. f r , DEM A VOL. I. NO. 20. LINCOLNTON, ORTH QAROLINAV FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 18SG. S1.00 A YEAR. j .11. II II - - 4 T. ST. COSTNER, M. r. " LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Offers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton and surrounding; country. Office at residence next to the North State Hotel. v S, FOX, Surgeon Dentist, ) Lincolnton, N. C. All work guaranteed, nothing but heat materials used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash except by special agraement Office on Main Street C. 12. CHI1L.IS. A BIT OF WAR EXPERIENCE. Flag of Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Main Street. "Gen. Foster was temporarily ml wn wercr driven in an ambulance t"! command and it was by hit orders ; tbi bouse ot the Spots wood family that ho fcever required it If any but now used by the United States oca thought he was ready to attack Army, andpladedm a' roomoti the him after being in bis lines ho was second floor td spend Alio night. welcome to come on and try it Gov.'stanley bad reWotly ar- MnjorRufus Tucker.iof Raleigh; riv.tl from California, having bocn had passed under a flag of truce to ap;.ointed "Military Govern ot" of Newbern a month or so before this the Stalo by President' Lincoln, and made tbe,entire journey on his Ut wag W greatest h'prthCar- ownhprie.. ...... olina's sous;., was .,a jcadv in tbo The true condition ofrnatters Whip. Darty-r-beiog frequently was that Gen. Burnside had been elected to lb Legislature and sery Troops, and Oapt. Theodore J. ordered with Gens. Parker and ing neaf ten years ih thft United Hughes, formerly commissary of no to re-inforce McClelland in I States Congress, " it was the gen- the regiment and afterward purser Ylrgiaia, beveral regiments, ar- eral expectation tbstbe would sac To Newborn Undrr Truce. Oa July 4th, 1862, as first lieu tenant Company K. Second North Carolina Cavalry. I was in com mand of the picket on the Dover Swamp road from Kiuston to Newbern with headquarters at the Merritt House and our outDost at the Ten-Mile House. About 11 o'clock a. m., Coi. W. F. Martin, Seventeenth " North Carolina Carolina bank noire fur some one in 'Xcrtcrii,to UTe-ent tn a refo geeM kinsman at High IVtut, and lock ny receipt for thoaame. Bre.tkfftat over; we got into the ambulance; wore again blindfold ed, and when we taw the light we were at our picksts at the Ten Mile-House. V. A: Graham, Mo Pclah, N. Cm Charlotto Observ er. ' s. C FINLEY. Attorney at Law, . . Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given I cand of the escort to all bnsine9s. Office in H rth State Hotel. YodorNows, No doubt your many readers would like to hear something from this corner of the world. IUio of the Advance during moafnf hor nvius: from Morebead City d urine ceed Gov-Graham Governor nf ina muJT d the ordtr of I . , . . . .. . I I l J rr. , . . . life as a blockade runner, arrived. tno aHernoon, were marched by in I the State in ' 1849: but on account ,wo oar- no timers are rawer catrvine commnnicatinna m1r order to make the impression on us I ofdissension between himself and onuUoJ still with, farm work. flaeof truce"to Gen. BnmBideJ that the troops at Newbern were Hon. Kenneth KavneWaUo a :Drom- owln lo rimr iftoogb commanding the United States oelure-norced. 