""-r "" " - ." j - r v fv u- .1 .u DEMOCRAT. ?-"ifrm ww is v i 1 V r 5 J I , ; t -41-. VOL. I. NO. 21. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAftOLINttr FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14, 18t6. 31.00 A YEAR. " I ft 1 i. t . MM LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis " cubed by xrsnra-- 1 -1 AVER'S Cherry Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ;go, I took a vio lent coM which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under nmlienl treatment, and at the erid of two months was no better. 1 found it very diilicult to preach,,, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry' THE CRIMBOF '73," I'xctpr:.l. The nltWottlefiVTneJ: rrcr.t relief; the second, -which I am i.ow t.;!:im', h.-y-lieved -mcaaliiftfet-cr.lindvof nil unplrnsnnt symptom?, nnd T fr-el ??ire thnt one or two bot tles r.-mre will. rffeet a permanent cur. To -,V. Miin inters suffrrinff from throat troiT.r. I recompiejl Ajer':; Thorry Pe-f or:!."-F. M. KnAV. I Ev, P.P.. Ti?t. rcSUsrv.. Am,' Tt. TuMieaiion Society, Petersburg, Va. A'j'sr's Cherry Peroral HEBAL AT THE Y.TCLirS TIR. HjCepUryCairrislo- Shows That tho Silver Act 'was Openly Passed Af t r the Fullest i-Qlscusslon. . . . lu view of Iho discussion which haaxeea going .on. jelatiFe to the parage i ih& act!of 1ST3, aletter written recently by Secretary Car lisle extremely interesting at this time. The charge that tne act was surreptitiously passed is very completely 'mat in this letter. The letter is as foliows : ASHU&TC;N, P-.O Oct. 4. Mr. JoW'A! Grief, The Yale, Eaglewood, 111: Dear Sir: Your favor of Sep tember 10th was duly received.and I have cabled a rti examisatiQD.of. the records of .Congress coucerning the 'passage of the act of 1873 to be made'. !T -The bill was originally prepaied nr tbe treasury department- and was submitted to cpngrefs by Sc reiary Boutwell on 4 the. 2$th of April, 1S70. The bill as submitted repealed, all laws authorizing the free coinage olf silver and contain ing "no provision tor the coinage ot a silver dollar piece of any kind or description, and the attention of Congress was called to this com mission in the report which accom panied the bill. m tee on finance. Nothing more ee rns to have been - done with it di ; inp: that 83ion, bntoa Dectm her 6, 1872, it wis reported to the se uta by Mr. ShermsD,: ,wjlh act ndment,.aid on Jauuary.7, 1873, additional amendments. were aho reported. -"- You will find the bill as it came to he senate with the amendment proposed and with memoranda of action taken upon it white before that body printed as part of Sna tor Stewart, made in theneoate December 5, 1893, and reportedin the Congressional Record, vol.25. Part, page 25, 23d congreis, first session. it appears that among other amendments proposed at that time by the committee on finai.ee there was one striking out the section I providing for subsidiary coint, in cluding the dollar of 334 grains, and substituting therefor a gect'on providing for a trade dollar of 420 grains; a half dollar to weigh 12$ grammes, and the quarter dollar and dine to weigh respectivelyond half and one-fifth of tho weight of the half dollar. In another place in the bill an amendment was-pro- 1 posed prescribing the details of the coinage of the trade dollar for de positors The official record of the nro- On December the 19, 1870, the 'ceedings us printed in the Globe AN. ADDRESS LheQharman ofthoPco-sr-TOrty Stato Execu- bill was reported to the senate ! trom the committee on finance with several amendments, but none pro posing the coinage of any silver doliar piece. It pasaed the senate January 9, 1871 by a vote of 36 to 14. No one suggested any provis- Offers his professional -service to the ion or coinage of a silver dol- ui LiuLuiu.uu uuu cuiivjuuvuug i lar piece oi any character or on. AVER'S LA5S ALL OTHER GARSATAf.lLLAS. rj JF. COSHER, M. O. the Sorth State Hotel FOX, Su rgreotV Dfevitist , -js Ltxcolxton, N. C. auy account. This bill went to the house and was