FrniTTYTi II A H -Pi 1 W MBWl 1 i- o in:,, . VOL. I. NO. 19. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 189G. S1.00 A YEAR. -1 Comity Directory Member of Legislature : Reinharut, Reinhardts. County Officers: C. -II. Rhodes, iShQrifT; G. A. Barkfe'y; Clerk of Court; Jacob F. Kiliiali, TWister of Deeds; D. L. Yotmt.' Treasurer ; J. Thos McLean, Goro ner; O. C. Thomp&on, Survejr-. Hulls X Roads. .y.: . County Commissioners : H,"E.' Ramsaur. Chairman, LincolnTdn; D A Coon, Reepsville ; W . L Baker Hulls X Roads; J EReinh&r.dt Iron .Station: P. A Thompson Denver. - ' County Examiner : L. A. frb eruethy Machpelah. Town Directory : 1 Gem's From J Populism." : ' - . The Mercury heartily "endorses an exchange when it. says that Populism 'lias no fight . to make against-an hone it democracy. Wo virtually worship at the shrine of Jefferson and Jackson,' we endorse every -"nit prance ' of ' these great apostles of democracy. It is is 1 he only man spoken ok now with reference to the Democratic nominat ion .--Caucasian i . For leautiful truth, give us the Caucasian every time! It knows Cleveland is not regarded by any respectable number of Democrats as even a possible candidate, yet $. W. McKee, Mayor, Lincoln- n;aster; S. K. Cline, Chien&f Po lice,- Lincoln ton. Clevelaridism S. Shermaiiism it spits out that old third term rot that the populists are fighting, not ngain and again, thinking to make democracy. , anmolvJff kau rvr.; vwpciauuin x-uaiuu . ttiiint littl mnr nnrHJalW . , , . , - . . . . ir - w w.w ...... ay v nai a uamnauie recora man At a regular meeting of Berea Al ve wonder what Jetlerson and hance, No. 1108, held January 14, Jackson, if living, would think of 1 800, the following resolutions w.n wnrinnor t thoir were unanimously adopted : j " rrv' D,.,i i 1... Tu.i u .i i I ui mis rviiiaiicc aio ueieuv iu ton; Miss Eva G. Sumner "P6st-1 or practice one doctrine these dered to our worthy Senator, the C. K. CHILDS. Attorney at Law v. , . LlNCOLNTON, Jj. C. ' Work intrusted to his x?ure..will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Main Street. S. i 1 INLEY Attorney at Law, -1 LlNCOLNTON,' X. C. Practiced in all of the State and Fed eral Courts, prompt attention given ! to nil brK-ine.-: j Office in N rth State Hotel. V. JUSTICE. Attorney at.LawV " LlNCOLNTON,X. C. Practices in the Courts of -Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherford, Polk, anf--in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in North State Hotek DR. T. F. COSYNER Offers.his professicnarserVice to the people of Llncolnton. apd sur rounding country. Office at resi dence r next to The Niortb State Hotel. 10 4--95,ly. DENTISTRY. Having located in Lincdlfiton, X: C, I offer my professional services to the people of the town and surrounding country. I am prepared to do" all kinds of dental work, crown and bridge work a specialty. Nothing but the best ma terials used and all work guarantied. Prices reasonable, terms 'cash--.except by special agreement. Office nearly opposite postoffice. DR. L. S. FOX, Dentist., 11-22-93". ly. DENTAL NOTICE- a i . j r i j-jiw- -w-k . j greaL men stooa .ior. xuorai, aia non. Marion isutler, lor his pa you say? : triotic effort in trying to prevent "Simula Plir,rl hvo n fhird the further issue of interest bear term?" asks a leading democratic inS bondd and in trying to enact politician, and the Denver Road laws to tax incomes, and for his replies : No ! He should be given efforts to restore silver, to its con a third term on the Hawaiin is- stitutional place as a money metal lands with Queen Lil as & consort. 