-.BiicIcIhV Arnica ijilvo. The Bret'fcalvVin ihv world for Cuts; Bruist-s, V SoBes- -.-Uicwn, Jt.Jlbujar Fever Sores, TetO r, haju d hands, ChilblaiiTs;'(iriif; airt aH Skin Erup tions, and positively cuven Pi lea, or no pav required. It is gutantctdto givt- perfect satisfaction or inonpy r-tunuHl. Price 25 cents per box. Fur sale at all driijr stores. Try Electric JlUtr as a reiuedy fo your'troubNs? If not, et a bottle now and ret relit f. , ;rl"lif medicine ha& been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief a,gd cureo.f ajl Ftvnale omplaint exerting a wonderful direct influence in giviws strength Hd,tone to the or gans If you have' loss of appetite; con stipation, headache, fainting 8 pells, or are nerVous,sIeepleff, excitable, melan choly or troubled with dizzy spells Elec tric Hitters is the medicine you- need. Health and strengh are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at iny drug store. . , . Tha.UDni.7!ini9n Mnir. An tmuient Lawyer on Our Fu-J It i thua sums up the Vein zuluiq.le.. I the Albany Law Journal, Vol. - - -52, No 21, Mr. Jaa. C. Carter, lje,, President of the American Bar Aa CANCER CURED -AND A Life saved By the i . Persistent Use of Acer's Sarsaparilla soiv pi I ' ! Co.; a i : Ay in .:rs' IroubiP'l for year:, with a. -iV l'li'y knee, 'w!h -h several vT-'J'S, W !io t re; it Oil ' a ft. :f ni -hop. ICS. Iht: r .He . t..k- teore t ion : For several years there haa in unsettled bounrary between English Uuifena' 'arid Venezuela: President Cleveland ims uratHl England to arbitrate the matter. Lord Salisbury declines this. Mr. Cleveland savs it is American doc trine since President Monroe time that nor toreign nation shall en croach on the territory held by the various peoples of this continent. Lord Salisbury says.this Uaoi in ternational law. Mr. Cleveland says the tacts about tHe boundary should be ascertained by a coin- mission, and Congress authorizes one and providBS $100,000 for ex penses of it. This brings on a state of irritation. The English say W5 cannot mark out where the boundary shall be between them and Venezuela; we don't say we will", but we say the American peo ple-consider it their duty to pre pent any encroachment on Ameri can territory. . Jhf'U.1 l;v,:' tl' tir.-i- Ay . a 'dc Fii.i i. i r'. '. ri L'-'i K'V.il . ; so 4 n'.ly as i Mild t . -.a ti..t Qusy. ii.. k.,.ui - STOP AND THINK! I SJXf&V. Uws of Pa., haii approved of J on jjr at 40 cviiU pr Scnnt4r Pritchard plan to have jj u wjin to aTOid anU, duat I hundml tc, in your cook room and to I ftciation, write concerning the lawn puseed by the Fusion Legis lature : A numerous array of acta. U exhibited in this year's volume of the laws of North Carolina. The most noteworthy which I have ob served among them are two, one dealing with the subject of taxa tion, and the other with that of elections. The former nearly ex hausts human ingenuity iu con triving aa many different forms of taxation as possible, instead of seeking to make them of simple and as few as possible. Property id taxed, income is taxed, licenses in multiplied forms are required for carrying on occupations. The for midable machinery involves the creation of nineteen distinct penal offenses. That such a complica ted system can