reported from the committee by Mr. Kulley, of rennsvlvama, but no action being takenlupOn it before March 3, 18- 71, it died with the expiration of All work guarant 3d, nothing but the forty first congress. Terms cash except b' oecl:?fnen't i Office on Main St t- C. K. CIIILDS. ' The Jill was introduced by Mr. Kellv at the first session of the drty-second congressSnd was re ported by him to the house on March 9, "IB71, - still hating no1 provision in-it for the coinage4 of a After some di&wiiiit he-bill was recommitt ed to the committee on coinage, irt&i wbioh it was. renorted back DT.k- Hooper,. on February 9, 18 72, with various amendments. A- Lincolnton, N. C. . pong these was one section lb) Practices mah oi thrstatean Ted- jautori zing t)ie coinage of a silver dollar piece of the: weight of 384 . ! Attorney "Lw, LlNCOLNTON, N. C. ' Work intrusted to his care will be silver do,lar Piece- 'promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Main Street. Attorney,t -Law, eral Courts. Prompt atteh'tion givferi; ... to all bnsirfcsC . ' r L t " Office in X rth State Hotel. ' Attorney 'saw,Ctb ?? - , J iilXN JQN,. C. Practiceaut.he Cjurt$ otLinln Mecklenburg, UtohtawbaCUve land, Ruthtyfrd, 'Polk, and in -the Supreme anrederal Court. Office iihJvarthJState. Hotel. . OEWqJL. NOTICE. . Dr. A:Alexao'der willwbe at his office at Lincolnton, June, Au . gust, October, December Febru-r ary, and Apiil. Will be. in vMt BLoUy, July, September, November, January, March atid May.r: Pa t ro age s ic ted . Terms cash and moderaTe". . ; WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER v-.,Ti. , . AnrtMnff In the , ,. 3 .a' v: v standard, Jeweler's lijie. dn& with nneBancl ? ; ' - . -v-v't peDse ot cuspaicUi uive me a can, n-io-wij grains, just the weight of one dol Iar.ip.the subsidiary coins provid ed for m the bill. . . In reporting the bill to the bousV on ' the ' 9th of April, 1S72, -Mr. Hooper said: 'Re does not specifically show that any vote upon the amendment strikingout section 10 embracing the authority for the coinage of the silver dollar of 334 grains was staken while the amendments weYe being voted upon seriatim, but upon examining the original 'bill the word "agreed" appeared upon the amendment, written by the journal clerk of the senate, show ing that such a vote was actually taken, and there is alpo a record of an amendment proposed by Mr. Sherman in open senate, : to. be adopted in place of the section struck out, showing clearly that consideration was given in .the 6enateto the change in section 10 was announced in the senate pre vious to the bill being put upon its passage, conclusively -'provirig that the amendment had been acted upon favorably, notwith- stan ing the clerical , omission in the ( lobe to mention .the fact The pill passed the 6ehate with? out opposition and in the confer ence the house concured in tKe serial e amendment of Section 10 and in this form the bill became a law. The record shows that there was never at any stage of the bill any aut'i jrity for the coinage of the silvf dollar of 41 2 1-2 grains, Fron the i)IO - ttoo -Committee. To tbffJ-mbtWcr. of the Peopled Tirtyvemi kl other votert in f;orth OnroTiha.who are oppoacd .m tne-smgiegoia iandird: 4T.ia Naliorial .Executive Corn- mittee'ofthe'Pepnle's party, in it fsetficm in St. Louis .ou 1 January 17tirraVSeT- a reiolutlon JoVitiog all ftopare-bppoel to the siuglel goici-staucara t ana to the present corf lltions created by the bad leg-islation6f-4he two old parties to join' thera on the 22d day of Suyt next, in a fcrand convention of pa triots in St; Lonjs to nominate a candidate for President and Vice Pret ident, who would stand for the principles of truo Democracy, as represented byThomai Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, and for the principles of true Republicanism, as represenfi-d by, Abraham Lin coln a titTket that would com mand the enthusiastic support of every patriot in America. The conferences ot the silver forces held in Washington on Jan nary 