-J THE : LINCOLN DEMOCRAT. PRIDAYEBRUARY 7,. 1890. Special Notices. " Advertisements inserted in this column and under r this head, at-one cent per word each insertion. B rookdale.- Farm Col. W. P. Thompson, the proprietor of the B rookdale, N. J. stud, and also owner of the Brook dale stable, died Monday of pneu monia. He was vice chairman of the Jockey Club and also presi dent of the National League Com pany Associated Press. Mr. Chas. E. Robinson of this 'place, is stenographer and type writer for Brookdale Farm, At Elm Grove Cotton Mill. Mr. R. S. Reinhardt, the Secre- indignant pupils tary and Treasurer of Elm Grove Cotton Mills near town, "is now en gaged in putting in some new machinery. When all the new machinerynow coming in is put in order, the capacity of the mill will Proceedings of County Com missioners. - The board met according to ad journment, all the members pres ent, ininutes of last meeting read and approved. W J Baxter constable elect for North Brook Township, Lincoln County, filed his official bond in . he sum of five hundred dollars with II E Baxter, 'J - C Bess a9 suritie3 which was approved by H E Ramsaur chairman, J E Rein hardt, W L Baker, D A Coon and P A Thompson. Ordered that R M Nixon be paid $2.00 for delivery of Charles Sim mons to Lincoln County Jail. Ordered that Ramsaur fe Bur ton be paid $10 for goods for coun ty etc., as per bills filed. Ordered that C H Rhodes be paid $60.45 jail fees for January and money advanced by him to er. " The xnatrimonar fever is begin-: mobiles firsthand then pneumonia. I rigV. on the tilver queativn. nig tb""break out within our in- She was fail recovering and horl m; rity of tho vote of N .i nuns a itoaus. ! vjrous-iim3-- v. K bMM womavo rtisionT Mr. Editor: Theabovo named i rs. W. J.McGinmt of Choi EJTt tio leading opposition p place is a lively, progressive opto ryv llo, spent several days in tht rs haro this la tar about the dat&place. The farmers are well vill igo this week visiting. relative suJ'jrt tf co-operal ion this year : ur with their work. We are now f 3 isa Ada Hoover, the daughter I Fi;n the Caucasian: Thli haung a few days of rainy weath- of Yr. W. IL Hoover, died Mon- venr Krlh troli&a cites eMex. - A. - day of pnoumonia. She had thevJt- for a President whottiodt A orth frit ids thought her out of dangerlCatu ioa. ecdoree the reeorotWit wbr i a sudden relapse proved fatal ladcrted at 'the Stat Silver ccd- ShV w&s buried at Leouard'a Pork I vent on lift September, that no church last Tuesday morning. mai not avowedlr for frw lilTer Tie beautiful weather this weeklflhou'd lo'aupporled. If the Peo- ha? put our farmfrs to ploughing-1 plo't party shall co-operate with Rev. J.J. George, of Cherrv-I mD '-ther In theccmptngcimciign ville, was shaking hamU on our 1 11 on the bans of this reso- Btrnets laU Saturday. He reports lotion. The IVople s party ca - a good" attendance at his ichoo'l in not co-oprste on this principlo Cherryville. Iinu autance the gTcat raote. Crouse, N. C. Feb. 4, 16W. Fnn the Wiintou iCpublican: run it comes to a question it rrom iron iauon. surrendering to Populism and Frte The young people of this place Silverur kcepir.c in touch with the A. n l , , I this ease and every body fund for postage etc for January as por bill filed. Ordered that D F Lutz be re funded $2.45, his poll tax for 1895 be doubled. This mill will then on account ot miirmity. have 6,600 spindles. The Elm