be operated with efficacy, harmony and justice seem? impossible. "The election law aeema to bo an elaborate revision and ajnoud ment ot the prior law: but l ao not discover in it any novel feat ures of interest to other comuiuni- ties." ral fusion between PopuliaU and Republicans this year. , keep everything iu nice order I TUP UTlVniRTinAHINtn. Unlike mwt proprietary medi- . t . , ... tt cinen. tne lormuire oi ir. v. . .ri nominl. Salo of Valuablo Lands. .... . r .111 1 will 1I KLitb CMrt . ... 1 .1 ! !B.LMir-mTIIlK ilVt wuuviMiv.i. I WWKI Ayer'a barsaparuia ana otner pr- . tjromnl. UiA to Ut!o c-oly o namt ons are cheerfully sent to ' . . : ...nM parawoua.re uuuhj . .w . any pnysician wno apnne. iur - firAnim, Cinim Co. them. Hence the special lavor . - 1 these well-known stand- Aver'd Cherrv Pectoral in known by its works. The experience of half a century proves that no other preparation of thekmdtops couiihinir and allavs irritation of. tliH throat and bronchial tubos mi pronijtly and effectually as thi.-. The New York Democrats favor Morrison for President. Charleston has bnt?n placed un der police rt'Rulations provitled bv, . ,,,'( tliH State to enforce sarv Law li the Dispell-j y , lax- It is saulthe cit v id iji-i i 'i-;s :r--) ie' Liver. u Pe--; I hou'fi t- i:j7o tl-at the only true ami pt'rumr.Wit ure for their condition i to ! foiuXl in having Pur 0d B-.---.5.7.ritf -t he- health bf every organ and ti: .j;c, of the botiy depends upon the P'jj-'ty'of the blood. Toe whole world krovys the standard blood purifier U No More Paternalism. Thi hill now before Congress for the sfal)lishnient of ''The Univer sity of the Tinted States" should be heaten so badly that no other mono it ion of the kind will be made for many years to come. The federal department of edu tion is all nt;ht. It collects an puhlishes valuable statistics coir cernini; the progress of educational work in t he United States and is an educational agency. which may be nronerlv sunnorted by the U'n- i . i i eral irvernment. But the )roosed natl:'nal university is another and von different thing. It is a scheme of a sot. of impractical men who in their zeal for education lose sigli ot the limit at ions of the federal government. We do not believe that the cause of education would be. promoted by such an institution while its establishment would car- ..-ii. .i I rnMiil tlitt T.iliMrtv RmII t Plmr. rv. t lie .govern ment still lunnerr- " I : T T.-Xf aliMiL' the nath oftaternalism and 1 anrary ,u. r.x-.iayor !.. . o4;n Mu.rJrrank if. McDowell delivered tlie iiiiirv' i ii a trir-iT-i iwi run iiiv'ii: i . . W I .1 I I 1 V kLl . ll'illl! Illllt The. national university bill Dr. J. J. Mott, of thia Slate, has should be killed. We trust and I hren mndfi chnirmnn of tho Nation t)elieve that it will receive thet,.! Silvp.r Pnrtv Kxpciitirn Com- i . - m . mm . v r m su ooori oi no uemocrat in Vy(jn-i mittci. in wi mnnn tro to nan. jjres y hi) has any standing or in- I ington and open headquarters. tluence. Atlanta Journal. 