22d. the following weok, ac cepted the invitation of tho Peo ple's party committee, and still Other forces are expected to aronpt the invitation and meet with ui at St. Louis on the day nanied. This movement augura well. It shown that patriotism and wisdom have both combined to deliver the peo ple; it means .that the voters of parties'wno are ppposed to present conditions wilLhaye a chance to , unite and ' nominate and vta for the same candidate for President f - . n the coming campaign. It means m'orethan this It means that the people's candidate can be elected in spile of the money .power and a hireling press And the politician?. The line Of battle has already been drawu. --In.tbe coming Jlght evpjy voter must be ou oue side.or the other.. He must line .himself up, with the gold: combine, .with trusts, monopolies. and. British to- riesor he rruiiC J tne ; himself up wi th the "people . in -support okUie candidate who 'will ;be'.roxniot9i H ot r.4... a.Vt... 00.1 Th. Democratic wing of the gold partv.and tmV Republieori"' Wmg:"o( the iild)artr will fiomWata can. didaloa who belbng-to-theBritish gold trust aud"-who staod lor the gam: 3 vil that sow coraobuman- ity.. Tha l'op!aa party in. North Catcdna endorr$ and stauda Ied j to take th same parotic action tnat baa bren uken, Jetwecu th reftTTn forces in thu.uitiya. tl.at ia, w arsready to cchOptrat with indiudoala or any tiriy that will turn tt back opon Lbe gold com bioo4nd make a Rommou fiht for a rp American ayatem of tluano and fer- American principle in all gov ero mental affairs - u the last campaign in North Carol ua we co-operato with the Republics!! party to aecuro antmu eat election law and home rulo in county government atJaira. That as--co-operstioQ or, principle for gratand vital liUi?s.and a large portion of the peo&le endores the fight that .was made for th prin ciples of good Stato government. If it had not ln a corporation in principle tor a great issue the poplo would not have eodorstl it at th polls Rut, wo hsve now b-tore us a Prvsidential campaign and the gre.it over-shadowiug mues that present themalvfs fur folutiou are national ones, and among the the greatest and by all odd tho moat momentus to our lutur lib rty. and prosperity ia tlm finan cial queatiwn. Vi have proiMfKd to co-operate again on principle, that is, o havo proDosed to co-oirat, makiug the resolution paaad by Ihn SiUer Cocventrou at ICaleih on Heplem- Lwr25th laat the baais of co-operation. V A largo malonty ot the voters ofKorth Carolina nro opposed to the single gold standard. A large majority -of the voters of North Carolina endorse the reaolution passed by thst Silver Convention, and we Invite all thcao who fovor these great-principles, who are op ptftVd to the single gold atandard and who are for the money of trie Cdfn'stulitlon, to co-operate with ua to give tho 11 electoral vote! of North Carolina to a candidate who is an American patriot and who will fcht to the bitter death the infamous British gold conspiracy --Tlre'rkbljle are tired of goldbogs, fthev; are mor tired of stradill? bugs, they are still more tired, if postible, of humbugs and hypo crtfen. They want to a?e the iasns drawn squarely bewei; the peo pleaml'rlie common enemy. .In the cemfng ampalgn the people ill luve- an onnortnnitv to vote ity.. NConfcrew will ever be able, for anwtorai ticket that is sound togie the people relief gcd ; i.r ... t 0nilo; Tbv " cretion 16 re-enacts the provision iand lhat th dollar proposed by bfjthe existing laws defining the Aur- """per was a suusiumry one silver coins ratfd4neir weights re- on rovernment accountthe same 'erJectivelv, exceptrvin relation to. a?, ',ie fractional silver pieces. fbo oiivr doll!. viiicK ia roinoofl Lox.iquentiy tne retention in weight from 412 to 384 grains, tlmrmakinV it "a" subsidiary chin itrliarmony with the silver coins of less denomination to' secure its 3oncnl rent circulation with them." vHurther -stated that the silver dollar.of 412 11 grains, by reason of itelbullion value being greater tbauu- its Dprnoal value, had long since ceased to be a coin 01 circu- aVfon'i and, that the convenience of tfe manufacturers of silverware would be better subverted by sup plying stamped bars of the same thus avoiding the ex- pense of comHi it lor-that pur pose. (Congressional Globe, p. 28Q6vp. 102 ) This was the first silver dollar niece- incorporated in the bill. govc.