2nd. That a copy of these resol If he objects to that, his friend! utions be sent to the Progressive Rothschilds misht'eive him a ": iobl Farmer and the Caucasian forpub- m the Bank of England keeping Jlication; a copy sent to Senator spittoons clean. We .want an Butler and a copy spread upon American for president in 18y7 minutes ot tnis Alliance, we will need him. Hickory Mer- m J. O. Perrv, Sec'y cury. ..' .. ' Caucasian.. We nrint the above to show to The above is an effusion of one i . - - - . what depths of hate and predujice of those non-partisan alliances, o a paper like the Mercury can stoop, which the public has, no doubt Professing to be moral and relig- heard something. It is really ions, it indulges in vulgar refer- wonderful to.see how quick parti ences to the chief magistrate of Uan political action by an alliance the nation. Cleveland does not becomes "patriotism.' We only desire a third term. Nobody be- print the above to show that the lieves'he does, except a few Popu- Alliance has actually gone out of list: sheets here in North Carolina, politics, and is now in the business which insist on parading their ig- of "resoluting" concerning the norfince and meanness before an "patriotism" of Marion Butler, outraged public. . who is in no sense a partisan pol- "Mr. Cleveland during the fewiticianl By the way, they say years since his last election that th"? membership of the Alliance is he lias enjoyed official power has jno -easing. We suppose it mnt done more to destroy Democratic be The aboye u gomewhat unitv and rum the partv to which ... . , he claims to be a member than all sirailar to what we used to read the Reeds, MeKinleys and Sher- fr-m it in better days, mdn.s that haVe hurled anathemas -omebody lately said that Ma-and-abuse against it- -during the r( u Butler was a" candidate for whole time of its existence. P 2,dent xhe Caucasian riPes W llmmgton Dispatch-; , - an J savs The above was quoted with ap- - . '". A , . A -", ,. , t - r ow it just happens that Mr. probation by the Progressive Farm- Bi t:er lacks three vears of beine er last week. The Dispatch 1 01. enough to be President and claims to'be-a Democratic paper, th:s is a fact that he knows. But . Growth of Crook Art. I thank-offenngi for Hit pfU, Tbo peimisular form of (Jrcecf, I welt as to conunemorato hrroir iti balmy climate, ill proximity toldocih dono for houor, hnmt ami Alia ami Africa, and to the Medit-1 country, led lo the cltst ol civa- er.-anean, as well at its topography I tion cf nature and to the ctolutiou and interna! accessibility by water, I of onginativo power and artistic have determined iU history and I skill which culminated in such h-3 character and genius of its peu prfction m architecture and pl-J. In prehistorio timoi the nat- Isculpturo aa the world hit since ural religion was the worship ot I beii trriug to approxtmale. nature, the growing tree represent-1 AfUr the icond Trojan war the mg deity. After a whilo aa the I Kuropeaua wire in ivtsaion of all tree which they had cousidered I thi interTsnlng islands and the sacred decayed, its trunk remain-1 Asiatic coait with it4 colonies. iug stood as tho symbol oi God iulThe Ionlant tluurishtnl and built the holy place, then a slab from I splendid citiea; they founded Gre- the trunk became its represents-Ician liteiature, boasiinc such tivo, or a column stone cut to re-1 nmkt at Homer, IIeiod, Ssppho, semblo the tree trunk was a more land Herodotus; thev established a permanent memorial. When, at I classic order or architecture, the time went on, the Phnoicians,from I tree trunk developing into the the Mediterranean o ast of AU, I tlutcd column with c roll c pit tl boiug naturally a maritime and I Tho natural ohj flirt which lit commercial nation, visited Thrace, ben carrird on for thirty centn- .... they carried thither the iraaget net and tltil exists between two which they brought from Egypt ?rat races confronting each other for purposes of trade, toe Greeka ou the narrow seat and Mptrated copied the idea of giving tome hu by a mountain range, came to its man features to their renresenta- first outbreak in tho time of Diri- tiv sof deity, and carved uponu. The Greeks had limited idett tbir columus or tlabt the tern- of conititutional povernmeot, the blance of a human face, with indi- municipal republics or Athens and cationt of limbs, r'gli and