1 Dr. Mott savs the elevon electoral votes of North Carolina will be given to some man friendly to sil ver coinage at 1G to 1. The Urjjent Deficiency Bill re cently reported to the Senate has On the contrary, those who are at nmi mcorporatea. an ameuuineui heart or oh sleeve, or in the face, vin8 Kansoni $2,b0G back onvKura r,f mnnrofe Un I UaV U9 milUSter tO MexiCO. Hid Republicans or Populists natur- aIiiry iiaa bycn withheld on ac ally rejoice every time a Democrat count of some irregularity in hia criticises the leader and the: head appointment of tire Democratic party. We are accorded ard remedied by the World! Fair' commifeiiottorii. Letter from Vadkui county Heveuue Officer Uunt captured a queer moonhine ttill a fe uifchti ago. Th cap of the itill wn nude Joutofbalf of a fith barrel. A ourwood saphug, witb a hole bored through it, vai used for the still worm. Toe officer also found 700 gallon of beer. Winston cor respondent in Obrver. Cottilenarct Trallraony. Clias. B. HikmI, Broker and mnufc- torer's agent, t olurobua. unto, cernuc that Dr. Kin' Xesr -DiMroterj h no equlajarouphrrnrUy. J. L. Brown 1 rtip. rH. Jm IlOiri, r l. nijnr, iuu, U'tifle4 ttuttie i rurt-U of a coufh of two jt-ar Undirnf, cauel by 1- (IriH-, by Ir. Kinr NVw li-rry. H. V Merrill, llaMwirm ill-. Maw. wiya that h has nnl r'ommendtnl it and mer km-w it 1 tail and would r:tt! r h it Ih.in.iuy l t"r. Nvati'f it always an-. Mr'lI'Miitiiinc. K i.")th Si "t'hi nj.i. alwny-il at hand nml lui.' r. lnr i.f r. bi-raii' it in ?.I."iitl nli' . Trtf iriaU I'.ottlc at aity lric r. . Valuable Land Saio. A raurtrarr drd bailor brn txt- rutnl by I. A II WI!kluou and wlf to IK!, which it rrcurdrd lo Uocoln County Krtltrr Book p. aoo. aad default hailujr bo madr lo th paj Btrut of the laiddebt at maturity: Sow by f irtu of ttw ower trited In Of by Ui tald mortrarv and nay otSce aa vutor of Jo B dbcttoo deed.. I will aell at MmxNr .'ud day of Mircti IK1 at noca. al cuUlc irUoo for caah. houMiAJ lei mbrrm lb aaM Naa Pom miAtil dd to line of htr tfcaia. if, Vrlmoo. aJlcJalar tb lands ot Teocb lAder. and Calb tender. cm taJalar stKXitooe acre. TbU Slit Cay of January iwa. of Srsax I'or. R. A. HOUSER, tzr Prac ti cal Ti nn e rcj A?D - Dealer In-- Tfaivarr. fWwinr MaetUe S'el V4 Oil.Hrwlar klactdae and Mrt Ketr COPPER WORK, Tkr. to ( rT at Lowest Prices. Juat rtctrtl a r t-pf STOVES. Call ar.d tl,a. t.lI.V4-lr. Land Salo. Bt lrtoe of tb purr uf aJ tained In a foottr drJ nrui-d by i 2Xauy Irr5nt mm Houa door oo SOtb day of AuuU l to urr tbi It. wU4iw Mondav Una day of Alarcn ioyo, I payment of a t,nd or et-ti date irre- Sale of Valuable Land A :ii'r; ... .i . B : a I : ".m:.' I -'! ii: ; 1 1 U ilkinMi nti-l wifi ! .la!. .! 1 . 1 I""' ? i'i-f -! i'i l.iiii'ulti .r. lt'K "l ",r. jiI . !-! n.- in llit - . i.f ..-iirot iIm itnl . ..-.v l.v v irl i i i ,f p. .t .ml Mmru'lK'' HIII It l. l- !'. ..r ptihlii- atii'li'ifi fir tirr II - 'r in I.m- 1 .!ny r.f., March lV'f., lj-l .ii. d ofM -tvt in tin . Tov.il : I.yinif In Cataw at noon, for cab the lands described and coneied In the aald mortrare. to- wlt:In thtotnof Iener. becinnlnr at a stone H M Wilklnton'a comer then 8 ooV E V V with the Beattlea Ford road toaton: then 8 13 S WS 1" l tone;tben K Ml, W V V to a alona ;tbeo X 4 E MS I to the becioolor. rw talnlnf tacrra more or lea. January 80th, Til I'aocToa.Eir. of Joa B Smiltoji. Land Salo. By tirtue of Murtfage Drtd eirru tit! lo iu? on the 2a day of November Krj by J. F. akr to Mrure the mj ment of cf rtain note therein contained dur and payahlr on th Nt dty of !