1 was surprised Unent Wnig of this time) his nom-l " 7 . HUW k'wi forces atNwbrn. T TpmwatpH I to sae a- good many white straw ination was. defeaUtL He wsa ro-1 ,,uw,n ,n mir iinaa Col. Martin to procure for me Der- t8 woi 'by tbe meri. Gen. turned to-Congress-in '49 and M or lolhr ain c cotton crop. mission to accomDanv them, and curiae reniarKoa to Uen, hoiter anU afthe-closeof the term in ISM . . w'- -.w... with this expectation took com- aa a regiment passed thatbs would 53 removed to' California to prsc-fnir how After dinner maKe tnose. lellows tnrow nway I tict- law.. Ho was the liepublicaa omco me nouuays are oter iners (about 12:30 p. m.) we started: a ,heir 8traw at' which : Foster candidate fotGovemor of Califor- it0 iuil a, the lines corporal and two men with a whitft 8aiu ne wouia ao. i ne generals not in-lo. w iuu irouuer. whdhdiib, wm B. A. JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. handkerchief on a pole as the "flae wero uot aa courteous to us as the: To resume mv narrative: Sun."4 lH3n MCidantly tbot at i la '- I nn - ' ' - - . - I 1 . I , f, 1 . - i - - .1.. . . m of truce" Koine about three bun- Queers of leeses grade had been. Der was turniaLed ua m our room. WIQ aboul nnstmss bTtieores dred yards in front, the escort Thev 8m 10 be ina Dftd humor. An hour . or so. afterwards Gov. CIav U "proving, it ii thought aboutfifteen men and themes- Anf nad heard from Richmond Stanley- called and spent several 1,0 wm Rel we" t,JtlD- Practices in the Courts of Lincoln, senders following. The advance and ther news may have account- hours. I had kri6wn him before I lniel C. Shufoxd, who had a toSf SffiWrtta was halted at Deep Gully, nine ed for & ,. . A .OBTwi'lKiy.fttb- ! "k. of p.r.lv.i. .boo ana a naif miles from Newbern. oaiutes on tne jbourth of July If r s house. Ha lnouirod about iwonsimas, nss so improveu ios bv the Federal outnast. Th enr- were beine fired freouentlv. Gen. manv of hU old inmi? Jnrfrr. ho csn strain walk about in the poral advanced and exnlninftd the Burnside remarked to me:' "I I Rc:Vm Wnd Hadcr. Mr (iilmr nt Ihouse., object of the mission. The Feder-UnPP8e you' people do hot burn I others; and desired , that I should The chicken jiox, that had bn 1 InSJ A,r. .U l i ii onr nnir rf V. . 'Cstr. U f f 1 O I . .1 v" ' i ' V v f . I fr T till Vvlru-ifn m f er (K. Vt t Irl rn mo iaiu uun u iuo pJUUKB OU tile I wnuoi uu mei vuiuiuiKUiy I I Bay IU lUeui po HSU MUjuirea ROOUU . it ta barn them. I remarked ljhim tha.hi I3.lbc ; PuWc t'hpol, hss about SuDreme and Federal Courts Office in Jorth State Hotel. DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. A.-W. Alexander will be at his office at Lincolnton, June, Au gust, October, December, Febru ary, and April. Will be in Mt. Holly, July, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. , FRANK I. CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Watches repaired. Anything in the Jeweler's line done with neatness and dispatch. Giye me a call. 11-15-95-ly WHITE ROSE. bridge across the guilty and we U replied, MNo we save passed oyer a half mile or so to the on those who- are attempting td I Inends were surpri&edito iee himl plyi out- resorve picket force. Here we deprive us of the privileges of the I lb t is presentpositlon ebdeaVoring l sioce Congretsman waited until the commander Fourth of July to tubjugate tho State, lie laid bt ! bea ip at th Cspi- cou Id communicate with New- Ho remarked to Col. Martin,that ( he aa come for what he believed tal tistf stiver is on a boom for bero. In due time permission he 4ihad iust returned from a triD to 1 j thb best interest of the peo- 80a roUtivcshave formed a was received to let the "fiag of Nc rth. and that vou could hardlv pU that 1 knew he had not taken jSyxcicato and havu put up miw truce" proceed. Col. Martin had mis the men absent in the army, the- lace for the salary attached ,tore atBlackbum. .Dlackburn is meationed me as accompanying Th is not the case with you." the. ?to; that he had always been not-! for its jufr fsctories, which him, and he and Capt. Hughes in Co!, iuartin reDlied no. and that itlab1' to make more than a support aro TJn bT e nttcnys. inr his bugzy and I on horseback pro- Bee cied to prove what he had of-1 and was in nowige dependent on nate tree sbopt ther? and run cee;ied to the