Ordered that C P Miller be paid Grove makes yarns, Nos. 14 to 20, $22 for macademizing public roads The new machinery was purchased near Samuel Saine's. from Tales and Jenks, Pawtucket, Ordered that W L Hoyle D -S r J be paid $14 for conveying F L Qilmore to Gaston county and Rev. Galloway Lectures. conveying Clarence Mode to Lin- To the ladies Aid Society ,of the coin county jail us per bill filed. Presbyterian church Lincolnton is Ordered that Dr. T F Costner be indebted for a lecture by Rev. J. I paid $15.50 for services and drugs Charlotte Wednesday. co rporate limits. Now is the time. Provisions being cheap. Lawyer CE. Childs of Lincoln- cell ton, appeared for defendants ai d J. A. Anthony of Shelby for the State in the case against Dock Ntumanand Dan. Davis for as saulting Mr. Houser some time ago, who became paralysed and di jd. lne perliminary examina tion was held February 1st before C Z Hoyle and T P Jenks, J. Ps. Alter tne matter was tuny inves tigated. It was adjudged that de fend ants were not guilty. There has,, been many false reports in is now saiisneu mat tne aetenaants are innocent. Little Walter, the son of Mr. J R. Hull, was, a few days ago, dan gerously hurt by the kick of mule but glad to know he is about well. Good wishes to all the readers and success to the Democrat. P. A. T. a Col. Lowe, Lowesville, was in town Monday. Mr. R. M. Michal went to C. Gallowayv.of Gastonia. Rev. Galloway lectured here last Fri day night on '.'The Mammoth Cave." A small audience heard the lecture, but the "size" of the lecture was not measured by the size of the audience. Rev. Gallo way is an entertaining speaker, and his lecture was very instruct or the home and jail as per bill filed. Ordered that J C Towery be re funded $2.45 his poll tax ' for 1895 on account of infirmitv. had a dance at the rrsidenc of principle of tho National Kepub- Mr. J, B. bmith lat Friday night. i;can pftrty If0tectioti ind sound Inere were several vouu ladie Finftnriol mim nnUAn. rvf ri and gentlemen from Lincolnton, jcy niu-t yiold to pnncip! M Dallas and btanlev trwk. Thev lue music Lincolnton Mr. Bryant Jones, of Hickory was in the city Tuesday. Mr. T. II . Proctor advertises valuable real estate in this iaaue. Mr. J. W. Holland, of Mt. Pate's report a nice tune, was furnished bv the string band. Mr. J. C. Dellinger's hornet - (us.d to drink the water from his well last week, and on fxamina . " A 1 ' lion ne lounu a iaa uog in me well suppomnl to liavo Ueii in there for several days as th watr was muddv Bometimu Ik? fore thi. but did not think to examine it. I also heard, sometime ago, that Mr. Frank Helderman took a rat bit from his well. Mr. D. A. Troutmati and hi" better half movetl to theui4lvp last week and will bgin hou keeping. M. Ordered that M L Heavner be paid $82.70 for keeping the home Holly is visiting at Capt. for 1896. Ordered that H E Ramsaur be Evidently So. BenitorJoe lU&ckburu, of Kcn lucKy, maue an eloquent oieus of his silver views to a number of his friends at a LouisvilU club houio recently, when Richard W. Knott, a sound money leader, but an ittltmato friend of Hlsckburn, interrupted him to obrvo quistly : "Say, Jo your ignoranrw ou th linancinl question is to dctiso thst it mutt be native. At your time of lite no man coutd jxwiihly hare acquired it." 1 here was no duel. Wilmington Keview. Mi Ada I!oivr, th nlxttn year olil daughter ! illiam Hoowr, of thi rountv. dil