - - m - , itill t i ummr oi ic. u -. - i- uce cotton in North Carolina; and icyenain MacmUUn & Co. iituM a ccllet a u - i K.f -.1 i British l "at,u,t t t... n.m i t."- :.U to produce a uusnei ox we i run.... - - - lediU-n of poema in six voium . a, .in nnta a bushel of corn, territory on all siaea save vuc . har pub- .c. . Farmers are in better condition than in years past, and are very largely raising their own supplies. The report says 80,000,000 pounds .... . i of cotton will be required mis year in excess of 124,000,000 pounds consumed by factories last year; that nil factories are ruuningon Hth-1 Kortunatus lb limiM. ri-.-.. Engl.d'a Darling tod 0.h?r r,,;WI,,f to-n Poen-f. and a pros woric cnuu- The 5.rden That 1 bite. Almost all of thee to Dtlagoa Uay and the district north of it. The Hoera of me Trans ?aal are naturally jealous of Britisi immigraUon. Bv their M Arrlngton was convicted noni.t.tutioa the Government u in I Ui.h rrcntly of tibetling the bands of President, clEs-Judg Spier Whitaker for five years, and a Legislature ot turnl Pojfili-t. can- i- 4t. i t tai- P. Mil1.- hour to t-ll l t Iem--r;:c platform mai. l-. u. u lnv,nGrillidu!i to settle th" -f IC.t SUlV uruuu - cited at tho time; in support of the full time and that there is no check J claim of right to arrest the Com- in their progress. two Houses, each of 2i mcmbcrl jc, in name of the Alliance question by ltvin5 ih-maiw i who must bo I'rotcsUnUand prop- L foffeil lhe charter of North Jod of the Suprm C-un. ertt holders, theuppcr Houm bar. Carina Railroad baa bn with-nbe tn., counties. Tl -t.on n a veto oth. action of the low- drawa. Spier WMuto ha also wa. de by Ju,tic Harlan crUouse. There are two daaa.Wl aa counaelfor tha Ailian. oar Supreme Couru

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