-iment 'until au American pUri-t is put inU: the White llou,--. TbeIVeiident's power of vetc.J.nd his command df trBmen- douH. atronage will either be used Fo&t'ie people or aOainst the peop. Therefote, iu the coming cam;- lign no patriot can vote for An Interesting Law Case. - clin the folloir.j: article fnii th New York School Journ al o recent dap. The article will, no doubt, remind the older trade n of Lita papr of by gone dsyt. Read what trouble a few hce can mske. The state superintendent and the attorney-general of Minnesota bare been eogsged bvr a weighty iub JecL It appears that in a ceMaiu tchool in a certain town not far north of thia city, specimens of pediculus humauoa capitis ap peared 00 the head of some of the children. The Uacber informed the parent that the part'Urs mud t expelled from achool. si all the children were menaced iv tb ene my. The irte parent denied th charg( ami sacit'-d lhat the toachet vision mud have jnn impair by looking upon 'the wino when it ia rad." The trach- r carried the troubU to th tchtxil Ijoard, who t"uk council tcthiir. and decided that thr inuat inves tigate. Having no prvcodnt in the anuaU of the chool and U ing in doubt how to conduct a case of thia kind, they apja'cd to tho atate euperinUndent d pul-hc m truction, who called in Attornv tteneral Child, who after due coo- aiderstmn which lcam eo grave matter e-mt hia opinion, part of which we print: ''While not dispos-d to captious- nvf, it is proper to augneat that the matter should, with due regard to the proprieties ot official con duct, have b n referred cither to the public examiner, the state n- tomolosist or the state agricultural society, which will no doubt refer it to the member from Austin. ho ia, I believe, chairman ct the com mittee on live atock. "I dw?m if unnecessa ry to state the focus in quo. aa this department cannot take cogniz ance of auctions or individuals in determining personal rights und-r te la 1 of the commonwealth. '?he real question, therefore, would seem tote: Is a youth whe flaxen locks are inhabited with that species of live atock known to the scientific world at pedicului 'humanua capitis, to 1-e regar M iu the light ol legal pre cVderts and common law princi ples, inimical to the cau of edu cation! 1 am prompted to digree in-or-Ur to inquire what bad bn the elect upou the diatinguiahnl men ho ahme in th! hiitory of our e untry. if the cffimative rtw bad .btained wiih bonl of eJoca con . -nt on the dNtmrtU ef tb s which bad taken cptteir a njon the bead of ker prat Uio --herub. tthcat extendiof this co ma -sticn tn utidot limit. I woo d faetttfctt the sxtion ct the Usrd to hed tti aUya&eeo&til the beada of the aforesaid children can of5ciallrexatainsd. If it be detertoi&ed that tLsr ait la vested with only an average nea ter of the her in questional would, in ror jadmeo!, be ill-advised to resort to the extfe tne taarart of txpulsion. If, however, the nana, ber thereof is found to be Iao great to a:Tord proper ttuiahmest aad au!'uance thereto, as to Lrjor the . . . . can? wiihin the reiial ststatM of this state against cruelty lo azd nials, the U-ard of education w'uld " l juiurled in takiog requisite steps to redresft the evil' Asistant A ttrirn-ey-t General Kd grton, b- opmiou was alsa asked, aid that h a erred with the concluaiMiis reached, but ust with the rr anin on hirb it il bated. man s ad'for a whole ticket that ia equal! found and reliable from top to bottom. The right will be drawn Vquare in the nation trom ocean to ocean. The fight will be drawtf nquare in North Carolina or oinHrionof the 884 grain dollar was leallv a matter of little or no importance