lat Monday, of pneumonia. Tur DemockaT extemU sytiipathy to the Wreavinl familv. Mi4 Kat Wilki, and Mwn Clarence Cn and Claud Ruditll attendwi n ilanc- at Capt. J. II. Smith's ni ar Iron Station, lat Friday night. The Lincolnton String Hand furnished th muic. Lugono Hold's Last Story. Iu 1SSI "Eugn Field wrote a story which be called "Trio Wsre wolf.M When it wss finished hs laid it aiida and a yesr afterward hominy has made the money fam- entirely rewrote iL In lfi-So he ine less hurtful than ordinary again took it up and revised il.and The "Southern States" during the nin years between lt i t m. i ii . A t I 1, 4 luc nuu uc i it i Yir U4 puo line, ms lonowing iau iasi , hJ rewfnlo u ei(?hl imei a f K la mnol unrnnMirinff nrhllnl I . . f- T-U Tf onH V I I IS IVTIHOU Ilicatrvi Ul IUU Ordered that J E Reinhardt be U;,w ft rripd on last Suni for the SoUth We ?aVe yet ,WD' ne decided to print it. But dealh Presbvtefian cemetarv tomorrow ft Jim fnr t mnni,B BwftM , , . showing the crop of corn produc- came too suuaeniy. ana me story - ir - ii n v nv t j .in iifnif i . ai.Bj ttittiLiuuii. J ii xi io ucauu tuts vuiii- i og rer Dill HleQ ' JXIST RECEIVED IIssIcoi-'m Chooolnto, NoUon'a Gelatino, JJrmt Cream.Tartcr, Ont IosU, Lima Xlonn, GrltN, Cocoannta, lrumlx Cnndr, Try Homo ot my Cnnuod Core, It Gcnulun Porto Itlno MolnanuM. lNIO9 JLrO t ZrlftcH nnd HWeci PotntoeH. Vr HrMprotlully II. ItAMHAL'H. xroiz onoct:iLxi2n goto I an also in tbe lsd with a 2d- large selection of Kice Caa di-. both French an4 Plain. I voold call rpecial atUnllss t Nice Can Corn I tll at 10 oer.'.j. Also a nrce loi ci Aprt cots eipeclallj cheap. A 8 lb. can for only 10 crrts. A larps vanrty of othsr can guod ths Ut quality and as cheap aa that grad can be sold. My stors is ih place to tray. You will gtt goepds at l&vtst pne to in and deliTcrrl anvwhr in Wta frv-a. Try tny 6 lb. Cq it will do you TOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE. A. M. REEDY; This Space Belongs f Jj'f'firiT lo ive. Lincolnton ought to give I apjjointed a committee to have visitors a more cordial welcome. Mr. J, L. FInley Dead. North Wilcesboro, Feb. 3 Mr J. L. Finley, one of the moshigh ly honored and influential citizens died this morning at 9 o'clock from the effects of an attack of grip which resulted in pleurisy. He leaves a wife and six children. Deceased was for a number of years chairman of the board of .the Jean bridge repaired across. South Fork River. Ordered that Francis , Scronce be refunded $2.90 tax, she being a subject of charity. Ordered that James A Saine be released of $5.03 tax as he had his house dest roved bv fire. Flguros That Tnlk. If the man who naid 'Lt m write the ballards of a nation and i . i. . ... i i care uui wuo iiinKti iv laws, had been wise he would have said, Capt. Geo. L. Phifer, of Mor ganton, was in the city Wednes dav. 0 Mr. Walter Aiken spent sev- "Let me raise the meat and bread eral days at Granite Falls the past Gf a nation and I care not who week. make its silks and satins." There Mr. Will F. Dixon, the popu- is general complaint in th South lar hardware man, was in town of a scarcity of money, a complaint Monday. Ithat is well toundud, but the fore- Miss Kate Wilkie returned to I sighted policy of our farmers in Ordered that W C Taylor be Charlotte after a week's visit to increasing their crop of hog and paid $1,50 per month for support her mother. of Julia Sisk. Register of Deeds, J. F. Kil Ordered that.W L Baker be paid Han. issued twelve marriage li-yeara- i . . 