-. !. ald note imt haling ben paid Mortirasrv lnr duly revordrd in the ltrKiter" flce tif Lincoln nmnty , North t'urnlina in bok M pajt tt of Mortjjairt DrttU to vliicli bk and imgr rvf-rrnf I ht-rrby made ftr nn.rr irth utar df- ription of ald property. ?nid mrtj;air' not hating t-en rtm HliMl With. 1 will nfW Tr alr ml UC- t ion at th'oitrt 1 1 ! !. r in I. in 1'nlnlon. N. at uihijj rn Monday. rVhruary 17th, K to thf hitfhft hithlt-r i"T rh lh lou t!t'rilw-l ir l ( Unl I y i ti in Lincoln run n I . N. adjoining th land tif nhh'ViwCl and tlM-r. Iund i a follow: Beginning mi k pilr anl run oni h Si tat vi to ro-k pile lln-io e ooulh " Urt H ol fu rk f thence outh ) wrt 54 polra to lakr CKES1ER W FJJU.CH Srb-dol in f7et frvea at4 ltT IkrWUr I J. 1C. U. W. K. It AUl-EB, frStfea,t. t.(r. N. C. Central Tttse Matdrd. oc4aa uim. No. lit. No. ty. Iae ChtT j I roam' T !re lwry ; T 4 am to with to aald O. M. ttkba! for the uta of flCfi.OO ith Inter-! frcu date al SVT until raid aid b-nd du-and t-aya blaontbeUt day of Mrrmlr l06 and aaid taort rare d-t-d and bd cure4 lWrby bbduly alrd lo A. 11. Floler on tW frd day of lrrrtnlf lSi. before malurily to which JfJ and alignment thereof rrfrren-' i haraby DiJr to rWk Td of Mrtf rea pet ai (at which plare ibe atae arr duly revordedi in tha fic of Hrgiter leds for XJncoIn County. N. i :. Ir lau.t or aid i)mni nating tn i, r lwry till ; 7 4a am tU ata maaa ana ire rottauioo oi aia nni- i r McCoeintUville ox am fa ax gar not tuiing U-n roroplt with. 1 ,r liuthntllU is aa U, aaa ana aaia uonu tuning omir uur " i ideate lorattlie Ibe lit dar f IWrmber 1 and uu-arf.,ArT paid. I will oftrr for ale at auction at i atooia the Cjrt llooe do.r iu l.inrolnton ltt luncolnton S. C. at no.in on j late Nrton Monday. Kth day of K. hrury !- Lar IlUky lo the higt t bidder for ca.h ttw b AfT"r L'b4r low dr ntt Iran of Und liing In j otu h.i im. Lincoln t'otintr. N. t and adjoining the laud of M llion m-I anl .th-rl Ixae l r,wir bounded a follow: T wit lUgin- locate If ii kory nlng at a tik. iflltoii (.wU..i Uu Nrwii.j, rwrner and run with Ilianrr lir a e Liti-vlr.i.n t t am 10 04 v it am IQi Ui aa U am is 19 am 11 Ultb S WjSa ll im t(ua . - . - - tl .ci. u. . I rainrri " I and winter thence north 7 umi J7W I ti t.-,v -n . . r.,n , t"er rtb IX a - V.- . -r' " hir,dVt er7 IW. I'l'n rota mrnrr nortn 4 Ucular.. Title a. tr norlg.ge tr,d ' - V I a auaai ii , iv . ii i.- . :n . i U'.:vl !; l. ;rii ana iti.er. ! l iau lw.i,.4 u.fnn h remain. I . 1. . . itonia with If A. A t . A. at IHMJU s 11113 cure Ull livo.r ill?, 1 ; , , ,,,,, TCi.lH.nrr.or ni run. , s , in it lav)' up'ii pijmr ni i-i puru tt , i.,...,, n , , ' " ivlieve constipation and Ut Hi- Vf V-UThJ giVOTi 1.:';; a,,,, t KJ;' mrkrndlL fu A crowd of 0000 poreon wel- ton . tl H WW PU)m. TbU Uih January l .m. 'j, X. Hnni. .tVsx Ciri,r,C. , ., m The Fayetteville Observer 6ays that -tth(e who are, at. heart, not Democrats naturally object to the Observer's pointing out Mr. Cleve land's lapses from Democracy." rr.i;lh;n X v ni V tothebegln- t; outnir.ini by vntiination lAacrt iii.: ! I. i ing ilw iiilert of L A it Wilkinson In a!d tnut cf land. J.ti.H try .tth T 11 rr.H tnn Kir. Of.loi It SnKLToy. north lf w -t ti -l tu i..n aroi lrir ia(iia Dolntr hi liO". T ItrUfr --lth e.. l.