because it would have perlormed the same function pre cise, y aa the half dollar, quarter and dime being a legal tender to the amount of f 5 and no more The amendment striking out the 834 grain dollar was in fact adopt ed in the senate and "the confer" ence committee to which the bill was sent did not change the bill as it passed the senate so far as authority for silver coinage was concerned, the house simply ac cepted the . eenate amendments. The dollar proposed, but finally rejected, was not the exact coun terpart of the French 5-francpiece whatever may have been the .pur pose of the promotera r of the scheme for its coinage. IU weight e a go; I hue for President, or for from ,h? m0umaina to the sea. unit irtrlirlotn frr tki& Pnffiaironrv I who ii not unconditionally and un;t!. lvocally and ' avowedly pledr'd to the free turd -unlimited coin: :e of silver and on a platform wbii '.pledges the candidate and bine 1 the party to intlepeudentc- tion n this' question. He mutt notdv be friendly to silver, but he nn. st represent the people on this great and vital question. The peoplo will not-again be deceived will hi-ve an opportunity to vote forh State ticket and for Congress-, ti00 : m school directors during that --.riod? . Would lhe.prop!e of Mini ota, for instance, now b enjoi g the profuoditr ot vour wisd- m and wealth ot your Uam mg, i such a view dominated the educi tioaal policy of the people of your native state fiftv ytare nsit - "It treating such a qacition.r.ur ment l vision must othobscurM by th prejudice! of a single s:hvl ditri t. The queation must 1-e viewt 1 iu the Iicbt of the past, with duergard to the wensre of the pres d and iu beiring upon the Let cv ry patriot prepare for the true? c, in which our homes, ycur frreul i -e'yoor liberty and prosper ity ar all at stake. Marion Bctu:. Chm'r. People's Party St Ex. Com. Whan Work Fit Woman. Kdard W. R..k, ii KUury Udie' If Otlie Journal, OMi4vi Mhtonallv "When W..rk FiU Woman, ' test uidr which he enter empliatic and viirruaa pr-I-t aicaittst the mad rush f wutu n to k emplvm(it iu mr&ao llle and maiiutartunng nstabliah iunt. Th article u eidLttJy !iipird by th- r--nt pubUc ut terance of n 1 th largest I ployr f wotneitit lVtiii) lui. who, in raiirig his voice agauat thi ed, -rt "tfiAt roiure wrong ha lf-n l'n to thuunds of tftrU who have gone into wuJ . c Jinnjrcjal hou than the or id i!r-am of," and urg young om en ho are -kiior (editions, tvs enage a 'domtics where tLey are fe from danger, where their surrounding would I- elevated end congenial, and in afield wh;ch grratly ned thetn. Mr. Bokesa phaixe rheee uttrranc- and $ut frrthr, -ying: 4Th fact can not le disputed lhat no single fac tor in modern life is doing eoauch ti d'generate our young woman horl a thi mad nic oa the part f s.rU. imje-llrd by necessity or not. go into the lru.iine world. Th-e- may m;:id like stror words ti the ear of frorn, bat l those vtxi at? really ccitant of the irr.m 1 ity of the evil results that atv b ng wrought, they will tina he caw suid not go b-erond altogether tnaiy of ouJT c:al auf icddtt;al eslab . tor' and factories, :n who hands is gives the mpViy d. control girU :t. from a moral alsxd- If oi our yot-g wosea ed to go froa their hopes ply t it. coirr lnh2 the r thou. are a to si the- vitia s Tho Army of tho United Statos. for the vwr etuHntf-June 80. lfM. Hon. W . T. unbntn renerationa of th luture. in ma annual report ior nv;r The x of lhe r&m in qo tion are so well known aa to require Harris give thv toul number of ,,ni,nmw., .i,,. .jm.. t,. ? it j.- 1.1.- I r pupils ill an graoe. 01 puui,c au mov.nU tr0 oreQ lod fcljOTe hnard. and it is aa marked 10 its tVU. ..... n 1. a l.i . mm .tn Ti ! I .. 