headquarters of the tei heard said: that Northern th ubhc;. that there was a largo Mr' 1 machine nvcry day and turn Federal outposts about six and a pe le were stovme at home and Ur-J n element in the State who oul 1 boul oodral gulloni hal: miles from Newbern. The sei cine the foreigners to do the had never becomo loyal to the I Pr ' nY " lTl7 aro an in oprtiou 1 . I -.1 mtmm - . . i sergeant assumed command of my fie .tme. Gen. Burnsido reDlied: I Cor ederacy ; if he found he could lfi.fl u na nwi nty to nave any be t no benefltho would leavo. I cie i-ic ngnis in tut nine viuae? Domocratlc Popultst Fusion. Mr. W. U. Lindaay, ropulltt, nator fmtn Ilockingham county and mtmUf cf the national xu ivi Mmmittrr of tb PormlUf party, writM th Ralegh Kwa and OKarrr th-foU?wirt UtUr: The Pivjdo'a thirty atanda rrsdy to ru-operat tkta yrar with eithr tht R4ptablican or Democratic par ty oa a distinctive line of prin cip!e. To the majority of pro- fcsd politicians the ofHewrs are all principle only wba tbev a m- e unng iuo. iUfiup0 any plan u terfvcted( a.i a mtmUr ot the na tional iVp!V party cummittr-. I wian to make uterturtM thus pub licly and aUie buard tu the Ircn- lt ratio lrty t I thi Mt, aa I have tmce befure thruuch Ul- tr Wfklv. Thf liaaia of pnicipl t tocb aa Ui prtv na at uir ttm in- W 9 culatrd atd tor ttat rirat) it m i transition quite ry. Theprinei pki are the : 1. The if)dvlndrnt Coii.4iC f eilver ua rtual Una tth ld. Z. Tlie guvrrnmvttt -all nut it lue iaper fur the tanks aud thai iMUe it on moncv ana vvcrv dollar ahall im vual in the ey ment f all dht htcrfon"ard. Tlue are the easy terror e pro- ti and in order to carry vu me' nurierto iemt ratio pnnci ple. e proi tu t up an lrc to ral ticket plrdgl to v..te fur a man for Pr-ident ho i publicly h-ard ai oftra that lb Isaocra V- ic party, ia u fatr cf tie vary two artiole cj faith that he lays doe n aa th tjais of 'co-orra lin." that naturally, if he be- r what he baa rrad aid heard be ran a no rra-aon why the Ds ocratic and the IVpuliaU partiea should tie oppoeing rwch othar or fighting for the aae thisjs through eparate organ itatiaeK Mr. Lindaay 'apka ca fair." Ilia two p repositions are brief aid easily uode ntod and it ha ta declared, mrer and over, that the DmtTacy favors U.th; we be lieve that th North Carulxaa trarch of it di-r. All dec!ara tion after th als are, ee are tjld. mr tnattrf dtail. TLea U the f!r. the lrxocrata are t vi.l fr Lb I'pulit cadi dat- fwr e!tr a:d all the other ofT.cr frm Stiatr atd Owver nor dn ,$ cor!able are tu be diTldd muiLatdv ttra tie Populute and lmraU. We are Mhttf.d that Mr. Liudtey t- jul aUut thu matter; indeed, K Xtr Hie a ruati ehu La be otme cnTinc4 that thir attanlial dit!ricw bla lhee ertir etd ; L thit, cau erv if j rv hy thy h(ii rnt grl lTlhr. He eU aaja that "ftoi it the titue lo clulltt Jt;dr avel." Of octree th;t con $d ration rd acUoa are vrged th Mitnmar.t eUtatst Th Ubfrvrr hat r part cor let m the matter t ut rrntlrrata h and genemlly knon to fav.r thee- hoM lh xh lhp u9 A pnrcipl. , N-xt. the iVmocrate tak? choice of U'e ntxt ofllce. e;ihtr S-nator or Governor. ii-n au?roaT cown xr. unr. tor Jirru rtiutc:atd m h:a perch" at Morranton tat Acrztt as.4 h:ch he wtnl tark frcrra at the ilv r rrivrntir at RaJrith ta September that Drnjc-tra'. the DmocrlM tint cho;ce throch Lhntsld go to whatrvrr party tiny all th tjt ofT.ctt and drt-Khink H givr thm fr t;lver . men?. tht hald e-r.tn;lv itchtif tht-.r T.; cor.ffr:or.l ditrict then I rare Snatr-r btr.e-y' prryc; hal:, com? rn cch relation a tio? Charbitt OVrrr. mo cxredint: and shall V & men and returned to our camp. At the headquarters we met Col. jfer Mix, of the Third New York Cav- tw alrv, the commanding officer of a 1 ot "ot at all, but it shows the dif- xe in the populations of the rep ed that I did not sa