3. T 111 -1 I I" county commissioners ana an emer 14.05 for 3 months services as pPnSk8tmouth. in the Presbyterian church. His commissioner etc., as per bill filed remains will be interred at the R. MICHAL, We ar cc-ilc to U Dort ti iu DcQUr, l!T5, than any oq month in th hutcry cf ccr LsJi nest. Iu crdr to roo lis f urss up bar inscctiratad aa OVEKCOAT .SALE. Go Friday Qor&i&, Dscaabtx 13lh, lh Iarict stwet of Offo coals aod UUlrs io North Cr- Iiua, iucludinjc man's, tots ax4 children's, public at ill U rrd l ths DEAI.HR in MAMBWAIllE. ACTUAL COrTT. W rtrr btbi&f. This is la t a tc&a wis ssla a&4 ti in rtadr to staka cur rtpatsli&a as to lis ft&uirbt. IXK3K INTO THIrf THING As vou ovr saw u4 cittr axaua will t Ovrrosls so ct; Is tt not cc rata on to st at much r&r Tcur macy as y&a ca&f IXINO TATE A CO. Ciitatttrrx, N. C IF YOU WANT THE Father ! munity and county has sustained an . irreparable loss. Charlotte Observer, Feb. 4th. Mr. Einley was the father of Mr. S. G. Finley of this place. The 1 x Democrat expresses its regrets 1- : Judge Hoke Complimented, Orderedthat D A Coon be paid $9.50 for 3 months services as commissioner etc., as per bill filed Ordered that P A Thompson be paid $10.80 for 3 months services as commissioners etc., as per bill filed. We received the following last pai(1 for 3 months services as evening in ttie mail, vv e endorse commissioner etc, as per bill filed. every word and take great pleasure in bublishiner it. Lfstof Jurors. Beaufort, N. C. Jan. 15, 1395. . The following is Mr. EDiTOiUrt-In vour issue of jurors drawn for the the 13th inst., you say among f Lincoln county S fV.T. tln'n tWo tnnnr nA IO 06 Held Hie 1H& Judge who has held court in this April 1S9G. county for years of whom we have FiRST week. W. H. Rhyne, heard so many ecomiums as Judge M Sumner, W . E. Ramsey, D. Hoke." The compliment is well M. Cromland, Alonzo Byuum, S. deserved, for every orje speaks well D- Thompsonl V. A. Harrell, John of .indM HoVwho iR nndonbtlv H. MclntoshrD. Thomas Seagle, one of the most nnrmlar Judges in U- N, Baxter, John P. Seagle, - A- A - - North Carolina. This popularity arises from the honest, able, humane and straight forward character of the man. All parties and colors ascribe to him the highest merits and bestow up on him the warmest enconiums. All who have seen him preside will bear this honorable testimony to his judicial excellence and un- ed in the South in 1S95 compared found. unpubiini among nis ht" with th. vear 1KB. the firures be- ?ffecU: Mfi' f IC,d- cluaiD I" ' , , ' navnme siory appear, rvo u io ing from the report of the Depart- lhtf ,Htjtor 0f Tho Udict' Horn? Mrs. R. S. Reinhardt and tie son, Stephen,- have returned ironiyviung inenasm wu. ment of Agrjcurtur-: Jourr al. iu which maaxino all of D.'.W. Robinson, Esq., is in 1693. 1S9G. Mr. Fold's work, outiid of his hi room for n few davs carine for Man land 15.078.221 10.631.205 nowpatcr articles, was prrtntisi a bad cold. He will beathis desk Virginia 31,24,010 32,007,153 to the public. The storr will b vA i:..ftr.40,o ort oro io print d iu tbo oest issue of tb . . " r : ', i Jourt al, strikingly illu.Uatd by Miss Anna Clark, who haa a.w -oim ioui, Mr. Toward Tyle. been visiting Miss AnmV Hftrrill, na. tiWt0i5,2i7 42,liLVl3l rpfumpd to her home at Hickory. Flor la- 4,000,801 O.lSiJ.GIS