-i llrr n 70 t 1 lo a 'ii' and intr near rnl of lnr. TUnrr ot h xi. we-t 40 plc a loi.- in old hld Thrni e oil Ii ". rf 11 --!r r a Une atol tH'int-r. Tt-i.- Ni-etb";. eat ' r -- ! !! t--irTn,r. -n talninc U "r- n- r- r I kr.-vi n apd drirntrl a tl.- "!a. w-t-i iracl" r thv ojk- nlnib tort ! all il lntrTt in aid Und. rn.-rt 1 ctt mm 1 a& 4r in a Kija I J oi & lit i ira & LI t xa 12 Latm trat' Ycfktiiif : tiu, LtC tiutlr lrii".l f LI -m ri f Ltf M rtirllt illr 3 I, j.rr. 41 !.ar L.wrj i ill- 3JTt s tljs Train Nf. aod la arr t.rt-'.t ar.d run dally ric-rji Msr:ay. Traiaa N. an-i ei crr tt mrnn alo run dftilt etorj-i Jy. Ihrra Sale of Valuable Land. A ujortcntf drtl ha Inif ten axr cuted by I. J. JIoIiim h lo L. K. Staudtni in.ir r.. dtMl iKtciiilHT :fth. lVwl, winch i duly rtcordcl In Lincoln Cr.uniy Heisify Ilovk n- nap 6i2, and lelai.U having Ucn made in tho pay ment of th debt jiH-urtil by""aid niort- Sale of Real Estate. I'ndrr and ! virtu of thr txiwrm uf ale ronf aiutl iu two drvd of tru(. the ( lie execute! on Ihr lfh day of Ju 'r. ir i, hy f'ab b Mot ad wltc. to ih uudcrlcned. Joint C. 3Jt.Trutir. to ecurelht jattnti of hvrx-wrtl r-m- o'rtrr itoir. lli- rrln !- ri'l. anoont- incutthe acrrpatr lu lhc (iillo of Jlri:t".U" and intmt, :m! drd of irut anrvar of rrt.nl in the t.m.t of the Hr-itrr of !-! nf Lincoln (ninty. North Carolina. In !. k w on rwtfr Vd etc. to whU h raffrrnre I hrrrby mad., the other cxm utr! br aaid Caleb Mot and wife, on the atli dai .1 roib bund train N- 7. N. ". No JUL 3 T S r w ml - Tice TV Nu. &. 41 . No V a 'r"t. rtb'to...."" STATION'S. Nnb tt-atd t r 1 !L . No." t 'NT. . N cTj". 'iTT a. - " c a n -s . r. u I - 3 .- r - t . ar j . r. Y. I .'rif'i- ? Now h Virtue of the nower con- I taln.-l in th-Vaid ni.t . will edl VVXi ir". ,rMf nt puhlir auction at tL Court JIou.c 'lZl f", CUfr Uf,r hJr i. Lincoln C ounty, for ca.h on f SfSrT Monuav, 2nd tiny of March IbVO, naid derd of trut annrtr of rtrord in a - Sarsaparilla And therefore it ia the only true aad reliable medicine for norvooa people. It mal-.ca tke blood pare aad baaltby, and thus ouras narvou&neaat makea tke nerve firm and strong, g Irea twaei Bleep, mental vlfor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It doea all tbia, and . cures Scrofula, Bozama, or Bait Rheum and all other blood dlaeaaea, baoauaa U Uakeo Ikf altf-pxora Tery word wa hara aaM. Taouaaada of Toluntary teati uooiala ,folly establish the fact that "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla lcr torof lt and the result is that I am per.'encatly cured." - Ola iroR R. IXWsoh, Kichle C. H., Weit Virginia. I004l ftlls wre all liver Ills, constfia- genuinely grieved that MajotHale should persist in hia unjust, and Senator Tillman, of South Car olina delivered a speech in the i . 1 -f- . I tJCUBVO kUO UIUQ1 UB, A14 WUlViiA U7 ly. He was a gallant Confederate and f?1 Crlial1e ou e u u ta 1 question. It was Tillman' fint MiiiuiRt. un linn Lisninii zs vihni i tf 1111 1 crat and a tnie party man and we f "ort- LTlre South Carolina legi.