2 M V, I iW Musvr 1new4o,oiuliwfuFui 4" cbatactfrislki as any other per sonal property within the posses- total number of s of public bv fair promises or equivocal plat-1 nrimtr echools at l5.6o9.2ti3. Of - - - - ii - ie I have the largeat atoak of NswT. . ,a - n Mttctat Tv-ptTXfPVTa thst. has ev- " ""a elbeen in North CABOLiNAr such coin take minted by the govern- ior iw coinage, iw. we.gu AifflRTLno i evident notonlv from the was slightly less than that of th mo nu iuiinni a. , ' i j . . . government account inatead of de positors; aa wua the i420t grain or trade dollar. This is a very succinct 'and ac curate statement f the . J acts as they appear ttpphhe iword J'; ' -Wry truly $bvfsi ? t (Signed) .' J. GCXaXisLE. polins, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, positive assertion of Mr. Hooper and Rosier ..Ohqai apa but it-waa cUssified with the'eub- thing else that is kept J sidiary fractional pieces, and sec class Migonc -Store .-.oKnceB,. lower , -,-,. . j i than ever." Orders by mail' haVe tion &of the bilUxpressly declared promt attention. Addesa :. vr that no dejosit for coin age into W. L. Lowe, Newton, JN. O. silver coin shall be received." 1 129-95. . - v : I tu? uiiT 'iv:-'' - 1UO 1111 Willi . V111B BUUSlUiaiT ?...-: dollar of 384' grains provided for passed the house May 27, 1872,and form declarations tween the single gold -sUudard-and Inn mrv and - vrammar grade in the treo coinage ofoilver must be publio. Iud, if-o,lu6 in private made too plain loraouni or.mia-i,hwjg jn secondary cho.jls interpretation. The people dao-.lB02.W5 pupiUare'in public and ger is not m fighting an open ene- 17e jo ltl private echoola. Public my. The danger is jn a doubtful uiversitiW and college have 20.- candidate, ;with. false promises on 074 puplla. and private intitu a 8traaaiing-piatiorm, wno .nat t(oni- Public normal been secretly pledged to thetnon-UdjooU number 87,bW) pupils and ey trust. - ... nrivln schools; - 27.9Ci. . Public Now w under the inuece cf ;n and in the atmosphere : by them. And whyf 1-rcAU-- it considered more .Jctab!e to e eplffjed in an :T;ce. tor or factorv than to t- iTiaeu in 4szr.ti: ee price. The rv word 'servant has a taint about it that th? aajffnty of young oarj d:ilike, and frcra hich they f.e But what eU a a a f are they in business c-staLlua menLs than srrapu. purs Vxi ' There can I no dii- ence but an imaginary oue. TLat Mall. Far lea leniency it sbowa in our buaintasa houses to wessaa Chattel Mortgaea: i pi eale Ui; The DEMocRATofiicerii0Stry ed on good paper at 40 cents per hundred CVrf- J-'KiCF on May 29, 1872, was reported in the Senate and referred to the com- r v we Subscribe for the DiVontAT. - e Vwe ion of the average American citi zen. Its migration are deliberate nrt alnafd hv Lha aatna lawa ined .Ihical emP,0-Tevt lu li i30wli rule, in our homes to docasrud l.i. fr Tha mera fact that ltl .....v.,. t r . . . I uuiu r . iv ruin uuiimw caput to caput does not character-1 . ie. it ..-r,lf,r ...tlihii. fir con- ,0". 10 imi WfTiaW ,W htch hsve detsrmi movemsntt throagboot the world's , it u'the duty of patriots I institutions of law, medicine, and I . , f :. Ir conaiderattua, and to hare tie . . . t . -111.. ... . r J.- I -S" - f I . l . V . . in every otaie, too -pauioie- oi an tneouy reuiervuu.oiu nuucuw, y distinguiahsble from the invi- "cjaimui iaiiB.iTi.f-t parties in every State, to lio- up and privat schoole, I2,229. New m of the microbe. ctive inUrtst and participated ia against the common enemygainst York lcAds the sUtes with 1,124,- - eradication as yo are aware boo'no,(1 work. Utter, more - ta- abde. Lettho.9 in Norlh-Caro. Iow.elot.lv with l,002,f.'0.N.Y. ,. , ,ould i UT' ? A" h,.riCr.r? a sa wi m ewx 1 1 1: i l a l a sr? lusmj itwr nbjwua, r t fnr n nr1 swei rsnri a. J i es l-'psjiilliibi liuawho -are oppoeedto the goldSchtbl Jonmal. : .1 : i -rm . corn.oiue iosowi hhw io-iuuk - r , . the bright pictures hung upon the I rush of youn rirls to vera Us 1 fnrtiu ..It. f m.mnrr itftnn ia rrvore I eiorvf, CuUiiutiRWet -wu hothor ,nd Im.n, p -for tho U,,, orKinu.Uoa U..liUed the u,u of . l.u i iroiiTMiTrui77iirTif'DiTBeTRrnHuinMnnt .mi in nncn 'hji - . ior American. liberty and proa pcrcenti! per tou. . cooapi mother, armed with a fine-tooth 1 tent ciruiled. 2. 1 T y j .

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