Mpday. Best Class of of PRICES It i Mid tht ThH. Settle nd AlftUimn '23,828,014 -14,370,457 OUvr Dockcry lwh opp rlfc- Ve have received the Co,mc- Mi-ippi 25.S17.170 85.V77.1C9 torn! Wi thi.r. Th.y w. a list of the poH.J for February. It U a 15.210.2G0 22,574,284 nodu btllxmK for th. "Fr!?ral bpnng term hancsome number. Price only! J uperior Court, 10 c nts. ArFinsas o-,iiitci'i Ho m to Enjoy Good Noalth. it Monday in . w T T Caroenter one of Tenrjwce C49,CQ1 &3,I8o,02u If Tf u m ,uffpHnc wlth mny ,Uo or j. ..... yT. W . 1 . carpenter, one 01 ... ... . u n -to ..... t. ,tUm Lincoln County's best citizen8Ker. lcv cal tdm and gave us a suusenpt- or The Democrat. ion :C3,003,OCO ra,939,83t ""l "'V,': " f ' - Uota. Js., for book of wonderful rvrr rrlfrw. This book will point thr wsy to Misses Mary and Lizzie By nunl who have been visiting' in Wi mmgton for the past we ks, returned Monday. Mr. C. E. Smyre, Las Vegas, 1S95. News & Observer. few tv i Ani Tjr. 7w pxyt nir? Inr luding wheat, corn and oats h. i. n.) l mtnafsrturrd fur s lo&ir the Southern States estimates a At tbv t mailt t cjmH to yvur ' . elf, yoa can & pratiflnl at B. F. CRI0GS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND NUTB OF SELECT QUALITY. A full lin of Chnstcas Toya O- A Cijt Price Sale Of CLLTHING. J. N, Baxter, John P. Seagle, W. H. Brotherton, Will F. Jetton, vuu m.uiwvv.... U. ,r J T U , W. F. Reep, Jackson HowardR. e.--Mexico, Pa.. M. Howard,- David S. KistlerDV Monday. He is visitmg re a E. Rhine, J. W. Sigmon, A. F. tivt 9 m this and Catawba County. Brevard, Luther M. Rudisill, L. T. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gngg, of Smith, Ed L. Adderholt, M." L. Boston, Mass., have come to Lm Heavner. Henrv P. Helms. F. T. colnton to live. Mr. Grigg is a Cant. B. F. Griffff. Lin- J F Finger, Wm Keener,A A Sain, colnton rejoices that Mr. and Mrs. n ir I rJri(Tr hnvp rant, thfiir lot with US. .... .z , , , I OECOjD WEEK. ATLUUl HX. I -'fc0 stained integrity. Daniel Webster I iui;v n wis nn nn nf th once said of John Jav, that when I , T 0. , , M . . .- . r, . . mon, D. C. Warlick, R. E- Camp, very sick. Dr. Saine was called John W. Dellinger, U. S. Wise, to see him the early part of the J. A. C. Barkley, S. P. Sherrill, week. Dr. Crowell lives at Crim- D. F. Abernethy, W. S. Beal, A. sic. Costner, L. D. Dellinger, L. L. Miss Eva G. Sumner, our Hauss, James Queen, H. J . King, popular and acurate postmaster, will pay a visit to the much loved tete! irctcfiption of n eminent phy tlHin. ind I tb bnl buildlnruti and totcl grain crop for the States bloo: r-urifjrin mrdldne In ih world. I for xhe Bovs and Girh. named of 740,000,000 bushels in lcwTw, WL" , ' . , r or- m . x . s CI" det- tsr too of otn klsds asd hsv nicd to cct lb jtica in whcr. For le bj Vrufirin. B. F. GRIGG. Wood's Grass 1 If vt cbtalnfd the rJhnt rrTvts ton for purity, ckanLnrn snd f traJrutloo, csuiL-c ovr tvtJ r.ni Li the same t a record coc cf the lirctst la Uve United Slates. tlx-klUoz LVve Seeds In the brra -rf. J quinUUcj thM we do, al ci- 1 JHVPt Pn . . bfr us to seU uoe st the towest and piM rkes, quality eomi&red. WOOD'S 51HID BOOK i the judicial ermine fell upon his - shoulders, 4it touched nothing less jpure than itself," and so do we say of our honored and beloved Judge 'Hoke. Judge Hoke held court here last spring. He is kind, courteous, learned and fluent." He pertorms bis duties without harshness and iu a manner at once modest and humane and creditable to his head and heart. As I have already aaid 1 nTn his popularity and success rest rtvt-i tho fullest Information about Groses tnd Oovtrs o0s tbo different aorta era adapted f cr best cotnUn&Ooaj to giro I irrcst rcsxilts la ha v or pes tursxo care of posture and mesdowa, to. He A postal wU trtnx thb book to you. Prices and sampks cf Grass and CkxvtfSeeds sent on sppticat3ori. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond. Va. -Miss Agnes Rice,one of the idow f Uto Hon z B teachers at Piedmont bemmary, Vance in Washington, D. C, this spent last Sunday in Shelby, visit- , i- i r: a nr.. T T ine ueauuiui auu uucj trated 1890 seed catalogue of T. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. o We find we have too many goods and Dot etiougb moor, and in ordtr to even up a little, havt decided to inaugurate a Clearance Sale, and will from this date until January 1st. sell any thins; lo our store at Greatly Reduced Prices The following price will convince you that we mean to tell : Hatteeo one yard wide at 10 cents per yard; Outing at cenU fr yard; brt yard wide heetinr at 6 cents per yard; the famoua School Boy Jean at If 1-5 cenu per yard; a irooa pair oi liianaru lor o cenu per pair; a a004 P" oi i.'oogoia Button bhoes for 80 cenu; Mens 8ulu from 13.00 np, good one; e pounds f rorMalartaLlvcrTrot ble,or Indigestion, uao BROWS IR0H BITTERS FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONARjES SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES BY LINCOLNTON, N.C. IS-a-l-y. upon high and eubatanUal mental -S. G. Finley, Atty.. was called W. Wooa & ons, oi xucumoou, ouee ior . o ,,or ju. to North Wilkesboro on last Sat- Va., is one oi Lne moat uesimu.o. Mil Uinur VJUUUb clL Odinc riciwa. capacity and personal merit. . M. j urday evening to the bedside of a Be pleased to insert the above in your paper and oblige an ad mirer of Judge Hoke and the Mes senger. Washington (N. C.) Mes penger. - .' ...nlnmiaa rt K Vind HA 11 wl . Tt ' Wfl hon that gardener in many ways. It will ahape. . v r . . - lu - - 7 ml. A Al , a will not continue after January lit W sick Father. We learn that his is very vaiuaDie u uie mrmcr uu mrket. and will pay the highest market prie at all time for cotton lo any If you want bargains now lavour time to get them. Kemember this sale n e are aiwijs up wua me coiion mother is also ill. We hope that gardener in many soape. n... ou, -uX - w .... ... . - I u ma rr rr 11 tn.r on . to wnat we mt. fco w.. . there will be notning serious -ftna i uiaucu -rr iv,i ht- "ciiiTr win onnn tnlrfTTiTa I them, orbvided you mention The. wt,t0 I Democrat. I Iron bullion IN. O. Reinhardt & Co. CITY MARKET Is the place to rt a aice p4ca of BEEF. PORK and FRESH SAUSAGE. All carats femad lo a riHST CLASS MARKET. Cooe to see us. Harket prices paid for hofs and cattle. Edwards & Sherrill. U-S-W. ly. ord - to rsn t down. frcn ca we will pro yoa 10$ 001 ard you kcow that ctiri a lot with ca, at we xaalte a very taall proSt at beet, tod oark ariry article In the house ia plain f crca to yoa can ee for yosmll jcit whit the 10 will aaosal to. W ooly ntke cat ezreptlca and that la Hclnloehet which we ire tvelliaic now at t2.CO. We caa do you soat fod ala ca Half. Vte can sell yoa a pretty fir Mao's wool Hat for 25 casta. So cose alocf i&d trirc u your produce or caih aod r will trade. RESPECTFULLY. H. S. Bobinson & Co.