- .ij . i .f a , i iiuLuru una mauxtHi iniinau lor tvuiu ue giau to boo uilll uiorge i . into the bright eunshine again, the "18 "r BPC" Vbj iivrviitiAAl a 4 ai o4 I txuc, uyjuuiwu Thin nr irrv hair and bald we ao mucn loved and nonored. heads, so displeasing to many peo- wumington Keview. pie aa marks of age, mary be avert ed for a long time by using Hall's Mr. Howard (Pop,, Ala.) has in-1 Hair Kenewer. troduced a bill for revenue, to fa vor a mqre equitable distribution Gastonia is to havo Ulepbontt of wealth bv discouraainc vast ac- iines connecting it with Dallas, cumulations in a few hands, and Lowell McAdensville, Bessemer a a recompense, to the Govern- Clty and Possibly King's Moun ment for ita foateriiiff nrotection. laUK he company has already which has made th& accumulation ,m organized to put up the Hues. of vast private fortune poaaMe. I he new cotton mill soon to be The measure enacts a "natioual ertwa M UastoijiR is to called heritage law," and provided that the 4'Av(n-,f at nHui. liw tract of land comrd in I the aald ofllcc f tha i(aitrr of Trrd said iiiortirse and diignatcd a fol- nf nald county In book 1u rar il lows, to-writ: Adloinioic th lands of I w. w conaitii.n In t.th of he aald P. I). Iliuaou, Clara Heinhardt and "t-pj irutis mu nafins; ren rrm- other, bfeinnins at a stone cornar of pild with abd llMHmerof alr t.n lot No. II of a 16 acre tract in tha old I laincu urwn oconinK auaiuir. at line and runs N olj E 5ti r to a stona, the rriurt cT thr holdrrs of aald ntra. the John Butt's corner; then N 77S tu.e undersigned Trutass, u satltfy S': T to a atone In the public road, saia notes, win. on r lo p Nta Yora.N iifj U 41 j. rhiladrlj bla. I'a. : 10 p lUltit&ore. i(d. UAla Rlcsod Va ?M 1 10 a IVtrnburr Va a corner of lot No. is ot tha li acra Saturday, 22 day of February tracUtlKnonalloeoUotNolftSSJS wvirtwv .C.-. . . wi- J E4flliPtoa suk!n the cenUroftba J?aSlS?Jll i-el2fe ? PV "l CC itlUtbenwltb tha csnUrol said 5? vJ22?f iSTii111 l,;;li,wolof RRKHl W lllta.tak cormr of lot pcolnlon. North Carolina, that valu- No 11; then with a line of lot So. 11 X E 4S I to the befrlnniot;, conUin- Ine 8 acres mor or leas. This ma day of jAiiuary lbtfu. i. C, Wood, JtdmUtrsWor of L, R. STAUpaxiiaTia, 6f tblr tract of land, situated Juat Smtb or tna asid town of Idncolnton. bound ed and fully described si follows, to wu: xirsi iraci. AUioiniorf the lands of Mrs. Wallace Aleiandr. V V atwna, ioat j tour and Kbars. a.-irfua. 1 Jroip 1 W ,T II p rn f J a rn 7 tf) 4 IS a tn i IU 1 45 p tn'oJ a Arrltra 0 1Q a iOjpQUli &,!010p 13 1 eu 7 t&j ; to i I it Ml I UfWWUUIB i a N C 4ii a lUWifb Wiltninftoo IWi UimM 9 4d a WsJrbro Cp Atlicta Oa 10 U a Charlotte lIUl Xl Holly 11 WiSUDlrj Creak 1 i OA & U need n loo 1 tip Cherry till 1 top Shelby 1 90 p Kulberfordloa C4a aa s 4 Uj. 9 2Ja srcip 1 U a ltCa.lS4 a 10 44 a 11 19 p, S40a CUp CUa aUp JO a to p 4 Cl a 1 00 p 111 s liM. i 10 Sip : Urn M p 7 Cat a' Clp CCD a 13 41a l w p i p 9Sp S3 a Wp 7 Up Trap 0C4pi crp &ir 1 4ttps saw ft S13 1104 '13 CQ a lUs t 90a U a Wa too c Trains Nus. 41 at.d 403. "The AtUnta 3pria!s" avji Vttlkle4 1IS.1U4 tr :.s mlib sleprs and roaxU. TnUa acd 41, -js. a. L. tipriaa" tiltd trflbf v( I'ullsti slrepars axd day coax tea. 1 orn ii. . x i it i . me viovernmenx snail mnent a a perccntnge oY the. fortunes