uoe. Spina. Corinth and Thebes being vel ped, and with hints of drapery cacb tuureme for a time, and the fal ing iuttiff foldt, sometimet varhut ttatet independent to a 8Ufi:esled only by color. Thii grt extent of each other; the s U in sv by pr trv o country and exchanged lor in c- nquest by embroiling the Cif all. Greece embraced the islandt ! fer t ttatet with each other, nev Tho Abuaoof tho Pension Qfflco I With whom dtdOrdoals Orifc- Thf lVnim Hur-au wsji undr Inato ? fire in the IIihim. rf Rrprr-nta-1 ' t har tr ordalt cntil ttvra. lUprwntativ GiWn atn,, f Itman empire -CTfi. Republican from Tmwt, aidTnf, laflarian natittu, and by thit th jvnion oilier was th grratt t,rra h Teutonic ple ara court on earth and yet without ot in general, adrninisUml any law governing its pndur. jtce as they had sea it dosa It 14 no dubt a err crnipt count n they IitM twyoud th Dao- without cotiscteticv as without law I1. prove rtjiU thy tUJ I s The Tenner. Republican characl1" person ou the supj.stioa tta. terire! it a arbitrary, trranical th" Creator would not allow U and unjnsl." Th-rw ous?ht to - PllrotMo ThiswiU a larg reduction in it appropria-J htiu o m,ld tb remarks of tht tions. The Republicans will try 1 h- u'.si.a of Mhta to maintain agreire wnioti hn tr-tii ftttl illf u lilatiuii for it i a eard with th-hand of Paul ihosieh e-cajM them in campaign lim-. The -i-r.ce .ullrth truth i tht Republican hatt.,,,,t tu madi thj l-l.u t.ftic a liMii. Tl.m ran- that r.!l l y fir. machit tu g-t vot and reward ! m l"l-- Th ancui The estimate madcl11 blindfuld! titer ht pb- harr i.r or brand 4 Ilr .r Lt tupiiirter. or the CiiumiMigDT tor current vi-ir wers i-ti.iaij,(sii. nuru.K the two lat tical Vear the et prndilure were repetfully tlfrj- S)7.X17 and tlHO.NH. mi.Ui The m - w w committe. has reponed for IIR- U0O.OUI. a a tendency to R;d buncombe plca of riiTd retrench t ri.- 1..11 r l lrtn siill u tt-r:i tire; uf rat !! alrt or thrut hi arm mtu li!n.; a!r; or a battle ttA idar-. a chars pin ling truuttMl tu taVr tLe place of iiur -r lith pnifr Though thr- -re practcv4 thousand vt-ar. vrt thfre are 1 that are dr d with objectionable riders. One t,f ir m cuim: one is io naui thevUtoprvvcntthoCommiion nXtT xh coal' t!harlaT.e fpim susjnding pensions of man h'J rp1 ,lh n bl plharrs ifet illtealitv till they can W ex- STor.arU as willr.e amiml. and require him to carry mo;,k -W talk throch fUrs I.. . - I I At f II. m H t. trl f . m .rf t m r m A ta:ef Greek art beean 2,000 IS. Amphictyouic Council was the first all -up:cious cats ol this kind - - --r - ;n the north of Greece; it wat U npl at a general authomy. mu me ojsmci or cinuu rounf ; ----- . , . . I ti . r .... Lf iu- iv;i-l TV,;- f U llieTed. -jU.J Jj-Ct a r. lencea oy me an oi tgypi,As-1 wuu f""" i'-i - r l.aoa communicaiea i au ieniu vi mrn ui p. - ... . . . Phcenecia, which carried the mi i on f r a penod, and leo: tr- and navy ouimr. wnnoui m? ; , ... . , I . :..-r Lw, ..l.ilitv -J nvM f roni the Cti!nm of -3p.oT. UCtS OX Civilization irom COUn ! J iniwriere whh ukii luurMM.- -m h r,K,,; . i .... ... imr Dr. A. Wj Alexander will le a bia office Vit LDco'niOn, June, Au" goat, October, December, Feb ruary aud April. Will he in Mt. Holly, Ju:y, Se-preoiJier, November, January, March ;amtM;y. SO -12 it.d- Terms cash and modt'rate F. P. CAUBLE, W AT C H M A K E R - A N 0 JEWELER. Watches repaired.. -.Anything in the Jeweler's line done with neatness and dispatch.. ".Give riiVa" (Tatl.7 11-15-95-ly TWO FOR ONE. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WE OFFER Home and Farm la combination with oyr reaper, for The- World k'hovrs, and tiie .Dis patch kriows, that Cleveland fchas steadily, advocated, since' his .last election, the verv" doctrines he preached in his very first message to Congress on December 8, 1885. This being the case, it does seem to us that it is high time for some so called Democrats to take an inventory of their political stand ing to ascertain whether they are not really Populists. Here is what the Caucasian says of Senator-elect Foraker, of Ohio : J. B. Foraker, of Ohio, has just been elected to the U. Si Senate by the Republican legislature of that State- He seems to be another one of these straddle bugs, car what may be called a , "goldbug' bi metallism That is to say, while he knows that the demonetization of silver was an infamous crime, he will not try to correct it unless somebody says he may; A goldbug bimetallist, says the Caucasian. Now "listen to the Progressive Farmer in reference to the same gentleman : Hurrah If or Foraker. Mr. J. B. Foraker was elected to succeed Senator Brice in the United States Seriate last week by the Ohio leg islature,. Senator Foraker . made th r.e old crows never stops to get at ftlcts. Guessing and lying are plenty, good for . their business. Tfcsv'could' not thrive on truth. auc shores of the iEgean tea. i bout 50 B. C. the Greeks, un der .heir geographical influences, bet -n to think of copying nature in 1 leir religious art, and Divdalus mt e carved Images with more m di'. lual exprcssiou than had been kn'- .'n before, with arms free, eyes op? , and action in tne urnos. c h 'Jreeks went on developing a hit :er art by getting nearei to na- m. m tup? and improving in technical ski' I. The Lions of Mycivna was of tl e time of Homer. Ti e Peloponnesus. Argos, and TheCaucasian does not seem to be able to appreciate a joke. No body really thought that Butler would get near enough the preai dency to raise any constitutional questions 1 However, we would inform the Caucasian that there are some Populists up in, Catawba who-are right now discussing But ler as the next President. In view of this information that Butler is erti dessf when their love f coun try as thoroughly aroused, their frei spirit, self-reliance and cour age, nutured by geographical con ditxm and by their liberal culture and ihe appealt of great leading spirits among them, in fine. the in flu t cee of religion, literalure, pa triotism, and freedom made them atrii g to cope with great numbers anc. o rise to the demand ot a grev exigency. The defense of the t ass of Thermopyhf, the battle of M irothon nnd the naval victory ol i'iativa were all made subjects enr g anything from a pensioner ahil 9-4 t 1 1 ff W. I'll. I 1th put r.n end to ail further rrvi-ionl1 S) of ti p?nion lit. T';, revocation of pensions i fori :ddcn alo. except in cae of frn d changeable axainst th p-n- iorr. Thi would op-n the donr j "T old all aiti w-a! Sic;- n were the principal seats of of re igious and arttMic commem artiitic activity. The statute of oratnn in the architectural mono- Apo-lo at Tenea near Corinth is mentt of tho people. Lonis 1 ar- orie )f the earliest departures from ion-iIipkms in ."Sew ot& tcnooi the .cvDtian type. The Greeks Jourafl. had discriminated between male and female figures, and had begun to train themselves for more ade quate representations ot eacred ideals. for i thmiand aim- and extra nga c. It i evident that the Hertiblicans ar planning to make vot thi year at th xpen of jut;ceand hor.ety and the inter- etii of the pp". - One f the ot-fet-unab! rider wir- out the 4 . . , ithe law of 1KO. a to the Itmita- t ion of a widow who hall It Tho Manltoban EdqcAtlonal Eloctlons. Manitoba, among numerous other countries to-day, is racked by internal political disenion. Th? gvneral election held in that province Wednesday resulted in an almost unanimous n tuni of Pn- Oreeiiway a govrmment. wr.hout mean of upport than her dally labvf." It is w-!l s . d that this LrgMatur would l m every jldirr wulow. rch r rvjr. and do aav tatirelv with Ith- interior - lor hie: T a - e oi i-iiiine water, we e term now of "apalir.g to t of KattleV in jct aUrsl rr. fnrm if thocg.t as the u:ond;d. Charr.piar. wre d to the taometi &d eejet in the jrdf-nl lv fire ani -if thev rr-ald I- fatd. through fire and i!f" Kfon was cot; :drred the fner.d.hip, New o Obtain a Copyright cn a Cook In England. Cet a eopyrigh! in