where be sections and the impossibility I foi d his union men ; that the'son e South's success. Success of i dger, Orobam, .Gilmer, Sat is a granulated flour and there fore takes up more moisture than ordinary ROLLER FLOUR. We guarantee every uag ot w nne whom I have forgotten. This was coi Id happen for the South. When Kc: in the army and they were in Kose npur to be up to tne standrd. the week of the uSeven Days' I s oi in a bad humor, I wish the Deleware regiment and another wc Id be the worst thing that ter: waito aud other old Whigs j-24-4-t. A, COSTNER. NEW GOODS. thi ecession convention ; that Jo- Fights" around Richmond. We So ith would sncceed." Col. Mar-1 siali Turner, Jrn who had bn tho received our mail for the week by tin replied that he wished he was principal "thorn in the flesh' to Col. Martin, containing papers I in a bad humor all tho time. I th secession Democrats giving accounts of whu these lactones are in full blai . i - . . . nry BlscVburn. tbe-poeimse- ten .3 resigned, and S?tn ltitchey iiif r occupying the chair. At Uu.l Jill Postonice. HudiaillJL- Co. hat erected a new ftv mill in ad dm ) i to their cotton gin ana are I & i'li? out a t?rat deal of lumber. in tne I - " - 7 the battles; At out this time Generals Foster, Legislature of '5S and 'CO, was my I " - which, it will be remembered.were Pa ke and Reno came in. Thev canUin and then at home oa sc- T I have the largest stock : of New all in our favor. .Col. Martin had we :e all in bad temper, and we count of wounds received near .J,h Opening who wss on a MtisicALlNSRUMENTs thst has ev-L ,A . . .4, u. V' v--t ii i: x.-.ia Vint from Arkansas lo see his rbeeninJORTH Carolina, such UAUU6ul' BOVCrtti1C8 wuumiu Bp.m an nour or so apaiung.- cioviu. c u.- rofheri m.a A rrrrrvrr a tto A nrnxTT k xia Miw.l UUU WB KttlUBreU WUUl WO CUU111 UtJ-IDO D6 OD8 OI US. Wnenever ODDOr- I UU. IUIUL UiBJO M UJUtU wijivu in Catawba county has . t . .iif. tt'tvtb WVm ra HiMTna VTrwT txto fr.ra fltartina trt ornr t)iaiTruvl nowa fnuitn (Tap nnnU rJola onma- I SAf.timpnt In TTV th ntrl WIN I ICQ OOQ1B BKIIb, 5 an ftl Organs, and any with us. We distributed them thing about the late battles in tiou of the State, but he bad been his real estaU bero to U it. oit thgelse tnat is kept m a first am0ng the officers and spoke of Virginia. Gen. Burnside expressed assured by those whom he thought ent-r, of Hickory, tor 14.0 Ptr olass Musid Store. Prices lower 4. , , , . , . . , , f .t.. .v. t.,L . iLoder hss bought the small the papers. Aiter a halt of half I prosecution of the war, even to the I east and the west. an hour we mounted an ambulance I arming of the negroes if necessary I Col. Martin remarked that he and Col. Mix, who was to accom-lto success. We were surprised to I wai surprised to hear Gen. Burn- pany us, informed us that his or- henr this as Gen. Burnsido was side express himself in tavorof ders were for us to travel blind-1 represented as opposed to negro arming the negroes. Gov. Stanley than ever.. Orders by mail have promt attention. Addejas ! W..Xu.Lowe Newton, N. C. TWO FOR ONE. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WE OFFER Home and Farm In oombinaUon with oar paper , fur " S 1 . 2 5 Being the prioe of out paper ; folded and requested us to tie our handkerchiefs over our eyes. Col. Martin remarked that he preferred for Col. Mix to tie his as it might come off at some time when not soldiers. During our conf ab.Gen. I replied that he "must bo mistaken ; Bumaide turned to me and said I that he had frequently talked with rather sharply : "To what com-1 Gen. Burnside on tho subject, and mand do you belong?" 