of all persjmrt who die leaving 1,000,OOQ or over. On 1,000,000 not more than 1 Hr tvnt is to pb to the tiovrnniient, and. tho ' ixrcentuge IS 6P tion incn-ascs a;i tilize S ,a i vjct)rolls U't'CvT and re-l!S n'ivned from thw amount to , ,, Al , . ;p5!i.i,-v,di lo hher,.! !,rrili,a.i 'iUKH).,W l,y ,h a.WUiWr' 'of 1 t ",,?raVf T f1" v U . , ; : - ,at the natiounl capital. News ion. On cc.rn laiul tiic yield . Piir 0,,!,t' tor t,ftch addnional mil-!oborver nwaVrsan-.i tHcsl isnnroves I lion- harlot to 'Xews. " " Bowxloin College, Maine, is sui guiarly honored. Speaker Red, of the House ; Senator Frye, chair man pro tern, of tha Svnato, and Chief Justice Fuller an all gradu ates of iJowdoin. Thu4 Bowdoin dies and U s co;ttain;n-;r in proves ith ;fer-j t under ' 1 i Tf qVor this country is compelled to wago war on any othor power.; tl. ."."Uf . .i ' J i? . a 1 . -11 l ! me v isi ana oouinwesi will Dei A trial; ot this' pi little and is isurc profitable cultii re. Our panip!:!e"s ire r.t r.riVert; iorftpecipl icrti!i7ers.l.tu are. -r.v tng latest rs.ircjjes en iho A;hic; are really helpful to f.-irrners. "Tl Sae asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS, " . t ' " 3 Nassau it., Xew York. to lead to ":--n1ars bocra n v r rks. contain "t fc nil; ration ,'and' y arc sent free for 1 Hon. H. D. Monev, who har a a & . ntHMi electtl t tho beimte trom ! Mississippi, will not take his ?eat i i t i iaaxi v . a... . . . , , - j - - - ... t-uiiiu t iic inisiu nt; -was" ! i , Z1." F , 2 ;L--.. il elect! 80 long ahead of the time . . f fi- ' m .' j the Uiguinuig of the term in mpnts of soldiera. Tins is a mod-' , . i n. ... . . 1 , , . ; . -. vthat under the new cpnfititution but erate estimate, based on a careful e A . f ". . . , i- , . i uif aunt! ut!i!siupi me .. ... - j ., .Legislature will sections of the country during the i -i'?-"- . everv four vears. , ,4. . sion of the legislature will be ot the bouth ill this direction are , ... 1cXa x? ... ... ". iield in 1S09. News and Observer. mb aJ CaJ KhI ii i a K J fa 1 a... a Dr.Du-Shoa'a Pearls cf Lite aataaaoa m- u ciaa aal saeess( traAaoi fom tor Tfci rarolt af t raaxa panje aa4rt4arc& fai sDfcuij.,u VsJ? r sxCirtaa haxumtt. H TKS PR1NCC OF HIMt TONICS. W TH BEST riTYSlCAL TtAU2UL kaowo taoao- aaoaay vbaoavarjiaiof iMhu tailed. or loss o( MAYKbrr. NtaVQUH DEBILITY. c4 taa VITAL. rOWKILs. KkAVOCa I'KOtfTRa. T10K lo mate or fataala, for IMf-OTEXCK. tba raol( af tadlacastloaa aa4 tmA baUtt; for Paralrala. actual or thrtauoad : foraaa ual Waaioaa of all kUvds; lot iJUddcx aad fclldasf Trout4aa; for aarlv drear ax4 fbrml fallara. AU loqalrias win taaaff ally answsrad U stamp U rack 1 . if fear drvffift dg &ol seep tbsxa ho4 fl ta HEDSWE WUIAIY, - Lack Bi4ITllXTl,pL y ( J s Paying I Doctors'! ii v'ty botahic 5 rnet onlv oncej Tho next p- AVilmington Review. j Subscribe for th,e Democrat; THE GREAT REM COY rtw tu rr.ooo ait sxm orsrrscs .... a rcnCTULA. ULCfRS. CC7THA. 3 JtHEUMAriSH. CATARRH. EIUrTlOWS. T CDCC ttMarr known as tbr old "Causlrr Mill l'Urt" tod baJnc the tract of land on which the late Caleb MoU llrnl: iVduoIng; at a atakr on th bank uf tL Kuuih Fork of the CaUba rittr, near tea rallruad hrlJf . thrur tr'.th lYt V. C. Kallril ibtHit S'ortb H