Hng!avi -k mjt t pabhb! t! ;e :m.'areiiulr with i! tion htre. If a l--k hi z. pub. :het h-re. it rsnr,'! e-py. nIiten m Kc gland T-i nht it in France. yoj twt co;j;e wsih the mi: ;!ry tf pj'.ira. c tlV Pans If mier Pnidias was born at Athens WX) B. C. In the reign of Pericles be made a group of which Miltiades was the central figure, and which I a vv a . t I still too young a man to sit in .was placed at Lhjipni -Da"1- jhe isue was the question of up- Torn Jetferson's chair, we tuggest otienng ior me victory a. aiara- hojjing lhe riKht of the province to th flfturcasian that it send up thon; also a statute of Athene at L k . educational laws to Catawba and call off Butler'e riativa. and above all the colotsal -boom." There is serious dauger bronze imago of Athene which of his getting the nomination, if I Mood on me Acropolis, ana at these Catawba PoDulists are per. UWe far out at sea ; it was in mitted to continue to work. It memory of tho victory at Mara- uu!...m,.j thou. The Parthenou was deco the djendent feature of the p?r fljk i publihe.J in Cataia(Bnt eut law, which ha no other txtS DaraiM-n) at the Urs it cu- for its existence. atbet. thani published here yo-j have a c ipy- an emergency UifisUtion. A an example of what might be expect and to administer the am with out Ftnleral interference. In l?J Manitoba passed an act abolUbins State aid to Roman Catholic schools and adopting a system of national school. Th Catholics tu . - ii ii m irateo bv I'niaiat ana toe tiaiue oi i it . . . i - .i..... M,..t. man too young xo noiu iuw unite. iappaieti iu too ut,wi v We hope it will not be done, but the Goddess .Miuerva, made oigoiu rcm,m tu haVe lhi- acl uVef. Pnt-whn hnuld ba warned to hold ryt was piacea insme, a , . , . . wilh rvVI?r . ttatuta ot Mko ttooa on ner oui- 11 Ta 1 I t t j t ii.U.rta tireicueu uuu. Iiowaru, ruuuusi, i. ,1 jit l n I . . . introduced in the House Monday im-ow MCTU,i"" : London rendered judgment, giving a resolution calling on the Presi- After Phidias had completed the Dominion Parliament al Ot dent to state what patronage he WOrks ou the Acropolis be returned to rubli.h setm- rate echools. Twice orders were ed under the propjd amtndnt may t- cited an applicatiou now before the Pension OtSc. from a widow who ha a larg and prt- xrou farm, and who only de sir. apparently, t to gt ail the law will 1st hr from the chanty of the Government." The entire bill is filled with cn- urabl fralure. and the e;id sought l not right and philan lhropy,fbut gre-dy and unpnnci- pll partinhip ilmingtoii I M--nger. r.ghl to E:.g!asd, Gn. Catapo. Csr tain-Gt;tfmJ cf Cuba, has psirnd. His co docl ct the war is not nUi:s-cUry lo the Ssioish gonjrsaL Ha is stid to t tf benir s .:t J:psm. Mr. K. M- John. yice-Prssiis&t, of lhe Ssbosrd Air Li r.t, hit tsa lasde General Maritsr of thtt sTstsm. IU s3.cckJs Gss-iral Mstrr, Jobo H. Winder. evtrv instance, nil isni year urn Statue Of I.. T. t;. Iitmrit in Hil- . llljiri V ...v - ' " I 1 J 4 nl. rra K& rra wa tn I. . It-. I I a speech just after his election, U8CVUU ; ' " lo Dl8 nauvo cut, auu iwici- m-u-11 r J , ' -i, . i ( -.i x-jJ mcrnhflNto induce them tovoteL, . , ..... . I Being the price of our paper and alter -tnannng tne 1:- Gf the purchasing co,?" "w,u -uu VV,J iued by the Canadian 1'ariia alone. That is for all new saia : x am h oi.. u Sherman silver law. pt Jupiter "P"' ... . ment lo PwoiUr Oresmiy, corn- subscribers, or old sub- aemoneii.u , The retolution was referred. Umout Statues of Apbrodite. in MI llHnff him lu rublUh i i i rfroo t our tt iwiisvt- i nn -wtJina cici i . .aa c "Sr1"! rr mSe?" Alit Ohio u Retting We clip the above new. item Pbidut the. tt.Ken.u..ot . worm i w ,chooUi ,nd .h b. I Vier pvfts nrveh. Now if she had I r, .VinnT Tt. merelv l-ad its flower. I trtiW rftil to act. Then he HOME AND FARM Senator Sherman out of the way Lhow8 how.a Congressman is able Thus in but UtUe mora than two LpiK.Aled to the people and was if wrmld he a risht resDectable - I v . . o - ; a UNb. YtAK fKtt. State will not HOME' AND FARM is a 16 There 8eem3 to be some diversi-17 against tne presmeni, " mhoBlena his privUege aa such to centuries the Greekt bad develcped iU4Utned in the elections just held iot desert his principles. " make a public accusation of bnb. from the crude sculptures of Egjp- la the last Legulature he had 27 . v- n erv against the president and cer- tian idolt the masterpiecet of Phi- f0lovert out of 40. He has gain page agricultural journal ty of opini0n around Raleigh as tain members of Congress who no made by larmers for farm- i " r m.: donht voted honestly to repeal a er-. Its Home Department to tne reai posiuou faw wkich Democrats condemned conducted by Aunt ,Ja,is Republican, Thes ! Wt Ptv tl& c uneqjttaiiea-. its AJOiiureu b i pers never lire ui lemu us uuuut ; ,, j Department,: conducted by UoPtilist unity and . Democratic makeshift. " - Howard; intt ea d l Faithtimer, is entertain, dis9ensipn. Score Pne Populist aUowe to call up . ,re- a-tA .. solution, ahouia be- maictea ior .; . : : :' ..lrn;nci1 liVAlandf "pTTjelfed from Ttaia r. h cret thia Allison, ot Iowa ; Harrison, oi rr : . - great agricultural and hometAridiaria ; eeaoi amej icivin-; i i ott nr i nin- t.iniiuii. tii i itiiiuis . i journal ; - .1 ,r- v ' . -vr 4V.r I TT- Ttl1 nra nun OP A ek m a -r rm r. l t .lit 111 i . M w n.c? kiln i p. f. a . . . ..a u ..w mm . IU11U XlA V A LVU, v x , . - v ins: and instructive. FREET SUBSCRIBE CNOIYJ care nausea: aspirants for the Republican nom-lheadaohe, rndigestion.billoasnesa. mation iori:resiaeni. wevemuuiouiu uj bh uiuibw. dias, which have become ideals for I four adherents by the appeal all time. What infiueuccs of mo-1 to country. Charlotte Obser- tive and environment had wrought I ver tliia wonderful progress? I - . JV pUia .t once th.l the mo.t :"T- ' ZttZ. 1U m . w " y with medl- mo and .Ir.tinn T)TA of country and I mnr-.v on worthiest compounds. c oj v .n-r, f .11 1 Don't ho nersuaded to take a tob- lOTO OI VJVA K(iu mjo ii -s v. ... . to represent the highest ideau ot Deity, IUre is ivnaUr Mills' salutton of the fioancial problem: First Against lhe rtirrnol of outstanding legal. ur.dsr noUs: Spcorvd Ftvonng lhe coinsge ot the silver bullion in the Trttsu Third Tht iMotnce of erasrg tncy lrgl-Uodcr oottt io cse of a deficiency. Fourth Against intsrest-bar-,ng bonds. Hfth KsUblUhing tht policy of the, Uoiud Suus tn pat ing ob ligation! to both gold and tilvsr. Sixth Repcditicg tne theory that a public debt It a public blest- og. Seventh Lrging tha rapid t x- tiDgniihrnent cf the national debt and the raiintainaic of lhe tick ing fund thertfor. profound emotions of the human lfy cxpnroenU wit heart had been their coniUnt o-1 cloea. Don't waite Ui axd to present worthy 1 Saliacribo for the Dcmocrat. Mint Director Preston tayt thsre are tSO.000.000 in cold in thit country at present- Tba national Banka have tlC3P0O,0O0 f thit amount and tha UniUd SUlre Treasury IIOT.OQO.COJ. Tula Iravr-s Z200.X in the hinds o! trust companies and priyite pert n. lnaU.r Sawsll, of New Jsry, bs inlrtJored a rolat.&n in the St nat to det,t the Montr d. inne to rcsn thst to fcrnca tioo hll acquire any f-Ur tern lory lo Aorrs by count cf 6 purchse or othtrwle- Tte Morgantcn HsraH asytthat Mr. K S. Walton, of thst towa.tha IUpublcaa Uosscf tta U Cca gressiocal diitrt, has ta al WssiicjVoo, and tss usi tack coatsrted lolhe 16 lo 1 sdta. T Herald learnt that Stealer Vast did tht or. Our McrrtiUa ex change it vtry rasth ssrpnaed that Wtlton should he fema c&nrsrl- tJ to anythi&g ty a Dr:T! We art. too! Tht First Pmbyunaa Cbttrch. Wasiiinctoo. D. C it in trc-iUt. Srtmt time ar that oocgTrrtcn called Dr. Talaae to U co-aaUr with Ilrr. Dr. AUea. Thit did &t work aootof the ooUn wisbed TsJcs lo prraci oa 6sn day rnoruicg instead ti at n:.-t-at axreed ojtu. lr. Alien will rs tlgr. if hit txlary it paid cp lo Od Uljr, thU year. hi ft

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