1 replied : 1 be was as much opposed to it as "The Second North Carolina Cav-1 you or I, and, as for myself, when- desired and have the appearance airy." "Yes," says he, 4 you are ever it is done I will resign and go of his acUng in bad faith. Capt. the fellows who are shooting my wbenco I came." farm of Adolphus Weaver. John W. Prop it has sold a part ot his valusblo lands to nis son-in-law. W. H. Irc for ten dollars por acre. u. M. loder surveveu it. The juiople around Grace church have taken aome atepe to encloec the grave yard. The wire ia al ready bought and delivered, but the posts are not made yet. James E. Wilfong ia now erect ing a large new barn. a tucu ing in advance, we send HOME AND FARM ONE YEAR FREE. M. fMa ii i va m rwm 1ft ti f f si ni pvkuw ' ilB- vco MvM 4, ... Auout lue time me "coioreui,.i,i tti n.v;,i v,J.r .11 same view, and Uol, Mix tieo: an la man wishes to tignt let turn come troops" were "mustered in" GoV. him wbo has paaaed over hia 97tb uui VayM..uD, - D""" bun ley resigneaaua iei line oiaie.cliriglmig We found him enjoy alone. That is for all new A drive of an Hour landea us at auu uui uu . WM uuuw- x d0 not kD0W however, tnat tnsro Druttv hvllllh for hia ad subscribers, or old sub- Uen, Kqrnstdes' neaaquauers in lU4 A was any connection Deiween tne VEnaHj a Kt We aaked bim bo . i f s m. MH av -v a An.t e- r evar trnu a a scribers renewing and pay- the Tryan rajace, wnicn some oi mu au m uU tw0 events. ha WM Cviliuil muUSZ, 9 answer ; i 1 Mr,- A will TApnllArt Aft hav- are coraDlaiuing of it.7 "Ilere-I Ann ,vui vi... i - . - i -v-w,. .w.- Mi: "rruiiv wen lor a cdid oi mr . i i.i ri m j I .x 1 il I . is-nnf o - o r rf f a nrAVA I . . . 1 ine been nuni Dy wov. lryon uur- . o F.w,w covered gome one was in ine mue .M t iftt i;VMi timnFb r " ...... ,1-iT i c : V I . - .. I j ing his administration as Koyai 11 1 iosb uvb or Bu mcu wUe. yuu room connecllDg lne one we were administration from John Adaxaa Governor. It was now about half lose one " 1. answered; . "That 1 wit5 mother, and tho door was down lo Cleveland. There are but Aa Af. lonlv nroves that our men are the I n.i,ki i:itiA ; r Karl . .... Fa0(,Tvv.wB. i ' - . ... -ipusuvu a mimv ( I lew now ltvitur wno cau f av una ter reading papers brought ny uoi.i dcbi bbow nu wueu vuoy uu ui anything we might say. we con- mu.i. Tft A MTV A Tllf I .. 1 " rf. 3 I 4.i mrr wvnn lit. V v. n r ilnvn tnal.. ... ... 1 ft . 1 I xiwmxii awu rAiua uaioi Martin, astea n we nau any qhwb- ws"1 i sider this as a orescn oi nospiiai-i n1TiSB. page agricultural journal I papers. We told him we had giv- game, while yours miss.' lie re- i jyi and expressed ourselves in made by tanners for farn en them out at Col. Mix's head- plied: "You do, . bey 1 . with a I vigorous language on the subject! John. L. Sullivan, the Pugilist, ers. Its Home Department Quarters. Col. Mix afterwards touch of the "dry grins." I said : and on Yankees m eeneral. and the recentl v fell oil the rear end of a conducted by Aunt Jane, is I came in and Gen. Burnside said to I "If you do not like this style of I experiences of the day. If what! car on a Rock Island and Peoria unequalled. Its Children's him he understood he had some 1 warfare order your men to stop and I was gathered 1 rem our convert-1 traiu near Springfield, 111., aud Department, conducted by late papers. Col. Mix.eaid "Yes," ours will." .' Cjtionwas reported it is not pob-l was jrhape fatally injured. The Faith Latimer, is entertain- and he would send them in. Gen.) v w iirnBBPd aAreaaioxf. States' I lithed in tho Records of the Ke-1 train was coin at the rate of 0 ing and instruct! ve. I Burnside made some remark about icrhta - Federalism! war. Ability iol I bellion. I miles an hour. not caring particularly about it ; fte South to maintain the contest, .On the morning of the 5th.about was but a poor attempt to campaigns already fpught, veadersr sunrise, we went across tha street Thdrwple Ulieve what thjsy d his desire to have them eto.,ut in not a very gentle toreakfast. Gen. Burnsidecme vYnow thai it ionei't Kenew now and get this I , . great agricultural and home I conceai J speedily. manner. Governor Edward Stan- in Mid asked for roe. l wennnto i. . d u- curw dU. FREE ! Gen. Burnside apologized tons ly came in fbtft short? while and Ua adjoining room and bt gava meUAt. That is why yon should pst I ...... . I J ........ I 1 1 J J.ll. X7V. I 1- tlwl SUBSCRIBE NOW! I for our blindfold ride, lie said i was very WWou.sv About duiri several o.a. w,uj - nca:'.y lyjiially ditid a pne- tica T legislative and wantr tick et ell tVdtmtlv div..1-d a tor ' ch p jr T - -arc the prj;iriHia! w nu'c Tb .t-al amount t th csl mz : :h elrctcral ticiei f,.r Pep ;lit candidate for Pr-idt. for ' nndr!-l that the Ini crt :? Candidit at lat ill l nun-.rnmittal. It the D-:njcrt ic pt rtv take Ui SuatoTe hate the Governor, and theu the Dern ocra::c party taki the tirat hute o21c -r undrr him, and o on hon estly and fairly. Thi it all plan ned ubiect to the will of the peoj le. Ot core, I knov that all work a"to prtie o-ojrratirir has beiU aecretly done, and no man knoeg what ia being done ex cept the inner circle. U'e are vi olating all political practice in making thee overture in a pub lic manner, but I do not think it wi to concral th things (rm the voter erh?n they make no aac rific of principle. There could bo averal more item placed in the State platform on which all are cgrd, but we itieiat on three on which tne national tarti are not agrwi. Again, we come hold ing thw olive branch of iace, and at a time, prospectively, when the party cannot be a looeer thereby. .... Now ia the time to coOtiUer on- idr. act. If anv leader of the Uemocratic party, or any oi me SUte executive commitU, wiah to bring about a co-ope ratioa oa the line propoeed, Ut them coramuai- with roe wiUi their ultimatum. and thev ahall Ua heard in the councils of the Populist party, all in strict conftdance. . W. It. Lis&say, Member of Nat. Com. P. P. It is to be said in the first place that Mr Lindsay is to be com mended for hia frankrea aad di- rctneae he dca Dot propoee a da.rk Untero confervnee to any body, but make his proposition openly, through the columns of a ncwapapcr. It is to bo said agaia tliat be has reasonable gTOTxad for noaking it. Ua has rvad aad li J yrvThoy Should Co. -r t Al!i. Ga. r t0 ". P J i i i P l. A. rr Vf tm, I rid. lt Wrmd, !!, ' --;it i linr. Pa, i Pe-ruhar. M Pan.a Pa .ud to Grataa U. r to Star Uitv, Ark. P . Mimtfi lu Aroma, 111. At.. ntlt to iWtille, Ird, e Tiam toGrubtowa. Pa. Pa:Ara to Iej;t, N, Y. Stuall ma to UifCT, led. W'i lowers to Widow, Ala. Brokers to Sttkvillt, N'tv. Old Maid to Antiquity, O. Levers to pcxfiville, Mkh. Hunters to Ir Trail, CuJ. Your ladiei to Bari, Va. Huckit-rs to Yellville, Alk. Cobblers to fch Heel, N. C. Politicians t IJuncotaba, N. C. Th U.ya to Midway, S. C. Thueiphiita to Mystic, Cuaa. Tu;-ra to Urandy Stati&a, Va, Phrician to D toriowa, Ga Puixle f.ends to Hidd3eril!e, Oa' I)njmnr to Modeit Town, Va. DrugUia to PaUam Lake, Wis. Political orators to i: tun Vows, Pa. Newly marrird couples to HiiaJ, Mich.. Thrv-Card.moate taa to Trvck- urn, kv. Looad FourCuilty Msa Ralxiuii, Jaa. W). The trial JL three white taea aad toe befTa for incendiarm at Kiaatoa bate endi in the acquittal of all ci the defendant. The vrd;ct is a great tupriee. The Uial occupied eifht dajs. The defendants were charged with having cauted raaay f.re aad great loea of property. The de fendants prvparr4 at best for a mistrial. Vbea the terdict was anaouxxred the Judre aa.id to the jury: "You have the coaaalaUa of ku owing that you have t-rr,ed looe four vry guilty taa.M 8u;a Stnator Jamrs M. Mtw bernf, ex-presidtat cf tht EUU Fanaer'a AJliaa? was prraldsst loftht jury. Ckailcttt UUerrtr.

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