Kaat Sri polca t thre larf rocks on tho aid of ifc- roaa; turn alonif said rtd Nurtb JO East ti polea to a pile erf rocks: thsu with Child II ne North IS Pur ?n to a sukr; then Suptb W Ka.t w pulr to a mark Oak stump, nrsr Urrp Hna and lllark tlak: ffini ikiuthai Ht 1 poles to a post Oak un tbr slda uf Um road;thK) North Tfl Wrat CT polra to the ritrr; then up the Htrr aa ft man deralo the bflnnlnc; containing a bo at 170 acre, tnor or !ra exfeptlna; from tbrabote boundary about orfourth of an arre around tb grr yard. aUo about two arrra denied to W. W. Mott tnl.herrrr ordInr u ib d- acripUon contained in a deed to biro foriuoresprtrlflfldeacrlpuonof tbeaahi tract f land reference la berebr made to book W.tajre4eU:.tlnUie ofl? oftbeaafdjlert.ter of peeUs. iJecond Uoke and Hart In tan t ard place. Rerln nine, at a stona on the Birapaon lint, about tm opola cm the Houtb aide of the tanyard branch and runs North 74 Weat J7 polea to a rock. Hoke and Martins line in the road; then outh 40 Wrstll jHle to a Spanish Oak on the road aide thru South A West i7polra toasUkeani iMilntrrs; then riouth Wra J4 polra foapineoti North side of road; thn Suuth&ji9t lWp,,r, OA imrgr ru,t Oak on roailaldr: thm North IV Katt CI lHle to a .take Tilda iloke'e rcner; dLUUU DAUhS. . Wp..lr lo.taW and pointer 00 the old r ! lde; then South Ut li ru.li.. ake..t ltnioiraliiir: tleu Xt.fth Vice fre.ldeut. Jmo. II. Wtataay Grceral Manarar. I J ratt.Tlekst Jlfs&t. LltKJbtoa. X.C. " J " ' v-a ... t : lah.ms 4arrn. i.ri. .r le : f or nmro ' Mr.-ir- iWriptioti drd rrrunlt , ill iMk u on um lot n 1 r. .... L ' ' s P QUO;) oatM C0 A 0 1 ail. C a, f rvrriip n . wrpn am mi on, net. ! aVno(S inif. it Unrrt-niii.ioT. irr will Cttrfe ycu. c!ra& iur Uitz. miA taa - auaJ arawtu I On lli.flrt tract of U,l thne 1- rriU, lis, . tuatrja UrCe and emmo ; tlIoita iUHlinj;lif.iiaeiith all nrcarr . out buiMinc and alo a fine aiir , jHmrr with a ,r-r. machine hon on oaj 01 rale. . r TVrtn-of ale: in me jim aaj or January, Ihhu 1 JhxC MoTX.Trnjtee. B G. Ii.xlkt, Atty. lUhat is CaatorU U Dr. BAtaael Plkberi prar1ptlon for InfaaU suatl Children, It contsUaj neither Oplara, MorpUataor other Narcotic lobatAtvcc It la a tumlMi rubatltqtf fa? rnxorlc, Prop. Moothlnj; 8yrap, avo4 CUator OIV, It 1 ricaamaU fU tUAnuaUo U thirty years oa by Million of Mother. CAatorla, destroy Torm axd aJUr foverUhnea. CatorU prevent Tomltlnx Boar Card, cure Dlavrrbcra suid "7lod Colic OLttorU relleT tfctblnc troubles cure co nit! pat Inn an 4 Ut niftier. Caatorta OAalrnUote the, food, rtxtilotea tho ti sud bowela, trlvlne; hcaltby and natural alcvep, Ca toria 1 tbo Children' Panacea-tbo Mothr Prlend. Cas toxin. Ciaa. Kctkm Wsa efi;y rl atf tar r4kjr- Fa Q C (Wa, CuSivtaSstW K-l riy caa. U dMaaa - aa iW iU cW fcjrrtf4 mir thUlrK aa4 am Cea I. Stea4 af u- nrtM)mdl atcraa er7a Wi tog a. sasrjtaa. Mkar 7Tvy a4 ctisr kt.U sas Uete UfWi, tw7 7rmi ara rr - la. J. F. Krrui, Osara. JLra." Oaatamr Capaaf, 71 M t a ftaaarj aaa aaa." tt. A. Aacaaa.IL fA in 5iWft, awra, x. t. Ckr tinttUat ta UMar mtmmim tmOm A I -4tJ aarttaNS W u kaa aa eeW. tmmm fit sea trtm aa Uv af t"rra lliwifa a Dwrevatar. Aixjra C ferns. Nt , y Steeei, jf Tmak Cl. r e 1

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